E(OLO61(IIL Modellih6 Functional Response As A

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E(OLO61(IIL Modellih6 Functional Response As A E(OLO61(IIL mODELLIH6 ELSEVIER Ecological Modelling 89 (1996) 43-57 Functional response as a component of dynamic simulation models in biological control: the Catolaccus-boll weevil system B.C. Legaspi, Jr a,b,,, R.I. Carruthers a, J.A. Morales-Ramos a a Biological Control of Pests Research Unit, USDA/ARS/SPA, 2413 East Hwy 83, Weslaco, TX 78596, USA h Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, 2413 East Hwy 83, Weslaco, TX 78596, USA Received 21 November 1994; accepted 20 April 1995 Abstract A simulation model using Time Varying Distributed Delays was created on the HERMES (Hierarchical Environment for Research Modelling of Ecological Systems) of the USDA/ARS with the purpose of evaluating different forms of functional response components in dynamic simulations of biological control systems. The specific host-parasitoid life system used in the evaluation was the boll weevil-Catolaccus grandis system. Four forms of functional response equations were tested: Type I, Type II, a Type II modified to yield constant attack probabilities under constant host:parasitoid ratios, and a temperature-dependent Type II. Simulation runs showed that the parasitoid is potentially capable of considerable suppression of the host population. Predicted host numbers under Type I and II equations did not differ markedly, because realistic host numbers per parasitoid were often found in the linear portion of the Type II equation. The probability of attack using a Type I equation was always near 100% despite arbitrarily increasing the host population to create a wide range of host:parasitoid ratios. The Type II equation resulted in fluctuating attack probabilities which steadily declined as host : parasitoid ratio exceeded 100 : 1. The modified Type II equation yielded attack probabilities starting at 52% and steadily declining to about 8% when host:parasitoid ratios neared 1000:1. We introduced a realistic, but hypothetical, relationship between functional response and temperature. Simulations using actual weather data from the Rio Grande Valley of Texas suggest that there is little difference between using Types I or II equations, but that the effect of temperature on attack rates is substantial in this system. Caution should be used when incorporating data from experiments into simulation models because experimental conditions are often unrealistically optimal. We discuss the possible importance of tempera- ture and other diurnal or environmental events on functional response and the value of relevant data in this and other simulation models of biological control. Keywords: Boll weevil; Catolaccus grandis; Host-parasite interaction; Pest management I. Introduction tems (Berryman and Pienaar, 1974), especially where the objective of the model concerns biolog- Simulation modeling has become a standard ical control. Although a substantial body of litera- tool in the analysis of insect predator-prey sys- ture exists on methods used to model insect de- velopment in simulation models (e.g. Wagner et * Corresponding author. Fax: (+1-210) 9694888; e-mail: al., 1984; Goodenough and McKinion, 1992), very [email protected] little has been published regarding the consump- Elsevier Science B.V. SSDI 0304-3800(95)00119-0 44 B.C. Legaspi, Jr et al./ Ecological Modelling 89 (1996) 43-57 tion components required to link the predator progeny within the host. They concluded that the and prey submodels (but see Stimac and O'Neil, mutual interference component could be ignored 1985). Most workers who discuss this parasitism because it was significant only at parasitoid densi- or predation link use a form of functional re- ties much higher than those occurring naturally. sponse equation supported by hypothetical or ac- Hartstack et al. (1976) used an attack probability tual attack rate data. However, the use of attack equation proposed by Knipling and McGuire rates collected in experiments is not always direct (1968) in modeling the Heliothis-Trichogramma because much data collected on parasitism or system. Van Batenburg et al. (1983) modeled a predation is generational or valid only under the eucolid parasitoid of Drosophila melanogaster experimental conditions (e.g. host densities, ex- Meig. by incorporating a Type II equation in a perimental duration) under which the data were Monte Carlo simulation. Wilhoit et al. (1991b) gathered. Therefore, these data may not be di- modified a parasite functional response equation rectly used to calculate the instantaneous attack of Royama (1971) to become a function solely of rates more suited to dynamic simulation models. the host-parasitoid ratio. Brown et al. (1982) Several predator-prey simulation models that used Leslie matrices to model Ooencyrtus ku- incorporate a functional response component are vanae (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), an reported in the literature. Acarine predator-prey egg parasite of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar models have used different forms of the Type II (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). The matrices functional response (de Wit and Goudriaan, 1978; were modified to incorporate the effects of insect Dover et al., 1979; Bernstein, 1985). A particu- densities, including mutual interference on para- larly complex functional response equation was sitism rate. used by Bernstein (1985) because it incorporates stage-specific predation rates. Mack and Smilowitz (1982a, b) used a temperature-depen- 2. Objectives dent functional response equation in modeling predation by the coccinellid Coleomegilla macu- Numerous environmental variables such as lata (DeGeer) on the green peach aphid (Myzus rainfall, sunlight or wind may reduce parasitoid persicae (Sulzer)). In their model, CMACSIM, activity far below that measured under optimal predation rate was increased and handling time laboratory conditions. For this reason, the direct was decreased as temperature increased from incorporation into simulation models of func- 15.6°C to 32.2°C. The predation rate of the C. tional response parameters not adjusted for these maculata larvae was also assumed to be linearly variables will most likely result in over-estimation related to the log of their biomass. Other such of attack rates. In this model, we investigate models of predator-prey interactions are the temperature as an environmental variable that housefly-predator models of Geden et al. (1990) affects functional response because its effects on and Wilhoit et al. (1991a). Mathematical models insect activity are well known. We chose this for predation were discussed by Gutierrez and specific host-parasitoid interaction because of the Baumgaertner (1984) and Stimac and O'Neil availability of relevant data required to parame- (1985). terize the model and our familiarity with this Host-parasitoid models similarly use forms of system under field conditions. Moreover, the Type II functional response equations. Griffiths functional response data available are ideal in and Holling (1969) used a Type II response in that they were collected in the field and suited to modeling the dynamics of Pleolophus basizonus our objective of simulating insect interactions in (Grav.) (Ichneumondiae) and the European realistic situations. These data are also ideal as sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer (Geoff.). Their model they were collected daily making them suited to also included insect distributions and probability the daily time scale that is typically used in com- of attack, mutual interference among searching puter simulation models. We must stress at the parasitoids and competition between parasitoid outset that the model we describe is not meant to B.C. Legaspi, Jr et al. / Ecological Modelling 89 (1996) 43-57 45 be a predictive model. The objective of the mod- In this paper, we investigate functional re- eling study is the qualitative evaluation of differ- sponse as a component in dynamic simulations of ent functional response equations as they related biological control systems. We evaluate different to the A. grandis/C, grandis interaction. Cur- forms of functional response with regard to their rently, the model lacks both the complexity and behavior under different host densities or tem- the validation required to be used in a predictive perature conditions. We compare Type I, Type II mode, however, it is our long-term objective to and a temperature-dependent Type II equation develop predictive models for use in management and assess their effects on the boll weevil in this and other biological control life-systems. ( Anthonomus grandis Boheman) (Coleoptera: TEMPERATURE WEEVI L- LARVAL- LOSS LOSS-RATE BOLL- WEEVI L- EGGS DELAY- TI ME ~WEEVIL-EGGS BOLL-WEEVIL-LARVAE- 1 DELAY-TIME ~DELAY TIME BOLL-WEEVI L-LARVAE- 2 DEL Y- ~DELAY L...--.--BOLL-WEEVIL BOLL - WEEVI L- LARVAE - 3 DELAY - TI ME ~DELAY BOLL-WEEVI L- PUPAE DELAY- TI ME ~DELAY /EGGS- PER-ADULT ~ ,~FECUNDITY BOLL-WEEVI L-ADULT~DELAY- TI ME BOLL-WEeVIL-DAYS \ --DELAY SUSCEPTIBLE- HOSTS~BOLL-WEEVI L- DENS ITY- DEPENDENCE :USCEPTI BLE- HOSTS BOLL-WEEVI L- K ..~SAToLACCU S-ADULTS A-PRIME HANDLING-TIME IORRECTION-FACTOR ~ CATOLACCUS-INCREASE 2ATOLACCUE -PUPAE DELAY-TIME ~DELAY /EGGS-PER-ADULT ~ FECUNDITY DELAY-TIME ~CATOLACCUS~ CATOLACCUS-ADULT~ ~DELAY %CATOLACCUS- DAYS ~CATOLACCUS-K ~%CATOLACCUS-DENSITY-DEPENDENCE Fig. 1. Display of hierarchical model used for the boll weevil-Catolaccus system. Each node in the tree represents a type of model component in the HERMES modeling environment. The model is created by graphically linking the nodes together. Each type of component implements specific methods or computations
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    Ecological Engineering for Pest Management Advances in Habitat Manipulation for Arthropods To our partners: Donna Read, Claire Wratten and Clara I. Nicholls. Ecological Engineering for Pest Management Advances in Habitat Manipulation for Arthropods Editors Geoff M. Gurr University of Sydney, Australia Steve D. Wratten National Centre for Advanced Bio-Protection Technologies, PO Box 84, Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand Miguel A. Altieri University of California, Berkeley, USA © CSIRO 2004 All rights reserved. Except under the conditions described in the Australian Copyright Act 1968 and subsequent amendments, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, duplicating or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Contact CSIRO PUBLISHING for all permission requests. National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry Ecological engineering for pest management: advances in habitat manipulation for arthropods. Includes index. ISBN 0 643 09022 3. 1. Ecological engineering. 2. Arthropod pests – Control. 3. Agricultural ecology. I. Gurr, G. M. (Geoff M.). II. Wratten, Stephen D. III. Altieri, Miguel A. 628.96 Available from CSIRO PUBLISHING 150 Oxford Street (PO Box 1139) Collingwood VIC 3066 Australia Telephone: +61 3 9662 7666 Local call: 1300 788 000 (Australia only) Fax: +61 3 9662 7555 Email: [email protected] Website: www.publish.csiro.au Front cover Caption and acknowledgement Back cover Caption and acknowledgement Set in Minion 10/12 Cover and text design by James Kelly Typeset by James Kelly Printed in Australia by xxx Foreword Professors Geoff Gurr, Steve Wratten and Miguel Altieri and colleagues present readers with a thoughtful outlook and perspective in Ecological Engineering for Pest Management: Advances in Habitat Manipulation for Arthropods.
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