V olume VIII.—No. 4-2. ST.JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AFTERNOON,jUNU 10, 1897. Whole No. 458

AFTER THEM. THE FIRE LADDIES RAN. E. 1. Hull, funeral furnisher amt *un- halnier, No, 1(5 (Jinton avenue. Night Tilt* I>fino<'ratl< ‘ l*o<.tiiiitHl«*rn lliivc to Coiii|»iiiy Nniiiln-i' oiip Took tlip t’rize In i calls answer***! from the resilience at 105 Walk the I'lioik. ACT IMMEDIATELf I I l-A ht*«*«nids. I Wight street. Stor** am! rifsiilence con- I t 'liiituii county postniast**rs, who were ilosi* Coiiipaiiiei' number one and num­ inx*t***! by telephuin*. 7tf I w*)rshipers at the shrine of (Jrov**r ber tlir**** were *mf for pnuaiee Tiiestlay The Common Council Are De­ f'levelaml are l**arning that even I’ivil That is What Farmers Should evening ami liotii start***] in to win State Anti-Saloon League is to \V'«. Can .Sava Vnii .Money Servi**** it**form *b)**s mit **stablish per- tirst jirize, foi running a block coupling If you traile with us. Joii.n Hicks. bating; the Advisability niau**n**** t*> g*)V**rnnn*nt j*)bs, b**caus** Certainly Do. their host* to a hyilrant ami getting Wage One. administrati*ms will *-hange. During water frtmi tin* nuzzle. Numtier one won We’ve .Mo%'e«l. tin* w

X. 1 iwprimaia:

I.KO\» SttTU'*. BAND OF TARTAR CHILDREN. ON AN OSTRICH FARM. HOIiATK OUDKH. SIATK (»F MK'IH. P (f A N , V ofl'lilltun HH. At III Wild Prank* Muugollana Under the Hew the Neata Are Made and the Uttla of tin-l)ri)biile court for tin* t'ouiit.v oft'llii- Leadership of tlie Dwarf Caaan. Chicka Hatched. toii Iiom Icii ut the iirohHte oittee. In t lie vllltitte Could Not Weaken Such Testimonj of St JohiiH, on \Ve

At Present Prices, your SWEEPING REDUCTIONS This Sale Cash Eggs are worth 12 per In Prices/so that no Man or Woman need make merry and When You Buy cent, more here than give honor to the Nation ’s Birthday in his or her old cloths. at any exclusive Dry We have cut the Prices unmercifully while the Values are and Your Money Goods, Grocery, Shoe, greater than ever. You will miss thechanceof theyearunless' Back If you want Clothing or Furniture you attend this sale and burn your Independence powder Store in Clinton Co. in Clothing, Shoes and Dresses purchased of us::::::::::: It. June 12th to July 3rd Inclusive.


This department is ahsolut- FEARLESS PRICE CUTTING. Inventory Clearings: ly and without exception the Extensive Reductions throughout The good news will travel fast. We want to they take up and the money that’s in ’em ,^| O KEl'd* a (hocery stock leading Dry (Joods store in be in position to say each season, “All new .St Johns. We have and ex­ clean and up to date neccssi- pect to continue to nave the this entire Department. goods made for this season ’s wear." Hence finest assortment of every­ the reason for clipping the profit ofT early on i tates some slashinij of prices in thing in ladies ’ wear. Price, all our spring and summer stuff. The season I women. \Ve never have nuality and style, our watch­ Lowest Prices on Strictly First f JlSj V riPSIlteElMW able to offer its equal at certain articles. If price has word, and for this reason we has been against us. We must do it if we re now inaugurating the succeed in putting ourselves in position to ' tn<» f ii-* ^ price before iin^’thin^- to do with moving the 'ireatest of The (Jreat, the Class Goods ever known. follow the rule. We must necessarily put the Mecca tor Dry (Joods s' op- mmi $^.2ffor$749 :;i g:(K)ds, we propose to do so during peis. knife in deep n Reed Rocker, two side .tir.'-'i.iN rNi)i:uwK.\it. The Time is Short arms, full tilled back. .Must this sjile. C » be seen to be appreciated. I.adies Ifresses: Bof ’s Sflits.'.'.' Kmbroidery trimmed, reg , Line of Reefer $1 spl 80c. Embroidery $4,50 for $3:89; S suits,Nobby, Goods reed Rocker suitable for big SUGAR trimmed reg., spl.$l. man, or little women. A Kinliroulery irimmed. reJr-. Made extra strong. — genuine bargain 20 H)s Granulated Sugar ...... i*! (X* 8 ‘2 25, spl. $1.81*. Ladies ’ Similar in every Skirts (■Hnii)ric rutbes. spl. way to the usual 2-4 lbs Brown Sugar...... 1 IX) 33c. Ladies ’drawers, all em­ b'anev Reed Rockers, large This price guaranteed for Saturday only. broidery trimmed, at ‘ioc. 2Uc 87.(X) suits seen in assortment. IVrhaps wo will make it during the entire sale. 3Uc. 43c and t3»c Children’s other stores. Will drawers, to close them out. be placed on sale at all sizes. 1‘2'ic to 27c jjer $1.15 for .89: c'a’; pair. Ladies ’ Corset Covers, ij‘2.f)0 each. Regu ­ nicely painted, wooden table, a chair that would last a life- BOTTLE GOODS full line, all sizes. 25c to 500 lar $.3.(X), ;f.'}..70 and timcj______W.VIST .SII.KN. $4.00 in our store bottle Queen Olives ...... bOt; We are determined that our Ball and Bat with $2.MW$I.69: Toe “ “ “ -'Xk’ Store shall have tlie name of every suit. Wooden chair firmly built, i»>c “ “ “ 200 carrymir the latest and most Stylish silks in town : to clean i finished on wood, cannot be lUc “ “ “ Obc up our stuck we will place Boy's Wash Suits. matched for price. t~)f‘ “ Preserves...... oOe on sale for 2Hc. 38c 48c and Line of wash suits ' ’2.1 c “ “ ...... 12'.,c 5Hc per vard. all t)f onr ^$2.00 for sr.69; dress, trimming and waist vyV ages 3 to 10 \ ears. vui ■’’’ame tiling as above with ex- Tic “ Grosse A* Blackwell Pickles...... ITc silks in latest colors and de- Made in four lots of \\\»ception of its being leather T-k .* “ Heinz’ Pickels...... oOc siens. regular price 50c, 75c. 49, 69, 79, and 99c. Pl­ 11 ______“ “ “ ...... 2()c irl. iSl.25 per yard. each. ^7* lik.- “ “ “ Ooc Every day brings us nearer the end of this $1.50 for $1.19; Great Sale. We are giving the people of Willow High Chair Legs loc “ Caper Sauce...... lOc KI |{|tl suits, ages 7 to 1.7 ' extend back so chair will not l»>c “ French String Beans...... 2(»c Entire stock of fancy .Mories. plaid and plain Clinton county the greatest bargains ever f A f) in lirowns, plaids, grays, blue and black. tip over and bruise the baby. tatfeta Nos. 22 to 00, sale price 25c, regular 35c. 40c known in the history of the shoe business. and 50c ribbon. All to go at a terrible cut of each $‘2.79. Never before have such low prices been offered (Balls and Bats) CANNED GOODS in desirable high grade footwear. Here are ^ Lines Nobby Suits including all the lat- 60c. for 39c: Extension Tables, rMtI.E.\<’IIEI> COTTON. opjiortunities to economize which you will not ^ ('st patterns in Cheviots and worsteds. Asti and Oak tops, detachable legs, per foot 30c. ITc can of Peas...... 10c 1 bale cotton sheeting, sale price, 4c per yard. find anywhere else. Everything goes, not a Regular selling price from $.7.()0 to $7.00. -jr»c “ Black Cherries...... 17c pair of shoes in the house that has not been "itbe “ “ “ loc •Vll placed in one lot to go at (during this sale) Lawn Sets. SCMUEK (OHSKTS. reduced in price. We are determined to re­ $4.49. $10.00 for$7.99: ■20c “ .\pricots ...... 10c duce our stock, look at the proofs below. Tete Rocker and Arm Chair, painted green, an ex­ 2 zone corset, each 25c. cellent value. TJOc “ Gage Plums...... 10c SI M .M KK CNOKItM K.\ K. (Balls and Bats.) Another lot two piece boys' suits, this sale 20c “ Raspberries...... 10c Lisle thread vests in white Every woman in town who needs a pair of Baby cab, full size. Iron ITic “ Pie Peaches ...... 10c and ecru low neck and sleeve, Slimmer shoes will be interested in this 99c. $6 00 for $4.99: wheel and Adjustable 2bc “ Table Peaches...... Ibc less, also with high neck and parasol. short or long sleeves best Great Sale. There are styles and values *27 suits, all wool cheviots, ages 7 to 1.7, to be 80.00 for $8.40; Excellent value, upl ols ered in TTc “ Strawberries...... 10c value in Clinton county. 25c here that will make “town talk” when the placed on sale at $1.79. plush, full size and adjuttab:e para­ lOc “ Early June ...... 07c pants to match. 25c: union news gets out. We are going to make a 40 suits extra well made, ages 7 to 17, Blues, sol. iVic “ Marrowfat Peas...... 03c suits, full, regular made, Black.s, Grays and Browns, at especially low $12.00 for .$0.40: Plush and Tapestry upholstery. spl. price 10c. strong bid for your business during this Carpet bottom and Rubber tire. 20c “ Red Cherries ...... 10c sale. The following specials have been price of $’2.19, all wool. (Balls and Bats) :2 Ic “ Kornlet .....•...... 10c \VI{.\ l*|■KKS. One lot of percale and carefully selected and you will find the Young Men’s Suits. ■2.7c “ Cream Celery...... 10c values exactly as represented: 2.7c “ Baking Powder and Bread Knife....loc print wrappers, ranging in 70 suits in Cassiraeres and Unions in Gray price from 75c to •$1.25 each, Brown and Black. Our regular selling Stands. •tOc “ .Mmond powder ...... 'He to go at t0>c Come early $:i.‘45 will buy any of our 84.00 ladies ’ shoes, black 2-7c “ Dr. Pierce's Baking Powder ...... 1.7c arullook fora bargain. or fan. 'I’ake your choice, all sizes and widths. price $7.(X). All to go at $.3.49. 10c “ Cral) .\i)i)le Jelly...... 7c XA Krays, browns, $‘i.7.-> will buy the best $3.50 ladies ’ shoes ever ex­ Ill, for 69ci 2.70* bottle Heinz India Relish...... 1.7c hibited in any store, tan or black, button, lace or oxford. I V illirS blacks and blues. Invis­ 2r>c bottle Heinz Olive Oil ...... 1.7c ible plaids and overplaids. Solid oak stand 2t>c bottle Heinz Catsup...... 10c nioiss oooDs. $2.10 gives you the pick of the best $3.00 ladies ’ We have sold them for $9.00, $10.(X) and $r2.(M). srn all size, shoes ever worn bv a woman, tan or black, lace, suitable to use One-fourth off on lot 8 button or low oxford ties, all sizes. .Ml put in one lot, to go at $7.77. a s jardinere yard patterns, ranging in stands. MISCELLANEOUS. $2.00 aives you choice of our $2.50 and $2.75 lines n/Ipn (? NnitU 40 business suits in browns, price. 25 to 75cts per yard of ladies ’ button, lace or oxford ties. We know we iliull u UUllu, checks and plaids. .Ml wool. Same as above ‘2oll) sal soda ...... ‘2.7c HKI.TS. have tfie best $2.50 ladies ’ shoes in Central .Michigan. Our regular $7 00 seller, to go at $.7..77. only later and l.bc brooms ...... lOc 27 men’s suits in all colors. We have sold 10 X ItJ top, Changeable silk with silk $1.0.7 gives you ctiolce of 8 different styles of the cannot be du- ■|0c b6.\ t(K)th i)icks...... oc best 82.00 ladies ’ shoes, button or lace ever exhibited hundreds of them at $6.(X) close. We will pl i c a t e d in lOc i)lug Fame Tobacco ...... 7c pocket, harness buckle, reg. in Clinton county clean them up at $4.79. town. 10c plug Something Good ...... oc lid. 50 spl. 4.1.10. 50 Men’s suits. We have sold a number at 812.00. Seal Skin, harness buckle $1.3.7 will buy ladies ’ fine vici kid, button or lace, Vou would be asked $15.00 in other stores. Fancy iOc [)kg. Pedro smoking ...... 7c any style toe, they are bargains at $1.75: take your regular. 75c, spl. 50c, odds line, piped seam Fully pruaranteed, our price durinij .li>ci)kg. J. B. cut plug ...... oc pick fur $1.35. this sale 88.88 10c scrub brush (with handle;...... 20c and ends, great values, each Oc. 1 30 pairs of ladies ’ $2.00 needle toe, button shoes, ♦ fi Art flB 25 men ’s suits, extra fine, well