Department of Attorney General
SLIPPI EMENT TO THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 7 Agriculture and Marketing—(Continued) Murray, Ralph C............ 2,442 06 Sibley, Jack D................ 5,744 26 Murray, Robert A.......... 4,139 31 Silver, Keith R.............. 2,777 66 Murray, Thomas A........ 4.090 94 Slater, Douglas T........... 4,277 86 Murray. Vernon R........ 4,172 02 Smiley. Walter L............. 2.931 88 Nixon, William A.......... 4.205 79 Smith. David M............... 2,786 77 Nunn, Thomas R............ 4,073 83 Smith, Weldon L............. 3.999 53 O'Reilly, Ellen M.......... 4,663 90 Stead, Phillip B............... 4,894 27 Palfrey, Donald G.......... 5,059 35 Stewart, Peter S............. 3,353 67 Parsons, M. Anne........ 2,601 16 Swinkels, Peter M......... 3,758 08 Phillips, Robin M.......... 6.018 27 Taylor. Ralph H............. 3.678 02 Pierce. Frederick A .... 4,801 57 Thompson, Charles N.. 2,465 15 Porter, Sherry E............ 3,176 06 Thomson, John P.......... 5,107 44 Roach, Henry J .............. 3,466 97 Thurber, Ethelynn......... 3,165 68 Rouse. Angus................. 3,920 67 Trenholm, Bruce M----- 2,796 84 Rovers, Arnold A.......... 8,407 74 van der Leest, Jan ......... 2,939 63 Ruet, Joe J. L. E............ 6*558 19 Whitman, Richard J ----- 2,200 34 Saunders. Reginald F .. 2^093 75 Accounts under $2,000.________ 62,421 92 Scarle, J. Stephen........ 2J50 96 Shaw. Allen................... 4,296 36 5 518,376 91 Grants and Assistance: Annapolis County Crop Re-Insurance Fund 3,750 00 of Canada for Nova Exhibition...................$ 39,704 06 Annapolis Co. Livestock Scotia.......................... Health Services Board 19.000 00 Cumberland County 3,700 00 Antigonish Livestock Exhibition.................
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