- a ·l Serofng The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City

Established In 1868-Five Cents A Copy Associated Press Leased Wire And Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, August 21, 1959 2nd Att~mpt To Recover • D'iscoverer Capsule Fails , " Study 'Group Asks 104 .Pages Southern Laos' Signals Not For Iowan - \ Received; No Greater \Arms Aid Tomorrow By Red Saboteu'rs I Visual Sighting WASHINGTON t.fI - President Eisenhower's ~pecial committee R 'a N F mosa In 'd lIed Th d f b' i . ' USSI , or way. or , - VI ENTIANE, Laos t.fI - Com· the surprising announcement that o.n arms aJ ca . a~ew . urs. ay or a Ig stepup n IIPproprla· dia _ the e are only four of the munist progaganda and sabotage Red guerrillas are operating now Chances Of Recovery hons to equlp America s allies with modern weapons. 14 countries where The Daily learns were reported spreading in sile: provinc('s, orne as (ar south The li nal Ulport by a l(}·man group of prominent citizcns head· Iowan's University Edition will lhrough southern Laos Thu r day as the South Viet Nam border. Were 1 In 1,000 ed by investment banker William H. Draper Jr.. ran counter to COLl' be sent Saturday. and rebel units in the north ap­ The skirmishing that flared last WASHlNGTON IA'I - Another al­ ------gressional foreign aid cuts and The l04-page paper, largest celi- peared to be preparing for an all­ month in two northern provinces tempt to recover a capsule eject­ administration dcsires ~ 0 hold lion of a college newspaper in the out offensive. - Sam Neua and Phong Saly - down spending. eountry, will be sent to 4.750 pros­ DeCen Secretary Col. Phoumi threaten to spread warfare over ed (rom a satellite apparently Democrats Rap But Eisenhower, sending the, peclive students, high schools. Ii­ Nosavan said the rebels in the a 5OO·mile Itn . failed Thursday. unanimous report on to Congress braries, and dally newspapers in southern province were mostly The Defense Department an­ with praise for its invaluabl nearly every state in the union_ Military r P told Carey. H. B, Cantor, mlllianalre hotel On Aug. 13, the Air Force launch­ ed a Discoverer satellite and, li ke ment o( Agriculture to sell sur- Leaders o( organized labor have operator and president ' of Sea Thursday, reported that the cap­ pluses to (riendly nations (or (or· been smarting at their defeat, but TransaUantic Lines. Inc .• sule was ejected successfuly . But eiJn currencies alld to donato a Carey's letters to Griffln·Landrum said Ule first of Ulc two ships Is t o again there was no radio signal smaller amount to Camine·stricken supporters was the Cirst open talk be delivered 36 months Crom now. from Ule capsulc. • or Dtherwise needy countries. of reprisal. The second ship is to be delivered Both those provisions had been An aide said Carey acted as one year later. ted b th P 'd t president of the International Un- Cantor said he is already being reques y e reSl en . Ion oC Electrical Workers and with besciged by requests for tickets, Hero's Burial But, over administration opposi- the approval o( that union's o£{i- but that bookings will not be ac· tion, the House added another pro· cers. cepled until the kllOls of the mam- Given Halsey vision permitting di stribution ot Asked if Carey cleared the let- oth vessels are laid. surpluses t 0 needy Americans ters with AFL _CIO President The $50 rate is lor one-way pas­ At Arlington under a food-stamp plan adminis- George Meany, the aide replied : sage, either east or west, between tered by the Department of Agri· "It had no connection with New York and Europe. WASHJNGTON 1.1'1- Fleet Mm. culture. The provision authorizes. Meany." The Sea Coach liners will be William F . Ualsey was given a but does not direct, the administra· Carey now is at Forest Park. larger even than Britain's mighty hero's burial in l\rlinglon National Cemetery Thursday. t10n tQ start the stamp plan. Pa.• where he is meeting with oth· queens o( Ule ocean, the Queen The House refu sed to wrlle Into er AFL·CIO chiefs - including ElizabeUl and the Queen Mary - Old .comrades from the Pacific the bill a provision which would Meany - to chart the federation's and nearly twice the size o( Amer­ campaigns of World War II, high have had the effect of restricting poliCies for the months ahead. ica's biggest ocean liner, the Unit- government of£icials and hundreds shipments of surplus grains In his letters, Carey directed ed States. of others attended the burial rites abroad from Great Lakes ports. his ire at House member.s who ---__ in Arlington after Epi copal (un­ The measure, due for early Sen· voted last Thursday to substitute JETS TO YUGOSLAVIA eral services at Washington Cathe­ dral. ate consideration , authorizes th ~ the Grimn·Landrum bill for a THE HAGUE. Netherlands t.fI - Sale of $1 110 billion worth of sur- milder . version backed by the Seventy-eIght U.S. Sabre Jets are As the admiral's casket was car­ p1usses for (orelgn money. the House Democratic leadership. Or­ ready to be transported to Yugo­ ried up a winding drive in the donation of another $300 million ganized labor was cool toward the slavia, partly by raU and partiy by cemetery by " horse-drawn gun worth to impoverished foreign Democratic bill. But it Cought the air. a spokesman for the Yugoslav caisson a fli ght of Na vy jet fight­ areas and the Use of $1 billion Grimn·Landrum measure as anti­ Embassy said Thursday, Yugo­ ers thundered abo ve the funeral worth for the domestic rood stamp labor. slavia bought the planes. party In farewell salute to the program . . --'------~------man whose carrier planes beat In addition, the Agriculture De· the bel t Japanese sea and land· partment WOUld be authorized to based aviation. ' wap an undesillnated amount o( Meany Nixes Nikita Address Secretary of the Treasury Rob­ food to foreign countries for rna bert B. Anderson, former Navy scc­ leriab needed hy the United States FOREST PARK, Pa. lA'l-George divldual AFL·elO leaders from retary, was in the funeral party, lor atrategic I'tocltpjll' purposes. Meany, AFL-CIO president, said meeting with Khrushchev if they together with Deputy Secretary o( Rep. Leonor K. Sullivan and Robcrt P. Griffin CR- Beasley. 506 Finkbine Park. Dr. continued talking and laughing while the photographer snapped $eas. i I; .> f , with the program. Ally. Gen. Nor­ Char Ie Thayer, 1305 Yewell St. , go ing to Charles City; Alain Golary, Lousanne, Switterland, who is their picturlt_-Daily Iowan Photo by Jerry Smith_ Mich.> and backed by the Eisen­ The proVision which would have man Erbe and State Tr('asurer was named chairman of the prop­ hower Administration. The AFL­ M. L. Abraham on were not avail· boosted the barter program from erties committee. Heading the CIO has termed it an anti-union able for comment. the current, rate of about. 1110 mil· lighling committee is F.ugene Wein­ West Germans measure. State SafeLy Commission('r D. M. er, Coralville. Dentistry Prof Iowa-Nebraska Guard lion dollars apnually 0 350 mil­ StaLlon LaId the conference the In charge of costumes is Doris Plan Festivities Senate and House conferees ill lions, with barter transactions driver of a tate cor is a subject Wood, Oakdale. Gilbert Barker, Will Represent Washington now are Lrying to re­ having first priority, wa~ stricken oC special attention from the gen­ West Branch, was named makeup Prepares To Break Camp solve differences between the Lan· on motion of Rep. Charles B. Ho­ eral public. For Ike's Visit even, \R.Iowa>. The Agriculture chairman. House chairman is Mrs. SUI At Meeting drum-GriWn bill and one passed He warn d the state employees Junious Tate, 914 S. Dubuque SI. CAMP RIPLEY, Minn. IiPI - Men a young guardsman approached BONN, Germany IA'I - The word Department opposed the provision Dr. James E. McIver will repre· earlier by the Senate. The AFL-CIO they will not be exceptions from Leeta Berry, 627 Iowa Ave., is box of the Iowa-Nebraska Nalional him and asked, "Sir, when does has gone out from Chancellor on the ground it would harm for­ senl Lhe SUI College of Denti try Guard 134th infantry regiment were also oppose the Senate bill but eign rela'tions and add to the bur­ the new law perlnitling his de­ office chairman, and 'l'homa~ Koeh­ the plane for International Falls Konrad Adenauer: Lay it on partment Lo cancel drivers li­ ler Jr .• 1505 Plum SL, is heod of at the International Conference on cleaning equipment Thursday, pre· leave?" with less vehemence. den of American taxpayers. • I cen es for one serious violation. the sound committee. AdvanCl'd Education for the paring for pay day and the break· Gen. Wood did a double take ror Ike. The AFL-Cro Executive Council up of the annual encampment. Dentist La be held in Bo ton Sept. Dnd then examined the ticket And that means Lhat President adopted a resolulion charging a The eventful period, first field clutched in the rookies hand. 8-10. Eisenhower is going to get an deal to pass stiff labor control and 13 SUI Students trial under the pentomic orga ni. Sure enough, it read "Admit one especially warm welcome on his Spon30red by the School of zation plan, ended on soggy plaines. to International Falls flight." at thc same time kill off any Awarded I-CI~b Dental Medicine at Harvard and Guardsmen in the field Wednesday "They sold it to me in the out­ visit to West Germany next week. meaningful civil rights legislation supported by a grant from Procter night were drenched uy a on e­ m for $2," exptained the rookie. They're lelling the kids out or this year. Scholarships and Gamble, the conference willi inch downpour, and straggled b~ck "I could have golten a round trip school. Factories and busi nesses to the headquarters area soa kmg ticket to Des Moines for $2.20." are giving workers time off to Thirteen students. at. The !· State feature spe'-lkers from Sweden, wet after their night in lhe field. AfLer explaining that the Army University oC Iowa ,have beell Norway. Denmark, England, Ger-. One Iowa officer returned from does flat run excursipn flights. Gen. join in the festivities. A Nose Is A Nose a war d e d .I-Club ' Scholarships many and New Zealand. the field to find that officers and Wood gave the rookie a tip to Eisenhower is due here from covering Cor the 1959-60 academic Delegates from approximately men were preparing a citaLion for avoid future embarrassment: "Son, Washington at 6:30 p.m. next Is A Nose Is A .. • year, accordlngl to Helert Reidt, Wednesday. He expects - iC the 40 universities will meet Lo dis- a poss!ble soldiers' medal for him . he said, "When they get around chairman of the UniversIty Scholln'- He IS Capt. Pierce D. Dusen­ to telling you to come to me for proper kind of car can be found HOLLYWOOD IA'I - The naLion 's ship Commit~ee. .,. I CU !i education for specIalization, berry, 33 comm(lOder of the Glen. the cannon report, don't." - to stand up in and wave and foremost nose has been offered Founded in '1937,' the I-Glub "ls Cd~on ~.t'1t nd' 1'. W!lOd, ""to a, A ~'f)iIh' "or he ohat with the cro,wd6. the nalion'S' fo remtlSl' mU"S'e\nrt. ,an.', OIPganiMtiOllJ" of , aluMnI "'lId naLe method of education. first batLle group, 168th Infantry. HI"II be tra veling through some The nose, of course, belongs to Erie nd ~ of the . University 1~t~r- Panel discu Slons Will provide an Capt. Dusenberry, a postal em­ Iowa City Girl very narrow strets in and around Jimmy Durante ested 111 promoting the weKm oC ploye, was credited with saving this overgrown university town . . . SUI by providing funds for scholar- opportunity for an exchange of in­ the HIe of an unidentified Nebras­ and that means the crowds fre­ F.or the .beneflt, oC the Smlt~- ships for worthy students who ire formation on educational methods Sti II Missi ng I sOOian Institute, Jimmy stuck It ....' r ka guardsmen Sunday at "37 I quently will be close enough ior in a mold Wednesday. II made o.uts~and lOg m ,extracurricular ~c- Dr. McIver is an associate pro- Acres," a lake used by the Iowa- A 15-year-old Iowa City girl, handshaking. , quite an impression. tlvllies. . ~ , . fessor of orthodontics at S 1. Nebraska National Guard 134th Nancy Smith, has missillg from Chances are almost all of But o[ficials of the Smithsonian These 1O~lude athletes, sInce Big Division for weekend recrealion. her home since Aug. 13. Bonn's 150,000 people will be out indicated in Washington they are T~n athletic conference rules ~ "I don't want a medal. I'd rather The girl, daughter of Mr. and on the streets, along with thou­ unlikely to display the casl, con- Vide that funds may be recel\'~ have some swimming lessons. I Mr . Calvin L. Smith, 316 S. John­ sands from nearby communities. tending it has no particular place f~r grants to athletes. The prm­ Antioch College had a real tough lime," he said. son St., is described as fiv, ieet. Eisenhower's visit here is bound in the museum. clpal source of such funds at SUI Witnesses said the near victim seven inches tall, weighing 120 to be a good deal different from The idea was hatched by a press is the I-Club. Administered by the Hires SUI Grad had Jumped Crom a row boat into pounds, wiLh brown hair and blue his subsequent appearances in agent, Joe Bleeden. What c(Juld University Scholarship <;ommiUee, deep water. panicked and flou n­ eyes. When last seen, she was London and Paris. Those are big be a more fitting subject for a the awards are also avaJlable to An SUI graduate in dramatic dered. The captain jumped from wearing a yellow suit with brown cities and can absor b easily the monument, he wondered, than a students other than athletes. arts has been named instructor in a nearby boat after the guards­ stripes. tumult. monumental no se? Each scholarship applicant must dramatics at Antioch College, Yel­ man went under once. -----::-::--:-::7.--::.-:--::--~---_::_---_;_,_;_------be recommended by a high school low Springs, Ohio. "He brushed aside a life pre­ superintendent or principal and by Whitney J. LeBlanc, who re­ server and grabbed me and we a business or professional man in ceived his M.A. dcgrce from SUI both went under," Dusenberry ~. . , hi s hometown . IT the applicanf Is said, " J finally. got him to the ill August, 1958. will act as techni­ a first-year student, he must have boat where he was OK after some cal direcLor and stage designer for gradu ated in the upper half 1 of rest. [f I had been a bctter swim­ the Antioch Area Thealre and will mer it would have been easier. his class. • ' I work with students interested in Stude" Ui Jho will ~JI". I t'eJub There would have been nothing scbolarshlps are: Scotti KlepCer, AI. design. Cedar Fa Jl s; Thomas PUI;ce;ll, Al, Clar.. to it." Ion: Charles Conway. A3. Elma: Paul LeBlanc is now technicaJ di­ The closing hours of the camp Bonolead, A4. ;E.thervllle~ . Mlchl.1 rector, of summer theaLre and in­ Carr. A2 . Manchester: Gary Hoillrum, were not without fl ashes of GI AS , StanhQpe. structor in stage craft at Lincoin humor, as veterans preyed on the A llan Bachman. C4. Van Home; Ken· Un iversity, Jefferson City, Mo. He neth Feurlnc. 102. Wapello : ,John S101. gullibility of rookies. A4 , Waterloo; Calvin Roullon,'l:J, West has also worked as assistant Maj. Gen. Warren Wood of Ger­ Union: Robert Grelou'. £2. Denver. technical director_ at Karamu ",g, Neb ., di vision commander, Colo.; Harry PlIlmore. AI. De~lb , 111. ; House in Cleveland, Ohio, where was standing near the operations Ronald Re.ch.. ,A2 . [ndept!ndenc~,, ~o .' he was a scholarship student. office of the division air fi eld when Aut~ I~ Laun,dry Steve Says Dad Causes Publicity Got No Service; KRISTIANSAND. Norway (,fl - sible pr es id ~ntial candidate, there It Was After Hours I Steven Rock eCeller said Thursday wouldn 't have been so much pub­ '. Listening To' The Calls the political prominence of his Iicity," he told The Associated Early Thursday morning Jhe ear of Claren F. Dale, 33, of 618 Court Russell B_ Sugar4non Jr_, Ntillro lawy.r, candidate for City Com· fath er, Gov. Nelson A. Rocke­ Press. flier, is the reason for the im· St. , rather than backing into the miision post in the Memphis city election Thur.day, stends In his Gov. Rockefeller has been men­ street, paid a visit to the C. aJJCI mense new paoer interest in his tioned frequently as a possible • I.ction headquarters listening to caUs comlnt In from work.rs in D. Cleaners, 114 S. Capitol St . wedding Saturday to Anne Marie rival to Vice President Richard various sections of the city. Th. H.rvard-eduC8t.d lawyer is _ Rasmussen. The only problem - it Wellt 1\1. Nixon for the Republican nom­ through the frQnt wall. of five Ntillrots running for city POlts. Stgreg.tionilts were fearful " It's obvious that if my father ination in 1960. He has 'not com­ th.t a strong bloc yote might make S",.r_ the first Ntillro elected were not governor of New York Dale was unhurt in the 12:14 mitted ·himself. a.m. accident ~and the car trII to city office in Memphis hlstory.-AP WIrephoto. and being considered as a pos- He is due in Norway Friday only slightly damaged. but danJ· night with other members of the Age to the cleaning esl.ablisfuneDt Rockefeller. family to attend the was estimated 'at about $1,000. wedding. The car ~~uck squarelf be­ 'Th~1)Qlly Iowan Some correspondents in Norway And The Pilot Walked Away' tween , ~WO I pl~te l.. glass window .. for the wedding, particularly non­ taking put' a brick pil1~r and !be American reporters. have been Wreckage of a crop.dusting plane lies scatt.~d over a highway near Stocton, Calif., after pilot All ..... waH seCtiOns ' bclow the ~ P... 2 FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1959 speculating on the political value It.wett flew through two trMI, shear.d off • power pol. and cruhed Thursday-and walk.d away When , the 'car finally stopped, 01111 to the governor of his son's mar· unhurt. BI.w.tt cr.dits a cruh helmltt for hi, good fortune In tlcaping injury_ He bought it W.dnesday the rear bUlTlper was outside the r. The Daily lowl/II I.s written and edited by dudenu lind I.s gooemed by a board of fi ve student trustees elected b, riage to a Norwegian girl who is and wore it for the first time Thurld.y.-AP Wir'photo, shop. ' ' , body fuculty eM 6ft/dent lind four trusteu appointed by the' pru/dent of the Un lverslty_ Tile Dally Iowan, the daughter of a retired t.sh ex­ Frpm start til , finish. the car editorial policy, therefore, l.t not lin expression of SUI adminUtraitan policy or opinion, In any particular. porter and grocer and who once traveled about 35 feet. Inside u.. building, It crashed throulb I lcrl"tionl. ,10 pt!. year:,.a'" month•• Make-lood service on mlsa~d papt!rI worked as a maid in. the Rocke­ Van Epps Listed 1I1e- 'D aily Iowan $5.40: three montlul, ~ . 25 . II not J)OSslble, but evuy ot!.!ort will feller home. coun~er al)~ smashed a raek tuD be made to correct errors with the University Bulleti n Board ot bundles of ,clean laundry, bII next Issue. MI!MBER , As 'Improving' it stopped short of al}other r~k. AUDIT BUREAU DAILY IOWAN EDITOaIAL STA .... MEMBER ., th. AS80ClATED PRE8S IInl... rll., B.".IIII 1I

THE DAIL V IOWAN-Io~1 elty, " :-F!rldav, Alii. n, 1'!~ ... t . ~ . tV (!ourses Audio-Visual , l APerennial September Query: Portugal Td Be Offered Talks Slated Is Johnny Ready For School? New Home At Okoboii Hundreds of ]owa five·year-olds goo d health before beginning For Batista For Credit , will be taking a bi .tep during school. • Expert wHl travel thousand of LISBO , Portugal t.fI - Ful· "Continental Classroom," in· the next few weeks - thal step It i important to be interested miles to aHend the CiCth annual being their Hr t into kind rgart n in a kindergartener's work, l\'li s geocio Batista, Cuba's ousted 8ucurated last year as the Clrst Audi-Visual Leadership Conference classrooms throughout the tate. Weakly said. A child's fir t pro­ president, arrived Thursday en utlonwide television course for which will open at I p.m. Saturday jects in chool will be very im· roIlege credit, will again oCter at the Lakesid Laboratory on Parent of many oC the young· portant to him and should be re­ route to a new home in exile and viewers throughout Iowa the We t Okoboji in northwe t ]owa. ters are asking them elves, "I cognized, she added. put up at a swank hotel. He was chance to take a chemistry or The speciali ts will come Irom my child ready for school? What guarded by swarms of police. phy ics course . by televjaion' and 26 state, the District oC Columbia, can we do in the e last few weeks The charlered plane carrying Canada and ten We tern Euro· to get Johnny ready lor kindcr· receive college credit at SUI. Iowa pean countries to discuss ·· Re· Air Force Jet the well·heeled ex·army sergeant Slate Teachers College or Iowa search in the Audio-Visual, Tele· garlen·" and his party of J7 Clew In Crom State University, Ames. vision Field" in five days of work· A group of chool teacher par· Succeeds In the Dominican Republic, where "Continental Classroom" during hopotype es ion . ticipating i,. a Drake University Batista ha an uneasy exile since graduate etas in child develop­ 1958-59 was carried by more than Recommendations for action in l-Inch TakeoH hi fall last Jan. 1. 150 TV stations and received many problem area will be adopted at menl thi summer compiled a Ii. I citations, including the Syl vania the conference, according to Lee of ugge tion which may be of A DREWS Am FORCE BASE, The dark, stocky little man who I and Peabody Awards. Universities valuae to parents of about·to-be· Md. Lfl - A jet fighter was blast· once ruled Cuba with an iron hand W. Cochran, executive a islan! of eKpressed their satisfaction that the SUI Exten ion Dh'ision and kindergarleners. Thi brieC period d into flight in a takeoff distance is expected to pend a rew days oC indoctrination beCore school be· of Ie s than one inch in a succe s· high school science teachers were chairman of the Iowa committee in Lisbon before proceeding to his being reached and that thereby for the annual conferences. gin often decides how well the ful trial oporation from an atomic the quality of physics instruction Roy Hall, a i tant commis· child will adjust 10 choot, whether bla t·proof shelter, the Air Force new home in exile in the Madeira would be deepened and broadened sioner of re arch for the U.S. D~ he will be happy or unhappy, th announced Thur day. I lands of Portugal. lor thousands of secondary school partm nt of HaIth, Education teachers agreed. The Air Re earch and Develop. While Portugal welcomed Ba· students, reported John L. Davies and Welfare. Washington. D.C., The 27 chool teachers working ment Command said the test tista, it is under tood he has been director oC the SUI extension e1ass will peak to the ,roup Saturday on master' degrees in education proved that aircraft cIa e to en· service. afternoon. He will di cu various and their in truclor, Hazel Weak· emy territory can be protected warned to tay out of politics. "Atomic Age Physics" will be pha of the new audio-visual reo Iy. profe or of education, made again t sneak attack and still be The 57·year-old Batista, who televised by NBC from 6 a.m. ear c h program. which was the follOWing ugge tion : ready for instantaneous counler· dominated Cuban politics for to 6:30 a.m. and "Modern Chem· launched this year with fund ap· 1. Be urI'. your child knows hi punch. nearly 25 years, lert Cludad Tru· propriated by Congre und r Istry" will be broadcast (rom 6 :30 full name, addre and telephone Th Super onic jet was launched jillo Wednesday night, shortly aft· 8.m. to 7 a.m. Both classes begi n terms of the National Defense Ed· number. He hould know the short· from a cavelik concrete and steel Sept. 28 and programs are pre· ucation Act. est route between home and structure at the Air Force Missile el' Washington ended his hopes 0 sented five days a week. Th Okoboji cone rence i spon· school. Walk or drive with him Developm nt Center at Holloman going to the United Slates. NBC stations telecasting the pro· sored by the SUI Exlen ion Divi· over the route several days beCore Air force Ba e neaar Alamogordo, In Wa hinglon, d ip 10m a tI c grams will be KMTV. Omaha ; sion and th Department of Audio· chool begins. Till gives the fiv~ N. r. , sources reported that the Portu· KTIV, Sioux City; KWWL, Water· Vi ual Instruction of the National year-old a ~eeling of ecurity, the " The takeoff run of Ie. s than an ge e exile was arranged at the reo 100; ' WHO , Des Moines ; )'IOC, Education As oeiation. teacher saId. inch represented the distance the quest of the Unlted Slates, via Davenport, and KQTV, Ft. Dodge. 2. Be urI:' your child knows plane mOiled before actual disen· Brazil. However, the U.S. State • Both courses will carry three how to put on hi coat. cap and gagement of restraining lugs tha: Department disclaimed h a v i n g ~mester hours of upper level and Haitian Troops over hoes and i able to identify held it down while pres ure was anything to do with the arrange· graduate credit. The courses offer hi article . This "dcvelop ob· built up by a rocket boo ter. Upon ments. The Bra~il Embassy In opportunities for increasing pro· Wipe Out Rebels servation and self·reliance and disengagem nt of the lugs, the Washington said il had not been fessional . knowledge and are de­ overcomes frustrations." plane wa in night. In four sec· approached by the Stale Depart· signeq for teachers, engineers and PORT .AU PRINCE, Haiti (.fI - S. Impre s upon your child that onds it was making 275 miles an m nl. others who may profit by improv· Government troops have wiped teachers are his triends and are hour. Soon it was flying fastel Ing their background in physics or oul a rebel band that landed on there to help him have a happy than ound - 762 miles an hour at REBELS KILLED chemistry. Tuition fees will be the southwest lip of Haiti a week and worthwhile exp rience. sea level. ALGIERS (.fI _ Fifly.one rebel ,i4 per semester·hour. Students ago. r liable Intormant said 4. Impress upon hIm thc need A major purpose of the trial troops have been killed or cap· may enroll In only one of the two Thursday. for being attentive and courteous. was to determine whether pres· tured In the past few days in mill· courses oUeten. The army would say only that This means attentive and cour· sure, heal and exhaust ga es tary operations in Algeria. French The flrst'/jeme/jter course in "At· the invaders were brought to bat· tcous "on their level and not on could be handled in such a pro· headquarters said Thursday. Three omlc Age Physics" will provide a lIe and 12 or them were killed. an adult standard." lective structure. French civilian were killed in a basic review of college physics. The informant said 25 were killed 5. L l your child know thal ~he Th pilot was AI Blackburn of rebel ambush at a small town The ' two semesters of chemistry , and 16 either wounded or captured teacher leads the conver. allan orth American. east oC Algiers, authorities said. to be altered will cover the con­ IClipped - Ripped!' after army unils Oushed them and he is to foUow as directed. Set iiiiiii _____iiiii_iiiii_iiiii_;. tent normally included in a full from their hideouts in the moun· a good language pattern at home academic year. New methods, mao Ever since the auto divided mlln into two groups -- the quick and the dead - the pedestrian has and "thl will facilitate th de· had to devise or adapt novel stratagems to elude his relentless stalker. Essie Slade (llbave) Fort Laud. tains. • Just Arrived leri~s and techniques will be de· The nationality and identity of velopment of linguistic ~kill in monstrat,ed. 'rdale, Fla., turned to football for his answer to the metal monster threat - the tear·away jersey the child." DIAL the invaders is uncertain. The MICHIGAN For beth courses, enrolees will principle. The driver of the auto got a "clipping penalty" for care'e" drivlng.-AP Wirephoto. army identified some oC them as 6. See that your child plays Collow lesson outlines and send in Cuban. with other children a thal join· 8-5867 ing the clas will not be a difficult problem solutions once a week. PEACHES for an appointm.nt Four seminar review sessions, Steel Ex.ecutive xperience. ,foUowed by an examination, will Grammer A Waist Of Time? USSR HELPS IRAQ 7. See thal he knows how 10 r . at the new Beauty Salon be ·held each semester on selected Tells Strikers MOSCOW Lfl - The Soviet Union lax. It will help his "emotional $3.29 bu. Saturdays. Students may enroll al is going to help Iraq launch a pro· adj~tment .. it he can find satis· I~ ' institution of their choice but Profits Desirable gram of atomic research for fying quiet moments. JAMES ,ma),! attend seminars at the near· Today/s Students Think So! peaceful purposes, according to a 8. Make ure he i healthy. communique published by Tass, e,st schQOI. NEW YORK 1.4'1 - A top slcel Parents should take their child West On 6 COIFFEURS The physics text to be used is company executive Thur~cluy ap­ "I hale English becau~c ] think rat.d by 10 English teachers the Soviet news agency. physician to b sure he is in Semat, "Fundl\mental. oC Phys· pealed to the striking United Ste I· its a wai t of time, I knew how from high schools throughout ,igs.'inlhir4\ editioR/, and, lh~ , chem· workers nion to adopt (). more to talk long btfon' ] Wl'nt tn school Iowa. istrY texll1 are. Baxter and Steiner, cooperative altitude in support of and if I wouldn't have the school The initial pap('rs on "Why ] "M9nted bcrng COm· Charged In Theft FURNISHED 2 room apartment. PrI· Mauthe, a member of Big were typical rather than unique, pelled to write weekly thems - Typing House Trailer For Sale Steel's coordinating committee, vat. bath and entTance. lara,•. Utll· "..~ Iowa City youths were Dorweiler reached the conclusion "The most I hr.u ev r wl'ote be· Ille. furnlohed . Dial 6564. 11-11 gave no indication thaI the 12 mao 24 HOUR servlc •. Electric Typewriter. ALL modern 30 fl. houae troUer, ...... charged with petty larceny after fore was an overage of two themes 8·1330. 8-29 .~ jar steel firms affected by the thllt writing a theme a week for NICE 2 or 3 room apartment. Adul ta. condition. plul attached \lvln, room being arrested Th'.lrsday morning a semester ond I thought this to be r_ rI d 8 4931 • •• an d feneed·ln yard. Reasonably priced. five·week strike have modified a si n!!le semest.r in high school TYPING___ . _ __ pe_ e_n_ee_.. ~. __ .___ ._ ~ 28« between 5:30 10 7:30 p.m. 718 Term. \0 rllfllt purty. Phone Jim with. car Cull of safe drink cases unethical." Nel'crthl,le • the cia s Phone 4191 11-21 So. Dubuque. .·1 DeW .... 8-1167. 8-27 and hotlles. their stand against any wage in· results in defin ite writing pro­ made definite progre s in terms TYPING. 8·11437. crease . THE DAIL V IOWAN RESERVES --- .Vlrgil Parker, 19, ' and Alfred gress for students of all ability of content, organizational ability, THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY TYPING. 6110. B.13R Am·CONDITIONED efficiency apart· I~ 36 (t. Glider trailer. Ex,,""ent Seering, 18, are charged with tak· In Forresl Park, Pa., lhe AFL· language and mechanics. men( In Coralville. Phone 8-38H. '.30 condition. S3.000.oo. Phone '·4l1tS. 8-27 groups - even though the stud· ADVERTISING COPY. -----In-s-t-ru-c-ti-o-n-- -- ing the cases from behind the CIO Executjve Council adopted a The final theme topic was ents strongly resent the pro· FOR RENT, _mall (urnl.hed apart. 1953 KOZY. !k Ct. two bedroom trailer, Superior Oil Station at Highway 6 resolution dedicating its 1959 La· "Why I Still Hate English." (ull baUl. '1.600. Call Uti. 8-21 bar Day celebration Sept. 7 to sym· gram, Who Does It BALLROOM dance leSlOn.t. MJm1 YoUEANT? HE<~5 iN CIVILIAN nerves. But I guess it is for my HI, S6T. SHE:ALY! He'S NOT IN THe. CLOTHE5 DOESN'T better living whether I like it or Ar2 70 .U8 17 W• •blnalon . . ... 49 71 ."418 five meeting thi ea on. THURSDAY 'S RESULTS .. noles on what wonderful hunting San rranclsco 5. Milwaukee 3 T H URSDAY' REI! I Jone caltered U h1\ in earn. LT Lo. Anll.l.. &. ClnclnnaU 5 Detroll 14. New Yo rk 1 dogs they make and how they are ing hi 161h triumph again t It Philadelphia 6-4, Chlcalo 5-8 Baltlmor. 7, Chlco,o 6 MacKay Duo gentle as lambs with children." etbacks. He has a ,5·2 record Pltl5burCh 3. St. Louis I Cleveland 6, Washington I TO.oAY·S PITClIEII.8 Boslon It. Kansas Clly lO They are both aggressi ve in the against the Brave . S8n Frandsco .t PhU.delphla 2. Itwi· BROOKLINE, Mass. (.fI - Barry ring, toe·to·toe types who rarely Yes, only one medium completely covers the The Braves picked up an un· nl'hll - Anlonelll (18·71 and McCor· TODAY'S P ITCHERS MacKay and Ens. Myron Franks 'mCK 110-101 .1. Roberts (11-12) and N.w York at Kan... City INI - clinch. earn d run in the first on an er­ Semproch t3·81. Maal 111-61 YO. H.rbert 110·81. needed nearly four hours of des· They both 1i~it their bad mouth· University market ••• and that medium is The ror, a tolen ba e, an infield hit Lol An,el .. at PltlSbur.h tNI-<:ull Wuhlnlllon at Ch1calo IN) - Stobba perate battle agltinsl the tenacious Lng 18-41 VI. Kiln. 18-111 . 11-81 VI. Donovan (7·61. to Sugar Ray Robinson, whom by Hank Aaron and a double by St. Louis al CincInnati (N I - Jack· Boston at Detroit INI - MonboQuelle Palafox cousins from Mexico City both accuse of lousing up the mid· Frank Torre. Then scored anoth· IOn 110·111 VI. Hook 12-31 . (4·41 VI. Foytack 111-101 . Daily Iowan. Chlc ...o at Mllwauk •• tN) - Ander­ BalUmor. at Cleveland IN I - Brown Thursday to survive the men's dleweight. title picture. Each won er run in the eventh and got their IOn t9-8, va. Buhl 410·7 •. f8·81 vs. Harshman 13·91. quarter·finals at the U. S. National and 10 t to Robinson . final run in the ninth on singles Doubles Tennis Tournament. The National Boxing Association by Johnny Logan, Bobby Avila with a single to righl, stole second a single, double and a bases·load· MacKay and Franks won 4-6, sanctioned t b e Fullmer·Basilio and Eddie Mathews. and scored on a booming triple ed triple. 9-7, 6·2, 10·t2, 17·15. fight after stripping Robinson of San Francisco, held scoreless by Diole Groat. Bob Clemente, Charlie Maxwell also hit for the Australian Davis Cupper Neale the world title because of lack of ror rour innings, managed to break who extended his hitting streak curcuit, getting his 27th home run activity. He hasnl fought since through Spahn for a pair or runs Fraser and Roy Emerson, Wimb· to II straight games, the n as Delroit salvaged the final o{ ledon liUists and pre·tourney fa· beating Basilio March 25, 1958. in the firth as Eddie Bressoud punched a single over second a three·game series. The NBA terms call Cor the doubled and Jackie Brandt, Willie vorites at Longwood, movad al· base scoring Groat. A crowd of 17,296 watched the most efforllessly into the semi· winner tl the nationally televised Ma)'s and Willie McCovey hit suc· s!. Louis ...... 000 001 000.- I • .0 two teams in action for the final Basilio·Fullmer fight to take on ce sive singles. P1llaburah . . .. 000 120 oox- 3 11 I Clnals with a 6·3, 7-5, 7-5 verdict Broillo, McDaniel (71 and Porlor. time t.his season at Briggs Stad· over Crawford Henry and Donald the No. 1 challenger within 90 When you want to sell merchandise, you The Giants scored their third run ium. Smith 16\: ,.,..Ind ond Bur.e... W - Dell. days. in the sixth and capped their scor· Friend 16-151 . L - BTOIIUO (8·10). The Tigers knocked out starter ing in the ninth when, with two Gary Blaylock in the second in· MacKay, teamed' with Franks have to tell your prospective customers out, Mays collected his third sin· Indians 6, Senators 1 ning and continued their assault as the No. 2 seeded domestic en· gle and McCovey fo llowed with his against Eli Grba and Don Lal" try, looked like anything but a about it. And when your prospective cus­ sevenlh homer. CLEVELAND t.fI-Woodie Held's sen. Blaylock yielded five runs in Davis Cup challenge match de· Rosensohn S.n rrlncIJco , ... 000 021 00:1- 5 I~ l two·run homer was the deciding just one and a third innings and render on this humill afternoon. Milwaukoe .. . 100 000 101 - 3 11 lJ tomers are university students, the one S. Jon.a and Schmldl; Sp.hn and blow Thursday in Cleveland's 6-1 was charged with the defeat. Antonio Palafox and his cousin Crandall . W - S. Jones (16·11 1. L - ,. Spahn 116-191. victory over the Washington Sen· Grba was touched {or four runs Guslavo displayed superb team· Back In 'U.S. way to tell ALL of them is to advertise in ators, as Jim Grant held the visi· in t.wo relief innings. work and moments of agile reo Home run - San ""aneJICO, McCovey NEW YORK fA'! - Bill Rosensohn 111 . tors to three hits, New York ...... 101 000 OO~ 2 5 I ttieving with which the Americans Held's 22nd round trip blow of Detroit ...... 23l 500 30x- 14 1( 2 returned from Europe Thursday to their own newspaper - The Daily Iowan. . Blaylock, Grba 121, La .... n f41 anet could not cope. the season went over the right Howard, Blanchard 151 ; Bunnlnc and face questioning [rom three sides Phils 8-4, Cubs 5-6 MacKay and Franks simply on activities surrounding the pro­ field fence to break a 1·1 tie in Berberet. W - Bunni", tI2-IO I. L - wore down the Mexicans. If you want the extra business that the PHILADELPHIA IA'I - Phila· .. H dr" . Blaylock 10-1) . motion of lhe Ingemar Johansson· th e seVen th mnmg. e ove m Home rW1S _ Delrolt, Bollinl 2 1101. Under the staggered men's delphia catcher Carl Sawatskl's George Strickland, whose bunt Maxwell 1271 , Floyd Palterson heavyweight student ma rket can give you, call 4191 home run, double and four RBJ's schedule, two men's quarter·finals championship fight last June 26. had forced Jim Baxes. Baxes was ----- will be played Friday. helped Reuben Gomez to an 8-5 on base with a single. BoSox 11 , A's 10 Rosensohn. who, as president of and take advantage of the services The victory over Thursday Catcher Ed FitzGerald's first Rosensohn Enterprises, Inc ., pro· night lor his first win since May homer of the season opened the KANSAS CITY fA'! - Bob Cerv I f mated the aHair, cut short his va· hit three home runs Thursday for Ru Ie Qua i ies cation at Cannes, France, at the Daily Iowan offers you. 21. lower half of the lhird inning, the Kansas City but Boston beat out But loose pilching by Taylor bel1 sailing over the left field a steady barrage of base hits that I M h· M t requesl of DisL Atty . Frank Ho· Phillips allowed the Cubs to mount fence. n emp IS ee gan a three·run rally that gave them a Washington pulled into a tie in gave the Red Sox an 11-10 vic· The district attorney's oHlee 6-4 victory in the second game the si){th, on Billy Consolo's walk, tory.It took the combined relief pltch. MEMPHIS IA'! _ Jack Rule of pI anne d ta ques tl on Rosenso hn of the twi·night doubleheader. a sacrifice by Pedro Ramos and Waterloo , Iowa shot a I·under·par Thursday and have him appear Gomez, ,whose only other vic· a double by Bob AlIlson. ing talents of Mike Fornieles and 139 to tie lor third place in the before the grand jury Friday. A lory this year was a 3-0 shutout Dick Hyde relieved Ramos in Tom Brewer to slarve off the A's qualifying round of the Colonial spokesman lor the attorney gen . in the eighth and ninth innings. Invitational Golf tournamenl Thur ~ . eral's office said the promoter was over the Cubs, allowed 11 hits, the eighth, and the Indians 'scored Fornieies gave up Cerv's third inc!luding three apiece by Tony three runs on singles by Vic Pow· home run in the eighth but he day. The SUI golfer was 5 strokes not required to appear there until Taylor and George Allman. er. Minnie Minoso, and Tito Fran· managed to get out with Boston behind medalist Dale Morey of In· after completion of the grand jury But Sawatski"s two·run double cona, plus a Joul by Rocky Cola· still ahead at 11-10. But when dianapolis, Ind. . tes\Jmony. in the rourth and two-run homer in vito. Frank HOLlse opened the lasl of Jimmy Wittenberg of Memphis Rosensohn, whose split with Vin · '1 ' the eighth, plu Wally Post' two­ W.. hlnlflon . . .000 001 000- I 3 2 lhe ninth with a double, Brewer pulled in second with a 138. Tied cent VelaHa , his partner in Ro en · Cleveland . . . . 00 I 000 23x- 6 8 0 run homer in the eventh kept up Ramo", Hyde 181 and Courtn.y; Grant came in to choke off the budding with Rule was Sam Carmjchael of sohn Enterprises, preCipitated the the margin Gom Z De ded to win. and 1"1 I.a..... Ici. W - Grant ("'51 . L _ Ramol 111·151. rally, He grabbed Wayne Terwil- Martinsville, Ind . probes, app e art'(~ unruffled. Gomez has lost eight. Rllmo •. Hydt {a, and Courtney; Grant Iiger's bunt and threw House out Match play begins today with 32 'Tm l10plng to clear my name Post al 0 had two l\its in the II" Held '221 . second game, including a two·run Thenat th~d after an d givings~uck upout aHai single Smith to: I~~ ~t~he~c~h~am~p~~n~sh~i~P~f~~~h~t~. ~~~~an~d~~~Y~r;c:p:ut:a:ti:o~n'~'·~he~s~a~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ single in thc first. Chicago's Art Orioles 7, ChiSox 6 Bill TuLUe. he struck out Russ Schull had three hits In the sec· Snyder to end the game. CHICAGO fA'! - The Baltimore ond; one a fifth·inning homer, an­ Cerv drove in six runs with hi FRESH, PLUMP other, a run· coring ingl in th Orioles started fast with three three homers. There were two seventh. runs in the firsl Thursday, then rive·run innings, one for Boston FIR T GA~ I E taved oCf a late White . Sox rally Chlcalo .. " . 011 DID 020- 5 II 0 and one lor the A's . Eleven pitch· Philadelphia .... 100 300 22x- 8 8 2 to down the league·leaders 7-6. ers were put on parade, six for Drabowsky and S. Ta ylor ; Goon •• and Young Barry Latman was the Lb. Sawaukl. W - Comez 12·81 . L - Drab­ the Athletics and five lor Boston. ow.k y 18-81. victim of the Orioles' quick start There were 29 hits, 12 bases on Home run. - Chicago. T. Taylor 161. and they co nti nued their attack to Marshall '91 . Philadelphia, Post (181. balls, three wil d pitches, a passed roll up 13 hits off seven Sox pitch· FRYING, Sowatskl '01 . ball and a balk. SECOND GAl'll! ' ers. Bill Klaus showed the way ChlcDlo ...... " .103 010 100- 8 J2 1 The Victory went to Earl WiI· ~utUp Phlladolphla .. '" 20(1 002 oo~' , 1 with four hits. Hoyt Wilhelm son, the lhird Boston , who Anderoon. Henry t81 and Neemon. S. pitched the first six innings for Ta ylor f3 1; Phillips, Meyer 131 , Robin­ also drove in three runs with a Lb. 31c ron ,81 and Thomas. Lonn.tl 111. W - Baltimore and retired with a 5-4 double and single. Andenon nO-81. L - Phillips II-51. lead. Bill y Loes protected WiI· CHICKENS Home run - 'Chlca,o, Sohult (2) . The loser was Tom Slurdivant, helm's victory in relief. who took the brunt of a five·hit. Klaus opened the Baltimore of· (ive·run Boston attack in the sev­ Dodgers 8, Reds 5 fense with a single to right. AI enth innin g. ClNCINNATl (All - Catcher Ed Pilarcik then singled. Bob Nieman BoSlOn ...... 011 102 51~11 18 2 Kan .... CIty ...... 015 010 030- 10 13 0 HY-VEE FANCY Bailey let a side·retiring third (anned but Gene Woodling doubled Casalo, Chittum 131, WIlson (fl. strike get away from him in the oCf the right .fi eld ~a ll to score Foml.lea 18\ , Brewer til and White; ~ r Tall T.ltourls. DIckson Itl. Sturdivant 161. 1 III.I!IIIIII...... !II.I!!II.III!'I. fifth inning Thursday night and Klaus. PlIarclk tallied on .Bob Tomanek 171 ...Co)eman '71, Kuck. f81,I 1I •••• Cans the Los Angeles Dodgers went on Boyd's sacrifice fly and Woodling .M House. w - Wilson 11·0 •. L - Fruit Cocktail ' • 2 Sturdivant (1-5) . • • 45c from there to score seven unearn- came home when Billy Goodman Home run. - Kansaa City, Ce.... 3 ed runs and defeated the Cinctn. booted Chico Carrasquel's ground· (181 . RICH' FLAVOR, SALAD PIECES ., LOOK Will FRESH TASTY ,.... Big nati Reds, 8·5. er.., ...... II'" Until that "four-out" inning, the When Woodling doubled to start 2V2 Reds' starter, Bob Purkey, had ai- the thi rd, Latman was excused and YOUR WHAT · BUY lowed the Dodgers only two hits Rodolfo Arias took over the Sox PEARS • • • • • • • • • Can 29c HY·YEE Toll Can and had a slim 1~ lead. pitching. A single by Carrasquel FINEST He got John Roseboro and Don scored Woodling. . 'Baked Zi mmer out easily in the (ifth . The Sox got to Wilhelm (or a HOLIDAY Pork & Beans • • • 1Dc HY-VEE FANCY Big Then he slipped a third strike past pair of runs in the four th. .Ray Enjoy a perfect family Dodger pitcher Danny McDe. Moo re'~ w ll dn e~s gave. the Orioles HY·YEE Tall Can Halves or Sliced 2V2 holiday at this year's vill who reached first safely . a run In the fifth whlch the Sox (}oocl In Heavy Syrup Can Then Jim Gilliam singled and matched on Earl Torgeson's single Iowa State Fair , • , 10 ·Butter Beans • • • • PEACHES Charley Neal doubled for two and Goodman's double. The Sox wonderful days . , • • 10c 2-5 runs. Wal ly Moon walked and picked up another In the sixth. 10 gloriOUS nights. Hy.yEE T.II Can Everyday In DEL MONTE or HY· VEe Norm Larker hit a three-rUll bo. BaJUmoro ..• ... .. 301 DID~ 7 13 0 , ChlcalO ...... 000 211 2_ II 10 I 200 acres of marvelous Our ...... ,. 14-0%. mer. Chuck Essegian doubled and Wilhelm. Loel m and Trlandoa. Gln8- features to see, and do, Diced Beets · I . I d ( other ..... , 110: Latman, Art .. (S), Moore • • • • • • 10c R on Fair y smg e or an (~l Lown 15) McBrld. f7I Sialoy and enjoy. BakeShop Bottles run. Willard Schmidt relieved the m; Shaw la, and Lollar. W· - wu­ HEARTY MEAL Tall Can ATSUP. • • • • • 3 49c hapless Purkey and gave up a helm (12·a\. L - LItman (~5). IOWA l run·scoring dou ble to John Rose· Diced Carrots boro before getting ZiJpmer out. Tigers 14, Yanks 2 STATE FAIR • • • • • 10c Los AnIlCI ...... 000 010 1_ • 11 2 PERRY LOU CUT CIncinnati ...... 000 120 011- 5 10 .. DETROIT III -- Frank Bolling Aug. 28 thru Sept. 6 Tall Can Fresh, Crisp Pa'scal McDevitt. Sherry leI .nd ROHboro; Bi, C.,. ·RIC._ Purkey. SchmIdt I ~~! Acker (8\. Br_ and Gail Harrill each drove across nan fl. and Bailey. w - McDevitt 111-1). fi ve runs, leadlng Detroit to a 14.2 AUf. 21, 30; Sept. 2, 5 Green Beans . 1 •• L - Purkey iJO·I3 •• cn--AUf. • • 10, Home runs - Lol An,el •• , Larker (7), blasting of New York Thursday J .. lopy R.. 29, 31 Moon 1111. Cincinnati. Thomas (II. as lhe Tigers slammed eight extra­ Stock C.. r Rac_ HY·YEE No. 303 Can base hits ofr three Yankee pUch. AUf, 29; S.pt.' Pirates 3, Cards 1. ers. Hone RacH-$.pt. 1 Hominy •••••• Jim Bunning benefited {rom the Thrill Shew_Au" 21, 30, 31 , • • 10, PlTI'SBURGH IA'I - Right· lusty support and pitched a fi ve. Roy Rot." Show- HY·YEE, plain or lodlm Round TjIbt hamler Bob Friend struck out 11 Sept. 2, 3,4 , S( , hitter for his 12th victory and his "'00 head of prtz. livestock baUers and gave up 9 hits Thur .. first over the Yankees this sea. day in leading the Pittsburgb PI­ F .. nn machinery show Salt ••••••••• l0c son. 4-H .. nd FFA F .. lr rates to a 3-1 \'ictory over the St. Bolling hit h ~ 9th and loth home Women's EXJIOIltion ALLEN'S TURNIP OR T.. II Can Louis Cardinals. ~s and added a single in five Stalk Friend turned in a sparkling tnps. Harris, who has been Ln a PLAN YOUR performance, giving up only one season· long slump, connected for HOLIDAY NOWI Mustard Greens •.•• 1Dc and running inlo sec­ HY-VEE T .. II Can rlous trouble only in the sixth In· BARTLETT CANNING ning. It was Friend's lOlst major league victory I and the sixth this r Kidney' Beans • • • ~ 1Dc season. He has 15 defeats. PEARS CAMPBELL'S Tall Can Friend's total was his . 1 highest of the seasoh and came 1 So. Dultuque Tomato Soup •••• 14-lb, lug •• within one of lhe club record of 111 So, Clinton • 1Dc • • 12 in one game set by KOIEY T .. II Can Babe Adams in 1909. 229 So. Dubuqu. ITALIAN PRUNE The Pirates exploded ror what prov!d to be the winning runs in Shoestring Potatoes, 1Dc PLUMS the ~th inning of( Cardlnal start· ALLEN'S I'r Ernie Brogllo. 227 Kirkwood Avenue )Job ~ started the barraae White Potatoes 12·lb. lug • • • We ReH've The RIght T. LImIt