FEB/MAR 2014 FEMME FATALE V-DAY FASHION GUIDE PAGE 25 Seth Schorr Spills it in ‘SERENDIPITOUS’ HOUSING: MCNEIL ESTATES Bin+ 702 Pinches Tacos The Boozery … And the Most Sought-After Painter Outside the Arts District Now that January’s in the rear view mirror (thankfully!), we’re putting the pedal to the metal as we go full steam ahead into the short yet delectably sweet month of February. With St. Valentine’s Day soon approaching, this month’s theme of love is ever abundant throughout our pages as we shed light on a 5-year-old kindergartner who doubles as a professional painter, sit down with Cupkates co-owners Kate and Will Thompson to learn the secret behind their better tasting cupcakes, go shopping inside Downtown Container Park’s boutique stores in search of that perfect and well-deserved Valentine’s gift, and finally, track down some of downtown’s better tasting and healthier post- dinner dessert options with your sweetheart. But wait! We realize that for some, V-Day is more like D-Day, so we’ve also included additional features to keep your mind off of oh, what’s his name, such as the continuation of “The Letter,” part two of Descriptive Downtown, an in-depth look at the prominence of the El Cortez, and much, much more. So go ahead, flip through, and read to your heart’s content. - The Downtown ZEN Team Editor-in-Chief Cover: Loren Becker Concept Contact Us: Mandy Crispin Email:
[email protected] Managing Editors Like: facebook.com/ZapposDowntownHappenings Michael Boley, Mandy Crispin Production and Direction Follow: #dtzen