9/17/2021 Competitive Exams: History MCQs (Practice_Test 57 of 130)- Examrace

Examrace Competitive Exams: History MCQs (Practice_Test 57 of 130)

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1. Which of the following are characteristics ascribed to ? Choose the correct answer given below: a. Rejection of the authority of the Vedas

b. Emphasis on the role of the individual

c. Belief in the categories of Jiva and ajiva

d. Theory of Prakriti and Purusha i. 1 and 2

ii. 1,3 and 4

iii. 2 and 3

iv. 3 and 4

2. Match List-I with List-II

List-I (Attributes) List-II (Bodhistvas)

1. Vajrapani A. Pot carrier 2. Avalokiteshwara B. Thunderbolt carrier 3. Maitreya C. Lotus-bearer 4. Amitabha D. Sword-holder 5. Manjushri


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a. 4 1 2 3

b. 3 1 4 5

c. 3 1 2 5

d. 4 5 3 1

3. Given below are some famous Buddhist sites. Which one of them shows the correct chronological sequence in which the came into prominence? a. , Nagarjunakonda, , Sanchi

b. Sanchi, Amaravati, Nagarjunakonda, Nalanda

c. Sanchi, Nagarjunakonda, Amaravati, Nalanda

d. Nagarjunakonda, Sanchi, Amaravati, Nalanda

4. Jivaka, mentioned in the early Buddhist literature, was a a. Bodhistva

b. King

c. Merchant

d. Physician

5. In Vajrayana Buddism the spouse of the Buddha/Bodhistva a. Matangi

b. Yogini

c. Dakini

d. Tara

6. Religion-wise the sculptures found at Kankali Tila in Mathura are a. Buddist

b. Jaina

c. Shakata

d. Vaishnava

7. Which of the following terms are used to denote Jaina texts? a. Nirgranthas

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b. Purvas

c. Angas

d. Upangas i. 1,2 and 3

ii. 2,3 and 4

iii. 1 only

iv. 2 and 4 only

8. Which one of the following philosophies is associated with Jainism? a. Syadvada

b. Yogacara

c. Madhyamika

d. Sunyavada

9. Hiuen Tsang found Jainism flourishing in a. Orissa



d. Bihar

10. Kumarasambhavam describes the story of the birth of a. Sanatkumara

b. Karttikeya

c. Pradyumna

d. Abhimanyu

11. The name of the mother-goddess Uma appears on the coins of a. Kunindas

b. Indo-Greeks

c. Kushanas

d. Guptas

12. Megasthenes was succeeded as ambassador to the Mauryan court by a. Hegesander

b. Deimachos 3 of 4 9/17/2021 Competitive Exams: History MCQs (Practice_Test 57 of 130)- Examrace

c. Athenaeus

d. Nearchus

13. Sramana is paired in early sources with a. Ajivika

b. Saugata

c. Brahamana

d. Nirgrantha

14. Which one of the following is commentary on the Arthasastra? a. Aparajitaprccha of Bhuvanadeva

b. Samaranganasutradhara of Bhojadeva

c. Prabandhachintamani of Merutunga

d. Pratipada-Panchika of Bhattasvamin

15. Though Asoka had many sons, the inscriptions mention only one who is not mentioned in any other source. He is a. Kunala

b. Tivara

c. Mahendra

d. Jalauka

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