To: Develop House Designs Larger Than 25M2, Specif.Lcations for Slabs, Columns, Beams, Septic Tanks; Approve CNEL Disbursements Only After Site Visits
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i .Lt.jG O. THiS F ..tvl,READ THE ATTACH) I .,!CTiON:s, USE LETTE R CU; '.ITY T E. !'.7,")T"DOT :,;ATPI" TYP'-. IlD -'t! IF ICzAT I-I O D A T A S pr . AI.D. U t: iaion P l iurrnt FY C. Evaluation Timina ,icYsion or AIDJ Offlj 2U.D -LEA YeS Slipped E Ad Hoc =- Interim J F~nal ,,6i-._ -' -------j05 - Evaluat:on Plan ubmiss!on Date: . .-L D. Activity or Q Ex Pc,'*i- . Actlivltlo- Evaluated (Lis the following Intg:motion for proJot(c) ur programx) u'.Iluntd; ifnot applicable, Ilt title and date oftho ovalualion report. Project No. i Project /Program Title Flrst PROAG Mos t Reccnt Pianneo I.OP Amount Obligatec-. HG-004B Tunisia Naticnal Low Cost Shelter E PACD Cost 000) to Dato 000) Program (FY) (Mo/Yr) 8/86 9/90 $48,000 $19,000 IACTIONS ] E.Atin ,-e isonsAcroved ,yMisName of Officer Re- Date Action lork with the ministryA tlon (sA sponsible O T dic Works and Housing A. Panefor Act!onl al to FYoc p, ted (UOPUH) to: develop house designs larger than 25m2, specif.Lcations for slabs, columns, beams, septic tanks; approve CNEL disbursements only after site visits. Discuss employment generation data collection with A. Panehal FY 89 ONAS. Resolve gourbis problem in Jebel Lamar and Mourouj A. Panehal FY 90 II Bis. Reduce total project size in Tozeur and Jelma and A. Panehal FY 89 equalize m2 prices. Pave road to Kasserine site. A. Panehal FY 89 Mionitor AFH progress on surveying lots in Sbeitla. A. Panehal FY 90 (Attach extra sieet it necess3ry) APPROVALO D a te -h d- / I * AID 1330-5 (10-87) Page 1 / two~~~~-.tsupo ramno tisr~dhanicuprad gcip tiplmne yteOfc ser is copn1amlmne byG: th Agence Fosceer D'llbita (A00and ~ enouag !:mse ora--iona~fi borrower~~~ isigmn SteGo""-mnLo'.'isa~O) Thepupsofu e thi mnd'ter vicasuain pri,18)wst Thu t far,0sisa NA upletaion.,el istanliN'snc.ap rovaln o'r otgdgs' A ofrs Ma t t~ 98iS,b0g~) aotjitii srne t tod, theO S,1 pg:a 'a IqIg C plts -Asshei i'sLs em' . IO3 A'l5' e op1.~in 1s: ,-mrs g1ges,, o serhi c e s c3om phave nb..edimpnot'heYrr firidithatab ng was'erte e impoetnt a~wo .(esig)-n~ adveoed-frle roa l~ms, arn costrctin is noIoito Lesos odned e. rad h delays ca sbe-reduced. ~ 1G0)_ Thege andbsmaeaalbl obnfiifis Projebe moioe bete bymutth of hoises,~andi~ ~ sme cases~ s-eptic~ ~takmet011iu rIHtAprcts " e httadrsconstuco accuraethe estatso arhe nmee endto o :.'suf the. eft ctv 0Tdemnd of ~ho~sehldsin, gy'en ~ fr s~tjs ad sey~e p~oj~ts0 The va ufIatio oD aUSTDIt Peso Day - Cost Sorc u0 r3O~w1~7Pag 2 A.k.D. EVALUATION SUMMARY - PARTJI: V, J. Summary, of, Evaluation Findings, ConelusIons and Reoomimendatlons (Try not to exceedth tloe (3 a~ oIded) a Findlns~andooolusionc(ipaaietooqueatons)lo 1Pu~Pros of~activts)eva~e~~,, 1. Purposect i vlutd Toe fArst copnn s*'$4 ilo rjca is the6,sie and seice~hsbe the AF opnn f 101B.- $9.millon as bee'n disusd toOA schedule~d 'Torflay, 1989.~~ brr~wrg The .. ol f the program are to encourage, -mr eratinald'elp Sof urban land, services and owner-bui-lt housing .units, and t ' im~prove1i~ving coniditions in exisin low-, income neigh~borh'oods. *T he ~program purposes are to' exad -he~ a>valbilty- sevcfsie afodbetolwicm families, to,,incr'ease te.avai a'bulity,.o mortgage financinig for thie pu~rchase of theseserviced housing s ites', a4for~an thhae construction of housing uni'tsw,,and to' gr6ade.and 'expad saitr seerg and raiag,,in, se e low income~ u an ~heT upgrading ;component is financing the'osruto f~wrg and drainage through the off ice Nat i'onal- 'de6 lAss ai sement (OA) T copnn seeks, to :increase the, ubr'fobSe ,sewer connections, to ui r ove ur b'an 'sanitationandecrel ', 44p9lutio o.provide stormwater~ drainage and to ass~s ehGOT's toffo '- 'fihunnia ily, ~~ I~"is being carried~~i72 eli'gible'secondaraycities. a4The stes and sevie copnn osss ;of aeomt Agene~Fncur& di~abuat~FH)of serviced sites a'nd provision- of ~mortgage credit by Caisse Na'tionale d'Epargrne Logemeit CNEL~ to' 1'ow .i income, benefiuciaries. These mortgages, cover. the-,com ned co4 of purctsin The deeoe~i adf'wrer construction of 'core 'hous.11 unts * ,prograITconsists 'of.32 sites, and 6347 potS-in ail grow Ing o n , i T~ *unk betwee nA~F.l, ClNELI iaS a1 them to, serve- orth s1e 0 ow,;nt,- ncome ilis or ,_ v;ce J, [I dO Jpc3q heL:1 . '-to . 0m2 ser~v'~cQ d AD330-5,,(1i87 p'e'3i ~~anLAFH~~~~'and codute M'AtR Yv'~,whnfereWemt i :sta ubprograms'aibe~eas~hte~eeui,"thtw a ui Low bfos l'rueProject'.ieTi th OA sie1Septeiibei'it ~*' ~cohnect~ins,~and - st'echn of eqipen pumpinSog sttons.ov eicathen i itano the projec6t, thrug ~ K i98,cemb~ cO1AS hs inrtolect7737 mees of pipes and l 2h8 daseatre tmet pjln coponenom is alsoi,behin edlan fr/ deayhar a e,, expeed. ar bin sta6n'cint slri opr-f&h tUetmn 0110We.atethrougPlnt tNAspreosoenda os17t 7 ;>Gheilroe 6fa, onpore has-r'e-prn mNa in the ntrfcto in198eptmbe 1 8,a -he.'fvciar r' "in d Iade,onEn'r a"' 1eonsi'are -avs;pr"cot~ r ort ryie As yHithjc'Ase ~anpidvedrand mordcestgages1s mtgagh'res ofe whichw 1,38 haebe inspecteof tareig sctudiecosrui onlanst oksit' i bnfc1a' e 3.Mari'br Fidng~nSomebnlfionrsoc Both~.1 oecsaigy e 20%nsdownpantr quigres bhl sompr~oojet .. ' " I AID1305(O-7 o a S U M M A R Y (Contlnued) 4. Lessons Learned and Principle Recommendations: a) AFH and CNEL need assistance in improving their management of projects so that delays can be reduced. b) Feasible low cost alternatives to the 25m2 core housing unit should be developed and made available to families. c) Projects must be monitored better by the MOPWH to see that construction of houses and, in some cases septic tanks, meets minimum standards. d) More accurate estimates are needed to measure the effective demand of households in a given neighborhood for sites and services. e) The wastewater treatment plant contracting process should be monitored more closely. f) The Nlinistry of Finance (MOF) should be approached about giving priority to ONAS requests for expropriation of land. g) CNEL should develop a system to assist beneficiaries in completing documents and applications. A AID 1330-5 (10-87) Pags 5 ATTACH MENTS K. Attachments (List attachments submitted with this Evaluation Summary; always attach copy of full e.vaiuation report, even it one was submitted earlier: attach studies. survey. etc., from "on-ooin" evaluation. if rlevant to the eValuation reoor,,) COMM ENTS L. Comments By Mission. AID/W Office and Borrower/Grantee On Full Report AIDI 1330-5 (10-871 Page 6 I E-ECUTINE SUMMARY I NT E RIlk EVALUA T10N ,REPORT HG -.00B Th nte r im :evaluatio'n' reorr ot-i esaines i mpl1e me nta tio n' is sues reae. to- the T u nis ia-- 1HG .0104B' .progrm ThH 004 B pog -has t wo subpro gra m's, a site s. and;' ser Vi~ces co mpone n t and an upgrarding component. .,The s ite s,* and _services ,Subp'r'ogram'isi' ~being 'implemented by, AFH,. the public.:land. devel'opmentr agency ~~whichi racuiresS lands and install tureand ,C1EL'a housngfinnceban'.,CNEL. pzrovide s pre finncn for-land ' SAacquisition to AFH and- mort.gage s to i ndi v i. d1 be'neX iCi rie s T7~he up-rading subprogramn is being, i m0S en ed the - ~ ~ C -,OA ihe0.AID b y~ati tu nainal see auhority, J 3 se co ndary citie s __,,i ~cofin&iivg, ths-OAS, pro'gram^ withi the Wotild flank * The-,portion oft lIe rgrm nsfancing is'extending :'sewersl in '20 ~secn ~mniorm.I ji0WsSsuprgrm uid upon a moioigre rt witten by the same contractor -in eptemer, 198._ Pro"" je ct 0 4 a a toiKTh,' , " ~~P~je~O0ZB~as aito ze~d 'in 'Se ptembe r. 94 -h is L7 t19 mll nbrbe t has 91~lionudr-6B"bee'n' disbursedan noer, 2.l5 S' to, O1NAS aid $~9.9 mi11io n, t'o AFIWONL Aohe $12'.Mmiin Since. the th rj~t hrouh ecb, l98 i nit i ation o f th1*rjec 32,e~e SONAS hias inis talle'd 1k771 373 meter of pesad hisod conect&n, in wastewater t re'at me-n't p'lat are 'under y " constrction.. Th~e evaluat~ion' hilii' 'e'.th'at ,del'ay. ,in ,~installing household, connections rh'ave been 2,cause d: pa r'.tly? by Sbureaucratic. priocedure's -the C'en t ra1 oermntms issue- 'a de creefo r ONAS to 'legally o pe rate th syeheen eah Shousehold~ must--apply fx te'onctin Italoref 16''ts i ~overestimation,. such -as -in'Sidi :Bozid and Ksour Esaf, of t he' -number. of. househiolds~ in li,,del b_i~tenihorho od. -ialFiaty e ay~ ,hv, av also been cause d by lack, of codination, in, ass igning ONAS" ~ V peraios and' main tnance teams to' expeditousl bein h '~hous~ehol~d tconinecton-.process ne th~ seondary, se we rs we re,, nsJ t-,T)te iber, 98 whe n t hJ,s I a was (I t -2 the ONAS subprogram, greater attention was devoted in this evaluation to the status of the AFH/CNEL sites and services subprogram.