- a ·l Serofng The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Established In 1868-Five Cents A Copy Associated Press Leased Wire And Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, August 21, 1959 2nd Att~mpt To Recover • D'iscoverer Capsule Fails , " Study 'Group Asks 104 .Pages Southern Laos' Hit Signals Not For Iowan - \ Received; No Greater \Arms Aid Tomorrow By Red Saboteu'rs I Visual Sighting WASHINGTON t.fI - President Eisenhower's ~pecial committee R 'a N F mosa In 'd lIed Th d f b' i . ' USSI , or way. or , - VI ENTIANE, Laos t.fI - Com· the surprising announcement that o.n arms aJ ca . a~ew . urs. ay or a Ig stepup n IIPproprla· dia _ the e are only four of the munist progaganda and sabotage Red guerrillas are operating now Chances Of Recovery hons to equlp America s allies with modern weapons. 14 countries where The Daily learns were reported spreading in sile: provinc('s, orne as (ar south The li nal Ulport by a l(}·man group of prominent citizcns head· Iowan's University Edition will lhrough southern Laos Thu r day as the South Viet Nam border. Were 1 In 1,000 ed by investment banker William H. Draper Jr.. ran counter to COLl' be sent Saturday. and rebel units in the north ap­ The skirmishing that flared last WASHlNGTON IA'I - Another al­ - ---- - - -----gressional foreign aid cuts and The l04-page paper, largest celi- peared to be preparing for an all­ month in two northern provinces tempt to recover a capsule eject­ administration dcsires ~ 0 hold lion of a college newspaper in the out offensive. - Sam Neua and Phong Saly - down spending. eountry, will be sent to 4.750 pros­ DeCen Secretary Col. Phoumi threaten to spread warfare over ed (rom a satellite apparently Democrats Rap But Eisenhower, sending the, peclive students, high schools. Ii­ Nosavan said the rebels in the a 5OO·mile Itn . failed Thursday. unanimous report on to Congress braries, and dally newspapers in southern province were mostly The Defense Department an­ with praise for its invaluabl nearly every state in the union_ Military r P<lrl said the rebels, pqlitlcal and sabotage teams sent though speclaJi ts in hit-and-run nounced that a capsule was eject· guide lines, agre~ that fu~ds au· The edition Is designed primar' to undermine th pro-Western ed successfully lrom the orbiting GOP's Natural th?rited (or mIlItary assistance lIy for students who wlJl be at. tactics, are holding a (ifth of Sam government and prcad propagan· Neua province. These advices said Discoverer V[ at 5:27 p.m. fEST ) tlus year are at what he calls a tending SUI this fall for the first da. as planned but that no signals "dangerou .Iy low level." . time. Ils 13 sections. weighing th(' government is 10 ing men Earlier the /:overnmenL made daily In patrol clashes. were received ft'om the capsule Congre~s~onal . informants . Said about a pound, will cover nearly after Lhe ejection. Resource Plans the ~dmlru s trallon has indicated every phase of life on the SUI Sam Neun province adjoins it WlU . se~k ~ supplemental . aid campus. This was substantially what hap­ WASHI NGTON t.fI - The Demo· Communist North Vie t Nam, approprlallon JO January. Elsen- . which Laos charges has trained. pe ned a week ago in a similar eratlc Advisory Council called hower said a varicty of other Dra- Mary Jan s. M, Des Momes. Arrest Bishop test. Thursday l or new policies and per recommendations for strength- editor of the edition, and her staff armed and equipped border tribes­ programs in natural resource de· men for the uprising. Red China The Pentagon isslled , a slale­ ening the program will be studied have attempted to answer any ment at about 6:45 p.m. on the at­ velopment and management. It by the administration b fore it qu eslions a new student might ask. backs the aclion with Its propa­ urged greater emphasis on public For Criticizi ng ganda guns. tempt made Thursday as the sat· decides what to do about them. Sections will cover such questions ellite passed on its norih·south power and new vigor on (ederal Eisenhowl:!r asked Congress for as: What about housing and fln­ Man-to·man , the rebels would projects generally. course in the area o( the Hawaiian '1,600,000,000 in military aid this .ances? How do we .operate? What not have a chane in r gular bat­ Islands. The council criticized Republl· year. The legi lators are in the clothes s ho~ld 1 brmg to co ll e~e? Haitian Govt. tle, the army o( Laos believes. 'What Heat Wave? can activity in this field as spine' process of chopping this dow. .. a~d Wha t IS there to do durmg But that isn't the way they (jght. "The director o( the Advanced PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti 1.1'1 - Research Projects Agency an· AS IOWAN CITIANS .welt,red through enother dey of h,et end hIgh less. 200 or 300 million dollars. leisure hours? SUI sports will be They were authoritatively esti­ Authorities ordered th e arrest nounced thal Discoverer VI satel­ humidity, 18·month-old Robert Kiltl,r, .on of Mr. end Mr •• Kerl "The time calls for a compre· The Senate Appropriations Com- covered . in a ection, and two ~ c· mated to number only 3,500. henslve breakthrough in our nat· milLee, at a hearing Thursday on lions W!J\ be devoted to varIous Thursday o( Msgr. Francois Poir· lite vehicle ejected its capsule at K i 'fl~r, 3" Stadium Perk, expressed hi. di ..,provel of the w•• th.r­ against 25,000 in the American· !i :27 p.m. as programmed,' the ural resource policies and pro· the (oreign aid program. heard it academiC departments at SUI. er, the archbishop of Port au equipped Laotian army. IIIIII'S pr.dictlon of .till enoth.r dey of soering temperatur... Ht grams, but President Eisenhower attacked a unconstitutional and Such word as Blarney Stone, Prince, He is the highest Roman statemer1t said. dill ctol off a bit Thundey, however, by bethlng In the kiddlu' pool has given us something much contrary to the wi shes of the great riverbanking, and comm skill, Catholic Church official in this Red units were reported in "Since ejeclion, no signals have ,.t City Park. HI, feth,r, Karl, is e senior in phy. ical ,ducetlon from closer to a comprehensive break­ majority of Americans. common to th SUI .tudent, ~ut predominantly Cathollc country. Sara vane, Sava nnakhet. Takhek becn received from the capsule Fort Madlson.-Oa)ly lowln Photo by J,rry Smith. down," it said. The criticism come from Clar- perhaps strange 10 lhe outSide He wa accused of criticizing and Xlengkhouang provinces. and the recovery team in the area The council, an adjunct oC the ence Manion oC South Bend, lnd.. world. will be deCined in this edl­ public auUlorities. A Defense Mini stry spokesman has reported no visual sighting. Democratic National Committee. former dean oT th Notre Dame tion. Department from art to . Reports (rom Vatican City Wed· said the extension of Communist "Therefore it is unlikely thal ouliined its plan in the second law school, and Walter Harnisch- zoology will be dcscribed and dis­ nesday night said Vatican circle acllvities was aimed at thinning the capsule will be recovered, al­ Union Boss Threatens Political or ten pamphlets on "Domeslic feger of Milwaukec, chairman of cussed, were gravely distu.rbed over de­ government forces so the rebels thoull1 the search will be Co[\­ Policies for a Growing and Bal· the Citizens Foreign Aid Commit- The edition will be mailed any· velopments In Haiti. could concenlrate on seizure of the tinuro for a number of hours." anced Economy." tee. where ror 50 cents by placing or- The arrest order was the latest two northern provinces once con­ The 300-pound capsule contaln· It sa.id Uie adminlstrallon has ¥aD.iDn .....ho i&. CII.Qll I for ~ \lers at Thl! Daily rowan office, trollcO by. the Rt'd Pathet LaQ. R,prisal For~ecent House Vote In II er!es or- mctdenlS fllVolvlng ed io6kuments but· no livipg thil ~ . watched precious time beilig losl citizens committee. contended that CommunJcabons Center. One Sut government and church authorities The poke man said anolher WASHINGTON 1.4'1 - AFL·CIO Vice President James B. Carey In preservi ng essential resources. an antiforeign aid candidate for student .has even . ordered a copy Earli er in the afternoon eight or the Negro republic. Red goal i to force a return of C119 Air Force ~ranspor~s took of( threatened punishmellt at lhe polls Thursday Co r House mem bers he " 1l has let private enterprise president next year would sweep for Soviet Premier Khrushchev. elalm uniquely va luable publi'l the country. Oop!es of the edition will also be Earlier this week President Fran­ the international control commls· from Hawaii and flew to a posl· acc ~se d of joining in a vindictive assault on the labor movement. siles. Most unfortunately of all, il He and Harnischreger testiCied available Saturday on th~ n~ws­ cois Duvalier decreed the expulsion sion which was abolished Jast lion at which it was hoped one of Carey flung hi s threat in blisterin g letters sent to 229 represen· has failed to give that quality of against Eisel1howtr's over·all (or- stand or at the Communications of two priests. Tuesday night steel­ spring. the planes could snag the para· tati ves - both Republicans and Democrats - who on a key vole leadership which clln come only eign aid program of 3't2 billion Center.
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