You will need: Gushers candy You can check out/reserve Jokes to tell a copy of the movie or Goldfish Crackers stream using Disney+ Bubbles Flashlight or cell phone light A Craft for each person to make before the movie-- Color, cut out and tape or glue onto a stick Throughout the movie: WHENEVER THIS HAPPENS... DO THIS! You see bubbles Blow some bubbles Marin or Nemo says 'lucky fin' High five a member of your family Dory calls Nemo the wrong name Write them down as you hear them Bloat the pufferfish blows up Puff out your cheeks Crush says 'dude' High five a member of your family Dory speaks whale Speak whale with her The birds are calling 'mine' Yell 'mine' with them More activities Follow along with the movie: WHENEVER THIS HAPPENS... DO THIS! Marlin makes a kissy face at Coral Make a kissy face Marlin tells Nemo to brush Pretend to brush your teeth The fish asks Marlin to tell a joke Pause the movie and read a joke to your family They make Pearl squirt ink Bite into your gushers candy Nemo touches the boat/butt Whisper 'he touched the butt' Marlin swims after the boat that took Nemo Do jumping jacks until he loses the boat and stay standing Dory crashes into Marlin Dramatically fall down Bruce introduces himself Say 'Hi Bruce' Bruce smells blood and turns angry Sing the Jaws theme and make a fin with your hand Nemo wakes up in the fish tank Pretend to tap on the glass Nemo gets unstuck Stand up and move to a new seat Dory sings 'Just Keep Swimming' Sing along! Marlin and Dory see the pretty light Shine your flashlight The anglerfish chases them Run in place They chant '' Say 'Shark Bait hoo ha ha' Dory cries Pretend to cry Dory's fin gets shocked by the Shake like you have been zapped by a bug zapper and make a sizzle noise Marlin and Dory hop on the jellyfish Jump up and down in front of your seat Nemo is wiggling through the tube Wiggle your body Dory hugs Marlin as her exit buddy Hug someone in your family The fishtank is dirty Say EWWW Dory and Marlin pop out the whale's blowhole Jump up and fall back to your seat Darla comes in Yell 'Darla!' with the fish craft Darla shakes Nemo in the bag Shake your fish craft up and down Nigel flies around the office Pretend to flap your wings Dory realizes who Nemo is Gasp as loud as you can Marlin finally sees Nemo Hug someone in your family Color and cut out a Nemo for each member of your family. Find a popsicle stick or straw to glue onto your Nemo and make a puppet!