Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 2004 No. 53 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the we look forward to this opportunity The Reverend Ronald J. Nuzzi, Direc- United States of America, and to the Repub- every year when we have this chance to tor, ACE Leadership Program, Univer- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, visit with you and catch up on each sity of Notre Dame, offered the fol- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. other’s lives. lowing prayer: f Every one of you has spent precious In every age, O Lord, You have been WARM WELCOME FOR THE years of your life, some of the best our refuge. So we seek Your wisdom REVEREND RONALD J. NUZZI years of your life, working to represent that justice may flow from our deeds. (Mr. RYAN of Ohio asked and was the needs and concerns of the Amer- Bless the work of our hands this day. ican people right here in this Chamber. By the power of Your outstretched given permission to address the House arm, open our eyes to see the needs of for 1 minute and to revise and extend Your commitment to your Nation did all who suffer, our ears to hear the cry his remarks.) not end when you left the halls of Con- of the poor, our hearts to feel the an- Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I gress. Many of you have committed to guish of those who do not know free- would just like to take this oppor- serve the Nation in many other honor- dom. tunity to thank Father Ron Nuzzi for able ways. Hear our prayers, O Lord, as they rise his uplifting prayer this morning and Senator Sam Nunn is one of those up to You from this, the people’s his great work not only in the Catholic people, and he currently is an ideal and House. To these deliberations bring a Church but in his leadership and devel- worthy choice to receive the Distin- spirit of wisdom and understanding. oping catholic school teachers through guished Service Award. Grant us a vision of the world as his program at University of Notre While deprived of the opportunity to Your love would have it, a world where Dame. He is a lifelong friend of mine serve in the House, Senator Nunn the weak are protected and children do and my family and has been there for served the other body with great dis- not go hungry; a world where the me and my family for every special oc- tinction. Known as an expert on de- riches of creation are shared by all; a casion, good and bad, that our family fense issues, Senator Nunn was re- world where all cultures and races live shares. So I would like to take this op- spected by both sides of the aisle for in harmony and respect; a world where portunity to thank him again for his his sense of fair play, his patriotism, peace is built with justice and justice wonderful prayer this morning. and his commitment to the security of is guided by love. f this Nation. Make us prudent in our planning, courageous in taking risks, patient in RECESS Finally, I would like to take this op- portunity to thank all former Members suffering, unassuming in prosperity. The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the As You have been in every age, O for their continued efforts both home order of the House of Tuesday, April 20, and abroad. Your outreach in college Lord, be our refuge and our strength 2004, the House will stand in recess sub- now and forever. Amen. campuses throughout this country has ject to the call of the Chair to receive helped to strengthen the work of our f the former Members of Congress. government and to encourage public THE JOURNAL Accordingly (at 9 o’clock and 8 min- service. Your support on parliaments utes a.m.), the House stood in recess The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- around the world is invaluable, and I subject to the call of the Chair. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- want to thank you for those efforts as ceedings and announces to the House f well. his approval thereof. RECEPTION OF FORMER MEMBERS At this time, I would request that the Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- OF CONGRESS gentleman from Missouri, Mr. Jack nal stands approved. The Speaker of the House presided. Buechner, vice president of the Former f The SPEAKER. To all of you I want Members Association, take the chair. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE to say good morning. On behalf of the Mr. BUECHNER (presiding). Will the The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman House of Representatives, I am happy Clerk call the roll of the former Mem- from Ohio (Mr. RYAN) come forward to welcome to the Chamber very good bers of Congress. and lead the House in the Pledge of Al- friends of this institution, former The Clerk called the roll of the legiance. Members of Congress. former Members of the Congress, and Mr. RYAN of Ohio led the Pledge of You are not only friends of this insti- the following former Members an- Allegiance as follows: tution; you are also friends of ours, and swered to their names: b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2269 . VerDate mar 24 2004 02:22 Apr 23, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22AP7.000 H22PT1 H2270 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 22, 2004 ROLLCALL OF FORMER MEMBERS OF CONGRESS Mr. LAROCCO. Mr. Speaker, our As- the 2003 and 2004 academic year thus ATTENDING 34TH ANNUAL SPRING MEETING, sociation is nonpartisan, bipartisan, if far, we have visited 26 schools and in 18 APRIL 22, 2004 you will. It has been chartered, but not States. The Association partners with Hon. Beryl Anthony (Arkansas) funded by the Congress. We have a wide the Center for Democracy and Citizen- Hon. William V. ‘‘Bill’’ Alexander (Ari- variety of domestic and international ship and the Stennis Center for Public zona) Hon. Robert E. Badham (California) programs, which several other Mem- Service at Mississippi State University Hon. James J. Blanchard (Michigan) bers and I will discuss briefly. Our to administer this program. Hon. John Brademas (Indiana) membership numbers approximately At this point, I would like to yield to Hon. William Broomfield (Michigan) 560, and our purpose is to continue, in David Skaggs, the gentleman from Col- Hon. James T. Broyhill (North Carolina) some small measure, the service to orado, who currently serves at execu- Hon. John H. Buchanan, Jr. (Alabama) country that we began during our term tive director of the Center For Democ- Hon. Jack Buechner (Missouri) in the Senate and the House of Rep- racy and Citizenship, to discuss the Hon. Richard R. Chrysler (Michigan) Hon. James Coyne (Pennsylvania) resentatives. new administration and endeavors of Hon. Norman D’Amours (New Hamsphire) Our finances are sound. We support the Congress to Campus Program. Hon. Joseph J. Dioguardi (New York) all our activities via three income David, just let me say on behalf of Hon. Robert B. Duncan (Oregon) sources: membership dues, program the Board and all of the members of Hon. Louis Frey, Jr. (Florida) grants and our annual fund-raising din- the U.S. Association of Former Mem- Hon. Benjamin A. Gilman (New York) ner. In addition, we have had the good bers of Congress how much we appre- Hon. Ralph R. Harding (Idaho) fortune of a bequest by Frieda G. ciate your dedication and your incred- Hon. Marjorie Heckler (Massachusetts) Hon. Dennis M. Hertel (Michigan) James, whose husband, Benjamin ible administrative skills that you Hon. Peter Hoagland (Massachusetts) Franklin James, served five terms in have lent to this program, to take us Hon. William J. Hughes (New Jersey) the House representing Pennsylvania from doing about 10 programs a year to Hon. Robert W. Kastenmeier (Wisconsin) as a Republican. Her kind gift to the 26 so far, and we think we may even hit Hon. David S. King (Utah) Association has been a blessing, espe- 40. But you will report to us right now. Hon. Robert ‘‘Bob’’ Krueger (Texas) cially given the economic downturn Thank you so much. Hon. Lawrence P. ‘‘Larry’’ LaRocco over the past few years, which really Mr. SKAGGS. I thank the gentleman (Idaho) Hon. Jim R. Lightfoot (Iowa) took its toll on the nonprofit sector. for yielding. He has done a good job al- Hon. Marilyn Lloyd (Tennessee) At our last Board meeting, the Board ready in describing the fundamental Hon. Matthew F. McHugh (New York) of Directors voted to commence an en- purposes of the Congress to Campus Hon. Thomas McMillen (Maryland) dowment fund campaign. The goal of Program, but let me report more fully Hon. Lloyd Meeds (Washington) this fund is to ensure the financial via- to the Members here and to the Con- Hon. Robert H. Michel (Illinois) bility of the Former Members Associa- gress about our activities during this Hon. Dan Miller (Florida) tion for many years to come. We envi- past academic year. Hon. Richard Dale ‘‘Dick’’ Nichols (Kan- As Larry mentioned, we have two sas) sion a time when investment earnings Hon.
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