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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb 7 July 1978 PROPLEOPUS CHILLAGOENSIS, A NEW NORTH QUEENSLAND SPECIES OF EXTINCT GIANT RAT-KANGAROO (MACROPODIDAE: POTOROINAE) By Michael Archer,* Alan Bartholomai* and Larry G. Marshall! * Queensland Museum t Princeton University Abstract Propleopus chillagoensis is ^ described as a second species in the genus. The genus is rediagnosed. The new species differs markedly in details of premolar and molar morphology from the Pleistocene P. oscillans (De Vis), but reveals no additional information about inter- generic relationships. In the unique characters which differentiate it from P. oscillans, it is less like structurally ancestral forms such as Hypsiprymnodon than is P. oscillans, and could be a descendent of the lineage leading to P. oscillans. A specimen of Propleopus from the Pleistocene Wellington Caves is similar to P. chillagoensis, and suggests the possibility that the two species, or lineages leading to them, were contemporaneous during part of the Pleistocene, and probably represent end members of a late Tertiary radiation. Introduction nomenclature for individual premolar teeth, as Propleopus oscillans was described on the used elsewhere (e.g. by Bartholomai, 1972), is basis of a single dentary fragment by De Vis not used here, but not because it has been (1888). Since then a lower incisor and two shown to be any less appropriate than the sys- additional dentary fragments have been re- tem used by Archer (1974) and some other ported (Woods, 1960 and Tedford, 1955), as authors (e.g. Mahoney and Ride, 1975). well as a maxillary fragment (Bartholomai, 1972). All of this Pleistocene material has Rediagnosis of Propleopus Longman, 1924 been referred to P. oscillans with little hesita- Recognition of a second species broadens tion. the concept of Propleopus as follows: Poto- Gill (1953, 1957) described a tooth from the roine macropodids differing from other poto- Pliocene Grange Burn local fauna which Ride roine genera in unique extent of subhorizontal (1964) and Turnbull and Lundelius (1970) wear facet on Ia ; also differ from Hypsypri- regard as similar to but smaller than P. oscil- mnodon in having enamel on Ij covering only lans. lower half of labial and lingual faces; posterior The present material, comprising a maxillary half of P4 shorter crowned; M x trigonid wide; fragment and two isolated premolars repre- differing from Caloprymnus and Potorous in sents a second very distinct species. The exis- distribution of enamel of Ii, larger more finely tence of at least two distinct forms of Propleo- serrated and arcuate plagiaulacoid premolars, pus in the Pleistocene indicates that there was in having a vestigial tooth immediately pos- probably a late Tertiary radiation of the genus. terior to Ii, and in having lingual cingula Registration numbers are those of the (sometimes as rudiments) on upper molars; Queensland Museum (e.g. F6675, fossil col- differing from Aepyprymnus in having more lection; e.g. J6824, modern mammal collec- arcuate plagiaulacoid premolars, poorly- tion), the National Museum of Victoria (e.g. developed lingual cusp or crest develop- 4 P15917), the American Museum of Natural ment on P , wider molars, poorly-developed History (e.g. AMNH 65279) and Museum of transverse lophs on molars; vestigial Palaeontology, University of California (e.g. tooth immediately posterior to l u obliquely set UCMP 51697). plagiaulacoid premolars, and lingual cingula Dental terminology follows that used else- (sometimes rudiments) on upper molars; also where by Archer (1974, 1976). An alternative differing from Bettongia in having more arcu- 55 56 MICHAEL ARCHER, ALAN BARTHOLOMAI, and LARRY G. MARSHALL ate, mcsially swollen plagiaulacoid premolars confluent with occlusal cutting crest of tooth. with narrow posterior ends on permanent pre- Posterior to this anterior crest are eight pairs molars, and a vestigial tooth immediately pos- (lingual and labial) of prominent vertical terior to Ix. ridges which reach the occlusal edge of tooth. Ninth pair fails to extend as far as occlusal Propleopus chillagoensis sp. nov. edge. Longitudinal spacing between ridges de- (Plate 11, fig. 1) creases posteriorly. Bases of second pair of Holotype: PI 59 17, right maxillary fragment ridges bifurcated. Bases of eighth and ninth 4 with erupting P and erupting and broken M\ buccal ridges confluent. Ninth ridges more fragment of 1 and 2- 3 M , M , donated by Mr massive than others and form shallow vertical Hugh C. Mainwaring in 1910. fossettes between themselves and eighth Referred Material: PI 59 isolated 18, LP4 ; ridges. Relative ridge lengths as follows 3 sub- P15919, isolated and broken 1 RP ; both from equal to 4, 2 subequal to 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Eighth type locality. ridge interrupted by gap on each side. Base of Type Locality: Fissure deposit in Chillagoe crown lacks cingula. Judging by position of Formation, Chillagoe District, N.E. Queens- erupting crown, P 4 probably oriented antero- land. According to a letter (National Museum labially, with respect to long axis of molar row. of Victoria) from Mr Hugh C. Mainwaring to 4 P4 : Identical to P except as follows: Pos- Professor Baldwin Spencer, 21 July 1910, the terior edge of crown keeled with non-serrated specimens came from \ . a bluff 800 ft. long, vertical continuation of occlusal cutting crest; 300 ft. wide and 50 ft. above the plain of the widest part of crown closer to middle of tooth; surrounding country. This bluff is being worked ninth ridges less massive than corresponding [1908-11] as a quarry to supply the smelter 4 ridge in P ; base of second ridge not bifurcated; with flux. In breaking down the stone a number base of second and third lingual ridges con- of small caves were found. These were fitted fluent. with material resembling silicified clay in 1 M : Crown represented by only posterior one- which the fossils were imbedded'. Mr William third. Roots indicate anterior one-half of Morrow (pers. comm.) notes that the locality tooth much wider than posterior one-half, and was 'Smelter's Junction, one mile from Chilla- that lingual one-half of tooth longer than goe Railway Station, along the Mungana line, labial one-half, result of evidently very large on the left hand side on the way to Mungana.' protocone. Remnant of posthypocrista and Origin of Name: Reference to type locality. postmetacrista linked in arc, middle of which Diagnosis: Differs from the only other species functions as a posterior cingulum. Base of in the genus, Propleopus oscillans, in having a 4 crown very swollen, such that transverse dia- markedly larger P and P4 , each with nine ver- meter of crown base below hypocene and meta- tical ribs; anterior ribs on P 4 are rectilinear cone estimated at three times distance between rather than curved; P 4 crown base more steeply those cusps. inclined posteriorly; upper molars shorter, with 2 more swollen bases; lingual cingulum around M : Anterior one-half of crown wider than pos- 2~ 3 terior one-half. Lingual and labial sides of base of protocone on at least M ; preproto- crista connects directly with preparacrista; pos- crown subequal in length. Protocone, hypo- terior half of upper molar crowns markedly cone and paracone subequal in height, and narrower than anterior half. taller than metacone. Preprotocrista and pre- 4 paracrista connect as anteriorly arc. Description: P : Two-rooted tooth; occlusal an convex outline oval, widest at anterior one-half; an- Postimetacrista and posthypocrista joined as in 1 terior end gently convex, posterior end blunt. M . Prehypocrista and postprotocrista linked in Occlusal cutting edge gently convex, ventrally barely obtuse angle. Postparacrista and pre- with maximum convexity occurring towards metacrista become irregular towards middle of posterior one-half of edge. Anterior edge of crown, and are only just linked by low lon- tooth has curved, labially convex, vertical crest gitudinal crest. Prominent, transverse lingual EXTINCT GIANT RAT-KANGAROO PROPLEOPUS 51 ridges descend flanks of paracone and meta- flank of hypocone to posthypocrista near its cone from longitudinal midline of crown. labial end. M 3 less worn than M 2 and reveals Poorly-defined transverse labial ridge descends fine crenulations over much of crown surface flank of hypocone and meets lingual rib of enclosed by principal cusps. Also evidence of metacone in longitudinal midvalley. Very accessory vertical crenulations parallel to la- poorly-defined anterolingually directed labial bial ridges of protocone and hypocone, and ridge descends protocone, but intersects the connecting posthypocrista with longitudinal preprotocrista anterior to the protocone. La- midvalley of crown. biad to point of intersection of postparacrista 4 M : Only anterior one-half of crown remains. and premetacrista are two small adjacent cusps From remnant of base of posterior one-half, along labial end of transverse midline. Prom- evident that anterior one-half wider than pos- inent lingual anterolingually inclined ridge terior one-half. Protocone taller than paracone. ascends flank of hypocone to base of proto- Preprotocrista connected to preparacrista as cone, adjacent to small basal lingual cuspule, 3 in M . Postparacrista not connected to pre- which in turn is adjacent to lingual end of an- metacrista. Lingual ridge of paracone promin- terolingual basal cingulum which terminates ent and extends transversely to longitudinal 1 2 labially at point where abuts against . M M midvalley to meet labial ridge of protocone. Very small cingular bulge occurs on postero- Some evidence for lingual protocone ridge as lingual base of hypocone. 3 in M . Tooth erupting so anterior cingulum not 3 M : Anterior one-half of tooth much wider visible, if present. Edge of enamel near pos- than posterior one-half. Lingual one-half terior base of protocone suggests lingual hy- subequal in length to labial one-half. Proto- 3 pocone ridge present as in M . Very poorly- cone subequal in height to hypocone, aller developed vertical ridge occurs on anterolabial than paracone, and much taller than re- flank of paracone linking preparacrista with duced Prehypocrista, postproto- 3 metacone.