3rd February 2021

I hereby give you notice that the next Full Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 9th February 2021 at 6.30pm.

CYNGOR This meeting will be held on a remote basis in accordance with the CYMUNED provisions of the Local Authorities Local Authorities (Coronavirus) LLANTRISANT (Meetings) (Wales) Regulations 2020. COMMUNITY Please contact the Clerk for log in details to join the meeting. COUNCIL The agenda upon the business to be transacted at the meeting is set out Parish Office hereunder Newbridge Road Llantrisant RCT Yours sincerely, CF72 SEX

Swyddfa'r Plwyf Heol Pontnewydd Llantrisant Miss C Craven RCT CLERK CF72 SEX 1. To receive apologies for absence 2. To receive Disclosures for personal and pecuniary interests in items of business listed below in accordance with the Code of Conduct Gofalu am y Gymuned 3. Minutes Caring for the Community To confirm and sign the minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the Beddau 12 January 2021 . Appendix A Llantrisant 4. Finance Talbot Green 5. To receive and adopt the accounts for payment for February 2021. Tynant Appendix B i 6. To receive the Audit for the year ended 31 March 2020. Appendix Bii • • a e e ••e.• e I• I I.I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7. To receive Beddau and Tynant Community Library's Annual Report and confirm payment of the annual grant of £5,500. Appendix aiii Clerc/Clerk Planning Miss Catherine Craven To consider planning applications received since the last meeting. Appendix C 8. Officers Reports To receive the report on replacing the flooring for Caerlan Hall. Appendix D Siarter o Gyfeillgarwch 9. Correspondence Charter of Friendship Crecy-en-Pontheiu To note the letter from . Appendix E 10. Staffing To receive an update from the Clerk

\. 01443 223796

,rr It www.llantrisant-cc.gov.wales Iml [email protected] Appendix A

Minutes for the Council meeting of Llantrisant Community Council held remotely on the 12 January 2021 at 6.30pm

Present: Chair Councillor D Nicholas Councillors: J Barton, M Davies, B Farr, R Hunt, A Matheson, S Powell, S Trask, A Robinson, J Woodington.

In attendance: Clerk: Catherine Craven. Not present: A Crutcher and P Williams.

102. Apologies for absence received from Councillors V Nicholas and K Williams .

103. Disclosures of personal and pecuniary interest. None declared.

104. It was AGREED that the minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 8 December 2020 were a true record of the meetings decisions subject to a correction to Item 97 nominated Councillors to judge the Schools Christmas Tree Competition were J Barton and A Robinson.

105. The January 2021 Accounts for Payment were receive and adopted. Councillors A Matheson and S Trask were nominated to authorise the on-line payments.

Plusnet Broadband/Landline £42.60 s Function28 Web and email Provision £54.00 s Barclaycard van tax, paint, varnish, zoom, training £452.60 Unity Trust Charges Qtr 3 £39.30 z Unity Trust cheque deposit charge £0.60 z Toshiba new copier delivery £42.00 s Toshiba copier charges Qtr 3 £94.02 s HMRC NI and Tax (Dec) £1,373.66 z Wages Salaries (Dec) £5,526.10 z Pensions Pensions (Dec) £1,579.63 z J Akers Mileage (Dec) £17.64 z RCTCBC Rates - Llys y Cwm £177.00 z RCTCBC Rates - Caerlan £482.00 z Emex Alarm Monitoring & Maintenance £126.00 s PPLPRS incorrect amount paid Dec £64.53 z SSE Gas - Llys y Cwm £366.11 f Plusnet Broadband Llys y Cwm (Dec) £22.99 s SSE Electricity Caerlan £57.49 f SSE Electricity Llys y Cwm - credit -£628.18 f PIP Construction New cupboards Caerlan £1,270.00 z Emex Replace CCTV camera - front PO £165.64 s Bus Shelters Ltd New panels for 2 shelters £3,799.48 s Itemit Asset Tracking System £1,511.68 s Trivalis Garage Rent £32.20 s UK Fuels Diesel £120.60 s C & L Garden and Tree Christmas Trees (take down) £420.00 z Service Total £ 17,209.69

106. The Income and Expenditure Accounts for December 2020 were AGREED. 107. No comments were made on planning applications:- 20/0932/10 Unit 16 Earthmovers House, Llantrisant Business Park, Llantrisant, CF72 8LF 20/1411/10 Garth View Surgery, Garth View, Beddau, CF38 2DA Applications received after the papers were distributed. Clerk has e-mailed copies to Ward Members. 20/1427/10 3 South Drive, Llantrisant, Pontyclun, CF72 8DP 20/1448/10 3 Bronhaul, Talbot Green, Pontyclun, CF72 8HW 21/0014/10 11 Heol Pen-Y-Parc, Llantrisant, Pontyclun, CF72 8DN 21/0022/10 21 Cavendish Place, Beddau, , CF38 2RP

108. It was AGREED to publish the tabled Annual Report for 2019/20.

109. The draft minutes of the Staffing Committee Meeting held on the 16 December 2020 were noted. It was reported that the Temporary Finance Officer post had not been filled due to new lockdown measures that had come into force since the last meeting. As none of the applicants had experience of the Council’s software packages the training required in the time frame available would have presented a real challenge. The Clerk has agreed to undertake the workload and, with under the direction of the RFO, has completed the financial requirements of this month. The Clerk will record all additional hours worked during the RFO’s sickness absence and will be paid accordingly.

Meeting finished 7:00 pm Accounts for the meeting of the 9th February 2021 Office Use Appendix B(i) d/d / bacs/ account s/o / codes VAT chq OFFICE Plusnet 09.02.21 Broadband/Landline £ 42.60 s d/d 4205 101 Function28 01.02.21 Web and email Provision £ 54.00 s s/o 4202 101 Barclaycard 01.02.21 PPE, software, valve key, motar mix £ 146.25 - bacs split Rialtas 08.02.21 Accounts package £ 464.40 s d/d 4202 101

STAFFING HMRC 08.02.21 NI and Tax (JAN) £ 1,486.74 z bacs 4002 102 Wages 15.02.21 Pay (JAN ) £ 5,660.85 z bacs 4001 102 Pensions 08.02.21 Pensions (JAN ) £ 1,648.78 z bacs 4003 102 J Akers 08.02.21 Mileage (JAN) £ 42.75 z bacs 4025 102 SLCC 08.02.21 Cyber Awareness e course £ 58.80 s bacs 4015 102 SLCC 08.02.21 Virtual Practitioners confrence £ 90.00 s bacs 4015 102

HALLS Plusnet 26.01.21 Broadband/Phoneline - Llys y Cwm £ 22.99 s d/d 4062 205 Emex 25.01.21 Alarm Monitoring & Maintenance £ 126.00 s d/d split Emex 20.02.21 CCTV Call out £ 102.00 4066 201 SSE 05.02.21 Electricity Caerlan £ 60.00 f d/d 4060 201 SSE 01.02.21 Gas Caerlan £ 130.97 Cathedral Leasing Lt09.02.21 Hygiene Services £ 218.30 s bacs 4065 201

OUTSIDE WORK Leekes Rad key, meter box key, paint brus £ 15.22 s bacs 4066 201

PROJECTS J & EM Phillips and S09.02.21 Christmas trees (schools) £ 600.00 s bacs 4157 106

TRANSPORT Trivalis 15.02.21 Garage Rent £ 32.20 s d/d 4073 301 UK Fuels 10.02.21 Diesel £ 85.60 s d/d 4070 301 Came and Co 08.02.21 Hire vehicle £ 18.11 s bacs 4074 301

TOTAL £ 11,088.45

ADDITIONAL PAYMENTS TOTAL Clerks Report Appendix B(ii)

AGENDA ITEM:4ii Audit for the year ended 31 March 2020

Action required:

1. To approve and accept the 2019 20 Annual Return. 2. To consider the external auditor’s opinion in relation to the council’s annual accounting statements. 3. To consider what action is needed to address the issue made by the auditor.


The external auditor’s report was received on the 25 January 2021.

In accordance with the Governance and Accountability for Local Councils in Wales - a Practitioners Guide (2019 Edition) the council must consider all reports from [internal and] external audit and determine what action is required in response to the reports and any recommendations made.

The Auditor has raised a minor error on the Annual Return under the Account Statements – Trust Funds Disclosure Note.

In box 14 of the Accounting Statement an answer to the year ending 31 March 2019 has not been submitted. An answer had been given for year ending 31 March 2020.


The Council should note this oversight and ensure in future years that a correct answer is submitted to the declaration of sole trusty of any charities. Gommunity and Town Councils in Wales Annual Return for the Year Ended 31 March 2020


Please indicate how you would like us to communicate with you during the audit. Note that audit notices will be issued bilingually.



Section 12 of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004 requires community and town councils (and their joint committees) in Wales to make up their accounts each year to 31 March and to have those accounts audited by the Auditor General for Wales. Regulation 14 of the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014 states that smaller local government bodies i.e. those with annual income and expenditure below Ê2.5 million must prepare their accounts in accordance with proper practices. For community and town councils and their joint committees, proper practices are set out in the One Voice Wales/Society of Local Council Clerks publication Governance and accountability for local councils in Wales - A Practitioners' Guide (the Practitioners' Guide). The Practitioners' Guide requires that they prepare their accounts in the form of an Annual Return. This Annual Return meets the requirements of the Practitioners' Guide. The accounts and audit arrangements follow the process as set out below.

RFO/Clerk prepares The body approves the External auditor completes audit and: accounting Annual Return by 30 June. statements and This is evidenced by the Annual Governance Chair signing the box Either: Or: Statement. lnternal below Part 2 of the Annual lf no amendments are required, lf amendments are required, audit completes Governance Statement. certifies the Annual Return and reports issues (including internal audit report. RFO/Clerk sends the sends it back to the body for amendments) to the body. The RFO certifies return Annual Return and copies publishing by 30 September. body amends the Annual Return, (below Part 2 of the of requested evidence to the RFO re-certifies and the body Annual Governance the external auditor acting re-approves before sending it back Statement) before on behalf of the Auditor to the auditor. The auditor then 30 June and General for Wales. certifies the Annual Return and presents the return sends it back to the body for to the body. publishing by 30 September.

Please read the guidance on completing this Annual Return and complete allsections highlighted pink including BOTH sections of the Annual Governance Statement.


There are two boxes for certification and approval by the body. The second box is only required if the Annual Return has to be amended as a result of the audit. You should only complete the top box before sending the form to the auditor.

The council must approve the Annual Return BEFORE the accounts and supporting documents are made available for public inspection under section 30 of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004.

The Auditor General for Wales' Audit Certificate and report is to be completed by the auditor acting on behalf of the Auditor General. lt MUST NOT be completed by the Clerk/RFO, the Chair or the internal auditor. Audited and certified returns are sent back to the body for publication and display of the accounting statements, Annual Governance Statement and the Auditor General for Wales' certificate and report.

1 Accounting statements 2019-20 for:

Name of body: Llantrisant Community Council

EEEIIß ffi H Statement of income and expenditure/receipts and payments beginning of the year as Balances 118,468 95,763 Total balances and reserves at the brought forward recorded in the fìnancial records. Must agree to line 7 of the I ' previous year. i I

'j ì of income received/receivable in the year from 2. (+) lncome 212,359 218,997 Total amount I I (precept) or levy/contribution from principal bodies. from local I local taxation taxation/levy I

1 i (+) Total other i Total income or receipts recorded in the cashbook minus 3. 29,106 : 17,568 receipts amounts included in line 2. lncludes support, discretionary and revenue grants. payments made to and on behalf of 4. G) Staff costs 116,964 118,237 Total expenditure or all employees. lnclude salaries and wages, PAYE and Nl (employees and employêrs), pension contributions and related expenses eg. termination costs. payments made 5. C) Loan 0 Total expenditure or of capital and interest interesUcapital during the year on external borrowing (if any). rgPayIen!-s 'l payments recorded in the cashbook 6. (-) Total other 147,206 117,362 Total expenditure or as payments minus staff costs (line 4) and loan interesUcapital repayments (line 5).

L Total balances and reserves at the end of the year. Must equal 7. (=) Balances 95,763 j 96,729 , carried forward i (1+2+3) - (4+5+6). , Statement of balances t"" (+) lncome and expenditure accounts only: Enter the value of 8. Debtors and 7,2gS I i 4,609 i ' stock balances '--- i debts owed to the body and stock balances held at the year-end. , i

deposit bank accounts, : 9. (+) Total 102,956 96,g27 All accounts: The sum of all current and cash holdings and investments held at 31 March. This must cash and I per investments agree with the reconciled cashbook balance as the bank i reconciliation i only: Enter the value of f 0. C) Creditors 11,802 | 7483 lncome and expenditure accounts monies owed by the body (except borrowing) at the year-end.


l 7 Enter the total of 11. 1=¡ Balances 95,763 96, 729 Total balances should equal line above: carried forward (8+9-10). value all fixed assets and 12. Totalfìxed I ô,854 927,611 The asset and investment register of assets and any other long-term assets held as at 31 March. long-term assets 13. Total borrowing g The outstanding capital balance as at 31 March of all loans from , third parties (inctuging PWLB)

14. Trust funds ËEM The body acts as sole trustee for and is responsible for managing (a) trust fund(s)/assets (readers should note that the disclosure note Ê f l^ î f î fìgures above do not include any trust transactions).

2 Annual Governance Statement (Part 1)

We acknowledge as the members of the Council/Board/Committee, our responsibility for ensuring that there is a sound system of internal control, including the preparation of the accounting statements. We confirm, to the best of our knowledge and belief, with respect to the accounting statements for the year ended 31 March 2020, that:

4@ Erel¡EN T|GF NET ffi 1. We have put in place arrangements for: Properly sets its budget and 6,12 o effective financial management during the year; manages its money and prepares and {1 r and approves its accounting prescribed o the preparation and approval ofthe accounting statements as by law. statements. 2. We have maintained an adequate system of internal Made proper arrangements 6,7 control, including measures prevent ' designed to lT r and accepted responsibility for and detect fraud and corruption, and reviewed its safeguarding the public money effectiveness. and resources in its charge.

3. We have taken all reasonable steps to assure r Has only done things that it has 6 ourselves that there are no matters of actual or I the legal power to do and has potential non-compliance with laws, regulations and (T r , conformed to codes of practice and codes of practice that could have a signiflcant i standards in the way it has done so. fìnancialeffect on the abiliÇ of the Council/Board/ Committee to conduct its business or fìnances I on its I 4. We have provided proper opportunity for the r Has given all persons interested 6,23 exercise of electors' rights in with accordance the f. r i the opportunity to inspect the body's requirements of the Accounts and Audit (Wales) accounts as set out in the notice of Regulations 2014. audit. We have carried out an assessment of the risks Considered the fìnancial and other 6,9 facing the Council/Board/Committee and taken risks it faces in the operation of appropriate steps to manage those risks, including ç r the body and has dealt with them the introduction of internal controls and/or external properly. insurance cover where required.

We have maintained an adequate and effective Arranged for a competent person, 6,8 system of internal audit of the accounting records independent of the financial controls and control systems throughout the year and have ç I and procedures, to give an objective received a report from the internal auditor. view on whether these meet the needs of the body. We have considered whether any litigation, Disclosed everything it should have I 6 liabilities or commilments, events or transactions, about its business during the year occurring either during or after the year-end, have a F r including events taking place after financial impact on the Council/Board/Committee the year-end if relevant. and, where appropriate, have included them on the accounting statements. 8. We have taken appropriate action on all matters Considered and taken 6, I raised in previous reports from internal and external appropriate action to address audit. F r issues/weaknesses brought to its , attention by both the internal and . external auditors.

9. Trust funds - in our capacity as trustee, we have: Has met all of its responsibilities 3,6 o discharged our responsibility in relation to the where it is a sole managing trustee accountability for the fund(s) including financial of a local trust or trusts. reporting and, if required, independent ç examination or audit. * Please provide explanations to the external auditor on a separate sheet for each 'no' response given; and describe what action is being taken to address the weaknesses identified.

3 Annual Governance Statement (Part 2)

EE@E ffi TI3EEIElf'Tfi ¡E¡fi TEFI

TGE NEE Nttà 1. We have prepared and approved minutes for Has kept and approved minutes in accordance with all meetings held by the Council (including its Schedule 12,Paragraph 41 of the Local committees) that accurately record the {ã r 1 ' GovernmenlActlgT2. business transacted and the decisions made by the Council or committee 2. We have ensured that the Council's minutes Has made arrangements for the minutes to be (including those of its committees) are available for public inspection in accordance with available for public inspection and have been (ãrr section 228 ol lhe Local Government Act 1972 and published electronically. has published the minutes on its website in accordance with section 55 of the Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013.

* Please delete as appropriate.

Cou n ci l/Board/Com m ¡ttee app roval and certif ication

The Council/Board/Committee is responsible for the preparation of the accounting statements in accordance with the requirements of the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014 and for the preparation of the Annual Governance Statement.

Certification by the RFO Approval by the Council/Board/Committee I certify that the accounting statements contained in this Annual I confìrm that these accounting statements and Return presents fairly the financial position of the Council/Boardi Annual Governance Statement were approved by the Committee, and its income and expenditure, or properly presents Council/Bearrd/Gemrnittee under minute reference: receipts and payments, as the case may be, for the year ended dl¿u.ií lO'v\l 31 March 2020. Minuteref: A.-Lct fl ; RFO signature: ìtr ci"¡rotmeettng signature: S"-r.J; i Name: Alison Jenkins j Name: (Lvß S(€f^€î', P*l¡Éut- Date: | / (' I 'î..o^lc i Date: lb / l- le- zo

Council/Board/Committee re-approval and re-certification (only required if the Annual Return has been amended at audit)

Certification by the RFO , Approval by the Council/Board/Committee I certify that the accounting statements contained in this Annual I confìrm that these accounting statements and Return presents fairly the fìnancial position of the Council/Board/ Annual Governance Statement were approved by the Committee, and its income and expenditure, or properly presents , Council/Board/Committee under m inute reference: receipts and payments, as the case may be, for the year ended 31 March 2020. Mlnute ref:

RFO signature: Chair of meet¡ng signature:

Name: Name:

Date: Date:

4 Auditor General for Wales' Audit Gertificate and report The external auditor conducts the audit on behalf ol and in accordance with, guidance issued by the Auditor General for Wales. On the basis of their review of the Annual Return and supporting information, they report whether any matters that come to their attention give cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met. We certiff that we have completed the audit of the Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2020 of.

Llantrisant Community Council

External auditor's report


Return is in accordance with proper practices and no matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met.

@Other maüers not affecting our opinion of the body and our recommendations for improvement are included ln our report to the Ol l-

Other matters and recommendations

On the basis of our review, we draw the body's attention to the following matters and recommendations whidr do not affect our audit opínion but should be addressed by the body.

Prease see encroset'"*å1xisår$ås*'

(Continue on a separate sheet if required.)

Extemal auditods name: BDO LLP SoúhamPton l.rnite$ Kingdom External audito/s slgnature: gß" Date: v'{ %l rl24 For and on behalf of the Auditor General for Wales ' Delete as appropriate.

5 Annual lntemal audlt report to:

Namc of body: LJarüleant0otnmutilty Councll

The CounclUBoard/Commltteel lntcmalaudlt actlng lndependently and on thc basls of an asscesmcnt of rlsk, hae lncluded carylng out a selecüve acsossmcnt of compllance nlür relevant proccdures and confdg o

f . Approprhr¡ book¡of rcounth¡vc Pl¡l¡¡ rrbr b our lhbmd Asdlt R.pon becn plçcrly kcpt ürotrghout the (^ ñr üc flngrd¡l ycar. yctf. c c æitæ

2. Fln¡ndd ngulrüoil havr bcør FLür nfrúþ our lnbmdA¡dlt R¡port rnct, ptyrn rûsrnn^pporld by br lho 20f e.20 ltlrrndrl yrrn lnvdor, ogcndlü¡n rnr rpplovod {¡ a C c rnd VATwet çprçdrtcly aaæunbd for.

8. Thc body uccccd tho rþnlflornl PLú. Fñrþ our lnbrulA¡dlt Rcport rl.lc b.ólevhg lb oq.dhr.û (, (^ C C Wtß?0,19;nilnmdrlyor. ¡ld mdc¡rrd üc rdoqu¡cy of rmngrmnb to m¡nl0o th.... tho¡nnurlpnccpücvy/arouro l. Pbüo rubrto 9ur lnbmrl A¡dlt tuporl dm¡nd rqulomoil rrultrd lhøn bt lir 2ùlù20 f núdrl ycrr. ¡n rd¡qudr h¡dgobty prostaû, Itî(^ prcerür ¡rlnd thc bndgcl vnr ruguhrly monltorud, and lr¡olvcl mrtapptþprLta,

t. E¡çccbd lncomc rvar futy Pþaac ruôrto oUr lnhmal A¡dA R.port rucrlvcd, ba¡cd on comcl pricca, br thc 201 *'20 flnrndtl ycar. prop€rly ncodcd and prompüy rÕc( C btnkcd, and VAT wa¡ appropthtcly ¡aæuntcd for, paymcnbwrrc 3. Pctty carh Pþacc rubrto our lnþmalA¡dlt Rcpoil propcrly arpporlod by rccclpûr, (¡:c a c lbrthc 201S,20 financlal ycar. cxpcndlürc unar approvcd and VAT appropri¡¡tsly ræounbd for.

7. Salarlc¡ to anploycca and Plæç pÈrto our lnbmelA¡dlt Rcpoil allorru¡nccs b mcmÞmrerc pald lbr lhc 201 S,20 fi nandal ycar. ln accordancc wlh mlnutsd Õ c r C apprcvalg, an

6 tf /t W ¡llG-E Ntl-N7r\ MH

0. Pcriodic ¡nd yearcnd benk account Plur rËrto our lrËm¡tArdlt Rcport ßcondlhlions rvoþ properly cari€d : C c a for the 201$20 lnandal V9sr. out .

f 0. Accounüng dabmenB prepared PLatc rcËrto our InþmalAudittuport the ycarrvcre prcpared durlng lbrthc 2019-20 finândtl ycar. on tño corË€ilaccount¡ng basb (ncelpûr and paymenuincome and expendlt¡lc), agmcd wih lhc . ô c c c calhbook, uen rupporled by an adcquete ar¡dit Fall frrom undadying r!corú{t, snd rificf€ epproprlaþ, dcbtors ¡nd cndlloovrolc propcrly racodcd. ': ll. Trugttund¡ (hdudlng cåerltabþ l,¡o trul fun¿r managø þy ihc Councll : trust). Th! Coundl/tsoad cc Õ C. Commltlec ha¡ m¡l llr rccponrlblfllca a¡ a ûr¡¡tcc.

M! re l m ffi 12, lnrst ¡hk enr No .ddlüoml rU< ¡na¡ ldcnllllcd, c a tt a

It.lnriftkrnr 1{o rddlüfi.|dd< rnm ftlcntlllcd. l' I ta c

l¡l.lnrltd*rnr No rddlüoill rhk rom llanllllcd, ( c o ('

' lf thc n¡ponrc b 'no', plc¡¡a ¡tâb üc lmpllcatlono md ldlon bclng hkcn to ¡ddn!û any uoaknae ln contol khnllfcd (¡dd rcpanlc ¡n .¡ lf r¡cø¡¿), - lf ürc rupon!. b 'not ævcnd', plcâ8! datc wtrcn thc moot r¡ccnl lnt¡mal ¡udlt ¡rod< un¡ donc ln hb ana and whsn lt l¡ nexl plrnned, or lf ærrcrrge h not ruqulnd, lnt mal audlt murt cxphln why not fW dclellcd lndlngc and ncommcndaüon whlcfi I dmr CoundUBoaü€tw¡nitþo an lndude

7 Guidance notes on completing the Annual Return 1. You must apply proper practices when preparing this Annual Return. Proper practices are set out in the Practitioners' Guide. 2. Make sure that the Annual Return is fully completed ie, no empty red boxes. Please avoid making any amendments to the completed return. lf this is unavoidable, cross out the incorrect entries, make sure the amendments are drawn to the attention of the body, properly initialled and an explanation for them is provided to the external auditor. Please do not use correction fluid. Annual returns that are incomplete or contain unapproved and/or unexplained amendments or correction fluid will be returned unaudited and may incur additional costs. Ask your auditor for an electronic copy of the form if required. 3. Use a second pair of eyes, perhaps the Chair or a member, to review your Annual Return for completeness before sending the original form to the auditor. 4. Make sure that your accounting statements add up, that the balance carried forward from the previous year (line 7 of 2019) equals the balance brought forward in the current year (line 1 of 2020). Explain any differences between the 2019 figures on this Annual Return and the amounts recorded in last year's Annual Return. 5. Explain fully any significant variances in the accounting statements. Do not just send in a copy of your detailed accounting records instead of this explanation. The external auditor wants to know that you understand the reasons for all variances. lnclude a detailed analysis to support your explanation and be specific about the values of individual elements making up the variances. 6. Make sure that the copy of the bank reconciliation you send to your auditor with the Annual Return covers atl your bank accounts and cash balances. lf there are no reconciling items, please state this and provide evidence of the bank balances. lf your Council holds any short{erm investments, please note their value on the bank reconciliation. The auditor should also be able to agree your bank reconciliation to line 9 in the accounting statements. More help on bank reconciliations is available in the Practitioners'Guide. 7. Every council must send to the external auditor, information to support the assertions made in the Annual Governance Statement even if you have not done so before. Your auditor will tell you what information you need to provide. Please read the audit notice carefully to ensure you include all the information the auditor has asked for. You should send copies of the original records (certified by the Clerk and Chair as accurate copies) to the external auditor and not the original documents themselves. 8. Please do not send the auditor any information that you are not specifically asked for. Doing so is not helpful. 9. lf the auditor has to review unsolicited information, repeat a request for information, receives an incomplete bank reconciliation or explanation of variances or receives original documents that must be returned, the auditor will incur additional costs for which they are entitled to charge additional fees. 10. Please deal with all correspondence with the external auditor promptly. This will help you to meet your statutory obligations and will minimise the cost of the audit. 11. Ptease note that if completing the electronic form, you must print the form for it to be certified by the RFO and signed by the Chair before it is sent to the auditor.

¡rãJ¡tü vt* Nb

Accounts Do the papers to be sent to the external auditor include an explanation of signiflcant variations from last year to this year?

Does the bank reconciliation as at 31 March 2020 agree to Line 9? Approval Has the RFO certified the accounting statements and Annual Governance Statement (Regulation 15 (1)) no later than 30 June 2020? \/

Has the body approved the accounting statements before 30 June 2020 and has Section 3 been ,t/ stg ned and dated by the person presiding at the meeting at which approval was given? Ail nual Governance Statement been ,/ sections been sent with this Annual Retum? j Please refer to your notice of audit and any additional schedules provided by your external auditor

Accounts Have the amended accounting statements been approved and Section 3 re-signed and re-dated as evidence of the Board's approval of the amendments before re-submission to the auditor?

8 ISSUES ARISING REPORT FOR Llantrisant Community Council Audit for the year ended 31 March 2020 Llantrisant Community Council 2


The following matters have been raised to draw items to the attention of Llantrisant Community Council. These matters came to the attention of BDO LLP during the audit of the annual return for the year ended 31 March 2020.

The audit of the annual return may not disclose all shortcomings of the systems as some matters may not have come to the attention of the auditor. For this reason, the matters raised may not be the only ones that exist.

The matters listed below are explained in further detail on the page(s) that follow;

Issues Raised ● Accounting Statements - Trust Funds Disclosure Note Llantrisant Community Council 3

The following issue(s) have been raised as there are minor errors on the annual return which we wish to draw to the attention of the body so they do not occur again in future years.

Accounting Statements - Trust Funds Disclosure Note

What is the issue?

The council has not answered box 14 for 2019 in error in the Accounting Statements of the annual return. We believe based on the prior year's information that the council should have answered 'N/a'.

Why has this issue been raised?

The disclosure on the annual return has not been completed, as we believe that the council is not the sole trustee of any charities.

What do we recommend you do? The council should ensure in future years that it answers 'No' or 'N/a', to show that the council does not act as the sole trustee for and is not responsible for managing trust funds or assets.

Further guidance on this matter can be obtained from the following source(s): Governance and Accountability in Local Councils in Wales - A Practitioners' Guide, OVW/SLCC

No other matters came to our attention.

For and on behalf of BDO LLP

Date: 25 January 2021 Appendix Biii

Beddau and Tynant Community Library

Annual Report 2019/20

When we held our last AGM in the Autumn of 2019, none of us could have had any idea how this year would pan out. The coming of the Coronavirus and subsequent lock-down in March completely stopped all physical activity in the Library, from the borrowing of books; use of the computers; and the many groups and organisations which had been using us as a meeting venue.

Before the start of lockdown, we tried to ensure that those who wanted and needed books were able to have them, and since things began to open up in June, we have had many discussions during our online meetings about whether and how we might be able to resume a service to our many users.

Thanks to our loyal volunteers, we have now been able to provide a service which keeps them and our borrowers safe. This involves fulfilling orders and leaving them for people to pick up at a designated time; and the quarantining of returned books before they are either put back on the shelves or lent out again. We have continued to purchase books, so that our offering is up to date.

Before the pandemic, the loan figures were increasing nicely, following a drop in 2017 when the work to remodel was carried out, and the building was busier than ever for groups meeting there. We very much look forward to the day when things will begin to return to pre-Covid conditions, and we can welcome everyone back in to use our facilities.

Loan Figures

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 January 236 257 194` 191 248 February 109 247 196 205 171 255 March 352 191 145 172 232 353 April 245 292 182 201 243 0 May 297 261 97 156 247 36 June 337 307 185 168 248 15 July 253 255 294 213 328 28 August 328 396 313 364 325 100 September 312 279 303 291 335 133 October 333 271 232 253 243 November 322 246 224 221 234 December 193 189 128 118 121

Total Loans 3081 3170 2556 2556 2918 1168

Before lockdown, in addition, in a role as a Community Hub, we continued to run many activities ourselves; to act as a venue for regular users, including the Monday Club; and to host one off or less frequent events, which are important for our community. A list of the regular and frequently held events, pre pandemic, is attached at the end of this report. The Wellbeing of the local community is a central driver for many, if not all, of these events; from improving fitness and mobility to tackling loneliness and stimulating new interests. We hosted Llantrisant Community Council’s ‘Carols round the Christmas Tree’ event in early December. We improved the numbers attending by moving the event to a Friday night, and roping in some four-legged volunteers, donkeys brought to us by Woodland Walk Garden Centre! It was the first event since our regular host, Vicar Viv, retired, and we were grateful to Mr Daniel Jones, Headteacher at YGG Castellau, for acting as the Master of Ceremonies, even suffering, as he was, with a bad bout of flu. We hope that in future years other Headteachers from the village will play a similar role. We were also grateful to the RCT Community Windband for accompanying the singing, and to Gwaunmiskin Primary who sang some carols of their own. Afterwards many of the local people who came enjoyed refreshments served by library volunteers. It continues to be a popular annual event, and we are delighted to work in partnership with Llantrisant Community Council to help stage it.

The Library has continued to host bi-monthly PACT meetings, as well as continuing to hold its place as the polling station for Tynant during December’s General Election

Behind the Scenes Our volunteers continue to offer support to all our activities, from the Trustees who decide the strategic direction, to the small army of people who staff the premises whenever the Library is open.

Before the pandemic we continued to meet regularly with RCT so that we’re aware of what’s happening across their Library Service, and Asset Transfer Programme. Since everything has moved online, we are still in touch, and our Trustees meet monthly via ‘Zoom’ to review the service we are able to offer. The Monday Club are also currently meeting online.

New computers have been purchased and Microsoft Office installed for our customers to use.

We successfully applied for a £10,000 Coronavirus Business Assistance grant ensuring that we are not financially impacted by the pandemic.

Our AGM was held in November 2019 and the following officers were elected

Chair Julie Barton Treasurer Catherine Preston

Secretary Helen Boldero

List of activities at the Library (pre pandemic)

Monthly Evening and Daytime Reading Groups Weekly Yoga Weekly Tai Chi (2 sessions) Weekly History Club Nordic Walking Carpet Bowls

Additional Monday Club Activities (pre pandemic) Creative Writing Podcasts and during the pandemic - Conversations in Isolation Indoor Curling Weekly Armchair exercises Weekly Arts and Crafts Talks on a variety of topics - silk painting, India (its people, environment & wildlife), scenic artist, etc. Chat & Char sessions VE celebration project with the local primary schools

We continue to thank Llantrisant Community Council for their generous annual grant, and to the Co-op Community Fund for its continued support.

Appendix C

Planning applications for the meeting on the 9th February 2021

LLANTRISANT Ref: 21/0106/10 PROPOSAL: First floor side extension and porch. LOCATION : 15 TAN-YR-ALLT, CROSS INN, LLANTRISANT,CF72 8PY Ref: 20/1319/10 PROPOSAL: Partially retrospective application for the retention of extension and changes to recycling centre; including changes to layout and surfacing, the provision of a weigh bridge, additional buildings, and attenuation pond and drainage amendments, change to the type and quality of materials being processed to include green waste, timber and glass, drying of material, operation of Biomass Boilers, DMR processing, glass processing, composting & green Waste, wood shredding, nappies bulking, and operation of the Recycling shop, plus a change to approved working hours. LOCATION : LLANTRISANT RECYCLING CENTRE, PANTYBRAD, CF72 8YY Ref: 20/1443/10 PROPOSAL: Garden office. LOCATION : RHIWBRIDWEL HOUSE, CROSS INN, CF72 8LU Ref: 20/1025/10 PROPOSAL: Side extension below existing gantry (Amended documents received 29/01/2021). LOCATION : UNIT D AND C PUROLITE INTERNATIONAL LTD, LLANTRISANT BUSINESS PARK, LLANTRISANT, CF72 8LF BEDDAU Ref: 21/0064/10 PROPOSAL: Single storey side extension LOCATION : 50 MILTON CLOSE, BEDDAU, CF38 2TN Formal Notice has been received for a proposed residential development on land adjacent to Gelynog Court, Beddau CF382RD. Link to information https://haveyoursay.wales/projects/land-adjacent-gelynog-court-beddau TALBOT GREEN Ref: 21/0001/15 PROPOSAL: Variation of condition 1(c) & 1(d) of planning permission 09/0386/13 to allow an extension to the permitted timeframes for the application of reserved matters by a further 10 years, and the extension of the permitted timeframes for the commencement of development by a further 12 years, or by 2 years from the date of the last reserved matters to be approved whichever is the later. LOCATION : LAND AT FORMER COED ELY COLLIERY, OFF THE A4119. TYNANT No applications received. SLCC ADVICE NOTE: PLANNING – A SIMPLE GUIDE TO WHAT IS A ‘MATERIAL CONSIDERATION’

The law requires that when a decision is made on a planning application or planning issue, that only certain issues are taken into account. These issues are known as ‘material considerations’. It is important, therefore when commenting on a planning issue that a Council only considers 'material considerations. There is, however, no statutory list of what is a 'material consideration' but there is considerable case law and precedent on what and what is not a 'material consideration'. Examples of a material consideration include: • Consistency with neighbourhood, district/borough, county and national • planning policies. • Any emerging new planning documents that have been through at least • one stage of public consultation. • Previous planning decisions. • Highway issues, e.g. traffic and highway safety. • Overlooking, loss of privacy and overshadowing. • Scale of the development. • Design, appearance, layout and materials to be used. • Loss of important open space or sporting facilities. • Crime and anti-social behaviour. • Noise, disturbance or smells, including proposed hours of operation. • Capacity of physical infrastructure, e.g. public drainage or water systems. • Deficiencies in social facilities, e.g. spaces in schools. • Storage and handling of hazardous materials. • Loss or effect on trees. • Impact on nature conservation and biodiversity. • Effect on listed buildings and conservation areas, • Local financial considerations offered as a Section 106 agreement, • Community Infrastructure Leve or similar. • Inadequate or inappropriate landscaping or security measures. • Effect on a building or asset of special importance to the community, e.g. • pubs, shops and community facilities. • Where the application is 'major', pre-application planning consultation, • including with the parish council. The relative importance (commonly known as 'weight' in planning terms) attached to material considerations in reaching a decision is largely a matter of judgement for the decision-maker, i.e. the local planning authority; however, the decision-maker is required to demonstrate that in reaching that decision they have considered all relevant matters.

It should also be noted that greater 'weight' will be attached by a decision maker to a material consideration issue which is supported by evidence, e.g. if a parish council considers that it is not consistent with national and planning policy state why and which policy (though it is generally not necessary to quote the policy verbatim). Issues that are not relevant (and the law regards they should not be taken into account) include: • Effect on the value of property. • Possible future development not included in the application. • Matters controlled under building regulations or other non-planning legislation, e.g. structural stability, drainage details, fire precautions etc. • Effect on business competition. • Private property rights such as boundary or access disputes or covenants. • The background, morals or motives of the developer. • Applicant’s personal circumstances (unless exceptional, e.g. provision of facilities for someone with a physical disability). Clerks Report Appendix D

AGENDA ITEM:6 Replacing flooring at Caerlan Hall

Action required:

To agree to replace the flooring at Caerlan Hall up to the value of £6,250


The flooring at Caerlan Hall in in need of replacing. Through years of wear and tear it is now marked and damaged in several places. The replacement flooring would meet British Standards.

At present the hall is not in use due to Covid-19 restrictions. This provides an opportunity to carry out the work without disrupting service users.

The Clerk has discussed the need to replace the flooring with the Chair of the Council, Councillor D Nicholas and Chair of Caerlan Hall Committee, Councillor A Matheson, both agree.

Three quotes from local companies have been requested for Council to consider.

Quote A: Carpets n Carpets £5,927 plus vat Quote A has been sourced from a recommendation made by the Community Facilities Manager, RCTCBC.

Quote B: Leeway £5,402 plus vat Quote A has been sourced from a recommendation made by Llantwit Fardre Community Council. It recently replaced the flooring in its hall.

Quote C: Floor-de Lee - chasing for quote.


Each of the three companies are offering variations to install the flooring and this is reflected in the costs.

The Clerk recommends that the Council delegates the decision of awarding of the contract to the Chair of the Council and the Chair of the Caerlan Hall Committee. The Asset Supervisor and Clerk would guide both Chairs through the information gathered before reaching a decision. January 2021 To: All City, Town and Community Councils in Wales

Dear Clerk Appendix E Genedlaethol Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Urdd National Eisteddfod 2021

As you may be aware, Urdd Gobaith Cymru has decided to postpone the Denbighshire Urdd Eisteddfod for another year, until 2022, with the Urdd Eisteddfod in Carmarthenshire now moving to 2023 and the Urdd Eisteddfod Maldwyn (Montgomeryshire) to 2024. Due to the current situation in Wales and beyond regarding Covid-19, the Urdd has decided to postpone the Urdd Eisteddfod for the health and wellbeing of its members, volunteers and staff, as well as the public.

Following the success of this year’s first-ever digital Eisteddfod, the Urdd hopes to stage a pioneering ‘Eisteddfod T’ during Whitsun half-term 2021 for children, young people, and their families. The Urdd hopes to announce these plans by the end of January 2021.

You may have received a letter recently from the Urdd in your local area asking for a donation towards the numerous and varied activities held by the organisation in your local vicinity. But the purpose of this letter is to draw your attention to the Urdd National Eisteddfod’s plans for the coming years. In 2020, over 6,000 children and young people across Wales competed in Eisteddfod T, the Urdd’s first digital arts festival, and this year we hope to provide more cultural and performance opportunities to thousands of children and young people across the country during these trying times.

When we return to normal, we will welcome over 90,000 visitors and 15,000 competitors annually for the event, which is regarded as the largest youth festival of its kind in Europe. In order to ensure a successful festival, support from individuals, organisations and institutions within the local area and through-out Wales is essential. Without these partnerships the Urdd Eisteddfod would not be possible. External assistance is paramount to its success, both practical and financial. Staging the event costs in the region of £1.8million.

But despite the cost of staging the Eisteddfod, there are cultural and artistic benefits along with unique opportunities for children and young people from all over Wales. Due to the nature of the Urdd Eisteddfod, Urdd members from your area will win their way to compete at the National and experience the thrill of representing your area each May. We kindly ask you to consider making a financial contribution to assist in the success of the Urdd National Eisteddfod in 2020.

I would like to thank you for your time and hope that you will draw the councillors’ attention to the festival and hopefully you will be supportive of the Eisteddfod and the Urdd. If you have any further enquiries, please feel free to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Siân Eirian Director of the Eisteddfod and Arts Swyddfa’r Eisteddfod Gwersyll yr Urdd Glan-llyn Llanuwchllyn, Y Bala Ffôn: 01678 541 014 Gwynedd LL23 7ST E-bost: [email protected]


What is the Urdd National Eisteddfod ?

The Urdd National Eisteddfod is the annual festival organised by the Urdd youth movement and is the largest youth festival in Europe. The Urdd National Eisteddfod is a cultural arts festival where Urdd members compete in 400 numerous competitions, in various aspects of singing, dancing, recitation, arts and crafts, technology, science, cookery, literature, etc. All competitions commence at the local Urdd Eisteddfod.

After winning in the local Urdd Eisteddfod, they proceed to the regional Eisteddfod and the winners in the county, compete at the Urdd National Eisteddfod itself. Numerous competitions do not need a knowledge of the and there are also specific competitions for Welsh learners in some sections.

The Urdd National Eisteddfod attracts up to 90,000 visitors to the six day event and 15,000 competitors. Children and young people from all over Wales and beyond, compete and benefit from the Urdd National Eisteddfod – at a local, county and finally at a national level.

Where is the Urdd National Eisteddfod held ?

The Eisteddfod is a peripatetic event traditionally alternating between south and north Wales, and in 2020 it will be held in Denbighshire.

Will children and young people from your area benefit ?

Urdd members from all over Wales compete in the Urdd National Eisteddfod by winning their way through the local and regional eisteddfodau. The Urdd has local branches in villages, towns and schools in every part of Wales, and the majority of the branches annually compete in the Urdd Eisteddfod. The Urdd National Eisteddfod is open to all Urdd members, and children from your area will compete in the Urdd Eisteddfod.

What is the Urdd?

The aim of the Urdd is to ensure that all the young people of Wales (between the ages of 8 and 25) are given the opportunity, through the medium of Welsh, to develop into rounded individuals; and to empower them to play constructive

role in the community, by encouraging personal and social skills. This is fulfilled by the ideal of services to Wales, to fellow-man and to Christ.

Established in 1922, the Urdd is the main youth movement in Wales, with over 50,000 members all over the country. The Urdd Eisteddfod is only one element of a variety of different aspects of the Urdd movement, which includes three multi activity and residential centres – Glan-llyn, Llangrannog and in in – over 1,500 local Urdd branches in villages, towns and the cities all over Wales, and publishes three monthly magazines for Welsh speakers and learners.

Are volunteers involved ?

The Urdd movement is a charitable volunteer organisation. It is based on volunteer work and it depends on volunteers from all over Wales to stage different Urdd events within their communities. The Eisteddfod is no exception and all eisteddfodau from the local, regional to the Urdd National Eisteddfod itself, depend on volunteers to organise and administer the events and the national festival.

Why do apply for grants from local councils from all over Wales ?

As the Urdd is a National Eisteddfod, we appeal to councils in all tiers of local government to support the event. Any grant aid will contribute to the overall costs of staging the Urdd National Eisteddfod (see enclosed Reports and financial statements), and any amount of contribution will be appreciated immensely.

The National Eisteddfod receives funding from numerous sources – both public and private – including from ticket sales, sponsorship deals, broadcasting, exhibition fees and local fundraising. Numerous fund raising events are held in the Eisteddfod area through the local appeal committees.

Partnership ?

The Urdd National Eisteddfod is a series of partnerships between different institutions and organisations. The Eisteddfod is dependent on support both practical and financially from individuals, organisations, schools, public bodies and local councils throughout Wales. With the support of our partners, we can successfully stage the largest youth festival in Europe.

Urdd National Eisteddfod Denbighshire 2020

The event in 2019 will be held in during spring half term 25-30 May, 2020. An Opening Concert, Primary Schools Show and a Youth Show will be held during the week. Over 200 stalls and exhibitions including Arts and Crafts Pavilion, Pentre Mistar Urdd and many more activities around the Maes.

The Urdd National Eisteddfod attracts visitors from all over Wales, both Welsh speakers and non-welsh speakers alike. It is a festival to celebrate the talents of the children and youth of Wales and is broadcasted live on both television and radio.

How is the Urdd National Eisteddfod Administered ?

The Urdd National Eisteddfod has a team of full time Urdd staff members based in offices in Glan-llyn near Bala. The Eisteddfod is administered by local and national committees with volunteer representatives from all over Wales overseen by the Eisteddfod and the Arts Board along with the Urdd National Council.

For further information - www.urdd.cymru/eisteddfod