Muon Scattering and Dimuon Production
Muon Scattering and Dimuon Production Ell Gabathuler, CERN Session Organizer THE EMC MUON SCATTERING EXPERIMENT AT CERN Hans-Erhart Stier University of Freiburg D-7800 Freiburg, Germany European Muon Collaboration: O.C. Allkofer4 , J.J. Aubert6, G. Bassompierre6, K.H. Becks l2 , Y. Bertsch6, C. Bestl , E. Bohm4 , D.R. Botteril19 , F.W. Brasse2, C. Bro116, J. Carr9 , R.W. Clifft9 , J.H. CobbS, G. Coignet6, F. CombleylO, G.R. Court7 , J.M. cres~o6, P. Dalpiazll , P.F. Dalpiazll , W.D. Dau 4 , J.K. Davies8 , Y. Declais6, R.W. Dobinson1 , J. Dreesl2 , A. Edwards, M. Edwards9! J. Favier6, M.I. Ferrero1l , W. Flauger2, E. Gabathuler1, R. Gamet 7, J. Gayler2, C. Gossling2 , P. Gregory, J. Haas 3 , U. Hahn 3 , P. Hayman7 , M. Henckes l2 , J.R. Holt7, H. Jokisch4 , 9 V. Korbel 2 , U. Landgraf 3 , M. Leenen1,L. Massonnet6, W. Mohr 3 , H.E. Montgomery!, K. Hose:r 3 , R.P.Eount8 , P.R.Norton , A.M. Osbornel , P. Payrel , C. Peronill , H. Pessard6, K. Rith1 , M.D. Rousseau9 , E. Schlosser3 , M. Schneegans6 , T. SloanS, M. Sproston9 , H.E. Stier3 , W. Stockhausenl2 , J.M. Thenard6 , J.C. Thompson9 , L. Urban6 , G. von Holteyl, H. Wahlenl , V.A. White l , D. Williams7, W.S.C. Williams8, S.J. WimpennylO. CERN l -DESY(Hamburg)2-Freiburg3- Kiel4- LancasterS-LAPP(Annecy)6- Liverpool7- Oxford8- Rutherford9- Sheffield1Q Turinll and Wuppertall2 • I.) Introduction v = E- E' and its imaginary mass squared Q2: The investigation of the hadronic structure of the nu cleon is one of the most interesting questions in high Q2= -4EE'sin2 0/2 energy physics.
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