Also Inside: • 2013 Fellows and Award Winners • Highlights of Activities in the Italian Chapter
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December 2013 Vol. 27, No. 6 Plasmonic Modulators: Breaking Photonic Limits Multispectral Imaging using Nanowires Fiber Strain sensors and the Photonic Guitar Also Inside: • 2013 Fellows and Award Winners • Highlights of activities in the Italian Chapter December 2013 Vol. 27, No. 6 Plasmonic Modulators: Breaking Photonic Limits Multispectral Imaging using Nanowires Fiber Strain sensors and the Photonic Guitar Also Inside: • 2013 Fellows and Award Winners • Highlights of activities in the Italian Chapter December 2013 Volume 27, Number 6 FEATURES Research Highlights. .4 – Silicon Plasmon Modulators: Breaking Photonic Limits Volker J. Sorger et al – Harnessing the Nano-optics of Silicon Nanowires for Multispectral Imaging Kenneth Crozier et al – The Photonic Guitar Pick-up: Fiber Strain Sensors Find Applications in Music Recording Hans-Peter Loock et al 34 News . 24 • Meet the Newly Elected Members of the IEEE Photonics Society Board of Governors 2014–2016 • CLEO 2013: IEEE Photonics Society Fellows and Award Winners • 2013 IEEE Photonics Society Awards and Recognition presented at the 2013 IEEE Photonics Conference • IEEE Photonics Society Raises Industry Awareness Through New Global Initiatives • IEEE Photonics Society Gets Social to Connect with the Photonics Community Online Careers and Awards . 34 • Call for Nominations: IEEE Photonics Society 2014 Awards • Call for Nominations: IEEE Photonics Society 2014 Distinguished Lecturer Awards • 2014 IEEE Technical Field Award Recipients and Citations 43 • Call for Nominations: IEEE Technical Field Awards Membership . 39 • IEEE Launches New “MentorCentre” Program for Photonics Society Members and Others • IEEE MentorCentre • What is your Chapter’s Story? • Italian Chapter Activities • Newly Elevated Senior Members • My IEEE • First Year New Member Experience Conferences . 48 • Photonics Society 2014 Conference Calendar • 3rd Optical Interconnects Conference 2014 • Summer Topicals Meeting Series • 27th IEEE Photonics Conference 2014 51 • 11th Avionic Fiber-Optics and Photonics Conference 2014 • 2013 IPS Co-Sponsored Calendar Publications . 55 • Call for Papers: – JLT: Microwave Photonics 2014 – JLT: Special Issue on the 23rd International Conference on OPTICAL FIBER SENSORS – JSTQE: Optical Detectors – Technology and Applications – JSTQE: Solid State Lasers – JSTQE: Superconducting Quantum Electronics and Photonics COLUMNS Editor’s Column ......... 2 President’s Column .......... 3 December 2013 IEEE PHOTONICS SOCIETY NEWSLETTER 1 Editor’s IEEE Photonics Society Column HON TSANG President Associate Editor of Asia & Pacific Hideo Kuwahara Christina Lim In this month’s Research Hightlights section we have Fujitsu Laboratories Department of Electrical & 4-1-1, Kamikodanaka, Nakahara Electronic Engineering three articles on hybrid plasmonics, nanowire detec- Kawasaki, 211-8588, Japan The University of Melbourne tors and optical fiber sensors. Professor Volker Sorger’s Tel: +81 44 754 2068 VIC 3010 Australia group at the George Washington University in Wash- Fax: +81 44 754 2580 Tel: +61-3-8344-4486 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] ington D.C. reviews the recent remarkable advances Past President Associate Editor of Canada in the miniaturization of optical modulators by using James Coleman Lawrence R. Chen hybrid plasmonics. The article reviews their work on Dept of E & C Engineering Department of Electrical & University of Illinois Computer Engineering optical modulators which used ITO as the active me- 208 N. Wright Street McConnell Engineering Building, Urbana, IL 81801-2355 dium, and the use of hybrid plasmonics in a structure Rm 633 Tel: +217 333 2555 McGill University Email: [email protected] of ITO/sillica/gold on a silicon on insulator wafer to 3480 University St. achieve 5 dB modulation in a device length of only Secretary-Treasurer Montreal, Quebec 5 microns. We also highlight in this month’s newslet- Dalma Novak Canada H3A-2A7 Pharad, LLC Tel: +514 398 1879 ter the work from Professor Kenneth Croizier’s group 797 Cromwell Park Drive Fax: 514 398 3127 at Harvard University on silicon nanowires. Their work Suite V Email: [email protected] Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Associate Editor of Europe/ demonstrates how silicon nanowires may be used as Tel: +410 590 3333 Mid East/Africa Email: [email protected] color sensitive or multispectral imaging sensors. Using Kevin A. Williams a top-down approach for defining the silicon nanowires Board of Governors Eindhoven University of Technology by electron beam lithography, silicon nanowires with J. S. Aitchison P. Andrekson Inter-University Research Institute S. Bigo M. Dawson COBRA on Communication radii in the range of 45 nm to 70 nm were resonant to P. J uod a w l k i s A. K i r k Technology light of different wavelengths across the visible spec- F. Koyama J. McInerney Department of Electrical M. Nakazawa D. Novak Engineering trum, thus enabling arrays of different radii nanowires P. Sm ow to n M. Wu PO Box 513 to be used as photodetectors sensitive to different wave- 5600 MB Eindhoven, Vice Presidents The Netherlands lengths. Such silicon nanowire arrays have the potential Conferences - D. Plant Email: [email protected] for use in highly miniaturized multispectral imaging Finance & Administration – C. Jagadish Membership & Regional Staff Editor sensors that do not need the separate filter arrays that Activities – J. Kash Lisa Manteria are typically needed in commercially available color Publications – B. Tkach IEEE Photonics Society Technical Affairs – K. Choquette 445 Hoes Lane image sensors. The third article this month, on fiber Piscataway, NJ 08854 sensors, is by Prof Hans-Peter Loock and Jack Barnes Newsletter Staff Tel: 1 732 465 6662 Executive Editor Fax: 1 732 981 1138 from Queens University, Ontario, Canada and Gianluca Hon K. Tsang Email: [email protected] Gagliardi, from Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-Is- Department of Electronic Engineering The Chinese University of Hong Kong tituto Nazionale di Ottica in Naples Italy. Their article Shatin, Hong Kong describes quite a novel application of low noise fiber Tel: +852 - 39438254 Fax: +852 - 26035558 optic strain sensors in music, specifically in the con- Email: [email protected] struction of a photonic guitar. The sounds and music produced by this interesting musical instrument can be downloaded from faculty/loock/. IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment, and bullying. For more information, visit http://www. 20 Also in this issue we have photographs from the SFI-00484 awards presentations IEEE Photonics Conference held in Bellevue WA in September 2013. The Society’s presi- IEEE Photonics Society News (USPS 014-023) is published bimonth- dent, Hideo Kuwahara, presented the awards to many ly by the Photonics Society of the Institute of Electrical and of the Society’s distinguished award winners. Hideo Electronics Engineers, Inc., Corporate Office: 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10017-2394. Printed in the USA. One dollar per Kuwahara’s term as President will finish at the end of member per year is included in the Society fee for each member 2013, and thus in this month’s issue we also have the of the Photonics Society. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address last of Hideo’s series of columns as President of the IEEE changes to Photonics Society Newsletter, IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Photonics Society. I have greatly enjoyed reading his col- Piscataway, NJ 08854. umns and I am sure all our readers would like to join me Copyright © 2013 by IEEE: Permission to copy without fee all or part of any material without a copyright notice is granted pro- in thank him for his dedicated service and tireless efforts vided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct com- as president (and continued official service as past presi- mercial advantage, and the title of the publication and its date appear on each copy. To copy material with a copyright notice dent in 2014!). requires specific permission. Please direct all inquiries or requests Hon Tsang to IEEE Copyrights Office. 2 IEEE PHOTONICS SOCIETY NEWSLETTER December 2013 President’s Column HIDEO KUWAHARA This is my last column as president of the IEEE Photonics So- revenues and, by implementing severe cost-saving measures, ciety. Serving as the president of IPS was a pleasure and a privi- lower overhead expenses. The quality of IPS papers is also lege—an extreme honor for me. Writing this column gave me improving, with high recent impact factors, such as 4.08 the enjoyable opportunity to express my thoughts on photon- for JSTQE. These improvements are entirely due to the hard ics technology and its role in society. Embedding myself in a work of our society members, including reviewers, and I different culture and writing in English was also a good learn- greatly appreciate your contributions. IPS membership count ing opportunity for me. is, however, slightly lower. I think this is mainly the result of This time I want to express my deep and sincere thanks to economic factors, but I also think it may stem, in part, from the colleagues of our Society, especially to Past-President Jim our society’s name change. Several times I have encountered Coleman for his guidance, and to IPS Executive Director Rich people who were well aware of our old society name but were Linke for his constant