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March 21, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 5 7029 We first met Bob during his decade of TRIBUTE TO TOM CARNEGIE the Speaker appoints the following service to the Sierra Club as its re- ∑ Mr. LUGAR. Mr. President, today I Members of the House to the Congres- gional director for California and Ne- congratulate a legendary Hoosier sional-Executive Commission on the vada. He was an outspoken advocate in sports broadcaster, Tom Carnegie, on People’s Republic of China, in addition the campaigns to protect our precious his retirement. to Mr. LEVIN of Michigan, Chairman, coast and desert, always increasing Born Carl Kenagy in Connecticut in appointed on February 7, 2007: Ms. KAP- awareness about threats to California’s 1919, he displayed an enormous passion TUR of Ohio, Mr. HONDA of California, environment with a unique mixture of for sports even as a child. When polio Mr. UDALL of New Mexico, Mr. WALZ of inspiration and irreverence. ended Carl’s dream of playing profes- Minnesota, Mr. MANZULLO of Illinois, It was only fitting that he was tapped sional sports, he refocused his energy Mr. PITTS of Pennsylvania, Mr. ROYCE by then-Governor Bill Clinton to serve on building a career in broadcasting, of California, and Mr. SMITH of New as his Presidential campaign’s top en- which he launched in 1942 at WOWO in Jersey. vironmental adviser. But just as he was Fort Wayne, IN. There, at the sugges- f set to join the campaign, Bob’s doctor tion of his station manager, Carl discovered a lump under his arm that adopted the name Tom Carnegie and MEASURES REFERRED signaled his HIV had progressed. used it throughout the remainder of his The following bill was read the first His instinct was always to fight on, remarkable career. and the second times by unanimous so between agonizing treatments, Bob Tom came to Indianapolis in 1945 consent, and referred as indicated: traveled the country relentlessly to where he quickly made a name for him- H.R. 759. An act to redesignate the Ellis Is- speak out against AIDS. self as the most recognizable voice in land Library on the third floor of the Ellis Taking on this fight—both privately Indiana sports. In addition to his dec- Island Immigration Museum, located on and publicly—was a remarkable choice. ades of work in radio, television and Ellis Island in New York Harbor, as the ‘‘Bob But for those who were blessed to know print, Tom announced the Indiana Hope Memorial Library’’; to the Committee him, it was not surprising. State high school basketball cham- on Energy and Natural Resources. We will never forget the historic and pionships for 24 years, co-founded the The following concurrent resolution moving address he gave at the Demo- Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame in was read, and referred as indicated: cratic National Convention in 1992. The 1962, and was inducted in the Hall of H. Con. Res. 42. Honoring the heroic serv- first openly gay American with HIV/ Fame in 1975. ice and sacrifice of the glider pilots of the AIDS to speak at a political conven- Race fans from around the world United States Army Air Forces during World War II; to the Committee on Armed Services. tion, Bob brought so many of us to have come to know Tom as the voice of tears and action by showing the real the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. A f racing novice at the time, Tom began costs of AIDS and the real meaning of INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND announcing the Indianapolis 500 in 1946. courage. JOINT RESOLUTIONS He said that day: ‘‘You see, I have Over the years, Tom’s rich, baritone AIDS. I could be an African-American voice called to millions of fans over the The following bills and joint resolu- woman, a Latino man, a 10-year-old public address system as he announced tions were introduced, read the first boy or girl. AIDS has many faces. And 61 Indianapolis 500 races, 12 Allstate 400 and second times by unanimous con- AIDS knows no class or gender, race or at the Brickyard races, and 6 United sent, and referred as indicated: religion, or sexual orientation. .’’ States Grand Prix races. He has also By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mrs. Over the next 15 years, as many other produced two major film documen- DOLE, Mrs. CLINTON, and Mr. ROB- taries on racing. ERTS): activists moved on to other challenges, S. 946. A bill to amend the Farm Security Bob never gave up the battle to make I appreciate this opportunity to con- gratulate Tom on a remarkable life of and Rural Investment Act of 2002 to reau- sure America truly lived up to its thorize the McGovern-Dole International ideals. Sometimes that meant working exciting achievements, and to recog- Food for Education and Child Nutrition Pro- tirelessly to elect progressive can- nize his wife D.J. for the role she has gram, and for other purposes; to the Com- didates. played in his many accomplishments. I mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- Sometimes it meant standing up and am hopeful that each of my colleague estry. speaking out, whether it was taking on will join me in wishing Tom continuing By Mrs. CLINTON: S. 947. A bill to modernize the Federal a bureaucrat or a President. Most re- success, good health, and happiness as he enjoys his retirement.∑ Housing Administration to meet the housing cently, it meant moving to Sacramento needs of the American people; to the Com- to devote more time to serving as f mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- president of California’s Fish and Game MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE fairs. Commission. By Mr. LIEBERMAN (for himself, Mr. At 6:22 p.m., a message from the BROWNBACK, Mrs. CLINTON, Mr. DUR- The last time we saw Bob was 2 House of Representatives, delivered by months ago in Washington, DC, as we BIN, and Mr. CASEY): Mr. Hays, one of its reading clerks, an- S. 948. A bill to amend the Public Health all celebrated the new majority in Con- nounced that the House has passed the Service Act to authorize funding for the es- gress and the historic election of following bill, in which it requests the tablishment of a program on children and Speaker NANCY PELOSI. concurrence of the Senate: the media within the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to If Bob was sick or struggling that H.R. 759. An act to redesignate the Ellis Is- study the role and impact of electronic day, he certainly didn’t let on. He land Library on the third floor of the Ellis media in the development of children; to the wanted to reminisce about the past and Island Immigration Museum, located on Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and toast the future with that same larger Ellis Island in New York Harbor, as the ‘‘Bob Pensions. than life personality that made him so Hope Memorial Library’’. By Mrs. BOXER (for herself, Mr. LEVIN, special. The message also announced that the and Mrs. FEINSTEIN): Now, as so many friends mourn his House has agreed to the following con- S. 949. A bill to amend the Plant Protec- passing, we also celebrate his life. We current resolution, in which it requests tion Act to authorize the Secretary of Agri- celebrate his candor and compassion, the concurrence of the Senate: culture to enter into cooperative agreements his sense of humor and sense of pur- H. Con. Res. 42. Concurrent resolution hon- with States to augment the efforts of the pose, his ability to amuse and inspire oring the heroic service and sacrifice of the States to conduct early detection and sur- us all. And we celebrate his lasting leg- glider pilots of the United States Army Air veillance to prevent the establishment or Forces during World War II. spread of plant pests that endanger agri- acy in the relationships he forged, the culture, the environment, and the economy rights he championed, and the natural The message further announced that of the United States, and for other purposes; resources he protected for generations pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 6913, and the to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, to come.∑ order of the House of January 4, 2007, and Forestry. VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:31 Jun 27, 2017 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK_5\LOC_FILES\BR21MR07.DAT BR21MR07 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD.