Cultural Practices Among the Sena in Nsanje District Malawi: HIV and AIDS and the African Evangelical Church
Cultural Practices among the Sena in Nsanje District Malawi: HIV and AIDS and the African Evangelical Church By Lucy Thokozile Chibambo Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Academic Requirement forthe Degree of Masters in Theology (Ministerial Studies) in the School of Religion and Theology, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg Supervisor: Professor Edwina Ward March 2009 DECLARATION I, Lucy Thokozile Chibambo a candidate of Masters' degree in Ministerial Studies in the School of Religion andTheology, University of KwaZulu-Natal,Pietennaritzburg, hereby declarethat except forthe quotations specificallyindicated in the dissertation, andsuch help as I have acknowledged, thisis wholly my original work andthat it has not been submittedat anyinstitute for the fulfilment of anotherdegree. - :Joo� Signed: .... �.................. Date: .,Olf- 0 � ' .............. I acknowledge that this research paper isready forexamination. ,,. -..z.oo 'J Supervisor: -..£� ............... Date: .olt.- o 3......•. · · _-1::>u�r!) This research pape r h abs een ed't I edb y. ..............:::r;;� ..........-...................... •.•..•• ••••••.••••... D.a t e. • • w.....,._tf')J,._ Q"">� -dl..oo....................... qf••··•··· 11 DEDICATION I dedicate this work to my late parents Mr and Mrs Kamba Phiri. I also dedicate this work to my husband Songelwayo andto our three daughters Mandhlase,Nomusa and Sibusisiwe for their support in this researchpaper. 111 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The writing of this research paper would never have reached the final stage of completion withoutthe assistance andencouragement of the following people; Firstly, I want to pay tribute to the Almighty God for granting me the necessary wisdom, strength, guidanceand understanding during my studies. My sincere thanks and gratitude go to my Supervisor, Professor Edwina Ward for her ability, diligence and expert supervision.
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