G TATA March 3, 2020 BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited Listing Department Listing Department P. J. Towers, Exchange Plaza , Plot No. C-1, Block G, Dalal Street, Fort Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai - 400001 Bandra (E) , Mumbai - 400051 Scrip Code: 532371 Scrip Symbol: TTML Dear Sir I Madam, Subject: Press Release We enclose herewith the Press Release dated March 3, 2020 being issued by the Company, which is self explanatory. This is for your information and re cords. Thanking you, You rs faithfully, For Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited ~~~ . Vrushali Dhamnaskar Assistant Company Secretary Encl. As stated above. TATA TELESERVICES (MAHARASHTRA) LIMITED Registered Office: Voltas premises T. B. Kadam Marg Chinchpokli Mumbai 400 033 Tel : 91 226667 1414 I Fax: 91 22-66605335 I Email :
[email protected] I Website : www.tatateleservices.com ClN : L64200MHl995PLC086354 G TATA Press Statement New Delhi, March 3, 2020: Pursuant to the judgement of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in the AGR matter on October 24, 2019, Tata Teleservices Limited (TISL) and Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited (TIML) on February 17, 2020 made a payment of Rs. 2,197 crores (Two thousand one hundred and ninety-seven crores) to the Department of Telecommunications (DOT). TISL and TIML have made an on-account payment of an additional Rs. 2000 crores (Two Thousand Crores) to the DOT on March 2, 2020 in good faith and as a matter of abundant caution towards License Fees, Spectrum Usage Charges and applicable interest, penalty and interest on penalty. This on account payment is subject to reconciliation after the conclusion of the process of computation and verification being conducted by the DoT spanning a period beginning from FY2007 and spread across 20 circles.