VOLUME 41 • ISSUE 1 • MARCH 2017 • THEINSTITUTE.IEEE.ORG 5G The New Wireless Frontier REGION NEWS REGION NORTHEASTERN I Student branch at University of Texas, San for Science and Technology, Mubarak Al- I Student branch at Universidade Fed- UNITED STATES Antonio, forms IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelec- Abdullah, Kuwait. eral do Rio de Janeiro forms IEEE Power & trics, and Frequency Control Society chapter. Energy Society chapter and IEEE WIE a n- I Student branch at New York I Student branch formed at Lebanese ity group. 1 City College of Technology forms University, Beirut. I IEEE Women in Engineering REGION WESTERN UNITED STATES I Student branch formed at Muscat Student branch at Londrina State (WIE) a nity group. I San Fernando Valley (Calif.) College, Oman. University, Brazil, forms IEEE Robotics Section forms IEEE Robotics and and Automation Society chapter. I Student branch formed at Shaheed 6 Automation Society chapter. I Student branch at Universidad de REGION SOUTHEASTERN Zul kar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science UNITED STATES I Student branch at Washington and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan. Concepción, Chile, forms IEEE Engineering State University, Vancouver, forms IEEE in Medicine and Biology Society chapter. I Student branch at Florida I Student branch at National Research Industry Applications Society chapter. I 3 Atlantic University, Boca Raton, University of Electronic Technology, Zele- Student branch at Escuela Tecnológica forms IEEE Power & Energy nograd, Russia, forms IEEE Engineering in Instituto Técnico Central, Bogotá, forms Society chapter. REGION CANADA Medicine and Biology Society chapter. IEEE WIE affinity group. I I Student branch formed at Florida I Montreal Section forms chap- I Saudi Arabia Section forms IEEE WIE Student branches formed in Colombia Polytechnic University, Lakeland.
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