Deliberation As an Epistemic Endeavor: Umunthu and Social Change In

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Deliberation As an Epistemic Endeavor: Umunthu and Social Change In Deliberation as an Epistemic Endeavor: UMunthu and Social Change in Malawi’s Political Ecology A dissertation presented to the faculty of the Scripps College of Communication of Ohio University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy Fletcher O. M. Ziwoya December 2012 © 2012 Fletcher O. M. Ziwoya All Rights Reserved. This dissertation titled Deliberation as an Epistemic Endeavor: UMunthu and Social Change in Malawi’s Political Ecology by FLETCHER O. M. ZIWOYA has been approved for the School of Communication Studies and the Scripps College of Communication by Claudia L. Hale Professor of Communication Studies Scott Titsworth Interim Dean, Scripps College of Communication ii ABSTRACT ZIWOYA, FLETCHER O. M., Ph.D. December 2012, Communication Studies Deliberation as an Epistemic Endeavor: UMunthu and Social Change in Malawi’s Political Ecology Director of Dissertation: Claudia Hale This dissertation examines the epistemic role of democratic processes in Malawi. In this study, I challenge the view that Malawi’s Local Government model of public participation is representative and open to all forms of knowledge production. Through a case study analysis of the political economy of knowledge production of selected District Councils in Malawi, I argue that the consultative approach adopted by the Councils is flawed. The Habermasian approach adopted by the Councils assumes that development processes should be free, fair, and accommodative of open forms of deliberation, consultation, and dissent. The Habermasian ideals stipulate that no single form of reasoning or knowledge dominates others. By advocating for “the power of the better argument” Habermas (1984, 1998a, 1998b, 2001) provided room for adversarial debate which is not encouraged in the Malawi local governance system. This study analyzes the departure from the ideals supposed to inform development initiatives by the Malawi Local Government through its District Councils. Power differential factors continue to undermine lay contribution and participation by considering its input second class. This undermining of local knowledge creates development processes that lack uMunthu1in their approach. A systematic examination of the participatory processes and meaning making in Malawi’s democratic citizenship is used to argue that effective participation 1 Malawian concept that attaches significance to communalism and respect for human dignity. Similar to the southern African concept of Ubuntu—I am because we all are. iii must demonstrate how political knowledge is created through inclusive processes such as public deliberation. I further argue that positive local ways of knowing and best practices in local cultures should be recognized and even internationalized towards general human improvement. iv DEDICATION This dissertation is dedicated to my father, McArton Isaiah Ziwoya Gama who did not live long enough to witness the fruits of his support, care, and love in me. His immortality is in the spirit that he instilled in all his sons and daughters to keep moving on even in the face of adversity. His courage, hope and sense of humor, even in the last days of his life, will always be a source of inspiration for our family for years to come. The doctoral accolade that I receive upon completion of this dissertation is not for me, it is my father’s, for he remains the first Doctor of Philosophy that I ever knew-RIP. Those who die are never lost They are absent with the body but present with the ancestral hosts They are present in the stories they shared They are present in the encouragement they rendered They are present in the works of their hands Those who die are never gone, they are always present in our hearts v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I owe the success of this dissertation to a number of people. The name on the title page of this dissertation may be mine, but I see so many names on every other page of this work. First and foremost, I would like to thank the chair of this dissertation, Dr. Claudia Hale (Dr. C. H. as I fondly call her). It has been an honor and privilege to work with her, first through my program of study and later during the course of writing this dissertation. She has taught me, both consciously and unconsciously, how good communication research is done. She has instilled in me the discipline of what it takes to be a scholar. I appreciate her contribution of time, ideas and energy to make my graduate experience at Ohio University productive and stimulating. Members of my dissertation committee: Dr. Laura Black, Dr. Ghirmai Negash and, Dr. William Rawlins have contributed immensely to my personal and professional growth at Ohio University. The committee members have not only been professional helpers but have also been close colleagues in various collaborative projects. I am especially indebted to the 2007 Doctoral Cohort for the selfless support rendered to me making my doctoral experience rich and bearable when the going got tough at times. Sincere appreciation should also be extended to officials of the Malawi National Archives in Zomba, Malawi, for granting me access to the archives for background information to some parts of this study. I also salute my (serving and retired) District Commissioner friends in Malawi for the invaluable knowledge passed on to me as I researched my topic. I owe the success of this study to you. To my wife, Jerra and our children: Dumisani and Daphne-Mavis, I thank you for your love, encouragement and understanding. Without your support, this work could not vi have seen the light of day. Family friends and professional colleagues: the Lilleys, the Nyasulus, the Wojnos and Achimwene Steve Howard—all provided a shield of love and care around our family so we could focus on our studies. We will forever be indebted to your generosity. To my mother, Grace Ziwoya Gama, who endured long years without her first born child around—your pain and prayers have paid off. To all, too many to be listed, who supported me in one way or another, I say thank you. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ............................................................................................................................. iii Dedication .......................................................................................................................... v Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................ vi List of Tables .................................................................................................................... xi List of Figures .................................................................................................................. xii Chapter 1: Deliberation, Diversity, and Democratic Practice in Malawi .................... 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1 Defining Democratic Deliberation ............................................................................... 3 Understanding deliberation ..................................................................................... 6 The nature of deliberation ........................................................................................ 7 Statement of Problem ................................................................................................... 9 UMunthu as a conceptual framework ................................................................... 13 UMunthu and the political practice in Malawi .................................................... 17 Purpose and Significance of the Study ...................................................................... 20 Rationale for the Study ............................................................................................... 21 Sample choice rationale .......................................................................................... 22 Key Terms ................................................................................................................... 27 Abbreviations .............................................................................................................. 29 Chapter 2: The Archaeology of Socio-politico and Economic Change in Malawi.... 31 Pre-colonial Malawi .................................................................................................... 31 The Maravi Confederacy ........................................................................................... 32 Europeans and Nationalism in Central Africa ......................................................... 35 Federation: 1953-1963 ................................................................................................ 39 Native Associations and the Rise of Civil Society Activism .................................... 40 Struggle for Independence ......................................................................................... 43 Contextualizing the Deliberative Project in Malawi ............................................... 48 Chapter 3: Literature Review and Theoretical Framework ...................................... 55 The Evolution of Democratic Theory ........................................................................ 55 The Democratic Project in Africa ............................................................................. 65 UMunthu and the Political Practice in Malawi ........................................................ 68 viii Post-Colonialism
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