Neurophysiological Aspects of the Trigeminal Sensory System: an Update
Rev. Neurosci. 2018; 29(2): 115–123 Frederic Van der Cruyssen* and Constantinus Politis Neurophysiological aspects of the trigeminal sensory system: an update Keywords: infraorbital; mandibular; neurophysiology; Received June 21, 2017; accepted July 20, 2017; previously published ophthalmic nerve; oral somatosensory functioning; online November 8, 2017 trigeminal sensory system. Abstract: The trigeminal system is one of the most complex cranial nerve systems of the human body. Research on it has vastly grown in recent years and concentrated more and more on molecular mechanisms and pathophysiology, Introduction but thorough reviews on this topic are lacking, certainly Knowledge about physiological aspects of the trigeminal on the normal physiology of the trigeminal sensory system. system today is largely based on animal models (Akerman Here we review the current literature on neurophysiology and Goadsby, 2015; Herta et al., 2017), cadaver studies of the trigeminal nerve from peripheral receptors up to its (Ezure et al., 2001; Williams et al., 2003) or extrapola- central projections toward the somatosensory cortex. We tions from peripheral nerve functioning. Human studies focus on the most recent scientific discoveries and describe are frequently limited to pathophysiology and lack proper historical relevant research to substantiate further. One study designs (Tanaka and Zhao, 2016; Goadsby et al., chapter on new insights of the pathophysiology of pain 2017). Neurophysiological research in this area is difficult at the level of the trigeminal system is added. A database due to the invasive character of most neurophysiological search of Medline, Embase and Cochrane was conducted tests, the small caliber of fibers, high density of receptors, with the search terms ‘animal study’, ‘neurophysiology’, cross-connections between different cranial nerves, dif- ‘trigeminal’, ‘oral’ and ‘sensory’.
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