THURSDAY. AUGUST 20. 1952 PAGE TWENTY iltanrlf(Btpr tttftthtg If^rdb ATcracc Daily . Net PreM Rhn The Weetfier Fneneeal of 0. •. Weatbnt F a r Om W m R B m M of Concord. He.-studied In New is a vlollntst. She will eontlKE^''**' Ftorgs was working on the Oood- mueic sttidfea under a schoKrihlp H«v* Your Doctor M ay U rd . 1959 plcnlc'on llniraday noon, Aug. 37, rici^ farm, laaaad by Consolidated. York and received hla, B.A. and AboutToHn 1 Fourth Man Treggor Finds M.A. degrees in music at Hartt in the fall at Mknhattan College. 19. Saturday gm m tU at the home of Mra. Claude por-1 Floras, recognized by C%6ka, w alk­ CoH In Your P^oscHptioN I fcot w nh ehnuee -«f. ter. 39 Hyde Rt. Mambera are aak-1 ed "right Into our hands." College of Music In Hartford. Two 12,925 years ago he started work on his' A plcnle aiid outlnit for mem- ed to bring their own diahee and ' The four lahorers are accuaed Two Positions DoHvorod W ltklii Tko Maoibar nf thn Audit m g h 1 cutlery. Thoae planning to attend Charf'ed in of stealing Jewelry, cigarettes snd doctorate at Harvard Summer thiraau nf OhvMtntfim b«n of th« ManchesUr PhlUtrltr School. Manchettor-^A City o f V illago Charm Society and their fwntliee will he are aaked to contact >Jra. Porter. , sboiit $4.M from B ernardo Gus­ L T. WOOD GO. Hour held Sunday at the home of man, an employe of Jdieph 2!eppa, In California His wife and daughter are also Farm Theft active in muelcal circles." Mrs. ICE PLANT CharlM fUlKh. S. River Rd. Cov­ I vegetable grower, at 788 Birch 51 BISSELU ST. (MaaaUInd AdaertMug au Faga U) I Mt Rd. The articles and mopey, Treggor sang In the contralto sec­ VOL. LXXVm, NO. 274 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AlKil ST 21, PRICE FIVE CENTS entry, The Bctl\dtlea are arhed- Chamber ^ ariii) The final member of a 4-man Th» Phillip N. Traggor* have lo- Uied'to etart at 11 am. ' some belonging to Guzman's fel- tion of South Church's Chancel Cii heit‘Cniahed‘Blocka PINE PHARMACY team acciiaed of robbing a Man- catad In Ban Francisco, Calif., and Choir. Cynthia, who graduated M4 CENTER ST. ! low workers, were taken from hla Treggnr ■•>’! he hat found tha new or Salee Pitch M anchester High .School in June, ■ttie W omen a Guild of the Cov­ cheater farm wdrker Aug. 11 waa 'suitcase In the. morning while he chatlengaR ha souirht In tha West. j waa working. In the fields.------^____ !______L______enant Confregatlonal Church wdll A wamilftg agalnat door-to-door picked up yesterday after an In­ In a latter recalvad at Tha Her­ Boasting Killer meet at the home of Mra. Kenneth ald thif morning, Treggor tella of Living CoM magaeine aubacrlptlon aaleamen termittent week-long manhunt by Nelaon, 33 Earl St., at S o'clock ManCheater police. hla Journey acroae country, his tomorrow nlRht. Thla will he a whn-uae a "aympathy gimmick" to Sharp Drop NoIchI finding a ren t and tw o Jobs •within Hawaii Joins Of 11 Executed; work niitht In preparation for the make a aale or obtain an outright Antonio Rodrigtiea Florea. 21. of 24 hours of arriving In San F ran- Hartford, waa taken Into cuatody For July at forthcomms aale. donation waa iaaiied today by the cieco. 5 Soviet by sgt. Henry Oauruder and Pa­ In Joble88 Claims He has been liamad organist and In San Quentin | Chamber of Commerce. trolman.. William Cooke Ih Port­ SHOP KALE'S rhoirmastei- of St. Stephen's Epia- •Tohn Wiet. ekecuttve vice preal- land as he left the tobacco planta­ ' As elsewhere in the .State, new ronal Church, a new church In the Peak Level dent of the Chamber, aald the tion where he has been working. Union Today San Quentin, Calif., Aug. 21 t COIN pPERATfD claims for unemployment compen­ sukurba. Charged with larceny. Florea Is aaleamen. who are on crutchea In sation a t itie M ancheater office of San Frknciico Conservatory of Washington, ,Aug. 2l

I I . I r

■ 'I

M AI^ESTER EVENING HERALD, MANrHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 21,1969 / P A iQ M iB B t S FA9B TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, AUGUST.?!, 1969 two houses, nna for hlmsalf and Bolton B o lt o n one for his daughter, on the pro­ Europe Fare posed lota. The ZBA suggMted that Ghost of ‘Bowers’ Elm Haiti Set to Arrest Sheinwold'on Bridge a belter snliitlnn to the problem • / Zoners Grant might be to build a duplex houae School Supply Readquartert! or to crests two lots, one In back $50 Lions Again to Press of the other with a .50 ft. right-of- WiU Haunt No More l e a d THUMPS < East flaaler< One' Division^ wsv to the rear lot. New Liners Catholic Archbishop TO PREVENT RUFFS Nofth-tenth rotearabla Permission was granted to Clif­ By Alfred Shelaweld NOETH • t - . ford Maasey of Hebron Rd. allow­ A troubled ifhoet which eeemt^Murphfj; wild, "end It iurely w m For Town Post Office UJ1. Masters Team Champion A J 10 9 S X'ff-sS-'' 4$. ing use and occupancy of a house (s hftve hovered over the North a whopper.hopper One of the lar|(eet I’ve New York, Aug. 21 uf) In a (OentlaMd from Page One) When you are declarer, you often ‘.7 Reject Two 0PENT0NITE9 IJalti a predotnlnantiy Catholic ¥ 9 * 5 4* trailer on his property until July Bud neerly IS y-eem w^i finally ever eeen.” couiple of yoana you maj' be able country. • draw trumps to prevent an op­ Bolton Lions have ■voted to get4 mlsaloner Fred Oaal but some 1. i 960. The trsiler Is occupied by Even, after the tree rfihe under ♦ 7 4 4 ■ppaaaed last- w-eaK by. of all to 1^1 to nuropo for >50. ■outhweet coaat a weak ago. The Vatican offtclala refused to com­ ponent from ruffing. When you are A 9 3 back Into the business of trying items are atill outatandlngi Oaal The Zoning Bosrd <*f Appeals his son-in-law who will complete 976 MAIN ST. thinga. the SUifo Highway Depart- the juriedirllon of the Slate Hl|rh- invaders ware bcHevsd to ’ have ment officially on the airrett or­ a defender, ybu should likewise WEST EAST hag asked that the remainder of his studies at the University of wav Department tahortly after ' Hyman B. (Tantor, Now York to get a Bolton poet office. has approved a division of one AIR-CONDITIONED mant. come from Cuba. \ der. draw trumps to prevent duTnmy A K 6 AAQ74 the uniforma and gear be left at Connecticut in June. i World War Ii, it weathered sev­ hotel and tioamiOiip operator, The project came to a atandaUll piece of property and denied two FAIRWAY "We lack direct Aid official in­ MQ1076 VAKJ9 hia home on Hebron Rd. anytime Parhapa the chaffing spirit The Army said 1^2 rebels wsre from ruffing. ■ought a more noble reel for a eral more elorme. But the end'waa yesterday announced signing of formation,” one official said. “We The South hgnd is worth an A 10 5 ♦ J 3 more than a year ago but was from now through Sunday. others after recent public hear­ Manchester F, v e n I n g Herald Inevitable, and the department, preliminary oontraote for two killed before they could lire a shot must wait until we get It before overcall of two diamonds only if QJ84 AK10 6 part of tta old lodging which had when they were surprised nesr J reactiv,.ted by the Liona in a A meeting with managers and dl-,, ings. Bolton correspondent, Doris M. bom left to decay beneath the cold, efficient and projrreeaive. or­ 90.000 gTDoa ton linera each ca­ passing judgment." you are In cahoots with your op­ SOUTH Tiburon while roasting s goat. "pre-eeason” meeting this week. rectors of the Junior Baseball pro­ The appeal of James O. Hassetl D’ltnila, telephnne MItehelt >-5848. gritty asphalt of North Main St. dered the execution. pable of carrying 6,000 paston- How'ever, a high Vaticai> source ponents. The first requirement for A • 5 2 gram is planned aa aoon as all I Some North Endere, it said, look- Other sources said 26 of the In­ V 2 John Rothwell of Rothwell Corp. to divide land at the corner of Or perhaps it was a vengeful gers, and- aiiu alout iO per cent said that if the AjAbla)|^ were an overcall at the level of two Is equipment haa been received so a Birch Mountain Rd. and Volpi Rd ! ed on the scene wryly, commenting vaders were killed and 16 either arrested "without " o o d reason," a very powerful trump .suit. .Give ♦ XQ9I2 who spea.'headed the original ef­ of the passenger cabins ■ with pri­ fort, will aerve chairman. final report on the program may waa granted. Two lota will be vate bath and toilet facMitiea— wounded or i.aptured. These In- officials of the Haiti government South the jack of diamonds In ex­ , A A752 be made. Plans for a baseball ban­ W o m a n , 6 6 , D ip s K •s.t S i ‘:-hrh'''’h*‘;dT^" foimanU tald there were no army change for one of his sniall spades, iM t Ssath Wmt NaHh Location of a post office Is the created, one of which will have the “ troyed iU former dwelling. 1 ^ iviM sell for the >50 raU, eqat or might suffer excommunication. quet will also be discussed at the required frontage of 200 ft. on oasualUes. Excommunication, the denial of and his bid is reasonable, I A 2 4 Double Att h biggest problem. Since receipt! de­ proposed meeting. A tentative date In Bridge Plunge At any rate, the core of a oncel*^"^^ uss ahavad flat weatbound. The balance of choicer Opeaiiif lead 4 5 ^ '.y Birch Mountain Rd. and alao con­ the sacraments, is one of the most W esfe' double was commend­ termine the alze or claaaiflcation, of Sept .21 haa been'set for the accomodations will be scaled to of the poet office, Ita location and tain the minimum area of 40,000 & ' S I ’n X “ w«s' Ifound'^evel and was coverwl a maximum >125. THREAT BV VATICAN severe penalties of the Roman able, and his opening lead , was- event. , Vatican City, Aug. 21 t/P)—A potential fecelpta are of prime sq. ft. Hartford, Aug. 21 oFi - A •«- The fares do not include food. Catholic Church against erring well chosen. East put up the jack Bulletin Board year-old woman hung by her hands high Vatican source today aaid members. , of diamonds, and South won with three trump trioks and the aoe of consideration.. If the town had a The second lot an Irregular Passenge.s will pay for what they Mrs. John Erickson and Mrs. shape, ha* a minimal variance from the Bulkeley Bridge yester­ Saturda ^S?t*e‘d ^ f V t o S d u m T ‘ ’ "■**' « w«,n t until this summer, but Haitian government leaders might clubs. South is down four, for a bcainess center, the task of ob­ eat. ' Vatican sources said they coqld the queen. Declarer now led a loW Michael Goldanider are taking re­ In” ^u^areT’’yea.e as the : « " P - ' ing passcrsby noticed incur aiviomaUc excommunication penalty of 1100 points. This would taining a post office for Bolton from area requlrementa. the ZBA day.- then dropped tn her death In Cantor, head of Sea Coach bnd no record of any high Roman club, and East won with the ten. servations for the chicken barbe- the Connecticut River. a depression in the south side of from the Roman Catholic Church Catholic Prelate being arrested'in It should have been clear to East teach South greater caution with would be a much simpler matter, noted. It will contain 37.375 aq. ft. Bowers Elm, the tree that stood the street across from the Y. A re­ TransaUonUc Lanes, In c, said Chs que'at United Methodist Church It haa 218 ft. frontage on 'Volpi A relative who identified the there was cut down some time in If the Andibifltop of Port au a non-Communist country since that South was preparing to ruff hia overcails. the Liona have discovered. pair crew was aijmmoned and a few vessels vlll have a 54-knot speed, Aug. 29. Sittings will be at 5 and Rd. and 32 ft. on Birch Mountain body told police the., victim, Mrs. 19M or ’35 to make way for mod­ enaltliig them to make the trip Prince la arrested. - World War 11, clubs In dumiuy. The defense was Dally Quaetioa Rothwell will be consulting with shoveisful of asphalt Ailed it up. postal officials this ’•-eek for fur­ 6:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Lee Rd. The back lin» ia 130 ft. long Vincenzo Rosaitto. .54 Sumner St„ ern auto traffic, if was said by in four days. Haitian authoriUea have ordered Juan 'Peron, the ousted Argen­ td lead truirjps aa barly aa pos­ Partner deals and bids one Mystery Solved the arrest of the Archbishop, apade, sad the next player paaaea. ther diacuhSior of Bolton's prob­ n are chairmen of the event. and the aideline. 16.5 ft. The ZBA Hartford, had been ill In recent aome North Enders to have been Th3 naoet inoxpenaive ship fare tine dictator, expelled Msgr. Manu­ sible. The Women's Auxiliary to the A’- The myktery was Anally solved Hsgr. Francois Poircr, for alleg­ el Tato, Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos You ho'd; Spades K 6; Hearts lem and its possible solution. Mall ruled division of the property wss ! months, flw feet In diameter—by others, to Bkirope now ia about >200, ki- Instead, however, Bast foolishly Fire Department will serve peach aix. They said its branches when the highway department edly critioiaing ^AScials of the Aires, in June, 1655, but, did not Q 10 7 6; Diamonds A 10 6; (JIuba comes into town now from three the best use of the land. j A monient befOi'e she fell from cliiding food. led out the king and ace of hearts. shortcake and coffee at the fire­ the bridge, two teenaged hoys between 75 and 100 feel above the again appeared, this time tr re- The contracts involve inora than Negro r.public. He Is the highest order his arrest. Peron was ex- South .ruffed the second hearti Q J 8 4. What do you say? post offices on five different routes Lack of compelling hardship ground. the south edge of the street. P -ir-an Catholic chiirchnmn in oonuminlrated. Answer: Bid 2 NT. ThW Wd from Manchester, two from house tomorrow from 3 to 5 p.m. was cited in denying applications heard her voice. They peered over 160 rkilioii dollara. The Arst of casi.ea the ace of clubs, and ruffed Proceede will benefit the auxiliary the railing and'saw Mrs. Rossittn Haaard to Traffle Coming to the mysterious hole in the giant Hnera Is scheduled for a club in dunimy. He ruffed an­ promisee 13 to 16 points, and in Andover and one from Vernon. of Regional Fajiiities and Giuseppe But they also said it was s haz­ the pavement crewmen dug down other heart In hia hand, ruffed thla V -se. you have only 12 points. The fact that a biwlness is lo­ tresiaury. . ‘ i f .- .Soave for division of two other hanging there. sen'ice sometime in 1002. Firemen will hold a drill ses­ They tried to hold her by the ard' to traffic on N. Main St. snd found what was loft of the dummy’s last heart. Nevertheless, you should count cated in Bolton, but, receives ita parcels. ] I ?•- * Germaa Builder Coventry sion Sunday at 8 a.m. at the fire­ wrist, but she slipped away, the across from the Community Y. rotted stump. The VesseU wtll be built at By this time South had won tivo something extra for the 'two tens t.,ail from another town results in Regional EquUies sought to di­ Mora than once, they aaid. a mo- •They were using jvst a small trumps in dummy and four in his and for the king in partner's bid. constant jonfusion and delay for house on Notch Rd. - • vide the Vernon Rd. parcel former­ youths told police, tdriat steered out for the huge Deutsche Werft Shipyards, A.G., 'Running to the Hartford end of shovel to dig it out." said Miir- Hamburg, Germany. They will op­ own hand. The ace of cluba was suit. This Is worth mors than local biuaneos houses. This occurs Church Not«M ly known as the "Osano property." trunk whose full bulk jutted from I+.ey. who chanced by. "If they only the bridge, they told a policeman erate betv/eor. New York and Broga Preparing Records a seventh trick. South was still many 18-point hands. not with mall but produces Ma.sse8 will- be celebrated at "rhe ZBA announced It decide'' the south side of the street. had dug it up when the tree was (Copyright 1969, even more exasperating situations St. Maurice Church Sunday at 7, against the request after careftJl what had happened. He rom- And more than once that motor­ Zeebrugge, Belgium, the Aral port down one, but the penalty of 200 mandered a, boat at the nearby cut. they would have needed quite of call on the eastward pstaSage. points' wao trifling compared to General Features Oorp.) in deliveriet by truck. 8:30 and 10 a m,. Tlje Rev. Ber­ inspection b.v the Board and^'As- ist, turning wide around the tree, a bit more than that." For Tax List Elimination nard L. McGurlf is pastor. _ Aistaht Sanitary Inspectof Dr. Hartford Yacht Club and aped to dlacovered himaelf locking radia­ and than on to either Cuxhaven or what might have been. New members were received Now N. M:ain St. has a new into the Bolton chapter of Lions The Rev. Prescott Beach, as- Allan Leventhal. the woman's body. tor caps w-IUi a' westbound vehi­ Bremerhaven in West Germany.- A continuation of the trump de­ When the body wss brought cuVb from the .square to Oakland this week and potential members si.stant at St. Mary’s Church in It was said that the two lots as cle. No fatalities, mind, just Cantor said he obtained Ananc- Records are being sent to the^ at 8 p.m., and South Coventry fense would massacre South. Sup­ s.shored. sn unsuccessful attempt 8t. TTie roadside has been paved attended the dinner meeting at the Manchester, will read Morning requested would not only be less crumpled fenders, hot words snd ing abroad uhen he failed to Bet state Tax Commissioners office Volunteer Fire Co. at 9 p.m. pose Bast wins the second trick ;EAST NARTFOm was msde by flrerfien to revive the Jangled nerves. anJ grass planted alon. the border. action in this country'. concerning the elimination of Auction Aug. 39 with the ten of ohibs and leads Red Ember. Any interested men Pra.ver at 10 a.m. services of St. than 50 per cent of the required frontage and undersize in area, hut womsn with an inhalator. T^ere are not many recollectiona The ghoot has gone. it .>8 hoped. He said eaoh ship will have two mandatory filing of real estate The ■To.'th Coventry Volunteer another trumP- West has two are welcome to become acquainted George's Episcopal CJhurch Sun­ of any vehicles striking the tree It­ In happiness. ewim.ning pools, a skating rink, arid motor vehicle properly tax Fire Dept, will -have an all-day natural trump tricks- and takes FAMILY. with the BoUon^chspter by attend­ day in the Civil Defense shelter at would also fall to provide suf­ ficient area and slope' for septic self. One or two residents remem­ two movie theaters, and faculties lists each October. public auction starting at 1" a.m. Squadron Four at the Oceana Na­ both of them, IN COLOB ing its dinner meeting on the first the school. Weddings Tomorrow ber dimly a motorcycle which for convention meetings. Bach will Included in the date being pre­ IKia remov ; the trumps from and third Tuesday of the month. The R6V. Donald W. Greene, tank purposes. Aug. 29 at its firehouse. Anyone val Air Station, Virginia Beach All kUr Gait Steven Rockefeller and Anne Marie Rasmussen, hia Nonvegian bounced against its WTinkIsd side, contain 2.750 cabins, anl quartefa pared by Town Aseessor P. Ray­ having article.s to be picked up the dummy and Hmits South to Hearings Ended vicar of St. George's, will be Oiusppe Soave of Manchester FOR RENT Va. fiancee, were a happy two.*ome as they met the pres.* in village had requested permission to create 8 and 16 mm. Mflvte Frojeetora but that seems about ail. Capsule Catch for a crew of 1,350. mond Broga is a record of Zoning haj beei aalied to contact' the He reported to Virginia Beach "HERCULES" The hearings on' new p];eaching In Unadilla, N. Y., at of Hoellen. near her home in Sogne, Norway. They will be mar­ Fb-58*1 death by the woodsman's axe. a (Continued from Page One) 23. gross tons. The liner United alterations. Competing a.i a member of the period, they were extended into The Rev. David Crockett of family which gave aix rectors to sq. ft. Windham High School and was I Every TH U HS.-FRI.-SAT. I Wilson, who was born at Ulster, the Church of Epglsnd. The applicant planned to build fate proposed by a more populous States haa a groas tonnage of Broga said today this informa­ Marine Corps Pistol Team at.the emplo.ved by Shlrshas Brothers the fourth because of the numbers Mancheater will preach at Bolton opposition party. signs! lights would remain dark. 53,320. tion will be mailed early next National Rifle and Pistol Matches in, Willimantlc. of people who attended. Congregational Church Sunday at Horace F. Murphay, preaent Its parachute would not open. week. in Camp Perry, Ohio, is Marine I OAK GRILL I The hours of 1 to 7 p.m. proved 10 a.m; services town park superintendent, remem­ The powerless capsule would be "Matters will be expedited,” for Pfe! Harry L.. Roy, son of Mr. so Oak St., Mancheater j j untenable, also, Assessor E. Worship at United Methodist bers some of the controversy con­ Manchester Eventhg Herald iinable to signal to plane crews the Slate Tax Commissioner to and Mfs. JosCph Roy of.Rt. 31. Pierce Herrick reports, and most church will be held at 10 a.m. Sun­ cerning the tree, the presaures to Employes Picket Coventry correspondent Mrs. Paul­ of the sessions ended closer to 9:30 that had hoped to anag it aa It schedule an examination of all Before enlisting in March 1958, ine Uttle, telephone Pilgrim day. OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY .... OPEN have it cut. and the opposition fell, or to recovery teams on ships p.m. with long delayed dinners for preasorea to let it stand. Torringlon Firm records in process when the in­ he attended Howell Cheney-Tech­ 2-62SI. . « ^WINDSOR that were to pull it fixim the ocean nical High School. the assessors and field men of Val­ Mancheeter Evening Herald Bol­ "It wraa an interesting old free," formation ia received by his of­ aiNvm rua uation Associates who did the lo­ W THURSDAY NIGHTS TILL 9. LIBERAL TERhjIS . if the recovery by plane failed. fice, Broga Was assured this Names Omitted ton <-orreepondent, Doris M. D’ltal- A o f V l f « n r r HMnoRO^ work. Chances of a successful catch Torrington, Conn., Aug. 21 (4^— morning in a phone conversation. Blue ribbon winners of the re­ la,' telephone Mitchell S-5.545. had been rated to 1 in 1.000. Picket lines were formed at two COLOR Herrick said a great many of Also included In the data being cent 4-H fair inadvertently omit­ BURNSIDE | ~ the complaints handled were in ar­ Eight big Cl 19 Air Force trans­ main entrancea of the Torrington prepared are certified copiea of ted from the column follow: Poul­ y j Allred Hlirhrock'e ports 'ith special trapeze-like try, pullets, David Adamcik, BUi)NSIDf AVE -F HTmifOND A Glsst Spectacle Show! "TO CATCH A THIEF” gument over old assessments i Mfg. Co. today as nearly 700 em­ the town clerk's records of . the rather than the new flgizres. booms were Aying in the hoped- vote of the special town meeting Norma Lawton and Craig McKin­ "HCRCULES" Deaths Last ?iiffht for recovery area when the cap- ploye! went on strike. ney; hens, Norma Lawton; sheep All .4cfion.^ A ll C o lo r ! In Color FRANK SINATRA The regular sessions of the July 20 approving the elimination With Steva R frvm l.SD-6:SD-9:SS Board of Assessors to receive -aule was ejected. • The two United Automobile showmanship. Theodora Hladky, “ JOKER IS Wn,T»” By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and copies of the public notice. "H erculM " "W oh isi" Also declarations of tax lists will be Surface ahips that cruised in Workers Unions at the plant voted Fir# MoNs4ers DboI T o Tho Doath Paris—Albert Blazer, 76, head- The zoning amendment will be­ William, Hoffman; ewe. Pamela S:1S ___6:SS-S:S# "H A P P Y ” the Clow* hi held in October. AUGUST SALE the backstop operation were to overwhelmingly in favor of the. come effective Sept. 1. Glenney; fat lamb, Wayne Mc­ "GIGANTIS" Pernin waiter of the world famous : J • — continue their search through to- strike yesterday afternoon. An Extra! 1> CAftooBi Representatives of Valuation Maxim's, died Thursday after a LIFE To Sponsor Essay Contest Kinney; fitted lamb. Pamela Glen­ NnI., Train From Gan Hill" day. BESl AHEAD Of IHI REST Associates will be pre.sent at .ses­ long illness. He was born at extended contract expired at mid­ St. Jude Council No. 4313, ney; pets, Leanne DeMars, Chris­ "HOR.s e ' SOLDIERS” Diacoverqr Vl was 'Ared into night. __ sions of the Board of Tax Review Thoune, Switzerland, and worked Toiler K of C. will sponsor a Columbus tine Gronback and Kris Glermey. sun: "MAN IN THE NET* in February when appeaLs are orbit Wednesday from Vanden- The decision to atrike climaxed At Virginia_Beach at Maxim’s 54 years until he re­ % 5M nCt: Day essay contjest, providing plans regularly heard aase.ssinent berg Air Force Base. Calif., and 90 days of negotiations. Raoul O. Riette, aviation struc­ tired last year. like tke is expected to rennain in orbit for meet the approval of school offi­ figures. William Moriarty of Waterbury, cials. Albert J. Stevenson, project tural mechanic airman, USN, son Chicago—Urban A. I.Avery, 74, about a raonlh. intemaUonal union repreaentative. Memorial Haas Scheduled mi£S.ROHAMMBBMT chairman said today. of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Dtette of An anniversary requiem Mass pron>ifient Chicago' lawyer and A capsule was ejected from an­ aaid the major issues were wages, Main St., is serving with Utility legal'writer. died Thur.sday of can­ Mmmrmmu-MAMmtm other Dis'overer satellite last The committee in charge at a tfR iyt 'IN will be celebrated at St. Maurice pensions, bereavement pay* and special meeting this week voted to Church Monday at 9 a.m. for cer, He served as editor of the month, but it was not recoiared. noncontributory insurance. dress limit the entries to Grade 7 at u MANSFIELD Giovanni Pesce, who died on Aug, American Bar Assn. Journal and Management met the union's Coventry Grammar'' School, plana 24, 19.58. He was the father of was legal editor for the West request for a pay increase, said are to conduct the contest from Selectman Michael Peace and Mrs. Publishing Co. of St. Paul, Minn. slacks* Moriarty, but lopped off fringe the time school opens Sept. 9 and MAIN FEATURE 8:30 BRIGITTE g Donald P. Tedford, chairman of Greenwich—The Rev. Albert J. benefits, making the complete have all entries turned in by Oct. EVERY NIGHT EXCEPT SAT, the Republican Town CpminiUee. M. Wilson. 72, -pastor of Christ package unacceptable. The unions' 2. The Council committee wdll ex­ One More Se^talnn Episcopal Church from 1932 until insistence on benefits, he added, amine all entries and decide on t,he NOW and SATURDAY, Although the recreation pro­ was countered by a cut in the pre­ winners,'Stevenson said. Prizes to Tonight Gontinuoua From 7:48 gram at' the scho' viously offered wages. be offered will-be >15 for first, >10 RAINBOW CLUB today, one more Mtipday se.aslon At the membership meeting for second and >5 for third. ROMANTIC RIOTK will be held. of the illness yqaterday, Moriarty stressed that Stevenson was relcently appoint­ of Miss Donna Robb this week Tel. Ml 9-9814 there was to be "absolutely no ed as project chairman by Albert KBBERniio!i»^W NEW YORK FLOOR SHOW which calicelfld the session for the ; violence on the picket lines, “Any­ A. Rossi, Council Grand Knight, In youngest children, art extra se.ssion i FOR PRESCRIPTION one,” he said, "who Indulged in addition to Rossi, ha (Stevenson 1 EVERY~ SATURDAY NIGHT for them will be held Monday as ; .. be has named his committee to in­ : -The usual. ' I PINE PHARMACY unorthodox picketing • would ONLY >3.00 MINIMUM PER COUPLE removed.” clude Atty. Charles Tarpiniaiv of Mating Game' Most uniforms and baseball gear j DELIVERY I^drew Gagarin, president of Mansfield, James Paul Brennan, have been returned to Park C om -1 the company, said; past grand knight; Laurence Mat- ROUTE S-44A BOLTON "The union made money de­ tacchione of Mansfield, district _★ PLUS ^ IMPORTED DELUXE mands which the company met. deputy, and John A. Adamcik Jr., P H O N i M l 9-8023 It did not meet the demand for finance secretary. Court Session pensions. The plant will be open imW7m Plenly Of Free Parking—Parcel Pick-up Service To Your Car for bueineas as usual." The email claimir'court will be KERR/BRYNNER Ih/tiinia Nb details were given. Wage in seeaion at 7 p.m. Tuesday at POUSHED (XmON scales are varied. the Town Ofilce Building. Leroy Former Cheney The present strike is the first M. Roberts will be in charge. THE JOURNEY Mills at the Torrington plant since it Budget Hearings Set Hartford Road Private' budget hearings on pro­ s • ■iMWiiB' M Mr RerMi ■ Plus A LA N LADD was founded- 75 years ago. Doing MANCHESTER and Pine St. MEN’S SLACKS a 12 million dollar annual j>usi- posed 1959-60 budgets with the AIR CONDITIONED "MAN IN THE NET" ness. the company manufactures Board of Finance sohedi'led for Manchester, Conn. wire-forming machinery, aa well next week at the Town Office D ttlv e - 9n,'Dkeat!ie if A . Plenty Of as Tans, blowers and other types Building foHow: STATE SITN., MON., TUE8. BOL’t O n N O T .C H Free Parkini; in the fabulous Tuesday, Civil Defense at 7 of air impellers. STARTS'SUNDAY "THIS fcARTH IS MINE” LAST TWO DAYS—-TONIGHT and,. TOMORROW ONLY Parcel Pickup p.m.. Emergency Oomi .uffications "THE RAPE OF MALAYA” The company has branches in 7:30-p,m., North; Coventry Vol­ ‘NIGHT OF THE \\ MOON' TWO BIO FEA’niRES ON ONE GREAT SHOW L6c . . ADUI.TS 75e Your Car which are not affected by the ac­ Industrial Development (3ommis- ' CikiLDREN UNDER 6 FREE CONTINENTAL MODEL tion here. sion at 9 p.m. "SLEEPING BEAU ir' SHOWN HRST AT 8:30 - Regularly $219.95! KROEHLER Thursday, Coventry Police Pa­ OPEN MONDAY Thru SATURDAY 10 to 10 trol at 7 p.m., 2k>ning and Plan­ Prisoners Protest ning Board at 8 p.m., Zoning Board of Appeals at 8:45 p.m., and Rec­ WHITE ELEPHANT WEEKEND SPECIALS COMPLETE SEVEN PIECE Slaying of Convict reation Committee at 9:15 p.m. ^he board has scheduled its final RESTAURANT iVO TF...F0R EVERYONE session S . t. 3 when the Justice 2590 BERLIN TPKE., BERLD^ NEW LOW PRICE Parchman, Miss., Aug. 21 — and Small t^aims Court will be TEL. BEverlv 7-9900 A Magnificent NEW SOFA BED OUTFIT Forty-two rebellious prisoners were FLAVOR QUEEN heard at 7 pint;. Board of Welfare ______^Your Host ED I^aHOUSE Motion Picture from Walt Disney in, solitary confinement at the Mia- BANQUET HALL AVAILABLE TheyWe specially priced! slfsippi Penitentiary today after FOR WEDDINGS, PARTIES Wondrous to See! Glorious to Heorl LOAF L i m i t : more than 150 'staged a sitdown A ‘Two Rooms In One’ Ensemble at.a Keith strike in protest over the slaying of COSPiT.OSiD August Sale saving! Serves as a living room 2 p a i r t o one convict. . . . ' , FRIDAY SPECIAL . h at night the' Sofa opens with one easy Gov. J. P. Coleman rushed to WALTDISNEYIS a c u s fo m a r GIRLS’ BACK-TO SCHOOL Bread motion to form a full length bed for two! In the prison yesterday ,'to help Supt. STATE FULL COURSE LOBSTER DINNER $2.75 .heavy Tapestry with comfortable coil con­ Bill.Harpole quell the disturbance.. TOMORROW ^2 P.M. struction. Includes the Sofa Bed, matching The demonstration came after U. 8. A. TOP CHOICE QUALITY Lounge Chair, Cocktail Table, Two Step End the shooting of prisoner William DOORS OPEN. 1:30 Tables and Two Table Lamps! One of the greatest slack values Robert Hall DRESSES Jenkins Jr. of Oxon Hill, Ktd. A BAR-B-CUE/ Easy Credit Term> 2 Ooys trusty serving as guard. R. B. Hall has ever offered! Lustrous wash ’n wear of Prentlas, said he shot Jenkins AB guaranteed waahablel Ortlyl Wednesday When Jenkins tried to WATGK FOR THE SEPTEMBER OPENING tightly-woven polished cottons...shm- ^ A tetrific aiaortment.., escape whili working in a cotton STEAKS LB. Serve a sizzling Chuck Steak fit for a king. tailored in the newest Continental model.•• blouM and Jumper dresses, field. Harpole ordered the 42 Into soli­ OF THE COMPLETELY REDECORATED - DANISH MODERN with extension waistband, Italian-front Jacket-dresses, shirtwaiitii,^ tary cells after the others obeyed TZOMNMAMa. pockets, adjustable side buckles, double, band-style ddrts... many orders to return to work. •raonNicocow. HEAVY WESTERN ECONO-BEEP/ The National Guard was nailed SECTIONAL wltfa bo«vs, fancy lace LEAN, GOLDEN BROWN SMOKEO. .beezon back pockets with pearl buttons! Also to the prison, but arrived after .the Distinctive ■ contemporary tilmsi Choose plaids, \ Sea oar •"•'a* situation had calmed down. Lantern Village Barn Ivy-style models in the group with the same — beaut.v for your home, with Coleman idehiUied the ' aitdQWn •obds. tweeds and more! ^ sTglrl*' sab-taeo ' (FORMERLY MILLER’S DANCE HALL) comfort features that will superb tailoring. Sizes 29 to 36. blaases, sk»rH; strike leader as Edward W. Balwyn Shoulders make It a favorite! Two Sizes 7-14. of New York City. He was Im­ ILB. 745 TOLLAND TURNPIKE 5 to 7 Lb, Avg.—.Serve hot or cold pieces, left and right hand prisoned July 14 on a S-year term IE GLORIOUS MUSIC Of TCHAIKOVSKY sections with warm Walnut for atten]pted robbery In Harrison ADVENTURE! . MANCHESTER AND FIVE DELIGHTFUL SONG HITS. frames, luxurious inne;-- County,. "0««» Usee A Oreem" • “I WsnSif • "Slums*"' THRILLS! SUSPENSE!- "HsS Ths Sriw<*«« Aurars" - "«s*shu i**uly Sses' ■i P A i l A spring con.stniction. .May be The governor said further dis­ AVAILABLE FOR -----1 ^------g r a d e W f ~ used for many interesting ciplinary, measures would be tak­ "A” en. But he said, nil time would be 2nd BIG HIT—SHOWN AT 10:00 P.M. t l X w W Doz. 55c Doz. S k room arrangements. added to prisoners’ sentences. LEX BARKER B WEDDINGS # BANQUETS '"The penitentiary continues to be Regularly $199.95! safe," Coleman added. i DANCES • MEETINGS y - AJAyaono SIMM NWiCHHU 'TARZAN The ANGRY HiLLS PEANUT Koof Tornado-PrcMif 24 Oz. $ CONDITIONED fO» to u t SMOttjNO CONVtNIINCI and Hie • AUCTIONS, Jar Briabane, Ai'jstraJia- A tornado- AND ALL OTHER OCCASIONS ON RPITTE 5 AT THE “-V proof dwelling haa been developed BUTTER ON ROUTE 8 AT THE i • nUTH WWOSOR EAST HARTFORD TOWN IJNE SHE DEVIL'' BMXESkMiamSR at Queenalam University thait ia Liberal Term> ' K o i l l i I'lirniliirf SOUTH WINDSOR EAST HARTFORD TOWN UMB DO CALL OR COME OUT TO a said to be aUe to withstand wind CAIJFORNIA THOMPSON SEEDLESS preaaurea of 60 poufids per square ★ PLUS ★ SfiE US w h i l e CHOICE DATES ST b g w u l BERUN ON THE BERUiir TURNPIKE ARE STILL AVAII,ABLE aoeswussf* ^ ll| .M A iN 5 T MANCHESI'FR foot. The building has a curved- .CARTOONS OALORE PLUS BONUS LATE BOB HOPE — FERNANDEL ' FREE PARKING BERLIN ON THE BERLIN TURNPIKB rooT aectton built by spraying con­ . Ml 9-9313 — CH 7-3892 GRAPES 3 Lba. 39c crete on a atael frame - at high CHnjHUCN s>« . SHOW TONIGHT ^PARIS HOLIDAr RUNTY OF MEE/ARKJN6 preasui*. - F U N 1 Y PAmOHO i : ■ T' ------■" % - ...... MMHh! Of mm

•V ii ‘ ' ■ V . ,JF^ P ' 7

MANCHES'piR EVENING HERAi)d . MANCHESTER. OONN., FRIDAY. AUGUST 21,1969 \ PAGE n v « MANCHESTER KV'INING HERALD. MANC31E8TER. CONN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1959 fA O M FOVW vtolatiMie are euMect te punlak- Tourists Warned ment by both tha u.fl. government Boasting Killer MANCHESTER HRE DEPARTMENT'S and CMch suthorltiee, the depart­ Googel Seeking Premature Blast Ruins Living Cost To Follow Rulfjs ment eaid yesterday. :More Scraps Flare Many of th« offenders were toiir- AHI HI lOHi ANNUAL Istete who wanted to have their rte- Of 11 Executed Washington, Aug. 21 - ■ Tha Study o f Delfiy For July at turea taken behind the Iron (Sir- A L L NEVy 1960 Test of. E^ape Rocket ntste Department has warned tain. 1 PEACH SHORTCAKE FESTIVAL American tourlet# to follow regu- Touriate wanting to enter Czecho- On Strict Labor B i H o d Execudohs In San Quentin latlone if they want to vtatt atovekia must have the necesaary Washington, Aug. 21 — An Peak Level Czechoelovakla. papers and foliow entrance regnla- escape rocket fired prematurelj^ ON THE LOT NC)(T TO HREHOUSE Several American touriate have tlons. An estimated 5,000 to 10,000 (OeeBneed fpom Page One) (OoblibMd trsM Pbgb Owe) ^ ^ T A B L E T V dther A F L < n O chlefa feel aure today and wrecked an attempt to Local Stocks MAIN AND miJLIARD STREETS - ' croaaed the Czech border thle sum­ properly accredited U.8. touriate fOHriiBIMd '(Oontlnned from Page Oae) mer wltlunit proper documents, and one expected to visit Czechoslo­ there la one. la not Intended to prejudice the le­ teat rescue methods for -the men bpirttual comfort on his last day who will make the first space ended up In Jails there. Such border vakia this year. H a iifit ra ft <-(i . tivsly ctilet bUl. Aa aids u ld ■‘We Btudied the roll caU that of life. ‘ FRIDAY, AUG. 28— STARTS 4:30 Piil. RJley lUno announced .that the gal status of any of the. six men nights. MneteooM Fnnuaked by O u cy acted aa praaldant of tha put ever the harph labor control Nash gave this explanation for Q u a l i t . v bill laat week," Meanv aaid,, "and for, he added, the matter of...^long The blast lobbed a fuli-sise ColMni B HMdlebreek- I m . his crtitMs: qtendahle earnings of factory Xnternatlonal Union of noctrlcal we knew auch a eoaUtlon Mdata. delays in executions has existed, space capsule into the surf off Beak Btoeks ‘‘I've always gotten the leftovers M l You C an Eat! Workera and the buying power of Worltort and with approval of lU We* Jumped to our eoncluaiona. the National Aeronautics and Bid Asked out of life. When I couldn’t even l e t ' for years. Conn. Bank and Truat titose ea.vitnga dropped in July. WORLD'S finest! Let 'em aue ua.” S|bee Administration's test sta­ get that much, I Juet took some­ offloora But, he added, "U 's awfully Oo...... 40 43 ADULTS 7Se— OHIIIHIEN tOe He said the dec^asee reeulted tion oh Wsllope Island on the Vir­ thing out of someone else'a life.” •■Who do you tlUak you aro to Renata and Houae confereea hard to explain away delays to Hartford Natlona- from the usual, summer drop-in ginia eastern shore. Court - appointed psychiatrists TICKETS A T THE DOOR PERFORMANCE bo throaUnlng jnombori o f the work again today on compromla- the publlf.‘' Bank A Trust Co. S6H 87 N A S A said tlM premature fir­ imled Nash was legally sane. But the work W’cek due to ■vacations United SUte* ConipreOi?'’ fired ing dtfferencea between the Houae ■The veteran lawmaker, a law­ Fire laebnaoa Oeaipaiiiea ing occurred 20 ntlnutes before the a deep-rooted persecution com­ MUSIC RY POUCE and HREMCN'S lANO back Rep. Steven B. Derounian labor bill and the one paaeed yer, said, the probe shouldinot be ‘ [Aetna Fire ...... 68^ 71H and otheF such tectors, and to a plex often babbled to the top: (R-NY). earlier by the Senate. The AFI.,- ainted in any way to "prejudice capsule was to have been launch ' 'H artford Fire 183 IflS leMer extei\t from the work stonr " I didn't even know my real This Advt. SposisoMid By tee W. G. Gleniiey Oo. •‘Care>*’a letter dooan’t worry n>e CIO also oppoaea the Senate bill, the rights of the accused'' to re- ed by firing of the main propul- NaUonal F ire ...... 120 — Sage in the steel industry In mid- name until I was 22. . . a damn bit,” aaid Landrum. but not aa atrongly aa the Houae coneid^tlon of certain legal and Sion engine. Phoenix F ire ...... 80% uly. 17M " I had no parents, no college, no ■You and too many other auto­ meaaure. other points. The rocket that blew off ahead Life and Indenwlty Ina. Coa. The Increaiu in coneumer prices nothing. . . cratic union boesea ar« |:ulUy of "A t the aanm time, if legal de­ of time was one Intended to kick Aetna Casualty...... 183 193 and the decline-In spendable earn­ the unamertcan phlloaophy p ^ Ia a t .. RKAOH.AGltBEMEhrr lays are iisOd Just for the sake of the capsule free from the main "They sent me off to a disciplin­ ings reduced the buying power of Aetna Life ...... 251 261 ary . school. I got discipline st hatred,” Rep. Edward J. Derwln- waahlngton, Aug. 21. —Sen­ delay. witho»it any sound imsia, rocket in the event o f emergency. Conn. G eneral...... 368 388 th factory workers' earnings by ■ctiool and I got discipline at elci (R-ni) wrote In reply to Carey.. ate and Houae confereea have then we ought to do soniething," The capsule was to have been Hftd. Steam Boiler .. 01 % 96% about 1% per cent. home. . . GLADIOLI While anfry CongrMamen were reached aliAost final agreement he aaid. launched to great height by 'a 97% Spendable earnings are com­ Travelers ...... 95 Vi " I could have settled for eo bleating back at Carey, the AF1..- on the first aix aecUona of the He aaid there should be "a fair Little Joe booster rocket at 11:20 Public ayjittee Cut FtbuIi Ev«ry Day! puted on the baais of average lltU e.. ." CIO Executive Council adopted ita controveraUl labor bill. meeting groui d" whicl. would con­ a.m. Conn. Light A Power 23 earhings after deduction of feder­ ■■cynical political maneuvering” re- But the aeventh and last sec­ sider the-rights of convicted per­ A t the top of ita flight the escape Hartford Electric Lt. 66% Adopted^as an infant by a couple al Income and social security tax­ Learning is h[§ responsibility. in the Bronx, N.Y., he ran away BUY SOME FOB THE: es, Riley said these declined by T H I PALMIR aolution. The action was taken at tion, where nvost of the hot dla- sona and at the same time curb rocket waa to have been flred for Hartford Gas Co...... 67 • Anniversaries e Home $ * i . o o Medal 02319 the wind-up of the councll'a aum- pute is centered, cornea up at their '‘unjuatilfable r^qiuwte" for-stays from home four times as a boy. A f­ about 85 cents and $80.85 per teat purposes. Southern New England • Remembrance e 'Sick 21' overall diagonal BMaa- nter meetlnga at Poreat Park, Pa. meeting today. of execrtions. Nasa said there.were no injuries. Telephone ...... 43% 45%> ter enlisting in the Arm y in De­ Dos. Week for a factor worker with cember 1941 he was A W O L twice. • Birthdays, etc. . e Shut-Ins ura. 262 aq. inches of pie- The council* charged there waa The cOinfereea are trying lo Over the years, obeervars note, The launch area had been cleared Maaafectnmig Oempsniee three dependents and to $73.31 for He waa discharged when he | tiire viewing area. a deal in the Houae to.paaa a atiff reconcile the different labor bills the La,,..Mature has tried ‘ o grap­ of ail personnel about 10 minutes Arrow, Hart, Heg. .. 72% 75% a worker without dependents. Labor Control bill in exchange for passed by the Senate and Houae. ple with the problem with little before the ignition of the escape Associated Spring .. 19 21 claimed to be a homoeexuai. i With the exception of fruits and In Ebony, Maroon or' His long history of various i killing off any meaningful Civil The two bills were not too far succe.e. rocket. Bristol Brass ...... 11% 13% Fertilizer Specials! vegetable, down 2.8 per cent, and Golden Miat Colors. crimes led to his examination by Righte legialation thia year. apart in their first six parts. Ho\vcvei. Googel Iwhevea that ‘ Attempts will be made to re­ Collins ,.., t...... 76 86 new automobiles, off seven-tenths ONLY state psychiatrists in'"'l948 and 10.6^: 50% ORGANIC George Meany, federation prec- The seventh section contains a thorough study of the matter by cover the capsule from the water. Dunham B u sh ...... 8% 9% of 1 per cent, (prices all along the 1955. Both times he went free. His <■'7'. i Ident, aaid he had no direct evi­ changes in the Taft-Hartlty Law. the Judiciary Commlttev over the ~The launching had been planned Em-Hart ...... 46 49 SPECIAL $4.45 80 LBS. 'Hne rose during July. 'The in­ homicidal mania undetected. dence of any euch deal between Conferees yesterday reported their next ifi months could help point as the first in a series of testa of Fafnlr Bearing...... 67 60 W ILL COVER 8,000 SQUARE FEET creases ' included: Restaurant *2 5 9 .9 5 In turning down' his plea for eouthem Democrmta and northern general agreement no far. hut de­ the way to solving the problem Project Mercury space capsule Landers, Frary, Clark 20 22 meals one half of 1 per cent, hous­ (In Ebony) clemency laat Tuesday, Gov. Ed­ Republlcana, but added he and clined to give details. The committee la expected to ‘meet during the launching phase. The N. B. M achine...... 27 . 20 ing one-tenth of 1 per cent, read­ mund G. Brown Ordered a study monthly, beginning in September. 2.000-pound capsule was a fore­ North and Judd ...... 39 ' 42 5-10-10 ALL PURPOSE ing arid recreation, eight-tenths of commission "to see what we can do A study of the subject urged by Rogers CoTp (B) 17% 19% 1 per cent,' transportation three- runner of thoi|e that will carry the to prevent eases like- this In the SPECIAL $3.45 80 LBS. Googel will probab^ be assigned Russell M fg...... 27 30 tenths of 1 per cent, clothing two- Rockville-Vernon Mercury astronauts on their first future." to a auhoommlttee which woultf Stanle.v W o rk s ...... 50% 53% tenths of 1 per cent, medical care launching by rocket next year, The governor expressed "dismay later report He findings to the full leading up to the first manned or­ Terry Steam ...... 38 42 W* Art Manchtsttr's Htodquorttrt For: three-tenths of 1 per cent, and Torrlngton ...... 32 34 that our laws allow a man as ob­ Wing Tip committee. biting of the Earth probably in viously dangerous as Nash to be re­ FERTIUZERS— INSECTICIDES— SPRAYS— LIME personal care two-tenths of 1 per Referral Center for Oldsters Veeder R oot ...... 51% 64% cent. 1961. leased and to escape, further re­ i ’ ’ r .vVA.-- ,, The Little Joe Iaunching_rockat The above quotaUbns are not to PEAT MOSS and CRAB GRASS KIUERS be construed as aetusl markets. straint simply because we lack Riley said the decrease in the Properly fitted shoes are stood 24 feet tall. On top of U adequate controls." ?rlce of new cars is normal for Scheduled to Open 31 Haivaii Joins waa the capsule 10 feet high Buy With Assuronct cuid ScHlsfoctlon At his time of year and so is a slight Above that waa an escape tower Court Continues increase in the cost of used cars. the responsibility of your A referral center for employ­ 16 feet tall, containing the rocket 4% Sales Tax He said available reports indicate ment and leisure activities of sen­ Hebron Union Today that fired prematurely. the stock of new cars In dealers’ The escape rocket waa designed Farm Theft Case Harrisburg, Pa„ Aug. 21 (4b ior dtlsens will open Aug. 81 In WOODLAND GARDENS hands are at an all-time high of store to pull the capsule several thou­ Gov. David L. Lawrence signed th e. old high school building on (Continned frAm ' ’^sge One) 168 WOODLAND ST„ MANCHESTER TEI- MI 8-8474 between 960.000 and 9^2,000. This, School 8 t Grange to Repeat sand feet above the main launch­ A Puerto Rican laborer accused into law yesterday a measure He said, is about 45 to 57 per cent raising Pennsylvania's sales tax JOHN J. ZAPADKA — OPEN DAILY UNTIL 9 P.M. It taken special knowledge to fit young growing fe e t... atetere The dste for the opening of the ing rocket, if the latter should of complicity in the theft of per- higher than a year ago. decided by a drawing sifter they from 3% per cent to 4 per cent. center was decided ui^n last night Mock Wedding misfire or ntherwiae perform bad­ like knowing how much grow-room to'allow for in your aonal articles and money from a Exempt are food for home con­ , Along with the automobile, farm "Frtng. Leeli'* CtrenN by the Community Council for Sen­ take the oath. ly at a space capsule launching. Msnche.ster farm worker Aug. 11 sumption, clothing, material used cv;iipment and aircraft workers child’s new shoen. ( V of the foot’s growth is from heel I Sklure Tube ior atlxens (CC8C). Hebron Orange members will be Swearing of the three will raise •From that point it waa to have will appear in court Aug. 28 with ’V* been lowered by automatically in the construction of foundations who will receive wage increases, w Tr.nMemel TTie office will be open twice the Senate to 1-00 members - 65 three alleged companions. to ball and only % in the toe.) Knowing that each of- guests this evening of Vernon opening parachutes to « land­ for machinery, maintenance sup­ two other groups are affected. Ri­ "C.ptelty-al..' weekly, on Mondays from S.SO a.m. Antonio Rqdriguez Flores, 21, of no Orange, and by request will put on Democrats and 25 Republicans. ing. plies bought by charitable and sim­ ley aaid some 98,000 employes of your child’s feet should be measured separately because sent, ter lenear I to noon, and on Thursdays from 1 Hartford, appeared in court today House strength will go to 4.37 • 283 The capsule weighed about 2,000 ilar nonprofit organizations, ma­ Home From Yacatibn? Westlnghouse Electric Co. will get two fnH nr« alike , . . knowing which last fit* which foot to 4 pjn. Entrance to the office, on the Mock Wedding recently pre­ but was granted a continuance to Democrats, 163 Republicans, and pounds and contained recording chinery, printing services, and re-1 en Increase of either 2 cents an the first floor o f t)je building st sented here. Aug. 28. Prosecutor John N. Lom­ pMri to equipment used directly in ; hour or 1 per cent, and 13,000 em­ best! Knowing how to fill a doctor’s prescription for shoes I Other 21” Model* the comer of Scbodl u d Park 8ts„ one vacancy equipment and a radio device to START The following young people are Hawaii wlll rank 47th In sise bardo said Flores asked for the radiq snd televisi.m broadcasting. • ployes of the Chicago Transit Au­ The fitters in our store are proud of their responsibility Start At S219.9.'> Is from School S t send bark acceleration and pres­ now in the caat; Lydia Simons, among the 50 slates and 44th in continuance so that he could ap­ Pennsylvania and.-'Washington thority will get a 2 cent increase Mrs. Stuart Tlnkham and Mrs. sure data and other scientific in­ YOUR HOME MILK . . . the expert fitting care o f our Little Yankee customers! minister; Jean Gagne, brldeiroom: population. Connecticut, Delaware formation. pear at the same time aa the oth­ state, now have, the highest state­ based on the Chicago index. Rudolph Schmidt have volunteered . . . USE YOUR CONNECTICUT Charles Schreler, bride; Kenneth and Rhode Island have leas area ers. wide sales tax in the nation. to conduct the service st present The combination of the booster DELIVERY FROM I Porter, matron of honor; Betty than Hawaii's 6.434 square miles. Flores will he held in lieu"dF^' BANK AND TRUST ‘‘CHARGE PLAN" but other volunteers will be trained rocket capsule and. tower made a BARLOW'S Hills, bast man; Margaret White- In population, the Island cluster $5,000 in Hartford County Jail. to be interviewers and referral con- vehicle 50 feet tall with a maxi­ house, usher: Frank L 1 e b I e r. surpasses Alaska. Delaware. N e­ Flores was picked up Wednes­ TCLEVISION sultante. mum diameter of 6ts feet. bridesmaid; Ronald Minor, bride's vada. New Hampshire. Vermont day in Portland where he was Court Cases Older persona interested in part Weighing about 28,000 pounds, SALES and SERVICE mother; Carol Llebler, ring besnr; and Wyoming. working on a tobacco plantation. or full itme employment are urged it was the largest and heaviest low TOLLAND TURNFIKE Beverly Griffin, bride's father; Invited lo the White House cere­ rocket scheduled for launching at His arrest brought to an end a by the CCSC to register at’ the of­ BUCKLAND MI S-509S Marjorie Porter, pianist. A ll grang­ mony today besides the Hawaiian the Wallops Research Center. week-long manhunt conducted by Two men who said they were SHOE DEPARTMENT— Main Floor, Roar. fice Meanwhile, an employment ers are Invited to take part. The corigreaaional delegation were Vice Manchester Police, •'ashamed’’ at having fought at a committee will contact buslnasa, STORE 18 COMF1 JETELY AIR-CONDITIONED! n an ge is asked to meet at Gilead President Richard Nixon. Speaker The three alleged companions, Wilkie Manchester restaurant Aug. 1 re­ Industrial and professional people Hall this evening, between 7:15 of the House Sam Rayburn (D- Demiscrats Pick Juan Gonzales. 24, and Ramon ceived suspended Judgments In • to compile a listing of available and 7:80. Tex), secretary of the Interior Fred Martinez. 26. both of Hartford, Town Court today. ' Read Herald Advfl. Jobs. The next meeting will be held A. Seaton. Edward Johnston, ter­ New Haven, Aug. 21 (VP>- -Rich­ and Basilio Laaada. ,21 of French F.mest J. Brigham, 41, of Cov­ .CONHCtTiCUX HJC) Also, persona who went to vol­ Sept. 1, at which time there will be ritorial secretary of state; Lorrin ard C. Lee, Democratic mayor here Rd.. Bolton, were arrMted Aug. 13-. entry, and Paul V.^towell, 36, of r unteer for cotnmunity service installation of officers and inatal- for the past tlx years, has been en­ They appeared in court Aug. 14 DAIRY fl.5 Division St., pleaded ^ lU y to Thurston. rhalrmv?..of Hawaiian work may oontect the referral lation supper. Alfred Beckwith, Statehood Commission, and offi­ dorsed unanimously by the Demo­ and their cases were continued two charges of breach of peace. Brig­ center, which will have on hand a cratic Town Committee for • overseer of the State Grange, will cers who seiwed on an adviaory weeks to allow them to retain ham pleaded guilty to a second but that his unsteady gait was A tty. John J. Shea said the dis­ after a patrolman copied hii regis list of agencies that can use vol­ officiate with his-installing teajns. fourth term. posed for sale, after he said he; eommtsflon on designing the counsel. cKiirge of intoxication. said he couldn’t remember the in­ due to a broken ankle. turbance arose primarily because tratlon number. Styie Conscious Girls Go unteer help. All new officers are urged -to be Alaskan and Hawaiian flags. But B. Fred Daihiani. a dissident Both were accused of fighting at visiting rights with her daugh­ Patrolriian Richard Lor^r said Anyone who wants to aid with present. Democrat, announced after the TbI. mi 34)365 cident. He was accused of taking Joseph Kormo's, 28. of Middle- Old Land Deed the Chatterbox' Restaurant on thrrie cans of sardines valued at town, was fined $102, the mini­ ters had not been clearly stated he blew his whistle but Bunce First To Marlow's — Then Back To School! the program la asked to oontect Additional Grange news is that committee's action last night that Main St. During the scuffle. Stow- turned north on Main St. and con­ 48 cents from the Popular Market. mum fine,.,for driving while under by the Superior Court. the office, fl Meatlons will alao Miss Mary B o y in ^ n and Mrs. he would force a primi^ry for the ASK ABOUT OUR ell was pushed through the res­ tinued on his way. suspension of his license. Kotmos Edward J. Jablonski, 38, of New CAREFULLY CHOSEN ST YLE - M A J OR S ' be appreciated ^ the CCSC. Kenneth A. Porter will take part Beer Cases Lost ” party's nomination. George Durant, an Englishman taurant's glass door. Furphy was arrested last was arrested Wednesday at 2 a.m. Britain, was fined $9 for passing A number of organixationa have in the Andover Grange Variety Republicans earlier endorsed who is said to have been the NEW BUDGET Frank Furphy. of no certain night on complaint of employes at first white man to buy I4nd from after he stopped his car behind a in a no-passing zone. FAVORITES FROM OUR HIT SELECTION OF indicated intereat in helping to Shew, to be hold Aug. 24 and 26 at Off Truck Here James J. Valenti, principal of Fair address, charged with intoxication, the market. He spent the night in Heated Park Unique Haven Junior High School, for the Indians in North Carolina, parked police cruiser.— develop lelsur time programs for the Andover Orange Hall. Tickets ‘Eat, drink and he was given a 30-day suspended sen­ jail. I The court continued to Monday SCHOOL-BOUND SPORTSWEAR! older, people. OommenU from the are available from either of the mayor. The election will be held gave his name to Durant's Neck. MILK PLAN Three caeca of beer which, po­ merry — for iontor- tence by Judge Jules A. Karp so Howard Wamock, ,of no certain ' The court entered a nolle the case o f Allan' P. Bunce, 30, of San Francisco— the only heated older people on what kind of ac- above named. Nov. S. His land deed is dated 1661. lice said, could have been stolen that Furphy could seek work pick­ address,.' who' was arrested last against a breach of peace charge 42 Essex St. charged with reck­ ball p.ark in the world will be. the Shirts, .skirts, coat.s, sweaters, shorts! Just see the ;- tivitlea they want wlH be -aakad Due to recent lUntas, Mrs. W il­ row Lavery may or could .have fallen from a beer ing apple.q In Middiefieid. Furphy night and charged with intoxica­ lodged against ' Mrs. Janet P. less <[rlvlng. Bond for his next ap­ San Francisco Giants’ CandlesticH of those coming into the center. fred Gagne will be unable to con­ f** tremendous arra.y of top-drfiwer sportswear wpVe truck, were reported missing yes­ come: COUNTRY FRESH HOMOGENIZED said he had planned to leave for tion also, was sentenced to 30 Stevenson, 36, of 135 Green Rd. pearance was set at $60., Park when it|is completed. All Dr. Alan Dambeok waa named tinue as'Hebron Youth Committee assembled fpr your selection! All so-smart, so right the orchard section tomorrow. days in Jail, execution suspqn^d. The charge stemmed from a dis­ Bunce, accused of nearly forcing seats in reserved sections will be chairmen of the adviaory commit­ chairman. The Master-Elect has terday by an East Hartford truck Furphy was acquitted of a aeC' Warnock said he was not as In­ turbance at her divorced hus­ a car off E. Center St. near Sum­ warmed by hot water circulating and marLOW priced I tee on health in the Ooui^l. He announced the appointment of driver. toxicated aa police reported him, band’s home. Defense Counsel mit St., waa arrested last night through pipes in the concrete. was appointed to the poet by the Charles Schreler and IfrAhk Lleb­ Richard Sage, an employe of the MR. BUSINESS MAN LAVERY end charge of theft of goods eX' local medical group. ler as co-chairmen of this com­ HAL Trucking Co., in East Hart­ St. a o s ^ ’s Basast mittee. ford. said he noticed the loss See our most unusual Executive Gifts, Calendars and Adverti(ting E)(TERMINATING CO. WILKIE DAIRY St. Joseph's Church is heading It is also announced that Mrs. Wednesday. Specialties (IncludlBg our turtle clock, musical Madonna, musical portahle cocktail bar, musical cigarette lighter and other sur­ Ml T-1390 a basaar on the church gixiunds I-vnneth A. Porter has recently According to police. Sage niade 16 WALKER ST.— Ml 3-8365 deliveriee in Manchester during prises) on the Kathy Godfrey Show, Channel 18, Monday, August tonight and tomorrow night The been appointed Youth Committee 24, 1969 at 4:00 p.m. ORIAt NEW FUEL OIL event will close tomorrow at 11 chairman for Hast CenUml Pomona the day and the beer is presumed have disappeared somewhere., be­ pm . with the awarding of prises. No. 8, fbr 1M6-1M0. Porter will After viewing the show, make an appointment for private Look..,IEs "Money Saving Time" At Marlow's! DEVELOPMENTI H es^tel Metes again serve on the Lsgisla4.ive tween Hartford Rd. and the North End. showing of your own. It’s worth seeing. ■;n Admitted yesterday'' Banlslls CoRunittse for Pomona. Sage made a_ deHve;w at the O'Neill, 12 Florence St; Frank driireb News Food King grocery, pbliersaid, and OF COURSE Rsiu, 6 Omreh flt, Veracn. AnsMunosmssit is made that the SULLIVAN and COMPANY BUY THE PAINT THAT’S WORTH THE WORK reported noticing thd loss when he Dischara^ yesterday: Itfra. folhNrinr prleate will supply at M I 9-W28 OR M I 8-7589 St. Peter's 1C o'elook services on reached another delivery point 'in Patricia]Rothman, 12 Carol Dr.; the vicinity of Depot Sq. E-Z TERMS! Mrs. JaAice TuUy and sen. High Aug. 88, tWs coming Sunday, and Manor Park. Xug. SO. The Rav, Joe^h Pr Mat­ Births yesterday: A daughter to thews be giiest preacher at SEF> THIS BEAUTIFUL Mr. and Mrs. Armsnd Hruby, 148 the service of Morning Prayer, CUSTOM TAILORED Main S t Aug. 88. And on Aug. SO the Rev. Birth today: A daughter to Mr. Gordon W. Woeman wiU be eele- TWO PIECE and Mrs. Henry K. Jarvis, 242 brant at the service of Holy Cmn- Marlow’s buyer* have as­ Abby Rd.;, a daughter to Mr. and munion. On Aug. 36 there will be an or- LIVING ROOM SET sembled a wonderful col­ MrB.fWilliam Hopowiec, 8T Ver­ lection of lovely back to non Ave. ganteational meeting of heads of all parteh orgarasations, at 8 SAI-E PRICK $ 2 3 9 5 Q flchool Vernon and TsIoeMvlUe news is o’clock in P iie l^ Hall to preeent hsndled through The BeraM’a and diaeuaa programs for the A Regular $299.50 Value Rockville Bureau, T W . Main S t, .dhureh year ahead. telephone ntem ent 5-8188. On Sept. 6 there wlll be a Sun­ DRESSES day school .'ally at ^ o'clock, start Ing sritha registration. The year's ‘Tirea Carry Fuel curriculum wlH be shown; potiuck ChooM from paisley prints, plaids and solid colors. ' — i— supper* served; and a fte r' that Fast color cottons in sires 3 to 6x, 7 to 14. Also pre- 'Washington—The Army has or­ -movie, called “ So Dear To My teen and chubettes. ■. dered Ififi rolling liquid transport­ Heart,” will,be given. Place of i' ers at a cost of 8800,000 from an rally s ill announced. Akron rubber company. The UW' On Sapt.'-12 a meeluut of all like containers, .made of oU and members of the parlMi will be held A N D MORE chemical-resistant rubber, will be in Phelps Hail at 8 '2 . 9 8 used to' transport fuel. They are -i- ALSO — 64 inches high and 42 inchei wide, Manchester Evening Herald He­ each able to carry 500 gallons. bron oerreepondent Mba Suaan Helps keep your our array of SWEATERS.. They came In pairs, equipped with PandleiMi, talaplieite ACIademy 8- a tew bar, air brake, and pump. 8454. ' burner clean as It / heats your, home 1 .SEE OUR NEW ARRIVALS OF MODERN A MUST FOR BACK TO SCHOOL AND COLONIAL TWO PIECE RT-98 is the meet completely effective fuel oil additive in um A wide selection in corduroy, orlon, felt, wool OI< MANCHBSTj^ today. This help* your oil FLETCHER 6LA8S GO. ______fintchell (keeps WHITE heuses WHITE fer years LIVING ROOM SETS flannel, quilted and cotton flannel lined in plaids burner deliver more clean, de­ Hn'l Htit • catt cmd dr^omy tfytaf 9-7879 and solid colors. Sizes 3 to 6x, 7 to 14. Also pre- 188 W]ISBT fiODOLE TURNFOtE .J SALE PRICED FROM $ ^ ^ ^ J Q pendable beat. You get pre­ Ragwlot^ MOOR€*t iKiva Gia Ri mium service, too. All designed teen and chubettes. DuPont 40 House-Paint is self-cleaning—"acientifioally made to shed FREE PURNEU PARKING... ond Froododa el iKortt ood o »hki • , 1.-- OORMEB bUBAMT ST, to make home heating easy. , . . yet fHay'ra • cool, tmm piarg dirt, dust and soot with every rainfall. It renews its bright, just-painted And More ovHH, 'Hefa'i o e^octirel Wnd el .V NEW LARGER QUARTERS look—stays white year after year. Becaujse the beauty Isata longer, you %\im look FofHiea dawga lee 9 Y"*- *2 .9 8 l-INAL CLEARANCE OF ALL : ^ ||n T a XA Call today lor 1 ^ 3 • p l e n t y of fr o n t a n d r e a r p a r k in g don't have to paint as often . . . so you save bothr work and money I Mode Ifooi MOORE Sealoriiad yb NvQilClilOIIS CymcloHi. IN FOUR GALLON SUMMER FURNITURE ^U p IQ DU MobilliGat 8T-M AUTO GLASS INSTALLH) ^ *6 .6 7 LOTS OR MORE Colors: Red. swing blue, maize, Accessories Galore Sf t YOUK Pl.UMtil (t, live -5I8TI> IIECTIICAIIV sea foam and white<»Ci| A O • Fnr exetting nmv itaitrt UeeMBitinig Mens, tee Dw Itent Palfita Slips, Socks, RsliieoNte, Swestors, Shoes, Luggage, GLASS FURNITURE TOPS DCALCK OP SHOP MARLOW'S FOR ONE OF THE RNEST COLLECTIONS OP WE GIVE in all sizes. /: Uw JW agyne ... or ask IIS te shew yeu copies. Pajsmas, Blouses, Pauties, Bras, etc, . . . Also ■ THE HARirORD HNE FURNITURE AT LOW. LOW PRICES! GREEN STAMPS oompleto selection o f Dyingsrees, Play Shortg snd MIRRORS (FiraplocB Mid Door) Headquarters for 8weat Hhirts* Slacks. ~ • ELECTRIC Rneakers, Gym 8ocks and Gym PICTURE PRAMmG (oU tyi^t THE HARTFORD ELECTRIC IIGHT CO. OUR STORE 18 DEUGHTFULLY AIR-COKDITIONEDI Bags. IICHT COMPANY FURNITURE DEPT. MOftlARTY ‘r—■ WINDOW and PUTE E. Av JOHNSON PAINT CO. AIR-CONDinONEO! OONnUOrOBBi w s have im stock LOWER STORE LEVEL BROTHERS 723 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER M ) T M S S I /• MEDICINE CARINCTS and SHOWER DOORS Free Purnell Psrldiig PHONE Ml 9-5221 301-31S Center Street OPEN BATUBDA^ra-OPEM T8 UBSOAT EVENINGS The besuty Issts wh^n you paint with tha Tmest PAINTS EOmtATBS OLAOLT GIVEN Special Installation Allowance! Time Limited! Boek-to-Sdiool Hoadqimrlers for Qvor 47 Yocml t Ml 3-5135


1- IIAKCHESTBS SV’ENINO RXSALtf, IfAMCUXSTEft. COKM. FRIDAY. AUGUST 21,1962 Wedneeccy .at the home of John PAGE SIX Columbia PrincesR Posen Raeaide,, 28.* of The Bronx. Ilte Ommittee Askf Btanps were in e valloe in Rae- RUG ond it, the W astan powerp find, their Helicopters Hunt Al Piano for side's bedroo: ., police said. Million (or 4 Umrl{PBtpr troopa. and the Buseleiu at well. Raeaide told police-a friend, un­ Open l^oruin Aquacfide Saturday to Mark named, had left the valiee of UPHOLSTERY From Berlin come reports of ac­ For The Bast In Gas Heat Birthday Photo Submarine Base lEupnlnQ l|eralb Here *n There Remains of Crew atampe with him. tual preparations, on the part of *What Oan We Afinlta D e f’ MagiSiraU Samuel J. Obringer End of Swimming Classes London. Aug. 21 -Princes* New Haven. Conn., Aug. 21 (^ CLEANING a * c . the Communists, to movt various To the Editor, Wiesbaden, Gepiany7 Aug. 21 i/Pi of Bronx Magiatrate'e Court set Margaret became 29 today. For her A $3,146,000 expenditure for governmental offices In Hast Ber­ The Incident, at Globe MoUow by bell .yesterday at $1,000 apiece for CS?—’Two heUcopters have bean fer­ oAclal birthday portrait, she posed jhe aiibmarine hose at New Um- saveral weeks ago la not a matter The thirteenth annual squacadeeFieM. any ym,ng peraor who Hke* Raeeide and Arthur Romano. 46. lin from that city to the city of ried deep into the Libyan Deeert in at the piano. don was among ths $14.1 mil­ Td. Ml 9-1712 o f a man later being fined. In a local WALTER E. TEDFORD to, and lea : talent for, ainglng, of 4 Tnnetta iS'reet Circle. Baet Potsdam. Thsre art stortss of to mark the end of the summer Released to all British news­ lion worth of item* added to court,,tha amount o f for lU-, the final aeanch for the remalna o f P. STOLTZ, Inc. dancing rscitlr|g, playing inetru- Norwalk, Conn. • r the M lliU ry Construction Appro- L UM lavish plan* to crsats a new capi­ fending his property and rights, hut OOUMTV EOITOB ■wlm claieea which are iponaored paper*, the annivtrsary photo­ Because police eald they found a bomber crew who disappeared r-' It, or what have you, may have prlatlpn* bill by th* Sefiate Ap- Ml 3-1747 ^ MMt h s Em It brings up the constamt problem GAS HiATING CQNTtACTORS by Columbia Recreation Council graph showed her in a pensive a black,ark in Romano'* oar. he tal for Cast Germany there. All a "a p o f djring the day to pre­ propriatlona Committee yesterday. which 1* growing from day to day, crashed In A p M 1$68, and the Columbia Chapter Am er­ mood and a low eiif gown, with was also ohatged with violation of this, of course, would make sense If «vcr fi ifroup of ffila nofidfid * halj^t hind, thfi 494 FARR STRin-4', on their part, to give a cooperauve kindergarten a goteg things a aehool of this aort haedt. who UBually goes iinnoSiced, to If the Senate accepU th* more i^®5rrsi,2$s,s;53» his property and now Is being made the waatelends before they could quirement* to adya'nce them from "W est Side gtory." Oapuafw aw n jjTiSa rf*rr»« concern in the town. The first at­ Thasa thinga muat coma from thb have a chance. extensive ll*t of the conatniction substance to the oompsemise offer a "goat’’ in the case. He has al­ reach help. one stage to another in their Margaret spent her birthday at tempt, about five ySars ago, was a community. Andevar’t young fa ­ There is no fee In oonnectlon expenditures, th# bill will return | . mil wrrtM oitaM e( N. B. A. •«▼ reported from Washington. ready been' fined an amount of Search groups from America'i ewlmming career. Otliers, who Balmoral Castle, In arotland. j5t IbC. __ failtire. However, from the ground­ thers m sy not knew it yet, but with it, nor ia there any prize. to the House. O.T.C. k iKibUttim lUprsMMttPM: I V These two reports add up to the money, what will hi* legal costa be Wheelus Air lUsa In U|)ya have perhaps because of age. must stay where th* Queen and her family Youth Kills Self work already done in the pfeaent th ^ 'll bsooms involved, tooi It Is all in fun. There will be a In a statement sent te new* Julhu lUtlMmi S A M Af«BO]P — N *« in appealing the caaeT been tracing thalr path ifor aome . ix their same group (junior anirl are vacationing. Tork^ajosBO.eifeat wild possibility that Khrushchev, The court of justice has mad# It* organiMtIon, it looks as though It sehoola of this sort have the weeke: Today, U A A ir Forte head­ stage on which to perform a rec­ agencies. Sen. Thornes .1. Dodd SURGICAL senior life eaving I* governed by ord player and an organ provided Her birthday picture dress was With Rat Poison who was''sccused of trying to seUe aeclsion, but under the cirdum- will succeed. hacking of educators everywhere. quarters announced that a trans­ (D-Conn) a member of the’ com-' age as well as skill) or perhaps be­ for the use of anyone who needs whits taffeta with tangerine and 1 atances exactly w hat. could Mr. Just what la a cooperative kind­ ChildrSn o f S and even younger port plan* had carried two dis­ mittee, «ald moat of the $3,146,000! all Berlin when he opened the Ber cause they are not yet ready fpr green- flower*. Around her graceful Milford, Aug. 21 UPl- A Bridge­ SUPPORTS Krause have done, gone to call the ergarten and how does It djBer need aomc,sort o f outside experi­ mantled H2fi helicopters SM miles them. would be used to buy land and I Un, crisis, should snd th'e crisis in advancement, but who have at­ A pass will be iseued to any neck she wore a diamond necklace, port .'youth, heertelck because of "ssanrajss?*. police While the offender ran off? from a publicly supported one? A ence before they enter first grade. into the dssert for the final two constnict barrack* for Polaris and ■; stead by giving up all Berlin. tended regularly and worked hard, entrant, who is asked to regiater, and single pearls hung from her a broken engagement, swallowed Fined to your & i Itonths *••»••••••••»•••••••••• He did exactly what you or T or cooperative kindergarten i*. first It has besn found that most of weeks of search.. nuclear submarine crew* in train-i will he given certificate* by the either by letter to Roeebrooka or ears. A t her hoaom waa a huge dis- rat poison on Wednesday. He died Doctor's EXACT Shr*s MoBtLs •••••••••••••••••*** However, there are theories any other man in the town of Man­ of all, a non-profit, non-sectarian thtm with klndsrgarten experience ’The crew of the transport, a Ing. Some, he said, would go for^ Oba MOStk ••••••••••••»•••••***** Council. at the gate, where they can ask mond-atudde«t brooch. at a hoapiUl her# yesterday. which hold thst this is possible chester would have done. Mr. kindergarten, privately operated adapt ihora readily to formal CISO from the U.S. base at iBvreux, construction of a medical aesearch specifications The program ha* grown consid­ for him. When they arrive at the Her left hand was hidden, but fttnglA Ospy ...... Krause Isn't being fiped but every to provide aociat and educational sehooUng than thoae without it. France, called the hard-packed ' Police *ald th* rictim ws# Rob­ laboratorjrYl I Furtherinore, it has to be pointed erably since 11147, the first year, fair a time will he assigned for it’s unlikely she was hiding an ert Conitello. 19, of .1.11 Harral able bodied man in town ha* had experiences for children of pre- 1110 town of Andover can feel it­ deeert floor "the beat and longest Other Connecticut military con-; BACK SUPPORTS Tht Hermw iw m if out that something else Is also pos' when about 00 completed the their acta. engagement ring. TTiere haven’t '••(uraM BO riBBaoUl rBBPoeatbnltT tor this fine levied upon him. achool age. self fortunate that this group of runway in th# world." Ave., Bridgeport. struction projects that were part i ABDOMINAL SUPPORTS 'typognpnloBl orrofB bpoobUbr Ib- slble. For whoever give* up Berlin work. The public i* Invited to this Rosebrooks has also announced f ...... even been any rumors of romance Incidentally, Judge Karp. What In simpler terms, 't Is an or­ farsighted mother* are end have Pilots doing map work in the Milford patrolmen 'acting on a of tha bill when it wa* passed b y ; asd o t ^ rvadlM imtior event when children will all dem­ that thi re ia to be a Teen-age rec­ '-y for the princes* Istely, MATERNI'YY SUPPORTS ia Tti* lUncboBtor TSroBln* iroraW one way or another, give* up more would you have done iinder the ganisation OL mothers who want been working hard to make it euo- area w ill run the Arm y helicopters tip from Bridgeport authorlUea. th# House snd have now been: onstrate their akilla by claaae* and ord ho. eaoh evening. Thoae »t- KNEE SUPPORTS than Berlin. He also gives up Ger­ same conditions? their children tb' get eome ex­ oeed. for the Arm y mortuary team. apprehended Conatello WedneajlBy given the endorsement of the • Ditpmj B fl»trtl««»__ noun: aa a finale the older girls in tendingNmay Urfng their favorite ELASTIC HOSIERY Furthermore, this incident hap­ periences outeide the home before night a* he drove through town •For HoQdBy-1 p-m. FrtMa. many of which, in everything ex rythmic swimming wiU present a -record witl, tkei’ i, to dance to, if Senate Appropriation* CommittO’ •For ruOBdBy—1 P.BI MnnoBR^ pened concerning an out of town they are entered in the, formal GUNMAN OBTS $866 Elms Face New Threat Three Men Held toward' a family cottage. are:: RIB FRA^rrURE SUPPORTS cept the legal sense, Berlin, is still water ballet. they Irish. He waa taken to Milford Hos­ •Far WodnowJBT-l P « resident. Talking to Mr. Krause a school syster.'., Springfield, Mans., Aug. 21 (F)— I New London - $360,000 for na- TRACTION APPLIANCES *mr Ihuritojr—1 first city ani!^f capital. This would lot of out of townera are using pub­ Mrs.' Ralph Wolmef, swim pro- Women Work for Church pital, where doctor* pumped hie ;ror FttdBT—1 p.i ___i«y These mothers, cooperate with A lone gunman, waving a pistol at Washington —A new threat to Mrs. Adolf Hinrlchs, chairman For StampR Theft Uonnt guard facilities. CERVICAL COLLARS .For SteturMT— p at FrUay. . be a strong and justified fear, on lic facilities. Are we as taxMyera •gfam chairman, for the Councii ,«tomach but the poison had en­ each other in Inauring the sue- tha counterman of the state Diner the elm tree and the American of the Women's Project Commit­ Bridgeport-Falrfield a r e a — CERVICAL BRACES the part of the West, If it ever providing a hangout for all the un- at 1217 State St., at 3 a.m., to­ elm In particular Is posed by a '■ and water safety chalfman for Co­ tered Conatello'* system. •4ay of ceM n< the program. BkuA pays a tee in the Columbia Congregation­ New York. Aug. 21 OF - - Two $64,000 tor Army Reserve facili­ SPINAL'BRACES ■y *. IB. dealrablea frojn surrounding day, wee handed a container with virus disease known as elm scorch. lumbia'Chapter ARC, ha* been Before he died. Con*tello told found Itself forced to part with towns? Town director* take note. fee tow ar the achool In tuition, vSAVINCivS working with the rythmic swim­ al Church Building Fund cam­ Ootinecticut rc.en and a resident of ties. dependent on the number o f chil­ about 8250 — s^d fled. . The disease moves slower than police hi* fiancee hed broken oft; TRUSSES Friday. August 21 Berlin. ‘ It would be an even A Confused Taxpayer ming group with the aselatance of paign. has named Mias Jean The Bronx have been arraigned New Haven-^ $.12,1,000 for Navy dren vho Are enrolled. The more While he apparently escaped on Dutch elm dlMase, but it definite­ their engagement. HERNIA SUPPORTS stronger reality with regard to LOAN Misa 'Sheila Jo Burns. She said to­ Nstsch and Mrs. George Green­ on a charge 6f criminally receiving Reserve facilities. foot, police were not sure whether ly ruins a tree, IH e leaves turn \ s S O « I \ I I t t \ New Boost For Tough Bill children dtp to a limit) the leea day that #-yoar-old Jo-An Ga- way aa cft-vice-chairme'n. Others 330,000 wo.'th of stamps stolen East Germany, which la the more the coat fp.'. eawh chUd. In addi­ he might later have used an auto- brown a* though scorched by fire doury will be featured in the bal­ on "the committee include Mrs. Ed­ from B private collection. , I ja r g P K t George Cabot of Masiachiisetts artificial half of partitioned Ger­ tion, each mother has a duty to mebiie. After a eerie* of State Po­ and then drop off. ’There is. said to mcd^ • Thera are two thing* wrong with A Thought for Today let. Jo-An ia far advanced beyond ward Peterson. Mrs. Howard *1118 stamps were taken Monday waa confirmed a* the first Secre­ P H A R m A c y be "mother ot the day" at claases. lite Slarms, the robber was re­ be no cure for the dtaeaae, which rmai^etal lasTiTjiT'iek •ttie lettar James B. Carey, presi- many. To plunk the functioning Spoaeored by the Manrheeter aaseassTSB's aaei her age in swimming. A natursl, Shumway. Mrs. Gus Naumec, Mrs. from the home of Jame* Melaugh. The U.S. Indian school at tary of the Navy in 1798, but he The mother helps the teacher or­ ported seen In suburban Long- takes four to sig years to kill a '•dent of the International Union of capital of the West German gov­ Ommell et Ohorches. Ralph Slate. Mrs. Edna RImington, lln of 374 Barlow Rd., Fatrfleld Phoenix, Ariz., largest of lu kind refused the office. So Benjamin j ganize games, experiences, and meadow but was not caught. tree. /007 tA€pUM Xnmmt, XfUiiet according to Mr*. Wolmer. she has ernment in Berlin, within the East a beautiful stroke. She is ready- to -Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. Kenneth Conn. in the southwest, has a i^udent Stodderf o f Maryland wa* named ; 344 MAIN STRERT----- lEleotrical Radio and Machine even enseks focth e children. There Erickson. Mrs. Carl Hempcl, Mrs. go into Junior life .saving, but be- Police arreeted th# three men enrollment from 20 tribes.-- j In his place. >'orkera,'lent to the members of German area, would be to set up a *The Sin of Fylde’ is also .Jie problem o f keeping the Betty Powers, Mrs. Henry Beck, cauM of her age is not eligible for 'Congress who^had. in his view, o f magnet whose power would be con­ Pride foes before destruction, claserooms clean. The mothers al­ Mrs. William Robinsoq and Mrs. and a haughty sprri't before a fall." three more years. fended the caiise of labor by voting tinual until East Gernfapy iteelf so volunteer or are aoaigned Walter Card. Proverbs 16:18. cleaning days 935 MAIN ST. - MI 3-6171 - OPEN 9 to 6:30 - THURSDAYS AND FRIDAYS TO 9 - CLOSED MONDAYS Miss Joceiyn Brho has instruct­ The group held its first meeting Flaps on Skull Save Tot for the Lsuidnim-Orlffln labor bill was drawn into its sovereignty. When Bop Feller wa^ signed to ed the regular swim classes and So, I atead of sending Junior off yesterday at the home of the Little 2-year-old Joseph Ernest Jr., his head encased in a band­ W e do not, as yet, believe the re­ play big Hague baseball, he was thoae for pre-achool children. Mias The first Is that the letter was an to A pubHc kindergarten and eon- chairman, on Lake Rd. age which hldia surgery on hi* skull, la held by Nurse Sherry only 17. TTie trainer of the Cleve- Carole Luaky haa been her as Sbysmal mistake in the realm of ports of the Khniihchev offer or Iributing nothing to his first Attending Son'* Wedding Miller, of Ridgewood, N. J., in Philadelphia’s Children’s Hospital lund team was' present when Bob lactics—a mistake, that is. if one the Communist plans in East Ger­ away-from-home social life, the sistant. A collection ia taken up on Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Wheeler ye.«itet*1ay after, hospital offleiala said he waa well on the road tried on hia new uniform end asked, mothers are in ^cately Involved this day, proceeds • - from which Sr., of Erdoni Rd. left Wednesday Issumes that Carey was attempt- many. We have, however, always ‘OVell, scm. how does It fit? " Putr "to recovery from lead poisoning. The boy,, from Cheater, Pa., in it. ’This syitem he# worked well help to finance a young person at for Goshen, Ind. to attend the had bone flaps from each side of his skull removed to relieve Jig to serve what he considered suggested that It was posaible that ting on his new cap and sliding it Ir other towns around Andover, the Red Cross Aquatic School wedding of their son Robert C. pressure on the brain exused by lead that had deposited there., ®s “Suburban” Khrushchev provoked the Berlin around on his head, he said, “Tha '~~f^skS 80 Jhe cause of labor. One assumes notably in Coventry. Instead i t which Is a requirement to become Wheeier of Sarasota, Fla. and after circulating through the blood stream. He suffered lead ^ a t Carey is Interested in soften- criais with the real purpose of un­ cap seems a little big." to which the paying for j-ntor's first schooling an inatructnr. In case of rain the Miss Helen H. Hay of Ooahen, on tr^ner answered, "See that It stays poisoning— the sixth case in thi* hospital in recent weeks— from 5ig the final version of a labor bill loading something, rather than ac­ through taxes, the mothers and WATKINS event will be held on Sunday. Satiirda.v. They were accompanied chewing on wood that had been painted with paint containing that way.”' G et value, F,arly Morning Accident ■ lhat is passed. The clear effect of quiring something, and that hi* fathera pay a tuition. by their son Russell H. _Wheeler lead, hospital spokesmen said. (A P Photnfax). Pretty "good advice, for many a Mrs. Pauline C. Verrill, .16, Hop .Ir., of Columbia Lake who will be We Announce With Pride £is letter will be to Increase the motivation for doing ao would aim- person haa gotteif- a "awell head" ’The new Andover ‘ Pre-School Parents Aaan. needs much more River Village Road, was arrested, hia brother’s best man. Jhances that Congress will adopt a ply be his common sense realisa­ from Buccesi. We tend to be proud SEMI-ANNUAL changed with failure tn grant half Kindergarten to Meet Memorial Hospital, where she un­ Daighneault. The couple has an­ of looks, race, position and clothes, than just the cooperation of the derwent surgery. Mrs. Scheller, other young daughter. ftronger version. tion lhat there can be no stability women Involved in It. It peed* the of the highway to on-coming traf­ Mrs. Laurene Holbrooks, presi­ but God's truth reveals us as we assortments galore fic. aa the result of a two car ac­ dent of Columbia Cooperative Kin­ mother of O. S. Scheller, has been Sam Kaasman of Cherry 'Valley TheOpeningOf ANew - This is so because Carey's lettar, of any kind in Europe with Rusela really are— sinners, in need of for- support of the entire ednqmunity. FURNITURE cident on Pine St., just shout 60 dergarten, has announced a meet­ at the family's summer home while Rd. left Thursday night for Mt. holding part of Germany. givan4u. and we learn humility It W in rent claaaroora space In the i-lth its blunt ^ re a t of reprisal at feet north of the Lebanon town ing to be held tonight in the class­ they were touring Europe. Tt is ex­ Vernon, N. Y. to spend a week and trust. new Tuttle wing of the Andover ihs polls for members of Congress But for the mernent, the only line, about 6:4.1 Thursday morn- room. She urges all members to pected that he will return home with Mr. and Mr*. Sam Topple, for­ Lord, help us to live in humble Congregational Citurch. But the merly of Columbia.- When he re­ who vote wrong on this Issue, valid point is this. If thtsa reporta ning. . .. attend since there is important inimediatel.v. , obedience to Thy precepta. organization—as of now, at least Also hospitalized is Mrs. Louis turns home he will bring his wife ULTRA MODERN FAMILY SHOE STORE plus Watkins service Mr*, .losephine I.,atlna. .18 of business to he taken care of. She Aaves the ordinary member of happen to be true, .their meaning Rev. C. Henry Anderson * — hasn’t a atlck of furniture or Krause, mother o f Mrs. William and daughter Robin,-who ijeve been I. Pine St., a passenger in the second also asks that each one bring any Congress little cholis. I f he la now ia that Khrushchev Indeed ia ready Bhnanuel Lutheran Church any toys or any of the many Robinson In Sleepy Hollow, with apending the past six weeks there. car, which waa driven by Mrs. L il­ articies *he may have for the Jffered| a chknce to vote for a and willing to aell out East Ger­ SALE whom she makes her home. The two women are sisters. » IN THE ___ lian M. Cady, .17 of Chestnut Hill, white elephant table the group will A daughter, Rochelle, was horn jBugh bill, he has to do so in order many, and.that such a willingness was treated at Windham Commu­ have at the Columbia Fair, to Mr. and Mrs. Yvon Desautels of Manchester Evening Herald Co­ fio pfov* hAS not In- on his part would constitute, of : AMAZING NEW T ^ S S S / f- - nity Memorial Hospital for njinor rathnlic Ladies Eat Out Pine St., Monda,y, at Windham lumbia cnrre*pondent Mr*. Don­ Mmidated him. course, a major breakthrough In Injuries and discharged. Members of the Catholic Ladles Community Memorial Hospital. ald R. Tuttle, telephone ACadem.y State Police said that Mrs. Ver­ Society, about 30 in number, drove MANCHESTER SHOPPING% PARKADE Z Issuing such a threat to elected the long East-West deadlock. Mrs. Desautels ia the former Alice 8-3481. rill waa rounding a ctirve. on the to Old Lyme Thursday evening to Sfficials is bad enough. But it is Now let’s put these reports up HATLED BY DOCTORS left aide of the highway and struck have dinner together at Ferry Sodblyjfijnvriseibly^n when the threat Iti- on the shelf, and aee If we ever hear the Cady in a sideswipe. Mrs. Tavern.. This is a yearly social FOR RELIEF OF 2 6 9 . With a Staff p f Highly Qualifitfd Shoe Experts Jolveif is not backed Up the of them again. Latlila Was taken to the hospital custom. Opacity to make good"on'it. in a private cdr. State policeman Dance Season End* . > HAY FEVER, ASTHMA. Stephen Fabian of the Colchester Columbia Recreation Council 2 It has been repeatedly proved, Deserved Fame And Fortune harracks investigated. I sponsored teen-age dances draw to • t the polling places, that the Blood Donor* Sought a close for the season tomorrow Edgar A. Guest began as a FRIDAY & SATURDAY Sadership-of organised labor does Mrs. .lohn Pringle,- captain of night. The finals for the dance con­ newspaper copy boy. and rose to SINUS, ALLERGIES Sot speak for the actual votes of the. day for the Red Cross Blood- test will be run off between the hour* of 8 and . 11:30 p.m. in Yeo­ A Tremendous Stock of Sizes and Widths Rhor when it attempts to decree the point where hc'made $130,000 nioblle Unit visit; here next a year. The key turn toward such Wednesday, urges people to think mans Hall, 6 gn artificial political result one A remarkable new "Puri- Mostly recorded music is used, unusual aucceaa cam* early, when, seriously of the. need for blood way or another. tron” hat been developed donations,' and sign up today. but from 9 to 10 p.m. the Velva promoted to the post of exchange 1* The typical labor voter has a by electronic acientiits. It The burden of the responsibility Royals will play. TO FIT CHILDREN PROPERLY editor, with the duty of clipping In- Chaperones this week aj-e the Batural consideration for the in­ it being acclaimed by doc­ ■ at this visit will fall on the women BOYS’ WASHABLE tereating items from other ntwa- tors after they buy it and Mrs. Pringle said. The hours have Rev. and Mrs. George K. Evans; terests of labor. He defines these Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Erickson papers, he pretended to have clip­ tee it work in their own I- been set for 9:40 a.m. until 2:30 hiterests. however, in a much and Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Olsen. TH^ ped some of his own poem*. They hornet, for their own fami- You choose your own cover from our collection* p.m. when most of the men are at Groader way than his organized ItM — and for their patienu C u sto m work. Personal* Shoes tor Shoes for caught on, and became a com­ of fine fabrics. All pieces are made with hard­ Mr*. Gertrude Scheller of West POLISHED fiadership usually does. He takes in their'ofSecs and operat­ She pointed out that the blood modity other newspapers paid to Hartford and Ckilumbla Lake is a brerything intp .account, including ing rooms. covered wood frames, doweled, rIu^ , screwed and cor­ Is not given to the. Red Cross but print. - patient at Wmdham Community. the general welfare; ^the calibre Of PURITRON dears any ner-braced forJlasting stability. Deep coil spring that it acta as *n agent, handling GIRLS Many of us, at one time or an­ room of irritating dust, the collections. In this state, att BOYS ^Jie Individual Involved, and his blood is free to those who need it, COTTON SLACKS - SHOE other. have heard or have voiced bases are hand tied 8 ways with,;fine8t twine. {wjn voting conscience. He cannot, HnUnll odort,' pollen and smoke. It’s belter than a kitchen the only fee charged Is that which ht' delivered, as Carey has now ill-bred intellectual scorn of tha 6se* -• tet.ti 1 3 9 . the hospital's get for administer­ J«a phif III H'l I exhaust fan. fiireatened to deliver him. Guest product. It waa not ^ t r y ing the blood to the patient. Any­ Opening Soon 2 6 9 a one from 21 to 19 is acceptable. ^ There are also, it .wmild appear, hilt verse. I t I was not versA but M S* ,«inMT OOCTOU ANO M ust MY AMtfT'PtMntONI Ottoman Those IS to 21 may donate with ftune members o f Congrese who doggerel. Whatever it was, it was VFkti Uma in 19 rtnr^ ■nf'noi liu itopl cornu ' ; wltA Rb mouth «loMd. •. no^ Rtbting tn permission of parents or guardians Usb vote like that, andtwho can* Root oRmito MtlMi** (Pttib- hrMihf. No nort thn^.oo nrhefcoR Up«. To 3 9 . 9 5 unless they are married.or in the The spot It' filled in Americaii oylfoAlolta^r) . . , **Por thoiwntwtor on4 my thoakt.** HARM AC S I got be delivered.' Surely one o f the tbo Rrat timo I moho G *Trio4 to for only ont doy.otio founR H service, in which event they do not life, beweveg, was a spot which stUl chief Ironies in the. present .situa>^ wItM«totot»ttoahb**( Now vavt morVthMio rcHoRs Tkoiilbl** • *T tot need permission. Jffmy l|D> •». ♦XSontiollei oolhmA wlUi hoy ftoor o«A^thtt*B why 1 , - YniiGi Attraction* N C W ' Mon on the labor hill concerns what delighted in com. His read ^ '^5*. otublMni fiofm of vmylro- homrht Puritroo. Bdlovo mo H b woniH* those who were not ashamed o f a ' tofyABmvy lo iny RMfhtor, .ful. Mokoo mo brootho oooltr,..,.*oo4 tloop. Coliir.-,bia Volunteer Firemen, • RuoGio mpomi ttie original character of this pres- Aft I** (ioothom phyoMoo) (All lootiinymlolo obooo #«io VMoUolto4«) wanting to give every young per- little teary sentiment, or little 2nt Congress w is supposed to be. aon wkh a talemt an opportunity VARSITY A fter the historic Democratic land- phig for the hrighter, happtep Out­ to display It plan a “junior gonhie" • m CAMPUS smmi Slde of last fall, there was no look on life. And there ware more feature at their fair. During the Country Fair, Ai:g. SHOP gearth of claims of \ictory, of of suclj Americans than there were of the dreary sophisticates who •’ 29 and 30 on Newton B. Smith • sins 6-18 ^ v ln g been the ones' who 'did it, CINTRR ST. Ml 9^0994 from ths' leaders of organised practiced and patronized poetry as labor. This, they aaid. was their if they were determined to make Ccmgress. the great libersd Om- it the leading non-communlcatlve Yes, this low price buys sturdy-made, art. You never had to guess what feess. ♦ Blillinnt Coliseum und Mu sir Ilieiitte Shows You couldn’t ask for fidSer sofas and good-looking slacks—just when the « Now, rather than threatening Edgar A. Guest meant; you equld * LASTERN STATES f chairs! One-piec^ reinforced super­ A dC. UNIVERSAL ^ go out and defeat the Same peo- find it In your own heart, if you rufYnh-tuff guy needs /em for school and were honest. Above all, Bdghr 'A, sagless webbed based used on all CUSTOM PRE^ENGINEERED e « they boasted of electing less ‘ sports! Finely tailored with two flop bock ttan a year ago, labor’ leaders Guest waa the' yeralBer was pieces. And fuR’.spring edges,, too!. ^ g h t do well to question what it In everybody/ There is St l*a|t one EXPOSITION pockets^zipper front, hook-n-eye closure! 6-18 ft has turned such a liberal Coh- attempted j ^ m Ifi everybody^a Hf* > SIPT. 19 2/ . WEST .SPRINOEIHD, MASS experience. It la -^ e one phaJlengo i;, ^ |ges8 into a Congress which is on Dreps any of tfiii <'tuftiM verge of enacting a labor bill everybody .triea. sooner or later, C O U S lj^ M . li* All Saaft Rtitrvod 1 3 9 . Wronger than I ^ n would like to Some p^ple never give tip^ and Sofia and chain shWn.ln never a ^ t a . published slthjsr. OOi^uioRS* NIOkT^fittturrfiiy, SapewMbw I f rlnta, or textures, BOYS’ WASH ’N WEAR ^ v a it. ^ * OIHl«rl«s farad* at teotWat.'.yavlh fagoant, land of lha Soyot 6uest, obviously 6 very' oriUnary " The chief factor in thii supposed Coiiadlaa Air fqr<». »,w. >$l,eO. $1.00 Eox. p)iiAt8 ,... ap4,you fellow qt very ordinary taJsnte. not C SPORT SHIRTS . Ganaformatlon, of course, would '■ ' W O M o CAMWPlbUSHlj* OOMlb Early Anniericah Veceis of fie the brazen arrogance 'of Jimmy only' produced a poem every day faa)w)*t TY't $O I|0 and lha 1^*4 hi* toyotiteMdlaN Air fore*. luxurious com fort ! > floffa, who sets him wlf up as ..a o f hla life, but got It jiubllid'ieil tptf/ , Sd|rt*«b«r J0.-|e,.t<0a a.m; Matfn*«, SvadoV, $*el*«M 36, 3i00 *.«. • Short sleeve ' eiH l ROYAt ^AO M N MPUNnO MHICI------]|w to himself. To this factor has .which was perhaps u e real tfj';' ^ 3 9 umph. ■' -.. IXIXHIM H Il 710N fiSi!!' ■Sifi • Long sleeve b w been added the claim of Mr. , $eyfc*il»^33!-3t. fiOO g,s»i.W$3.5ft $3.00, $1>5 Qarey, who merely wants the mem* That simple fact, that ke got lAtnRN fTAHS HORM «k>W ft«rr|ii« A ir ^ k m of Congress to hand .thiir published, uith stuff that even the lowliest private versifier could pre­ Arthur Gedtray and tha Rayal Canadian Mauntad falic* aasaor Aght of declrioh to him. If the at all oltamoen laiiieni and $tah# Nighl. S*#l*aibar IS-IS, 9i00 CUPOUWITH -f Arongeat possible labor bill passes, tend to disdain, but somehow never a.m. $1J$, $1.00. Saalambor 75-27, 1,00 f.m. t7J0. tt.OQ. ‘F EVERY PURCHASE You can saVe plenty with the price so d» will be a toss-up who has d^ne quite equal, spread an incentive $1.73. Stalia Night, taplaaihar 37, 7=30 $IJ0, $1.00. LL OWINR A08UST low! 100* woven and printed cottons . . . everyone a wash ’n wear! More « o * t to bring that about. President cheer amopg hia contemporaries, • All Saoit RaMrved colors and patterns than you've TW O LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU Hoffs, or Carey.' and helped produce million* of A private jinglea almost as good as ’ “ iA u iTliPA flO l' XIMMIZ-VAROAS seen . , , woven plaids, stripes, check* his. Tn shoi^t, he spread nothing Oynaaic Spaniih danc* qrev#. lagtambar 19.31, IdM *.«. tvndota and more! Sizes 6-18. t Remarkable If Trlie Saatambar 30, 3i00 p.m. Both With Adequate Free Parking buti happineaa and elemantarsentl- «F rom separate sources in Waah- . 8HRINII INTtRTAINS VISIT Diseiay ment, and he fully deserved to be An avaniag at unlargattobi* huaiar and nuilc Saptambar 33<34, Mgton, and in Berlin, pome reports better paid than ail tha routine -itiOO p.M. Wadnatdoy, Saptambar 33, 3i00 p.m. EXIT 49 C0Ri. rpk$ Qat tie together. ONN SVND6TS mlaanthropea in th* newspaper JAZZ PUTIVAL ~From Waahlngton the report is profession. ^Harriot Woody HoraMa'a Scad and Chrit lorbor't Ingllih lou lopd. SN O W coufcr NO MONEY DOW N! t Khrushchev gave Dr. Milton •tfleabar 3f-37, tiOO p.m. Saturday, Saptambar 36 and Sunday, IW PAYAUN r $apt*mbar 37, 300 p.m. ^ mhower, the President’s broth- HO 7-639E Ie%’ JANUARY I960 Wi £ ^Antarctica Warms Up oe, a compromise suggestion about All Music Theatre Perfereiancdt $2.S0, $8.00, $1.71 4srlin. Under this proposal, Russia Washington -One of the findings UNIVERSAL GARAGES, INC. G>uld agree to have all Berlin, not of scientists during th* Interna­ SEATS ON ROUTE 5 AT THE. 4 trely West Berlin, become part of tional Geophyoical Year was that 1 2 9 Box l/0S-6b sniis SI . NIW HAVIH, CONN SOUTH WINDMIR EAST HARTFORD TOWN LINE Ijfeet Germany, vrith West Ger- Antaretiea appagantly has warmed manil.aC*.lr*6-maS, „ at 52? ,*M •" Hm* lit 17 SOUTH MAIN SIXCET^ MANCHESTER PARKADE tjp Si^egrees In the last 50 yeara. NOW ’ rer «ck*tri25 rrSi ’"’’■‘w •Irhah, *rlw I Without nhligetlon pleosq. send FREE catalogue also poaseaaing a <^irldor WIST HAinaOltD CENTia MANCHESTER. CONN. ’The area contains fore than 90 per •ampa*.1__-■*.**** a*ni*p. w6»r, tawlhar , All of these sofas and chairs «re‘ ON THE BERLIN TURNPIKE o t land Into I t In return for having cent of the world's IM. which $269 Sofa, ng, $319-^79 ^ fa < N A ld E ______1 _ C | T Y BERUN OPEN MONDATB AND DAILY TO $i00 PJI. ’’ OPEN MONDAY. TUES. AND SAT. TO $ P.M. ON , nap,. made with molded, crowned foam- ♦ e a t Germany given full and rec- would. If melted, raise sea levels .reg. $329—$298 So'fA (and 2 other OPEN PRIDAYB TO $ P JL WED,. THURS. AND FRIDAY TO.» PJi. 666n NOW W Nnaom l?'®****’®’ [ ADDRESiS - ______- » - jj Gnisad title to the whole city, 200 feet. Some lee in the area goes Mata Alt ew iN Ai latex cushions; rubberized hairjup­ PLENTY OF FREE PAIlfdNO down X4,000 fe a t Seixmle maaaure- SALE holstery; some idth foam-latex styled) reg. ,$349—$129 Chair, reg, would fct hut of mcatji^dlcatad. 298. padded aims. { ' $149—$l$9^air, reg. $169. lif ' ______1 . r A O B B O B T MANCIOS8TER KVBHINO HERALD. IIANCRE8TBR. CONN Margaret Gabfeey, 5 Peiping Warns Caesar Salad Has Gone American On Sending UN OBOILT RROWNirrONB Controversy Rages Drowns at Coventry Ap Newafaatares Psed Editor Group to Laos From a town in northern Mexieo comet a salad that has prolmbly Over Pension Plan The last year of county govern-^ l umbia aald this would be up to the eauaed mora talk than any o*thar ment will be tax-free to the IS General Assembly. Williami, who The annuel Wapping Fair, Margutt 0«bb*y, w (Ontiniwd ffom Pago One) In the United State#’ hletory of which laat year attracted more — —..... found a •hort tlino i§ttr. towns of. Tolland County if the county chairman, aervad a* of Mr. «b4 Mro. WlUitm Tba South Oowantry lir a Dapart* taled eating. Hie eemtrsvan^ aver the award­ moderator of toe public hearing. V u 4 3,000, will he held Sept. 13 in CM bty of 3W Vomon St., drownod mam ambulanea and Stata .r Saliui, named for the ing ef the town paaMon plan to Senator and tefislatore, agree with ' No opposition was voicad to in- Wapping Cantor. tarday that Red sabotage and prop reitaurant that flret aervad it some IMMdIe-bug conUats and light- today in Covantry Lakt atiortly wara diapatcbad to tba aoana but Travelera InmraiMe Oo. raged en ■ plan propoeed by the County ereaaing the appropriation for tha attampta to ravlva tba chfld wara aganda ttams are epreading 60 to 70 years ago, is atill going Obituary Commisaioner at a publle budget County Agricultural Extension w el^ L aniddle-weight and heavy­ Soforo noon. uaauccaaaful and tba waa pro- through the aoulhem pert of the strong. California rastauranti have today. Council of $2,500 to i dents in St. Louia Aug. Sl-SepL 5. weight. elaasee, popular ovenU in ' She la a graduate of Bllaworth Tlia lltUa firl'a body waa dia- nounead daad by Dr. Hobart P. Jungle country. Indicating poeiiible claimed It. but our reeeareh con­ SUtemenU ware made by Sec­ hearing last night , of $12,500. peat yeara, will continue aa fea­ tQvarad f lo a t ^ noar tba abora in BoWan, Covantry medical axamln- vince us tftet It really did orlgln- B«v. Okartss CtoMiwrg In fact tha towns may get a re­ Neither did anyone oppose the High School, class of 1957, and ia praparationa for an all-out nffan- ond 8electm *i Franklin O. Walisp, tures e t the fair. In toe competi­ a home economics education major about a foot or I I Inehoa of watar or. ' sfva. ’Tht government eald the ste In Tijuana at Caesar’s Res­ Ths Rsr. CharlsB Qoldbsrg, rs- bate before O^t. 1, I960 when the $1,884 appropriation for a pension tion loads of concrete weights Tba Oabbay'a hava thraa otbar Winfred A. Kloter, i ^ i for Me$- at 8L Joseph ,CoIlere. partisans now are operating In six taurant. tired Cflturch of the Nasarene min- state takes over county functions. for William Maslnda, county seal­ must be drawn for three feet con­ (Im rch News by bar grandmothar. Mra. Oabbay childran, Suaan, IS; John 10; and aachusetta Mutual Life Inanranra er of weights and measures. It was ovineet and through hit and run The salad didn't catch on with iater, died suddenly thla morning The commlseloners propose that tinuously by home rig tractors in Our Savior Lutheran Church and bar aunt, Mra. Bari Harrick of William. IS monthi. home cooks all over the oonntry brought out that If tha county paid Setiea are holding a fifth of Sam at Manchester Memorial Hospital. O ., end Thomaa F . WoMf, who la a $79,856 reserve fund earmarked the competition. Further details morning worahip will be held a t Bolton. Tba apot waa Juat a abort Laat rltaa wara admlnlatarad by Neua. until about dozen years ago when' Ha aervad aa mlnistar of the of of thrda agenta who racatya for a new Jail be. used to pay the the pension this year, it; would be will be found in the program and dlatanea away from tba fam ily a tba Rav. Lawranco Lnclair, of St. taken over by the state with the' Wappiiig BStementary School on The Communlite , have asked New York's Waldorf-Astoria hotel local Church of the Naaarene from a eommleaien. county expensea, rather than to premium hooka which art/ now W- Bummar eottaga in tba Ballevua Maty'a CSturch. iCoaontry. Funeral served It with much fanfare to a abolition of county government Ayera at 9 a.m., tha same Britain and the Soviet Union to re­ 1913-30. Kloter reiterated hla atotaihanta, tax the towns a toUI of $58,000 aa available in stores in the Wapping time aa Sunday School. The ser­ aaetion. a prlvata davalopment Sha arrangamanta will be handled by vive the ermlctice commleelon cre­ group of food editors who aaw its He waa bom May 18, 1837, and Oct. 1, 1960., Maainda served 39 the Walter N. Uaclarc Funeral which opened the eimtrovcrgy, usual. , Shopping Block. mon theme will be "How You had baan left only a faw minutaa. ated by the 1954 Geneva Agree­ merits snd passed along the good attended Eastern Nasarene CM- The fund will not be uaad !for a yeara but waa not reappointed by Another feature of the affair, Whan bar grandmothar ratumad Home, 31 Main St., Manchaatar, charging that Frederick P, Kop- Can Be A Good Neighbor.” Nur­ ment that ended the war In Indo­ word. lege. He waa ordained for the Jail because the state will take the Democrats for this final year. which is sponkored by Wapping pel, a tYavalera employe and Laat night the sealer’s salary In sery facilltlea for all children not china. Britain and Russia'were co- For a while after that table ministry At tha age of 17. Dur­ ehalrman of tha Fanaloii Board, over county Jails along with other Oranga No. 30, ,wlU be a “Stollen” chairman of the settlement. ronveraatlon buzzed over it, then the proposed budget waa set at of Sunday School age are alwi^e ing his yeara of service he was waa in a poaition to influance the county functlone. coffee' cake contest.’ The recipe available. In Moscow, the Communist party talk died down - - and so did tha If this plan ia followed, the leg- $4,475 by the commlsaionen pastor of Nasarene e'hurchee in Pension Board and Selsetmen. aald an increase of the $4,135 sal­ end rules 'will bn found tn the pro­ The- Lutheran Youth will meet newspaper *Prevda eeld it la en 'salad. Now we think it’s time to Patchogue and Belford, Long Is­ Second Selectman Wellea took laleton must decide whet to do gram. The blue ribbon winner at CIA Aide Says Soviet "open secret" that the United revive it. ary was not shown in tha proposed Sunday evening at 7 p.m. at the land, Sag Harbor, N. T.. Saco, issue With Firat Selactman Edgar with the approximately $31,000 bui^et due to an error. • the Wapping Fair will be eligible Pastor’s home on Buckland Rd. ' States has taken rirtual control Through the years Caesar Salad Maine, and Watenrille, Vt., aa wail H. Wilaon and Third Selactman that will be left over, plus the eaih llie proposed budgets will - be to submit a "Stollen^’ In a state The Lutheran Men’s Softball not only of l.*os’ armed foires haa taken on ingredients because of the Manchester ctiurch. Harbert I. Pagan! in ragard to a balance of about $3,000. The Com voted on at the annual county contest at toe Fall meeting of the team will play its first game In Guided Reds in Cuba but of the country’s entire econ­ American eooka. Including us, can He leaves his wife, Mrs. Lailu at^tement that they laaiied yaater- mlseionere propose that this be re­ Association of Connecticut fairs omy. meeting set laat night for Sept. 15.; ths Evangelical Church League never leave well enough alone. Rut Robinson doldberg; a son, Mar­ day aa coming from tha Beard of turned to the towns in proportion Oct. 31, 1959‘ St tha Hotel Bond, Play-dffs/ at Colt Park, Monday Prtvda claimed ihe Laotian gov­ thank heaven the essentials are to the amounts they are usually Hartford for Judging. (Oontianad from Fago Om ) vin Goldberg of Stony Brook, L. I., Selectmen, without informing at 6:15 p.mi. The games will )>e ernment la pushing the country atill the same — crisp g r e e n « N. Y.; two brothers, Morris and Wellee. taxed. Judging of exhibits will take to "the abyaa of civil war" by a Man Prevailjs held at to« same diamonds used munlat inatigatlon and Initiation •(originally only romaine), grated William Goldbtrg, and a aister, Dispute Aekerman’a Role Rep. E. O. Smith of Mansfield place from 11 a.m] to noon, with during the season, 6, 7, and 9. Police Arrest policy of "terror and savage re­ Parmesan cheese, an egg, garlic painted out that the amounts that the fair opening to the public at prisals against the patriotic Mra. Mary Nannii, ail (if Mai-’ Both Welles and Kloter contend Wapping Community and First of the Congraaa." and croutons. In the following dsn. Mass.; a nephew, Harry Gold­ would be returned to the towns noon. The main parade, starting at forces." that Laurence F. Ackerman, IHsn Over Starlings Congregational Church will unite Otbar Rad opamtlona Cabell version we add two popular ad­ berg of Manoheater, and two ef the School ef Business Admin­ would be small, and that ths p.m. will feature' ^oats, drum Jilted Suitor Vice Adm. Frecjerir.k N. Klvette, corps and bands, farm machinery, for eervlces at the latter church bated Included Sovlat aid ehan- commander of the U.8. 7th Fleet, ditions — anchovies and blue grandohildren. istration a t the University of .Con­ • towns are not rsally getting anyj Mount 'Vernon, N. Y.. Aug. 21 (F| on Main St. at 9:30 a.m. nalad to tba confadaratlen of told newsmen in Formosa that in 'cheese. Ths funeral will be held at 3 necticut declined/ to aet aa con- ' thing free as they are spending new truciM, new care, fair ponies - Otto Standke move<#ln, and the and livestock, and the local fife de­ Masses at St. Francis of Aasisl Fourth Time hla opinion the situation in Lana According to an, dry mustard, Vi teupoon aalt, email bits and add to dressing o'clock Sunday afternoon in the aultant and dlicuaeed only the money they Jiave already paid in. Church will be said at 7, 8, 9, workara of Lntia Amarlea through when the salad waa served at The Jail ftmd,was bqilt up with the starllnga moved out. All of which partm ent Ralph Wetherell will be tba world faderatloii of trade ia diplomatic and political. He de­ ii teaspoon pepper, 1/3 cup Place greens in salad bowl; pour Church of tha Nasarene. Burial spectficationa with Koppel and an­ 10:15 and 11:30 a.m. clined comment on it but did say Caeaar'a a rite waa made of It. corn nil, 1 clove garlic, 1 can (2 dressing over; add Parmesan and will take place Monday in Long other member of tha Pension surpluses left in each annual budg makes a lArd of a ktory, parade marshal. First- prize for unlona. union contaata with tba A Jilted fuller from Manrheater, The waiter brought a small table floaU wtU be $80i00 with $3jLQS. Ruartan ambaaay in Maoclco and that his fleet la always ready for ounces) flat anchovy fillets, 3 blue cheeae; toss lightly. Break un­ Island. Board. et. For 10 years, residents of this Mancheator Evening Herald charged two weeka ago with three anything. with the ingredients, and when quarts mixed tom salad greens cooked egg over aalad and tots tin In lieu of flowers, friends may Pawluk’a Budget Opposed area l^ve been trying to get rid gotiig to the runner-up. Prizes also Oemro uniat Cblnaaa propaganda Dean Ackerman la on vacation' Both Democratic “and Republi­ offered for the. beat reatored an­ South Windsor correapondent El' counta of breach of peace after The 'U.S. 7th Fleet consists of the egg (originally coddled) waa (packed down fairly well), M cup til well mixed. Taste, and add more make contributions to the Charles of tha atarlinga, who appear by more 6. Burnltem, telephone Mit­ aprcad through Spaniah language cracked and dropped over the and wae not available for com­ can leglelatora strongly opposed tique automobiles participating. A raAo programa and eultural ao< making numeroui phone caila to 126 ships, 600 planes and 60.000 grated Parmesan cheese, ii cup of the vinegar if desired. Mix In Goldberg Memorial Fund of the the thousands in August and mess chell 4-0074. men. including a Marine division greens, eyes popped. If you’re ment today. However, Kloter said the $44,693 Jail budget requested youngatera pgrade will be held im ; hla former Saneee, will now face crumbled blue cheese, 1 egg, 2 croutons lightly; garnish with roll­ Church of the Nasarene. Dean Ackerman called him Mon­ up the neighborhood. All efforts eletlea. a culinary exhibitionist, you can ed anchovies if you like; serve at b.v Democratic High Sheriff Nl- failed—including fire hoses, battle­ mediately following the big pa­ four luch counta in E a it Hart­ and a Marine Air 'Wing. cups croutons, caper-stuffed rolled Mark Holmes le In charge of day and was "very upset” that he Kivette emphaaized that its op- do likewise at your own table. One anchovies for gamiah. once. Makes 6 to 8 aeryinge. funeral arrangements. ehdlas H. Pawluk laat night. ship searchlights, skyrockets and rade. iM h B u > Of CUBA Pliorr ford Poliea Court Tueaday. erationa are conducted only in in­ was being quoted on thia matter Happy the Clown will be there Thomaa F. Toat, 37, of 38 Biro of the interesting things about Method: Beat together the lemon Note: To make croutons, triflr Rep. Stephen Loyzim of Coven­ dishpan pounding. CHARGE YOUR Havana, Aug. 31 (F) — F 1 d a 1 ternational waters and airlanea. this salad is that after it ia toaeed, when he had no part other than try, Democrat, asked Pawluk. In the afternoon to entertain the St., waa arrested in Manchester Juice, 1 tablespoon of tha vinegar, crust from four< slices of white a conversation. There was a big, hushed crowd of .j Oaatro'a govammaot ao far baa Stressing the fleet's maneuverabil­ you would never know a raw egg Worceaterahh-e sauce, mustard, bread. Brush both aides of bread "Are you really eerioue'about this humans at twilight last night when children. ' ' PRESCRIPTIONS HERE cbargtd a total of 184 paraona laat night onr an Bast Hartford ity, the admiral said he could Koppel and Elliott submitted a Other features of the fair will warrant and waa turned over to makes part of its dreaaing. salt, pepper and com oil. Smash using 2 tablespoons corn oil. Cut F d jle jB lf l budget?" He went on to say that Standke, the Starling Startler, ap­ with eonaplrlng to ovartbrow the ch u g e the course of every ship Aftor-Caeaar Salad into cubes, place on a cookie sheet report of their, conversation with the Jail budget was "way, out of peared, Out of a battered gray box )>e announced later. authoritiea from that town.. garlic a few times with the handle Scouts to Take Part bearded revohitionai^ leader’a re­ within one hour. Ingredients: 2 tablespoons le­ of a heavy knife and add; allow or a very shallow pan and toast in Dean Ackerman to the Pension line." about the size of a plumber’s tool He appeared In court this morn­ The leaders of Communlat North A Troop Leaders and Comnnlttec gime. mon juice, 1 to 2 tableapoons mixture to stand several hours or a moderate (350 degrees) oven 10 Thomas R. Boueselle Board. The report was printed In "I want to say hers and now, kit the 71-year-oId Standke fished < 1 PINE ing, but was given a continuance Viet Nam and Red Chinn, accused Funeral servlcei for Thomas R. full in yesterday’s Herald. Members’ meeting of Girl Scout Forty-aaren clvlliana and for­ to Tueeday when he ii scheduled to elder vinegar, 1 tablespoon Wor­ overnight. Juat before serving re­ to .1 5 minutes or until golden Loyxim continued, "that you’ll get out two metal flappers and a metal Troop 1 waa held recently at the FHARMAOT mer mlUtary men ware charged by Laos of stirring up new trou­ brown. Rousselle, 75, Concord, N. H. Wellea and Kloter both, noted chime. He hung the chime around anawer .the other three charges. ble in that Uny Aaian kingdom, cestershire sauce, 14 teaspoon move garlic, cut anchovy fillets Into It over my dead body." home, of Mrs. Florence Dux to dla- yaatcrday and taken to L * Oabana father of Mrs. Oscar L. Godin, 117 that Koppel offered to "boll do'wn" Tha commissioners presented hia neck and put the flappers on hia Baat Hartford Poliea said the conferred today In Peiping. Cedar St., were held this morning the bids when tha Selectman and cuaa plana for the 1959-60 season Military Fortraaa, where 87 per A Peiping radio broadcast said'’ budget for the Jail that was $3,307 hands. and alao for the Wapping Fair. m CENTER ST. ,aona prevloualy charged are being new charge atema from his making in Concord. Peneion Board found them diffi­ Alternately banging the flap­ more phone calis. Full details were President Ho Chi Minh of North more than waa spent thfa year, Troop 1 Girl Scouta will sell home- heM. Besides his daughtsr, Mr. Rous- cult to understand. Koppel pre­ but $12,683 leas than Pawluk la pers and sounding the chime, Stan­ not available, police said, but Yost Viet Nam aiid President Liu Shao- Sheekey Cites asllt ISavss e son, Silvio Rousselle The 1S4 were among thouaanda chl met but gave no hint of what Guardsmen Off Today pared a chart with a aepanite col­ requesting. dke marched around the area for larraated laat_waak whan the gov is said to have made aeveral more of Nashua, N. H., a grandson and umn for each company and pro­ 45 minutes. At firat the starlings, calls during the past week, and on was discussed. Ho ia en m ite four great-grandchlldreii. Pawluk defended his budget by amment amaiahad a eounler-ravo- home from a visit to Moscow. Stuffs Work jecting the figure over a 10-year deploring phyaloal conditions at like the spectators. Just stood biUonary plot which Caatro aald one occaaion to have left a note on period. around and listened. 13ien the the girl’a doorstep asking that she Premier Chou Fki-lai aat in on For Summer Training the Jail and the working hours and originated in the Dominican Re­ th« meeting. Peiping made no salaries of the Jail personnel. winged villains took off, covey af­ public. Large numbera of thoae ar< call him. At Robertson ' Welles said lOotar’s oitjection ter covey. Toat waa arreited three times in mention of the leader of China, Two Congressmen He aald ha waa aurprised to raatcd have been relaaaed. Mao>'Tae-tung w-ho storied down Officers and men of Headquar-^8:49 planned arrival to the flguraa projected for Masee- find out how the Jail Is operated Standke ia slated to return to­ The newapaper Prcnaa Ubre a 24-hour period Aug. 8 and 9. He Ohusetto Miituid toy Koppel ted the ia accuaed of making 67 phone from the'presidency but atill runs tars Co., 2nd Battle Group, 169th time of 8:63 a.m. Saturday. ■Town Engineer James Sheekey Write Chamber that two persons — a deputy Jall- night and tomorrow night. If aald it underatood the accuaed con the country as chairman of the Tha laat unit to leave will be the Seloctmin to consult a Hart­ silence reigns, instead of the aaasy calls to the girl in that time. Each Inf., will depart from Maneheater has commanded the members of 'a r and an assistant deputy Jailer aplratora would not be granted Chinese Oonsrcunlst Party. 243D Signal Battalion from West ford actuary. WsNss said he starlings, he’ll collect a $4,000 fee. time he waa arrastad police in­ his department'for their work in Assurances that ths.v will fight ------are eotely reaponalble for the b^ while awaiting trial. They The presence of Liu and Chou tonight at 8:80 for a 2-week »um- Haven at 8:30 p.m. and complete and Pagani wore toM by ths H art­ operation of the Jail 24 hours Puffing on a cigar and wearing could be aentenced to death if con­ creased hla bond. After the third the contour planning of Robertson for a strong labor bill Were re­ ford act ..-ry that Measechusstis arreat, he waa aent to Jail. in Peiping indicated that an im­ mer training period at Camp the Connecticut units’ motor march day and seven days a week. Paw­ a red plaid cap, Standke said he victed. Park. ceived by the Chamber of Com­ Mutual shoirid be alkmreid to pro­ Toat first appeared in court Aug. portant, meet’ng of Chinese lead­ Drum, N. Y. by 9:06 a.m. on Saturday. merce tc^ay from two federal leg- luk asked for funds to hire can’t say why the noise he' makes ers, held somewhere outside the The Manchester company will The Connecticut troops will be Sheekey has been praised by ject its own figures, snd also that guard and a clerk, who would ceuiea starlings to take It on the BED S e n t e r t a i n RAUL 11 and his case waa continued lalators. , a mutual company would show up at the request of Defense Counsel Red Chinese eapital is over or ,in join in a 60- to 70-vehicle convoy issued a 3-meal cycle of "C " ra­ Town Directors and townspeople In a telegram, Sen.. IVinston L alao serve as an assistant guard lam. Santiago, Chile, Aug. 31 IF) recess. for the 300-mile, 11-hour trip. An tions starting with the evening better because it pays dividends. . He was summoned here because Atty. Hafold W. Garrity of Man­ for the planning which he said re­ Prouty of Vermont told Edmund He also asked for salavy Increases' Raul Caatro waa on hla way back chester. to allow Tost to seek The itteetinf' of leaders was ne- advanced detail of 11 men and meal tonight. Troop kitchen will Welles said he oiiflinaliy thought for the Jailers. of his reported reputation in the ■msHeetoot/ sulted In approximately 60 per A. Rosa, chairman of the Cham­ to Havana today after a aelf-da- medical aid. teneihly to dlsevae industrial and four supply trucks left for (Tamp aecve their first' meal at Camp ber's congressional action commit' Koppel'a chart was prepared by In reply to questions from Rep, Midwest as a sterling atarllng acrlbed goodwill vlalt which ahow- agricuitUFal Bu*- there Drum yesterday at 4:30 a.m. from Drum Saturday night. cent more usable area in ths re­ tea, that the Landrum Bill "con' Dean Aoknrman. Andrew R e p k o (R-Wllllngton) chaser. ad he can’t match brother Fidel hes been speculation the Chinese Manchester. They Joined with' ad­ Maj. Gen. Edmund R. Walker of cently regraded, North Hind park. talned many provisions which ] iWieHea said Massachusetts Mu­ Pawluk said the Jail averages 34 Standke said he invented his C.J. M O R R ISO N when it cornea to grabbing head- alao took up the altuaiion in Laos vanced details from other com­ Stonington la commander of tha The $29,162 regrading Job waa. m,ade an attempt to get in thi tual waa permittid to' submit a inmates daily, that the clerk contraption after his home town everyone 'Unea. Junior High Work and the forthcoming Visit of Soviet panies in the 2nd'Battle Group. 43rd. completed recently by the Branci- Senate bill.” projeotion. of it figures, which then of Great Bend, Kan., apent $1,500 The youthful eonunandar in fort Brothers Construction Co. of would keep records, make out PAINT 4Nid WAUPAPER COMPANY Premier Nikita S. Khintshohev:, to About 135 men -Snd officers Prouty also said, "It is my hope appeared better than Travelere'. bOTV,'takis messagel', and serve for aluminum owls, putting them .385 CENTER STREilT — TEL. MI 9-9713 dUef of Cuba'a armed forcaa ax- the United States. from Manchester will make the Cromwell. Seeding and other work In the treei'to scare the birds. The Said Progressing that Congress will agree on a Because the Selectmen had al­ aa an aaistant guard. WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS dted only the Oommunlata and In Vientiane, Laos, ailing King trip tonight. remains. sound snd realistic labor reform starlings Just rOOsted on them. At other axtcame Leftiata during hia Negroes Defeated In an office letter to his subor­ ready voted on Travelers, they Rep. Jarvis Clapp (EUlington) CLOSED WEDNESDAY DURING JULY AND AUGUST Slsavang Vong, 74, who ascended The convo.v will join others proposal.” 4 turned the matter over to Town that, Standke said, "I Just got S-day atay. Otherwlae ha waa Building Inspector Thomas Mon' dinates, Sheekey said "It ia findeed reminded Pawluk that on taking mad.” ahan said today mors than SO per .the throne in 1904, has appointed which will carry 3,750 Connectiput_ Rep. Graham A. Barden of CkHjnael Harry H. Lugg, who In- office Pawhik said he would make treated—and acted—like a tourlat "^tle crown prince as regent of National j Guardsmen of the 43rd‘ In Memphis Vote a pleasure to convey my most sin­ The contract with waa cent of the footinga are in place North Carolina, In a letter to Ross, ■trucied. Kloter to have hia com- it a full time Job. Clapp suggest­ LOVES a bargain rather than a viaiting foreign dig- Laos, the government announced Div. to the summer training camp. cere appreciation to all engineer­ said he was a strong supporter of papy draw up a contract, accord­ authorized by Mayor Joseph P. nlUry. for the North End Junior high ing department employes who ed that Pawluk could handle toe Vaccarellam, the city council, and acheol off E. Middle Tpke. and today. The mo^e will be made in a 900- Memphis, Tenn,-, Aug. 21 (F)—A the Landrum Bill and that "I caA ing to Wellea. However at a Select­ Local Reda look Raul and hia of have participated and a.ssiated in clerk’s duties. the Board of Estimate. aoma wail aectiona have been "The Inveatment Crown Prince vehicle convo.v to the large train­ record breaking white vote smoth­ assure you, I shall exert every ef­ man's meeting Aug. 6 Pagani and wife VUma aightacaing. in alum ing area about 12 miles from Wa­ the several phases of the Robert­ fort to have its provisions adopt­ Defend Course at Jail poured. Savang , Vathana took place yee- ered the first all-out Negro politi­ Wilson decided to stick with their diatricta, wined and dined them and tarday .at the gold-gpired royal tertown, N. Y., near the Canadian son Park Improvement project. I ed in conference.” Francis J. Prichard, chairman of Reporting -good progreaa on the cal campaign in the history of this original vote and announced that the (ibunty Commiasioners, de­ Tedesco Endorsed aaw them off to Lima and home by palace lit Laiang l^ b a n g . border. am recipient of many telephone Yesterday, Sen. Prescott Bush Travelers had been awarded ths plane yeaterday. __ '■ 7S0-pupll plant being built by the The 43rd. which also has troops Mississippi river city of the Deep calls and personal conversations told the Chamber in a letter that fended their budget for the Jail by Military haadquarters reported contract. Weiies waa on a fishing Bridgeport, Aug. '21/AV-Mayor Raul’a flight to Santiago, widely Wadhama A May Co., Monahan in .'Vermont and Rhode Island, will expressing pleasant pratssifforthy he would wm-k iA the Senate to pointing out that costs had been and your Daily Newspaper is a whopper said a good portion of ^the storm no new developments in the wide- South. trip the day of this meeting and Samuel J. Tedeeco, a Democrat, mblicixed in advance aa being spead EuerrlUa war in the past 24 spend two weeks at. Camp Drum remarks, the same in my opinion win acceptance of "the essential did not get back in time to attend. kept at a minimum for many years Product-'""Month RiKssell B, Sugarmon Jr., a 30- has been endorsed unanimously by m u g h t with algnlficance., took on sewerage has been installed on the houra except for a few skirmishes with the training designed to ac­ should be conveyed to all concern­ provisions of the House Bill. with the expectation that a new site, some ^.manholes have been year-old Negro lawyer, finished Regarding Kloter’a ' resignation ail would eventually be built. The toe Democratic Town Committee of a buy! For pennies o day if comes a dlHerent twlat after he aat out In the rain-Bodder Jungles near quaint the personnel with methods second in a'race for public works ed, more particularly to the de- These Included those dealing TV. Room .. - Play Room 7 completed, and the rough-grading of operating under the pentomlc aigning and field engineers who with "blackmail’’ picketing, sec­ from the achool board the day af­ all was needed five years ago but t<)r a second term. from Havana. the border of Communist North commissioner '■ that had Jittery ter the Selectman's announcement, S The timing of hia trip aeemed la 70 per cent complete. concept. have made It possible, for a Job ondary boycotts, ■ snd State Juris­ was not built then because the ' Tedesco will face Republican A Viet NanTT Segregationists predicting catu- Kloter said he had long conaidar- Edward Sandula and Socialist Jas­ daaigned to ataal the limelight from He said alao that gas linca were A defense miniatry spokesman The first march unit carrying well done.” diction to settle labor-management legislators did not want to Impose Choose NU-WOOD* coiling tilos right fo ygur door, every weekday. being laid today, along with some trophe. cd resigning because of the pres­ per McLevy In the Nov. 3 elec­ the Inter-American Foreign Min- ( Jd the Communist buildup con­ troops on tha 2nd Howitxer Bn. of "The final vote gave Sugarmon The letter named Prank Steele, disputes which the NLRB now re­ a heavy'assessment on the towns, utility poles and power lines, and fuses to handle, he said. sure of biMlnesa and added, "If my tion. * for boauty and sound control!' latert’ Conference, which both Caa- tinued but bad weather was hold­ the 242nd Artillery 1s scheduled to 35,237 votes. Be lost to a white assistant town* engineer; Robert he said. trea denotmced aa a farce. the oil tank has bean delivered. leave Stamford at 6:22 p.m., trav­ Sasae, acting chief of survey party; The letters aqd tslegram wsrc In Integrity was queatloned In one It was noted that the Jail per Nicholas A. Lanese, a 1 o e ing back any major movM. "unity ticket" candidate, Wllilam field how could they Justify faith Raul waa expected to charge in Once the main utilities are in, he eling to Tarrytown, N. Y.. where W. Farris, by about 23,000 votes. Joaeph Conti, ‘senior engineer; reply to telegrams sent by the sonnel were given salary increases builder, said after the Democratic Thasa faw centi a day bring you up-fo-fha-minufa naw$, and let looae with a freah iasault ■aid, the contraetora will be able it will move onto the New York Bryon Powell,/ Junior engineer; Chamber ~Rommittee Tuesday Mak­ In my integrity in another field 7" laat year at the Inatigatlon of the endorsement laat night that he The predicted heavy vote "for Kloter declined to accept hla.. ea the -Dominican Rapublic and to begin rapid work on the build­ Thruway. The battalion ia expect­ Negro candidates came a.s adver­ Charles Audette and Thomas Mel- ing support of the Landnim-Gfif- legialatora, and that they had not will challenge Tedesco In a pri­ Intaraifing and ifife|mafivs faaturat, plu$ top-notch ontor- Latin American dietatorbhipa. ing. Wiel on National ed to arrive at camp by 6;09 p.m. tised. but the uproar of the carn- bert, assistant Junior engineering fln Bill ss being the "minimum commiaslon, which he termed a asked for them. Deputy Jailer D ar mary. But along the way ha dalUad in The $1.6 million dollar school Saturday. paign spurred the total turnout aides. Highway Superintendent legislation needed to curb tha buy-off, and said he would dis­ rail Stark receives $3,660 annual Laneae said the mayor has been tainmant for tha whola family to onjoy. lim a, Peru. By the time he got to hind the Police Station Ir hoped Safety Committee Division headquarters along yesterday to a whopping 129,868. Ernest Tureck, who was chief of abuse of union power and re; tribute it among local churches. ly pliis complete maintenance. The awarding city appointments to a to be ready for occupancy by Sep­ with the division trains, band and survey party when the planning strain union racketeering.” He auggeated that W olff and Clar­ assistant deputy Jailer received chosen few. Saniago the foreign mlniatera had The previous record for a city - . ^ - 1 eked up. And hia advance cheer- tember 19fl0. Monahan’s Building Co. A of the 343rd Signal Bn. will election was 86,370. was .ataried waa also named. Sixteen of tha telegrams wars ence J. ..McCarthy, other agents $3,960 plus complete mXtntenancc. Department is acting in the ca­ John Wist, MtecuUv# vice pres­ depart from Hartford at 7:33 p.m. Sheekey also cited good coopera­ aent to Cdngresamen in anticipa­ who had done considerable ground As examples of conditions at the squad of Cuban newsmen and ident of the <%amber of Com­ The Rev. Ben L. Hooks, a Negro A big bargain packaga crammad with good raadin^ Uera had baan booted out of pacity of clerk of the works. This unit moves north to the Mae- tion )>etween ths town and contrac­ tion of the compromise, closed- work for the town in eatabTlahing Jail Pawluk cited a "3-holer privy” merce, has accepted ifi invitation lachusetts Turnpike and then lawyer and preacher who ranked tor. Chile for not having the proper as a possible victor in the raice door discussion of the bill between a pension, do the same. on the side of the Jail, the bucket KANGf and information all tha local and national naws. from the U.S. Chamber to aerve aa west to the New York Truway. House and Senate conferees which Wolff replied today, "Naturally I eystem used in the cells, a fallen papera, including permiaaion for The last vehicle of this 60-uni't for Juvenile Judge, lost by about the guns they broujgfat. a member of the National 21.000 votes. He ran agaiiist three Tyrolesc Speak Carman began Wednesday. • am very gratified that the oelect- celling resulting from a leak In Chamber Fire Safety Conteet Com­ march serial wll close in camp at men have chOMn to recognise the • UEL Oil Raul also baektrackd on hia 6:34 a.m. Saturday. white candidates. The vote stamping House agt, aewer pipe, antiquated desks, and mittee for 1969-60. Sugarmon, a Harvard man, was proval on the - controversial bill amount of work I did on^ ls ease chairs that he claimed are about denunciation of the Foreign Min-- There will be 75 vehicles carry­ Merano, Italy — About 63 per GASOLINt latars* Conference, s a ^ g that ' Thia committee Is comppied of given an almost even chance last,Friday was 303-126, while tha over the past years. In view'orth# to fail apart. Chamber of Commerce ex^utives ing the elements of the lat Battle cent of the 350,000 residents of after reading about what It did, he Group' of the 169th Inf. leaving against four white candidates in the Sooth Tyrol, Ita)y> nigged Senate paMed a differing version foregoing I have no heait(uicy in When questioned by Rep. Repko and buaineasmen, and promotes pre-election estimates. The four of the bill last April. accepting my share of any commis- about the adviaibiUty of spending thought it had done some good. participation in the fire safety from Hartford at 8:03 p.m. Ar­ alpine regioi Jus;* souto of the Raul was entertained hare by wara the privateers were expected to .splinter the wlhte Austrian bordiw, 'are German- aion that may be paid. money dn the Jail when It will be eonteSta which the Chamber has rival time for thia group is 7:09 ■odalist Sen. Salvador Allende, used by the American Coloniata 7 a.m. Saturday. vote. speaking. people. The official lan­ St. Martin’s Summer is the "If any of the other agents In county hands for only one more BANTLY OIL sponsored for 37 yeara. whose Leftist rally to detract frcfipLl.. ..A-^’nieae were private veaaels Leaving from Waterbury at 8:40 The strategy loqked j:ood before guages of the region are German name given In Englaiid and named dMire to give their commis­ year, Pawluk replied that It would I ■ 'Mi' \\ 5 , |\( Without your response to the ads in your the conference flopped, and the authorized to eriilae at aea an'(l cap­ France to what we cell Indian sions to charity, I certainly com­ How is it possibla for a comphBta.'well- ' STATE POUO AT 66 p.m. will be the 2nd battle group one of the politically strong white and Italian, but German archir be setting a pattern for the state : ■' M \iN I in:i, I Secretary general of the cbiilean ture an enemy'! ahipa and mer­ candidates, Will Fowler, dropped lecture and custon\s prevail. Summer. * » pliment them for doing so. I hkve which, he said, may not get around chandise. Almoet all eiviliaed na­ Hartford, Aug. tlifi—The Stoto of the 102D Infantry with a.ached; roundod nawtpapar to ba published and daily paper — there would be few bar* Communist party, Lula, Corvalan.' HeaHh Dept, today reported three uied arrival time at 8:09 a.m. Sat­ out of the race to les.sen the ex­ tried to give generoualy to various to Improving conditions for five or m Mlfclull 9 •I'iVS tion! have new given up thia prac­ pected vote split. tvorthy causes in the past although six years. tice. new canes of polio, bringing the urday. MU-WOOO gains ef any kind to be found! Mar(:hants etetowlde total so far this year New Haven will be the starting Farris, supported by both news­ I must admit that I have not an­ Rs]p. Lavertne WlUlama,_R-Co- ROCKVILLE TR 541271 sold at so little cost? As most of us nounced It in...the -preas firat," ia-M . -Tbo-tiire«-Iatoat-eases In­ point of the-headquarters-and line papers and -retiring -Mayor Ed­ Rockville^Vernon Girl Cute Hesd Q — Whet eempoeer achieved mund Orgill, drew .‘58,9,51 votes. Wolff concluded. and manufacturers^ are «ble to sal! Jiual- fame in mpmtle hlatery with a clude two In Waterbury and oiie companies of the 1st Battle Group know,, pdvartisir^ PAy$ the freight! in West Haven. The number of of the 103D Infantry at 8:19 p.m. The others: Sugarmon .35,237; l«NfN« would ba forced to pay dearly for the A—^The Bee Hummingbird of 16,434. AT OUR BO’m .IN G PLANT M r head on a slide at the OloM Cuba la not only the amalleat hum­ Bid adVertiaementa on three town Largt BottUs WWffWfV wo UWpffO WffQ Hollow pool. Henry I»eb III, 38. was elected 12 Prloee quoted are for home deliv­ lama value you now gat for pennios. the bargains'ad'rartisad in today's pa* mingbird but alao -the amalleet H ar-tcontrol the party, made by Atty. projects were being written today Moapital authorities said five Eight Streets Listed mayor by a landslide 79,469 votes. nomination eries only; extra eharge for ban- - typoD* yoRp’d bo feathered creature in the world. vey A. Yonce by the Democratic Leo B. Flaherty yeaterday. by Town Engineer James Sheekey. queto.. partiea, ehowere, weddings, per! •titehaa were taken in tha'hack of The total length ie aomething over He steps up from public works w in etc. m im womn • • • commisstener. Town Committee 'Wednesday for McKeown said, "Mr. Flaherty He set Sept. 10, at 10;30 9ba IliTa scalp, and that she wiaa two inchea. ahould uae the word control ad­ Tax Incl. mere turpri«e«l how ootilf R fooe up. diaehargad after traatmmit. Party affiliation was not a the Vernon Board of Education was a.m ., aa the time for bid openings Plus Deposit According to a police report, the For Permanent Paying factor. Candidates were either ruled invalid by the Secretary, of visedly. When he accuses Mr. 0 —Are any apeciee ef sharks (Francis) Shea (town committee on flood-prevention regrading be­ flrl was sliding cm a cdiute into the Democrats or. Independents. In State’s MANCHESTER eM the PatsChea la m a Autumn' St.; and Autumn 8L flronii at a B w d meeting Tueaday night. Salad c’ iiige: marinate cooked trol at any coat that I am fighting at 'this meeting. $35,000 for tha Junior high school I .$6 Cam Of 30 $ |.7 5 Delivered have heea arrected alter Bruoa Bralnaro, 33, a nurae, of E. Center to School St. Cummings said he underatood no amall green liina beans iii oU and against.” "My opponent in ths primary it would extend dowp Bentm St. to I . Tax Incl. TaY ji)cl. New-Hours f Open Daily 7;80 A.M. Mon. thru Sat. a aaw revolt agatest Haitadaii, Oonn., waa "on impulse.’’ 'Ihe Uet wee inoormrated in a paying Jobs had as yet been put vinegar aeaaoned 'with sugar, mM , AnawMX. Charge so interested in this position ahe a proposed enclosure of Bigelow rs OoasimaUst ovederda. Both Mrs. Bralnard and Samp­ letter to town depam ionts and out to bid, and wanted to know on (tod pepper. Add a small onion cut John P. McKeown candidate for has ehooen this time to m on ve- Brook in two fitVtnch pipes be­ nua Deposit , Plus Deposit Open Until 6 P.M, Monday thru Thursday from son told tha sheriff that there waa utility eompanlaa aaklng tf ttwy what data the program waa aK> in thin strips and aftor dtiUing, second selectman, aeglled today to oatlen and is net eiKpcctad back tween Bantfiti and Brookfield Bto., Friday Nights Until 8 :30—sturdily Until Noon no attyift at rape. ptenned any mark thsE wwdd Mte- peetad to atart. JMSM ^ salad grecna. a.similar charge ef attampta to until , the day af the .primary.” Sheekey aald. , h ' f f


Amerlen LssgM NattMial tamgiie Yesterday’s Rwiiltt Jonss and Giants Testsrdbr't Reaolta In Exhibition Tonight Pittsburgh 8. »t U>uis 1 cicveland 8, W ^Uigton 1'. San FT. Jicisco 5. Mllwauket 8 enth homer after Mays had Ilned^dldn't score a«ain until lha seventh. Datroit 14, New York 2. Los AngelM 8, eSneinnaU B N#»w York. -1 th is third mngU with■ two out ‘ In' and didn't R«t their third run until BalUmora T. Chicago «. ' PhiladelphU 8-4. Chicago 6^8 New Y ork, Aug- 21 (4*)- ' LeBaron WM tha league’e peie-**iin at tha Ram halm. Huff, Harland Svare and Cliff third stsrt Rnd fourth appoar- eighth at Cincinnati the night be­ Ndw York ...... 80 *0 ..500 1114 Milwaukee 84^ 58 .588 4 Colt* meet fledgling quarter anro* in 10 days, finally was t>oa Angeles kept the pace, Uvlngeten ft* keep the team solid beating Cincinnati S-.h with seven fore, squared [things when a third Baltimore ...... 5# 59 .500 11V4 Pittaburgh 8t 80 .504 7*4 back Frank Gifford and th( Dallas, Tax., Aug. 21 ((9)—’nien'e n*IM hv s«m .To. »* and Ran 58 81 .487 9*4 New York Giant* at the Cotton in those pMltlon*. unearned runs In the fifth inning. strike got pest catcher Rd Bailey Detroit ...... 59 02 .485 1.1 CJhicago . iren’t too many people who have TIm oSeneiva guard situation is FranrlsrO^ wonderou* WlUlM last with two out and nobody on base Kansas City ...5 8 04 ,487 15*4 Cincinnati 58 84 .475 IIH Bow) tonight . nifrht *a the r.lant.a heat tha Bravaa riltsburgh defeated St. Louis much sympathy for Naw York being plugged by Dees and rookie In the fifth. Blanked op two hits Boston ...... 58 84 .487 15V4 St. Louis 57 87 .480 13 'The exhibition game in Dali*, Giants football Coach Jim Lee .1-1. The Chicago Cubs split a 52 70 .428 17 mark* the firat claA of the team* Klllaon Kelly from Michigan State, twi-nighUM rhlladelphla. heating by Bob Piirkey (10-11) 'til then, Washington ... .49 71 .408 22*4 Phihidolphla Howell a* he praparea hU Eastern plus holdovers Al Barry, Buas Ouy It waa Rpahn a third dafaat In the Dodgers poured across seven Today's Games alaee Alan Am'eche bolted into Uu -hia laat four drriaiona and once the Phils fi-e after losing S-S In the Today's Game end Bone laat Dec«rtiber at 8:15 of Division National Football League and Jack Stroud. with Charlie Neal's double scoring Sen Fra-icisco at Philadelphia titleholders for an exhibition game Rgain krpl him from pairing with replay of Wednesday's *12-lnnlng two nins and Norm I.#arker's hom New York st Kansas City (N )~ (2)—Antoneili (16-7) and McCor­ their sudfien death playoff for' i R sid Out latertor line I.P1V Biirdettf («ho boat the Olr tie. 23-17 Ctelt vtctory and the profes­ against the World CTiampion Balti­ er counting three. | Maas (11-8) vs. Herbert (10-9). mick I10-10),.ya. Roberta, m-12) more (Jolt* tonight, Scott can double a* a defensive ant a h-2 Wednr.adayl for the one- • • • Washington at Chicago (N) -— and Sem,pVoeh (3-9) sional title. end to spell veteran* Andy Robue- , two pilr>»inK punch that had the Danny McDevItt (B-Si won It The contest will be televised na­ Why this unsympathetic feeling 7 "Th a n t s BRAvr-f^. t The with I.,arry Sherry's relief after a Btobbs (1-8) vs. Donovan (7-8). Los Angeles at Pittsburgh (N) It aeema that Howell ha* five telli end Jim Katcavag*. Rnsey Pravc« in command through the Giants, loaing only a ’■T5^lf-g*me Bostoi^at Detroit (N) —■ Mon- - 4> aif 18-4) vs. Kline (8-11) tionally by CBS starting at 10:15 Grier and Dick ModselewekI round firat half of the aeaaon. pinch homer by Frank Thomas in p.m.,-EST. quarterbacks on his squad, an all- from their lead while winning but the ninth. bouquette (4-4) vs. Foytack (11- St. Lmri." ait Cincinnati (N) — iro halfback named Frank .Olf- out th* Interior line. The Cianla. hcalinc Spahn for three of their last eight, pounded iO). Jackson (10-11) vs. Hook (2-3) In another pre-eeason encounter, Howell is counting on Lynch to the time in five declaiona this Waehlngton’s Redsklna meet the ?ord who also Is dabbling aa on* of 1.1 hits off Spahn (l«-11l, whh had CUBS (1-5, PHIIB 4-g — Art Baltimore at Cleveland (N) - Ohlcat-o at Mtlwsxjkee (N) — the signal-callers and , a collactiph team with Jim Patton and Lindon aeaaon. retained their two.Rame beaten them six limes In a row Brown (8-8) va. Harahman (1:9) Bushardt (4-6) va. Buhl (10-8) Ram* at Los Angeles. Crow to fill tha defensive gap National l..ea^ic lead over Una Schult drove In two nightcap runs Almost all the players who par­ of behemotha that mah th* defm- since.,Iuly of last year. __ _ for the Cubs, getting the winner Tomorrow’s Rehedule Tonaorrow’s ScheduJe ■ive platoon! . created by Ed Hughes’ retirement Anpelea while akiddin)!: the third San Prancifco at Phllac'elphIa ticipated In the heroic struggle be­ and ’TuniWu’s departure. place Rravea four Ramea behind The Giants came from behind home with a flfth Inning home run. New York at Kansas City. tween the Colts and Giants are But Howell Isn't buying th* pitch ' 1 with two In tl* nnh on Bd Brea- Los Angelea at Pittsburgh 'The Olants drafted Rice All- aeain. l^ e Phils took the opener on hom­ Washington at Chicago. hack. despite the return of almo*t all ef aoud'a doublk and .singles by ers by Carl Sawatski, who drove Boston at Detroit. St. Louis St Cincinnati get laiague Reoord the team that won the Eastern Di­ America end Buddy Didl, who It waa .Innca. beatlnR Milwau­ iThlcego at Milwaukee should join veterans Kyle Rot* end kee for the fifth time agralnat two .Tackle Brandt, Mays and McCovey. in four nins, and Wally- Poet as Baltimore at Cleveland. DOUBLES STRATEGY—Bol) Mark, laft, anti lefthanded Rodney Laver made futile Foremost among these 1* Hjit- vision crown in a playoff with the They made It 1-1 in the sixth on Ruben Gomes (2-S) won his first divea for this ball hit by Gardnar Mulloy, but protected the middle well enough to Cleveland Browns, then lost 23-17 Bob Schnelker as top flankmen. loaaea, (both to Spahni, and the tas, the Colts’ standout quarter­ With Gifford, Alex Webster, Willica Maya and MrCovey w;ho Bob Schmidt's single and Brea- since beating the Cubs May 21. eliminate the veteran and Jack Frost from the National Doubles. A five-set match at back, who set a league record''by in overtime to t)le Coita for the .sOud'a triple that wak misjudged * • • NFL title, . Mel Triplett, Phil King. Don May- ^ 4 j m C L ^ -e! did it. .Tonea, the Giants' work­ the Longwood Cricket.Club, Brookline, Mass., lasted near^ three hours beforfi the throwing a touchdown pass in 25 nerd and probably punter Don horse. cave up 11 hits while work- by rookie Uee Maye In leftfleld. ipiRATRS 5, CARDS I — Bob Northies Edge K of, C consecutive games. Arrayed with "Sure, we have depth at some po­ HOT ROUND—With the 8un pushing the mercury well Maye had shifted from right after FHend ( won two In a row for Australian titleholders won. sitions, notably quarterback,” handling the running. ln(E for the fourth time in elRht ...... — ■■■ ■ - him In the Baltimore bac((field will into the 90’8, Glen Fowler of Oklahoma City cooled hia Wes Covington Injured an ankle only the. second time this .year for • • s „ be a potent trio—Amectic, I-enny Howell conceded, "but w* are shal­ Howell is looking Into his rookie days, hut held the Braves to two crop of Joe Morrison from (Tin- a e«trncd runs. In the third Inning. the Bugs, giving up nine hits but The Giants—using the same low at othar apota .likc offensive feet aa well aa hot putter after a round in the Trana- McCovey. the rousinR rookie, The Braves scored an unearned fanning IT. Dick Groat's triple Telephone Nine Scores Moore and L. G. Dupre, guard, defensive end and defensive clnnatl; Bob Sawyer of Wyoming Miksissippi tourney. Play waa over the WoodHill courae had three hits and drove In three nin In the first off .Tones (Id-TTl beat the Cards And Fmie Rroglio Back-Patting Psychology Needed faces—have made a coujile of halfback. Unless w* can plug some and George Scott of Miami of Oh’lo in Minneapolia. runs, putting: It away with his sev­ on a double by Frank Torre>They iR-TO) In the fifth. changes. The major one Is th# ex­ of these gaps, injuries could put us for depth. periment that has given Gifford, in a lot of troubia." Of. al) the rookies Howell feel* Upset over Teachers all-pro halfback, an opportunity to ' No. I Drafl Oholo* that Minnesota'* Mike Falls, a Knoxville, 'Penn, Willie Pastra- Tokyo--Jtro Rwada, 1484, Ja­ To Encourage Earl Bu^hholz Jr. win the No. 1 quarterbacking Th.e 11-year ^teran Charley 236-pound tackle, haa tha makings no. 186. Miami Beach, stopped Tom pan, outpointed Hiro«hi-..Minada,l Conerly leads the quarterback can­ of a future star (Kelly) Davis, 211, Macon. Ga., 4. 145. Japan, 19. Clevetand Continues Rebound from Slump berth. JL Rowe Wheeler pitched and batted the Telephone Co. to a 'The veteran Chuck Concriy still didates. But the (ilants also have is on hand as 1* his longtime un­ the highly-touted George Shaw, ob­ surprising 4-2 victory over the previously undefeated Teach­ Brookline, Mass., j^ g. 21<9with ( Mulloy, and Leach, tained from the Colt* last month, ers last night at Mt. Nebo. The upset triumph moved the 23-year-old Navy ensign, were derstudy, Don Heinrich. Newcom­ ■ (fP)—U.S. Davis Cup Captain brought together by a draw from Mo|or Leogu« ers are George ShaiAr, Baltimore’s their No. 1 draft l^olce, Lek Oro**- White Sox Lead Cut to 2Vz Games Phonemen into the championship game in the Rec-aponsored Perry Jones is trying some other fine quarterback acquired by cup from Utah, Holdover Don Hein­ a hat. Mi-Jloy already had a part­ rich and Gifford. Slow Pitch Softball playoffs whlch<^------r back-patting psychology on ner thinking Talbert wouldn't the Giants inv a trade, and top King-Sized Cake for Little League Town Champions began with the top four teams =s=Laciclttrs==l draft pick Lee Grosscup of Utah. Shaw has impressed Howqll and Earl Buchholz Jr. to prepare compete this year and Leech has Amerlean League hts offensive aide Al Sherman and After Losing to Baltimore Orioles In the Church and Recreation been bed-ridden by a stomach ail­ Batting-—Kuenn, Detroit, .348; Flanking Gifford in the Giants' Little Pete llerdic o< 83 Olcott St. stare.s intently a.s Saul Berkman of the Home Maid Leagues. Arlington ’Cap the youth for Challenge starting backfield will be half­ tHis makes Qrosscup’s statu* un­ ment. He got an llth hour okay Woodling, Baltimora, .328; Kaline, certain. The Utah paasing ace ha* Bakery, 699 Main St;, applies the finishing touches to a giant-sized victory cake which After ploUiug up single tallies round doubles play with Alex Ol- Detroit, .327: Fox, (Chicago, J22; backs Alex Whbster and Phil King ,\pw York, Aug. 21 (A*) .♦Heveri for 11 hiu. They scored«nlngs while facing a minimum 19 'was presented to Sullivan’s Red and White Stand at-the aijnual Little League banquet In the first and fourth Innings, Ute medo. to make tf.e trip froii his com- and fullback Mel Triplett. been with the team only a week Sweeping Price three in t'.-e irst on two singlea. men and collecting seven of his Feature Race iranding officer at Ckironado, Runnels, Boston, .318. playing with the ciollag* All Somebody ask how much the Wednesday night at the Rosemount in Bolton. Included on the 4.5-pound cake were in­ 'Telephone Co. scored twice In the B, chhoU might have needed all Runs Batted In—Killebrew, The Colts defeated the College Gene Woodling's double, - sacri­ nine . Gary Blaylock fifth, with Wheeler's two-out the encourage neat he could get. oiiif. , -All-Stars 29-0 in their previous Stars.. Chicago White Sox would fice fly and an error, then put It lost It In his first AL decision." dividual cut-outs of each member of the Sullivan squad, which were placed next to'the too, for tod%v,’g"Tnen’e quartesilnal 'The- pair playing together for Washington, 94; ColavltO, (^eve- Off-season trades brought de­ • • • double plating big Butch McDow­ land, 90; Jensen, Boston, 88; Max­ start while the Giants lost to Phil­ mis.s Billy Pierce? So far, the sway against rookie Ken McBride position and firat name of each youngster and the complete line score of the final game ell with what proved to be the On Saturday teet against the surprising pair of the first time, needed five sets to adelphia 21-17. fensive halfbaclf DickjLynch from Reductions! V. hen Willy Gardner and Billy RBD SOX II, .A's 18 - Rookie turn back Manual Santana of well, Detroit, 79; Maizone, Boston, the Washington Redskins; guard iti.iured lefthander has missed in the Town aeries. Need)ess to add, Pete and his aurpristed teammates enjoyed the ‘ winning marker, McDowell had Billy TaJhe - and John Leach In the 77. The Washington - Los Angeles Klaii . singled for two runs In the Earl Wilson.('.driving in three runs cake at the banquet which attracted approximately 300 players, parents, friendspand stngM and atole second base. New York, Aug. .21 (Ah'-Round ■U.S. Natlona* DouMee Tennis Spain and Sergio XaccMni of Italy game probably will j;urn into a Darrell Desa from the PitUburgh otie starting a.ssignment ‘and seventh. with a single and double', won his in the firat round. By Wednesday Home R u n s--Killebrew, Wash­ "paasing struggle between the Steelers and linebacker Tom Scott , their American League lead is officials. Berkman will award a similar gift each year to the team winning the Towh Wheeler also scored oi. the only Table and Sword Dancer, 2 horses . TVMimairient.. ington, 37; Ckilavito, Cleveland, 35; down to 2*4 games, almost oit In Rookie .Urn McAnany drove in first major league declaion as the error charged to the loaers. who loom big among the 1959 Jones, whose - ohief duty is to they had upset third seeded for­ Skins’ Eddie LeBarnn and Billy from Philadelphia. The Giants third of five Red Sox . title. (Herald Photo"by Ofiara) ' ______eigners Bobby Wilson and Tony Allison, Washington, 28: Maxwell, Wade of the Rams. ■ traded awa.y from the l958 squad half. • I , three runs for the While Sox. BlankMl Until Seventh title aspirants, can strengthen their •a« America retains the cup it Detroit, 27; Lemon, Washington, who had 10 hits and made it cloae Tom Sturdivant (1-5) was the The Teauhers were blanked )«i- claims with victories tomorrow. brought homS' fiom^Auetralta lant Pickard of England in-brisic 6-4, GOOD/YEM The White Sox led by 4>., loser for the A's, who blew a four- 6-2, 7-5 fashion. 26. games, the biggest bulge of the with two runs in the seventh off Ut the seventh inning when two Round Table, .who can boost his Depember, af^^iarently: hes chosen Pitching—Shaw, Chicago, 12-4, Billy Loes after winner Hoyt Wil- run lead. Cerv drove home six singles an a fielder's choice pta.v world record money winning earn­ 18-year-old Buchholz as the most Praaer, Bmerson Win year In the AL, when Pierce was Tuns with his hointers. He now has .750;.Pappaa, Baltimore, 13-5, .722; sTtelved Monday for from flve to helrn (12-8) was lifted a pinch- sqt up a two-run double to e«ter- ings over the 1 '4 million mark, likely partner for the world’s No. To mey favoritea ahd Wimble­ McLish, Cleveland, 1.5-6, .714; Von Clay, Sonny^ Ray . 4- hittier. hit 16. j fleld 1 y Dick Dubanoski. heads a class field of grass runners 1 tingles player -Olmedo. Unless don kings Neale Fraser' and Roy eight days to nurse his ailing hip. • • • Continental League Gives Wynn, Chicago, 16-7, .696; Ford, ITnlnjur^, Pierce ^ would have Wheeler rapped out two doubles in the 1 3/16 miles of the *100,000 - proved oUierv ise, Buchholz will Emerson of the Auasie challengers New York, 13-6, .684. pitched either Wednesday or yes- INDl.ANS 8, SKN.ATORS I — and A Dingle and was the only added Arlington "Dirf Handicap at get the nod over Barry MaoKay for the cup,"-w.hipped through one Strikeouts — Bunning, Detroit. lerdoy againat BaItir:iore. Without Jwo home runs did it for the Home Runs Decide j Phoneman to gamer nrion than Arlington Park. Travis Kerr's 5- and Tut Behtzen. of the two quarter-finals held yes­ 145; *Wynn, (Chicago, 140; Score, Meet in 10 Round Bout him, the Sox dropped both games Indians. Ed Fitzgerald smacked Riekey Chance To Pop O ff one hK off loser Dick Danieleon. year-old was 1968's horse of the 'T told Buchholz to go out there terday, muAii.g OraAvford Henry Cleveland. 139; Paacual, Washing­ while secxMid place Cleveland took his first of the year and Woody Little League Tilts Jim Breidnski, Walker Briggs and year and handicap champion. and hold hiq he,d Mgh," Jonee of Atlanta and Don Dell of Beith- ton, 130; Lary, Detroit. 121. j Held then cracked a 1-1 tie with Jim Kaiser each collect^ two Sword Dancer, with victory In said. "I don't n'ant him to be esda, Md., 6-4. 7-6, 7-6. . National Leajpie Philadelphia, Aug. 21 iJPi—Unbeaten "Von Clay, an inexperienced two from Wf shington. the Belmont Stakes and two handi­ ovoirly cocKy or anything. I told a two-run shot, his 23rd, in the | New York, Aiig.j 21 '(/P) It safeties for.for, the Teachers. Both MacKay, looking lesa than Im­ Batting — Aaron,- Milwaukee, lad of only 10 fights, make.# his firat national television (NBC) ap­ / m The Orioles, who have scored seventh against lospr Pete Ramos | New York—(N EA )-The ap-»an option hfT Branch's Pitlshurghi»> Branch says.the t^e clubs toialci^ 1() hits. cap triumphs over older horses to him I think a lot of him or I pressive ' hile serving 18 double .373; CTunningham, St. Louis; .343; pearance lonjght in a scheduled lO-round light heavyweight bout onl.v runs while losing two makes no difference whether it's stock valued at 5200,000, and the proposed new wheel wdll be ob TH4»pliAiift...... I4> ^ back up his claim for the 3-year-old wmikhi't he playing him. f against the veteran^Sonny Ray of Chicago. . (11-15). Grant (8-5) lost his in the major leagues ^ or the Little pointment of Branch Rickey as its fmilta, and Ena. . Myron Franks Pinson, (Cincinnati. .334; Tjimpls. of three W Pierce this seanon, president gave the proposed new new loop picks up the remaining 16 tained "from the World." If this *? 1 1 *1 'i n ' title, tangles with rivals of his age Afraid of Olmedo needed three hours, 60 .minutes to counted 10 rune in the two games, shutout in the sixth ofi a walk,’ League, the home rud pays off. were possible, Branch would not McKinney. ■■ Cincinnati, .322; Cepeda, San The 20-year-old Clay, winner of'' aacrifice and Bob Allison's double. Continental League a distingul.ahed months of his contract as chairman Burke 3h ...... ’ 0 V 3 3 3 n iin the 11/4 miles of the *75,000 ''But Buchhohe it'a fra id of Ol- edge Antonio and Gustavo Pala- Francisco, .817. nine fights >— aeveh via the kayo nesa. Orfck vron on aTKO. IteAtlng Barry I.ntman 7-8 yester- Two homers were the big fac­ front, but contributed nothing ol[ the Pirate board at 550,000 a have had to toss fiway all that Foster, d ... * 1 ^ - S ? added Travers at Saratoga. med... He!., afraid Aim la too good ftw, Mexico City cousins, ' 4-6, .9-7, * day for the White Sox fodrth de­ Julio Becquer got the other two tors yesterday as Schenectady. bonus money in PUtslnirgh. Scaninn, 3b Runs Batted In — Banks. Chi­ route, feels hts "big” punch and Two judges and a referee will Nat hits. whatsoever to easing its basic year. Donlon. s( . n 0 ' The *26,000 added VentnOr 'Dirf ■ for' him. A tr' he’s afraid fif me 6-2. 10-12, 17-16. cago, 115; Robinson, (Cincinnati, aggressiveness will off.set the score the bout urtder the five-point feat inyfhe last flve games. New York Stale champions, and • Inasmuch as one' of the main Co-nni.s8loner„Ford Frick called 0 at Atlantic City, the Grant .walked three and struck problems. Buckminster. - , Handicap ------hecauee I’m the team haptwin. I iWiMn k-,ked about Macitey’s 106; Aaron, Milwaukee, 97; Bell, greatir ring iavy of Ray, fourth per round must Pennsylvania sys­ Clave in<; continued its rebound Bridgeport, Conn., Southern New Why would a ma.n like Ricke.y, points of this baseball controversy the meetltig «ith the professed Modean. 1b . 2 ! *40.00(1 Handicap el want Mm to start thinking he doublks chences off his play,- JonSa out four in his first c'il'm p 1 a t e England's best, qualified for the bankers of the new circuit to ac­ McDowell, c. (Cincinnati, 96; Mathews,. Mil­ ranking ,175-pounder in the na­ tem. frorii a fo'T-.rame slump by belt­ who has spent 57 of his 77 years in , it slavery, an amusing note is that Lspine. r( 0 Ohio's iRandall Park, the *1.5,000 belongs. He’s good, that boy.” idirugged and said: "Cou-ki be. I tion. The only time Clay failed to ing Washington 6-T behind a three- game in eight starts since June finals of Little League Eastern the Continental League purchasetf quaint them with the) facts of ma­ 1 ' added Escondido at Del Mar anW a waukee, 83. 2i(v He's spilt alx decisions In that organized baseball and recently Wheeler, p . Talbert, 41-year-oid former Dav­ thought Barry played very well.” Home Runs — Banks, Chicago, win he was held to a draw by Pat hittr • by' Jim (Mudeat) Grant, Reglonals, They'll clash Saturda.V suffered a mild heart attack, lead Rickey's contract. 'The biggest jor leagu- iMiseball life, about *7,500 handicap at- Rockingham ie Cup captain who fo(ir times Many ve-e-an tennis observers span, with all three victories over with the winner moving on to Wil­ which thd bulk of the.n knew little Tnisis 31 4 in 31 9 s a 37; Mathews, Milwaukee, 34; Roberts. Later, he kayoed Rob­ Stan Hliineki Advances Here ore th# biggDsty "llie .young righthander is the a group comprised largely of people thing the Continental L e^ue has T^prli^rs It) Park round out Saturday's feature • won the double*' crown heiv paired did not agree erts In two rounds. fourth pitclier to beat the Sena­ the Senators. liamsport. Pa., for the start of the totally Inexperienced in the game, i;tinning for it, you see, is-|Congres- or nothing. Perhaps when they r h po H ^ rbl j Aaron, Milwaukee, 33; Robtneon, infost fWDDping tors six time* in one season over Fact is,. Mudeat has depended LL World Series Tuesday. into an undertaking with two aional interest in the established fully realize what they are up Hydf, SB ...... I With Willie Shoemaker riding. Cincinnati, 28; (Cepeda, San Fran­ Earned His (%ance Htan HIHnald defeated irv Ken- the pant 24 years and the flr»t on Washington more than anyone Schenectady defeated Barre. Vt., majors' antitrust immunity. againat, the embryonic proprietors | Brevinalri. rf ...... cisco, 25. Clay's last outing resulted in s ned.v 2-up In the sMnl-fInaJ* of tile strikes on it at the start? Doornan. rf ..5.. ' Round Table picks up top weight of Club Championship at the Man­ 12 to do 11 fcinee ICd Lopat of the since Martha. The young right­ 6-3 with Doug Wilkins, who start­ The best answer no doubt comes The fundamental problems 'of won't 1 ‘ quite as enthusiastic. Danielion. p "J 0 I * " " " 132 pounds. He already has earned Pitching — Face, Pittsburgh, surprising sixth round knockout of rDductions in Long hander has only an 18-16 record ed at third base and wound up Buckify. 3h ...... 3 n 0 () 3 1 0 15-0, 1.0(>0; Antonelli, San Fran­ chester Country C3iib. niUnald in 19.53. froth a majoa- league official who the Tontinental League are (1) Frick encouraged them by prom­ Briegfl. c ...... 3 0 3 3 n 0 0 *j,486,139. In a tuneup he worked Grid Pros vs. Stars: the veteran Clarence Hinnant and for his two years In the majors - pitching, hitting a three-run hom­ players, who are priceless'; (2) ising player help. cisco, 16-7, .606; Drysdale. Los earned him hia chance at the big now meets defending Champion Yegrsl ^ Detroit walloped the Yankees has been close to 'Rickey for many Cllflord. 3b ...... J i ? I i 2 2 flve, furlongs 'Thursday In 'one 1.^ Terry in the S8-hole final 14-2, and Borton overcame three but he’s 11-0 against the Senators. er in the first,inning to provide thi years. fans willing to pay to see this cal­ Tossing Players Around minute flat. Angeles, 15-7, .682; Law, Pitts­ time against Ray. Tjie hard hitting * • • difference, r. iber of baseball; (3) eight good 'I hopetlial while Fiit* is toss­ Kaiaer. it) ...... 2 1 ? 5 2 2 2 Tudor Era and Wiggle II. the burgh, 14-7, .687; Newcombe, Cin­ Sunday morning. The finalists are home .sms by Kansas vJlty's Bob I "Until two or three years ago, Dut>anoakl. I( ...... 3 (> 1 3 0 0 2 It’s Game of Survival Philad;Iphia features a left jab expected to tee off at 9 o’clock. N Y L O N SAHTY AU-WUTHER Cerv for an 11-10 decision over TIGRR.S 14. YANKS J Frank Bridgeport eliminate 'Chester, everything Rickey said made head- places to nut franchises; (4) fi^ ing t'lose players aroun I so loose­ Auetralian-bre.1 4-year-oId filly cinnati, 11-6, .647. • and heok and a right he throws the Vs. Bolling, who hammered two home Pa., 12-7 and it was^LAu Cedrone s line.s," he poinUd ovit. "B)it Branch nancial stability; (5) reparations ly, he remembers me,"'said Gen-, Total*,u.oi- ...... 31 3 10 31 », 1 3 who won last Saturday's rich Strikeouts — Drysdale, Los An­ from way back. Ihree-nin homer,.W the fourth that for riinor league territory tajren eral Frank Lane of the j geles, 193; S. Jones, San Fran­ • 5 runs, and Gall Harris, each drove .suddenly became a fifth wheel in Matfon. shape up as_ the chief, Chicago (NEA)—Lee Grosscup was too “shook” to bother Ittay haa worked his way up; the Here’s one oi( the best buys in five runs for the Tigers. Jim broke a 5-5 Jlei Pittsburgh, and missed having his over; (P) the ne'*' league's share Cleveland Indians. 2B Scanlon. Wheeler 3. Briggs. Du- threats in the probable field of cisco;—^163; Antonelli, San Fran­ light heavy rankinga wil(L a 19-7-5 COMPLETE SELECnON ORloLrji 1 . WMITB s o x 8 of the 20 milljon dollars now in "I wish th new leagi'e all the banoakl: SB. McDowell: IXIB Tele­ •ven to comb his hair as he climbed into the cab that would *nie Oriblea, responsible for > half Bunning (12-10) )>eat the Yankees name In print. The suggested third phone 6. Teacher* 3: SO. D*nle|»on 1; eight. Tudor Era gets in with 110 take him away from the abattoir that wa.s SoWier Field this cisco, 133; Haddix, Pittsburgh, record, incldding three victories : PLASTIC-KOTE featured at oul[ big Goodyear for the first time this season Pj,liy Pierre of the Chicago major league gives B.R, a chance the players' pension fund; (7) success in the world," said Owner WP, Danielson 3. • pounda and Wiggle with 105. 126; Koufax, Loa Angeles, 118. over tough Jeaae Bowdry. He's an af the White Sox' eight defeats in time required to build new parks, Bill Veeck of the Chicago White hot summer night. He wagged his head from side to side A E R O S O L^ "fire Sal* — S-T Nylon .Safety A 85 one-run decisions this season, with a five-hitter- blanking them White Sox pitched 245 innings in to pop off. Ans^ody who has ever Jack VRtner became the Sword Dancer, making hts first infighter who raps hard and often on one hit over the last 6 1/3 ^n- 1958 and hit only one batter. listened to hl^ knows that he is to say nothing of the cost, which Sox. "but it needs 200 pla^vers. first batter to hit a ball over the start in three weeks, put In a -and spoke trance-like: to the body in an effort to wear All-Weather made with Good- ^ tagged ta t man (5-6) and six re- would be from eight to 12 million I can't find one." at Charter Oak the logical man to head a league rightfleld fence good workout when he stepped six Boy. .you know that gu.v waa In the Colt dressing room, line­ down hia opponents. He can take S^RAY PAINTS year’i excl|Ufive S-T Triple- Lie * II M«fk. lhat(*to date , has consisted wholly each. A cojple o< the proposed new Park this season. His home run, furlongs In 1;14 3-5 Wednesday. dead for a few aeconds. I took one Sport Schedule out a man with either hand. Enamola, Lacquers, Stains M il lek*-«T»« owners declared ther.,selves will­ which came in the sixth inning with backer Pellington recounted the Tempered .NyloB for grater., of Islk." I>ist Stand In Pittsburgh Manuel Ycaza will ride him. look and it almost made me aick. Brown episode; "Sure I waa Surprielngly, Ray is rated only t... Makes Good Deals No o :e~is it positio to tell ing to spei J two and one-half mil­ two runners on base, was the mar­ The Dancer will'face Howard - I've seen a lot of injuries on a foot- Tonight t Miength m»d lafety. lion dollars. gin of difference as North Metho­ scared for the kid when I saw him „ an even money choice against the Rickey, although in the sere and nfN^' prospective owners more Keck'a Bagdad, runner-up to the . hall field, but none like that. lying there. But when a man tries i vs. North, 8- Memorial raw Clay, he odds .send one’s '/gUow of hia Illustrious career, con­ f bo\it the pitfalls than Riokey, "What are they going to do," dist (ihurch edged the Knights of Brookmeadf atar in the Belmont. "I ■'had to keep playing, and MANCHESTER asked 9 ank Lane, "(r*gn 10 bonus Columbus 4-2 In the semi-finals of to get by me for a pass, 1 have! ' memory back to the recent I.en tinues to maki go^^ deals for especiali.v after his last stand in Also In the probable field of 19 tried not to show how it affected a job to do.” Trust 'Ys. BRntl.v’s, 8—(Charter Matthews-Carloa Ortiz fight, Matt­ Rickey- John Galbreath*-exercises Pittsiiurgh players?” the Slow Pitch Softball playoffs la the King’s Ranch's filly. Resaca. me. But thta waa my buddy.” Oak Park. laat night. A callojused Colt behind him hews, ji stablemate of Clay's was AUTO PARTS T4rms as low at w eekly I winner of the Coaching Club, TThe buddy was Don Brown, a Gresn Manor vs. Nassiffa, in the same Inexperienced spot Vlttner gave way to Gerry Chap­ American and Delaware Oaks. Un­ Houston halfback playing with the muttered, "What elaeithat kid ex­ Keeney St. Field, ' 1- 270 BROAD -.1 pell In the sixth Inning when-he be­ pect? He got no bualne^ out Smiday, Aug. 28 againat Ortll and waa favored by der the condltiona of the race, College All-Stars. An hour earlier, the men who make odds their bust- Other 3-T NYLON 3-T RAYON CUSTOM gan to lose some of his sharpness. baaed on money winnings, Sword he had flared out for a pass by there.” i ' 1 Soffleld' at - Mortarty'a, |:S0 — Chappell held the K of C scoreless Dancer and Bagdad carry 12« Grosscup. Aa he tried to circle Late in the fourth quarter when Nebo. ( J TIRE BARGAINS! SUPER-CUSHION sm tm oN B S Drysdale Now Ranked over the final two frames. pounds each while Reaaca geta In- around linebacker Bill Pellington Morlarty’s vs. Wilson, 2;3(V-Mt. ....- Vlttner Hits Homer It didn't mean anything. Pelling­ edmet on America's finapt tew s wtth 115. J ' of the Baltimore Colts, he ran into ton whacked proapective receiver N e^. iiU9f.rrn foaiHt MU (Letifielder Norm Warren idellver- -an elbow swipe that flipped him to Buddy Dial acroai the back’ to j fMI 91X1 lo w MUCt* ‘ MKIS ei! tht Northlee’ first run jvlth a t ' . 1090199 i: Baseball’s . Top Pitcher the ground and stopped his breath­ keep him from getting to a paaa. , Jaycee TpBck. aiacKWAU roBam 9AU second Irtning single while Vlttner ing aa he awalloped hia tonghie. 7 .1 0 x 1 5 $23.50 tow m a * N ia * Lower Prices! (Bso Collected a single along with Kr^bfi Challenging The All-Star Game is admit­ TOa MahcheeAer trio of Joe - $20JS n a i *in I . Play for a living tedly a poor contest because the Dyer, Paul PMnney and Ken looked at the slow riis homer and rightfielder Pste b5.55 $21.75 St. I-ouis (NEA) Don Dry*.*■ Covington Cordera rapped out two singles and Ed Flemke’s Lead I Dpctori and a red ambulance cards are stacked for any profes­ Smith is expected to compete in LEASE 7 .M X T 5 25.65 22A0 6 .70 x15 pilch. Drysdsle threw anothef. ALUMNI UCAGIIIC rushed onto tha field. the New Britain Jaycees Olympic dale's ahlrt waa wet from working a dhuble. sional team that feels like play­ 7 .10 x 1 5 2/.95 23.80 4 .0 0 x U at Busch Stadium, and trudging Wes let it pass again for strike Four niiis In the sixth Inning Foul* players accounted for- the Al Riverside Park ^ Standing off to one side, Groas- ing. The Colt* felt like It. D»\'elopment Championship Track niM int V foaMie i - 9AU along behind him enroule to jhe two. With the nerve of a burglar, carried Green Manor to a 5-2 win Knights' four safeties. cup and the College Stars with him and Field Meet tomorrow at Arute 3 TNU iiXI tow raici* PtKi* large Don came right back with T)ie only beneficial by-product MODERN -BAY 7.6 0 x15 30.70 25.95 4 .7 0 x 1 s Loa Angeles lockcra, in a clean over Nassiff Arms last night at Monday night North Methodist now knew the transition from Wten is education. It was Frank Field in the Hardware City. Th* a third change and caught Cov- (Charter Oak Park. Ed Doucette and the Telephone Co. clash In the Riverside Park Speedway — , playing a game to risking their event, for both Junior end senior 7 i 0 x 1 4 $25.15 $20.95 .lAwatAaay .*1*1 **■ uniform, waa Art Fowler. Gifford who described what he 7.5 0 x 14 26.85 21.75 "There," drawled Fowler, "goes Ington looking with a single and double paced the opening game of the beaWL^-three Buddy Krebs is another example -necks In buiinewi, because almost athle os, will got undorway at 1 s h e U s e r v ic e s t a t io n 7 .1 0 x 1 S of the old adage that "you can t every one of them woiild play foot­ discovered aO a jcld just oi|t‘ of o’clock. A wide variety of evont* 8.00x14 27 J5 23J5 @(UNawmTiomti(g& my meal ticket." ' Fast ball, curve and change are victors "while Ray Jenack garner- aeries for the playoff title. The Coilegi, full of. go-gret-'em, meet­ 50 WINDSOR AVE.< ROCKVIL4.E IIm* Harare Ihf only staples he has, bul.Diys- e(J_tw.o bingles In a- loaing effort. series will be played at Charter keep a-good man down” In sports. ball fo ra living. are aohodulod including pole vault, CONN* 8.0 0x14 29.40 23.80 7 .4 0 x 1 S When Drysdale start* for the ing the pros. I UKTIME nUAKANKE 90NII Dodge"rs, Fowler rsrely works in dale explains, "This .year I've been Tonight the Elks and Pontlcel- Oak Park, with all games slated to After leading the stock car rac­ In 80-minutes, Dick Schafralh of hammer throw, cUecua throw, jav- CoR • U 9 --1521— Evmii M l 9 .9 0 6 7 8.50x141 30.20 25 J5 throwing them' at different speeds ll'a collide In a 6:15 contest at start at 8;15 ing point standlnga at Rlvemlda Ohio State would have a depressed "The first thing you notice,” oUn throw, shot put, high jump, 8.5 0x14 32.20 25.95 relief. When Dry'adale doesn't said Frank, . “Is the sound. TTie Spies let esd reeeppabt* Nr* 7 .5 0 x 1 4 start, Fowler isn't likely to toil. and that helps." Charter Oak Park. North MethodUt M> Park Speedway for much of tha cheekbone and fellow - Buckeye bdoad Jump, rur.-: and dashes. Green Manor ... ()01 004 x—5-4-1) ah r h pn a • rbi aeaaon. Krebs recently fell to Dan James a sprained ankle. BUI crack of the shoulder- pads when Sanctioned b; tho AAU, the meet *ple< te* e*4 rsesppsbls Ik* W'HITFA RIJGHTL5' HIGHER Because In the late innings of a Mastering a change waa quite Coi’dei'A; rf ... 0 0 .0 the pros apply them is like noth­ tight game. Walter Alston is prone a trick for Drysdale who throws Nassiffa ...... • Oil 000 0—2-5-1 OuRtafson. ct , 0 0 0 fourth spot as the result of a'series Stacey of Mississippi State was will )be ■ staged under tho auepipos. Doucette and Potter; Bran- B. Holman. M 3 0 0 of hard luck events. knocked out on- one play and ing you've ever heard before. It's of the United States Olymiric 1 . to signal to the six-foot-six right­ the bail'three-quarter arm out Vlttner p .... 0 0 3 But now the Bast Hartford loud—and you feel It.” OommiUee. * hander. Until belted out in the where the batter can follow It. I nick. Smith (6) and-^Amith, Shea Steely r ...... 1 0 0 Navy's Bob Reifsnyder limped (6). Kanna. 3b 3 1 0 speed demon is back in second after a leg bump. Brown was In-the opening inning In Chicago the have to twist my wrist more,” he Warren, If ... 0 0 1 place and must be regarded aa the other afternoon, Drysdale had won explains, "and use my body to AIAIMNI I-EAOUE Hdward. 3b .. 0 0 0 -hospital with a brain concussion. 10 of his last VI starts, including Bantly Oil, behind the sparkling Chapman, lb 0 0 0 chief threat to steady Eddie They’d alt surv.ive, and Bfown ARMSTRONG MIRACLE TUBELESS fool the batter." ChappeU, at . 0 0 0 Flemke's surge to hia aecond BOWLERS seven In a row. He had six consecu­ one-hit pitching of Mac McCurry, will no doubt become a fine back He's also the only pitcher who whitewashed Manchester Trust 7-0 ...... 31 4 10 11 5 1 4 atraight champlonahlp at the'Eddie for the Chicago Cardinals, -but tive complete games. ha.s (to tamp down the dirt on the TotalR Carroll oval. KhPIN BALLS - MADE TO ORDER FIRST LINE-100 LEYEU-NYLON or TYREX Drysdale la now rated the most last night at Keeney St. Field. Mc­ K. at O. it) they’d have a better. Idea of what third base side of the .mound be Curry. who struck put 15 batters, ab r h po a rbi Has Sizable Pull they were getting into playing formidable pitcher in baseball. cause when he whips hjs body Monroe. of . . 0 0 0 6 .7 0 x 1 5 ...... $ 1 7 .9 5 AgalnsOany batter, at any given had a no-hitter working for six Ulppen. af aS 0 0 0 If (tnaabody ia going to atop professional football. It can be a by “EBOlHTr around from the far corner of the and two-thirds innings or until Stev_:ev>nson. o ...... **3 I 0 1 1 0 0 Flemke, it now appeara that it’ll game qf surviylal. LONDON (FACTORY DRILLED) GUARANTEED moment, in any given game, the pitcher's plate. It looks like the Moake. p 3 I I 0 3 0 0 John Wright singled sharply Bellake. rf.. . L . . . 3 >1 0 0 0 1 have, to he Kreba. Flemke hag a ' TUKIBS SefMy AH-WsellNr 7 .1 0 x 1 5 ...... $ 1 9 .9 5 collar ad from Van Nuys Is the ball is coming from out of left ) 1 1 0 0 1 best bet to deliver the big out. through the middle. RIeser. 3b 3 aizable pull over his rival, 463 in 14 and lS Inch liras BUY NOW NEW TREADS field. f Bob Young, Ed Zawtatowski and SuUlvan. aa i 0 3 .1 0 0 193. in the point standlnga but WATERFORD BOWLING SHIRTS 7 .4 0 x 1 5 ...... $ 2 1 .9 5 Just like he did the older night Choquette. 3b. .«•••». 1 ) 0 5 1 0 0 TEAM PRICES—ALL MODELS against the BravCs. He threw ex­ It's more than an Illusion by McCurry each garnered two hits McConville. If ...... 3 1 0 3 0 0 0 Kreba, now that he haa regained SO-MINUTE FREE 6 .7 0 x 1 5 ...... $ 7 .9 5 the lime the haH reaches the for the-victors, with Zawistowski McCarthy. lb ...... 3 > 1 5 0 0 0 his early aeaaon form, may provida ' ONE tow $ 1 0 9 5 7 .5 0 x 1 4 ...... $ 1 7 .9 5 actly 100 pitcjies. got to a three- 7 .1 0 x 1 5 ...... $ 8 .9 5 baH count on only two batters in' plate. A batter has to be spry and also chasing home three runs. Los-^ Tolala ...... 3fi 1 4 31 7 0 3. Flemke with more competition INSTALLATION BOWLING SHOES PAY LATER the nine Innings. loose against Drysdale, who'd ing pitcher George *^ay chalked up Metbodial ...... 010 008 0 - 4 thnn you think. 8.00x14 ..f ...... $ 1 9 .9 5 7 .6 0 x 1 5 ...... $ 9 ,9 5 brush back his proverbial grand­ 14 strikeouts and dueled McCurry K, of C...... 010 100 0—3 Jerry Humlaton, Springfield lone 4.. Mia "He has control," veteran re­ 2B. Cordera, Moake. Rieaer; HR. SPEED BOV^ 7 .5 0 x 1 4 ...... $9J95 liever Clem Lablne was saying. He mother. On even terms until the s^enth In­ Vlttner. hope for a racing title, ia still in HYDE - PROFESSIONAL Ck****■)*> T je a 14 sr a I* ' As IHtl« bt • i) Bi.tai sad wsskesbU Kr« 8 .5 0 x 1 4 ...... 1 $ 2 1 .4 5 - j ------— — r r - always^ had it. That's why they Drysdale used to talk a lot ning when the Oilers erupted for third place with 359 pointa but ia brought! him up so early.”- about throwing at batters, with six runs. ; only two markers up on Joe Pale- B0YW.INQ BALLS - SHOE BAGS $1.25* a w m I A L L PRICES PLUS T A X and RECAPPABLE TIRE Drysdale was pitching National the old malarkey about "It's my Bantly O H ...... 100 000 8-^)-9-0 ski, who is making a belated hid to 3 ^ League basebel) before he was 20. bread and butter.” Then he got Trust ...... 000 000 0-—0-1-2 tak8 one of the top spots in tha BEAT BILL SLATER OM •oowviAt fans mM i o n a n y o i N n k in d i He's 23 now. Into a running head-slloglng match McCurry and Kasavage; May standlnga. (IaI BOWLING TROPHIES-AWARDS 1 "Don." conlihued Ijihine, "can with Sam Jones of th# Giants and Allen. , \ Two old favoritea at Riveraide, throw the slow- curve. You know that carried from l»ii Angeles to HttUng — W 11II e McCovey, Jocco Magglacomo end Benny Ger- nr,o*t pitchers got to go to It only- San Francisco and wound up with Glante—Had three hit and dmvq mano,. are atlll having thelc SPORTS AND ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT DISCOUNT after the fast one is gone because Willie Mays being pinged In the ThurflHay’fi Homem in three runs, hreaklng a flfth-in- troubles. Jocco is in. No. 8 apot anil SEAT COUERS IS OUR ONLY RUSINESS they have no choice.’’ back and Drysdale docked *60. ning Me with a single and clinch­ Gefmano in No, 7 and it haa been T^'difference between the cur­ Don Drysdale no longer talks (Season tfffal In parentheses) ing S-S VIctery Over the Braves many seasons since that pair rit TO DRIVER WHO HATS "WILD MU" rent Drysdale and the feltering 12- much about zeroing In on batters. American League with a two-out homer In the ninth. racing atara’ names ware l^t out AND WIN$ 2D-UR FIATURE NICHOLS-MANCHESTER TIRE, INC. STATION 13 hurler of last year Is finesse. With the kind of stuff he's throw­ "Maxwell, Tigers,(27) Pitching—Mudent Gmnt, In- of the firat flve on any track. TRiPlfM \ O r MANOUESUBR 996 BROAD STREET MI 941179 Barly this season, he faced ing these afternoons and nights, Bolling, Tigers 2 (10) dlnne—FMhed Cleveland within Alt of the top drivers, and others, 1016 Main gt— Ml 9-lMT ST.— Ml 9-0980 W«a Covington of Milwaukee he-<4pe8n't have to aim at noggins, Held, Indlape (28) gnmea ef flret place with a will he oh hand at Riverside Bat-' Nassiff Arms “WE.OIVE OHFJCN STAMPS" three-hitter that beat the Sena­ urday night when sioek ear raelng 5roft£sm 8 RAGES ~ TOMORROW NIOHt MIO with men on bajw. Drysdale r “TTWi MttAM have enough head- FlUgeraki, Indians (1) USB OUR EASY PAY PldLN—PAY A8 YOU RIDE threw Covington a ohangeHup. '•chea. ,.L' - Cerv, ViLthleUea 8 (18) tors g-L sriU remma, starting a t.8:16 p.m. AdiM* $1.25 — KM 5D&~FRCK RARMNO House of Sports m M A iS Mnr71 A • 1

|>A01ITWBLVI> 4 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, (X)NN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21.1969 MANCHEStER ivENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY. AUGUST 21. 1969 PAGE TBfltTEEN BUGS RUNNY UUR 0 UAKU1NG U0 U8 S with MAJOR HOUPLE DAILY CROSSWORD PC'ZZLE Auto DrlTinc School 7-A THERE OUGHTA RE A LAW BY PAGALY aiwl RHURTEJN Help Wsnted—Malc M Aitidep Per irilB 45 ZOUNPf IHeCOftN'Tl rPUFF!) PLBASE HAVE A«y IJLRSON'S Connecticut's first 11- TOWN OF MANCHFiSTER ' POWER MOWERS - Tdro. Jseab- UKI MCr MONEY READY THEN-NEXT^ ranaad driving school trained. .. AnDTHIR GUTTf U sen. Taioo and Snapping Turtle. , « Z ~ FOR NINE Real and rotary. Also rMu^mow* ■ ' I". TIAAI AROUNPl Anawar to Prtviout Puizls CLASSIFIED Certified and approved. Is now of­ .M0«T SOFLiRG COULON'T MiT SENIOR ENGINEF/RING fering classroom and behind ■ iTH|vr»,L0LrroFBi8» ers. Parts and aarvlce. ^ p ito i What's th« Word? wheel instruction for tpanagers. AIDE — 14,065-56.157, Equipment Co.. 88 Main St., Man* Ml 9-6076. Chester. Ml 8-7968. ADVERTISING Appllranta must hav* had exper- ___ ^ _ AGKOM 2 JutUncland 4 Weft Point PREPARE FOR - - drlvsr’s test; lence Irr office W field engineering 80IL--Poaalbly the cleaaeet nam»a O r 1-----1 aUp ranra CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENT DEPT. HOUR.S Ages 16 to 80. Oti-vlng and class college lai^l training in civil en- moet fertile dallvared tn this and jump 5 Poet,----- feitaa room. Three Instnictlons. No watt­ gineering. Application forma may thia year. Place your order. 4 "Bird In a 8:15 A.M. to 4 :.T0 P.M. ing. Manchester Driving Acade­ ^ oMalned at the Office of the .Ka?.****" * '*o*'s, Bolton. glided----- Seeger a r2< GKind my, PI 2-7249. ( I f i General Manager. Mancheater. ^ 8-7083. t Aid and----- 7 Letter COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Connecticut; the Rlate Personnel COMBINATION gaa and oil stove, n Canttcia 8 Malarial MONDAY Thru FRIDAY 10:80 A.M.—8ATVRDAT t A.M. Department. Stale Office Building. table and chairs. 8i twin bode. 13 Brtwa fevera Motorcycles—merries 11 Hartford, Connertimit or th> Hart­ MI 9-i6t1. 14 Yawn 9 Deep — - PLEASE READ YOUR AD ford end Manchester Offices (K tt. ______15 ------voiceand heir 27JaU 42 Always GIRL'S 26" Hawthome-blcycle with Connecticut State Employment FOR SALE—Complete Mrvtce ita- ^ ,»'!U M. ISBaUet 10 Fendnc aword 28 Indivldusla 43 Fiddling carrier, in good condition MI Servlce. Completed appllcalicn* non equipment TR t-OtlS fi«m parfonnera 11 The acid----- 20-----the band Roman ClaaalBed or "Want Ada” are taken over th« phone a# a con- 9-7276. mutt be filed In Off lie of General s a m -6 p m Evenings, MI 3-4148. It Neptune’f 17 Substitute 31 Weirder mperor venlfnce. The advertiser should read his ad the FIRST DAT IT $ iu Manager. Town Hall, .Mancheste.r, ------— .... ----- BY T. HAMLIN APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the next Inser­ B lT l a st rMv!e. LAST /SOS mmivRTOV. Connecticut, on or before Aug. 3t.'^EMPTV GALI/IN Jar* (all ALLEY OOP 10 Battles of two 33 Hang high 44 Dlitlnct part BOY'S BICYCT.E for sale. Road- $ r m u L /?, umn. 20 Place afain 23 Regions as----- 48 Saucy tion. The Herald is responsible for only ONE Incorrect or omitted ba.'.,v/hen rroofSHT J959, I cleaned. I Ideal for canning o r TMCM W^rr* ir« HW IPEA.OOI'-HCV K « « £ « - „NOW TVMkT WCVG aOT HIM SENIUS. EH? EH! HE'S master. MI 3-7629. MAHS AsY Di^FERESCE cvsnrTvtiMs- a m m a iiu «„W iivi k n o »^-hcav v o r k in a in tmkRc. v w r c / 1CXI A SENIUS ALL RKEHT, 2 1 Iflckor7 ----- 24 Eating place 38 Annoy 47 PlalnUIT Insertion tor any advertisement and then only to the extent of a ...... - ...... I home use CaseCaae of of four four 38c. 3»c. Mi Man- 60T r M 60 V >(«'D OIVS AlO«r AMVTMIN* TO ^ aOINS 10 LET ANY- SEE AT l>UU.IN’ TVT ROOl 22 Damiel 25 Amo, amaa, 40 Iron 48 Volcano In “make good” Insertion. Errors which do not lessen the value of ANY MORE ~ Chester Piihlir Market, 808-808 M lIUT A«0UT « 26 Divest Male or Female 37 COMPI.ETE porch encloeure In­ r x : 25 AnUloxini TOUR COOPERATION WIU, TAMKIR TREE Removal — land 27 Com on . Re s p o n s ib l e men and women cluding gtaaa. screens and dOers. 1 1 1 f 4 7 t 9 10 11 BE APPRECIATED Dial Ml 3-2711 cleared, firewood cut. Insured. Siiltahle for shore cottage or cotin- . the----- Call MI 3-8742. Paul A. EUispn. to drive, school bus T;80.8:.30. 30 Charm 4:181:30; MI 9-0682 after 8. MT fry home. EnctoMa space 133 32 Rdtris^nt IZ . If RADIO-TV REPAmS. any m ake- 3-2813. square feet, 938. Ml 9-2304. 34 More untrue Lost and Found Automobiles for Sale 4 COVJ IT 14 17 cars, ampliflera. phonographs - nd PART-TIME Friendly Ice Cream STOCK AND parts, bins, also NEVER HEARD 35 Flower I/)ST—Blue and white parakeet. OLDER -CARS, mechanics spe­ changers. Over 47 years total ex­ shelving Perfect If you ars add­ 38 Greek letter ~ T 70 perience, 90 days piaranlee on all haa openinga for male counter A NOISE LIKE o4fe_ 1? ■ 1 Answers to Lucky. Vicinity of cials. fixlt yourself cars, always workers miring evenings and ing to vrair storage area Call Mt THAT eE F O R E -,.,,.,.,...... ^.,,., STTeara lymmls and Bllyue Sta., Martches- a good selection. Look behind our work. Potterton's. MI 9-45,87. 9-,5445 '■‘V.T H «> —-^<-N 30 Spar II IT r weekends. Housewives open­ 40——* dream ter. MI 9-9787. office. Douglas Motors, 383 Main FLOOR SANDING and reflnlstfing ings tor counter work during lunch 41 Flap r r ■ 7? It T LOST—Pass Book No. 3508. Savings 1966 FORD Fairlane convertlMe, Speelallztng in old floors^ M hours. Applicenla must, he neat 30 GAI-I/IN water tank. NssdMtoic 42 Haraen Department- of the Connecticut power steering. Clean. In excel­ 9-8750. In appearance, with pleasant per­ gaa heater. MI 9-4691. CARNIVAL 45 Thorny . w r n n sonality. No experience nei eseery. BY DICK TURNER Bank k Trust Co., N. Main St Of­ lent condition, 11,200. Call TR M A M RUBBISH Removal Serv Rooflng-^idinc 16 Help Wantei)'—Pemal* 35 Help Wanted— Female 35 -m 'im tsi s«f ■> W. 49 Revered fice. Application made for pay­ 5-130,4 davs. Call MI 9-8198 foi appointment WINDOW FAN 20 ,3 spMd. axcil- 61 In and — It ice. Full time. ResidenUsil com RAY'S ROOFING CO., shingle and lent fonrtition. 113 Banee TMidor, 52 DlscMd ment. merciai. industrial. Attics cellars, TYPIST POSITION r n WANTED - CTean used cars. W« built-up roofs, gutter 4hd conduc­ REGISTERED burae - part-time. $12 MT 9-0524 ■oddees ... ■ buy. trade down or trade any­ yards, lawn mowing, high grass SituRttons Wsntod-- PKISCILLA'S POP BY AL VERMKBR cut. Incinerator barrels. W 9-9757. tor work; roof, chimney repairs. Available in our claim* -p- Diamnnda—Watches— CAMPIN® MVSELF WE W ENT 'ni DEAR! YOU'RE 1960 PONTIAC, Chieftan, radio, REUPHODSTERY, slip covers t d Jack.son. Ml 3-8325. SSDecayi u fi T *14 17 18 ing ability. To be trained In dicta­ I WILL DO beby sitting In my Jewelry 4S BUT I THINK r~ SWIMMING j^OT Q U IT E 56 The fine — VACUUM CLEANERS repaired in heater, hydramatic, 8140. Call MI draperies custom made. Free *- COUGHLIN ROOFmO Oomp«ny, phone work. Knowledge of medical Help Wanted—Male 36 licensed home. Full or part-time, IN'TME my own home shop. Forty years timatesi Open evenings for .vo’i,r ■I'M R E A D Y r ^R EA D Y /a-Y / 57 Ate •JT fo Tl 9-6949 Inc. Aluminum siding, asphalt- terms helpful. Applicant must be day and or night. Tel. .MI 3-7320 r.EONARD W. TOST. Jswelsr, re^ F O R I T ^ factory experience. All makes, low convenience. P i M Upholstery asbestos roofing. Also aluminum, j -LATHE OPERATORS | pairs, adjusta watches exyertly. \ / DOWN rates, free estimates, free plck:ip 1948 CR08LEY, good condition, Shops, 207 N. Main St, MI 9-6324! high school graduate. Excellent MOTHER AT home would'l are for 1 ------K*and station wagon. Reasonable. Call ge.ivanized or copper guttera and EXPERIENCED ONLY ! Rcaadnable . prices. Open Sally. and delivery. Mr. Miller. JA CHAIN SAW work—trees cut. Rea­ leaders. Ml 8-7707. benefits, pleasant working condi­ children of working mothers Vi­ Thursdsv evenings. 129 Spruce hoateea TT T4 }! 2-8904. PI 2-8249. cinity Verplanck School. Phone Street. Ml 9-4387. A 2 In bad----- Z| sonable rates. Call PI 2-7558 be­ tions. For appointment call ' Tc those qualified we offer good ‘ ROOFING. SIDING, painting. Car­ pay with fringe benefttg in pleas­ MI 9-4720. ^ ------irn—r-^ 25c WASH, 10c DRY—Do It your­ 1959 RAMBLER American. Forced tween 1:30 to 4:30 or any ^ time pentry. Alterations and additions. self. I4icky-i Lady. Self-Service to sell. Will take trade. 28 Russell Saturday and Sunday, LIBERTY MUTUAL ant surroundings. St., before 3 p.m. .Ceilings. Workmanship guaran­ Garden—Farm—Dairy Laundry. il Maple St . (across teed. A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn Apply in person Situntionn Wanted—Male 39 , Prddaeta 80 SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL from First National Store- Parking St. MI 3-4860. INSURANCE GO. ■ 4 Lot). 1951 PONTIAC Catalina, hydrama- MORTENSEN TV. Bpeclailzed RCA IBY RESPON.SIBLE, recommended tic good running condition Radio, televtsioL-:, service. MI 9-4641. MI 3-1161 , DEAN I parly, part-time janitor Job In re­ PEACHES Golden .TuMISa * 'f l C4ANQ1 / CLANG! heater. 8135. MI 9-0484 after 6. canning or freezing. 8. Oambolatl, AMAZTNO new Electrolux --R” METRO APPUANCE Servico - MACHINE PRODUCTS, INC. turn for bachelor living qifhrters. ! -ivtuo automatic F. World's only fully Roofing and Chimneys 16-A ' Reply to Box M, Herald. Route 85, Bolton. Repairs all makes of refrigera­ KEY PUNCH OPERATOR 165 Adams St. VCLAH61 CLANG! automatic cleaner, nilly guaran­ 1954 BUICK 2 tone. 2 door. Excel- tors, freezers, washing machines, ROOFING—Specializing repairing — DARK YEU/)W com-pick your teed. Call Electrolux authorized roofs of all kinds. New roofs, gut­ EXPERIENCED man desires work own. 15c dozen. Angel 8t., b«lihlad L«Li!£i£i^£iisUs& a-ai >n. aales and service. MT 3-6.308. i lent condition. Call MI 9-1646. dryers, range oil, gas burners. Opening in small department for TOOL OPERATORS pruning and tying roses, shnibe. CLANG! MI 9-0883. All work guaranteed. ter work, chimneys cleaned, re­ a key punch operator cither full­ ABA Tool Co. \ 'C l A M l paired. Aluminum .siding. "0 EXPERIENCED ONLY trimming evergreens. Now In the WANTED-Riders from M.nches-119-''T .FORD custom 4 »edan, time or part-time days. Good time MI 3-6144 sfter 5 p.m. LONG SAM BY AL CAPP and BOB LUBBERS ter to Capitol area, Hartford. Call! *"'1 h?*ter, au om a^, TYPEWRITERS - Repaired, rent­ years' experience. Free esti­ TOMATOE*—Picked In own con­ CI.AN9! CLANG! ed, sold and serviced 479 E. mates' Call Howlev. MI 3-5361, MI wages, modem air-conditioned of-' To those qualified we offer good tainers. ,50c a peach basket. Sat­ /WIM OARIN'THE Mr. Gates MI 9-9116 after 4 ;30 \fiddle Turnpike. MI 9-3477. 3-0763.' flee. Ipay with fringe benefits m pleas­ urday only. 428 Hillstown Rd. 5WIIXa« rSTANO UP p.m, V Apply !ant svirroundlnga. ______Doim—Birds— Pet* 41_ Air RACE HOT LEAD ^ CUAMB! CONNIE S TV and Radio Service, ----- 'SP60AL- WANTED—Ride from Manchester available all hours. Satisfaction Millinery Dressmaking: 19 First National Store.s, Inc. Apply in person WANTED — Good home lor 8 TOMATOES 7BC baaket. Michael to G. Fox k Co., vicinilv Hartford. Trailers 6-A Park and Oakland Avee. months old male dog. Preferably die-! ity” to represent America's larg-1'’®o®***ry, 1100 returnable cash half bushel. Staked, axcclltnt, JUDD SAXON BY KEN BALD |ind JERRY RRONDFIELD give up! See Douglas Motors, get , MORTLOtlC'S Muetaaatar’a lead- eat cosmetic company can be bond required. Apply a littla lonKor!" \1 R> the lowdown on the lowest down I tng driving achool.- Three skilled, motors sendeed. Empson H. tance moving, packing and stor-1 Live Stock—Vehicle* 4 2 ; clean, easy picking. Pastnla, 480 5IT OONH, yours If you call now. JA 8-6273. >OUM® mAH... AARar.wnE.NO,K)ON& ^'lOUNSMAN.'yOUARC CLANG! and smallest payments an\-where. courteous Instnietora. Class room Aborn, Maple St.. Ellington, TO age. Weekly van service to New 1 1055 Broad St., Hartford, Clark St., Wapplng, off Routa 30. /WAN, NEVB? WAS.. UNFOR- J INOeEP SOMETHINS OP Not a small loan or finance com­ Instructlona for IB, 18, 17 year 5-7166. York. Ml 3-8563. FOR SAjLE"-^'Guernsey heifer, due AND HOW AW TUNATElX A SCM . BUT WHEN YOU V 1949 kr Nta at furnish acceptable references. 48 SUMMER SALE-on fertile .tone-' ing machine, in very g(>od condl' /MUERABLE.tirrLB. work and parts, over 47 years' ex­ Call now, accepting 6 women only. | less loam. Also, sand stone,' tlon. Radio with record player. FROM VANkH NAVY • the RUSSIAN TRAWL«' perience. Famous for service since hour week, time and a half after PLANE c r a sh ! BUfr ?NIPBRi PAINTING AND paperhanging. This arl will not appear Again. , 40 hours, all benefits. Apply In gravel flit. .Ml S-8610S. I Call M|I 9-0600 after 4. THEY'VE SWALLOWED THE BAIT. 1931, Phone MI 9-4637 for best First Class work. Available now. Call MI 3-2942. ! Hem ; service. person only at Schiebel feros.. jm m f! . Fully insured. Call anv time. Center St. at Proctor Rd., Man­ FLAT ^piNISH Holland window Ml 9-6326. OPENINGS for part-time work. chester. CORtiRUMl SR Nsxt FR|S shadiis. made to measure. All $40 guaranteed fop 3 evening's INSIDE AND outside painting;' work. Car nece.ssary. Call Willi- metal Venetian blinds at a new (Jean workmanship. Free esti­ low price. Keys made while you mantic AC 8-9028, or Coventry P I; mates. No job too small. John 2-6653. { wait Marlow's. Verfaille, MI 3-2521. FIjOOR CLEANING and Waxing done evenings. Finest waxes, pro­ Bonds—Stocks Mortgages 31 fessional equipment. Dennis Kerin. MI 9-1805. IMPROVE YOtm CREDIT - A »1\ multitude of monthly oa'’menta STORE may be lumped into one second MORIY MEEKJ.E BV DICK CAVALLI IRONING DONE in my home. MI WE ARE HIRING! 3-4096. mortgage with payments of only i FOR RENT 1 THINK > ia » $22.25 for each $1,0(X) you need, i 19 .MAPLE ST I Lathe Oparators # Jig Bore Operators MICKEY FINN MVGOOONEfi«/VOU • n e w fr ien i? r THINK I'LL Dtoc., Dial C3H 6-8807 and ask Frank BY LANK LEONARD haveanam/pullot eVERVOkV* ^n VBH, \ SKIPA FEW DAYS CWMIXI Burke or Mrs. Carter how (Con­ — APPLY — OF FRIENDS, CLUB IS A > BUT... j THIS WEEK. Building—Contracting 14 necticut Mortgage Exchange. 18 Manch*«t«r ■-MJT.eme-T-THErRE THEVRe 60M* STRAIGHT, PHIL I Milling Machine Operators # Toolmakers NOTGOIN'ANYMCRE.' WINTHROR FANTASTIC Lewis St., Hartford. -AND THAT'S IKHAT COUiTS • , SUCCESS.' > ALL TYPES of caroenlry work Sovingt and toian AND THEm GET LONGER ' done, alteratioiis, dormeru, roof­ 1007 MAIN ST. AS YOU GET USED TO IT/, ing, porchea, etc. Call Nd 9-5981. Help Wanted—Female 35 # All Around Machinists ANY KIND of carpentry and cabi­ MAJOR OIL CO. — Has a steno­ net work done. Honest and relia­ graphic position available in new GOOD PAY . . . OVERTIME OPPORTUNITIES . . . FRINGE SENENTS . r J r V Cross-Stilch ble workmanship. Call Roscoe (listrict sales office. Small office, IT Embroidery -Thompson, MI 3-1896 for esti­ diversifie^d duties, shorthand a % *6 ) 8306 mates must.' Good staiaing salary. All MAL TOOL & ENGINEERING CO. 18-20 Qiiick-cross-stitch makes these BIDWELL HOME Improvemen' benefits. Call (?H 9-9391. 291 ADAMS .STREET fruit motifs look'like applique. Be­ Co. Alterations, additions ga­ MANAGER for woman's specialty V.* *■ A.' A flgure-flatlering princess dress ginner or expert will enjoy em­ rages. Rbofing and aiding experts. that'a young and charming. Add broidering them on towels or di= Aluminuim clapboard^ a-specialty. shop, experienced only. Apply in a widt purchased belt. nette linens. person. Clear Weave. Manchester '•T.. <• .i.- .•k. V N^ •^ I e tW» N mA In. T.M. Itef. U.*. CM. Off. R- 2 | UnexcellM workmap.ship. Easy ^ v ' V No. 8306 with Patl-O-Rama is Pattern No. 2654 has hot-iron budget terms. Ml 9'«495 or TR Shopping Parkade. CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER in sizes 10. 12, 14, 16, 18, 20.-Bust tranafer--6 motifs: color chart; 5-9109. A*:- 31 to 40. Size 12. 32 bust,'sleeve- stitch Illustration. Prgpr 'm i HSALTH WA* PWE TILL I YOU MEAN HE'5 Y HWM-JUBTTia IGNA2I0 HAD TO PLEET IN AU5TRALIA.X HEARD 'leas, 6'« yards of 35-inch; 1 yard 'To order, send 25c in coins to: MR ABERNATHYI BY RALS'ION JONES and FRANK RIUUEWAV ... N HOME. ANTONIO' I'D YOUR OROTHERrii lRAl«eMONEY SPAIN AFTER THE aVILI A RUMOR THERE 15 NO contrast. Anrte Cabot. The Manchester Eve­ Read Herafd Ad vs. DOWN PAYMENT SEE PH ILLIPS- , IM A 7 IO ! HA5 \ HOPED TO ARRIVE WITHOUT PAN- THE BLACKSHEEPN TO-UH'HAVE IT WAR. HE HAP KEN h LONOER A PRICE ON MV To order, send 35c in coins to; ning Herald, 1150 .AVE. OF Wanted YES,SIR, HES picking AAE BEEN ao YEAR51 iVPAKBi BUT THAT LITTLE VIXEN": WHOSE PORTRAIT FIERY LEADER ON / HEAP! SO I CAME IN .AXfERiOAS, NEW YORK 88, for qualifled veteran* at ^ , OUT I WISH HE'0~ IS QATHBRIWa THE LOSING SlDE'.^' DISauiSE TO SEE IP IT Sue Burnett, Manchester Evening DO YOU HAVE A UP HERE. 1 Mope YOU don't WNGTHE DOORBELL. Hefald. I ISO ,AVE. OF AMERf- N. Y. For Ist-clasg mailing add lOc C08WEB5 IN IS SAFE TO RETURN! for each pattern. Print Name. Ad­ PATE WITH OFFICER MIND. LIRE EVERYONE ELSE' THE GAKAOEf OA8. NEW YORK 86, N. Y. For • SEPTIC TANKS Itt-class mailing add 10c for each dress with Zone and Pattern Num­ CLEANED and INBTALLBD TOOL nni 0'AVM.LEY TONIGHT pattern. Print name, address ber. HILDA? with zone, style No. and size. Have you the '59 Album contain­ ing many lovely designs and 5 free • SEWERS GAUGE MAKER Basic Fashion, our complete.pat- MAI^HINE CLEANED tarn book, will delight every ;home patterns? Only 25c a copy! dressmaker. The fall and 4/inter . . . M ust be fiill.v experi­ 0 INSTALLATION enced. W ill pa.v top wages. '58 edition is just 35c. SPECIALIST We will interview between in SOUTH WINDSOR 9*12 and 3-S. CoMMcHcut’t Laf94Mt Garaq* Display LOAM owh home miMlels t<> rhoose NOW IS THE TIME TO BUILDI—OUR LOW EST PRICES T aarf CouRtry from — 3 ranches plus o u lViv a t k d , c l e a n I No Paymants TW Novtmbar *59! TOBACCO FIELD IX)AM E. aad S. Gage Co. a split-level. a >1 DraiRage Go. Mitchell Dr.. Manchester Inrindes: TEL. Ml 9 -0A50 Phone MI 9-8288 ■ yeur VA, FRA mort* 1 Va-C«r Gd^of* 2-C4N' Gardf* JEFF COBB AFTER 6 P.M. Ml 9-4143 *age*; Waterproof paper I'HE S'lXIRY OF MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRUGGS BY PETE HOFFMAN 30 Your choice of aiding ^YOU )- I GUESS THAT'iS TOMORROWi WE'LL BUTTHAT'5 TOO B A D ! y Hee these fine home* todn.v! Cedar shakes over T A G ^fllBRINS HER BACK HERE )rr won't DOAUV i- I'm HER FATHER AND SHE'S A /VIHOe/ ' ENOUGH FOR NOW, STORE THE EXTRA Avery Heights Is over 90 % I ------»MEAHs'HE WHERE I KEEP MY t h e b o o k s ^ Sheathing TOtOKOW AA0RM1U6 F I <6000.IHADAtOU6 ■ SHElLDOASI CLARENCE I EQUIPMENT UP IN SPECIAL BOOK SOLD OI'T so don’t delay. DC»I«!SW3RK1M6ATTHE0P0SAWDEUDS \ WAS HAVE TO aRRV HER UUPEI^LK WITH HER AMO WILL HAVE TO •Novelty siding . PLBA5E,CHARLES- THEATTIC.I...1PLLPE COLLECTION! GO/ Prices start at Ship lap clapboards SHOP. THE WOWAW HjHO OWNS IT, MRS. WAVNtJ AOWlHS WV ARM ! t n x - ^ I THIUK THE WORST EVERYONE*? SAFER THERE! SEPTIC TANKS Concrete footing; floors, apron SfctMSCJUIlt UlCf.) THERE' TOESIBLETHIMSWC .^STARING, AND Oiistona Built Complete on your COULD DO IS- AT US', WANTED property - PLUefiED SEWERS No Down PoywtiH' ■ 5 Yoort to Poy-—Flrit Paymont OcTobor 1959 FIRST OLASS AUTO MECHANIC DIRPIAV OPEN MONDAY THROrOH SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 8 PM. MachiRR CleaRMl 14,250 ' 8ITXDAY I P..M. to A P.M: > \ EXTENSIVE'EXPERIENCE NfAXSiiABY From Hertford, North on Send Now For Free Brochure SepUo Tanka, Dry Walla, Bearer Rt. lA to Exit 94 (Howard Lines Installed—Cellsr Water* , TOP WAGEREXCEIJ-ENT WORKING OONDmONS. APPLY Johnson's), lieft twice over proofing^ Done, parkway, follow signs t4> Avery Heights. PillLLlpS GARAGES MrKINNEY BROS. CENTER MOTOR SALES Call; Glenn Roberts Agency, CflU Collect New Brittin. VAUe)^ -3 5 6 1 SawBrof* Disposal Co. 4S1 MAIN ST. Realtors—Mitchell 4-4ISIO • 2091 Berlin Turnpike, Berlin, Conn.—I'/i Mileii From Meriden Line ISO-in Pearl St.—MI S-S30S or Mitchell 4-OSOO. iiCriU:fl£ — ------r '”"‘.. I#..'*'



H ob for Salt 72 HoQsesfofSid* ' TS Vsntci-^RMl EstaU 77 Buslnesh Locations Houmu for SiJo 72 Hoomu for Sul* 72 Hooseo for Solo 72 Hoomo for Sole 72 HooM.for S>l4 72 Uoaaoo for SiJo 72 for Rent 84 MANCHESTER — Sturdy new six $18,000—OVERSIZED 6 room Cape 118 PRINCETON STREET — An THE BETTER VALUFaS JUST OFF Main-St.—A beautiful ON A KNOLL 189 EUZABETH DRIVE— Grssn MULTIPLE USTING Playground Town Pampers Its Albino SqWirels 7 room older home. S bedrooms, Manor, 6 room ranch, attached STORE roR RENT, i>xcKnent room Garrison Colonial. iMi baths, in quiet residential location, this nutstandins eight room Colonigl IS FOR YOU! , CLASSIFIED hot water heat, full Insulation, Immaculately kept home is worthy home ilocated in one of Manches­ are Hated here. Stop by, shop and living room, Uige kitchen, dining , BOLTON—Two year old Htach — Minutes to Hartford on Wilbur garage, full baaament, dishwash­ ration ftOO aquare ft., air-condl- room and den. Well shaded lArge 'Loeqtad on Bolton Center Bd; One Cross. Dslightful modemlzsd home er, electric stove, washer, dryer, Bf DAVB B on a m tioped optional. Tel, Ml 8-1181. plastered walls, fireplace, paneled of your consideration, also 3-car ter’s choice neighborhoods. Large compare, bht do look these over. IVheUier buying or selling take ' Notes lot. Schoole and storeg ona ' ‘ acre woqded lot. Two bathrooms, on tree shaded Iot„ Li5dn|: room refrigerator. ’Two minutes fnmi advantage of the Multiple Uattng Obiey, ni. — A ooloay o f wall, knotty pine cabinets. lArge sarsge. 8. A. Beechler. Realtor. living room with adjacept porch,port sunken living room, kitchen dinette UAROB PLEASANT More. «xrrl- shade trees. Call pwner and build­ Ml 3-68M. foihnal diningIng room, den and mod-me $18,600. Approximately $2,0(i(r 30x20 with waU-to-wslI carpet, ’fwo school. Occupancy in time for Servicee offered through the Jarvis about 700 whlta aqutmla ta OK ADVERTISING IN TOWN down. Phone MI 8-8109,, MI 8-00^. . area. Den. Priced for immediate bedrooms, kitchen, laundry. Full school opening. A m m e 4% mbrt- Realty Co. Check our Multiple List­ T7i« annual PIa.VKri>und. Picnic ney'B proudeat boaat tha l*nt lor froc«ry, TV,.or appliance er. Ml 8-4800. em cabinet Kitchen, 1V4 baths, sale. $22,900, The R. F. Dimock and town aalesroom, ate. Good alia front $14.900—BIX ROOM C«pe Cod In plus four good sized bedrooifis. basement. Asking $15,000. gSge. John DeQuattro, B i^ er, J. ing Board In our alr-condltloned of- conductad by the Recraation De­ trademark. $11,500—Sunset St.— Vscanl, 6 Co., Realtor. MI 9-5245. D. Realty, MI 9-8640. CLASSinED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS windows. Call after B. MI 8-1B80 BUSINESS sirE on East Center preferred Bowers School Area. Up­ Bolton stone adoma the yfront of rooms, heated front porch. Lot of fica at your leisure. Listing your partment was held .yeaterday at A more pampaiM animal would St., 120 foo* frontage, plus '6 room stairs bedrooms air-conditioned, MANCHESTER 8:15 AJH. to 4:30 P.M. nr Ml 8-8640. M Summer St. this beautiful Colonial. Deep lot' houee for the money. Combination II MADELINE SMITH, Realtor COVENTRY — 6 rooma, worth home with isrvis will assure you the West Bide playground, with be difficult to find. " hmiae, 4-car Forage with 58 feet nicely decorated^^ recently jrnmted affords ample recreation apace. windows, good heat. of Prompt action. Buying a home A city ordinance pazaad to.1*98 ATR'CONDITIONKD 8-room office. more frontaige. Carlton W-. Hutch­ exterior. 8, A. Aeechle'iler. Reutor. 4 room Cape $13,200 $15,000. Asking $11,600 7 rooma, 60S children participating fronj COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Handy to Bowers School and high' $13,900—Summer St. Six good 4 room Cape, 8 unfinished, $14,000 MANCHESTER Green a r e a - Six cost $17,000. asking $11,900. Call from Jarvis will assure you of a protects the alMno colony a M a 100% Main Street location. Park­ ins, MI 9-5132. MI 3-6969, school. Robert' J. Smith, Inc., quality home at fair market value. the 10 eupervlaed playgrounde white aqufrrel haa tha i1glit-of- _____ l ______^______I______6 room Colonial $14,200 room Ranch, two baths, attached MI 9-1642 A. J. Buckley, Welles Agency; MON, THIMJ MU. U J t AJU.—gATCTtPAT t A.M. ins. Marlow’s. 807 Main St. livable rooms, immaculate condi­ If you are having financing prob­ VERNON-MANCHE8TER line — BOWERS SCHOOL—Custom 3 bed­ 968 Main Street, MI 9-5241. tion. Loaded with extras, front 6 room Capo, 1 unftniihed, $15,000 garage, full basement, wall to wall Coventry, Pt 2-7856, PI 3-7983. This was the cloaing activity for way on any street In town. 6 room Ranch $15,960 carpeting, disposal. $21,000. The MANCHEISTER — Bowers School lems come in and let us to the 19S9 summer season. A motorist unlucky enough to GRISWOLb STREET —Oommer- New 6 room ranchea, 19x14 living room ranch, fireplace, cellar, ROCKVILLE—8 family houae. ’ '6ry porch, etc. Original owner aAys sell. area Custom hutlt 7 room Cape, 2 bolve them. Service is our stock In Dial Ml 3-2711 rlal sitrase.'approximately 1,100 room with fireplace, 3 spacious beautiful condition, lovely lot with Lot is 50x373. Ix>ts of room. 6 room Ranch, many sxtrae $16,300 R. F, Dimock Co,, Realtor. MI MANCHESTER— Oversized Cape. •Ths follotvlng were the winners: Mil one with bis car may bo aa- rood condition. Good size bam. 9-6246. unfinished. Excellent condition. On Deepwood Drive. Modem trade. Iq|t ua serve you TODAY. sessed a fine o f 938. Tbo aamo square feet. Call Ml 8-4838, 8 a.m.- bedrooms, all modem kitchen with trees, assume 4^ % mortgage. Large lot with fruit trees. Good $13,900—Green Hill St.— Choice Rockledge area lot $4,100 Girls 30-yd. dash, Sandy Fergu­ For information about any of Large kitchen, .fireplace, open kitchen, bncloaed breezewsy, one- fine appllee to anyone taktof one • p.m. built-lns. Anderson windows, city Small cash. Only $18,800. Carlton investment property. Monthly in­ location. Nice big roomy home. staircase, vestibule, oil hot F*ter son, 'Valley 8t.;egecond, Lorrle water, $16,500, Paul J. Correntl, W, Hutchins, MI 9-5132. these ^oe homes, call Ill car garage, good location. Phil- JARVIS REALTY CO. out of town becauaa Olnay tea* come, $176. Fkill price, $12,800. Four rooms down, two u|>—plenty heat, tile bath, copper plumbing, brick Agency, MI 9-8464. 283 EAST CENTER ST. , Shea, Verplanck; third, Phyliaa GMliN*< Finn Pracadiig Pagt STORE FOR'rent at 34 Oak St. Ml 8-.1863. Vernon -5 room ranch paneled of area for the family. Heller, Buckley. Idents have found thair aqiilm ls Approximately l«'x4n'. Heat In­ STRONG STREET—New largs 6- THE LOMAS & NETTLETON BOLTON—New extra large Cape— large well shaded lot enclosed for Xn 8-4113 MI 9-1200 do not survive outside tlio 4Stty cluded. Rent' reasonable. For In­ $12,600—Immaculate 6 room Cape, room ranch now under construc­ fireplace, combination windows, $14,500—Hyde St.—Must sell on 1 acre wooded lot. Very large bed­ privacy. All city utilities. Call Mr. Werbner MI 8-7847 Girls Group II 'Tire Race, limits. amesite d riv estorm s, cellar, tion. 3 Or 3 bedrooms, fireplace, lovely patio enclosed with red­ this cape. Clean and neat. Move CO. rooms, full basement, garage, built- owner after S.^MI 8-8255. Lots tor Ssle 73 Elaine DelGreco, Green; second. RooMhoId Goods . 51 Rooms Without Board 59 formation call MI 8-1880. wood fence, basement garage. WANTED-For a client, a large 4 "The fart that they don't venture . huge wooded lot, nSar bus. school, paneling, plaster, ceramic tile, right in without spending a penny. in etove and oVen. $18,000. ’The R. Judith Copeland. West Side; Third, beyond the city Hmlta: haa never Owner moving. Quick occupancy. Real deep lot that adjoins Church CH 9-6211 F. Dlmock Co., .MI 9-6245. VERNON — Three bedroom ranch, LO’TS TN A and B zones available. bedroom home. Call Marion E. Karen Blazinskl, Buckley. TE8! THERE IS A ROOM WITH kitchen privileges. shopping. Carlton W. Hutchins, Ml full cellar, shade trees, very con­ John DeQuattro, Broker. J, D. Robertson, Broker. MI 3-5953. been explained.” saira Harry Hfltla, Centrally located. Babies ac- 9-5132. venient location. Call builder, MI Must be seen to be appreciated. of Assumption. AA zone. Asauifie 4 4 % FHA, half ••SANTA CLAUS” Houses for Reqt S5 Priced below appraised value. For Evenings and Sundays aefe lot. Plaatered walls, hot Realty, Xfl 9-3640. ) Oiria Group II Sack Race, Lynne editor of the Olney Dally Mall. I DONT WANT IT cepted, Mrs.Mr Dorsey, 14 Arch St. 9-4291. $18,600—-Conway Rd. — Another IV ■ II 11 M ...... Schultz. Charter Oak; second. $9,200—CUTE 2 bedroom ranch, appointment call Katherine Reib- Mr. Handler^MI 9-7618. - water oil heat, fuliy insulated, ANDOVER-Bolton-Coventry. Cot­ "Science may someday find-tbe-an- MY CUSTOMER ISN'T ROCKVILLE—Near center, spotless home. Up Ih Green Manor, Mr. Gaffey—JA 8-0666. tages and year 'round homes on Janet Tlmiack, Verplanck; third, swrr but hasn’ t yet." > AIRCRAFT day worker prsferred house, one floor, on Hartford-bus aluminum storms, amesite drive, 58 LAKEWOOD Circle, South— A. kiewlcz, MI 8-6766. NEW CAPE COD—Shed dorm er- lovely Philippine mahogany Resort Property for Sale 74 GETTING MARRIED and this house is different. Must be Mr. Booth - AD 8-8441. paneled 'K’all fireplace, ceramic waterfront. Caah buyers waiting. Linda Kearna, Nathan Hale.. Olney goes all out to glorify YOU CAN HAVE IT for convenient light housekeeping line. OH haat. Furnished or itn- large ’ r.eea, Carlton W Hutchins, seven room ranch home, 80 feet aeen. Wall to wall carpeting oversized 24X36. Ceramic tile bath, mom. Call MI 8-6851. MI 9-5132. long, overlooking the reservoir COVENTRY—Six room ranch on amesite drive. Near Bowers School tile bathroom, double sliding door ASHFORD LAKBr—Cleared water­ Call Joe Coughlin. Wellea Agency, Olrla Group U 40-yd. dash, Bon­ white squirrels. Every poHceman JUSt BY TAKING OVER fumlihed. Available Immediately: Dalfy Road, 5 minute walk to throughout, enclosed porch and Coventry. PI 2-7366, PI 2.-7989. > P. O, Box 29, Rockville. and country club (u-es. Three bed- ELLINGTON —complete for $15,400 (first de­ closets, aluminumjCombinations,- front lot, aandy beach, driveway. nie Anderson, Verplanck; second, and flreman haa an outitno o f the UNPAID BALANCE OUTSTANDING year ’round home, lak6, ope acre of land with shade many other items too numerous to basement garage. 'This charming Call Marion E. Robertaon, Broker, bushy-tailed’ animal aa a shoulder rooma. living room with picture mention. See for yourself. Quick posit holds). R. F. Dlmock Co., Xfarsha Vennart, West Side; third. Monthly PaymenU La Rg e FRONT rdom near bath. Bolton I>ake, waterfront, 8 bed­ trees. $12,500. Philbrick Agency, home has large terrace with red­ xn 8-5953. Legal Notice patch "on hla uniform. FTJRNI8HED or unfurnished, heat­ window, dining room, den and occupancy. Open For Inspection Realtor. MI 9-5245. Barbara Hutchinga, Wgddell. Il7.22 Free parking 84 High St. ed, knotty pine. Adults only. New rooms, baths, mahogany MI 9:8464. wood fencing, 15 mile view, shade lYie white squirrels even ibada 8 ROOMS NEW FUWOTURB pine paneled modem kitchen. ANDOVER—Offers Wanted— Two m m it At io n ,o k d k b GlHa Group III Softball pitch. Bolton Rd. MI 3-6389. paneled living room with fire­ Basement has completely equi -- $16,500 — Mather St., and this lot trees, spring brook for swimming AT A COURT OF PHOBATB. held Charles Decker feed|| one of t,he tame albino squirrels mi Ms lawn the Congressional Record 14 AND APPLIANCES . FURNISHED room near Main S*. 42 (CONCORD RD, —' Beautiful 7 does not abut the pond. Oversized 6>4 room Ranch, all the extras room J cottage, atone fireplace. at Manchent^r. within and for tha Nancy XlacKay, Green; aecond, place, kitchen with all built-in ppd recreation room plus 2-car pond. Don't buy any house until Elizabeth Washburn, West Side; In Olney, 111. The albino squirrel colony is the town's trsrte- when Rep. George Shipley (D-Yll) HAVEVE BEENBE IN STORAGE * Gentleman preferred, 8 Hasel St. FOUR room nicely furnished home. units and utility room off main room rarwh, 2 baths, excellent cape with 6 rooms, 1V4 baths, you've wanted. $15,000. FHA ap­ HILLSIDE MANOR, Vernon — you see this lovely home. Many Very private, deep In woods. Beau­ District of Mancheater on the 13th day directed the attention of the Houae MONTHS MI 8-2170. oversised garage. Wall to wall grounds, iso-day occupancy, nice tiful setting. 2 acres the bend of August. 1^9. *? third, Diane Pyka, Buckley. piark. Available Sept. 1 through. .Tune 30. kitchen. Home has large carpeting, built in Hi-Fi compart­ basement garage. Large 'flat lot praised at $16,000. 64 Mduntaln St. Choose your own high wooded lot. extras. Sensibly priced* to Sell at Present. Hon. J o ^ J. WallMt. Judge. to "the world’a only albino sqnim l 1 sold this to a young couple 6 No Information by phoiie See screened porch with sunderk over­ home for professional. Recreation that gives you the maximum of For your new Ranch, Split, or Co­ $15,900. Brokers Invited. Rhone of the river. Owner will finance; estate of Emil pir.kenton. late of Girls Group III Six Potato Race, colony.’’ ment, excellent closet space, full room, powder room. John DeQuat-' off Route 83. PI 2-7584. Asking $4,500 or beat offer. Lgw- Muichester in said^District, deceased. months ago, but they are not get­ Alice Clampet, Realtor, 843 Main looking the lake. Ix)t Is fully land­ attic storage and nicely shaded privacy Solid brick construction, lonial. R. F. Dlmock Co., Realtor. owner. MI 8-2838. ' Kathy Kissall, Buckley; second. and ptibllshcd after hr, became Tom Tippit Jr., Y2. la credited ting married. BoArdeni Wanted 59>A St., Mancheater. ' " trO, Broker J. D. Realty, MI too. Seel it. irence F. Fiano, Broker, Xn 3-2766. Om motion of Henry Jacobs of said Judy Washburn, West Side; third. Pentagon Ban(« prealdent of Columbia University scaped. Home has forced hoi air lot 128'x3(X)'. Robert .T, Smith, Intt., 9-3640. 71 GREEN ROAD MI 9-5245. Manchester, executor. with giving the colony Ita atart. - BLOND BEDROOM ____ heat and if you are Just getting 963 Main St. MI 9-5241. $20,500 -Vernon St. Across from MANCHESTER CAPES Paul P, Fiano, xn 3-0458. ORDERED: That six months from Jane Wittke, West Side. hut while he wss drawing Army According to local legend, the BEAUTIFUL room for school NEAR ST. .TAMES' School - Six the 13th day of August. 29A9, be and pay. as a 5-star general. LIVING ROOM SUITE married, this home is ready to MANCHESTER — Near scbools] Buckley School sits this delighthil $14,950 -Bowers School Section. VI 1—-6 roonrii, breezeway and garage, the same are limited and allowed for Oirli Group 'III SO-yd. dash. (F c n e r a P fi squirrels first made their appear­ 5-PC. DINETTE SET teacher. Few minutes to the new room fumlahed home in residen­ moVe right In, as the sale price $9,900—5 room ranch, combination Suburban for ^ l e TS The official Pentagon spokes­ High School. Board optional. Ml tial aectlon, $125 per month. One stores, country club. 9 room home ranch. Th* lot Is only 90x400. yes 3 bedroom ranch with full base­ deep wooded lot. the credltora within which to bring In Judy Willlama, Verplanck; second, ance in 1902. A hunter caf|tured a •'WesUnghouse” Elec. Ref. incudes all furhlshings. Approxl- storms, full cellar, large lot, trees, 400, feet deep. ’Three adequate l^d- BOLTON—6 room oversized cape. their claims against said estate, and Belinda Ramizi, Buckley; third, man said military aecurlty waa not 3-6745. *■ year lease from Sept. 1 to Sept. for large family or for conversion ment, large living room, picture 3—5 rooms; 4 finished, basement said executor is jdirected to give public (ConUnued from Peg'S One) male and a female albino and |mt "Caloric” Combination Range mateiv $3,00(1 caah needed down. garden, near bus, excellent condi­ fo 2-family. New furnace, copper rooma, center hall. Mahogany trim % acre lot. Excellent condition. COVENTRY—4 rooms' tile biath. Lynn Rlchwood, Valley St. Involved In McElroy's derision lo I, I960. John DeQuattro, Broker, book kitchen, fully plaatered. Own-' $16,900.'The R. F. Dlmock Co., garage. oil hot water heat, garage, $1500 notice to the creditors to bring in their them on display Ih a eago in aimtol 1 "Maytag” Washer Call M l 3-827t from 9-5, After 5 tion. Carlton W, Hutchins. MI plumbing, storms, Acreem, etc. breezeway and garage, er transferred. Shown any time by claims within said time allowed by forbid publication of the book. saloon. ' "Emerson” Television Set J, D. Realty, MI 9-3640, MT 9-8473. 9-5132. Realtors. MI 9-6245. 3—Large 7 room, 8. finished, city cash required. Call A. J. Buckley, publishing a copy of this order In some Glrla Group IV Softball Pitch, There was no Immediate explana­ Apartments— Fists Reaaonably priced for immediate $21,500 -Greenwood Drive. I.,arge appointment. Assume present water and sewer. Welles Agency, PI 2-7356, PI newspaper having a circulation in said Xfargaret Pavelack, Bowers; aec­ tion as to Just how the. ban on Ttppit’a father, Thomas Sr,, “ Hoover” Vacuum sale. Carl and Esther Schwarz. Tenements 63 i ROCKVILLE—Windsor Ave. 5 room ST. JAMES' PARISH—8 room older WEST SIDE—Gambolatl built 6 custom built, 8 room ranch with mortgage and inove in for school VIII 2-7932. probate district within ten days from ond, Peggy Zikua, Nathan Hale; Power's hook squsres with policy TBITMAN, BENNY ON ’fV heard about the squirrels and sent Also Included Sealy Jimersprlng — I ranch on bus line, convenient to MI 8-0154. full basement, attached garage, opening. ' the date of this order and return make his son to the saloon with ofdara th' home, consisting of 3 rooms, plus room cape, fireplace, dormers, BOLTON to this court of the notice given. third, Ann Atherton, Keeney. under which writings by numer­ Mattress and Box Spring, ‘’Alex­ DEISIRABLE 4 rooms, best, hot I stores and schools. Available Sept. real deep lot. Priced well below re­ MANCHESTER — New 54 room ous military officers have been New 'York, ^iig, 21 liPi—Former return with the animal# and rs- sinkroom. lavatory, enclosed porch aluminum storms 120' frontage, MANCHESTER. 78 Whitney Rd. 1 - 5 4 room ranch. 2-car garage.Wanted— Heal Estate 77 ______.«IOHN"J. WALLETT. Judge. Girla 60-yd. dash, Dianne Slmler President Harry S. Truman and ...... ^ ander Smith” Rugs. Lamps, water included. $90, .fcall Ml 15. $115 monthly. Call MI 9-7319. down. 5 bedrooms, full bath up. placement coat. ELVA TYLER. Realtor ranch, basement garage. Choice sanctioned. , lease them In the woods. Tha aldar Tables. Kitchen Cabinet, Inlaid and bua, only $14,6(K). Carlton W. Neat 5 finished room Cape Cod 2— 54 room stone ranch, basement LIMITATION ORUEB Keeney; aecond, Darlene Stewart, 9-1919 between 5 and 7. Modem heating system, rtne-car Hutchins. Ml 9-5132. $33 500—Lake St. Cape Cod location, built-in stove and oven, SEUJNG YOUR HOME? For AT A COURT OP PROBATE, held A survey of piiblishers* lists in- comedian Jack Benny will team up 1 Tippit“waa mayor at th» Oma' a few other articles. I AVAILABLE Sept. 1 to .Tvme 1, with garage, second floor unfin- MI 9-4469 or MI 9-.')'o.'i1 4tari(ge.._j$_lireplaceB. -at— Maflctiesteri -‘wtthfn - and~-fo r- the — ■“ -tWa-tlme -on-Benny'#-tele-T- -v ^ i,, FOUR -ROOM apartment, garage- In—excellent----eonditlon. bound-ta-thlr -proud owner-of-hta ~ceramic-t1le bathT^ambilte 'di’ive; view. ■■■■^mp17 efBcTint. courteoua sirv- District of Manchester on the 13th day ley. Valley St. citiae, am^fTg others, GeH: umar FrSTlftoraiire tmlil w anl^. Free H 98TT’SmpiBlery "TurnlsKed 2 T^>(T AA ZONE. Custom 6^4 room ranch, ishedr-Bxretteni enclosed pSFcff completely landscaped lot. $17,600. vision show Oct. 18 via the CBS began to fill Tlp^t'a Woods and floor, heat and not water, sun- room house. MI 3-2852. Price $16,900. Philbiick Agency, with heat. Large beautiful lot with custom built 6 room split le el. COVENTRY IJtKE — Year ’round ice and appraiaing without obitga- of August, 1969. Bradley'a "Soldier's Story,” pub- delivery. Free setup by our own MI 9-8464. built-ins, recreation room, awn­ Built-tns: three bedrooms. two home. 4'a rooms, 3 bedrooms, R. F. Dlmock Co. Realtor Ml S—64 room split level, many many tion, call S. A. Beechler, Realtor, Present, Hon. John J. Wallett. Judge. Glrla Group IV Kickbaill Kick, liZhed in 19B1 while he was chair- network. the poputatiap hM. Increased stoas porch. MI 9-7128. trees. Priced below FHA apprais­ extras. Estate of Joseph C. Doyle, late of Joyce Stalger, Keeney St.; aecond, reliable men. ings, porch, plastered garage. baths. Suburban setting. Investi­ fireplace, extra lot, $6,950. PI 9-5245. MI 3t6969 or Wesley R. Smith, As­ rrtan of the Joint Chief of Staff; The announcement yeaterday then. ^ ^__ BOLTON LAKE- Attractively fur­ al. Quick occupancy. Phone MI Manchester In said District, deceased. Rita Johnson, Charter Oak; third, Phone for appointment. GARDEN APARTMENT —Attrac­ ENGLEWOOD D R IV E - Immacu- Reasonably priced. Carlton W. gate it. 2-8124. 4— I.iirge 7 room older home, stuc­sociate. MI 9-6952. Member Multi­ On motion of Nellie Doyle of said Gen. Mark Clark's book “Calculat­ said part of the program featuiifig nished 4 room winterized cottage. 3-6273. Brae-Bum Realty. Sue Scadden, Weat Side. SAMUEL ALBERT. Hartford, tive 4 rooms, second floor, "omer Conveniences. Knotty pine Inter-! Inte 6 room cape, 4 bedrooms, Hutching, MI 9-5132. IX ~ co barn. 3-car garage, 1% ple Listing Service. Manchester executrix. ed Risk,” while Clark was com­ the pair would be video taped at tile kitchen, ceramic bath, alum­ 139 ELIZABETH DRIVE - Green acres, view. ORDERED: That six months from In the boys’ events, the winners the ’Truman Memorial Library, In­ CH 7-0358 I Oxford, Middle ’Tpke,, West, $115. lor. Beautiful lakefront, 20 min-: 4-5-4 ROOM—Homes for aale. TW^O FAMILIES the 13th day of August. 1959. be and the mander of the 8th Army in Korea; $30,000 Trip inum storms, may assume 114% NEW 7 room ranch in Manchester:' Starting price $11,600 and up For garage, dishwasher, electric stove, MANCHESTER—Main Street loca­ 5— Two homeK*. 1 large 6 roomARE YOU CONSIDEaUNG Were as followa; dependence, Mo. There waa .no The above merchandiae also on i refrigerator, parkinir utea to Hartford. Oct. 1-June 1. 2 full baths, built-in oven and same are limited and allowed for the two books by the late Gen. H. H. MI 3-0436 mortgage, excellent value, $14,301. further details call Charles Lea- $14,900 - Walnut SI. Now one washer, dryer, refrigerator. ’Two tion. Offered for first time on the ranch and a small 4 room SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? creditors within which to bring In^ Group I, StO-yd. dash, Dennis mention of what they’ll do. Bennington, Vt., Aug. 81 sale at our Main store in Waterbur- ' Reaident Superintendent. Idl 3-1809 Paul J. Correntl. MT 3-5383. range, recreation room with fire­ market, this valuable site for either their claims against said estate, and Arnold, wartime chief of Army perance. MI 9-7620. apartment vacant. Move right in minutes from school. Occupancy ranch, - basement garage plus We will appraise your property Wirtella, Keeney 8t.; second, Ricky Air Forces and vigorous exponent At a benefit concert of the Melvin Herrman tripp^ over an See It Day Or Night FOUR ROOMS, heat, hot water, place. 2-car garage. Excellent lo­ and have the other rent help .voii in lime for school opening. As­ business or residential rentals. free aud> without any obligation. said executrix Is directed to give pub­ Dickau, Keeney St.; third, Gregory ROCKVILLE — Two 2-apartment large 2-car garage. lic notice to the cre.ditors to bring in of airpower; several books and a Kansas City Symphony In March electric light cord. He eattmatod If you have no means of trans­ gag for cooking, stove and refrig­ cation. This house has over 1500 CUTE 4 ROOM home In Bolton, pa.v it off. Or it could be a good sume 4% mortgage. Johq DeQuaU Ideal for office building or com­ We alao buy property for cash, their claims within said time allowed Johnston, Buckley. 1958, Truman conducted a portion portation, I’ll send my suto for Suburban for Rent 66 houses, located In center of town. square feet all finished living mercial use. Full price, $29,500. number'of magazine articles by the cost of hja trip at 9^,000. erator. Phone Ml 9-5779, MI 9-4071 artesian well, new oil burner. Call investment. tro. Broker J. D. Realty, Ml COVENTRY BOLTON LINE Member Mtlltiple Llating by. punishing a copy of this order in Group n . 40-yd. dash, Bob of the concert and-'Benny played Hia home and new car wrere you. No obligation. Good income. Price $20,900. Phil- area. $20,900. Down payment re­ MI 9-2994 or MI 9-6.500, — “'Call the R. F.- -Dlmock Co., MI some news paper haviiig a circulation Renr Adm. 'Dan Gallery, naval between 5-7. —- FTVE ROOM single house^ and 9-3640, $13,000—Route 44, 6 room colonial, STANLEY BRAY, Realtor in said probate district within ten days Bleilu, Bowers; second, Dennis the violin. destroyed in a aeries of exploskms brick Agency, MI 9-8464. quired, $2,900, Philbrick Agency, 9-6245. BRAE-BURN REALTY Dion, Valley St.; third, Douglas carrier plane expelt; and a book A _ U _B —E—R—T—'S garage. Inquire Bolton General BEAUTIFUL BOLTON garage, fruit and shade trees, large from the date of this order and return by Vic# Adm. H.yman G. Rlckoveg, and fire yesterday whan . toe Store, Route 6. Bolton. MI 9-0617. MI 9-8464. BALDWIN ROAD garden, acri xn 3-6273 make to this court of the notice given. Wright, Waddell. 43-45 ALLYN ST.. HARTFORD SEVEN ROOM duplex available STOP LOOKING. If you have a $9,800 -South Rd. Compact home V JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. on "Education and Freedom,” pub­ ' Between 86 and 40 per cent of yanked eprd pulled over a laaep family and need 7 rooms, good Grqup n . Tire race. David Un- OPEN NIGHTS TILL 8 PM . I Sept. 1st, MI 9-7763. ROCKVILLE - - Well furnished 8 SUMMIT ST.—Two, apartments, 3 Six room brick veneer single. of four rooms -on a slab. One-car For information and other listings SELLING? BUYING? Trading? We lished last year. the United States population ia and the bulb smashed on tha floor SAT. 6 P.M. location, tyctra building lot in­ and 4 rooms each, beautiful closed NOTICE MMITATiOK 0BDRB~ gefifelter, Buckley: aecond. Leslie room apartment in residential dis­ Clean as s whistle. Shown by ap­ garage. Houae Is nice, ideal for the MANCHESTER—6 room Cape Cod, are just about sold out on listings AT A COURT OF PROBATE, hfid Elliaon, Green; third, John Shan­ Moat farnouB book in the list either engaged In farming, the pro­ Igniting a puddle of gasoline. , 2H ROOMS—heat, hot wafer, stove trict. Adults only, $25 weekly. TR cluded. All this for $16,900. Act In porch and nice grounds. Enjoy pointment only. couple starting out or elderly cou­ Notice Is hereby given that ths 8 or 4 bedrooms, good condition, so call us. We would be glad to at Mancheatar. within and (nr th« probably is "Crusade in Europe," duction of farm supplies, or the Herrman wras aoldertog a tank today. Philbrick Agency, MI LAWRENCE F. FIANO non, Nathan Hale. . I and refrigerator, $76. 210 Keeney ,5-9121. nice income. John DeQuattro, ple. Well landscaped lot. EIGHTH SCHOOL * UTIUTIBS excellent , family home with large call on you and tq]k things iver. Dtstrict of Mancheater on tha 13th day written by Dwight D. Eisenhower processing and distribution of farm ih the gatage beneath hla hodbe NORGE full alie electric stovg for: g( ■’ 9-8464. Broker, J. D. Realty. MI 9-3640. ARTHUR A. KNOFLA, DISTRICT will accept bids for tbs yard for children. Selling under of AUfUat. 1959. Group II, Sack race, Mark sale, good condition. Ml 9-1392. $15,900 Brookfield Rd. Custom BROKERS MI 3-2766 Mitten can fix yout- needs like 6 Present. Hon. John J. Wallett, Judge. Snyder, Buckley; aecond. Donald while he was Army chief of staff' supplies. when the accident oecurred. r e a l t o r following Items: FHA appraisal. Priced ’at onlv glove. Call the Ellsworth Mitten Estate of Margaret Jones, tale of ___ , • I THREE ROOM apartment. EAST CENTER ST.— Two-family VERNON ■— Across' Manchester Mr Q room ranch, full basement $12,600. R. F. Dlmock Co., MI Paul P. Fiano MI S-04S8. Mancheater in aald District, decease. Cushing, Verplanck; third, William NEW CASTRO convertible couch.! floor, heat and not water Summer Homes for Rent 67 home, extra building lot. Good in­ MF 3-6440 MI H-fiDdb with g^age. Can’t understand why Agency. Realtors. Member MLS. Olbrys, Keeney. line. One parcel of property—new No. 1 To supply fuel oil for ths 9-5245. xn 3-6930. On motion of Charles H. Jones of ExceUent condition. Reasonable. = niahed, centrallv located come. 170 foot frontage on East 6 room oversized Cape. 2-car ga­ sorn#•Kmart buyer doesn’t take this DON’T WAIT! aald Manchester, admlnlalrator. Group n i. Running bases, George ANDOVER — Waterfront cottage, Firehouse at Hilliard and ORDERED; That six montha from the Ml 9-6428 after 8.______j 3-5669.- Center Street plug garage and rage; 6 room ranch with garaage: home. It’s clean, nice layout, high Msip St. and the Sewer LISTINGS Wanted—Are you' plan­ 13th day of Auguat. 1959. be and the Cochran, Verplanck: aecond. Bill all modern conveniences. Avail­ bam, $20,000. Shown by appoint­ LAKEWOOD CIRCLE Don't wait until fall to buy that able Aug. tS-Labor Day. Also plus 2>4 acres land. This property wooded lot. all the extras. AndJhe ■ Plant. The prices quoted ning to sell your house? Cape same are limit'ed and allowed for the Chase, Waddelli third. Kan Smith, BEDROOM suite, sofa, chair, FIVE ROOM apartment. Children ment onlv. Philbrick Agency, 361 can be divided. Room foj- addi­ price has been substantiated by house. A leading business publica­ creditors within whiqh to bring In their Verplanck. : ^ atove, dinette, etc. Call Ml 9-9116 month of September. Call MT Country Club Area are to he delivered prices In VERNON—New 54 room ranch, at­ Cods, (^lonials^ Split Levels and claims against said estate, and aald over to years accepted. Call Ml Main St. XU 9-8464. tional home's. John DeQuattro. the FHA, 88 thev estimate $15,900 Manchester, Conn: tached garage. 1 acre lot, huilt-in tion says, "Mortgage rates and Group ni, 50-yd. dash, Glenn aiter 4:30 p.m. 3-2068. »-* 9-0980. housing prices are rising.” BUY Ranches are in demand. List your administrator la directed to given pub­ Broker, ,J. D. Realty, MI 9-3640. Attractive 6 room ranch, large too. Will VA also’. •tove and oven. $17,900, R. F. property with Frances K. Wagner. lic notice to the creditori to bring In Banka, Green; aecond, Glen P ottc-, COVENTRY luAKB — Two year- No. 2 To Install an 8” reinforced NOW, See the fine selection of their claims within aald time allowed Bowers; third. Bob Schaffer, Wad­ 40” ROUND marble top t^ble. 64” NEAR MAIN ST. — 8 furnished living room. 2 fireplaces, modern $23,75iO-Off Routf 85--Our "Dan­ Dlmock Co., Realtors. MI 9-9245, Call MI 3-1955 smy time for MERCURY > EDSEL ’ round cottages. Good Investment 969 TOLLAND TURNPIKE -A de- .homes, new and lived in being of­ by publla)ilng a copy of this order In mahogany window bench with gold Wanted to Rent 68 kitchen, dinette, 3 bedrooms, tile concrete ramp, with a mix­ courteous service and appraising some tiewsMper. having a circulation dell. rooms and bath. Heal and hot property. $8,500 for the 2. Call lightful 5 room home for the small ish Ranch” so-called. Situated deep ture of 1-2-4 or better, In fered for sale by the " Group III. Baseball throw, John euahion. MI 9-3751, water. No children. MI 9-4256. Marian E. Robertson, Broker. MI hath, recreation room, large flag­ on a nice four acre plot is this beau, xvin without obligation. In said probate district within ten days SINGLE engineer desires 3 room family interested in living in a stone terrare. Priced to sell im- front' of the Firehouse on from the date of thla^ order and return Cefvini, Buckley; aecond. Gary unfurnished apartment In quiet 3-,59,53. park-like setting of acre of tiful home. We can't start to de­ 44 ROOM RANCH, like new "fire- JARVIS REALTY GO. make to this court of the. notice given. J FIVE ROOM apartment, newly re- mediately'st $23,900. Main St. JOipf J. WAIXETT, Judge. Miner. Weat Side; third. Douglas reaiaential neighborhood. - Write flowers and lawn, Cool screened scribe It. Only two bedroom’s, but place ceramic tile bath,,, amesite 283 EAST- CENTER ST. Legal Notice Zauaro, Verplanck. B^CJKSTONE electric dryer, $76 decorated, hot water; Large yard, ST. JAMES' PARISH-4 bedroom everything siwut it is spaciotis. Ml 3-0095. i new school vicinity.-Call Ml 4-1943, Box N, Herald. porch, attached garage, large liv­ OWNER MI 9-2141 The bids will he accepted by drive, attached garage, full prl< MI 3-4112 MI 9-1200 LiqVOB PEBMIT AT A COURT p F PROBATE, held Group rv. Baseball throw, jL,ee home, 2-rar garage, ameaite ing room and property in im- And the very best of construction. David J. Marks, 440 W’oodland $11,900 R, F. Dlmock CJp,, Realtor, at Mancheater, within and for the — ■ ------, -I jjpj suiiivgn Ave “Wapping. ROnCK OF APPLICATIOR Dlatrict of Mancheater on the 17th day Demem. Charter Oak; second Jim THRIFTY BUYERS’ SALE! THREE BEDROOM rent b.v family drive, excellent condition. Priced- marulate condition. Robert J. Oversized two-car garage. If you St., Manchester, Conn., until 12 xn 9-5245. ^ This la to give ' notice ’ that I. to sell at $16,800. Paul J. Cor- HAVE HOME — of August, 1959. Hazen, Bowers; third. Rich Bom­ Musics] Iiwtruments I FOUR ROOMS With best lights. of six. Reasonable. School age j Smith, Inc., 963 Main St, MI MANCHESTER-SIx room Colonial want privacy plus - - plus ample o'clock noon on August 31st, 1959. CHARLES £. (fANTER of 385 AOlumn Present. Hon. John J, Wallett. Judge. 53 I, ------and renti, MI 3-5363. garden space and a choice home, CAN’T TRAVEL St.. Mancheater. Conn., have (lied an bardier, Verplanck. second floor. 1-9904. 472 Keeney children. Call MI 3-6403 any time, j 9-5241. located on East Side of Manches­ The board reserves the right to XX application dated August 14. 1959. with Estate of Edna H. Bllah. late of Group IV, Rilhnlng bases, Bill DRUM 9ET — Gretseb midnight | St ter, priced at $14,500. Screens and let Us show you through. Vacant reject any or all bids. Owner now retired and ready to the I.lquor Control Commission (or a Manchester, in aaid District, deceased. . , ----- : 361 StTMMlT STREET—An sttratT- and practically completed. Custom XIANCHESTER—New 6 room Co- Grocery Beer Permit (or the sale of The executor having exhibited' hla MacDonald. Valley St,-; second, blue pearl—four drum, 8 seta Zild-1 TWO FAMILY, 6 and 44 rooms, 3 storms, recently painted. FHA move out of state as soon as his administration account with aald estate Charllqi,Milter, Verplanck; third, jlan symbols, cow bells, spurs. I Business Property for Sale 7 0 1 **''<■ home offering excei- years old. Oil heat, combination appraisal. Minimum $700 down. built for present owners who have David J. Marks. President lonial, fireplace, built-in stove, oven alcoholic liquor on the premises 698 to this Court for allowance. It Is MANCHESTER ...... — ------j lent living spare at a reasonable 6 room cape is sold. So—if you're Center St..—Xlanchester. Cfonn. Henry Stephenson, Green stands, case, covers, brushes.' storm windows, 2-car garage with For appointment call The Lomas had a change of plans. J.-A, Volz, Clerk and dishwasher. $17,900. R, F. ORDERED; That the 26th day of Au­ 1959 MERCURY BUSINESS property—Sprure St. cost Four bedrooms. 2 baths. looking for a well kept four bed- The business Is nwngd hy CHARl-ES gust. 1959 at ten o'clock, forenoon, at Group IV, 60-yd. dash, John Kop- sticks, etc. 6 months old. Prac­ GREEN MANOR I attached patio. Must be seen ‘o * Nettleton Co., CH 9-6211. Eve-j EIGHTH SCHOOL A UTILI­ Dimock Co., Realtor. Ml 9-5246. E. RANTER, of 385 Mitumn St.. Man­ Excellent location. Seen by ap­ modem kitchen with dining rodm home w’ith a tile kitchen, chester. Conn., and will be conducted the Probate Office in the Municipal pln. Bowers; second, Donald tically new. Original $745, will sell! GARDENS be appreciated, .Call owner Ml nings Mr Handler, MI 9-7613, Mr. T. J. CROCKE1T. Realtor TIES DISTRICt ceramic^ bath, liopper plumbing, oil Building In- aald Manchester, be and pointment only. John DeQuattro, space, 1 car garage. outdoor by CHARLES K. GANTER. of. 285 the same Is assigned for a hearing on Hasigh. Valley St.; third, Bob Hal- K' - 1 for $395. MI 3-8474. Can be seen ; On West Middle Turnpike 9-0279, Price $26,000. Principals Gaffey, JA 3-0666, Mr. Booth AD i • Dated at Manchester. Copn., this ______XXT hot water heat, full basement, Autumn St., Xlanrbeater, Conn.. as ated. Buckley,: Just Off the Wilbus Cross Broker, J. D. Realty, MI 9-3640. patio, insulation, .hot water heat, permittee. the allowance of aaid administration at 168 Woodland St. | casement windows, plus many only. 3-8441. 1 MI 3-1577 18th day of August, 19.59 hatchway, aluminum combination account with said estate and ascertain­ The winners of the Special Parkway XIANCHESTER—New 7 room Co­ CHARLES E. GANTER. ment of diatrlbulees. and this Court other nice features. Schools, lonial, baths, breezeway two windows and doors, amesite 'rive Dated Aug. 30. 1959. Events Awards at the various play­ GIBSON ELECTRIC guitar. amt.'-i-1 Near Manchester Chopping Park- Farm and Land for Sale 71 14 here it Is. Only $14,3M. Can you directs that notice of the time and fler and case. Cost over $300. Sell ade and achools- slorpH and bus are nearby. Quick car attached garage. Built-ins. Im- AT A GOURT OF PROBATE, hfld place aaaigned for said hearing be grounds were as follows; Bowers, sale price, $17,800 with immediate ask for more? What.'': .Stamos... given to ml persons known to oe in­ Jim Hazen; Buckley, Caryl Klaaell; $150. P| 2-7415 after 6 p.m. 3>% . 4 ', room apartments are MANCHESTER—Approximately .501 mediate.’ occupancy, $22,900. R. F.. at Mancheater. within and for the terested therein to appear. and be occupanov Robert J. Smith, Inc., Dlmock Co'.', Realtor MT 9-5245.' Sorrv. “ ^ District of Manchester on the 19th dav Green, Kurt Bogli; Charter Oak, •> r .i r ~ renting for Immediats occu acres with , 600 foot frontage on ' heard thereon by publishing a copy of 85 UPRIGHT PIANOS. Looking f. r l panev 963 Main Street, MI 9-8241. PAUL J. CORRENTI of August. 1969. this order In some newspaperler havfnghaving a Sharon Powers; Keeney St., Bobby Wetherell St. Call MI 3-1286 be-1 Present, Hon. John J. Walletl, Judge. al' least five a ^ piano? ^ fo r e you see me ; P5,rnished Model Apartment, XXII Estate of May B. Warner, late of circulatlon'th-said District Olbrys; Nathan Hale, Nicholas i - A »*■, ’ Vf ^ ‘ ^ tween 4-7. ! $16.800—28 - WOODBRIDGE St, — ATTENTION HOME OWNERS! ATTENTION HOME OWNERS! Broker. MI 3-5363 days beforn the day of said hearing, loiUi around and compwq prices! open Daily and Sunday Mancheater. in said District deceased. anti by malilng on or before Auguat 18. Romano; Valley. St., Unda Mc- Spacious older home, 8 rooms plus FOR FURTHER information or The administratrix having exhibited Gahey; Verplanck. Helen Smith, i R m No other piano store offars the 1 ll a m to 8 d m MANCHESTER — $7,500. 6 room her administration account with said 1969. hy certified mall, a copy of this kind upright Md price, that 1; phone: Ml 3-M18 Houses for Sale 72 2 unfinished. Easily converte Appointment to see these homes estafk to. this Court for allowance. It Is order to Fred T. Bllsh Jr.. 5 Laurel Bob Shea, Judy Williams;-Waddell. can offer. Open 9:30 a.m. to 10 into a 2-famlly, 3-rar garage. Lot call Richard F. Dimock. MI 9-6003. house, garage, garden space, '7 ORDERED: That the 28lh day of 8t.. Manchester. Conn.: Eleanor H. Lee McPherson; and Nancy Milo- GREEN MANOR Eldridge St. (rear). Inquire any Bllsh, 9 Laurel St.. Manchester. Conn. p.m., Mondays through Saturdays. 6'-i ROOM Cape Cod, Sheri riormer, 99x165. Marion E. Robertson, BUY DIRECT -SAVE $$$ Robert D. Murdock, MI 3-6472, August, 1959. at eleven' o'clock, fore­ JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. lowaky, Weat Side. CONSTRUCTION CO. Broker. Ml 3-,5953.* CALL NOW CALL NOW time, , noon. at the Probate Office in the 256 Market St., Hartford. tile bath, fireplace, open stair­ (NO SALESMEN OR DEALERS) Daniel G. Saunders. TR 5-2828, Municipal Building in aald Mancheater. Mancheater Shopping Parkade 1050 m o n TEREY 4-OOOR s e d a n , ikereomatle tranamto< Manchester, OMinecMcut case. Hot water oil heat, recrea­ Barbara Woods, MI 9-7702. $14,900—6 4 ROOM single home, ex- be and the same Is assigned for a EXAMPLE BU Y; tion room, porch. Sharie trees, ADAMS ST.:: Three acres of com­ hearing on the allowance of said ad­ Sion, power steertn|:. heaten defroster, pushbutton radio, pitoded dash, whitewall tiras. hackup JA 8-1869 JA 8-1869 cellent location, oil. heat. 3 extra ministration account with said estate, Wanted— To Buy 58 SIX ROOM duplex house, centrally good condition. Chsrles I-esper- mercial and Industrial land having MANCHESTER—3 IJedroont ranch lights, courtesy lights, wheel covers, tinted windshield, wall-to-nlall carpeting. Stock No 9M128. 4 room home on premises. $11,900, EXPANSION SALE! 1us garage. Quality construction. lots included in this low. low ascertainment _ of heirs and order of — located, available Sept. 1. Call ance. MI 9-7620. price. S. A. Beechler, Realtor. Xn distribution, and thla Court directs that WANTED TO BUY MI 3-4097. Or Columbia AC 6-3627. Philbrick Agency, Ml 9-8464. 8fice location. Full price, $17,600. notice of the time and place assigned SOUTH WINDSOR-1 0 5 Ovtrlook Rd. SPLIT LEVEL, 7 rooms, four bed­ Special this week — 15 minutes 3-6969. for aald hearing be given to ali per­ Federal Label Good uaed reaalable furniture , sons known lo be interested therein to also small upright and spinet 3 oversized rooms. modern kitchen, large liv­ I>ARGE '7 ^oom Cape on 3 acres from town. Modem 4 room year Legal Notice appear and be heard thereon by pub- A bMNitiful 6*room spHt<4av*l on a Va ocra lot Price $3576.90 Moriarty Brothers Price n m piwos. rooms, children welcome. Heat, ing room, dining room, large lot. of land with a view, iv, baths, 2- around home near beautiful pri­ Ji^lng a copy of thla order In aome 2 year old, one-car garage, $26,900. car garage. large workshop. vate beach, amall down payment, AT A COURT OF PROBATE, held ^Wepaper having a circulation In astid hot water. $75 monthly. John De­ at Manchfutfr. withtn and for'*'th#'*-''1>1atrtct. at least five dava before the with attroctiv* Raid stona rataining woH. Ph» a Watkins Used Furniture Quattro, Broker, J. D. Realty, MT Shown by appointment Philbrick $24,900. Philbrick Agency, MI full price, $8,000; Expandable Difltrfftf of Mancb^alrr on th« iRthrday day of aoitd hearing, and bv mailing HIGHEST TRADES - LOWEST PRICES! 9-3640. Agency, .361 Main St., MI 9-8464. 9-8464. Bonded Home Contractors, In c Cape—garage, one acre land, full of Auguat. 1959. on or before Auguat W. 1959, bv certi­ 35>lnch G.E. rang# and axtrcHspodol landscap­ <______^______I______Exchans:e price, $10,500. Lakefront cottage Praaent, Hon. John J. Wallett JudgF. fied mall, a ropy of thla order lo 15 Oak Street CENTER STREET^S rooms, sec­ Truat EaUta u^w of Frederick M. Elmyra W. Teaaler. 99 Broad St.. Man- ing. garage, a buy at $7,000. ?(any Parker, late of Mancheater. in aald cheater. Conn.: Clarence E. Warner, 95 ond floor, heated, parking 890. Call Now LocatofI At 110 CONNECTICUT BLYD„ EAST HARTFORD more., just call us. Mitten can fix Diatrirt deceaaed. fbo. Anne A. Parker Broad 81,. Mancheater, Conn.; Doria G. WE BUY and sell antique and used 4 et al. MI 9-4839. * a.m.-6 p.m. TO GIVE BETTER SF.RVICF. AND BETTF.R PRODUCTS your needs like a glove. Call the Hellalrom. 607 Vernon St., Manchealkr, Take Snilivah Ave. to Graham Rd., prooeed 1 mile to first left furniture, china, glass, silver, pic Ellsworth Mitten Agency, Real­ Th»* Coiineclicut Rank and Truat Conn.: Stephen A. Warner. Hill 81., (Meiulow Rd.) 2nd right off Meadow. 4th house on right. It's a' hire frames, guns, atbe contents, j SIX R(X)M apartment and garage. Company. Truaiee. hdving exhibited ita Hamden. Conn.: Erro! M. Warner. For- • 1959 EDSEL // /# tors. XH 3-6630 or XH 9-5524. final account with aaid estate to this reat Lane. Glaatonbiir.v. Conn.: Audrey bargain at 918,500. Stop In or call Jack Lappen at MI 4-1894. whole estates. Furniture refin all Improvements. One child ac­ LIKE IT! BUY IT! We Will Not Be Undersold in Price and Quality Court for allowance. It ia Neville, 36 Sliiyveaant Drive. Pougn- Ished and repaired. Furniture Re cepted. MI 8-7088. SCHOOL, STREET—6 room Cape, ORDERED: That the 28th day of keepale. New York. Auguat. 1959, al 10:30 o’clock, forenoon, JOHN J. WAI.LKTT. Judge. pair Service and Salee, Talcott WATCH FOR THE JARVIS 17x30 living room, plus a 100x200 at the Probate Office lu the Municipal vine. : THREE furnished rooma with all Building in aaid Mancheater. he and the I improvemenls also ona .himished wooded tot with outside fireplace. aanie ia aaaigned for a hearing on the room. 136 Bissell St. FOR SALE SIGNS ON QUALITY HOMES Summer Special Special 7 Week Only Ashing $13,500 Call Paul J. Cor- allowance of aaid aocminl and two rentl, MI 3-5363. prevloua apt'ounla w'ilh aald eatate. and Rooms Without Bosrd 59 thla rourl direct* that notice of the TRIPLE SWIVr.L DRLITXE HEAVY DUTY time and place aaaigned for aaid hear­ PLEIASANT ROOM for a gentle-1 Bnslness Loeatlom 1 GOLD BATHTUB ENGL08URE 84 MUNRO ST.-Beautiful English ing be given to all perMm.a known to man. separate entrance. 144 for Rient 64 colonial, 7 rooms, 14 baths, ,30-day he Interested-4berein to apneai^ and be occupancy. Must be seen to be ap- heard thereon b y . piiblianlng a copy Hackmatack St. Call Ml 3-1818 or i — — ...... INGLUDED ABSOLUTELY FREE of this order in some newaMper hav­ OV 4-3680. i COMMERCIAL buslneae or office WITH AN ORDER FOR RlkOFlNO ALUMINUM COMBINATION precia^d!■ John “ “DeQuattro, “ “Brofc ok- ing a circulation in .^aid Dlatrict. at ------—— ------' apace for rent. Up to 6500 square OR SIDING OB ITS CASH EQliIVALENT— •r, J. D. Realty, Mi 9-3640. least five days before the dav of aaid NEWLY DECORATED large beau feet. Will sub-divide. Main Street. hearing, and hy mailing on or before -1 t||mgU0t 90, (M) (his home represents ex­ can be easily eninsed to make a comfortable sun room. Aluminum • JAIXIUSIE PORCH ENOIXISUIIES • ASPHALT PAVING All hoiisee muat .be measured to assure you of the flnsi and modnis must h«> 6qM by 8spl.' I. No irosonabls offsr refnsod. Corns VA 80 year mortgages (subject to approval). cellent value. k storms, screens and doors are an added feature. Now vacant and beat offer! We will not refuse any reasonable offer, out this wssksnrt t4T (hr fiirnlshrd hnms on Custir Rd. and muke lots. All this for only ready for Immediate occupancy. • AttOUSTICAL CEILINGS J this housing buy of n llfrtlmr, Model homo open 10 u.m. to 5 p.m. As low as 9490 dowm to qualified vet. FHA, ★ ACLHO RANCHES AND CAPES STABinNa VA SO year mortgages (subject to approval). AT 914,000. r We offer it as (he week’s BEST BUY...... S 1.1 . . . I ...... Sstnrduy slid Sunday. * NOW AVAILABLE — • The latest cknJ meft revolutionary aluminum "Sliake Design" with heavy back' Dtreotlons: Xllddir Turniilke West to Tower Rd. (oi^m ltr Park- DiilECTlONS: Coming from MaiMshMter, Middle Tpke. East to Cook’s Service Station, turn BROTHERS THE WILUAM E. BELHORE ABENGY ado) Tower Rd. to Brent Rd., 2nd right off Brent Rd. to Tum- left follow Vomon St. to Mentouk aign—^Just five inlnutes from XIanebester. JARVIS REALTY (Ml. er boewd iniwiation. built-in aluminum si$Hnqsi$hn9 for the home. buU Rd., 1st left off Turnbull Rd. onto CnsUe Rd. V. A. I0G6INI W. E. lELHORE^ 35« Mpin StTMl WH3.S121 • 2«3 E. CENTER ST.—MI 3-4112 WRITE, PHONE FOR FREE ESBMATE! LINCOLN—CONTlNENTALr-MERCi;RY-—ED8EL.-Ji:NGUSH F0y|tD $n»nCR8l.MANCHKE|TER BOARD OF REALTORS s MI 9-1200—A. P. W'ERBNER—MI 3-7847 JARVIS REALTY CO. PHYL<*ERN REALTY I “ON THE LEVEI^AT CENTER AND BROAD** XfANCHEStER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FREE ESTIMAnS - M (»UGATI0N ★ TAKE UP TO S YEARS TO PAY 28.1 E. CENTER ST.-^sMI .3-4112 MANCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ’ MRS. D. MEGONIGLE—PI 2-8311 MI 9-1200-^MI 3-7847 AO 3-28U • AD M190 901 CENTER KTHEET-nMI 9JU8l|i-OPEN BVBN|N08 m tf., a

i . r * * FRIDAY, AUGUST fl, IM t PAOl IfXTiA X, iMattrljfatpr lEwpttfttji Hftalb iverage Daily Net Press Ran Thd WfiBtlMr 1 rmt Mm Week Baded PeMtaat af 0. B. WealiMaO afaaa May Sard. 19W The C e n t e r ConureBAMo"*! Public Work* Department. A tering with ertminhi intent, breech | Parttol rl earing, eeator to lar to Church win be Iji, charge of the Mahoney (Jall» Town Planning Commlaalon rep- of peace, and willful danVage tOii Honpifai ¥■ reaenUtive will also attend. private property. ■* I day. Ihidglit; Partly atoni4y» toef- About Towu Sundav broadcast sponsored by 12,925 er. Lofs OMS. Tneaemef i*H ty the Manchester Ministerial Assn./ Meeting; Monday^ Among other thing*, police aald, 11 Sterry ripped off- the door screen , | MmalM* of the AnOt niowdy, coel. fBgli 76-116. over Button WINF a^7:.'Wl a m. I’Mting hourot Adnita t to 8 p.m. BoNsa of OiroDlalloa OfAeen Jind m»ifib#ni nf Hunwt MaUmlty— to 8 and (ltd to 8 i and tore loose a telephone from lU , Manche$t.«r-^A City of VUIano Charm lU bdah Ix>d(« who havr not al- p.m. ChlldrMi’a Ward>-S to 1 p.m. J A meeting on incorporating Nel- ' aland. ' Amesite Drives ' rvjl. William Spallg will be the TMdjr aont In tJiHr "birthday soh Pi. Into the neWly graded Police Arrests He waa arreated at 1:45 a.m. a t ' caJcM" ara raquaatad to do ao at raest preacher at the 10:4.1 a m. Whiton Library Parking area off lY service Sunday at the Salvation ADMITTED YESTERDAY: i 181 Brookfleld St. where the of-'" TEH PAGES—TV SECTION MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1959 (Claoolflod A dverlW g oa Pago i> PRICE FTVB. CENTS their earliest ronveniences The Frank Oenllle, 88 Deepwood Dr.; Robertaon Park will be held Mon­ A Hartford man who, police aald, i fenae waa commuted. Free under VOL. LXXVIIL NO. 275 money la to be sent to either Mrs. Army ntadel day at 7:30 p.m. In the Municipal William Meagher, West Willing- jwas apparently angrV with hia i 11,000 bond, Sterry la due In court | -:'S- -VW- Hannah Williams or Mrs. Edith Building. Aaig. 28. THE ton; Mrs. Ruth Mooney, Sunset j estranged .wife, was arrested early CO. Smith. AL lliiil Members Dr.. 'Vernon; John Ubro. Dobson Ofltclala invited by Town Direc­ j Jack Mitchell. 2.1, of 146 Center Rd.. Vernon; Mra. Yvonne I.#a- tor Francis Mahoney include Atty. Ihis morning hfter ha forced his !st., was arrested early today and: Frances Herron Council. Sun­ I way into a hoii.'c here she was Thomas (ret Appointiiienis Vlghe, Elm Rd.. Vernon; Charles Herbert Phelon of the Parking I was charged with failure to notify JA 2-5750 Laos Sends Nikita May Visit 6 shine Girls, will meet Monday Athens, Box 10. Andover; Mrs. ' Authority. William Buckley of the i staying with friends. ‘the Motor Vehli^le Department of . Ml 9.5224 nifht at 6 o'clock In Odd Fellows Lillian Pohl. 1.17 Brookfield 81.; 'Library Board, and Chester I..ang- Theodore Slerry, of Hajl^u'd. a change 'in addreaa. He la due ln l| hall. At T o'clock, a "Sunshine So­ Several membera of the Ameri- Clayton Haiiver, RFD 1, Andover; ! try, deputy director of the town’s 1 is charged with breaking and en­ I rourl Monday. . I' New Troops cial' will be held In honor of jtlrls ‘ran Legion Auxiliary have been Kenneth Webber, East Hartford; jrfirEx-Parlor Maid Wed who wv>t to join, and their par­ appointed to department and dis­ Miss Susan Jacoba. Xfanafleld Cen­ U.S. Cities on Trip By-Rockefeller, ents, Girls unable to attend and trict position*. who want to Join are asked to call Mr*. Arthur B Ward of NeW ter; Mrs. Elaine Fahle, Riehard Mies Lois Smith. 141* ttpion St. London, ncwlV Installed depart­ i Rd., Vernon; Frederick Peretto, 2 To Key Post Krlktiansand, Norwa.v, Aug. I Carter St.. Washington, Aug. 22 (J5>—t New York—About two day*. ment president, has reappointed Lo« Angele*—One day. 22 (/P)—Gov. Nelson Rocke­ i ADMITTED TODAY: Mrs. By DAVID LANCABHIIUC The White House was ex­ Mrs. Henri Pessini department Marie Phaneuf, East Hartford; For Over 83 Years, Haleys Has Been Outfitting San Francl*co—^Two day*. feller .laid todg.v he doe.i not music chairman. Mra. Wllher Lit­ Jrthn Olaaver, 107 Cambridge St.; Vientiane, Laos, Aug. 22 (JP) pected to announce soon, ^ r - Des Moine*, Iowa—One day. believe there will be any tle has been appointed to a.S-year Daniel Chetelat. East "Hartford, —Laotian paratroopers are haps today, that Soviet Pre­ Plttiburgh—One day, move to draft him as the Re­ I term on the department rehabili­ BIRTHS YESTERDAY; A son The Back To Scfioof Girls Of Manchesterf mier Nikita S. Khrushchev Washington—Three day*. Rockefeller’s Son bfing dropp^ to strengthen a tation commission, to Mr. and Mra, Elxear Daigle, Accommodation* for newsmen publican candidate for the Tn the first district. Miss Bar­ key outpost in the northern will stop at six American and photographer* wanting to ac- preaidency. i West Hartford: a son to Mr. and cities during his 12-day U.S. WATKINS- bara Wallen, who will be servin,? I Mrs. John VonDerk Jr.. 42 Rus­ province of Sam Neua bor­ compan.v the Soviet' leader are a The New York governor made a.s first vice president, has been sell St. SOCKS dering Communist North Viet visit starting Sept. 15. growing problem for State De­ the statement at s new* con- appointed membership chairman; DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; for tbt baek-fe-Bchaol mlu . . . , Nam. Krushchev Is slated to speak at partment officials. ferefice. He for the marri­ WEST'' and Mrs <1. F. Wallctt has bean ‘Nicholas Gentllcore. .17 Oak St.; - I , Communist InflUnttion has been the National Press Club here Sept. So far. 471 have asked for ac­ age of hi* son Steven to Anne Anne Marie, sppolnted memorials chairman. ; Mr.s. Dora Hoyt. 411 Foley SI.; Mra. Arlur^ Bobby Sock*. Triple roll spreading In Bam Neua, and au­ 16 and answer reporters' question* creditation to the offlcisl party. Marie Rssmiis.sen. Fi^neral Servict Appointed as assistant sergesnl- Hazel .McCaughey. 1B.7 Wells St.; white In eixea ^ 0 # > thoritative sources report the Reds in a nationally-televised appear­ This include* both those who Wish The governor repeated that he 1* at-arfns for the district is Mrs .'Stanley Falkowski. BO Foster St.; 84 to 11. Fan 4*T w now occupy 20 per cent of th* iso­ ance. to go with Khrinhchev on the "not a candidate" and that he Steven Say ORMUND il. U-EBT, Otrectar Lebn Bradley Mrs. Little ha.s .lareri 'staiisfteld, 91 Green Manor lated jungle province. He will address the U.N. General whole tour and those planning tO would not be Interested in being 14* 6AB1 CENTER 8T. been appointed a member of the nd.: Peter Bonzani. East "Hart- The royal Laotian army has al­ Assembly in New Tpyk two da.Vs cover him Just at one stop. the nominee for vice president. district finance committee. Arlure Fngllah Rib Nltchetl B-7IIM :forfl; Norman Roy, 8-1 Union St.. Sorka In *lze» 8 4 to 11,< Fair n.oo ready sent 125 paratroopers to the later. A Of this total 193 have asked to Asked to comment on the possibil- Rockville; Mrs. Eva Martin. West Muong Peim fortress, which is sur­ ’ He will get a maximum of pub­ follow Khrushchev the i whole it.v nf a move tn draft him, he said: Their Vows St. Ext Andover; David'Schmed- Diircne Mercerized Cotton Sock*, rounded by steep palisade* and de­ licity on hi* tour through a mount­ way. This includes 123 American '''I don't think there is any such i ding. BOB Gardner St.; Mrs. Jessie white In alzea ^ A r t pends on air drops for supplies In ing crowd of reporters and camera, and 70 foreign newsmen, but not thing." Bje-aElMAV MOBDT Manchester’s Oldest L T. WOOD GO. j Meyer. Easi Hartford: Francis 84 to 11. Palr^l»W th* riigged country. men seeking to accompany him another 16 or so Russian Journal­ He said he did not anticipate any So^e, Norwsy, Aug, 22 (/P) , with Finest FaelUtiet 'Tournaiiri. 28 Depot Sq.; Mrs. Another 475 men of the First across the country. ist* expected to arrive with action to draft him. Reporter* Rteven Rockef'eHer slipped a Ofl-Street ParMas ICE PLANT Helen Hagenbw and son. 18 Lin- HOSIERY DEPT— Main, Floor. Paratroop Battalion are going to Diplomatic sources said they ex­ Khrushchev from Moscow. j asked if he would accept the GOP Elstabllahed 1814 Al RISBRLL 8T. : coin Si, be dropped today, sources said. pect Khrushchev's schedule will he I"'. platinum wadding band on announced at President Elsen­ Some U.S. officials are anxious I (lionriniied on Page Three) . Anna Marie Rasmussen's-left , DISCHARGED TODAY: Charles The defense muiistry said the to avoid too large a press party, Cuben't rnflivd-Hlnrft* , Aikens. Box 10 Andover: Bonnie Muong Peun outpost Is not sur­ hower's summer hea6qiiarters at hand today abi} made her his B. Gettyaburg, ' Pa., probably today on ground* that Khrushchev would | 'Donnelly. 49 Waddell Rd.: William rounded. But observers say Muong be surrounded by a crowd o f, wife in a aolemn Norwegian Packard. 89 Durant .SI. Ptun looks much like the famed but perhaps Monda.v. French battle site of Dien Blen The announcement was not €X- newsmen'on all his sightseeing in­ Conferees Go marriage ceremony. ■Phu. where the French—failed .in pecUd. to.lnclude precise details.OIL stead of getting to aee America. The American muItt-mllUonalra'a their last stand in the Indochinese Khrushchev's scheduled activities They also' Hope" There' win not' SOI) aniL the NorwayUn baatrty who Piiblic Recoirfls war. » at the various stops, since these be too many photos of Khrush­ Stage] waa hia family'* parlor maid pro* SPANKY PANTS have rot yet been worked out. chev arm-in-arm with American nounced their , vow* In a eoufftry. OOLOEN JUBILEE sail RED HAVEN The Frendh conducted that war church on a gentle knolls, within Warranto* Deeds | through a series of jungle itrong- Subject to laat-minute change, bigwigs, giving the world an im­ here Is the proposed itinerary for pression. of U.S. support of Krem­ sight of the bride's family home John and Olga Lynch to Albert ) points but were repeatedly out­ On Lal>or Billi 'r vAy'-'VVi and .Margaret E. Luorigo, prop- j flanked by silent jungle giierriUg*. Khrushchev for the 12 days begin­ lin policy. Gov. Nelson A. RocksfeUtr of erty on Hawthorne St. | who would then attack. Dien Blen ning ■with hlg arrival here Sept. 15 Present plana, which ma.v -b* re­ New York and Steven's broUisn, vised, are to allow only one press Washington, Apg 22 (^ - House sister* and a aister-ln-law, wit­ Robert L. and Elizabeth B. Allen Phu now 1* part of Communist and ending with his departure and Senate conferees have moved to David J. Duncan, property on S. 1 from here Sept. 27; nessed th* Lutheran ceremony PEACHES t e r r 11 o r y,. and Laotian army into the last and most delicate eeated on wooden benches on the Hawthorne St. spokesmen say it la headquarters 'Washington—About tis-o days. I (CkmUBiied on Pnge Two) EXOELLEXT FOR CANMNO AND mEEZING stage of their efforts to reconcile right tide of the chureh. Paul T. and Roaaleen Q. Temple- , for the Red guerrillas. the tough House Labor Control Ion to Lawrence M. and Eileen M. i inderella Mre. Rockefeller and Aim Laos' Pari s-educated crown Bill and the middle of the road Sen­ Marie's father, Kristian Reanlue- BRAVENSTEIN APPLES Gilllgan. property oq Brent Rd. j / prince,.. Savang Vathana, 52, has ate uneasure. sqn. retired grocer and fisli m er­ taken oved the powers of the mon­ Yesterday, before recessing un­ V ’ - 'f . , . Rcaaonablv Priced According tn Site and Quality archy from hia allihg father. King chant, eat together near the altar PatriarchA • of Podium til Monday, they got to work on the on ths right side. SIsavong Vong, 74. The crown seventh and final section of the two COTTON DRESSES prince'was named regent because The bride's mother, Lovlse. Personal Notices bills, the section containing moat watched the ritee from the omio* Teadhar will praise them for their lovely looks. of "grave events weighing on the of the political dynamite. Nothing could he fresher than little white touoh- kingdom," tie government said. .I'.-,,' • ■ite side of the center aisle, which They briefly discussed two of waa decorated with pink cams' Card of fhanks e*. tiny waiata and full, full akirta, Spanky Pants. All elastle waist, nylon reinforced for the life of the class or the party^ Prince Savkng now Is at Luang Weds Secretary, 27 the controversial Taft-Hartley law PERO ORCHARDS A. Jaunty new nautical With rows of braid. cuff. White, pink, aqua, blue, yellow! Prabang, the royal capital 100 ttons and rone*. Mr Cust<»r wishes fo “xpress amendments, dealing with No The high spot In the ritual eama ORCHARDS—A vm7 StrMt, Woppinq his fhanks to Paalor Paul rif the ron- B. Smart new lah-biitlonH stripes. All so eas.v Slz#8 3 to 6, 8 to 16. P T C miles west of the trouble zone. Man's lisnd cases and pre-hire rordia Lutheran Chtirch for his visits to' care for—little or no ironing needed. From London, Aug. 22 Sir Thom­ when the Rev. Glav Ggutaatad. tI- and praver." and to the ntany friend* The Communist-led rebels are agreements in the construction' In­ car of Sogne Parish Church, asked STORE— 276 Oakland Strtat our Back-to-School Cinderella Collection. .Spanky Pant* In rosebud with elastic leg believed tr^ n g to Isolate Sam as Beecham, the Petulant Patri­ dustry. Queen of Pan American Games and relative! who remembered him and picot niffles. Size* 3 to B, 8 to Id. Q P C the young couple, In turn, whether during hia recent - oonflnement In the Sizes for little sister, 4 to 6x. Onlv M . 9 8 Neua province. Government troop* arch of th^ Podium, wound up a No Man's 1-And refers to certain Mias Carmen Carrion of Bkjuador occupies throne after being chosen to reign as Queen of the Pan they would take each other as hospital. have resorted to guerrilla tactic* satiirfactory recording of Handel'S labor disputes which the National INFANT and TOT SHOP—Main Floor, Rear. Spank.v PanU in soft cotton knit, elastic- waist, fashions "The Great Elopement." Then the American Games here. M.embera of her court of honor are: II to ri Lydia Lilia GarM. representing man and wife. Then he said; ruffled leg. Sizes 3 to 6, 8 to 16. 7 Q < * to pombat Infiltration. Labor Relations Board won’t han­ Mexico; Ana Maria Velazquez, Parade Queen: Dyala- Ilcana Salom, representing Coats Rica; Felice "Now give each other your hand Muong Peun la one of several 80-year-oId British maestro and his dle and court* have ruled state Gallagher, Park Forest, HI., representing U.8.; Viana Mariam Muller, repreeenting Chile) and Pa- on that.'^ White, pink. aqua, yellow • T C No wonder the girl with the fashion flair wear* Bonnie 27-year-old secretary. Shirley Hud­ boards don’t have jurisdiction over 1-INGERIE DEPARTMENT—Math Floor. outposts reported running short of -triei* .lean Menibia, representing Bolivia. (AP Photofax). _ Steven* took Anne Marie’s hand Look what $10.00 w ill buy Blairs. They have everything to make a aub-leen a life ex­ rice and provision* becauae the son, left the stud.v together — and In pre-hir* agreements construc- la his and the vlear planed hie "T" citing. .Shirtwaist )ines. softened up with lurks and oiit- elo^d. . * tioil unions negotiate contracts be­ hands over their* and solsmnly slgnding skirts. lot* of fun in plaids, gone exlra-feminine (Goattaned on Pnge Two) sir Thomas, 'condiiptor of the fore men are actually hired to do IN BACK-TO^HOOL LUOGAOE with cummerbund waists, poiTraii necklines, and skirt* that Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, la the job. 50th Star for Old Glorv pronounesd the tradlttonal ^ a e e : lake to petticoats. From our Bonnie Blair Back-to-8chool Hik^ in Costs "You have promised each other PLANTLAND'S as irascible as ever whether per- Earlier, the confereee hammered that you wUl Hve in matrimony, Fashion Collection. Sub-teen sizes 8 to-14. f:n forming ' or expounding his view* out Just about final agreement on and hirve- confe—wt Tt beforo Gm Typh O O n kn*-jM0pto Fnena* de­ the first six sections of the com­ H eld Pay Cut and man and given your hand on Only scribed his young bride as a tran- promise. it, and I now proclaim Uiat you LANDSCAPE SPECIAL qitilizing influence who may Anal­ They accepted a scaling down of Hawaii Statehood are man and wife. Iff the name of *798 Past Formosa ly tame him. She Is his third wife. criminal penalties for union of­ By McDonald the Father, the Son and the Holy Their elopemqnt was kept secret ficials who violate ' members’ Ohoat.” J TEFIN nr.PARTME.NT—Second Floor. until today when Sir Thomas him- rights, and they agreed to bring New York, Aug. 22 (AV-Steel- The wCiIdlng ceremony begaivst. FREE! FRtE! FREE! To Red China .self — presumably honeymoonftig small unions under requirements Proclaimed by Ike 4 J».m. (10 a.«. BDT), —• in Switzerland — advertised it in for public reporting of finances. Workera union' president David J. LANDSCAPE PULN"NTNO AND PROFESSIONAL ADVICE FOR IMPHOITNG TOl R FOUNDA- McDonald says the new record' a London newspaper. In both cases the House Land- ((OMttned Of Page Three) TION; p l a n t in g s . LET I'S HELP YOf DEVEl,OP TOCR "OUTDOOR LfVING ROOM." Tglpel. Aug. 22 (Al-^-Strong A 6-ltne notice in the Daily Tele­ cost-of-living index ahiiwa that the Washington, Aug. 22 (JP\—Ha-'^ner has nine rows of stars, *r- winds and heavy rain lashed graph's personal classified sec­ (ConUnned on Page Two) ateel Industry, by asking worker* — SEE THE PLAINTS RECOMMENDED ; southern Formosa today as ty­ tion said: wail, the jewel-like chain of islanjila ranged in staggered fashion with to freeze wages, was actually ask­ phoon Irish passed south of this "Sir Thomas Beecham and Miss SIB THOMAS BEECHAM 2 400 miles west of the mainland, five and aix-atar rows alternating; ing them to take a pay cut. ■'m, , isltmd and roared toward the Red has brought the United States of "All 40 states will join in wel­ McDonald made his statament ‘I S. Hudson:. China mainland. "The marriage took place quietly twinkling. Sir."Thomas has a high America to an even 50. coming the new one—Hawaii—-to yesterday. Despite several rumors Bulletins ^ OVER 1500 FRESHLY DUG The tropical storm, with 75 on Aug. 10 at Zurich, Switzerland, regard for himself. Real Antsville Using a dozen pens to sigh hia this union," the President said'more of settlement, it appeared both Just Arrived: .'Vjv,.'" ... . mile an hour winds, thundered into between Sir Thomas Beecham and "I will not be called the greatest name. President Eisenhower pro­ solemnly. "We will wish for her sides weren't much closer together from the AP Wires ■r ■ the East <%ina Sea and headed Miss Shirley Hudson." muaicisn ever," he, once said. "On claimed its statehood yesterda.y. It prosperity, security, happiness, and than when the strike began, 39 for the Communist seaport of Not even Boecham'i Closest as- the other hand. I'm a damned sight Greets Kookie- wa.3 the second time tn less than q a growing closer relationship with day* ago. 8 w * 1 0 w, between Quemoy and better than any foreigner.” .year that he performed such an ali;of the other states. McDonald, who has been out of LADIES' O'NITE CASE — 18" aociatea had been told of the mar­ historic duty—Alaska became a TOP BEOS M BCmo LADIES' WEEKENDER — 21" Hong Kong. riage. Another time he declared "One Plus Raw Egg "We know that she is ready to negotiations for two weeks, cornea B«w1iB, A ng. 22 op) •—> Sovlek EVERGREENS At 11 a.m. Taipei lime, the cen­ Jem Merchant. Inanager of the thing Tve noticed about myself—^I state Jan. 3. do her part to make this unioS a back on Wedneaday. At that time Premier NIIdU Kknwlieiiev Heavy vinyl on veneer frame. NOW is the time As Hawaii followed Alaiska into ;t x i ter of the tJTihoon was 80 miles Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, ex­ make fewer mistakes than other stronger nation- a stronger people the strike will be 43 daya old--the may he meettng frith sererni a( GLOBE ARBORVfTAE IRISH JUNIPER to BUY. Three ply \eneer frame, heavy gauge south of the southernmost tip of claimed; 4 people." Chicago, Aug, 22 (JP\ — They the union, the President also signed than it was before because of her second longest alnce World War n. rtnyl simulated cowhide covering wide triple an executive order fixing the de­ hia aiitoUlto leaders In .thw Formosa. Weather reports said the "MarriedT I can’t believe it. He On his 80th birthday last April came to worship their Idol Kookie. presence as a full sister to the oth­ The longest steel strike on rec­ OrhHoa, E ast Oornuui Oomniii'- stitched ribbed binding, highly polished locks. storm was moving at 11.6 miles an Beecham said; "I shan't retire. If "This,” he sighed, "la REAL Anta- sign of the 50-star Dag. With a er 49 states. ‘1 • ord waa for 14 months In 1900. 2.75 2.25 Lined in luxurious rayon taffeta fully pocketed, was here three day* ago, recording twinkle, he remarked that he’s niat aoBi hea ImHoatMl tndag. hour. 'The Great Elopement'. Miss Hud­ you do, you either die of boredom ville.” "So all of iia say to her, 'good Since World War n, there have, East Oennaay’B two top lead­ with tie tapes. ' A torrential 6-hour downpour In or the machine runs down.” Some fainted, others sobbed with running out of ideas for flag de­ been six atoppagea In steel, the PYRAMID ARBORVITAE ' HETi:i JUNIPER son /was with him. They gave no signs. luck.' ” er* — Oommualat party chief Central Formosa yesterday washed hint at all. Not a sign.” For the first time In year* Sir delight and still others surged to­ The President began signing the longest In 1952, for 59 daya. The Walter Ulbriokt sum! i P n in ier MO.OO *’"'* ^^* away a makeshift railroad bridge The new flag which becomes of­ second longest was for 42 days. In Audience* have come to expect Thomas has agreed to conduct at ward him to gaze into his fade, ficial next July 4 has the same 13 documents at 4:03 p.m. Washing­ Otto OrntewoM —> East 8.95 3.95 over the Haifenglun River and quick-tempered Sir Thomas' barb­ Britain’s royal opera house. Covent crowned with a crop of curly hair. ton time. The black and while plas­ 1949. caused other damage. . red and white stripes. But it* The steel' Industry claim* that BerHn this week. The eCtleial ed post-concert fireworks—and en­ Garden, next winter. And so w ent. the' mass love af­ square field in the upper left cor- tic pens he used were distributed announcement of inbriebt*e de­ Direct rail traffic between .North joy them. t. fair between Edd "Kookie” Byrnes to some of those present as sou­ in refuaing to grant wage demands CANADIAN HEMLOCK' SPREADING YEW arid South Formosa, 'which had parture aald he waa gotaf to • With white beard flashing, eyes (CanUnned on Page Twe) and a throng of 18,000 cheering venirs. The new flag, ita silken of thq steel union it Is holding the reeort on tlto Btnek Beau th * been restored only the day before bobby soxers yesterday a t Mid­ (olds shining, was unfurled. line against inflation. The union 6.50 4.95 after being knocked out by floqds, claims wage increases for steel­ name area where Khmahehev la way Airport, signaling his (Chi­ Edward Johnston, secretary of spending hia holMay. was again disrupted. cago arrival. * News Tidbits Hawaii, rushed to an open tele­ workers has traditionally followed PHTZER JUNIPER MUGHO PINE Typhoon Iris plowed Into the ‘I Had My Fill Last Time’ The singing* and acting hero phone in the next roqm at the inflation—not caused It. Bstanea Islands off the northern smiled, waved and blew kisses to Culled from AP Wires While House to give the news to '■ "McDonald, who ha* been out of PROBE BALLOON HUNTED tip of Luzon yesterday, churning his teenage flock, described by the Gov.-Elect William F. Quinn, who the steel talM because he said he Rrownwood, Tex., A ng. 22 (39) 3 '. 9 5 ~ ' “ 4.95 up rough seas that caused at least police as the largest crowd ever to was waiting in Honolulu's lolanl felt' they weren't making any —BclenUets a t th is hues e f op> two, possibly -three .shipwrecks greet an entertainer at the air­ Several hundred deacendanta of Palace. * progress, yesterday cited the an­ eratlon* awaited word tpday ■ -i with heavy loss of lives. German Vets Protest from an upper nir raneareh haf« DWARF SPREADING YEW SAVIN JUNIPER ' ^ port.. Mormon Pioneer Charles C. Rlcl) It wa* 10:16 a.m,* Hawaii time, nouncement of a record cost-of- Only 11 survivors have ao far They showered Kookie with a gather at Salt Lal^ City to honor "l.,adies and gentlemen," Quinn told living Index: loon Inst reported near the Mext- 5.95 2.95 \ been found of the more than lOfl barrage of combs — a reminder of ISOth anniversary of hi* birth ran border. Radio aigaals abotrt persons aboard the Philippine in­ Registration for Army his hair-combing routine role . . Death of Wrightaton, N.J. in- (Coatlaiied on Page Two) (Oonttnoed on Page Three) midnight piaeed the bag and tts) ter-island mntorship which sank on 77 Sunset Strip. The bobby sox Ipnt, Marjorie Jobes, 14 months, load of Inatranaento lM ,0tt to set was rewarded. believed originally to have been 112,000 feSt over Van Hors, a scon COMBINATION SALE AFRICAN VIOLET SALE / (Contlaneil on Page Two) Bv RICHARD O'REGAK . many say.jthe regiatfatipn of the “This, is REAL Antsville.” said caused by jtalous slater, attrib­ small town hi the mouBtebioiM PBOGRAM FOR 2500 SQ. FT. LAWN Frankfurt, Germany, Aug. 22 * 37-year-old* Is proceeding in fairly the 26-year-old Kookie, describing uted to lieatlng by their yonng and Httle populated Big Bend Famlly Graae Seed—^large b n x ...... 6.45 FRESH SHIPMENT OF BUELL'S —"Never again, never again will I good order—but with obvious dis­ the^ big crowd.” All these young­ mother. Royalty to Help Church area of West Texas. Turf Builder—large hag ...... 4.75 carry am is”—the cold gray eyea like and resentment among regis­ sters coming out to aee me is the Wife of Gregory (Pappy) Boy- Scfttt Spreader—No. 35 ...... 16.85 of the German war veteran were IJiST VET, 116. CRITICAL AFRICAN VIOLETS' Navy Cancels trants:. maximum-utmost." ington, Wo.ld War II flying ace, Hoiiatoa, Tex., Ang. 22 (ID— angry. • In Offenbdeh, near Frankfurt, Momentarily, away from hia answers divorce'sui't by auing hbn 28.15 The veteran waa 37 year* old and however,. 104 of 650 men advised frantic worshippers, Kookie con­ The CIvtl iWar**, la st aurvtvlag he sat on a bench and he wa* talk­ fo. separate maintenance . .i . Note 100th Anniversary veteran remained In eritleal Combination Salt 21.15 Jet Seaplane authorities they woijld “refiue to fided to newsmen; Copnecticu*' State Insurance Dept, diUen today. Doctors last Bight ing to other veterans who were register. Tn Dletzenl^ch all the “But enough of this Kookie- waiting for their names to be revokes lloen*e issued to Public reported no change tn the eoa> Baltiniore, Aug. 22 (JPi — The 37-year-olders organized a protest lalk. This ian’t how I, Edward J. National Insurance Co. of MiWtffi^' Ey TOM HENSHAW '*Eaat. Middle, High, South and YoMSove 7^1^ called. Finally, hia name came up. Bymen. really talk. A like to do it dition of Walter W. WlUlnme, each ' Na'vy has called a halt to produc­ He strode quickly up to the meeting.' In Langenaelbold 42 of 61 Beaot), FK. effective imraediately. (AF Biilglon Writof) _■ West Amana—and purchased the 116. Hie daughter, lira. Willie tion of the jet-powered Seamaster, clerk: men sent a protest telegram to for the teenagers becauae I think Jacqueline M. Gibbs, 24‘Wear-old nesrby village of Homestead. Mae Bowles, amd tiie old soldier PBOGBAH FOR 5000 SQ. FT. LAB’X Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's de­ each new gen.eration uaually finds German royalty, in the pereons blaming "u^oreseen technical dlf- "Laast miqh In ruhe — let 'me Detroit waitress file* auit In oir-' of the Prince and ' Princes* of Early Amana, like many other has been takin g liquid nourinfa'- Family Gram Seed—2 large boxea ...... l2.80 fioulties." alone. I had. my fill last time.” fense ni 1 n 1 s 10 r, F(ranz-.Iosef something all Us own. cpit court naming Rep. Charles religious communities that later ment hut "he‘* been asleep" Turf BuUdei;—2 Urge hags ...... 8.95 Th* fashionable ALL-WEATHER C6AT In ordering an end to the $441- .Strauss. "Jive-tS'lk gives the bo.v* and Ysenhurg-Budingen, makes an ap­ withered and died, was ruled by a Sc«H Spreader—No. 35 ...... 10.95 "This Is only a registration,” ex­ Digga Jr.,, (D-Mich) as father of since early Thursday, The Omi' For back to college, everyda.v and everwherel Thick raiUion production prog^ram, the plained the clerk patiently., "h In' Hfeueenatamm a group of 37- girla of today something private her S-year-old daughter . . ..Three pearance in Iowa next week to board of elders who were all-pow­ federate veteran’s phyatcinn year-olds organized a ulent march and personal through which they .38.80 and thin corduroy all-purpose belted wrap coat, Na'vy cut back on five of the sea­ doesn’t m*an yop are going to be religious groups—CathoHca, Pro­ join In a salute to some old friende erful in both spiritual and tem-,: placed him en the c r itk ^ Hat 3 for '2.25 highlighted by orlon insert on wide notched collar, planes that were to have been called up. Our new army is short of protest • th ough the town can communicate with one an­ testants and Jews — will devote of the family-^^-the Amana CJhurch poral affairs. about 10 day* ago npd said adjustable turn back cuffs. Well splash pockets streets md laid a wreaith on the other — to be outside the adult All property waa held in com-1 Salt Price 31.80 DOUBLES — HI FFI.En — SINGLES The Ever Popular BLAZER built' by the Martin Co. here. of trained Junior officers and non­ W‘BZ-Boston radio texta tomorrow Society. death could be expected within and Cuion ^lining. Comes in antelope and green Nine months ago It curtailed the commissioned officer*. What waa villag.* war memorial. world which surrounds the'm,” evening to some theme; Porn­ Amana, which began as a tight mcHi. Clothing worii by men and j day*. PINK — CHERBY PINK — PURPLE — your experience?” ■ In .Alir. in the Black Forest, on­ At least one unidentified b.v- women was plain and sober in You Save 7.00 « HITE — ORf Hill — \yiNE — RI-rOIX>RS Sizes 10 to 16. Featured In "Made- O fi A favorite with skirts, slacks, Bermudas, etc. Crest, project by 10 out of the original ography . , . Police Sgt. Anthony little religious commune end sur­ \ myiselle." O nly'*^A T *»T 0 24 ordered. “I wa* a sergeant. Eastern ly tv.' of 24 men called to report stander was lees than impressed Porvenzale .shoots Brooklyn man vived by separating church from color. The p^ple ate communally ' STARTS SOLO GLOBAL HOP FOLDING CAR CASE on pocket. Colors: Red, white, charcoal andiPAYy in Now, the Navy is debating what Front. 1942-1944. Ruaalan prisoner appeared. The.v can be fined up to with Kookie, for a raw egg aailed in lega aftwr discovering him state, observes ita 100th anniver­ in messhall-style buildings, th e ' San Franclsoo, Aug. 22 (AW of, war. Released from Siberia In 160 mark* ($86). But will Aden­ food prepared by the women. j POHED PEITENNIALS POTTED ROSES MrtTlead plaid. Stand up car hag.* Collapses for Rar'Cf)»>n fur on yorduroy with zip-in lining. (It's sizes 10 to 18. ' ' ^ , ime it will make t>f the nine al­ standing, with rasor in each hand, sary Monday in its seven anjall Peter Gluckmana, S3, the Fly> easy storing. Outaide aeceaaory pocket, with pad­ ready built. It expects' to recover 1950.” auer’s government Inaist? (Conttniied on Pafs. Five) . villages about 20 miles southwest Religious services, the moat Im- Ing M’atofednakcr. took off tod^ Phlox, Columbine, Bee Balm, Da.v Lily, really two costs In onei. Also available in ante Crisp, short, military answers. rear blo>d> body of his wife. portant events of the week, were H.vbrid Tea. Florlbunda, Orandiflora, Potyantha lock. Clothea bar and straps. 100% nylon stitch­ some $72 million from the pro­ Several nev.apaper* have quer­ Appointment of Eugene Brown of Cedar Rapids. i on his moat amhittoua Jonrnay GmllUrdla, Fox Glove. ed, for extra strength. lope and l^en. As seen in "Glamour". $39.98 Omly And then his anger again—and his ied 'w! ether the government is held In meeting house* with w hite-! gram. worry: of 'Danbury to Connecticut t>evel- The visiting prince ia a descend­ —a solo nround-the-'worid Right M4 98 The 600-mile-|ui-hour, 4-engine right In calling upon the 1022ers. opment. Commlaalon announced ant of an earlier German noble­ washed walla, bare floor* and u n -' In a Ringie engine plane. He For "Never again. Never again. And L'an9' of the) I, eiKtoriala pointed Ike Quite Healthy, painted benchea, Membera were 1.00 1.95 MO.OO HALFVS RF;WDY-T0-WEAR DEPT— 2nd Floor. P6M Seamaster is able to cruise I’m married now and I have two today by Gov. Abraham A. Ribi- man, a prince of Heaee, who gave required to attend 11 aervicea a hope* to set a world record. A HOI SEWARES DEPT__I.ower Store. RPORTSMtEAR'DEPARTMENT-~(4eeond Flobr. at 40,000 feet and can perform out, were R\isaian prisoners who ooff...About 21,000 New Yorkers refuge to the ancestors of the snoall -crowd of newaaaen aad children. Why do they want me?” alghed r>-omije* never to bear Dr. White Reports 1 week. afrleuds-waved him oB at 7:17 BIRD BATHS FLAGSTO.vfc PATIO BIXICKS low level mine-laying miasions'as “I’ve told you.” said the clerk. swelter through. two more power Amanieta when they were perse- i Gradually, as chants in the OEBANI.C riG I'RES well. Its chief missions are recon­ arms agz.h . Others were men who blackouts yesterday and early to­ cuted aa enemiea of the establlah-1 *Siem*elve* am. (PDT) on the first naw atop PEAT MOSS SPRAYERS We welcome charge accounts! (ireen Trading Stamps are given with "This la a re^atration of the 300,- lost aims or legs or eyes. ' t iLe l l is , SPLIT-RAIL FENCE GARDEN TOOIJ8 naissance and mine-laying. 000 men who were born in Ger­ Denver, Aug. 22 (ffl—"He is quite day. ed church. felt on Amana. the sober expert leg to Mexico City. AMPLE FREE PARKING Hales and alito to customers who pay their chajTge account within HALE'S SU»^MER Fred A. Bantz, undersecretary Fritz Eschr/iann. a for*iier cap- a healthy man,” said heart ape- Air $'orce officers are not go­ The Amana Church Society, al­ many in 1022, and who served in tf.ln.ahd now a Socialist member ence began to pall on ita members. fifteen (K)) day.s after billing dat^. of the Navy, said in Washington, the last war. Only 10 per cent or cialist Dr. Paul Dudley White of ing to aeoept any more invitations though. It wasn't called that then. The communities began to lose OHUROHEB SEEK N-BAN PloBfkNid Whar# AH Gardcnin9 Neods Ar« Sdtiifiad last night the original idea for of Parliament, called for an ur­ President Eisenhower yesterday. from contractors to spend week­ actually dates baeg more than 100 j particularly young people, Rhodes. Greece, Ang. 22 IdE— REAR OF STORE . . . STORE HOURS: leas of them mav be called up. gent atop. The deflMiae Ministry, the big plane was good. "But (the "You won't be called again. Dr. White said he ha* not been ends at Island resorts, Aaat. Air years. It began . a* a pietiatic,; similar religioua communities An advisory body of the W»rii project) has,been overtaken by he aald, has carried out the action asked to examine .the President Force Secratafy Philip B. Taylor separatist movemyt In Germany faced with the same problem have Council of Chnrcbc* today urged That’s for sure If .you're married. with "biireaivtic souUeaaneas." He the niidcar powers. not to ie> Closed Monday During^ unforeseen technical difficulties," Put that down, and write down before Eisenhower’s planned trip promiaes Houseinveatigatora , in the early 18th Centur>'. either let the young, people go and OPEN 7 DAYS storie is a ir -c o o l e d he added: He also said other pro­ .paid sjiH>lher..w4H)te_»Qii^M lM*n -to„lurqpe„______H a r^ J'ru m a n aaya he can ahow Peraeoutlona drove membera to anme bomb ^ t a after Oct. SL THerSIKat you would Hke to ro- miaring 16 year* had received a become ghost towns ot old men THe CORK August—Open Tuesday grams were more urgent. qiieat deferment." "I probably wasn't asked be­ Nfklta Khriiahehev' '‘sonto' tfila l])e''Ui){l^ SlaCii ^ e fe they ael- and wMnen or have disbanded They urged FrnaeS net to try A WEEK FOR YOUR SHOPMNG Two Seamasters were lost in notice for him. cause the' President has been ao he hasn’t seep before" if the RuS^ tled firet near Buffalo aa the Bben completely. Not so Amana. nut It* first A-bomb. Ttm one* thru Saturday The veteran did as he was told. A govemn:ent apokeamnn re­ well,” he said Iri an interview. year sUspeoaioa of nuclear taate teat flights, in Decepiber 1955 and But he remained angry, very sian premier comes to. Independ­ E«er Society and then In Iowa a# The elders of the society decided VlantlcLhd CONVENIENCE . . . M anchester Co n n * plied that severely disabled vet­ Dr. White was among the spe­ ence, ,Mo.' Amana, which means "believe , upon a drastic plan of reorganiza­ ofidcred by the United Staten Thursdays tiU 9:00 November 1966, ■’ angry. ' • > • I h t 1215 TOIXANT9 TFRNPIKE erans could send anothsr person cialists called here four years ago A gasoline truck-trailer Iosm ita and Britain exptren Oct. U . '■hii« MANCHESTER—Ml 9-2508 CORNER MAIN oikI OAK STREETS . Martin spokesmen denied ths Thouaands of West German vet­ faithfully." tion. Church and state were sep­ program has been stumbling. with their wshr recoil.: He said when the Prosident suffered a brakes on Pacheco Paaa near Los The 100th anniversary observe* arated into the Amfuia Church Bo- aip, the other pseneait pweitaf erans are going through the same ths government did not consider heart attack. Banos, Oallf.. and hits seven, cars th* dav when the state of Iowa eiety and ths New Amana Society, elnh hiember, ti ant kamm to .experieoce. Beiiorta .from towns ■ in RuMta to ||^ A « aa Fag* g|**) He la here to address the West- before eseaUng Into an eOibaali- gnuitoA a Chartor to Amanieta have amda apy and vUlagaa tttrougMht WMt Oer etfi Cardiac Oonferenee. namrt aaid eatpledlBg. who f<^i; nded the towns of Amana; r ^ — >
