THURSDAY. AUGUST 20. 1952 PAGE TWENTY iltanrlf(Btpr tttftthtg If^rdb ATcracc Daily . Net PreM Rhn The Weetfier Fneneeal of 0. •. Weatbnt F a r Om W m R B m M of Concord. He.-studied In New is a vlollntst. She will eontlKE^''**' Ftorgs was working on the Oood- mueic sttidfea under a schoKrihlp H«v* Your Doctor M ay U rd . 1959 plcnlc'on llniraday noon, Aug. 37, rici^ farm, laaaad by Consolidated. York and received hla, B.A. and AboutToHn 1 Fourth Man Treggor Finds M.A. degrees in music at Hartt in the fall at Mknhattan College. 19. Saturday gm m tU at the home of Mra. Claude por-1 Floras, recognized by C%6ka, w alk­ CoH In Your P^oscHptioN I fcot w nh ehnuee -«f. ter. 39 Hyde Rt. Mambera are aak-1 ed "right Into our hands." College of Music In Hartford. Two 12,925 years ago he started work on his' A plcnle aiid outlnit for mem- ed to bring their own diahee and ' The four lahorers are accuaed Two Positions DoHvorod W ltklii Tko Maoibar nf thn Audit m g h 1 cutlery. Thoae planning to attend Charf'ed in of stealing Jewelry, cigarettes snd doctorate at Harvard Summer thiraau nf OhvMtntfim b«n of th« ManchesUr PhlUtrltr School. Manchettor-^A City o f V illago Charm Society and their fwntliee will he are aaked to contact >Jra. Porter. , sboiit $4.M from B ernardo Gus­ L T. WOOD GO. Hour held Sunday at the home of man, an employe of Jdieph 2!eppa, In California His wife and daughter are also Farm Theft active in muelcal circles." Mrs. ICE PLANT CharlM fUlKh. S. River Rd. Cov­ I vegetable grower, at 788 Birch 51 BISSELU ST. (MaaaUInd AdaertMug au Faga U) I Mt Rd. The articles and mopey, Treggor sang In the contralto sec­ VOL. LXXVm, NO. 274 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AlKil ST 21, PRICE FIVE CENTS entry, The Bctl\dtlea are arhed- Chamber ^ ariii) The final member of a 4-man Th» Phillip N. Traggor* have lo- Uied'to etart at 11 am. ' some belonging to Guzman's fel- tion of South Church's Chancel Cii heit‘Cniahed‘Blocka PINE PHARMACY team acciiaed of robbing a Man- catad In Ban Francisco, Calif., and Choir. Cynthia, who graduated M4 CENTER ST. ! low workers, were taken from hla Treggnr ■•>’! he hat found tha new or Salee Pitch M anchester High .School in June, ■ttie W omen a Guild of the Cov­ cheater farm wdrker Aug. 11 waa 'suitcase In the. morning while he chatlengaR ha souirht In tha West. j waa working. In the fields.- ---------- ^____ !__________ L__________ enant Confregatlonal Church wdll A wamilftg agalnat door-to-door picked up yesterday after an In­ In a latter recalvad at Tha Her­ Boasting Killer meet at the home of Mra. Kenneth ald thif morning, Treggor tella of Living CoM magaeine aubacrlptlon aaleamen termittent week-long manhunt by Nelaon, 33 Earl St., at S o'clock ManCheater police. hla Journey acroae country, his tomorrow nlRht. Thla will he a whn-uae a "aympathy gimmick" to Sharp Drop NoIchI finding a ren t and tw o Jobs •within Hawaii Joins Of 11 Executed; work niitht In preparation for the make a aale or obtain an outright Antonio Rodrigtiea Florea. 21. of 24 hours of arriving In San F ran- Hartford, waa taken Into cuatody For July at forthcomms aale. donation waa iaaiied today by the cieco. 5 Soviet by sgt. Henry Oauruder and Pa­ In Joble88 Claims He has been liamad organist and In San Quentin | Chamber of Commerce. trolman.. William Cooke Ih Port­ SHOP KALE'S rhoirmastei- of St. Stephen's Epia- •Tohn Wiet. ekecuttve vice preal- land as he left the tobacco planta­ ' As elsewhere in the .State, new ronal Church, a new church In the Peak Level dent of the Chamber, aald the tion where he has been working. Union Today San Quentin, Calif., Aug. 21 t COIN pPERATfD claims for unemployment compen­ sukurba. Charged with larceny. Florea Is aaleamen. who are on crutchea In sation a t itie M ancheater office of San Frknciico Conservatory of Washington, ,Aug. 2l <A*) — Stephen Nash, " who| aome caaea. hai’e been refuaed reg- being held In lieu of $5,000 bond boasted of more killings than for court appesrance tomorrow. the Con lecticiit Employment He- Mtiair haa appointed him director .#Fong, 52-year-oId Republican of The cost of living rose three- iatratlon by the Hartford Better of choral miialc where he will alao Washington, Aug. .^1 (/P) police could verify, died today j Bualneaa Bureau and have also His three alleged companions, r.inty Di"iaion showed a sharp SELF SERVE- Clilileae descent, and Oren E. Long, tenths of 1 per cent in July to picked up Aug. 1.1, have sppeared teach voice and piano. At the con- Hawaii, a group of volcanic 70-year-oW Democrat and former in the San Quentin prison gas been auapenacd by the Centra) ! drop last week. aervatory, he will coach In the another record high, the gov­ Reds in Cuba Registry which lists aaleamen whoj In Town Court but their cases and coral islands 2,400 miles territorial governor.- The House chamber. , I launJiY have been continued to Aug. 28 to There were 104 auch claims opera department. He haa already m em ber la Daniel K. Inouye, 34- ernment reported today. sell magazine aiibseiiptions. west of San Francisco, of­ The esunt. hypnottc-eyed knlfer ■ f — sllow them to retain counsel. died hei’e while the week before been assigned to aing a leading year-omyear-old DemocratLremociai of Japanese The Labor Department eald gg ye W iet said the B elter Bii.«iness ilie total was 'ih. A year ago there ficially joins the union today spent the last two of his 36 years Do Your Weth for The ihree. .luan Francisco iroie In the spring production of parenUge who lost an arm fighting higher prices for all major classMclasses ^ isolation on death row Bureau had received numerous Qiiilea Gonzales, 24. Ramon Msr- •were 106 clainia made during a , Benjamin Britten's opera, "Peter al the nation’s 50th state. With the 442nd Be^m^Ul Cobibat of goods and serrices listed of his fellow m Poottks Whoo lYt complaints on the activities of comparable period. Preaident Eiaenhower arranged ■ m u r-1 tiiier. 2fi. both of Hsrtford. and Grimes." Team in ItalyItaly. in World Har II. jo the advame, with food prices of his boast 1 this particular group. He advise? Total num ber rif all claims now 4 p.m. ceremony at the White derers sickened of his boast that i Comookot Por You. Basrlio I-ar,ada. 21. of French Rd . The Treggora took a leisurely Terms of • the senators will be leading the way. Aiineti to Penetrate that, before a subscription is taken registered a t the office is 897. A O U M to proclaim atatehood for The consumer, price »„-lhe killed al least 11 men #nd hoys. ; Bolton, are currently held in .coun­ trip to California, stopping often 1 He never had a visitor, and there ' oiit for magazines.'> the Chamber weer ago there .vere l.O.IB and to visit along the way. Treggor i« territory after a 5«-year ef­ July was 124.9 per cent' of the W ASH 20e ty js 'l MTOOPBinS S .J (Cloatinaed on Page Four) j wss no one to claim his body. , should he contacted. a year ego tlu number waa 1,.'I74. fort b.V Hawaiian Citizene, now All four of the men. Puerto Ri­ aaya the only difficulty encdilnter- 1947-49 average, eight-tenths of 1 1 Arrested on I-^os Angeles Skid I Statewide the Connecticut Iji- ed on the trip was an overheated numbering 586,000. per cent higher than in July 1958. DRY 10c can migrant laborers, were picked Beaidea signing the statehood ] Road in 19.16 when police found a j Fidel Castro Regime up out of town. i bor Dis;_artment reported a drop car in the desert country. They Pay Roost for Millions i bloodv knife in his pocket. Nash I MATTAG j of almo't 8.000 In unemployment found an apartment in San Frari- prnclamation today, the Preeldeni ' Why Not Dream The increase will m'ean wage STOP ITCHING! Recngnir.ed by. Patrolman Atts/ywHeRE lasuee an order deaignating a new i admitted killing iO-year-old Larry ..■■■ ............... i ' oompeneat on claims filed during ciaro at 1029 Judah St., within boosts to about one million wqrk-; COIN OPERATED Flores was picked up yesterday 50-star flag to become offlcialty ef­ Rice under a Santa Monica’ pier IN l.'i MINUTES the week ended Aug. 18. walking distance of shopping dia- Of While Yule? era, primarily in (he automobile, Minneapolis, Aug. 21 (/P)—A U.S. Intelligence spokesnutn LAUNDRY After using ITCH-ME-NOT. get when Sgt. Gaiiruder and Patrol­ HALE’S CHOICE BONELESS fective next July 4. I and John Berg, 26, In B erg's Long man Cooke finally learned his • IsWjor Cor'iiTiissioiier Renato F,. tricta. a' park, art galleries, the TTie new banner will take the farm equipment and aircraft in­ ; Beafch apartm ent. ' reported today that .Moscow sent, a Soviet intelligence of­ your 4Sc back IF THF. ITCH conservatory and the Pacific surf. Temperatures in Connecti­ dustries. N EED S STRATCHINT.. Voii feel whereahouls after scouring .Hart­ I RicriiKi esid the drop- was due MERE IS place of the 49-atar flag which be­ ' Convicted of those two murders, ' ficer to Cuba last May to guide local Communists on how to ford all morning and part of the primarily tJ a reduction in vaca­ Treygor, in s sudden and unex­ CHUCK came official only laat July 4.
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