Blood, People, and Crowds in Matthew, Luther, and Bach
Swarthmore College Works Music Faculty Works Music Spring 2005 Blood, People, And Crowds In Matthew, Luther, And Bach Michael Marissen Swarthmore College, Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Music Commons Recommended Citation Michael Marissen. (2005). "Blood, People, And Crowds In Matthew, Luther, And Bach". Lutheran Quarterly. Volume 19, Issue 1. 1-22. This work is brought to you for free by Swarthmore College Libraries' Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in Music Faculty Works by an authorized administrator of Works. For more information, please contact BloodBlood, }People, People, and and Crowds Crowds in Matthew,in Matthew, Luther, andand Bach Bach by MICHAEMICHAELL MARISSENMARISSEN n allall ofof ChristianChristian Scripture,Scripture, probablprobablyy nnoo lineline hahass beenbeen invokeinvokedd toto Ijustifjustifyy theologicatheologicall condemnationcondemnation ofof JewsJews oror physicalphysical violenceviolence againstagainst JewJewss mormoree frequentlyfrequendy thanthan thethe outcryoutcry forfor Jesus'Jesus' crucifixioncrucifixion expressedexpressed byby "all"all thethe people"people" inin MatthewMatthew 27:25,27:25, "His"His bloobloodd bbee onon usus andand onon ourour children."children." ThisThis versversee appearsappears too,too, ofof course,course, iinn Bach'sBach's St.St. MatthewMatthew PassioPassionn (BWV(BWV 244)244),, andand iitt isis importantimportant toto askask hohoww
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