A paper of Marxist polemic and Marxist unity weekly

Ben Lewis looks at the German n People’s Assembly workern Cameron’s nemesis lefts who sided with their own n Miners 1984-85 imperialism in 1914-18 n Iran’s supreme leader No 1016 Thursday June 26 2014 Towards a Communist Party of the European Union www.cpgb.org.uk £1/€1.10

Sinking loyalism and lifeboat nationalism 2 weekly June 26 2014 1016 worker LETTERS

Letters may have been campaigning reached its high point failure to understand the point about (Letters, June 12). This is the voice of passes painlessly into socialism. shortened because of in 1998 with the creation of the first anti-English racism in the referendum totalitarianism speaking. Stephen Diamond space. Some names Scottish parliament since it was period. I make no claim about how the When Marxists gain control of the email  may have been changed abolished by the Act of Union in 1707. situation may change after the result. I left and get into power, they start their In 1998 the CPGB was calling for a hope to comment on the ‘dark side’ of war against religious people. Religious Animal piss Get active “parliament with full powers”. The the ruling class on another occasion, people believe that humanity is being Without wishing to appear rude, I I was glad to see a bit of coverage in struggle for more democracy did not when all Ian sees is their sweetness and manipulated by the devil and his must confess to almost pissing myself the Weekly Worker for the People’s end in 1998 and will not end in 2014, light, in which “a refusal to accept the demons and so the religious element with laughter when reading Jon Assembly movement. Peter Manson whatever the outcome. result of the referendum by the British naturally regard Marxists as the agents Hochschartner’s letter that sought to raised the important question for the If the referendum does not yet achieve state is not very likely”. I don’t know of Satan and teach that communism develop a Marxist animalism (June 19). aftermath of the No More Austerity “full powers”, it is certainly more whether the word “accept” includes must be from the devil, when in fact Marxism and animalism cannot march: ‘Where next for the People’s powers for the parliament and people sabotage, blackmail and other dirty it is humanity’s natural state. be married. Working animals do not Assembly?’ (June 19). than Blair’s settlement of 1998. As for tricks. This is one example of how produce value, nor surplus value, and In particular, he asks it of two the word “struggle”, the referendum is Steve Freeman Marxism, a fundamentally flawed have no desire to be emancipated from leading members of Counterfire - I simply the latest focus for agitation, LU Scottish Republic Yes tendency doctrine, has undermined the struggle their lives of drudgery. Maybe we suspect this is by way of an invitation propaganda, street canvassing, petitions for socialism and will continue to should be nicer to them, though. to debate. Since I’m not a member of and demonstrations, etc. In Scotland Hoi polloi so until the left wakes up. I want a The source of all value is human that organisation, I can only comment political activists are struggling, even The letters page of the Weekly Worker socialist revolution, not a Marxist one. labour. Animals add nothing, but like on its perspectives as an outsider. I if where Ian is in London there is no never ceases to amaze, given the Tony Clark all the other tools, they can transfer part suspect, like many of the signatories to struggle. breath-taking range of ideas and email of their own value (the original cost of the PA, their members are of the view The unionist camp is for no change, erudition often on display. Last week, the beast) on to the production of a that events external to the movement so it says ‘no’ on the ballot paper. The Tony Roberts informed us that the Rate of profit new commodity only in the context of we can build today will be decisive in unionist parties are trying to cover their “Vicar of Rome does not really believe Arthur Bough argues that the tendency utilisation by man. the PA’s strategy - such as the outcome obvious conservatism by promising in in god’s existence” (June 19). to decline doesn’t apply to the true It’s best to regard working animals of the independence referendum, the the event of a ‘no’ majority they will I am shocked by this revelation, (annual) profit rate, concluding: as akin to machinery when assessing general election, and so on. introduce as little change as possible. but also overcome with envy. Despite “The only way the law could cause them from a Marxist standpoint. Their Certainly, this appears to be the view But once they have won, their incentive repeated requests to the Vatican, His permanent stagnation would be if ‘work’ only has an ostensible aura of of leading members of the Communist to deliver will diminish close to zero. Holiness has never seen fit to grant me capital, and its harnessing of science value-creation to the extent it is utilised Party of Britain, as evidenced by their This would not bother Sandy an audience. Yet comrade Roberts has and technology to its needs, absolutely by mankind. Hence it is blatantly general secretary’s recent Morning McBurney, for whom democracy not only managed to meet the pontiff, ran out of innovations, by which obvious that if there was no mankind Star articles on the Labour Party. The is irrelevant, because capitalism but has also had privileged access to his new use-values could be turned into nothing an animal does would have Greens want to position themselves as is capitalism. Changes in political innermost thoughts. I wonder what the commodities, providing capital with economic value. a repository for disillusioned Labour institutions and constitutional laws pope sees in comrade Roberts that I so new lines of production, into which the Therefore, the possible increase in votes, but have activists who are just make no difference. Lenin would have obviously lack. released capital, accumulated surplus wealth from the utilisation of animals as sincere in wanting to build the PA. condemned such ‘economism’ as the Is he aware, for example, of value and relative surplus population can only be understood in the sense of So I found comrade Manson’s left/ failure to recognise or understand the comrade Roberts’ destructive could be employed” (‘False premises, it increasing the productivity of human right positioning a little confusing: of importance of democratic political appetites? I fear not. Roberts tells us false conclusions’, June 19). The claim labour. Thus human labour historically the supporters he lists as being “well struggle. Ian is not much better at in his letter that “people who believe and conclusion are inconsistent with became more productive with the use to the right” of a “shopping list” of recognising a “struggle for democracy” in god should be forewarned that all the labour theory of value; they also of animals - for example, with its time- demands that anyone “to the left of the or its class significance. religious buildings after the revolution foster reformism. saving properties. Tories” would agree to, I imagine all Hence Ian says: “Communists will be bulldozed and replaced with The inconsistency can be seen by So scratch beneath the surface: bar Rowan Williams would publicly seek to overthrow both bourgeoisies, hospitals and decent housing for the means of a thought experiment, where the root of the wealth remains human advocate such reforms. not rearrange their relations with working class”. One wonders what constant capital completely replaces labour. To see an animal as a source Most of the parliamentary Labour each other”. This leads to ultra-left other interesting ideas he might have variable capital. Regardless of whether is to fetishise a thing and mystify the Party would not (yet?) publicly conclusions - stand aside or abstain for “after the revolution”. Why stop at you accept the empirical possibility, real process. Animalism is no more support demands for energy company from the political ‘rearrangement’ of bulldozers? Perhaps he would like to it simplifies the logic: in a labour- rational than a chef who is completely renationalisation, a statutory living the national question. In fact this is rip out all the pictures in the National free market economy, there can be absorbed in commodity fetishism and wage, etc - but nothing I’ve heard or upside-down. It is the bourgeoisies that Gallery with any religious content and no exploitation, no surplus value and, consequently might falsely attribute read from War on Want’s John Hilary, seek to “rearrange their relations with with them build an impressive bonfire ultimately, no production. the source of the value of his fried fish the Green MP Caroline Lucas or TUC each other”, and communists see in in Trafalgar Square. No doubt a small The thought experiment is a logical to his brand-new spatula rather than general secretary Frances O’Grady this the opportunity to overthrow them. army of zealots could be employed, exercise, but it isn’t merely that. his own work. suggests that they are out of step with Ian seems concerned that equipped with Stanley knives, to cut Perhaps a century hence (according Barry Curtis the People’s Assembly’s adopted communists and republican socialists out of every book all references to to the experts), if humanity lasts long email policy direction. The consciousness won’t accept the result if there is a religious matters, and so on. enough, artificial intelligence will be of people employed by NGOs, ‘no’ vote, and therefore won’t meekly I suspect that these destructive the human intellect’s superior. Artificial Windbags parliament, the peak organisation of give up the struggle for a Scottish appetites have much to do with a intelligence - whose foreseeability also Last week I had an exchange on the trades union movement, will be republic. He assures us that the British brutalist and flattened concept of a shows how wrong Arthur Bough is Facebook with Louis Proyect, who shaped by their material conditions - ruling class will accept a ‘yes’ vote socialist future. Fortunately, the political in his impressionistic denial that the has reviewed Richard Seymour’s new but can we doubt their sincerity? because “an unwanted result would emancipation of the working class itself organic composition of capital rises book, Against austerity. So I don’t think it is accurate to have a political cost that intelligent filters out the likes of comrade Roberts. - will one day run production. The Of the author himself he had said categorise the People’s Assembly as ruling class strategists would no doubt Far from destroying things, socialism thought experiment can be concretised over on Counterpunch: “At the risk of less politically advanced than Left consider much too high”. is about taking things over. We want by imagining a society where capital inflating the young man’s ego, I regard Unity - or other parties which are Ian says my “references to the working people to occupy the great halls is privately, owned but entirely run by him as the most compelling prose stylist supportive of the PA. ‘darker side of the struggle for and mansions, and gasp, ‘Blimey, all artificial intelligence. In such a society, on the left since Alexander Cockburn James Doran democracy’, however, are a sign that this is ours now!’ We want the working constant capital has completely replaced in his heyday and Christopher Hitchens Darlington he [ie, me] is preparing to refuse to class to sit in sumptuous marble variable capital, so that no surplus before he turned into Mr Hyde. Also, accept the results of the referendum halls, under glittering chandeliers, value exists, and since constant capital unlike most people who write for Left cosy if the Scottish people vote not to quaffing champagne and listening to only realises its own value, increase leftwing publishing houses, Seymour With various left unity (no capitals) separate”. The word “accept” is Bach cantatas. We want the sons and in exchange value is impossible. has a brash but self-effacing manner initiatives, there has been a tendency ambiguous. Of course I “accept” the daughters of the working class to Will these private enterprises, in an that is as refreshing as a cold beer on to unite around a vague idea of what outcome is what it is. flood the top universities and learn, for economy of commodity and capital a sweltering summer night.” it means to be ‘left’ - and to not But do I think a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ vote is example, the difference between Ionic, producers without a labour market, be So he didn’t like my own review want people to rock the unity boat. the final result. Of course not. This is a Doric and Corinthian columns rather able to continuously expand production, very much (‘Against bad things’, Left Unity (with capitals) could referendum rigged up by Cameron and than the ‘vocational training’ and NVQs limited only by capitalist ingenuity - June 12), and quoted this passage provide an opportunity to do things Salmon and does not have a republican that are reserved for them now. We want which, under these circumstances, will from it: “We need an approach that differently, to get to grips in an honest option. So naturally I would not accept the class to know that rich and beautiful be vast? The Marxian answer is no. takes ideology seriously, and registers way with real differences on the left, the result is the democratic solution to things are also for them. Indeed that all If capitalists don’t exploit labour, the ways in which slow, long-term while developing unity in action on the national question. Win or lose, the of it - the whole shebang of culture and they find (in the general case) no ideological struggle shape the terrain democratically agreed points. struggle for republican democracy will civilisation - belongs to them. advantage to risking their capital in and situates people with respect to Or it could go down the road of continue. Ian is right to think he does not Fundamental to the bourgeois production. They can at best compete emerging battles. This has perhaps been effectively discouraging debate that ‘trust’ the republicans. But he naively outlook is the belief that the upper for a redivision of the spoils, and there the most serious dereliction so far, and threatens its cosy ‘We’re all good trusts the ‘common-sense intelligence’ classes are a cut above the hoi polloi is no general advantage in entering partially accounts for the short-termism lefties together’ image. of the “ruling class strategists”. and that the privileges they enjoy need such a competition, which would - the constant over-optimism over the Alan Theasby Ian says: “For someone to imply not be shared with the masses because become merely a form of gambling latest flashpoint of struggle, followed by Middlesbrough that only a ‘yes’ vote is democratic it would be wasted on them. Nothing with negative expected gain. The moral demoralisation, in which only the most is an attack on the free exercise of demoralises the bourgeoisie more than of the tendency of the rate of profit to hardened activists remain - that leaves In one pile that democratic right by the people seeing working people brush aside such decline is that commodity production us flailing every time.” In response to Ian Donovan’s ‘Dog- of Scotland”. I never said the ‘yes’ pretensions and make high culture their becomes grossly inefficient as the Proyect’s comment was: “What whistling’ there are issues that Ian did vote was “democratic”; I said it was own. That is when they know they have economy develops and, as societal a load of self-important windbags!” not understand (Letters, June 19). So a vote “for more democracy”. I could had it as a class. necessities, the realisation of existing - meaning us at the Weekly Worker. he has invented a few arguments of his have said a ‘no’ vote is a vote against So, comrade Roberts, please, put that values comes to dominate over the Unfortunately he didn’t realise that own to knock down. Let us begin with more democracy. Sandy McBurney sledgehammer away. extraction of surplus value. I had actually been quoting Richard the proposition that a ‘yes’ vote in the thinks that Cameron’s ‘no’ vote goes Susil Gupta Arthur Bough’s exegesis is reformist Seymour’s own words from the last Scottish referendum will be “part of in a different pile to his. He imagines email in implication, because, if capitalism page of Against austerity. a ‘struggle for democracy’”. This is that they will put his own in a separate can develop the forces of production “I have read and understood correct. So Ian wants to skirt around pile of ‘revolutionary proletarian Totalitarianism to an unlimited extent, the most Richard’s book,” Proyect insisted it rather than confront it. internationalist ‘no’ votes’. Sorry to Tony Roberts writes that “... people reasonable conclusion is that major afterwards - but within an hour he had The struggle to extend democracy disillusion Sandy, but his vote will be who believe in god should be social conflict can be avoided by letting deleted the comment. in Scotland has been going on at in the pile headed up by Cameron. forewarned that all religious buildings the economy develop under capitalism Daniel Harvey least since 1979. Over 30 years of The last point concerns Ian’s after the revolution will be bulldozed” until conditions are so ripe that society Kent BCM Box 928, London WC1N 3XX l 020 7241 1756 l www.weeklyworker.co.uk l [email protected] weekly 3 worker 1016 June 26 2014 PEOPLE’S ASSEMBLY

CPGB podcasts Every Monday we upload a podcast commenting on the current political situation. In addition, the site features voice files of public meetings and other events: http://cpgb.org.uk/home/podcasts. London Communist Forum Sunday June 29, 5pm: Weekly political report from CPGB Provisional Central Committee, followed by open discussion and Capital reading group. Calthorpe Arms, 252 Grays Inn Road, London WC1. This meeting: Vol 1, appendix: ‘Results of the immediate process of production’ (continued). Organised by CPGB: www.cpgb.org.uk. Radical Anthropology Group Introduction to anthropology: Cosmology, history and archaeology Tuesday July 1, 6.30pm: ‘The elima and molimo ceremonies of the BaMbuti’. Speaker: Chris Knight. Cock Tavern, 23 Phoenix Road, London NW1 (five minutes walk from Euston station). Admission free, but donations appreciated. Organised by Radical Anthropology Group: www.radicalanthropologygroup.org. Remember Guantánamo victims Thursday June 26, 6.30pm: Vigil on International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, outside National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, London WC2. Organised by Stop the War Coalition: www.stopwar.org.uk. No to sultan Thursday June 26, 5.30pm: Protest, outside Dorchester Hotel - owned by sexist, homophobic sultan of Brunei - Park Lane, London W1. In concert with similar protests in USA, France, Switzerland and Italy. Organised by Unite Central London Hotel Workers Branch: www.hotelworkers.org.uk. Homes without landlords Friday June 27, 2pm, Saturday June 28, 6pm: Launch of Birmingham Student Housing Co-op, 805 Pershore Road, Russell Brand: keep them waiting Birmingham B29. Organised by Birmingham Student Housing Co-operative: www.facebook.com/events/287418581431599. Capitalism and war A prelude for July 10 Friday June 27, 7pm: Film screening, Cock Tavern, Phoenix Road, Euston, London NW1. Abel Gance’s anti-war film,J’accuse . Free admission. ussell Brand was the poster boy, to. As the Morning Star, the most Soon we will reach a size and influence Organised by The Real WWI: www.therealww1.wordpress.com. or star attraction, at the People’s enthusiastic cheerleaders of the where neither the BBC nor this Fenland Trade Union Festival RAssembly demonstration on People’s Assembly, reported, “Trade austerity government will be able to Saturday June 28, 12pm to 5pm: Celebration of the miners’ Great Saturday June 21 in central London. union leaders made it clear that ignore us.” Strike, Rosmini Centre, Queens Road, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire. And like any star he kept the crowd Saturday’s thousands-strong march Organised by Wisbech, March and District Trades Union Council: waiting in anticipation. was a dress rehearsal for planned These ambitious statements were [email protected]. His appearance was the final act on strikes on July 10 that could see repeated in his report of the demonstration a baking hot June day, when thousands millions walk out” (June 23). With a for the PA, headed “50,000 bring central The real of people marched from the BBC’s large presence at the demonstration, London to a standstill”. He said: “This Saturday June 28, 1.30pm: Guided tour to explore the alternative Portland Place offices, along Regent the National Union of Teachers was movement is here to stay, we’re rapidly history: suffragettes, soldiers and workers. Parliament Square, London SW1. Street and on to Parliament Square. the first to call its members out. growing in size, and we are willing to Organised by The Real World War I: http://therealww1.wordpress.com. According to the organisers, no fewer Unison, the GMB and PCS will be take further action until the views of Urbicide of Palestine than 50,000 took part, but more striking on July 10 too, but Unite has the majority are represented.” In fact, Friday July 4 to Monday August 4: Exhibition, To the jungle, 6 sober estimates put the true figure yet to decide on action. “The demonstration marked the start of a Dalston Lane, Dalston Junction, Hackney, London E8. at around half that. Nevertheless, National secretary of the People’s new wave of resistance over the next few Organised by Palestine Solidarity Campaign: www.palestinecampaign.org. the protest against austerity should Assembly, Sam Fairbairn, said: “Make months.” For example, “In September, a be regarded as a success for the PA, no mistake, these cuts are killing big demonstration will take place outside Save Independent Living Fund the campaign initiated by John Rees people and destroying cherished the Conservative Party conference in Friday July 4, 2pm: Tea party against cuts to disabled people’s social and his Counterfire group. (Not that public services, which have served Birmingham, and on October 18 we’ll benefits, department for work and pensions, Caxton House, Tothill you would have thought anything generations.” Sentiments echoes by be working with the TUC to get one of Street, London SW1. had happened, had you relied on the Owen Jones, Caroline Lucas, Mark the biggest demonstrations in British Organised by Disabled People Against the Cuts: www.dpac.uk.net. mainstream media.) Steel, Christine Blower and all the history in London.”1 l No to Gove There were trade union banners other speakers. According to Fairbairn, Simon Wells Saturday July 5, 8.30pm: Performance by Banner Theatre of Lies, from Unison, the PCS and FBU, plus “Later this autumn, we will unite with damned lies and academies, Emmanuel Church Hall, Forest Road, contingents from the left, in the shape the trade union and labour movement Notes Loughborough LE11. £5 (£3 concessions). of the Socialist Workers Party, Socialist when it holds another monster march 1. www.thepeoplesassembly.org.uk/50_000_ Organised by Loughborough Left Unity: Party in England and Wales, Socialist against austerity and the Con Dems. bring_central_london_to_a_standstill. [email protected]. Resistance, Left Unity, Alliance National Shop Stewards Network for Workers’ Liberty, etc, together Saturday July 5, 11am to 5pm: Conference, Conway Hall, 25 Red with numerous other campaigns - Communist University 2014 Lion Square, London WC1. £6. from Justice for Mark Duggan to Organised by National Shop Stewards Network: http://shopstewards.net. 9/11 conspiracy theorists. However, Saturday August 16 to Saturday August 23 inclusive despite the large left presence, the Goldsmiths University No to austerity demonstration did not feel like the Monday July 7, 6.30pm: Comedy benefit gig for the People’s usual outing for the left. The march Surrey House, 80 Lewisham Way, Assembly, Hammersmith Apollo, 45 Queen Caroline Street, London was divided into blocks - not just those New Cross, London, SE14 6PB W6. Tickets: £20-£30. Confirmed acts include: Jo Brand, Jeremy Hardy, Mark Steel and Robin Ince. against the cuts and trade unionists, but Full week, with accommodation: £200 (£250 solidarity, £110 concessions) everyone from anti-war campaigners Organised by People’s Assembly: www.thepeoplesassembly.org.uk. to environmentalists. Full week, no accommodation: £60 (£30 concessions) Divestment now Russell Brand, who only stayed First weekend (one night’s accommodation): £40 (£25) Wednesday July 9, 10am to 2pm: Protest Outside Sainsbury’s AGM, for his brief stage appearance, said: One day: £10 (£5). One session: £5 (£2.50) Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre, Broad Sanctuary, off Parliament “I’m very grateful to be involved in New Cross Square, London SW1. the People’s Assembly.” He referred Organised by Palestine Solidarity Campaign: www.palestinecampaign.org. to a “peaceful, effortless, joyful revolution”, which, apparently, would Durham Miners Gala not be “a revolution of radical ideas”, Saturday July 12, 8.30am till late: Annual labour movement day but “the implementation of ideas we event, Durham city centre. already have”. For his part, Unite Organised by Durham Miners Gala: http://durhamminers.org/Gala.html. general secretary Len McCluskey New Cross Gate Against austerity said: “We will make certain that we use Tuesday July 15, 7pm: Meeting, Five Leaves Bookshop, 14A Long every tool at our disposal”, adding that Row, Nottingham NG. Speaker: Andrew Fisher. he was prepared to call on his members Surrey House Organised by Labour Representation Committee: www.l-r-c.org.uk. to take part in a “general strike when Lewishham 80Way Lewishham that is necessary”. CPGB wills Way Remember the CPGB and keep the struggle going. Put our party’s When McCluskey says there could name and address, together with the amount you wish to leave, in your be a general strike, then everyone will. If you need further help, do not hesitate to contact us. says there could be a general strike. But for the moment, there is smaller- scale industrial action to look forward 4 weekly June 26 2014 1016 worker EUROPEAN UNION Boxed into a tight corner David Cameron’s incompetent campaign against Jean-Claude Juncker has exposed his lack of bargaining power within Europe, says Eddie Ford ust as the Corn Laws haunted the minute. Some chance, especially former finance minister, Jacek were an obvious sleight of hand - the not less. That will not change even Conservative Party throughout when you consider that only a few Rostowski. Sikorski has traditionally politics of deception. Most, if not if the aliens invade. Remember the Jthe 19th century, Europe acts as weeks ago the 55-member ECR been very close to numerous senior virtually all, aspects of the British referendums that were run and rerun a running sore for the modern-day “very narrowly” voted to admit the Tories - whilst at Oxford University, financial services industry (routine in Denmark and Ireland? As we saw, Tories. Desperate to steal the clothes Eurosceptically inclined Alternative he was even a member of the notorious banking, insurance and accounting) the elites were not satisfied until of the UK Independence Party and für Deutschland (AfD), a foe of Bullingdon Club at the same time as that Cameron was supposedly they got the result they wanted - ie, appease the Eurosceptics within his Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union, Boris Johnson. defending from the perfidious complete support/acceptance of the own party, David Cameron is trying which won seven of ’s 96 In the first conversation, thought bureaucrats were wholly unaffected Lisbon treaty. The very last the Euro- to come across as a man of principle seats for the European parliament in to have been taped in spring this year, by the proposed changes to the EU bureaucrats want is a major, or even determined to get a radically reformed the last elections. True, it was against Rostowski is quoted as saying that treaty. The wicked ‘Tobin tax’ that so minor, renegotiation of the Lisbon and less centralist European Union. A the wishes of Cameron, but it was the no Polish government could agree to annoyed Cameron had to be agreed treaty - just think of all the hassle. looser trading bloc that will bend to vote of two Conservative rebels in Cameron’s renegotiation proposals, by all EU members - how likely was David Cameron will not be allowed British concerns over labour reforms the ECR that swung the result.1 Not “except in return for a mountain of that? Even the toothless regulatory to cherry-pick what he wants from and ‘competitiveness’, the free a good day for the Tory leader. gold” (it is unclear whether the two proposals, which in theory could Brussels, now or in the future. movement of people, EU migrants’ David Cameron is particularly ministers were discussing Britain’s be authorised by qualified majority access to benefits, and so on. And, aggravated by the Spitzenkandidaten proposed revision of the principles voting, would in reality have required Futile most importantly of all, a Europe process, which he regards as a of free movement within the EU, or unanimity - otherwise they would have Meaning that Cameron’s increasingly that he can positively sell to the backroom power grab by the more specifically the plans to curb EU been a total non-starter. José Manuel futile stance will make for a turbulent British public, come the promised parliament, because the Lisbon treaty migrants’ access to benefits). Sikorski Barroso, the incumbent EC president, summit. In the words of one unnamed 2017 in-out referendum on continued actually gives the EU’s 28 leaders then replies: “It’s either a very badly even tabled a clause making it explicit EU ambassador, Cameron is “scaring British membership - vote ‘yes’ to both the right to nominate the president thought through move, or, not for the that the various regulatory measures in everyone off” with his tactics - Europe and Cameron’s leadership. - which the European parliament first time, a kind of incompetence the fiscal compact applied only to the turning the UK into a “dangerous Cameron’s fake Churchillian then rubber-stamps. Outrageously, at in European affairs. Remember? He euro zone countries and thus would not partner for all of us”.3 But British grandstanding has taken the form of least in the opinion of Cameron, the fucked up the fiscal pact. He fucked it undermine the single market or permit officials, on the other hand, believe a campaign to prevent Jean-Claude council now has to take the outcome up. Simple as that. He is not interested, any “discrimination” against non-euro if the prime minister “caved in” Juncker, the former prime minister of the elections into account before he does not get it, he believes in the states - which Cameron haughtily now it would send a signal to other of Luxembourg and experienced selecting the new EC president. stupid propaganda, he stupidly tries to rejected on the spurious ground that EU members that Cameron will be political fixer, from becoming the Interestingly enough, Alexis Tsipras play the system.” To which Rostowski they posed a “risk to the integrity of “weak” in subsequent negotiations next president of the European of Syriza - poster boy and hero of replies: “His problem is that it’s not the internal market”, and crap like that. on a new deal for Britain ahead of the Commission. A position chosen using a large section of the British left - his objective - it’s just a short-term So what exactly did the prime 2017 referendum. Stupidly, Cameron the Spitzenkandidaten system, via supports the candidacy of Juncker for propaganda effect.” In another secretly minister ‘veto’ in 2011? As Sikorski has boxed himself into a corner - as which the main pan-EU groups in precisely that very reason: ie, he wants taped conversation, the spokesman for would put it, fuck all. Hence for him to they say in Polish, he is fucked the European parliament nominate a to set the historic precedent of having the Polish prime minister, Donald Tusk, return home from Brussels as though he whatever he does. “lead candidate” - Juncker being the the EC president elected directly by claims the latter “fucked [Cameron] up was a conquering hero was a sick joke, The Juncker question is not preferred candidate of the centre-right the European parliament.2 As far as good” during a conversation with the even if the rightwing press was happy therefore some trivial or passing European People’s Party. This is the Tsipras is concerned, Juncker won the British prime minister over plans to to tell its readers that black is white. issue, but of great significance, as it largest grouping in the parliament, election - thus he should get the job. curb access to benefits in the UK. Instead, rather than displaying his exposes Cameron’s fundamental lack to which the Tories used to belong Bluntly, it hard to disagree with principles, he had just blockheadedly of bargaining power in Europe - and until Cameron abruptly pulled out in Humiliation such an assessment of Cameron’s removed himself from the negotiating in turn, thanks to the law of expected 2009 in favour of the rightwing, anti- Presumably, Cameron thought performance - it has been amateurish table, just making it more likely - not consequences in this particular case, federalist European Conservatives and it would be a smart idea to turn and incompetent. Sikorski’s barbed less - that the interests of British capital strengthened those forces that want Reformists (ECR), antagonising many Juncker into a symbol of everything reference to the fiscal pact is quite would be sidelined relative to the other to withdraw from the EU altogether. fellow European conservatives in the that is wrong with Europe - the illuminating. At the end of 2011 competing capitalist powers. More Nigel Farage can easily point out that process. Anyhow, according to normal unacceptable face of old Europe. Cameron went to Brussels and made impressive work from Cameron. Cameron will not come back from procedure, Juncker therefore gets the But the Conservative leader will be a big show of vetoing any amendments Now it looks like history is about Brussels triumphantly waving a bit of first bite of the cherry, and what a the new broom that sweeps away the to the Lisbon treaty: principally the to repeat itself - first time as con paper - he cannot even influence who prized cherry it is - the top job in the ancien rėgime. new fiscal agreement championed by trick, second time as total farce. gets to become EC president. Euro-bureaucracy. Sadly for Cameron, though happily Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy. David Cameron will not be returning In which case, what will happen However, charging into battle for Nigel Farage, he has played it Apparently, if you were foolish enough triumphant from the Brussels summit in 2017, assuming the Tories are without looking over his shoulder totally wrong. In fact, he now faces to believe Cameron and George this week, not even his friends in the still in office? Ed Miliband has to see how many troops he has humiliation over his stance. Something Osborne, the pact represented a mortal rightwing press will be able pull off repeatedly asked Cameron - if you behind him, or seemingly any plan that was cruelly revealed on June 23 threat to the British financial system. such a conjuring trick this time round. only get what suspiciously looks like at all, Cameron has vowed to fight by the Polish Wprost magazine, which The City would be regulated and taxed Barring divine intervention, he has European crumbs, or less, then how “to the end” - including forcing printed transcripts of secretly out of existence. Disaster would befall no chance whatsoever of preventing exactly are you going to vote in the an unprecedented vote at taped conversations the country if Cameron did not wield Juncker from becoming EC president, referendum? Showing the confusion the European Council between Radosław his veto. let alone pushing through his reforms that is Cameron’s approach to Europe, this week, in the Sikorski, the Yet Cameron’s antics at Brussels - and he must know that. Any slender Downing Street in recent days has hope that Angela Polish foreign hope he had of blocking the former hinted that Cameron is prepared Merkel and minister, Luxembourg president must surely to threaten EU leaders that he will other leaders and the have been extinguished on June 21 after recommend a ‘no’ vote in 2017 if will blink nine centre-left leaders - including Juncker gets elected or if they fail at the last François Hollande of France and to embrace wide-ranging reforms. Matteo Renzi of Italy - declared A No10 spokeswoman on June 23 their support for Juncker. Delphically stated that the national Another blow must have leaders of the European council “need been delivered on June 23 in to think about the fact” that if David Downing Street, when Herman Cameron is re-elected “clearly the Van Rompuy - the incumbent decisions” taken by the EU in that president of the European period from now until the referendum council - handed Cameron a “will affect British voters’ views of the ‘confidential’ blueprint outlining EU” and is “likely to affect the way the EU’s “priorities” for the next they vote in any such referendum”.4 five years. Hardly astonishingly, But suddenly advocating a ‘no’ it fails to deliver any of the vote runs even greater dangers than substantial reforms that Cameron his present ‘yes, but’ approach - is proposing in order to claim the least of which will be White sufficient concessions to win a House disapproval. Hillary Clinton ‘yes’ vote in the 2017 referendum. has made her views clear, telling The blueprint holds out no prospect the BBC on June 13 that “Europe of even discussing EU treaty change needs Britain” and the UK “brings a and absolutely fails to countenance perspective and an experience that is Cameron’s key demand for national very important to Europe, especially parliaments to be given a veto over post-economic crisis” - which you European legislation. can more or less interpret as a call The undeniable fact for a ‘yes’ vote in 2017 l is that mainstream politicians of all political [email protected] hues in Germany and France - and the Notes core countries as a 1. The Daily Telegraph June 12. 2. www.euronews.com/2014/05/30/tsipras-backs- group - want greater juncker-for-the-ec-presidency. centralisation and 3. Financial Times June 23. David Cameron and his nemesis ‘ever closer union’, 4. The Guardian June 23. weekly 5 worker 1016 June 26 2014 MINERS 1984-85 The question of Polish coal In the last instalment of reprints covering the miners’ Great Strike of 1984-85 we flagged up a political health warning.1 Back then, The Leninist - the forerunner of today’s Weekly Worker - adhered to the fairly conventional world view of most of the revolutionary left. Simply put, this was that the USSR and the states of eastern Europe in its orbit were - to greater or lesser extents - conquests for the working class that had to be defended by the workers’ movement. The origins of our trend within ‘official communism’ meant that we used a particular lexicon when articulating this position, but, in truth, our basic template belonged to the Trotskyist tradition - despite our dismissive references in the article below. Of course, our ‘Trotskyism’ aside, the mere fact that we had the temerity to criticise the leadership of any ‘socialist country’ at all put us at odds with the majority trends on the left of the ‘official’ CPGB. However, as this William Hughes article illustrates, even the partial theoretical insights we had won at that early stage of our development meant that we were already butting heads with the notion of the USSR and states such as Poland as ‘socialist’ and with the idea of ‘proletarian internationalism’ as the art either of diplomatic silences or orchestrated stormy ovations. Internationalism for us then - as now - meant that “the actions of the leaders” of the workers’ movement and what we then dubbed the “socialist countries” in any part of the world “must … be assessed for the degree to which they hinder or advance the struggle for world socialism”. The leaders of the ‘official communism’ of yesteryear failed that test miserably - most dramatically in strategically important battles such as that of the miners. Is today’s left - so much of which has fallen into national ‘socialist’ projects of varying degrees of absurdity - any better? Mark Fischer

roletarian internationalism is How much more should we expect the strike; introducing a ban on coal not an abstract formula. It is of our Polish comrades, whose official exports to Britain, while the miners are Pan objective law given birth to ideology is ‘Marxism-Leninism’? fighting it out; offering free holidays by the development­ of international The miners’ struggle is not simply to miners’ children to ease a little the capitalism it­self. It is a law which just another industrial dispute. It is severe pressures that these families recognises that the struggles of the one of strategic importance for the must be facing; and campaigning working class, in whatever country whole working class and we have a amongst Polish workers for a levy to they take place, are ultimately right to expect and a duty to demand help the crucial struggle of their British indivisible. As we have argued, the international class solidarity, especial­ class brothers and sisters. If the Polish ‘touchstone’ of internationalism­ for ly from those countries where our class party took the lead in fighting for and Marxists in the capitalist world is has actually achieved state power. organising these and other actions their attitude to the socialist countries We remind those comrades, of real solidarity, it could have two and above all the Soviet Union. But especially Straight Left,7 who would effects. proletarian internationalism - precisely probably denounce our fraternal  First - the prestige and standing because it is not an abstract concept criticism of the Polish party, that Lenin of living socialism would increase and it has this material basis - is not a was unequivocal in defining the tasks immeasurably in the eyes of workers ‘one-way’ phenomenon. The actions of proletarian internationalism as in Britain and all over the world. of the leaders of the socialist countries firstly fighting for socialist revolution  Second - amongst Polish workers must also be assessed for the degree in one’s own country and, secondly, themselves, who seem to have sullenly to which they hinder or advance the to support this revolutionary line accepted the fact of the crushing of struggle for world socialism. and only this line in every other Solidarność, the party could not be With this in mind, all communists country without exception. Straight seen as a grey, repressive bureaucracy, should be deeply disturbed by the role Left, in their ironically aptly named but a living, dynamic organisation that our Polish comrades are currently section on ‘Anti-internationalism’ in which uses its presence in Polish playing in the miners’ strike in their ‘Woods’ pamphlet, grotesquely society to fight for workers’ interests continuing to allow and even increase redefine proletarian internationalism both at home and abroad. exports of coal to this country. Various as in “principle” meaning “deferring No doubt some comrades would Trotskyite publications have seized to a country’s own Communist Party argue that Poland, beset as it is by gleefully on the Polish authorities’ on questions mainly affecting it”.8 chronic economic problems, cannot actions in order to spice up their Thus presumably ‘internationalism’ ‘afford’ such gestures. But then, could anti-communist wailings and their for Straight Left means “deferring” to the Soviet Union in 1926, bled white continued support for the bosses’ trade No help from the Polish comrades the French party when it expresses its by civil war, struggling to overcome union, Solidarność. We have even support for an “independent” French its legacy of extreme economic had Dennis Skinner MP, a member that representatives of the Polish coal Union Congress had declared a general nuclear deterrent or to ‘comrade’ Pol backwardness and the effects of of Her Majesty’s loyal opposition, industry had arrived in Britain to strike in support of the miners, the Pot when he bans books and smiling imperialist encirclement ‘afford’ writing to the Polish ambassador to negotiate a long-term increase in this workers of the Soviet Union reacted in Cambodia. solidarity with the British miners? Let register his disgust at “the constant unfortunate trade. Indeed, May Day spontaneously. Without waiting for a Yet, even with their hopelessly us put it another way - as a socialist announcements regarding the imports this year was shamefully ‘celebrated’ lead, meetings were called all over its incorrect definition of proletarian country, can Poland ultimately ‘afford’ of Polish coal into this country whilst by the arrival of a heavy consignment vast territories. In Kharkov, at the end internationalism, we ask Straight to do otherwise? the British miners are on strike. This of coal from Poland at Teignmouth of the day, columns of workers poured Left: Is this question of Polish coal Poland’s problems can certainly can only be a policy of strike-breaking docks in south-west England - a cargo out of factories and offices with flags exports one “mainly affecting” the never be solved by economic sops to and I would like to know how you can which was apparently unloaded by flying and bands playing and made Polish state? Surely it has far wider the Polish workers, especially if they claim to be socialists by undertaking­ non-union labour. their way to the great square in the implications for the international class are won at the expense of scabbing on this course of action.”2 Poland’s social and economic centre of the city ... It was estimat­ struggle? Does Polish coal not ‘affect’ workers’ struggles in other countries. We would be the last to deny problems, despite the respite of martial ed that more than 100,000 people British miners? And isn’t it interesting The sooner our Polish comrades realise Mr Skinner his ‘harder than thou’ law, remain immense. The dislocation participated.”4 that the Soviet seamen’s union has, it this, the better for the defence and posturing, but we would certainly in production caused by Solidarność’s An appeal for a quarter of a day’s says, “since the very first days of the advancement of socialism in Poland recommend that, if he wants to cross counterrevolutionary bid for state pay from all Soviet workers to help strike”, taken steps “to prevent coal and internationally. swords with some really accomplished power, along with the acute political their British comrades was issued. and later oil deliveries”­ to Britain? We call on comrades in the Party ‘strike-breakers’, he might start in the and social problems that accompanied Many workers, however, considered So what is Straight Left’s position? and the Young Communist League ranks of his own party. it, have apparently produced a desire this too little and Trory gives examples Will it in parallel with the principled (and we challenge Straight Left if Having said that, however, we for economic consolidation and social of the many thousands who levied proletarian internationalism of The they have any pretensions to be must clearly state that we condemn peace almost at any price. themselves half or a full day’s pay.5 Leninist sharply criticise our Polish revolutionaries) to exercise one the actions of our Polish comrades in Yet socialism in Poland will not be The central committee of the Water comrades and call for them to follow aspect of proletarian internationalism allowing coal to be still exported to saved by injections of hard currency Transport Workers Union, in contrast the lead of the Soviet seamen? We that has fallen into disuse - the right Britain (4.8 % of total coal imports obtained through strike-breaking to the present attitude of our Polish challenge Straight Left to answer this to fraternal criticism. In the spirit of into Britain come from Poland), coal exports to Britain. The long- comrades, made clear its view of scab question - your silence, comrades, the world movement to which we while the miners are facing the Tory term interests of Poland and of all trade while British workers were in will be a signal of your sell-out of the belong, we ask comrades to send onslaught. This Polish coal has socialist countries, by definition, lie in struggle: British and international working class calls for the ending of this trade to been used to actively undermine the breaking the imperialist domination of “Stop work on all steamers sailing (including those you seek to defend). the Polish United Workers’ Party - as struggle of the miners: “Attempts by the world and in the advance towards for England, whatever freight they may Your silence will speak volumes ... individual communists or as Party or the National Union of Mineworkers world socialism. This truth was well carry. Vessels on their way to England, We have argued that the solution League branches and organisations l to stop production at the British understood by the Soviet workers having received information by to Poland’s seemingly intractable Steel Corporation’s Scunthorpe, during the 1926 General Strike in wireless of the partial strike of seamen internal problems is for the healthy Notes Humberside, plant suffered a further Britain. During those critical days for …, must, on arrival at the nearest elements in the party to turn from the 1. ‘Countering illusions’ Weekly Worker June 5. setback yester­day when 6,000 tonnes British workers, the Soviet government British port, make common cause with political defensive to the offensive; 2. Quoted in Militant May 25 1984. of Polish coal arrived at the works ...”3 did not use the disruption to negotiate the British strikers and must not allow to rally the historically socialistic 3. Financial Times May 29 1984. This has not been an isolated scab trading deals; instead Soviet their vessels to be unloaded.”6 Polish working class to the banner 4. E Trory Soviet trade unions and the General Strike Los Angeles 1975, pp4-5. incident, as some of our party ‘hard­ workers in their millions donated a Despite Scargill’s limitations, he is of the party in defence of socialism, 5. Ibid pp7-8. liners’ have claimed. Nor is it due to percentage of their incomes to their outstanding in comparison to other trade both against Solidarność’s black 6. Ibid p9. the fact that Polish coal has in fact class sisters and brothers in struggle union leaders. For example, he refused to counterrevolution and against the 7. The paper Straight Left was the public face of a been circulating on the world market nearly half a world away in Britain. be cowed by the bourgeois and Trotskyite bureaucratic distortions of the past. left Stalinist trend within the Communist Party of Great Britain. In a wing of the party not renowned for a number of months before it even Ernie Trory, in his excellent pamphlet, hysteria over his correct branding Imagine the impact of socialist for its effervescent theoretical and organisational reaches Britain. In point of fact, the Soviet trade unions and the General of Solidarność as an “anti­-socialist” Poland announcing its intention of fizz, SL stood out for its pro-Soviet dull- Financial Times of May 17 reported Strike, gives us some idea of the scale organisation. Scargill showed this level not “honouring existing contractual headedness, combined with its stolid subservience that imports of Polish coal have of the solidarity organised by the of almost gut-reaction class solidarity obligations and international laws”, to Labourism - one of its abiding ‘principles’ was that the CPGB should never stand candidates been ‘‘running at almost double their Soviet working people: with socialism in Poland despite the fact which are being used by the bosses against Labour. usual rate since the beginning of the “When news was received by wire that he is not, contrary to The Sun’s rabid to sabotage the miners’ struggle; 8. The crisis in our Communist Party - cause, year.” In mid-May it was reported that ... the general council of the Trades editorials, a “communist”. declaring their unequivocal support for effect and cure p7. 6 weekly June 26 2014 1016 worker SCOTLAND Sinking loyalism and lifeboat nationalism Jack Conrad looks at the politics of September 18 or more than three years of British Industry Scotland, was Scottish independence will smooth the the referendum on Scottish appointed a director. The bulk of Better road to social revolution. That despite Findependence has been a Together’s funds come courtesy of the murderous failure of Stalin’s political fact. Back in August 2009 just 10 rich people. The largest single socialism in one country, the squalid the minority Scottish National Party contribution being the £1 million from results of national liberation in Latin government tried but failed to get its Harry Potter author JK Rowling. Ian America, Ireland, Africa and India Referendum (Scotland) Bill 2010 into Taylor, the international oil trader, ... and, of course, the SNP’s cringing its legislative programme for 2009- gave £500,000. Other big donors are commitment to the pound sterling, Nato, 10. Labour, Liberal Democrats and Douglas Flint CBE, chair of HSBC; the monarchy and EU membership. the Tories together formed a cowardly the Edinburgh-born crime writer, CJ Scottish nationalism, home- loyalist bloc. Naturally, having been Sansom, who donated £161,000; and grown and vicarious, has become the thwarted by the Holyrood arithmetic, chair of the Inverness-based Orion awful common sense of much of the the SNP entered the May 5 2011 group, Alan Savage, who handed over left. What began as an opportunist Scottish elections with a manifesto £100,000. According to The Herald, chasing after opinion polls of under- pledge to “give Scots the opportunity “The preponderance of business 25s has hardened into a full-blown to decide our nation’s future in an people is a blow to Alex Salmond, national socialist doctrine. Self- independence referendum.”1 who has made a stronger economy determination is thereby equated with Given a becalmed Labour Party, a a cornerstone of the SNP’s case for Scottish independence, and Scottish widely despised Con-Dem government independence.”11 independence with the road towards a and the withering expenses scandal still There are, however, allies who are “socialist Scotland”.15 sweeping Westminster, it was hardly considered an embarrassment. The Assuming a ‘velvet divorce’, most surprising, especially with hindsight, UK Independence Party wanted to likely all a ‘yes’ vote would amount that the SNP gained a “stunning sign up, but found itself turned away to is Scotland acquiring a rather lowly victory” ... and an absolute majority on the spurious grounds that it is not position in the international pecking of seats (though only around 44% of “a Scottish party”. Almost in answer, order. True, UK imperialism would the popular vote).2 Economic crisis, David Coburn sneaked home to suffer a setback. Most oil reserves falling incomes, social fragmentation, become Ukip’s first Scottish MEP in will go. Maybe its permanent seat on loss of class solidarity ... and fragile May 2014. Nigel Farage is, of course, the UN security council will fall into hopes for a fairer, less harsh, more just a British Alex Salmond. He wants UK question. Centrifugal forces could be society, saw voters take to the lifeboat independence from Europe. A heresy released too. Sinn Féin might seek of Scottish nationalism. which puts Ukip beyond the Better an all-Ireland referendum on unity. Salmond’s election triumph was Together pale. Wales might seek to follow Scotland. not just a humiliation for the main The Scottish Orange Order found Cornwall might seek to follow Wales. Westminster parties. Tantalisingly, itself cold-shouldered too. Undaunted, But such a break-up of Britain has at last, emulating Robert de Bruce The working class needs another option the ghastly organisation is planning a nothing - not a thing - to do with and William Wallace, the “greatest 25,000-strong loyalist parade through furthering the cause of socialism. of all Scottish heroes”, lay within equate with voting for independence). Brown - as chair and main central Edinburgh just five days before An independent Scotland reach.3 Having won a majority of Salmond also bought time, something spokesperson. Better Together is the September 18 referendum. Flute cannot buck the realities of global seats - Holyrood’s mixed-member obviously needed if he was to bring stuffed to the gunnels with New bands, lodges in full regalia, the Derry power. Economic policy will be proportional representation system had about a decisive shift in popular Labour apparatchiks. Eg, campaign Apprentice Boys will all feature. Better straightjacketed by the necessity of been cynically introduced to produce opinion. director Blair McDougall. He Together worries that the march “could preserving the UK’s integrated market. weak governments - the SNP could However, it was not just a matter of worked as a special advisor for Ian provoke an unwelcome backlash That or risk a cataclysmic flight of no longer be thwarted. Every political time. With referendums the question McCartney (2004-07) and James among liberal, leftwing voters at a capital. A currency union certainly party, every political faction, every itself often decides. Salmond’s Purnell (2007-08) during the last crucial stage in the campaign”.12 means the pound remaining under political activist readied themselves. instincts are thoroughly Bonapartist. Labour government. With Labour Bank of England control. Instead of The CPGB was crystal-clear. Hence an early version asked voters to temporarily out of office, a glittering Rainbow coalition being a component part of the number Employ the most militant tactics indicate either “Yes, I agree” or “No, career path took him to the Movement Yes Scotland was launched in May one ally of the world’s number one objective circumstances permit to I disagree” with the statement, “The for Change - a ‘labour movement’ 2012. Though the SNP obviously power, Scotland would rank alongside ensure “Scotland’s right to a referendum Scottish parliament should negotiate organisation financed by Lord David constitutes the core, the Scottish Green Denmark, Belgium and Portugal. All on the question of independence”, but, a new settlement with the British Sainsbury. He got himself appointed Party and Scottish Socialist Party EU members, all in Nato, all minor confounding nationalists of every hue, government, based on the proposals set national director. Hoping for the big are official co-sponsors. The ‘yes’ players in the US-dominated imperialist promote “the voluntary unity” of the out in the white paper, so that Scotland time, McDougall then ran David campaign is meanwhile aided and system. Salmond has admitted as working class.4 In constitutional terms: becomes a sovereign and independent Miliband’s leadership bid before abetted by Labour for Independence, much. Responding to Barack Obama’s sweep away the unacceptable status quo state.” Similarly rambling formulations selflessly moving to Better Together a small group established in 2012 by Brussels call for Britain to remain a and establish a “federal republic”.5 A followed. The penultimate version and his six-figure salary. Allan Grogan - he admits that no more “strong, robust, united and effective demand famously recommended by was far less wordy. “Do you agree that While Aslef, CWU, Community, than 40% of its supporters are actually partner”, the first minister faithfully Fredrick Engels in 1891 as “a step Scotland should be an independent GMB, NUM and Usdaw have come in the Labour Party. Better Together promised the US president that an forward” in Britain, given its monarchy, country?” But it too had to be dropped out for a ‘no’ vote, trade unions are brands it an SNP front. independent Scotland “will mean that national divisions and multiple legal after the electoral commission objected. mostly notable by their absence. The ‘yes’ campaign’s advisory America has two great friends and allies systems.6 The federal republic is, People were being improperly led into Frankly, the same can be said of board is a classic rainbow coalition. here rather than one”.16 needless to say, the specific form under voting ‘yes’. the other two Scottish unionist Members include Nicola Sturgeon, Minor imperialist players, by which we envisage the working class What really took place was an old- parties. Though they are formally Scotland’s deputy first minister; Dan definition, carry very little weight coming to power. fashioned power struggle. Edinburgh represented - the Tories by MSP David Macdonald, the millionaire property when it comes to the World Trade Alex Salmond’s decision to go pitted itself against London. Yet McLetchie (died August 2013) and developer; Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, Organisation, the G8 and the European for a referendum “in the second half dreams of a new Bannockburn met Scottish Liberal Democrats by their Scottish-Asian businesswoman of single market. No less to the point, of the parliament” was well advised. their Culloden. Salmond had his convenor, Craig Harrow - the politics 2010; Elaine C Smith, leftish actor and once again given a ‘velvet divorce’, an Attempting to out-nat the nats, the “moral majority”, but alone the of Better Together are the politics of comedian; Colin Fox, the SSP’s national independent Scotland would actually Scottish Socialist Party had been stupidly Westminster parliament possesses the Alistair Darling (who directly liaises spokesperson; Pat Kane, musician be more vulnerable to pressure from agitating for a “first half” vote. Yet most legal right to alter the UK constitution. with Con-Dem ministers in London). and writer; Sarah-Jane Walls, award- City of London bankers and traders of the electorate remained stubbornly Hence the Edinburgh Agreement and Better Together is a vehicle for winning entrepreneur; and Andrew and UK, US, Japanese, Dutch unconvinced by the case for separation, the final yes/no question agreed by the the establishment, big business and Fairlie, the Gleneagles restaurateur. and Chinese-based transnationals. including swathes of SNP voters. Polls British and Scottish governments in militarism. In June 2013 Better Sir George Mathewson, former chair Business-friendly tax rates, spending showed support for independence January 2013: “Should Scotland be an Together launched Forces Together. of Royal Bank of Scotland, serves limits, pay freezes and flexible labour running between a 25% low and a independent country?” In return for Purportedly it consists of people serving as an honorary vice-president and laws would be demanded and likely 35% high.7 In other words, SNP voters Salmond’s acceptance of a supposedly in the armed forces, veterans and family has pledged to be “available to offer conceded. Ominously, Scotland’s outnumbered Scottish separatists. “fair, decisive and binding” question, members. Fully in the spirit of military advice and guidance when needed”.13 finance minister, John Swinney, A paradox explained by Salmond’s David Cameron ceded temporary Keynesianism, it emphasises how His political agenda is unashamedly pledges to “balance the books” after meticulously triangulated tartan powers to the Scottish parliament to Scotland “benefits from the full range of neoliberal. Scotland must cease being independence.17 A telling phrase fielded social democracy. The 2007-11 hold a referendum under Section 30 UK defence capabilities and activities”.9 a “Labour Party fiefdom” and leave to reassure jittery markets. Various SNP government abolished tuition of the 1998 Scotland Act - the piece Yet, in fact, the whole Forces Together behind “dependency culture”.14 economists are already predicting that fees, nudged down classroom sizes, of legislation which set up the Scottish operation stinks of the officer corps. A motley crew bless, promote or seek an independent Scotland is bound to promoted renewable energy, etc. parliament. The Scottish Independence Phillip Hammond, defence secretary, advantage from the ‘yes’ campaign. The be downgraded by credit agencies. Spending cuts, growing social Referendum (Franchise) Act 2013 was darkly warns that Edinburgh should not Scottish Independence Convention, Even if Scotland is allowed to keep the inequalities, economic shrinkage duly passed by the Scottish parliament expect to inherit “Scottish personnel or Business for Scotland, Radical pound, even with Britain guaranteeing in Scotland were loudly blamed not on June 27 2013 and received royal Scottish-based units”.10 The top brass in Independence Campaign, Wealthy Scotland’s debt, borrowing costs on global capitalism, but on George assent on August 7 2013.8 particular put their oath of allegiance to Nation, Jimmy Reid Foundation, Sean would therefore increase and thus see Osborne, the City of London and an out- Of course, well before the the crown above the results of any tin- Connery, Dick Gaughan, Irvine Welsh, a downward pressure on growth. of-touch UK. Salmond’s combination referendum details had been finalised pot independence referendum. If there Tommy Sheridan, etc. Some do it in When it served - that is, prior to of gesture and protest allowed the both the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ campaigns were is a narrow ‘yes’ majority, expect one, the name of Scottish business, some do the 2008 crash - Alex Salmond’s SNP to mop up demoralised Lib Dem up and running. two, three, many Curragh mutinies. it in the name of Scottish soft power, model was Ireland. He declared that voters and drive deep wedges into Money is assiduously courted and some even do it in the name of Scottish his aim was to “create a Celtic lion Labour’s central belt heartlands. The Loyalist coalition generously represented. Phil Anderton, socialism. to rival the Celtic tiger”.18 Hubris, referendum pledge served brilliantly Registered as Better Together 2012 the management consultant, sits on Yes, idiotically, high on Braveheart pure hubris. Indeed, in the absence here too. Anxieties of those who Limited, the ‘no’ campaign was the ‘no’ campaign’s board; and in delusions, still recoiling from the of any comparable modern example might otherwise have feared voting launched in June 2012, with Alistair November 2013 Nosheena Mobarik, defeats of the 1980s and 90s, left of an advanced capitalist country SNP were allayed (voting SNP did not Darling - chancellor under Gordon former chair for the Confederation nationalists desperately maintain that breaking apart, Eoin McLaughlin, weekly 7 worker 1016 June 26 2014

of Edinburgh university, and Nathan unity of the working class is equated HQs and continue to organise across and tested antidote to nationalism. If reactionary politics pursued by both Foley-Fisher, of the Federal Reserve with the unity of the British state. the whole of Britain ... as some British- workers in England champion the right sides over many previous years ... only Bank, find post-1922 Ireland the best Hence, comrade Mills advises the based trade unions still organise in both to self-determination, this will reassure by other means. Those who consider parallel.19 Independence was followed Labour left to “work together with the parts of Ireland. Of the 52 unions who people in Scotland and Wales: it will themselves obliged to answer ‘yes’ or by several decades of “comparative unions who are supporting the United make up the Irish Congress of Trade help show them that they have nothing ‘no’ because Salmond and Cameron economic decline”.20 And, suffice to with Labour campaign”.27 The Unions, 12 are British-based, including to lose and everything to gain from our have agreed a “straightforward” say, even the most politically civilised only nationalism he sees is Scottish the biggest affiliate.30 Despite the programme. yes/no question behave like well velvet divorce can easily turn sour nationalism. He is blind to his own horrible efforts of the left nationalists There are lessons here from drilled schoolchildren, not defiant economically. Salmond’s commitment British loyalism. Therefore we are that will surely be the case with an the past. The tsarist empire was an revolutionaries. For pedants what to Scotland’s “social democratic expected to believe that a ‘no’ vote on independent Scotland. overwhelmingly peasant country riven matters is the words on the ballot consensus” will, however, surely be September 18 will deliver a crushing with profound national divisions. paper. For Marxists what matters is undermined by the grim realities of a defeat for “nationalism”. As such, a Authentic left Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Poles, who is asking, what they have done in declining capitalism.21 ‘no’ vote will provide the impetus What about the authentic Marxist Latvians, Georgians, Armenians the past and what they are after in the Meanwhile the working class needed to shift the Labour Party “in a left? While adhering to the general and Turks were brutally oppressed future. So who is asking? Obviously throughout Britain is further new direction”. Left Labourites need principle of ‘One state, one party’, as peoples. The Russian Social David Cameron, the pro-capitalist weakened. There is, after all, a distinct comforting illusions. it must be stressed that the party we Democratic Labour Party sought prime minister, and Alex Salmond, possibility that Scottish nationalism, The Morning Star’s Communist aspire to build is an international party. to unite the broadest possible mass the pro-capitalist first minister. What with or without a ‘yes’ vote, will turn Party of Britain urges a ‘no’ vote in The mass Communist Party of Great against the autocracy. Key was winning do they want? Salmond and the SNP poisonous. Around 400,000 English a similar manner. An independent Britain will be a national contingent the Russian working class to fight hunger after an independent Scotland. people live in Scotland. Their vote Scotland would “weaken the bargaining of something vastly bigger. That was for the right of these nations to self- Then they can get snouts into billions could swing things one way or the power” of working people and certainly the case in 1920, when the determination, up to and including the of pounds of tax income. Then they other. But, whatever the final result, strengthen the power of big business CPGB was founded. And well before right to secede. Without that there could can directly serve the banks, financial the English both within and without and the state at both a “British and a new Communist International is be no chance, no hope for proletarian institutions and big corporations. could easily become an object of Scottish level”.28 Above all though, established we raise the prospect of hegemony over the revolution. Then they can enjoy the cornucopia blame, hatred and attack. The warning the CPB fears for its British road to a Communist Party of the European Those who ignore or downplay of new posts, bribes and international signs are already there. A recent study socialism. And, of course, the CPB, like Union. The EU’s treaty commitment such tasks not only consign themselves hobnobbing. Better Together wants of Scottish schoolchildren showed a Farage and Ukip, is morbidly opposed to “an ever closer union” should to mere trade union-type politics. to keep on doing exactly that ... only third of them displaying a “worrying to Europe. Salmond’s commitment to alone prompt such a bold move by the They depart from Marxism and reveal on a 10 times bigger scale. Hence the hostility” towards English people.22 Scotland becoming an EU member is working class. Marxists in Scotland themselves to be left loyalists. All loyalist campaign to preserve the 300- Doubtless, this derives from attitudes therefore a clincher. would, of course, find their rightful we need do is join with the Tories, year union with Scotland and, along inherited from parents. A no less Showing that it inhabits a fantasy place in such a Communist Party, with Labour and the Lib-Dems in voting with that, Britain’s nuclear-guaranteed venomous English chauvinism could land, the CPB says a ‘no’ vote on or without independence. ‘no’ and everything will come right presence on the UN security council. easily arise in response. September 18 will provide “the It should also be pointed out for the struggle against austerity. That Dressing a ‘no’ vote in the colours Yet the pro-nationalist left springboard for remobilising the that communists are quite capable self-deluding nonsense is what their of socialism is to deceive. It is to blunderingly, disgracefully acts to working class movement at [a] British of prefiguring the federal republic socialist ‘no’ campaign amounts to. side with the UK state. No-one will bring about this entirely dreadful level to demand real constitutional of England, Scotland and Wales How about the English constituting wake up after a ‘no’ vote and find outcome. Instead of championing change”. Cryptically the CPB by themselves organising on that 85% of a federal republic? Unless one nationalism vanquished and working Scotland’s right to self-determination, advocates “radical federalism”. geographical basis, whatever the is an out-and-out nationalist, there is no class unity safely re-established. That is a right that can be exercised in favour Whether that is a federal republic of outcome of September 18. A common problem here whatsoever. Leave aside absolutely certain. In the event of a ‘no’ of voluntary unity, the pro-nationalist England, Scotland and Wales or a history, common language, common Engels and 1891. Russia springs to the chances are that the SNP will ready left acts to bring about further division federation of the kingdom of England, economic and cultural ties, a common mind once again. The Russian Socialist itself for the next Holyrood elections in between workers in Scotland and the kingdom of Scotland and the trade union movement all necessitate Federal Soviet Republic (1918) was 2016 and securing another mandate for the rest of Britain. It is therefore principality of Wales is unclear. But this approach. Note: before Germany both a federal republic and contained another referendum. As for the UK’s considered axiomatic by wide swathes what is clear is that the CPB puts an had been united from above by Otto an “unbalanced” Russian percentage political, business, bureaucratic and of the left that Scotland should organise equal sign between the unity of the UK von Bismarck, the Communist Party of the overall population. Chapter 1, military elite, it will breathe a huge sigh separately. Peter Taaffe’s Committee and the unity of the working class. A in Germany and afterwards the Social point 2 of its constitution reads as of collective relief because Scotland has for a Workers’ International hived off fundamental error. Democratic Party did just that. follows: “The Russian Soviet Republic been saved for the union. Doubtless its members in Scotland, Socialist There are anti-Stalinists - eg, Our perspective for a federal is established on the basis of a free Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Resistance walked from Respect Workers Power, Socialist Appeal, republic is, however, dismissed by union of free nations, as a federation Jorge Mario Bergoglio because it wanted to stand in Scottish Socialist Equality Party et al - who left-loyalist critics allegedly because of national soviet republics.”32 A will quietly celebrate too. elections ... and, of course, there was a also take a ‘no’ stance; a conclusion it “lacks traction” and is “simply a similar formulation can be found Voting ‘yes’ is to help bring about widespread, if not universal, fawning arrived at by following the same CPGB shibboleth”. If, however, the in the constitution of the Union of an independent Scotland that we do not before the SSP - that is, until the 2004- economistic logic as the Labour left federal republic ever gained traction, Socialist Soviet Republics (1924). The want. Voting ‘no’ is to help defend a 5 Cupids club implosion. Now the and CPB. Eg, a ‘yes’ vote means it would only “add more grist to the introductory statement contains this status quo that we do not wish to defend. formula is: ‘Unity with the SNP plus that “Scottish nationalism will have mill of nationalism”. A conclusion ringing declaration: Instead of siding with one goddamn Scottish independence equals a step in succeeded in winning workers in based on two misplaced arguments: awful side over another, communists the direction of socialism.’ Such are Scotland to its banner and away from (a) it is a concession to Scottish The will of the peoples of say: A pox on both houses, boycott the the grotesque results of opportunism. their tradition of support for the British nationalism and (b) it will favour the the Soviet republics recently September 18 referendum l labour movement” (Sandy McBurney). English because they make up 85% of assembled in congress, where Loyalist left Working class unity is once again the population. Instead of fighting for they decided unanimously to form Notes 1. http://votesnp.com/campaigns/SNP_ There is, though, a ‘vote no’ left. equated with the unity of the UK the “maximum unity of the peoples the ‘Union of Socialist Soviet Manifesto_2011_lowRes.pdf. However, without exception it state. Citing the damage Scottish of Britain” - evidence of CPGB Republics’, is a sure guarantee this 2. The Guardian May 6 2011. offers the working class nothing. independence would do for working liberalism, according to comrade union is a free federation of 3. www.yesscotland.net/news/alex-salmond- United with Labour was founded by class unity and defence of living McBurney - we should be fighting peoples equal in rights, that the vision-better-future-people-scotland-yes. 4. S McDonald, ‘Constitutional crisis beckons’ Johann Lamont, Anas Sarwar and standards, they see no alternative but to for class unity against austerity. right to freely withdraw from the Weekly Worker May 12 2011. Gordon Brown and is to all intents vote ‘no’. The touching but ridiculous Descending into farce, he even tells union is assured to each republic, 5. Ibid. and purposes a fractious extension expectation is that this will “deepen us that federalism is “supported by the that access to the union is open 6. K Marx and F Engels CW London 1990, p226. of the Scottish Labour Party. Eg, working class unity” and open up to Liberal Democrats and increasingly by to all republics already existing 7. S McDonald, ‘Constitutional crisis beckons’ 29 31 Weekly Worker May 12 2011. the Lamont versus Sarwar fall- road for “pro-working class reforms”. free-market Tories.” as well as those that may be born 8. www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2013/13/contents. out. As the ‘big beast’, Brown has More comforting illusions. Well, in the here and now the in the future, that the new federal 9. www.bettertogether.net/blog/entry/defending- though used United with Labour as The notion that a ‘no’ vote can UK is already a federal monarchy. state will be the worthy crowning scotland-stronger-together. a convenient platform from which somehow redeem the cause of working One Elizabeth Windsor, but two of the principles laid down as 10. The Scotsman October 6 2013. 11. The Herald April 7 2013. to criticise the negativity of Alistair class unity is sadly mistaken. A classic parliaments and two assemblies. Of early as October 1917 of the 12. www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/may/11/ Darling and Better Together. “Patriotic case of putting hope above experience. course, along with Engels we support pacific coexistence and fraternal scottish-independence-uda-ulster-loyalists- Scots” need more than Conservative Not only do we Marxists have no interest a federal republic: ie, a comprehensive collaboration of peoples, that it campaign. bullying if they are to vote ‘no’.23 in siding with the UK state. The fact that break with the existing constitutional will serve as a bulwark against 13. www.yesscotland.net/news/yes-scotland- advisory-board-announced. In his recently published book, My there is to be a referendum on September order. To imply or suggest that a the capitalist world and mark a 14. www.newsnetscotland.com/index.php/ Scotland: our Britain (2014), Brown 18 testifies not to the unity of the working federal monarchy and a federal new decisive step towards the referendum/7274-financial-giant-very-angry-at- says the choice on September 18 is class. On the contrary, it testifies to the republic belong in the same political union of workers of all countries distortion-of-independence-facts. not between independence and the disunity of the working class ... and a category shows that the desire to take a in one worldwide Socialist Soviet 15. www.scottishsocialistparty.org/about-us. union, but between independence and yanking fall in the most elementary polemical shot against the CPGB won Republic.33 16. The Herald June 6 2014. 24 17. Ibid. “interdependence”. forms of class-consciousness. Suffice out over serious thought. 18. The Daily Telegraph February 14 2008. United with Labour is Better to say, the working class is not an active True, at present the federal republic The last refuge of the left loyalist is 19. N Foley-Fisher and E McLaughlin, ‘Irish land Together for those politicians who subject when it comes to September 18. is not a demand that comes tripping the September 18 referendum question bonds 1891-1938’ EABH Papers January 2014. 20. www.economist.com/blogs/blighty/2014/02/ wish to avoid being tainted by Tories. Rather workers constitute voting fodder. off the tongue of the average trade itself. We are told in the dismal spirit economics-scottish-independence. Nevertheless, as Brown himself Whether the result is a 45% ‘yes’ or a union activist. But surely the task of of Mr Gradgrind that what matters is 21. New Statesman October 20 2013. emphasises, the three main Westminster 45% ‘no’, there can be no hiding the non- Marxists is to set the agenda, to come the question on the ballot paper and 22. The Scotsman June 21 2014. parties are now unified when it comes existence of the workers as a political up with real answers to real problems. nothing but the question on the ballot 23. The Herald June 2 2014. 24. Financial Times June 21-22 2014. to ‘devo max’. A “formal cross-party class ... and not only in Scotland. Scottish nationalism is no CPGB paper. But Marxists do not approach 25. The Daily Telegraph June 3 2014. pact on devolution” could be on the Left loyalists are obviously terrified invention. There is an SNP government a referendum by taking the question 26. See HM Treasury House of Lords Select cards.25 There is a sting in the tail. that Scottish independence will lead in Edinburgh! Alex Salmond is first at face value. In general referendums Committee on the Barnett formula: the Holyrood will be granted extra tax- inexorably to the splitting of the trade minister! Scotland votes on separation are designed to trick, flatter and corral government’s response December 2009. 27. www.campaignforsocialism.org.uk/ raising powers, yes, but in return for union movement, the Labour Party on September 18! Communists have a an atomised population. That is why featurearticles/anotherleftinanothercountry.php. reduced funding from Westminster. In and the left along national lines. They duty to formulate answers that put the Louis Bonaparte, Benito Mussolini 28. www.scottishcommunists.org.uk/communist- other words, the Barnett formula is due are certainly correct when it comes working class in the lead, when it comes and Adolf Hitler were so keen on news/cpb-scotland-statement-on-scottish- for the scrapheap.26 to the nationalist left. But, needless to positively resolving the manifest them. By contrast, we positively independence. 29. Sandy McBurney, Letters Weekly Worker June Vince Mills, Red Paper Collective, to say, it has already happened. The antagonisms that exist between the favour representative democracy. 19 2014. Scottish Campaign for Socialism and most ambitious Labour politicians will peoples of England and Scotland. A Elected delegates can consider fine 30. www.eurofound.europa.eu/emire/IRELAND/ what remains of the Labour left in head south. But the Labour Party as an federal republic which constitutionally details, negotiate at length and agree BRITISHBASEDTRADEUNIONS-IR.htm. Scotland uphold the trade unions, election machine can only but neatly embodies both voluntary unity and subtle compromises. Referendums are 31. Sandy McBurney, Letters Weekly Worker June 19 2014. the women’s movement and protest divide. However, that is unlikely to be the right to self-determination is, blunt instruments. 32. http://mailstar.net/russ1918.html. campaigns as the historic forces for the case with the trade unions. They admittedly, a significant concession to The September 18 referendum 33. www.answers.com/topic/1924-constitution- change ... but it is sadly clear that the will rebrand Edinburgh or Glasgow national feelings. But it is also a tried is certainly a continuation of the of-the-ussr. 8 weekly June 26 2014 1016 worker WORLD WAR I SPD left’s dirty secret

A horror supported by ‘lefts’ Ben Lewis discusses a largely forgotten and ignominious chapter in the history of the German workers’ movement s long as there is imperialism, icons of the workers’ movement - not Marxist centre around break with or a continuation of earlier a clarification of the process that led there will be ‘social’- least , and the non-dialectical, evolutionist perspectives? Was it a necessary to it, thereby arriving at the false Aimperialism, with sections of the and Karl Liebknecht - lefts like and fatalist outlook for which he and outcome of the party’s development conventional posing of the question: ‘left’ seeking to apologise for, downplay Parvus (Israel Lazarevich Gelfhand, his political allies were responsible. before 1914 - in particular its approval is [August 4] based on the lack or cheerlead for the actions of its own 1867-1924), Konrad Haenisch (1876- By contrast, so the story goes, the of the government’s Military Tax Bill of theoretical reflection or on the state. This article - based on continuing 1925), Heinrich Cunow (1862-1936) consistent struggle of Lenin and the to enlarge the German army (1913), thoughtless repetition of the lessons research and translation work with and Paul Lensch (1873-1926) rapidly Bolsheviks against the imperialist war on the basis that this bill introduced of a Marxism that had been raised Mike Macnair1 - will briefly outline the transformed themselves into some of either reflected the fact that they were progressive property taxation?3 to … a dogma and isolated from formation of a rather peculiar ‘social- the most vociferous champions of a much closer to the left of the SPD In his German social democracy practice?”6 imperialist’ outfit within German social German victory. (like Luxemburg, Anton Pannekoek 1905-1917, Carl E Schorske argues The group around Die Glocke sheds democracy around the publication, Die The fact that a grouping of and others) or that with the outbreak that “the vote for the war credits on some new light on the question of how, Glocke (The Bell), founded in 1915. this nature emerged poses various of war the scales suddenly fell from August 4 1914 is but the logical end in the words of the Austro-Marxist This article draws largely on Robert theoretical and historical questions the eyes of Lenin and co, who abruptly of a clear line of development”.4 Friedrich Adler, “it could come to Sigel’s study, Die Lensch-Cunow- regarding both our conceptions of broke with the centre’s perspectives to Susann Miller,5 by contrast, accepts pass that this revolutionary-socialist Haenisch-Gruppe: eine Studie zum anti-imperialist strategy and the history chart new political territory. that reformism had come to dominate approach, something that was stressed rechten Flügel der SPD im Ersten of social democracy. Additionally, In light of recent research, it is clear the party, but states: “the question is over and again, burst like a bubble at Weltkrieg (Berlin 1976), as well as my many of the theoretical traps fallen that this account is radically false, merely whether a reformist policy the moment the war broke out.”7 translation work. into by the group concerning political not only when it comes to Lenin,2 necessarily had to the lead to the The leadership of the Social democracy, the nature of war-driven but because it overlooks the fact that decision of August 3” (when the Parvus Democratic Party, of course, fell behind nationalisations and the need to choose some of the most important figures of majority of the party’s Reichstag Parvus is a somewhat enigmatic the kaiser’s war effort, as symbolised by a side at all costs in imperialist conflicts the pre-1914 German left came out in fraction agreed on the action to be figure, chiefly famous on the left the SPD parliamentary deputies voting remain a persistent problem of many support of the war and German victory taken the following day). Could for his influence on Trotsky’s for war credits on August 4 1914. The sections of the left to this day. - and did so more aggressively than the another decision have been possible? theory of permanent revolution. Yet peculiarity of Die Glocke, however, lies pro-war majority of the party. For Georges Haupt, writing in 1970, there is nothing mysterious about in the fact that it was made up of figures August 4 Almost all historians agree that “the fiasco of 1914 … still always his theoretical commitment to the who before 1914 had overwhelmingly The dominant account is that the August 4 1914 was a milestone in dominates judgements and views [in struggle against imperialism and war been on the hard, anti-imperialist SPD’s ignominious capitulation to the history of European socialism. relation to the Second International]. before 1914. He wrote a range of left of the party. Regularly working German imperialism on August 4 But was the vote, and the consequent One had emphasised the significance different publications on the world alongside several anti-imperialist 1914 can largely be traced back to the policy of Burgfrieden (social peace), a of this ‘capital offence’, yet neglected market and the main states’ colonial weekly 9 worker 1016 June 26 2014

division of the world. His classic was of the SPD’s Erfurt programme and equated the war with “revolution”. As quite different status.”17 I have never served the cause of the Colonial policy and the breakdown, approach. Many modern left readers he put it, It is unclear whether this actually is workers, the cause of socialism, better published in 1907 in the wake of the would recognise his indictment of the real course of events, or just an ex than I have at this moment.”19 SPD’s unexpected defeat at the hands the SPD’s quietism, highlighting Finding our way in this revolutionary post facto justification for his shift from This position chimed in with the of a pro-colonialist political bloc in its aloofness to the “political mass process - for what we are witnessing left to right. At any rate though, there SPD majority idea of German ‘self- the so-called ‘Hottentot elections’.8 strike” and so on. Yet he deploys is a revolution - is perhaps more is an overlap with Lensch’s approach: defence’ against the Russian bear. Yet Luxemburg, Kautsky and others these arguments not in opposition to difficult for social democracy in “England” and its participation in the the following statement of Haenisch drew on his theoretical output for the SPD’s policy on August 4, but in Germany than for social democracy war makes it necessary to choose the clearly fitted more closely Lensch’s their polemics on questions of war favour of it! With a clear ‘national party in another country. German social side of the central powers, as opposed ‘war as revolution’ approach: “And and peace. But on August 4 1914 patriotism’, he chides international democracy has never witnessed to the Entente. again, this is why the German bayonets Parvus advocated a German victory, social democrats - those from France great conflicts in which Germany - again I say, 10 times unfortunately! albeit from abroad, and, given his in particular - for their criticism of the has been involved.13 Konrad Haenisch - had to be beckoned in order to importance, it is quite likely that he war credits vote, reminding them of the Haenisch was a follower of Parvus and carry out this great historical task as provided the inspiration for others to huge intellectual and political debt they How could this come to pass? He was known as ‘Parvulus’ by his close revolutionaries against their will!” rethink their anti-war politics. all owed German social democracy. He claims he had consistently argued that friends and comrades (a nickname Remarkably, Lensch viewed the Parvus gave an interview to the also emphasises the importance of the Britain, the imperialist top dog, was he accepted). Like Lensch, Haenisch differences of the Die Glocke group Istanbul daily, Tasvir-i Efkar, which “idea of the state” as an instrument the ‘main enemy’ and its dominance also came from a respectable bourgeois with the rest of the party as boiling was published on August 4 1914 - not for socialism, and castigates Friedrich of the world had helped ensure that background, but his break with his own down to “the difference between only the day of the SPD Reichstag Engels (supposedly the “great Marxist social democracy had not family was particularly painful. revisionism and Marxism”.20 One fraction’s vote, but of the British vulgariser of Marx’s ideas”) for developed there - only a faint shadow In 1893 he and another pupil were problem the group faced was how declaration of war. It came three drawing on Lewis Henry Morgan in of it in the form of Labourite trade punished by their school authorities to present their approach as the days after the German declaration of order to portray the state “simply as a unionism. So the destruction of because of contact with social logical continuation of their pre- war on Russia, and a week after the machine of oppression”.9 Britain’s military dominance could democrats. The other boy committed war radicalism in a battle against the Austrian declaration of war on Serbia. have a revolutionary effect. suicide. Haenisch, 17 at the time, was old rightwing of the party and the Parvus was thus very quick to make Paul Lensch Looking back on his decision, forbidden access to political material anti-imperialist left around the later up his mind in stating his opinion On August 3 1914, when the SPD Lensch notes: “I sought the reasons and from speaking about politics with Spartacus League. Haenisch’s Social on what the war means for Turkey: parliamentary fraction met to discuss for the international’s collapse. fellow pupils. Moreover, some of the democracy in and after the world “The hostilities in Europe laid bare all its attitude to war credits (Kautsky Far from seeing it in the personal pupils had agreed to carry out some war (Berlin 1915) is full of jibes matters of conflict. Those nations who was also in attendance after being inadequacies of its leaders, I felt kind of boycott, resulting in him directed against Karl Liebknecht. fail to get their demands will be the invited to present his views), Paul that I had to look for it in the socio- leaving school before completing In a 1915 article for the Hamburger prey of others. The time for talk and Lensch was one of the deputies economic relations of the individual his studies. His mother subsequently Echo, Haenisch insisted that it was reasoning has passed. Now action is who insisted that the war credits countries and found the cause in agreed to hand authority over him to possible for social democrats to be in needed! You should heed this well.” must be opposed. This marked the England’s exceptional position”.14 a rural minister. Just four weeks later favour of the war without renouncing Parvus could not be more clear: now logical culmination of a career on Haenisch appeared at the doctors, their past, proving his point by citing the war had started, it was impossible the left of the party and his view, Heinrich Cunow accompanied by four policemen, the examples of none other than to stand aside from it. Before leaving articulated four years before Lenin, The leading SPD intellectual, Heinrich to have his sanity assessed. He Paul Lensch, Parvus and … Karl Istanbul, he also wrote for Türk Yurdu that “imperialism was the last and Cunow, represents something of an was placed under constant police Kautsky!21 two pamphlets with the same theme: highest stage of capitalist society”.10 exception in this grouping, in that he observation. Unable to take any Umumî Harb Neticelerinden: Almanya After studying political economy, was not a known figure of the left in more, he escaped and even published Not mainstream Galip Gelirse (The outcome of the Lensch began working for the radical the 1911-13 debates on ‘mass action’ the entire story in the Leipziger It could be argued that the convergence general war if Germany wins), and Leipziger Volkszeitung, a journal and imperialism. In fact he was closer Volkszeitung. So he finally broke all of these writers around Die Glocke Umumî Harb Neticelerinden: İngiltere which was the first to take up the to the centre. Cunow was, though, ties with his family. happened more by accident than by Galip Gelirse (The outcome of the struggle against early manifestations part of the older left. As a member As with others in the group, he was design; but Parvus’s early stance general war if England wins). of revisionism within the party at the of the Vorwärts editorial board, he influenced by the workers’ movement in was probably decisive in helping to Shortly afterwards, he published end of the 19th century. In 1908 he was heavily involved in the struggle . The city constituted the heart of cohere their differing approaches. ‘For democracy - against tsarism’. This was appointed its lead editor - a post against the revisionists in 1905, when the SPD’s radical left. In October 1900 The dilemma they faced as a new article drew on a deep-rooted theme he held until 1913. He was elected Kurt Eisner and others were forced he became the editor of the Dortmunder factional grouping was that of all of international social democracy: as a member of the Reichstag in out. He was in regular contact with Arbeiterzeitung and succeeded in converts: they had left their home in implacable opposition to Russian 1912.11 The revisionist right wing the party’s left wing as a teacher in making it highly influential. He was the left, but were still viewed with tsarism as the greatest bulwark of of the party had been the subject of the party school, working alongside strongly involved in the debate around suspicion, not least by the leadership - reaction in Europe. Parvus underlines his polemics on many occasions. He Luxemburg and Mehring. the mass strike following the 1905 which on occasion would borrow their how, for him, Russia is a greater enemy considered himself to be upholding Cunow acquired a wide knowledge revolution in Russia and in the miners’ arguments. The group had to chart a than Germany: revolutionary Marxism in the face of of Marxist political economy, as well strike in the Ruhr. peculiar course between its erstwhile revisionist attacks - not least at the as Kantian and Hegelian philosophy. In 1910, he joined others on the allies from the left, who were now German social democracy knows party congresses in Essen (1907), Jena In the period leading up to World War left in advocating extraparliamentary opponents, and the former revisionists full well what German militarism (1911) and Chemnitz (1912), where he I he had distinguished himself with tactics and mobilisations against the of the pro-war majority. means and where it comes from. was an outspoken critic of this wing’s a number of studies and journalistic Prussian three-class suffrage law. In In a future article we will take a Its main sources are: view on questions of colonialism, essays on a whole range of topics (not 1913 he moved to Berlin and was closer look at the group’s attempts to 1. A strong, centralised militarism and imperialism. least his writings on anthropology and elected as a deputy to the Prussian buttress its chauvinist conclusions with governmental power; On August 4, all the oppositional matriarchal society, which remain state parliament, and thus was not ‘Marxist theory’ against the backdrop 2. The junker class in the officialdom SPD deputies, including Lensch and untranslated, despite being regarded involved in the discussion of the of unfolding events l and in the army, in conjunction with Karl Liebknecht, agreed to bow to as significant by even bourgeois Reichstag deputies on August 3, its economic strength from the land- party discipline and voted for the academic experts). making it difficult to tell whether he [email protected] owning class; credits. Yet they came under a lot Cunow thus brought some actually opposed the August 4 vote. 3. A relatively large mass of of political pressure subsequently. intellectual weight to the Glocke group, Yet he probably did. Only in late Notes peasants - the very same source The party leadership accused him of and was seen by many on the left as September did he start to waver. The 1. See Karl Kautsky on colonialism London from which nationalism sprung; mocking the party line and helping among the “most dangerous teachers entry for September 28 1914 in the 2013; Mike Macnair’s paper ‘Die Glocke or the inversion of theory’, Critique conference April 4. A layer of large industrialists to organise oppositional meetings. of heresy from the school of social- war diaries of a rightwing SPD deputy 2014; and other work in progress. that require state power in order to Yet Lensch denied this. He likewise imperialism”. Angry critics damned reports: “From several sides it is being 2. Lars T Lih’s recent articles in particular clearly exploit the people. denied initiating a statement him for “scribbling the alphabet of reported that Haenisch has come over stress the continuity of Vladimir Ilych Lenin’s Yet all of this can be found to an declaring opposition to the fraction revisionist tactics on the board of to our views. That would represent a ideas with those of Kautsky and the pre-war 15 18 ‘Marxist centre’: see ‘The new era of war and even greater extent in Russia. There, majority. Rather, he had signed a scientific socialism”. Because of very worthwhile addition”. revolution’ Weekly Worker April 10; and ‘True to militarism is already pressing on declaration agreed by activists in a fierce controversy on the editorial On October 4 1914, Haenisch revolutionary social democracy’ Weekly Worker the development of the country far Rosa Luxemburg’s flat on the evening board of Vorwärts in 1916 we get a replied to Karl Radek, who had heard April 16. more than in Germany. of August 4, which he agreed to do first-hand account of his evolution. In that he was beginning to have doubts 3. See AJP Taylor The German revolution of 1918 Cambridge 1967, p29. despite misgivings about the wording. a collective note we find this statement: about opposing the war. Haenisch’s 4. CE Schorske German social democracy 1905- So, Germany was to be preferred He was also prepared to ask two fellow “At the beginning of the war comrade slightly incoherent letter reveals his 1917: the development of the great schism London to Russia, not least given its strong members of the fraction whether they Cunow wholly stood on the same new approach: 1955, p285. workers’ movement. considered such an action to be a good ground as the editorial board as a 5. Robert Sigel, Die Lensch-Cunow-Haenisch- Gruppe: eine Studie zum rechten Flügel der SPD In 1915 Parvus founded, financed idea. Apparently, one of them was whole. Indeed it was he who on August Today, our proletarians are also im Ersten Weltkrieg (Berlin 1976), p12. and edited a new publication, Die not at home and the other refused to 4 1914 formulated a declaration on the outside fighting against tsarism 6. G Haupt Programm und Wirklichkeit. Die Glocke, where he and his allies associate himself, whereupon, on the Reichstag fraction’s vote to this effect (and lamentably its allied armies internationale Sozialdemokratie vor 1914 Berlin could develop their theoretical views very same day, he phoned to withdraw in the name of the editorial board. Until from the western powers) for all 1970, p155. and comment on events. The group his own support. the middle of October 1914 comrade these German poets and thinkers, 7. F Adler, ‘Karl Kautsky’ in Ein Leben für den 16 Sozialismus: Erinnerungen an Karl Kautsky also regularly published German As soon as he was alone with Cunow had been on our side.” for these thinkers one day becoming Hannover 1954, p57. social democracy’s diverse local Luxemburg, Lensch claims to have Two days later, Cunow responded by the common property of the 8. There is a partial translation of Parvus’s newspapers, which were increasingly made it clear that he would not sign up agreeing with the general thrust of the German people. And if, like me, text in R Day and D Gaido (eds) Discovering imperialism: social democracy to World War I coming under the direct control to something in which Franz Mehring above account, but denying that until you do not for a second consider Leiden 2011. of the party leadership (and the was involved. Lensch’s views were the middle of October he had shared it to be a moral crime that our 9. A Parvus, ‘German social democracy: the military censor). These included the obviously in flux at this point. Looking a joint approach with the editorial French brothers are resolutely stronghold of socialism’ Die Glocke No1, Munich Karlsruher Volksfreund, Lübecker back, after being charged with making board. Back in August, he explains, defending their country’s culture 1915, p9. 10. Quoted in A Ascher. ‘“Radical” imperialists Volksbote, Schwäbische Tagwacht his views contingent on the success of the it was a matter of a war conducted (which I infinitely value) against the within German Social Democracy’ Political and the Arbeiterzeitung in . German army, Lensch claimed that the by Germany and Austria-Hungary ‘German barbarians’, then you may Science Quarterly 76,4, p559. Their articles did not pass unnoticed, gutting of the international was “plainly against Russia, France and Serbia. not scold me as a bad socialist for 11. R Sigel op cit p22. either, provoking a reaction in Die the decisive fact” in his change of heart At that point he was unaware of the wanting to see our German culture 12. Ibid p25. 13. P Lensch Die deutsche Sozialdemokratie und der Neue Zeit (edited by Karl Kautsky - “events in the theatre of war had no participation of “England” in the war, defended against the truly barbaric Weltkrieg: eine politische Studie Berlin 1915, p6. from 1883-1917) and the party’s main influence on his political reorientation, the British “incitement” of Japan and hordes of tsarism. 14. Ibid p28. daily, Vorwärts. nor could they have had, but the collapse the “games of intrigue” between Britain 15. Quoted in R Sigel op cit p25. In the first issue of Die Glocke, of the international did”.12 and Belgium, making it seem that the Somewhat bizarrely, he concludes: “Do 16. Quoted in Ibid p27. Parvus wrote an editorial piece, In December 1914 Lensch wrote war was a struggle between Austria- not fret, dear friend! I will be always 17. Ibid. 18. Ibid p32. entitled ‘German social democracy: the his German Social Democracy and the Hungary and Russia for their position be found on the side of the barricades, 19. Ibid p41. stronghold of socialism’, which reads world war: a political study, published of power in the Balkans. “As soon as where you too can be found, on the 20. Ibid p45. like a modern-day Trotskyist critique in January 1915, in which he publicly England entered the war, it acquired a side of the workers! And I believe that 21. Ibid. 10 weekly June 26 2014 1016 worker IRAN

Anti-imperialist, nationalist, Islamist Arrogance and the supreme leader As Iran and the US edge closer towards cooperation over Iraq, Yassamine Mather looks at the evolution of Ali Khamenei he sharp improvement in the of such politics. Throughout the last changes according to the state’s current clerics in the judiciary constantly try to The ultra-hard-line daily Kayhan relations between the United five decades Iraqi Kurds have relied on needs. For example, at times of war and restrict the use of the internet. On the called the president’s comments TStates and the Islamic Republic Iranian support for fighting successive conflict Iranians are told they should other hand, Rowhani and his foreign “questionable”. But by the end of the (and subsequently between the Iraqi governments and Iranian Kurds have as many children as possible - the ministers use social media pages and month senior clerics were more open United Kingdom and Iran) has been had, until the overthrow of Saddam current desired number per family is appear on Facebook and Twitter. in their criticism. On May 20, ayatollah remarkable - Washington is seriously Hussein, relied on financial and 14, according to the supreme leader, The use of social media has become Ahmad Khatami used a sermon to considering military cooperation with logistic support from the government ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The clerics a serious matter in recent weeks - a reaffirm the state’s duty: “The mission is Iran over the civil war in Iraq. in Baghdad. Yet today we seem to be also tell Iranians when they must accept Facebook page with pictures of Iranian to smooth the path to heaven; therefore Above all else, this is a reflection witnessing a superpower, the United that the lives of their offspring must be women wearing no headscarf in public the government is duty-bound to pave of the absence of any strategy by the States, following the same type of sacrificed to ‘save Islam’. This was places inside Iran went viral. The page, the way ... We have to protect our western powers. All they are pursuing politics in the region. the message at Friday prayers during entitled Stealthy freedom, was started Islamic system; we do not want to send in the Middle East is short-term aims - A lot has been written about Isis and the eight-year Iran-Iraq war. But in by an exiled journalist to support the anyone to heaven by force, but, with a situation that goes beyond the politics its religious ideas - the forced wearing the immediate post-war period the right for individual women to choose your statements, do not straighten the of the current holders of power in of the hijab, the attacks on Christian recommendation was for only one or or reject the hijab. It got half a million path to hell for anyone.” In Mashhad, Washington and London. Indeed there communities in Syria, the banning of two children per family because of the ‘likes’ in less than three weeks. Women ayatollah Sadegh Alamolhoda also is unanimity regarding current tactics alcohol. Of course, in opposition all general economic hardship. That policy in Iran have used it to post photos of spoke against Rowhani: “We will stand between Democrats and Republicans, Islamic groups, Sunni and Shia, are dominated the post-war period - up until themselves or friends after ‘stealthily’ against all those preventing people from as well as between Tories, Labour and puritanical, following the rules of the recent calls by the supreme leader taking their hijabs off in public. They reaching heaven with all our force, not Liberal Democrats. amr bil maroof and nahi anil munkar to increase the birth rate once again. have even dared remove headscarves only with a whip.”3 In 2003, at the time of the invasion (‘guidance for good’ and ‘forbidding However, despite all the efforts in places of historic and religious On May 31 the Iranian president hit of Iraq, the US claimed it would build evil’). It is when they come to power, of the religious state, the regime’s significance. It is illegal for any woman back. In a speech full of sarcasm he said: democracy on the ruins of the Ba’athist as they did in Iran more than 35 years supporters and its opponents are to leave the house without wearing a “Some people have nothing better to do. regime - we were told that market ago, that the population finds out they united in their assessment of these headscarf and the current activities on They have no work, no profession. They forces would create the conditions for can be as corrupt and hypocritical as policies: they have not worked. Iranian social media are considered part of a are delusional, incessantly worried democracy. No other solution could be the secular states they replace. So, as women, especially the young, do not civil disobedience campaign. As the about people’s religion and the afterlife. contemplated: the entire infrastructure, Isis brands Shia Muslims ‘apostates’ like wearing the hijab. Every time campaign gained momentum, both They know neither what religion is economic and political, together with who have brought Islam into disrepute, the regime tries to impose harsher opponents and supporters of the forced nor the afterlife, but they’re always the social fabric of the Ba’athist state, it is worth examining the position of regulations, women of all ages, but hijab have entered the debate. worried.”4 Continuing his comments had to be destroyed to allow this new religion in Iran - America’s best friend once again especially the young, On May 24 Rowhani used a speech on this subject, Rowhani referred to a system to flourish. During subsequent in the region. rebel by lifting their headscarves a few to call for less intervention in people’s story of his time as a seminary student years both Republican and Democrat centimetres above their fringe. private lives, as well as more respect in Qom: “There were two great events politicians have proposed similar Guided to heaven? The country has one of the for the rights of individual Iranian in Qom during those years. One was the solutions for Syria and Iran. In the final stages of negotiations with highest rates of plastic surgery in the citizens. “Let people live their lives bath becoming a shower - a tragic event Yet, more than a decade after the the P5+1 powers over Iran’s nuclear world. According to a report in the in peace. Do not interfere so much in in the minds of some - and the other invasion of Iraq, we are witnessing programme, a serious row has broken conservative Etemaad newspaper, people’s lives even if you think you was when they wanted to change the a complete U-turn: a softening of out between president Hassan Rowhani as many as 200,000 Iranians, mostly are being sympathetic ... Let people time, winter and summer hours. They attitudes towards Iran, an acceptance and a number of conservative clerics women, go to cosmetic surgeons each choose their own path to heaven. We said that this was to ‘eliminate religion’. of Bashar al-Assad’s dictatorship in about the role of the Islamic Republic year.1 Both the clerical hierarchy cannot send people to heaven by force They said, ‘How will we know noon Syria. Has anything changed in Iran or in ‘guiding’ its citizens to heaven. and the state are well aware that or by using the lash.”2 prayers?’ Well, how did we know until indeed in Syria to warrant this change The row is potentially serious, as it sharia laws on the hijab, the ban on Most Iranians know that the then? We used to pray at 12.15, now we of heart? The answer is clearly no. questions the very essence of the Shia mixed gatherings, drinking alcohol, punishment commonly carried out pray at 1.15.” What has changed are immediate state at a time of regional conflict and homosexuality, playing pop music … by Revolutionary Guards for citizens Rowhani went on: “A religious geopolitical priorities - the elevation economic crises. are broken every second of every day. caught drinking, partying, wearing a government is a very good thing, but of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria For more than 35 years the religious Hence the dual lives of most Iranians ‘bad hijab’ or for attending mixed-sex a governmental religion? I don’t know: (Isis) to the position of the main state in Iran has interfered in every - apparently observant of Islamic rules gatherings is flogging. However, if you we need to discuss that. We must not enemy and the US need to ally with aspect of the private and public life of in public, but in reality ‘decadent’ are rich you can pay for someone else give religion to the administration. anyone as long as they oppose this its citizens. Iranians are regularly told (according to Shia clerics) in private. to take the punishment or bribe officials Religion should be in the hands of the group of jihadists. what they can and cannot wear, what This has resulted in a situation where to avoid the lash. All this making a experts themselves: the clerics, the Political commentators used to mock they can and cannot eat or drink, the three decades after the coming to mockery of sharia rules. Rowhani’s seminaries, the specialists. It is they Kurdish organisations in Iranand Iraq kind of music that is suitable and the power of the first Shia Islamic state, comments therefore represented both who have to propagate religion, while for their shallow politics, for aligning kind that provokes punishment. Senior lying is the norm for most Iranians. an admission of the reality of life in Shia the administration must support them, themselves with the enemy of their clerics tell Iranians how many children As part of maintaining this facade Iran and a questioning of the role of help them - all of this is right.” enemy, irrespective of the consequence they should have - a number that of religious observance, conservative the state in leading “people to heaven”. While this is still a long way from weekly 11 worker 1016 June 26 2014 What we fight for the call for the separation of state and as they did when the shah of Iran fell been friendly towards them. But the politics are very much nationalist n Without organisation the religion, it is an historic comment in in 1979, they are not too concerned, interests of Arrogance [Khamenei’s and Islamic. Khamenei’s opposition working class is nothing; with the context of a cleric who holds the because they exercise control over term for the US] required that the to ‘Arrogance’ was influenced by the highest form of organisation second highest position in the country. the financial and banking institutions. Americans ally with the British. nationalist writers such as Jalal it is everything. They also managed to bring oil- They gathered money and brought Al-e Ahmad and liberal religious n There exists no real Communist Delusions producing Iran to its knees. For all it here and did their job. Then, when intellectuals like Ali Shariati. He is Party today. There are many so- So how can we explain these dramatic the talk of standing up to “arrogant they brought their coup into fruition known to have studied the writings of called ‘parties’ on the left. In statements at a time when the Iranian powers”, Iran’s economy remains very and had returned the shah, who had the Sunni scholar and theorist of the reality they are confessional sects. government’s attention should be much dependent. It is fully integrated fled, they had the run of the country.6 Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Sayyid Members who disagree with the focused on the nuclear negotiations? into the system of international capital Qutb, who was executed by Jamal prescribed ‘line’ are expected to In some ways the two issues are and can never gain full economic At the time Khamenei agreed with Abdel Nasser in 1966. gag themselves in public. Either related. The president is well aware independence. writers such as Dariush Ashuri, who As the debate in Iran between that or face expulsion. that the current round of negotiations However, Khamenei’s recent famously said, “The third world is Islamists and Marxists raged in the n Communists operate is not going as smoothly as expected. utterances against the US, at a time composed of the poor and colonised 1970s, Khamenei was closer to the according to the principles of Despite Iran’s concessions, it is still when he might be considering an historic nations, which are at the same time opinions of Qutb, who wrote of the democratic centralism. Through not clear if the nuclear deal with the alliance over Iraq, show a different revolutionary.”7 His criticisms of western powers: ongoing debate we seek to achieve 5+1 powers will be signed before side of a ruler whose political history western liberal democracy derive unity in action and a common the deadline of July 20. Ayatollah is unfamiliar to many outside Iran. more from third-worldism than his They need Islam to fight against world outlook. As long as they Khamenei gave him six months to For those of us who know of his close religious studies in Qom. While many communism in the Middle East support agreed actions, members complete the nuclear negotiations. That association with secular and leftwing of his ideas have changed, he remains and the Islamic countries of Asia should have the right to speak time period is about to come to an end. forces in the 1960s and early 70s, his of the opinion that the primary con- and Africa ... Of course, the Islam openly and form temporary or Rowhani is already facing a rebellion references to “justice, independence and cern for the US is to bring about re- that America and the western permanent factions. by conservative elements amongst the self-sufficiency” sound like the delusions gime change either through ensuring imperialists and their allies in the n Communists oppose all security forces and the basij (Islamic of an old third worldist. the ascendancy of ‘reformists’ or via Middle East want is not the same imperialist wars and occupations militia), so he is trying to build support total destruction. Islam that fights imperialism and but constantly strive to bring amongst the overwhelming majority Khamenei’s past This is what he said in 1987, struggles against absolutism; to the fore the fundamental of the population who do want more Ali Khamenei was born in Mashhad in speaking to UN general assembly rather, it is that Islam that struggles question - ending war is bound personal freedom, less intervention north-east Iran in 1939 to a religious when he was Iran’s president: against the communists. Thus, they up with ending capitalism. in their private lives and who hate the family. His father, of Turkish Azeri do not want the Islam that rules and n Communists are forces of amr bil maroof and nahi anil origin, was an Islamic scholar and The history of our nation is in a definitely do not want an Islamic internationalists. Everywhere munkar, Hezbollah and the rest of the Khamenei followed in his footsteps black, bitter and bloody chapter, government, since when Islam rules we strive for the closest unity and god squad. Rowhani has nothing to and became a seminary student in mixed with varieties of hostility it sets up another ummah [Islamic agreement of working class and lose. If the nuclear negotiations fail Qom. He attended religious school and spite from the American regime, community] and teaches the nations progressive parties of all countries. he will risk losing power and under between 1958 and 1964. Both during culpable in 25 years of support for that it is obligatory to become strong, We oppose every manifestation those circumstances he could at least this period and later, when he joined the the Pahlavi dictatorship, with all and that rejecting imperialism is a of national sectionalism. It is an rely on the support of sections of the opposition to the shah, the young cleric the crimes it committed against our necessity, and that the communists, internationalist duty to uphold the population. On the other hand, if he was associated with not only religious, people. The looting of this nation’s too, are like the imperialist pests, and principle, ‘One state, one party’. actually managed to strike a deal, but also secular and even leftwing, wealth with the shah’s help; the that both are enemies ...10 n The working class must be however disadvantageous for Iran, intellectuals. The foundations of his intense confrontation with the organised globally. Without he would win wide support amongst politics go back to that era - opposition revolution during the last months of Indeed it is the anti-communist aspect a global Communist Party, women and the youth - support he to the regime in Iran and indeed the shah’s regime; its encouragement of the Qutb doctrine that has dominated a Communist International, would need to confront the conservative opposition to the US from a third- in crushing the demonstrations of Khamenei’s politics since his rise to the struggle against capital is and pro-nuclear lobby. worldist position. Both in Mashhad millions of people; its sabotage power. A trend that intensified after he weakened and lacks coordination. The Iranian president is not the and later in Tehran, Khamenei attended of the revolution through various became supreme leader. n Communists have no interest only one facing problems. Iran’s underground circles that included some means in the first years of its In his youth Khamenei moved in apart from the working class supreme leader is trying to explain of Iran’s best known leftwing writers victory; the American embassy in the same opposition circles as founding as a whole. They differ only in the contradiction between current and intellectuals. The pioneer free- Tehran’s provocative contacts with members of the Fedayeen Khalq, as recognising the importance of economic pressures on the country verse poet, Mehdi Akhavan Sales, was counterrevolutionary elements; the well as leftwing poets such as Shafiee Marxism as a guide to practice. caused by sanctions and his delusions a close friend. aid to coup plotters and terrorist Kadkani. There are reliable reports of That theory is no dogma, but about ‘national sovereignty and His political views were in particular and counterrevolutionary elements Khamenei’s time as a political prisoner must be constantly added to political independence’ in the era of influenced by the coup d’etat against the outside the country; the blockading under the shah when he was being and enriched. global capital. regime of Mohammad Mossadegh in of Iranian cash and property and interrogated about, amongst others, n Capitalism in its ceaseless Two weeks ago Khamenei talked 1953. He recollected those times in an refusal to transfer goods whose Marxists activists. By all account he search for profit puts the future once more of “arrogant powers” when address to university students in Tehran: payment had long been received or refused to cooperate with the authorities. of humanity at risk. Capitalism referring to the US and its allies. Of assets that the shah had taken from Others have recalled Khamenei’s is synonymous with war, course, the supreme leader is right It is interesting to realise that the national wealth and deposited in admiration for the young guerrilla pollution, exploitation and crisis. when he says western powers are not America overthrew his government his own name in American banks; leader, Massoud Ahmadzadeh.11 As a global system capitalism against Iran’s nuclear programme, even though Mossadegh had shown the striving to enforce an economic Recently a journalist asked me can only be superseded globally. but against the Islamic Republic no animosity toward them. He had embargo and the creation of a united what I thought Ahmadzadeh would say n The capitalist class will never in principle. However, he shows a stood up to the British and trusted western front against our nation; the about Iran’s supreme leader. I have no willingly allow their wealth and level of self-deception when he says, the Americans. He had hoped that open and effective support of Iraq crystal ball, but after the execution of power to be taken away by a “They were ruling the region without the Americans would help him; he in its war against us; and, finally, thousands of communists in the hands parliamentary vote. any worries. They had full control had friendly relations with them, he an irrational, thuggish invasion of the Islamic regime the answer is n We will use the most militant over a country like Iran, with its rich expressed an interest in them, perhaps of the Persian Gulf that seriously not difficult: Ahmadzadeh would methods objective circumstances resources and numerous facilities … he expressed humility toward them. threatened the region’s security and be as committed to the overthrow of allow to achieve a federal republic But now they have been deprived of And still the Americans overthrew tranquillity - all this is only part this dictator as he was committed to of England, Scotland and Wales, all these things.”5 such a government. It was not as if of our nation’s indictment against the overthrow of the shah’s regime. a united, federal Ireland and a Well, not quite. Even if the US and the government in power in Tehran the regime in the United States of The reality is that the world will not United States of Europe. its allies have lost friends in the region, had been anti-American. No, it had America.8 remember the Ali Khamenei who as a n Communists favour industrial young seminary student wrote a book unions. Bureaucracy and class So Khamenei’s sermons about the evils entitled For a classless tohidi [single compromise must be fought and of the west might be full of religious god] society. The lasting image of him the trade unions transformed phrases, but they have roots that go back will be that of a theocratic ruler who into schools for communism. Fighting fund to the 1950s. That is why it would be a presides over a neoliberal capitalist n Communists are champions mistake to think that he is simply anti- economy, where the gap between rich of the oppressed. Women’s Christian or anti-western. He has often and poor is wider than in most countries, oppression, combating racism and praised aspects of western culture, litera- where corruption is institutionalised, chauvinism, and the struggle for Over the line? ture, science and music. He rejects the where the overwhelming majority of the peace and ecological sustainability idea that the Quran has answers to all population dare not express a political are just as much working class hanks to the money raised by a London Communist Forum. the world’s problems. He certainly has point of view, and constantly lie to questions as pay, trade union rights Tspecial World Cup sweepstake Finally £242 was received in a more sophisticated view of western conceal their unIslamic behaviour from and demands for high-quality organised by Weekly Worker standing orders - special mention culture than many of his followers, the religious police l health, housing and education. supporters, we are within touching here goes to SK and RC. So now describing it as “a combination of n Socialism represents victory distance of our fighting fund target our June total stands at £1,314. beautiful and ugly things”. [email protected] in the battle for democracy. It for June. As I reported last week, But there are only five days to go An avid reader, he has been known to is the rule of the working class. £320 was received (or promised!) to raise the extra £186 we need and, discuss classical literature with visitors. Notes Socialism is either democratic as a result, and I’m pleased to say to be honest, after that sweepstake Apparently in 1996 he told an audience 1. www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/ or, as with Stalin’s Soviet Union, that it’s now all come in. boost I’d be more than disappointed of Iranian writers to “read the famous middle-east/iran/130301/iran-has-highest-rates- it turns into its opposite. nose-jobs-world. n But fundraising also depends if we didn’t smash right through book The grapes of wrath, written by 2. http://en.trend.az/regions/iran/2277906.html. Socialism is the first stage on the routine efforts of regular that £1,500 barrier this month. So John Steinbeck ... and see what it says 3. www.pinfofeed.com/article/26176/in-iran-a- of the worldwide transition supporters, who this week please help if you can. Send in a about the situation of the left and how dispute-over-heaven. to communism - a system contributed £397 towards our cheque or postal order straightaway, the capitalists of the so-called centre of 4. http://freethoughtblogs.com/ which knows neither wars, marginoferr/2014/05/31/rouhani-stands-firm- £1,500 target. Pride of place goes click on our PayPal button or, better democracy treated them.” His favourite against-extremists-as-tension-escalates. exploitation, money, classes, to comrade RG for his fantastic still, make a transfer via your online book is said to be Victor Hugo’s Les 5. http://english.khamenei.ir/index. states nor nations. Communism £75 cheque, followed by DB, who bank account to 00744310 (sort misérables. In 2004 he praised it is php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1655 is general freedom and the real donated £40 by PayPal. He and LT, code: 30-99-64). as a “miracle in the world of novel &Itemid=4. beginning of human history. who donated £10, accounted for Make sure we get over the line! writing.” It is “a book of history, a book 6. www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/139643/akbar- ganji/who-is-ali-khamenei. The Weekly Worker is licensed by November two of the 9,618 hits our website Robbie Rix of criticism, a divine book, a book of 7. http://visrectevivere.tumblr.com. Publications under a Creative Commons 9 recorded last week. love and feeling.” 8. http://issuu.com/iripaz/docs/foreignaffairs/53. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Another £10 cheque came our Fill in a standing order form 9. www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/139643/akbar- Licence: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ (back page), donate via our ganji/who-is-ali-khamenei. by-nc/4.0/legalcode. way from LC, while comrade PB Anti-communist ISSN 1351-0150. website, or send cheques, 10. Ibid. handed over £20 at last weekend’s However, for all this western cultural 11. www.radiozamaneh.com/ payable to Weekly Worker influence, at the end of the day his politics/2011/07/16/5474. No 1016 June 26 2014 weekly Justice has to be seen to be worker done Confidentiality is a bosses’ tool Left Unity should not deal with internal disputes through setting up secret trials, argues Paul Demarty few weeks ago, Owen predecessors in the movement,3 not to the constitution refers to the hotly equal before the law (if very rarely in lecherous managers and bosses to Jones - writing on say the failures of others4 - that LU disputed ‘safe spaces’ policy, practice). account. AThe Guardian website - found should commit itself to transparency, which does insist on confidentiality. In criminal law, the defendant is Variants of this are common. himself in the unusual position irrespective of how embarrassing it Yet on two counts, this clause is arrayed not against a private litigant, Hefty gagging clauses imposed on of agreeing with the Daily Mail. may be to individual comrades. The irrelevant. Firstly, the wording is as but the full power of the state: in short, NHS whistleblowers enable the The affair under discussion was DC should throw out the complaint, follows: “… the first recourse [in a it is inherently an unequal relationship bullying of the next whistleblower, the somewhat disturbing matter of reinstate Laurie and tell the Manchester dispute] will be to seek reconciliation of force. The insistence of democrats, for instance. A leftwing example Britain’s first secret trial for some time. comrades to grow up. and representation through the liberals and others down the years on is provided - where else? - in the We know, thanks to the efforts informal stage of the safer spaces juries, a stronger standard of proof Socialist Workers Party rape scandal, of gallant journalists, that there is a Shut up policy”. So it is not a consideration (‘innocent until proven guilty’), the where it was not until a transcript secret trial going on, of two men - It does not look like this sensible course for the DC. Secondly, the ‘safe right to counsel and to face accusers, of the disputes committee report- named for public purposes AB and of action will be taken, however. It turns spaces’ policy was kicked into the and open justice has to do with back was leaked in toto that any CD - on terrorism charges. We know out that the fragile things who populate long grass by a substantial majority levelling the playing field somewhat possibility of examining allegations nothing else - and at this point, anti- Manchester LU are not the only people at LU’s founding conference, which in a situation where inequality of force against ‘comrade Delta’ existed. terrorist legislation is so bloated and in the organisation who do not like found some of its provisions a little is inevitable. Trade union attempts to confront authoritarian that the specification publicity. Comrade Alan Story of the on the Kafkaesque side of things. The specification of criminal trials bullying by representing workers in does not tell us whether the men disputes committee writes to Laurie: “… The constitution does, however, here has to do with the fact that, for mediations and tribunals are very were watching a bin Laden clip on do you agree that the communications allow for ‘confidentiality’ in a certain classical liberal ideology, it is only worthy, of course; but their increasing YouTube or brewing up napalm in involved in trying to resolve the dispute sense: “The disputes committee possible to admit to such an inequality prevalence over industrial action is their bathtub. between you and the LU Manchester shall adopt its own procedures and of force in direct conflicts between a a result of the unions’ weakness in Comrade Jones is perturbed - and he branch should be kept confidential?” standing orders, subject to approval private citizen and the state. Marxists the current situation. Supporters of is hardly alone. It is “a direct challenge He continues in a cryptically and amendment from time to time are under no such illusions. So, while confidentiality in dispute resolution to the Magna Carta of 1215… once this threatening manner: “If you do not by national conference.” So, one we do not claim that the DC and other misrecognise this as a gain, and seek precedent is established and a centuries- reply in the affirmative in the next presumes, the DC could decide that supporters of confidentiality in handling to impose on LU a mode of justice cut old tradition of justice broken, it will be 48 hours, we will draw our own all parties to a dispute have to give disputes draw inspiration from the Star to measure for the bosses. This is no much easier to hold trials in total secrecy conclusions and recommendations and evidence standing on a table on one Chamber, we are concerned that it is way to build a leftwing organisation. in future.”1 He is not exactly right about inform you, the LU Manchester branch leg - until such time as a conference is perfectly clear - particularly from the There are those, finally, who the Magna Carta; the right to public and the LU executive committee of called to ‘amend’ such a requirement. draft ‘safe spaces’ policy - that they do interpret all this as a hostile attack justice was established in this country those conclusions.” This “normal” aspect of procedures is draw inspiration from the resolution of on LU. This is quite emphatically not as a principle of common law by the Laurie, naturally, replied (The DC not anointed by any democratic vote, disputes in the workplace. the case. We have said all along that Leveller, John Lilburne, at his trial for are very busy people at the moment, in other words, but has been made up this approach to resolving disputes high treason in 1649. (He was acquitted.) alas, and it would be rude to keep on the hoof by the DC comrades. They No gain will simply cause them to multiply, At the Weekly Worker, we must them waiting) - not in the affirmative: should reconsider. The trouble is that, upon a moment’s and - worst of all for a notionally confess that Left Unity has increasingly “Without any idea of the actual content After all, such procedures will examination, the notion that these socialist organisation - will exacerbate delivered us into Atlanticism: both the of the charges being laid against me - become a “normal part” of British anti- procedures favour those further the informal hierarchies that exist, first and second amendments to the US and with my accusers refusing point terror law, if AB and CD are allowed to down the social pecking order is inevitably, in class society. constitution have decorated the front blank to give an explanation, either meet their fate as planned. Comrades transparently foolish. A contemporary Failure to pay attention to page in recent months. Now it is the to myself or the many concerned will no doubt, at this point, protest example: Dov Charney, the founder this guarantees far more severe turn of the sixth: comrades that have repeatedly that this is hyperbole. Such comrades and erstwhile CEO of detestable embarrassment and disaster down the questioned them online - the disputes lack a sense of irony - no, LU is not clothing brand American Apparel, has road: cover-ups and whistleblowers, the In all criminal prosecutions, the committee is demanding that I submit about to adopt a regime of extra- recently been ousted, which has had prurient interest of the Daily Mail … in accused shall enjoy the right to to being tried in camera, behind closed judicial internal terror. The principle the effect of bringing his ‘colourful’ short, the full SWP Monty. In justice, as a speedy and public trial, by an doors,” he wrote. “This is actually a is the same, rather than the degree career, littered with allegations of in all things, the interests of the masses impartial jury of the state and scandalous, dangerous suggestion” - or the likely effects - it is sad, rather egregious and frequently bizarre lie in maximum transparency. Secrecy district wherein the crime shall have especially in the light of the secret trial than frightening, to see this cloak- sexual harassment, back into the is for bureaucrats, tyrants and bosses l been committed, which district shall we mentioned at the outset, he could and-dagger act at work in a small left public eye. have been previously ascertained have added. organisation with no significant means We know about the endless [email protected] by law, and to be informed of the National secretary Kate Hudson of coercion at its disposal. allegations against Charney because, as nature and cause of the accusation; argues in response that “confidentiality Likewise, it may be objected a self-promoting narcissist, he more or Notes 1. http://www.theguardian.com/ to be confronted with the witnesses is a normal part of the procedures which that the sixth amendment less adopted them as part of his public commentisfree/2014/jun/05/britain-first-secret- against him; to have compulsory all parties to complaints are asked to specifies criminal trials, and Laurie is image (sexist types often imagine such trial-rights. process for obtaining witnesses in respect.” Come again? A normal part not accused of any crime. The trouble behaviour to be attractive to women, 2. ‘What safe spaces lead to’ Weekly Worker May his favour, and to have the assistance of what? There is no reference in the with both these arguments has to do for some reason). Confidential HR 15. 3. ‘The permitted shades of grey’ Weekly Worker of counsel for his defence. relevant section of the LU constitution with why it is that criminal trials should mediation does not typically have this June 19. to disputes being treated confidentially. be so specified. In civil litigation, effect: it removes some of the means 4. ‘A matter of political health’ Weekly Worker Last week, we gave extensive coverage Of course, as currently drafted, parties to a dispute are formally by which ordinary women can hold June 19. to a dispute that has arisen in Left Unity’s Manchester branch, which has seen comrade Laurie McCauley UK subscribers: Pay by standing order and save £12 a - a member of the Communist Party Subscribe year. Minimum £12 every 3 months... but please pay Standing of Great Britain and LU’s Communist Platform - summarily suspended and more if you can. Your paper needs you! referred to the disputes committee. here order Some of the charges against him are vague and baseless accusations of 6m 1yr Inst. I enclose payment: To ______Bank plc ______“bullying” and “oppressive conduct”, UK £30/€35 £60/€70 £200/€220 but such conduct appears to have Sub £/€ ______Branch Address ______been mysteriously tolerable until he Europe £43/€50 £86/€100 £240/€264 decided to write up the whole farrago Rest of £65/€75 £130/€150 £480/€528 Donation £/€ ______Post code ______in this paper.2 Thus, we are forced to world conclude that his opponents in the New UK subscribers offer: Total £/€ ______Re Account Name ______branch object primarily to his blowing the gaff on their bizarre behaviour 3 months for £10 Date ______Sort code ______Account No ______- that they believe themselves in Please pay to Weekly Worker, Lloyds TSB A/C No 00744310 possession of the right to keep their Name ______branch affairs private. sort code 30-99-64, the sum of £ ______every month*/3 months* The LU constitution has no clause Address ______until further notice, commencing on ______one way or another on this (proof, if This replaces any previous order from this account. (*delete) it were needed, that, no matter how ______Post code ______Byzantine this document is, it does Signed ______Name (PRINT) ______not cover every possible type of Email ______Tel ______dispute). We have argued that on the Send a cheque or postal order payable to ‘Weekly Worker’ to: Date ______Address ______basis of revolutionary ‘common law’ Weekly Worker, BCM Box 928, London WC1N 3XX, UK. ______- the practices of our more illustrious