Greg Gianforte Assault Case Summary Report

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Greg Gianforte Assault Case Summary Report Case Summary Report Agency; GCSO Case Num ber t l7 052400A7 Date: 5RAD017 08:28:30 Last Modified : 5R0D0l7 0E:26:54 Incident Information 05f2412017 l7.0& 05t24t2017 17.08 0512412011 17.08 scoTrA 2I2DISCOVERY GALI,ATIN COUNTY ,MT ARLY'}I IVAYNE Crrc Stetur Dlsporitioo CLOSED/CIEARED CLIiARED BYARREST Strtlt ucn "r!-:f.e1 Chrrgc flpc Dcscrlpdon oar .t' 5-201 l Stdc ASSAULT, SIMPLE W/I'IO LACER/I.TIONS, BROKEN BONE$ ErC' l3B E Colrr Alcobol, Ilrogr or Curputrrr lkcd Locrtion Typc Prcolsce Entcrcd Forccd Entry \{crpons tr Alcotrol E Dru$ 0 Conryutcrs GOVERNMENT/PUBLIC B Yos tl No l.Nonc Entry F,rlt CrirnlulActM$ 2. GAI.IG II.'VOLVEMENT OR T,NKNOWT 3. Bios Mottvrtloo Circumtrnes Hrtc Group lxurraa lBtrs :fypc Iaturics n.rldcEcy Sulos Elhnlclty INDIVIDUAL Apparcnt Minor InjurY Resident Non"Hispanic Nre{t rtt, Ftrn'M} Rtcc Scr DOB Atc w 33 JACOBS, BEN'AI{IN C I Hoarcllorc Addrcs (610 23G3E63 1325 t 5Tl{ STN.W. APT. {14 WASHINGTON D.C.' DC 20005 Bosincs llooc Enploycr Nrac/Addrcls TllE OUARDIAI'I I Pege 1 ol 11 ,ALlAcll'TOM rtSllt0lil0l? 0E:2t PrirtQd bl: (61t) t Report: r-! Case Summary Report Agency: GCSO Case Number : I 7 05240007 Date: JIJQQoIT 0828:30 Last Moditied z 5130D017 08:26:54 :$6*;j=;l Typc Nemc(kst, First, M) 1,*l,iil INDIVIDUAL GIANFORTE, GREG RICHARD AXA Rrcc Stx DOB A9 w M 56 HGight trVclght ssN 6'02', 195 lbs Addrc.. Honc Plonr I32O MANLEY RD, BOZE}'AN, MT 597IE (405) 18'.0604 Enployer NemdAddrcs Busincsr Pbooe SELF I Scrn, Mrrlq,l'iloos or ottcr distlngrirhlng fcrturtr Phyrhrl Ourrclcrbtlcs Suspect Dcteik Nrnc (ht, Flrrt, M) Rrce Scr DOB Atc LEVINSON. &BXIS ROSE w F 2t Addrtrs Homc Ploac I 833 NEW HAMPSHIRE I 01 NW, WASHINGTON, W 2W9.3224 Eoploycr Nenc/Addrcs Bodncr lhone I \lYltmrrrypc SN EYEWTNESS ACTUALLY SAWTHE EVENT Wlhcrs Noac. (I,.3a, Firrt, fO Rrcc Scr DOB Agc 46 ACT..,NA ALICI,AA}.INA w F Adilrcs Homc Pholc 438r W r0711t DR, WESTMINSTER, CO E0031 Busiacrs Ptonc Employcr Nrmc/Addrcrr FOXNEWS I WltocasTyp. ssN EYE WITNESS ACTUALLY SAWTHE EVBNT wltmrc Notct Also Bocs by las namc* Orozco and Boyd Prgt 2 ot l7 Rcport: r_lwloi,frr Printcd by: (6?E) PALt,ACil, mM rt 5/iD/2017 08:28 ' Case Summary Report Agency: GCSO Crse Num ber ; I 7 A 5240007 Date: 5130f20 I 7 08:28:30 Last Modified ; 5130D017 08:26: 54 Nrue (Lrct, Flnt, M) ln.o Scr DOB Agc MANGA}.|, FAITI{ ANNE lw F I 45 Addrcgt Homc Phorc 264I CLAYTON ST, DENVER, CO 80205 Enfloycr Neme/Addrc* Buslncss Phonc FOXNEWS I (303) 85r-0460 Wltncrs'fypc ssN EYE WTTNESS ACTUALLY SAWT}IEEVENT Witncsr Notcs Nrnc (La*, Firrt, f,f) Rrcc Scr DOB Agc RAILEY, KEITH AIA}.I w M l 50 Addrcrs Homa Phonc 4634 E BLUE BIRD AVE ORANGE CA92869 Enploycr Nrnc/Addnss Bosicce Phonc FOXNEWS I Wttrc'3Typc ssN EYE WIT}IESS ACTUALLY SAS' THE EVENT wlttr?ss 0,arT Fint, M) Racc Scr DOB ELIT, w M 37 'OSHUA Addrcrr Hoarc Plooe 4541 WNIBLICK IJ.l, MERIDlAl,l,ID Employcr NrmdAddrcsr Boshcrr Pbooe I lYirrcsTypc ssN Willcrs Nolcr (!,$tr nnq D{) Rrcc Scr SEEKINSCROWE KERRI w F Addrtss Homc Phoac 4EO PINON DR. BILLINGS, MT 59105 Employcr Nrmc/Addrcsr Buslots Pholc I WitacsTypc ssN Wto.r6Norct Rcporl: r_lwlni.frr Printcd by: (6?3) PALIACII' TOM rt 51302017 08:28 Paga3 of 17 Case Summary Report, Agency: GCSO Crse Numben 1705240007 Date: 5/3012012 08:28:30 Last Modifie d: 5 130 120 1 7 08:25 :5 4 HOWARDWOLF, HOLLY ANN Rrcr Scx DOB w F f oo,oo:oo l*- Addrcs Homc Plone 1627 W MAINSTAPT.296, BOZEMAN, MT597It (1@)6U4240 Emptoycr Nrmc/Addrcrs Budncsr Phonc I BENJAMIN C OTHERWISEKNOWN GIA}.IFORTE, GREG RICHARD (648) WAGNER. JAKB (678) PALr.-ACH, TOM ESPER, JtM -(6?9)(6?r) PARKER, I Al.I MCCLAIN -irogl BoxMEYER, MATTI{Ew DAvrD (629) MAYLAI.ID, DA!.IIEL NIARTIN (652) GREYDAI,I US, ARLY).| WAYNE Rcport: rJwlnl.frr Prlhtcd by: (57t) PALTACII' TOM et 5I3lHl0l? llE:2t Prge 4 of l7 - Case Summary Report Agency: GCSO Case Number: 17 05240007 Date: 5130/201 7 08:28:30 Last Modifie d: 5 13012017 08:26:54 Deputies were dispatched to a reported assault. Following an investigation and obtaining statements, a citation was issued for misdemeanor assault. 05.26.17 - Narrative added by records for public release. T*IqF5*;ENT$-AH, TE{[$ I].]rCBL]EA?I{}H ]S t:t).8:. i,rln$;l E}{I?&fr CPB:'I trHT ts Tj{lS * $E :i "{-jN"A *li'! LY:. AlllY Li"[]r;r {-} jtq'i i :ri} uijqi lii sERrcTLf illi6:iHii-+I'i s'i}. Page 5 of 17 Report: r_lrvlni.frx Printed by: (6?8) PALLACH, TOM at 5/302017 08:28 i Case Summary Report, Ageucy: GCSO Case Number: l? 0524A007 Datez 5/30/201 7 08;28:30 Last Modilied z 5 l30f2Afi 08:26:54 Supplement Information 05n6n017 t4:05:03 OFFICER REPORT T{ATTHEWDAVID JEREMY K AGENCY CASE M.,MBER: t 70524fl)07 DATR May 26,2017 CIIARGES: Misdcmcanor Assautt vICl'lM(S): Benjamin C. Jacobs (DOB Il OFFENDER(S): Grcg R. Gianfortc (] OFFICER MAKING REPORT: Mlttbcw D. Boxttrcyu 1t669 On May 24, 2Ot7 atapproxirnrtcly 1800 hours, tltcclivc Capain Atbm Grcydanrs contrctcd mc" Dct- Capt. Grcydutus infonned nr of an assault thrt hd occuned at a tocation witbin Galt*io Grmty. Dot. Capt Grcydanus rcquctcd that I rcspord to the oflicq to mccf wilh him ud start conducting witncss intsrvicws. I arrived at the ofiicc aod rnet with Det Capt Greydanus who informed mc on thc specifics of the cstl Det Capt Greydanus $atcd hc had pcoplc in tho intcrvicw rooms and lobby and hc asked mc to strt with thc FOX Ncws crcw that wcrc cyc witncsscs lo thc cvcnt. I intcrvicwod Alicia Affu Acuna (also gocs by bst narre Onozm rnd Boyd) at lt48 hours. Alicia is a rcporlcr for FOX Ncws; Alkir schcdulcd an intervicw with Grcg Gianfortc, a candidatc for $rc US Housc of Reprcsantrtiws. Alich catcd tlr€y wcrc sctting up 3he camcra andcquiprEot' so a (latr idctttificd es thcy could cooduct thc intcrvicw, and rrtre cngrged in small trlk with Gianfortc. Aticia stat d while thcy wtrt talking "8uy' aoy rctctions to lhe CtsO FPort Beo Jacobs) camc in with a rccordcr and put it in Gianfortc's frcc. Alicia strtcd Jccobs askcd Gianfortc if hc had to Sc cffcct of rrot on thc Rcpublicrn Hcattlrcarc plon bccausc it was jurt rchad. Aticia sratcd Gianfortc rcspondcd to Jacobl raying sorncthing but staed sho did not gpt his right now. Alicia $ared Jacobs just kcpt going. Aticir rarcd Jrcobs said sorrc(hing about being from thc Guardian' namc. kept rsklng him questiors uId was bcing Alicia statcd Jacobs had ghsses, dark hair, facial hrir, duk pants, errd duk coat on. Alicia stalc{ Jacobs Alicia stated 51rc wu not slrrc if persistcol Alicia statcd Gianfortc told Jacobs to go check wilh shanc who !s a membcr of Gianfortcs campaign. Jacobs asked rgain or not bul around that time Gianfortc grattcd lacobs' Gianfortc moved Iacobs and "slarnmcd him on Alicia sratcd Gianforrc grabbcd Jacobs it secmed by both sides of his ncck or hls head. Alioia sutcd on top of him lnd sartcd punching tbe ground and jumped on top of him". Alich staled Gianfortc was not "sraddling" Jacobs but "kind ofjumped him". Alicia stated Gionfortc stdcd, 'Hc was sick and tired of this". Rcport: rjrrrlnl.lrx Prlnrd by: (5?E) PALII'CH, TOM rt 5f,X)/'1017 0E:28 Prtc 6 of 17 Case Summary Repo rt:' Agency: GCSO Case Number: 17 05240007 Datez 5130/201 7 0g:29:30 Last Modifie d: 5/3012017 08:26:54 Alicia stated Jacobs "scrambled to his knees" and seemed in shock and stated, "You broke my glasses,'. Alicia stated Jacobs asked them for their names and then stated he wanted the cops called. Alicia stated Gianforte apologized to them (FOX News crew). Alicia stated the only people in the room at the time of the assault were Gianforte, Jacobs, and her crew. Alicia stated the door was open and people could have seen inside the room. I asked Alicia to go into further detail about when Gianforte grabbed Jacobs. Alicia stated it was up by the neck and by was not sure if he was ,,rage grabbing him by the clothes or the body. Alicia stated they thought they were being "punked" for a minute but they realized it was real ,'l'm happening". I asked if Alicia remembered hearing anything during the assault, Alicia only remembered hearing Gianforte say sick and tired of this". Alicia stated it seemed as though Jacobs was on his side on the ground when Gianforte was punching him. Alicia stated Gianforte punched at Jacobs 2-3 times until Jacobs scrambled to his knees. Alicia stated Jacobs looked "Roughed up" and was red but so was Gianforte. Alicia stated she told everyone she needed a minute alone. Alicia stated they contacted their bosses to tell them what had happened. Alicia stated they called their Bureau Chiefi, Nancy Harmeyer and Assistant Bureau Chiefi, Don Fair. Alicia stated she has covered many campaigns and been around many aggressive reporters. Alicia stated Jacobs was doing hisjob and wasjust obnoxious but not physically aggressive. Alicia stated she did not see Jacobs ever touch Gianforte with his hands or the recorder. Alicia stated it was so "out of nowhere" and it did not seem like Gianforte was defending himself.
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