

Clerk to the Council: John Vanderwolfe FILCM Chartered MCIPD 5 Halletts Way, Axminster EX13 5NB

Telephone: 01297 34444 Email : [email protected]

Draft Until Approved

Minutes of the Council Meeting held at Bettiscombe Village Hall on Thursday 19th December 2015

Present: Cllr’s M Bowditch (Chairman), C Gray, A Cameron, C Rabbetts, T Richards, A Edwards, R Warburton, R Wyatt, F Bailey and J Gillingham

In Attendance: The Clerk (Mr J Vanderwolfe), Cllr D Turner and Cllr R Knox ( County Council), Cllr J Sewell and Cllr M Roberts ( District Council), one member of the press and four members of the public.

Not in Attendance: Cllr E Rowe

045 Apologies No apologies received.

046 Declaration of Interest under the Code of Conduct There were no Declarations of interest under the Code of Conduct made at this stage of the meeting.

047 Minutes The minutes of the Council meeting held on the 17th September and the Planning and Highways Committee meeting of the 15th October were adopted as a true record, with one correction to minute P03 of the PAHC minutes; Dr Banner should read Dr Banham. 048 Matters Arising The clerk confirmed that he had received an acknowledgement from the Rt Hon Oliver Letwin MP regarding the change of use planning application for the Shave Cross Inn

049 Police Report No report

050 County and District Reports’ The County Council were pushing the advantages of physical activities, and had launched a campaign. Further ways of principle councils working together were being looked into. A document entitled ‘Working Together-A pilot project for locality working in Dorset had been prepared by the outgoing chief executive of DAPTC together with the town clerks of , Lytchett Minster, and , and circulated. The clerk felt that whilst the document had some

1 merit the focus was weighed more on town councils than parish councils, and felt that the use of resources was, in the main, different. The District report covered an investigation of nitrate , possible combined services between authorities, however, there are problems with development control because all three of the authorities working together had different computer systems and a variety of varying processes. There had been calls for a referendum to change the present executive system to a committee system. The West Dorset District Council Local Plan had now been approved.

052 Neighbourhood Plan (NP) Mr Mike Robinson, chairman of the NP Steering Group addressed the meeting. He confirmed that both Upper Marshwood Vale and Hawkchurch Designated areas had now been approved. There would be a meeting of the steering group on the 2nd December. The steering group will follow the guidelines issued by the CPRE. He then circulated a handout which showed the suggested scope of the NP. He made the point that public consultation is an important aspect of this process. He hoped that more people would wish to become involved in the process and trusted that the parish council would give the NP its support.

053 Democratic Period Mr David Hitchcock informed the meeting was pleased to inform the Council that the affordable housing at Marshwood was nearing completion. Utilities were now in place and the hand over date is imminent.

He then spoke about the planning application for outline dwellings in Marshwood. He was concerned about the right of way which hopefully would soon be registered on the Definitive Map. He would like to see any planning approval delayed until that matter had been sorted. Finally, he was concerned that whilst there had been a public exhibition today at the Bottle Inn regarding the proposed Solar Farm in the Thorncombe parish, he had not received any notification by the developers. He was concerned about how the proposal would be screened and how it could spoil the green valley.

054 Casual Vacancy Mr Tom Brown had applied to fill the casual vacancy for Bettiscombe. He addressed the meeting and, on going to the vote 9 were in favour, with 1 abstention; therefore Mr Brown was duly co-opted onto the council.

055 Finance 1. Accounts for Payment: The following accounts were agreed for payment: S Lee £864.00, RBL Poppy Appeal £20.00, Creeds £350.00, J Vanderwolfe £70.46. 2. The budget v actual for April/November was agreed

056 Planning Planning Application: WD/D/15/002341 East of Bottle Inn, Marshwood: Erection of two detached dwellings (outline). The proposal is against SUS2 of the new West Dorset Local Plan as it would result in unacceptable development in a non-sustainable community. This council can see no justification to making an exception to that

2 standard. This proposal, if accepted could have a detrimental effect on a footpath which the Land Registry Office has listed as having been designated as a public right of way, and to which an application has been laid before the highway authority to be included on the Definitive Map. For these reasons this council cannot support the application. WD/D/15/001863 Land East of Sadborrow Lane, Thorncombe. Solar Farm. This proposal, if passed, would be harmful to the environment and would have a detrimental visual impact on the area, which, whilst not standing in the AONB area, is surrounded on three sides by AONB. We feel that effective screening is going to be very difficult because of the topography of the land. The proposal would see the loss of useful agricultural land for many years. There are a network of public rights of way in the area, one of which passes through the land proposed for development. Paths are used by locals and visitors, and therefore it could have an adverse impact on tourism. This Council feels that the damage to the environment of open countryside out ways any renewable energy benefits that might be achieved by the proposal. There would be construction difficulties caused by large lorries using narrow roads to access the site. The Council is therefore is unable to support the application and wishes to object to it. On going to the vote Cllr A Cameron wished his name to be recorded as being in favour of the application. WD/D/15/002320 Lower Brimley Coombe Farm, Coombe Lane, Stoke Abbott: Conversion of existing outbuildings to two units of holiday accommodation. Support WD/CA/15/00344 Court Orchard Farm, Village Street, Stoke Abbott: Re- pollard one Ash. Support providing work undertaken by qualified tree surgeon. WD/CA/15/00356 Anchor House, Village Street, Stoke Abbott. 30% crown of a Tulip Tree, 30% crown reduction of a Macrocarpa and 30% reduction of a Ash and Sycamore group. Support providing work undertaken by qualified tree surgeon. WD/D/15/002216 Greenacres, Marshwood: Proposed two storey extension, new drive access and associated external works. Support

Neighbourhood Plan: Agreed that the parish council would support the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group with this project 057 Councillors Reports Highways: The lengthsman is keeping drains clear and dealing with any flooding incidents. A letter from a parishioner complained of gulley’s and drains in Bettiscombe stating that one gulley was tarmacked over several years ago. It noted that the lengthsman had attempted to clear this in the past. Cllr Wyatt stated that this was unfortunately beyond the scope of the lengthsman and would need to be dealt with by DCC. Newsletter: The latest issue had been delivered. There was a general feeling that the content was very good. Broadband: Engineers were visiting sites and it was hoped that implementation would be made in the new year 058 Correspondence A letter had been received from the Young Farmers requesting the council to suggest locations for a defibrillator. There was a discussion on this subject resulting in two locations being put forward, namely the telephone box at Shave Cross and Marshwood School. Cllr Bailey would inform the Young Farmers

3 group of the councils’ recommendation. 059 Date of Next Meeting Thursday 3rd December 2015 at Bettiscombe Village Hall at 7.30pm