Ham Bingo Coffee
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I 6 . ■^W-- •• 'A>:,sav The Weather Tu e s d a y , a p r i l 6, ;»€ 0 Average Dally Net Preaa Ron Fsw ifr t U P. A W ieteri iianrtf»0t^r gwttittg. Ijgralit For tea Week Bkaed i > i BQET^ 'A p ril 2, 106# VtelFp BOlB# net and hew to prspare them Tor Civitan Backing He Ate Boa Constrictor eating- for 1 3 ^ 0 9 5 a.-OMIe A ^ u tT ow n “They had samples available, milder. Bgfe near lA Truth Contest and I had some coconut mflk, raw «Cte* Andlt Town Paratrooper Writes „ fish pickled in lime juice and some S moth killers 1M OIrailateMi ManchestBr^A Cify of ViUago Chamt M U GtafiUr, Royal Arcli Ua- boa constrictor. 1 was surprised, I Shop the ' Mfis, # m meat tomorrow lUctat at The Ciyltah Club of Manches but boa tqstes a little like tur 7:*0 at the Maaonlc Templa The ter will, participate In a "Truth Of Jump into Torrid Panama key, but it IS a little tougher. MANCHB8TER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, APpiL 6, I960 newly Inatalled offtcera win he “The next two days, we were ; FAIRWAY Message' Contest,’’ for Radio Free each ^ven a live chicken, a can con*«otug their firet rneeUnf* 0 open thurs. and fri. till 9 pjn. 4 RetnahmenU and a aoclal hoar Europe, it was announced today "tt was Hke Jumping into a Waatf Boy! Was I relieved! 1 stood In teen o f water and i«w potato, and sent out In the Jungle on a win follow. • by James Herdlc, contest chair furnace.’’ that door and I loved every mta- H i II I ute of it. two-day Jungle survival course. If De Gaulle Ends man. That was the reaction of a Man we Wanted anything else to. eat Along the Connecticut State News a t Joeeph** Hothera Cbcle wlU The Crusade fgr>i»edom 1s con “I- could see the whole country ■neat at the home of JSn. John chester paratrooper when he side, the Canal, the spectators in in that time, we had to find it ducting the cbntest which' seeks :funq>ed into 80 degree tempera ourselves. NicholBoo. 3 BMgerton PI., tomor “ truth messages" of 25 words or the vicinity of the drop zone, the London Talks row night ait 8 o ’titock. tures over Panama recently. man standing in the' door of the ,“I really enjoyed it very much RUMMAGE R oundup SUte Rep. David Barry wiU be less to beam across the Iron Cur and would like to go back there Sen. Specialiet 4.C. Samuel J. Haugh, plane next' to oius.’'Whon the green the speaker tonight at the month tain over Radio Free Europe. En a ^ n ,” concluded Haugh. He en About Sunnnit try blanks may be obtained from U.sT Army, took part in Operation light came on, out I went It was SALE est Crest ly meeting of the Manchester Reg Banyan Tree in Panama with the like Jumping into a blast furnace. listed in the Army in July, 1958, Hartford, April 6 (/P)—The istered Nuraea Asan. In. the dining Herdlc. 'The contest closes April after graduation from Manchester 30. Civitan members plan to dis 82nd Airborne DlvUldn. Prom near freezing we Jumped Wed, April 6 Univerfiity of Connecticut was London, April 6 (JP)--Pi’es- room of the hospital at 8. TickeU into 80 degree temperature. After High School. win be tallied for the nurses play posters in business places in . He described hia experiences in scfdded today for faUure to ident de Gaulle wound up his town. "peacetime combat’’ in a letter to hitting the drop zone, we as 9KW AM. gi^ the Lei^Iature full coet nwimit talks with rame spring dance to be held at the sembled arid continued on writh the Manchester Country Club April Six free trips to Europe for two his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel South Mttkodist figures when asking for ap ster Harold Macmillan top a list of 256 prizes which vrill J. Haugh Jr., 71 Garden St. - problem for three days, Since ’38 Due E 30. propriations for new buildings be awarded to writers of winning "We left Pope Air Force Base "Brazilian paratroopers Jumped FREE DELIVERY C h u r c h today. Then he rode through messages. Winners of the Euro Guest Preacher in C-130’s at 12:30 p.m., and it Sponsored by Willing Work and equipment'. streets lined 'with cheering Members of the Holy Marne So Engaged in with us, and there were troops pean trip will get a chance to was real cold here then,” wrote ers and Story Circle of B* THE AftSOOKATBD VOMM ^woric of many amaller rivers and Governor Ribicoff u d niembera crowds to a banquet given by ciety of St James’ church saw a from Columbia, Reru, Chile and LIfifiEnDRUfi streams that lac# through the broadcast their own messages to The Rev. James L. Grant, rector Haugh,-who is stationed kit Fort Panflma participating in the eker- W.8 ;C.S. KMidents of the Connecti of the State FInuce Advisory the Lord Mayor of London. color film on growth and care of The engagement of Miss Eliza.' •tate. Committee criticized school offi beth Ann MacGregor to Robert people behind the Iron Curtain. of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Bragg, N.C. “'Ihe flight waa clse. After the maneuvers were AtThcPARKADE cut River Valley drew back to The French preeidient and Mre. lawns and g ^ e n s at a meeting ------------------------- - ^ smooth, but we couldn’t see any A combination of mriting snows cials over the finuclng of hew last night Guest speakers were Wilcox Warren is announced by Rockville, will be guest preacher over, we went by plane to Port high ground today to let the de GauUe were driven In an open Takes 56% thing because it was dark almost and heavy spring rains In northern dormitories voted by the 1957 Leg David J Marks, manager of Plant- her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Mac at the final Lenten evening service Kobbe where we stayed in bar ztate carriage from Buckingham tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at St all the way down. river, running deep and push sUtM filled the riven and atreami. islature. land, and Gilmore A. Dow, repre Gregor, 381 Center St. Good Business racks. It is a very nice post 15 ing downstream with the big The rain in Connecticut ended late Palace to the ancient guildhall, sentative of the American Agricul Mary’s Episcopal Church. 'Two hours out from our drop miles from Panama City. The FAC, presided over by the •eat of the aeml-lndependent old Her fiance is the son of Mr. and yesterday. Governor, pt<^ded u extra $800,- Of Ballots, tural Chemical Oo. Mrs. Roy B. Warren, 127- ^ n c e - The Rev. Mr. Grant, who came zone, Rio Hato, Panama, we ‘<*ut- “We had clakses for one day at gest crest in years, surge by. City of London. Seen for 1960 to Rockville lasKyear, was former Itie river forecast center at the There waa no rain in the weather, 000 to comply .with a unlvetaary ton St. ed-up’ in the plane. Twenty mirt- the Jungle school down there on m u’s forecast for today or to. Royal household cavalrymen es Hose Co. No. 2, Eighth District ly chaplain of the Girls’ Friendly utea out from the drop zone, all we U.a. weather Bureau In Wlndaor requait that the money is needed corted them on the 25-minute trip. Miss MacGregor was graduated different animals, reptiles, fish, morrow. * to equip five new dormitory build Fire Department wUl meet to from Manchester High School in Palm Springs, Calif., April 5 (JP> Society Holiday House while' he could see was the Pacific. Six min vegetables and fruits; that is, the leocks nald the Conneetlcut’a ci«at Tbia waa the De Gaulles’ 39tb Was rector of Christ Church, The minor riven an doing little 6 Districts morrow at 8 p.m. at' Fire head 1957, and is employed by Putnam —Research economist Dr. Arthur utes out from the drop zone, we ones we could find in the Jungle would paaz Springfield, Maae., at ings. wedding anniversary. F. Bums, once chairman of the Canaan, between 1947 and 1952. noon and be at Hartford tomorrow damage this time, although the "W e have no alternativa t h u to quarters. Main and Hilliard Sts. A Co., Hartford. could see land in the distance. .At which were edible and which were Mre. de GauUe, dressed In mist Council , of Economic Advisors to A native of Bridgeport, the rec tola time we got our Jump com morning. Houaatonic and the Farmington provide this money," declared Rlbi- MHwaukqe, Ajpril 6 Mr. Warren is a 1957 graduate closed a few roads u d forced some blue, waa gay and emiUng. Ih^sldent Elsenhower, says I960' tor is a graduate of Mount Hermon mands: ‘Get ready. Stand up! A t Hartford, which la diked to coff after observing that the $5.8 The lord mayor. Sir Edmund of Manchester High School. He Is residents to,leave their homes yes mUHon bond ieeue voted by the Unoffictiir cornice retami will be a good business year—but School. Trinity College, sind the Hook up! Check static Unea! C he^ 45 fMt, a creat of 28 feet had been Stockdale, welcomed them in the a student at Ohio Wesleyan Uni terday. Leglalature did not provide money from aU 3,446 predneto in tliB not a boom year.