
Rollin Jewett

SCENE: The interior of a bar, early evening, happy hour-ish. A man, early 30's, is standing at the busy bar. His name is John. He is sipping a martini by himself. A very attractive woman, same age, looks around the bar, sees John and walks over to him. laughs and grasps his hand warmly. Her name is Phyllis.


John is startled and looks at her confused.


PHYLLIS I knew it! I recognized you from your picture, although you're much more handsome in person.

JOHN My picture?

PHYLLIS From the dating service, of course. Did you forget you uploaded a picture along with your personality profile?

JOHN Uh...personality profile?

She twirls, proudly displaying her body.

PHYLLIS Well...what do you think?

JOHN About what?

PHYLLIS Me, silly! Do I look like my picture? Be honest!

JOHN're very attractive, that's for sure. PHYLLIS Flattery will get you everywhere!

JOHN (warming to her) Well, then you're gorgeous.

PHYLLIS Oh you! You're as charming as your letter.

JOHN My...letter?

PHYLLIS You are a playful one, aren't you? That sweet poetic letter you wrote to me through "Single's Scene Dating Service". The one where you said my picture was like a photograph of a pre-Raphaelite ...a masterpiece worthy of a Davinci, quote unquote.

JOHN I wrote that?

PHYLLIS Of course, modest. Listen, why don't we sit down and get better acquainted.

JOHN Yeah...sure.

The sit at a small intimate table. A SERVER comes over.

PHYLLIS Okay, now let's see if I can remember...Grey Goose and tonic with a twist of lime, am I right?

JOHN Yeah...that sounds good.

PHYLLIS Now...can you remember what I drink?

JOHN (thinking hard) Oh...right. You like that drink with...uh, that kind of liquor...uh, that

PHYLLIS (helping him) Rum.

JOHN (quickly) Rum! Rum, rum, rum.

PHYLLIS And what else?

JOHN Rum and...uh....Coke?

PHYLLIS Oh my god, you remembered! You sweet thing!

She touches his face lovingly. The server leaves to get the drinks.

PHYLLIS (CONT'D)'s the world of high finance, stock options and corporate takeovers treating you these days?

JOHN I wouldn't know.


JOHN I gets a little grueling sometimes, but you know how it is...

PHYLLIS Not really. Tell me about it.

JOHN Well, there's really not much to tell...

PHYLLIS What did you say your job title was?


PHYLLIS (impressed) must get exhausted just explaining your title.