Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Baker, James A.: Files Folder Title: White House Staff Memoranda – Legislative Affairs July 1983-December 1983 (2) Box: 5 To see more digitized collections visit: To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: Contact a reference archivist at:
[email protected] Citation Guidelines: National Archives Catalogue: / THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON October 19, 1983 MEMORANDUM FOR ED MEESE JIM BAKER MIKE DEAVER DICK DARMAN DAVE GERGEN CRAIG FULLER FRED RYAN MARGARET TUTWILER M. B. OGLESBY, JR. PAM TURNER NANCY RISQUE FROM: KEN DUBERSTEI~k" ~. Attached for your information and planning purposes is the tentative recess schedule for the next session of the Congress beginning in January, 1984. Lots of "district work periods" as they call them on the Hill! Tentative Recess Schedule for 1984 Reconvening 2nd Session, 98th Congress - Monday 7 January 23, 1984~ 1 Llncoln s Birthday. - Close of Business7 Friday, Februnry 10 until Noon, Monday, February 20. · Ear;ter. - Close of Business, Friday, April 13 until Noon, Monday, April 23. Memorial Day. - Close of Business, Friday, May 25 until Noon, Wednesday, May 30. Fourth of July ~nd Democratic Nation8l Cqnvontion.-: Clos(} of Bu~ine:;~ Friduy, June 29 until Noon, Monday, July 23. RepubJicnn National Convention. - Close of Business, Friday, August 10 until Noon, Monday, August 27. Labor Day. - Clo::;e of Bu::;ine::;s 1 Frid<Jy, August 31 until Noon, We.dncsday, September 5.