Ppm I^N §M^ ^Own» . Tgw . Humbar of Inwiar of Numbar of Marrlagaa Marrlagaa Marrlagaa

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Ppm I^N §M^ ^Own» . Tgw . Humbar of Inwiar of Numbar of Marrlagaa Marrlagaa Marrlagaa . 9 • CHAPTER X» A^I^hUia OF tm Mtk, \. mum data eollaetad for th« study r«lat«« to 62$0 aarriagM r«giat«r«d in Poona City and 11^0 aarrlagaa - ragiatarad la aural Towia of PtTona Qlatxlet. Aa atatad - pravloualy tha eaata of tba aarrylag edupla waa aaoartdlnad tbrottgh ^Mttaratora aa wall aa paraonally and aetad on tha card. It waa aaan that mora than 47 caataa had raglatarad marrlagaa during tha 2 yaara uadar raviaw, aa ahown la tha followlag tahla* £KLatrltmtloa of Marrlagaa aooordlag to Caataa Is CowBiaaltlea-Poona City and lUiral Towna* ppm i^n §m^ ^own» . TgW . Humbar of inwiar of Numbar of marrlagaa marrlagaa marrlagaa I. Brahalaa and C.&.Pa 1. Daahaatha Brmhniaa 926 105 1031 2« Kokaaaatha Brahmlna «25 23 6k$ 3* Karada, Saraawat k 1«3 12 195 othar Brahmins 4« C* K. Prabhua(C.IL.P) 83 1 84 XX. Marathaa, fealla^KimblB 5» ^^urathaa 1465 355 1820 6. Mil 147 107 254 ?• Kuabi 9.9 - 10 - Poona City PeoBa tmiam Total No* of No* of liol SI wuTiasM Narrlagaa MaiTlagoa III. QfHM Ai)VANC£D filNiiUi. $, Jenar 74 21 95 9* LiBfajrat 27 13 40 10. Kliatrl 3d «• 3d 11. IHanl 12 10 22 12. T* Kasar 23 4 27 !»• 91l}ifrjigjf?n»fd»*^f 13. iiall ( Vinkar ) 17 5 22 14* Padaaahali 26 - 26 15. Koabtl d 14 22 16« Ta«bat 14 «» 14 17* Lohar 3 - 3 Id* Shiapl 119 32 151 19. Kunbhar 31 14 45 20, Sutar 25 6 31 V. Otbara. 21. Bboi 40 6 46 22. iihafifar 27 23 50 23. Qawall 11 1 12 24. TaU 27 24 51 25* Mhavl 29 12 41 26. Parit 27 4 31 - 11 - PooBA city SnniX Towis fot«l No* of No. of Ne«of «arrlago8 Marrlagos Marriagoa 27 Bumd 3 1 4 2d Othor artisans 4 - 4 29 QuraT 15 13 2$ 30 Othar Hindtta 52 42 94 VI Sehadula Caataa* 31 Mahar 253 44 297 32 ChaMbhar 3a 14 52 33 Maag or Raaoahi 25 1« 43 34 Harijana 42 13 55 35 Ptaftjf 13 1 14 ni. 36 Sladhls 113 3 116 Villi1 Othar Nea-ltaharaahtriaii 37 Pantaahi 99 4 103 3« Qttjaratl 70 Id M 39 Marwadi 107 22 129 40 i»ottth XBdlaaa 106 2 110 41 aikh/Psa^abl 6 - 6 42 fiajput 17 5 22 11 43 Muslii&a 64« 13« 7«6 44 Pathana 11 • 11 - 12 - Foona eity Bitral toMia total fio* of Mo. of Mo.of Aarriagaa Kiarriagaa Marriagaa ^ Jlf^Rff 45* 4alns 43 29 72 46* Chrlatlans 27 - 27 and Java 47* Paraia 24 - 24 nJL. intarHMirriaeaa* 4t» Intar-aub-eaata narrlagaa 119 119 49* X]itar-eaata>isaiiaagaa 67 6 73 50« Intar-raligion narriagaa* 45 45 mi. papafij^i^^. d5 15 100 62$0 11^ 7430. Za tabla £iot(I«1) tba iii»bar| of marriagaa waa ahown eaattrlaa both for Foona City and Hural Towns* In aoma caataa and coooiunitiaa Ilka Kunbi, Khatri, Padoaaali, lambat» i4)bar, Fathana, :iikh, Chriati&na, «law8 and Farala, no narrlagaa wara ragiatarad in rural towna. To prasant tha whola data aub-caata by aub-eaata, would aaka it iK»d.aldy and as aoallar caataa would ba r9pr9amA9d by •yry amall numbara - 13 - no statistieaXly valid eoneiusloas would b« drawn* Nowavar, a ganaral idaa of tha typa of aaapla can ba bad froa tha tabla. Tha lAtar-eaata, iataivrallgloa aarriagaa awl - •arrl&gaa la idiieh caata la vnapaoifiad, ara ahown aaparataly* Tha wfaola of tha data wara groupad la 1X1 audn eaata and rallgioa - i groupa aa uiuiar (Tabla Iio*I»2)« Tabla iio« 1.2 Dlatrlbutlea of Marrlagaa aceordlag to tha Caata ». aad rallgloiia «. cottoa •> Jlrbaa k Karal. Maaa of group No* ofPar- No. of Par- No* ofPar- Barria- can- aarrl- can- aarrl- oaa- -gaa. taga. -agaa taga agaa. taga I. BrahBdaa aad 2017 32*3 HI 11*9 21$d 29*3 G.K.Pa II. Karathaa, 1621 25.9 462 39*1 2063 2«.0 Malla aad Kuabla III* Othar advane- 174 2.0 ki 4.1 222 3*0 -ad Hiadua* IT* Othar latanM- 243 3.9 71 6*0 314 4.2 dlata Uladua V. Othara 235 }•$ 126 10.7 36l 4.d VI. Schadulad 371 5*9 90 7.6 461 6.2 Caataa VII. Sladhla 113 1«d 3 0.3 116 1.6 - 14 - Nut* of group jJoTror'^nM^ No* of Por- loToT For- •arrl- oon* autrri- eon- Wirrl-> e«i* agoo* tago« agos* tago. agoo« tago VIIX. Othor MOB- 407 6.5 51 4*3 458 6.1 iKaharaohtrian Hindu Caatoo IX. Musliss 659 10.5 138 11*7 797 10.7 X. Jaina 43 0.7 29 2.5 72 1.0 XI. Chrlatlans, 51 O.t - - 51 0.7 Paraia & Jmm XII. Intor-eaato 231 3.7 6 0.5 237 3»1 narrlagoa XIII. Unapooiflid $5 1.4 15 1*3 100 1*3 Total 6250 100,0 11^0 100.0 7430 100.0 TaULo Mo.1.2 glvoa tho data arrangod aceording to thoao twtlTo groupa aoparatoly for tho city andlrurai aroas and la adfaorod to In lator tabloa. Tho flrat group of - tBrahsdna and Kayaatha or C.K.P« Ineludo^ two big Brahnln eaatoa of Ooahaatha and Konlcanaatha. vothor Brahnins vis. Karadai Saraawat and poraona of othor Brahnin aub-eaatoa^«»^^ iU«^ WHPO groupod togother and ineludod in thia group aa otharwiao thoir aasplo would bo anall individually. • Kayaatha-Prabhua* noMt, MMPO alao/inoludod in thia group booauao thoir odueational - 15 - 1«Y«1 and Moaonio conditions w«r« identical with thoa« of th« Brahmins. Thts was no doubt tho largast group in ths saotplo so far as Poona eity was conesmod* Howoror, tho group stood socoad to tho group of *Kiaratha k alltod cast«s*« in ths rural saaipls* Tho ssoond biggost saaplo was eoTorod by tho easts group t^arathas Malis and Kuabis*. ^is - Marathai Halis and Kuabis wars groupod togsthsr in this socoad category for tho roason that out of those three castes the latter two reseabled the first biggest group of caste vis* Maratha* Out of the total number of marriages under surrey from Poona City more than one fourth were from this group while mere than one-third were represented in the sample of rural towns > by thiilgroup* Both these groi4>s of Brahmins and liarathas together have covered more than 60»0)( of marriages in Poona city and more than 50,0^ of marriages in rural areas* The third category of tother Advanced Hindus* con- -sisted of iSonari Lingayati Khatri, Hani and Tw&sta Kasar. It iwa» a ecNHBon experiMice, that Sonars style^ themselves as tOaivadnya Brahmins* (^'AS^ ^^^\ } and wished to be classed with Brahmins* the remaining four castes were also advanced in education and hence were conveniently grouped into one category* i^accept Sonars all the otlwr castes have registered less than 1«0ji of marriages and the total sample of all these five castes c«iBe$to 2*^ and 4*1;i only in the city and the rural areas respectively* • 16 - Tli« nvKt group was of fOthor Intomodiato Hiacliis • and «ao eoYorod hj oastot liko Sail, Padaasali anoi Koshti idiich woro aero or Xosa woaTor eastoa BBA had soeial bohaviour akin to oaoh othtr* Tho Tanbat, Lehar« KiMbbar and ^tar <ih^ mmw aainly artisan eastos and boing not «iieb advancod in odueation wora grottpod togothor. I'ha ijhiapis in SOBO parts of Poona City» though advancod in edueation, havo tahon ^ to thokr profossional artisanship nainly in rural arsas. That is why thoy ars rankod with tho artisan grov^ and inoludsd in " Othor Intsraodiato Nindns"* Ihs eatsgory V ** Otbors ** was aado up of othor Hindu castas liko Bhoi, Uhangar, Gawali» MhaTi, Parit otc, which <i^^ wo»o sinilar to oaeh othor in soeial bohaTiour* Thoso woro(v>>ej all niseoUanootts saallor artisans and hones grouped together. fho next eategory VX is styled as "^hoduled Castes" and castes like fiahar, Chanbhar , ttuuigi, fianoshi and Mang are included in the saao* Many of the persons of this cate­ gory, ntfaen intenriewed, declined to state their sub-caste but only stated that they were Harijans. All such a^rriages have be«i grouped ftn the caste •Other Harijans•• The tern Harihan is a wider one applied to persons of Scheduled castes in general and hence these marriages are styled as those of •Other Harijans*• About seventy per cent (70«0^) Of the aarriagos aaongst Scheduled Castes ifsre front Nahar caste and the renaining were fron other castes. - 17 • •3iadhls« ar« ••]>arat«d from th« eat«gory of tlea- j$ahara«htrlaii Hliidtt CastM* and ar« naricad aa 7th group* fMa ia a group vdiieh haa Bigratad to Mafaaraahtra and othar Stataa in ladia aftar partition of India aa Pakiatan and fiharat ia 19'^7« fliair aaa^la partainiag to tha urban araou waa alao aufficiantly big (113) and ahowad aooa peeuliar tandttieiaa* In tha rural araa faw narriagaa (3) ara raaordad aaiong (Sindhia** In tha dth eatagory ara includad ail tOthar Hon- Maharaahtrian Hindu Caataa* liica Pardaahi, ^arathi,Manradi and othara* Asengat thaaa paraona tha particular aub-eaata of tha aarrjring aoupla waa not availabla and hanea thay waro groupad ]jBdar tha inform tien ragardiag aaata or coBmmlty auppliad by tha«* South Indiana and liariMuiia hava ragiatarad nora than 2>2«0^ of tha narriagaa and only kt«0^ ara laft to othar 4 gro<;qpa* Iha 9th eatagory ia of Uaina* «ho ahowad diffarant and diatinat tandaneiaa from thoaa of Uhriatiana, Faraia or Java, thou^ all thaaa raligion groupa ware «Othar than Hindua and Mualias** Ihara ara aoma marriagaa aaong Jaina in tha rural araa alao* tha group of vMualiaa* ia nuabarad 10th and tha narriagaa whiah wara contraetad among Bohariaa and Pathana ara alao Ineludad* ^Chia ia tha 3rd biggaat group and nora - 18 - tbaa lO.Ojj^ of aarrlacM In Pooiu city unA 11«0^ in rund ar«a« w«r« r«gist«r«d by it* It is rwf fi(iiifie«it that this group has;^«qttal p«re«Eit«s« of Miriagos wIM^j^thoso of Brahaias in tho rural aroaa« Zho Idth oatagory is of tChristians, Parsis and Jaws* ia whieh ara iAoludad aarriagas asongst Christiaiis, Parsis and Jaws.
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