Number 106 Washington, Friday, June 2, 1950

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Number 106 Washington, Friday, June 2, 1950 • ' I ITTI? O a t * EXISTER VOLUME 15 ^ C ^ number 106 Washington, Friday, June 2, 1950 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT tectorate), Northern Rhodesia, Nyasa- CONTENTS land Protectorate, St. Helena and PROCLAMATION 2891 Ascension, Seychelles, Sierra Leone (Col­ THE PRESIDENT ony and Protectorate), Somaliland Pro­ Proclamations Pase T ermination op P roclamation N o. 2608 op tectorate, Straits Settlements, Swaziland, Copyright extension: M arch 10, 1944,1 E ntitled “C opyright Trans-Jordan, Trinidad and Tobago, France; termination of Procla­ E x t en sio n : U nited K ingdom of G reat Uganda Protectorate, and Windward mation 2722__ ____________ ... 3445 B ritain and N orthern I reland (I n ­ Islands (Dominica, St. Vincent, Grenada, New Zealand; termination of cluding C ertain B ritish T erritories) Proclamation 2729___________ 3445 St. Lucia), and by citizens of Palestine and P alestine” United Kingdom of Great Brit­ (excluding Trans-Jordan) who had been ain and Northern Ireland (in­ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES unable to comply with such conditions cluding certain British terri­ OF AMERICA and formalities because of the disruption tories) and Palestine; termi­ or suspension of the facilities essential to nation of Proclamation 2608_ 3443 A PROCLAMATION Flag Day, 1950___________ _______ 3445 such compliance; and WHEREAS Proclamation No. 2608 of WHEREAS the said section 9 of title EXECUTIVE AGENCIES March 10,1944 (58 Stat. 1129), which was 17 of the United States Code authorizes Agriculture Department issued under the authority of the act of the President to terminate any such See Production and Marketing Congress approved September 25, 1941, proclamation at any time; and Administration. 55 Stat. 732, the provisions of which have WHEREAS the said Proclamation No. Alien Property, Office of been included in section 9 of title 17 of the 2608 provides that the extension of time Notices: United States Code, as codified and en­ granted thereby shall continue in effect Vesting orders, etc.: acted into positive law by the act of until such proclamation is suspended or Albrecht, Dora______ _____ 3471 Bertrand, Jean Pierre.______ 3472 Congress approved July 30,1947, 61 Stat. terminated by the President; and 652, proclaimed an extension of time for Canton, Jean Eugene..!_____ 3473 WHEREAS it appears that the na­ Degrelle, Georges___________ 3472 compliance with the conditions and for­ tionals and citizens of the aforemen­ Delalandre, Camille_________ 3473 malities prescribed by the copyright laws tioned countries and territories will have De Sternberg, Jaime________ 3473 of the United States of America by Brit­ had ample time to comply with the con­ Eichhorn, Charles___________ 3471 ish nationals of the United Kingdom of ditions and formalities prescribed by the Fiederer, Mrs. Anna Schwartz. 3473 Heyning, Geldolph A ________ 3473 Great Britain and Northern Ireland, copyright laws of the United States of British India, British Burma, Southern Meyer, Raymond____________ 3472 America by December 29, 1950, and that Ordman, Anna W., and Max Rhodesia, Aden Colony, Bahamas, Bar­ termination of the proclamation as of D. Ordmann_____________ 3474 bados, Basutoland, Bechuanaland Pro­ that date would be in the interest of the Psiachi, Etienne J________‘___ 3473 tectorate, Bermuda, British Guiana, United States of America: Ronkendorf, Henry Peter____ 3471 British Honduras, British Solomon Is­ Volochine, Theodore.._______ 3472 NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. lands Protectorate, Ceylon, Cyprus, Falk­ Weih, Otto, et al_____________ 3471 TRUMAN, President of the United States land Islands and Dependencies, Fiji, Wolff, Ellen________________ _ 3472 of America, under and by virtue of the Gambia (Colony and Protectorate), Customs Bureau authority vested in me by the aforesaid Gibraltar, Gilbert and Ellice Islands Col­ Rules and regulations: section 9 of title 17 of the United States Appraisement. _____________ 3450 ony, Gold Coast ((a ) Colony, (b) Ashanti, Code, do hereby proclaim that the afore­ Articles conditionally free, sub­ (c) Northern Territories), Hong Kong, said Proclamation No. 2608 of March 10, ject to reduced rate, etc______ 3450 Jamaica (including Turks and Caicos 1944, and the extension of time granted Customs financial and account­ Islands and the Cayman Islands), Kenya thereby, shall terminate on December ing procedure; authority to (Colony and Protectorate), Leeward 29, 1950. incur expenses______________ 3451 Transportation " in bond and Islands (Antigua, Montserrat, St. Chris­ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ merchandise in tra n sit....__ 3450 topher and Nevis, Virgin Islands), Malta, unto set my hand and caused the Seal of Federal Power Commission Mauritius, Nigeria ((a ) Colony, (b) Pro- the United States of America to be af­ fixed. Notices: 3 3 CFR, 1944 Supp. Hearings, etc: (Continued on p. 3445) Alum Rock Gas Co__________ 3469 3443 3444 THE PRESIDENT CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Power Commission— Page Securities and Exchange Com- page FEDERAL^REGISTER Continued mission %, 1934 “ lA u -r c ti* ? Notices—Continued Rules and regulations: Hearings, etc.—Continued Securities Exchange Act: Missouri Public Service Corp_ 3469 Exemption of warrants------- 3449 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Oklahoma Gas and Electric Forms prescribed.---------- 3450 and days following official Federal holidays, Co_______________ ________ 3469 Treasury Department by the Division of the Federal Register, Pacific Gas andElectric Co_ 3469 See Customs Bureau; Internal National Archives and Records Service, Gen­ Reynosa Pipe Line Co--------- 3469 Revenue Bureau. eral Services Administration, pursuant to the Sater, F. W __________________ 3469 authority contained in the Federal Register Southern California Edison Veterans’ Administration Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Rules and regulations: amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B) , under regula­ Co________________ 3469 United Gas Pipe Line Co----- 3469 Vocational rehabilitation and „ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ education; registration and mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Federal Trade Commission research__________________— 3452 the President. Distribution is made only by Rules and regulations:" the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Cease and desist orders: War Claims Commission ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Rules and regulations: The regulatory material appearing herein Bond Trading Co. et al------ 3449 Steelco Stainless Steel, Inc., Receipt, adjudication and pay­ is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, ment; provisions of general which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant et al--- ---------- ----------- — 3447 applications; dependent------ 3452 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Interior Department amended June 19, 1937. See Land Management, Bureau of. The F ederal R egister will be furnished by CODIFICATION GUIDE mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Internal Revenue Bureau per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Proposed rule making: A numerical list of the parts of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents advance. The charge for individual copies Rum, dénaturation---------------- 3453 (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the published in this issue. Proposed rules, as size of the issue. Remit check or money Interstate Commerce Commis­ opposed to final actions, are identified as order, made payable to the Superintendent sion such. of Documents, directly to the Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Notices : Title 3 Pa§e There are no restrictions on the republica­ Applications for relief: Chapter I (Proclamations): tion of material appearing in the F ederal Acids and chemicals from 2608 (terminated by Proc. 2891). 3443 R egister. Brownsville, Tex., to offi­ 2722 (terminated by Proc. 2892). 3445 cial and southern terri- 2729 (terminated by Proc. 2893). 3445 tories_____________________ 3470 2891 __ _____ —________ _______ 3443 1949 Edition Soda in official territory.-— 3470 2892_______________________ — 3445 Sugar from South Pacific 2893 ________ ____________ ___ 3445 Coast to Missouri and Illi­ 2894_______________________ — 3445 CODE OF FEDERAL nois ______________________ 3470 Title 7 REGULATIONS Wallpaper from Illinois to trunk line territory--------- 3470 Chapter IX : The following books are now available: Rules and regulations: Part 908 (proposed)___________ 3466 Car service: Part 936_______________________ 3446 Titles 1-3 ($2.50) Refrigerator cars for trans­ Part 981_______________________ 3447 Title 3, 1949 Supp. ($1.75) porting cotton---------------- 3452 Title 16 Substitution of refrigerator Chapter I: cars for box cars."________ 3453 POCKET SUPPLEMENTS- Part 3 (2 documents)__ — 3447,3449 (For Use During 1950) Justice Department Title 17 See Alien Property, Office of. Chapter II: The following Pocket Supplements are now Part 240— ___________________ 3449 available: Land Management, Bureau of Notices: Part 249____________ _____._____ 3450 Title 21 ($0.30) California; classification ordèrs Title 19 Titles 22-23 ($0.25) (2 documents)------------ 3468 Chapter I: Title 24 ($0.55) Post Office Department Part 10________________________ 3450 Part 14___________________ 3450 Notices: Previously announced: Titles 4—5 ($0.30); Reorganization_______________ _ 3466 Part 18________ 3450 Title 6 ($1.00); Title 7: Parts 1-209 Part 24_____ 3451 ($0.55); Parts 210-899 ($0.75); Parts 900 Rules and regulations: to end ($0.75); Title 8 ($0.20); Title 9 Postal service, international; Title 20 ($0.20);
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    National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, Maryland 20740-6001 DEPARTMENT OF STATE 1910-1963 Central Decimal File Country Numbers Country Country Country Country Notes Number Number Number 1910-1949 1950-1959 1960-1963 Abaco Island 44e 41f 41e Abdul Quiri 46a 46c 46c Island Abyssinia 84 75 75 Discontinued 1936. Restored 1942. Acklin Island 44e 41f 41f Adaels 51v 51v 51v Aden (colony and 46a 46c 46c protectorate) Adrar 52c 52c 52c Afghanistan 90h 89 89 Africa 80 70 70 Aland Islands 60d 60e 60e Also see "Scandinavia." Alaska 11h Discontinued 1959. See 11. Albania 75 67 67 Alberta 42g Generally not used. See 42. Algeria 51r 51s 51s Alhucemas 52f 52f 52f America. Pan- 10 America American Samoa 11e 11e 11e Amhara 65d 77 Beginning 1936. For prior years see 65a, 65b, and 84. Discontinued 1960. See 75. Amsterdam 51x 51x 51x Island Andaman Islands 45a 46a 46a Andorra 50c 50c 50c Andros Island 44e 41f 41f Anglo-Egyptian 48z 45w Prior to May 1938, see 83. Sudan Angola 53m 53n 53n Anguilla 44k 41k Discontinued January 1958. See 41j. Annam 51g 51g 51g Annobon 52e 52e 52e Antarctic 02 02 Antigua 44k 41k Discontinued January 1958. See 41j. Country Country Country Country Notes Number Number Number 1910-1949 1950-1959 1960-1963 Arab 86 86 League/Arab States Arabia 90b 86 86 Arctic 01 Discontinued 1955. See 03. Arctic 03 03 Beginning 1955. Argentine 35 35 35 Republic/ Argentina Armenia 60j Discontinued. See 61. Aruba 56b 56b 56b Ascension Island 49f 47f 47f Asia 90 90 90 Austral Islands 51n 51p 51p Australasia and 51y Established 1960.
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