Surveillance of Infections in Wales Arolwg Meddygon Teulu ar Glefydau yng Nghymru Surveillance Report Adroddiad ar yr Arolwg GP

17th May 2013

Consultation rates in sentinel practices for the last 4 weeks* 21-Apr-2013 28-Apr-2013 05-May-2013 12-May-2013 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20

Rate per 100,000populationper Rate 10 0

* Data provisional

Urdd During Whitsun week, 27 May – 1 June, the Urdd National Eisteddfod, one of Europe’s biggest youth festivals will be taking place in Boncath in North Pembrokeshire. Around 100,000 visitors are expected, with over 15,000 children and young people competing during the Eisteddfod week in various competitions such as singing, dancing and performing.

Due to the current large measles outbreak focussed in South-West Wales, Public Health Wales is encouraging people who are attending the Eisteddfod to ensure they are fully vaccinated before they go. The organiser has placed the following message on the Eisteddfod website:

“As a public organisation which attracts large numbers of people, we have been asked by Public Health Wales to circulate this message: “There is currently an outbreak of measles in the Mid & West Wales area. Measles is a highly contagious disease that can cause serious complications and even death. Children who have not received two doses of the MMR vaccine and attend events where there are lots of other children present are at risk. If you or your child is not fully vaccinated please speak to your GP about vaccination immediately. More information is available at””

Large sporting and cultural events, termed as ‘mass gathering events’, increase the risk of outbreaks of infectious disease. This is due to a number of factors: the high density of people at the event, the movement of people to and from the event, including international travel, and social and behavioural factors that may increase risks of transmission, such as increased consumption of take-away food.

Urdd Gobaith Cymru is a youth movement set up to promote the . The Urdd was established in 1922 to give children and young people the chance to learn and socialise through the medium of Welsh. Further information on the Urdd Eisteddfod is available at: The latest data on the measles outbreak – including cases by health board area, vaccination uptake data and numbers of unvaccinated children in Wales – can be found at:

Dr. Brendan Mason, Public Health Wales CDSC, Temple of Peace and Health, King Edward VII Avenue, Cathays Park, , CF10 3NW. Telephone: 029 20402471 Further information on infectious diseases in Wales can be found on our web site at or