THE ST. JOHNS NEWS. V olume VIII.—No. 4-2. ST.JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AFTERNOON,jUNU 10, 1897. Whole No. 458 AFTER THEM. THE FIRE LADDIES RAN. E. 1. Hull, funeral furnisher amt *un- halnier, No, 1(5 (Jinton avenue. Night Tilt* I>fino<'ratl< ‘ l*o<.tiiiitHl«*rn lliivc to Coiii|»iiiy Nniiiln-i' oiip Took tlip t’rize In i calls answer***! from the resilience at 105 Walk the I'lioik. ACT IMMEDIATELf I I l-A ht*«*«nids. I Wight street. Stor** am! rifsiilence con- I t 'liiituii county postniast**rs, who were ilosi* Coiiipaiiiei' number one and num­ inx*t***! by telephuin*. 7tf I w*)rshipers at the shrine of (Jrov**r ber tlir**** were *mf for pnuaiee Tiiestlay The Common Council Are De­ f'levelaml are l**arning that even I’ivil That is What Farmers Should evening ami liotii start***] in to win State Anti-Saloon League is to \V'«. Can .Sava Vnii .Money Servi**** it**form *b)**s mit **stablish per- tirst jirize, foi running a block coupling If you traile with us. Joii.n Hicks. bating; the Advisability niau**n**** t*> g*)V**rnnn*nt j*)bs, b**caus** Certainly Do. their host* to a hyilrant ami getting Wage One. administrati*ms will *-hange. During water frtmi tin* nuzzle. Numtier one won We’ve .Mo%'e«l. tin* w<H*k just [Vlist, Kay Kobson at Path, llcst prise aciamiplishing the above in Ami now have the finest sales rooms Of Combining: the Electric Lighting: who contribiitite*! a larg** number *)i 44 4-."i H**eoinls. The runs were iniub* for shoes in the citj* anil its full too, of g*)bl standard *liss**rtati*>ns *laring the And Eliminate the Rye from their sepcratel.v. No. I hree mail** the run and The Summer Months to be Used by the h»?st class of shoes to he foiiinl in any Plant past (‘am|)aign and att**nd**d all the Wheat Fields. hail water in 47 2 r» i-* ‘comls. Thos** College Students. store awaiting inspection of the shoe **onv**nti*uis with faithful ivgulaiity, has who Were iloing the timing suy that the wi'aring puhlie. On Satnnlay, June li), ha*l his r**war*l hainb**! *b)wn in the hoys of .\o. thre** iiuuletherun of a block we exteml an invitation to everybody to shai>** *)f tin* Path p*»st*>fti****, vie** W. II. in less time then t heiropixments, hut wer** With the Water Works Down at the The Rarly Part of June is the Time to com** ami ilrink leinomule with ns, it will .I*)y r* “niov* “d. Tin* hea*l *)f 'F. W. .Sn**ll- not as expeilious ill making their eoup- Cities and Villages Will be Flooded with he pi'ifectly fret* to ail and will hi* set on Pumpinji: Station. ing at Elsie has also falb*n into tin* bas- Do the Work. liiigs. It was line sport ami was en­ Speakers and Literature. theside walk in front ot the store from k**t and P. M. Woob*y will shufib* the joyed by a hug** nuniher of sjM'**tafors 12 III. until (5 p. Ill, Don ’t forget that mails f*)r the r**si*l**nts of tin* villag** *)n who lint**! the str<*etH on both sides to the invitation to *bink lemoim*!** is to the north **ast ***)rn**r of the e*)unty. se«*tlie fnn. The memliers of the win­ A New Proposition Has Been Received It nay Ilean a Difference of from to to Onslaught to be Made on the Next every man, woman an*! chil*! in Clinton From the J*lanufacluring Co. .\ way *)v**r **n tin* otln*rsi<leof thec*)unly ning eompany w**re pr* sente*! with a box County. T. H. E*ldy has b*s*n given an o|)p*)rtu- 15 Cents a Bushel. of (toiild Bros, fen e«*nf cigars am! th** Legislature. Dm iiKii’s C.isii .SiioK lloLSK. nity to va**ate jif Eagle ami E. .M**- winners of the seeoml prize wen* given a N**w location next door to H. L. K**n- Cruinb will wj**bl the stamp *'anc**ler in liox of live cent cigars, both being pre­ ilrick. Thf luivisiiltility (»f iiKiviiiK tlo* <'l(*c*triL his st**a*l. Wacousta als*) **laim**s atten- Eiunut St. .Itaixs .N’kws :— sents of th** cigar linn, who wen* anx­ J’ln* .Miciiigaii Anti-Saloon League , litfiitiiiK piniit from its pn-sHut location ti*)n annmg the first lot of **hj*.ng**s wh«*r** Tln*re is a matter *>f gi**at importan**** ious to ♦•ueourage the gooil w*>rk. which has ipiitc a number of members in .Smoke the H. S. Bingr**e. to the water works station and en'ctiiiK .\. .1. Purn**s has to step aside ami hand to t'linton lamiity faniaTs to whieli 1 ile- Praetieiiig in a similar way will he in- Clinton county is preparing for a vigor ­ Our chol**** for governor —H. S. I*. —is an addition for its accomodation, is bt*- *)v**r tin* k**ys t*) .\. L. Dani**llls, w h*) miw sir** to call at teat i*m t lirongh yonr pap**r liiilgetl one** a month from now on. It ous eainpaign tluring the balance of the writ**s P. .NI after his naiin*. It is sai*l ami that is the growth of ry** in wh**at is eomiiicmlabb* work uml ehitf (’rich the best smoke that can be bought, ing considered ami debate*! by tlie com ­ Slimmer and fall, and it will be pusheil ‘ ther** an* *)lh**rs ” t*) b** a*bled t*> tin* fi**l*ls. 1 have *lriv**ii into th* eoiiaty ami the other ofH<*ers ami m**inbers of with special vigor tluring the vueation mon council. .\t the me«‘ting Monday list b»*f*)re long. am] Iliad** i*xaa)ination ia s**v**ral phii***s the <i**|»artm**nt are **iilitl**il to creilit for fierioil when thestmlents from tin* state Eor a first class cigar try the Hazeo and am **onvia* ‘**d that h**ri* in this the int**rest they an* show ingin thework. S. Bingree. evening the tpiestion was brought up WAGES DECREASING. an*] oth**r universities an* at leisiir**. and (juite an array of figures offered county, onr furiin*rs are **oiisideiably .Vetive canvass**s have h**«*n imule of the A (■oiiil I<lt*a. tronbl***! with this fon*igii growth THE NEWS IN BRIEF. law schools anil other plaeiw when* That is what it is to have your foot ­ from whicli conclusions miglit bereach***!. SiKiiiiiciliil KIkiii'ch ill llic .liiiic t'rop and shoiihl take st(*|>H at one** to l<<*I>oi-t . young and eff**etiv** sjieakers can he s**- wear look***! after in tinn*. \ shoe will The tmunbers of the board an* investi­ **nt out tin* rye. During tin* past tw*» or \V. N. Stin ker will b'ave toilay lor ciircd, ami thi'se will be augment***! from wfar again as long if it is pro|>erly r**- gating and will probably <h*<Mde tin* Tin* .lain* crop r**port says tln r** an* th!•**** years th**r* ‘ has bt***n eoasid* ‘i*ahl** a liiisiness trip. ^ the lists of older men interest***! in that paired when it first begins to go. I.ook matt**r at a s|M*cial mci'ting to be held n**arly » ight p<*r *M'nt I**ss sh****p in .Mich­ trouble in t his stat** eatised l»y rye get ­ work. to it anil have your shoe r**|>airiiig ilone tonight. igan than in lybP. It is **slimat***l fh**re D. (i..8 t**el and wife are spending the ting mixi*d in the wh**at. .\ larg** ipian- w*** k in D**troit. It is announe***! that the stat** organ ­ by a competent iin***banic w itli nj* to date Sine** the i>Iant was purch,is**d by tin* an* onl\ l,2(l(f,*K)U sln***p six montlis obi fily of wheat that wtuilil oth**rwis** lx* of ization has arranged to flood thesmaller applianc**s ainl ideas. F'or further ex­ village, st**am has b»*t*n sold for the en- ami *)v**r in tin* wlmle st»ite. Wag**s of line fpialify is utterly ruia***l for milling Idirge parties of bicyclists throng the towns ami citi**s with sjx-akers, arrange planation of this go to gin<*s at tin* rat** *)f **ent.s p**r 1000 farm labia-ers hav** be«*n steadily * 1*'- |air|»os**s fiy tin* r\t* that is mix***l pri'ieipl** streets now **very **veiiing. ti*iiip**ran*;** revivals ami ehureh servict's. W.M. .McC’.ii si..\x, watt hours. This has made the av**rag** **r**asiug. 'Phe av**r,ige f**r tin* st*it** is through the grain, ami many a ilollar is Korn, to .Mr. am! .Mrs. Will Ciiani- The churches have b*s*n ask***! am! many Higliam St., opposite Ste«'l Hotel. c*)st al)*)ut 11 p**r iinnith sin**** tin* b**- #14.Di with b*»ar<l ami ft witlnmt, lost to tin* fai ia**is that might easilyainl herlain, Tm-sduv, .lime N, a i> piaimiboy. of them have eons**nt«*d to allow the use c*)usid**rably b*ss than in The Slicep for .Sale. ginning. During the past vear, howev**r, readily be sav***l by tin* exereis** of alif tie (Jeorge W.
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