Kbalestine (5A3ette Ipmblisbeb B\> Hutborit^
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Cbc Kbalestine (5a3ette Ipmblisbeb b\> Hutborit^ No. 337 THURSDAY, 5TH JANUARY, 1933 5 CONTENTS Page ORDINANCE ENACTED 1933־ - - Enactment of the Education Ordinance, No. 1 of 6 GOVERNMENT NOTICES ־ - ־ - - Appointment of Consuls 11 ־ - - Annulment of Certificates of Citizenship - 11 12־ - - - Revocation of Certificates of Naturalisation Police (Recruiting) Regulations, 1932, under the Police Ordinance, 1926 - - 12 ־ Order under the Police Ordinance, 1926, appointing a Superior Police Officer 15 Road Transport (Amendment) Regulations, 1933, under the Road Transport Ordinance, 1929 16 Appointment of Chairman and Member of the District Motor Regulatory Board, Northern District 16 Notice regarding the Maximum Number of Motor Omnibuses allowed to ply for Hire on certain 17־ - - - Routes in the "Vicinity of Jaffa and Tel Aviv 17־ ־ Tariff for the Transport of Goods under the Railways Ordinance, 1927 ־ Dourine (Amendment) Rules, 1933, under the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926 18 Notice under the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, declaring certain Villages to be 18־ - - ־ ־ - Infected Areas Orders under the Town Planning Ordinances, 1921-1929, approving certain Town Planning 19־ - - ־ ־ Schemes in Tel Aviv and Jaffa Notice under the Town Planning Ordinances, 1921-1929, provisionally approving the Parcellation 20־ ־ Scheme of Ishak Eff. Kazmi's Land at Wadi El Joz, Jerusalem Order under the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1932, prescribing Minima of Parcels in 20־ - - - ־ certain Villages Order under the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1932, conferring Additional Powers upon ־ ־ - ־ Assistant Settlement Officers 22 23־ - ־ ־ Posting of Schedules of Rights in 'Aqir Parcellation of Lands in certain Villages - - - 23 ־ Bylaws for the Control of Noises in Petah Tiqva - - 24 ־ ־ ־ ־ - - Palestine Currency Notes 25 25־ ־ - Suppression of Lydda North, Rafat and Ras Abu Ammar Halts ־ - - - - Adjudication of Contracts 25 25־ - - ־ ־ Citation Order RETURNS 26־ - - ־ - - Wreck and Salvage ־ - - Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary 31 REGISTRATION OF COMPANIES, COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES, PARTNERSHIPS, ETC. - 31 CORRIGENDA ....... 33 PRICE 30 MILS. 6 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 5th January, 1933 (2) ENACTMENT OF ORDINANCE EDUCATION ORDINANCE, No. 1 of 1933 The Education Ordinance, No. 1 of 1933, which was published as a Bill in Official Gazette, No. 301, of the 16th February, 1932 (pages 120-124), has been enacted in the following form and was signed by the High Commissioner on the 2nd January, 1933. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO EDUCATION BE IT ENACTED by the High Commissioner for Palestine with the advice of the Advisory Council thereof:— Short title. \. This Ordinance may be cited as the Education Ordinance, 1933. Definitions. 2. In this Ordinance and any Regulations thereunder:— "School" means any institution in which more than ten persons are taught systematically, and in which any person imparts education. "Government School" means any school established and controlled by the Government of Palestine. "Public School" means any school maintained wholly or in part either by the Revenue of the Government of Palestine or by the revenue ot any local authority, and registered in accordance with the provisions hereof as a public school. "Assisted School" means a school, other than a public school, to which, under the provisions of this Ordinance, a grant is made by the central or any local authority, or any share of a grant so made is allotted. "Non-assisted School" means any school other than a public or assisted school. "Community School" means any school of which the proprietor is a Community or local committee of a Community organised under the Religious Communities Organisation Ordinance, 1926, or exercising jurisdiction in accordance with Article 51 of the Palestine Order in Council, 1922. "Private School" means a school other than a public school, an assisted school, or a community school. "Director" means the Director of the Department of Education. "Manager", in the case of a school which is conducted by the proprietor, means the proprietor; and in the case of every other school, means the person for the time being appointed to be the responsible representative of the proprietor. 5th January, 1933 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 7 'Proprietor", in relation to a school, means any person, association, community or corporation by whom or which a school is established or conducted. "Village" includes any village in which there is not a Municipality or a Local Council. "Village Authority" means the village council, if such exists, and otherwise the mukhtar or mukhtars of the village. PART I. GENERAL 3.—(1) Public schools shall be classified according to the Public schools, principal language of instruction. Arabic schools established by the Government and such Hebrew schools as are included in the schedule to this Ordinance shall be deemed to be public schools ; and the Director may, subject to Regulations hereunder, at any time register any school as a public school. (2) In the discharge of his functions in regard to any group of public schools established or maintained in part by a Local Authority or •an Association, the Director shall consult with such authority or Association. 4. Every school, other than a Government school, which Registration of at the date of this Ordinance has not been registered with the sc 00 s' Department of Education shall within three months of the coming into force of this Ordinance be so registered. Every school which is opened after the date of this Ordinance shall be registered within a month of the opening of the school. Application for registration shall be made by the Manager to the Director, and such particulars shall be given as may be prescribed from time to time by Regulation under the Ordinance. 5. The proprietor of every school, other than a Government Appointment of school, which is not conducted by the proprietor shall notify Manager. to the Director the appointment of some person connected with the school and resident in Palestine to be the responsible representative of the proprietor to whom any communication from the Government relating to the school may be addressed; and he shall at all times thereafter have a representative and shall notify the Director of any change either in the person or the address of his representative within 14 days after any such change is made. In default, the proprietor shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding LP.10. 6.—(1) The Director of the Department of Health and any Sanitary Medical Officer of Health or Sanitary Officer authorised in conditions of writing by him may at all reasonable times enter any school schools. and inspect the sanitary and hygienic conditions in the school premises, and may require the Manager or the person for the time being in charge of the school to furnish returns showing the number of the teachers and pupils and the accommodation provided. (2) The Director may serve written notice on the Manager or the Proprietor of the school to carry out within three months of the date of the notice any requirement of a Medical or Sanitary Authority. (3) If it is shown to the satisfaction of the High Commissioner that after the term of such notice has expired the requirements have not been executed and the school is being conducted in sanitary conditions detrimental to the health of the teachers or 8 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 5th January, 1933 pupils, the High Commissioner may by notice to be served on the Proprietor or Manager order the school to be closed as from the date specified in the notice. Inspection and 7.—(1) The Director or Deputy Director, a District Com- visit of schools, missioner, an Inspector of the Department of Education, and any other officer authorised in writing by the Director, may at all reasonable times enter and inspect any school other than a non-assisted school established or maintained by a Religious Association. The Manager or the person for the time being in charge of the school shall during the inspection and at other times furnish, in such form as may be prescribed by Regulation hereunder, any information which the Director or the Inspecting Officer may require with regard to the care, tuition and attendance of pupils, the general management of the school, and the names and qualifications of the teachers. (2) The Director or the Deputy Director may, at any time after reasonable notice has been given to the Manager, visit any non-assisted school established or maintained by a Religious Association, and the Manager or the person for the time being in charge of the school shall furnish at the visit or at other times any information which the Director or the Deputy Director may require with regard to the care and tuition of pupils, the general management of the school, and the names and qualifications of the teachers. The Director shall not be entitled to demand any change in the curriculum or the internal administration of the school; provided that nothing in this sub-section shall prevent the High Commissioner from exercising such supervision over any school as may be required for the maintenance of public order and good government. Registration and 8. — (1) No person shall act as a teacher in any school unless ie jias registered with the Director within three months of the׳licensing of j eac ers. ^Q of the Ordinance or within one month of his appointment as a teacher, whichever shall be the later date, the particulars prescribed by Regulation under this Ordinance. (2) No person may teach in a public or assisted school who does not possess a licence to teach issued to him by the Director in accordance with Regulations under this Ordinance. (3) The Director may require the dismissal of any teacher, whether in a public or assisted school or in a non-assisted school, who has been convicted of a criminal offence involving moral turpitude, or who is shown to the satisfaction of the High Commissioner, after judicial enquiry by a Judge or Magistrate appointed for the purpose, to have imparted teaching of a seditious, disloyal, immoral, or otherwise harmful character.