Gallery&Studio arts journal In this Issue: The new G&S Arts Journal was set up to give a voice to those who are not heard, those who need a wider platform, a larger amplifier. Therefore, as we celebrate Black History Month in February and Women’s History Month in March, here in the United States, we have turned a special spotlight on these two groups for this issue. That is not to say that we do this to the exclusion of others, nor do we forget these groups throughout the year. Our hope is that by sharing the arts, we learn to value individuality as well as finding compassion and a generosity of spirit towards humanity. As this second print issue sees the light of day, we extend our thanks to all our wonderful donors who have already shown that spirit of generosity. We couldn’t do this without you. We would particularly like to give special thanks our newest board member, who wishes to remain anonymous, whose donation made our first print issue possible. —The Editors Cover image: “On Fire” ©Xenia Hausner, Courtesy of Forum Gallery, New York Gallery&Studio arts journal PUBLISHED BY ©G&S Arts Journal Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1632 First Avenue, Suite 122, New York, NY 10028 email:
[email protected] EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Jeannie McCormack MANAGING EDITOR Ed McCormack OPERATIONS Marina Hadley SPECIAL EDITORIAL ADVISOR Margot Palmer-Poroner SPECIAL ADVISOR Dorothy Beckett POETRY EDITOR Christine Graff DESIGN AND PRODUCTION Karen Mullen TECHNICAL CONSULTANT Sébastien Aurillon WEBSITE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sébastien Aurillon, Christine Graf, Marina Hadley, Antonio Huerta Jeannie McCormack, Carolyn Mitchell, Margot Palmer-Poroner, Norman Ross Gallery&Studio Arts Journal is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and distributes its journal free of charge in the New York City area.