Index to the Journal of Arizona History, R Arizona Historical Society,
[email protected] 480-387-5355 NOTE: the index includes two citation formats. The format for Volumes 1-5 is: volume (issue): page number(s) The format for Volumes 6 -54 is: volume: page number(s) R Raat, W. Dirk, book by, reviewed 26:462-63; 38:306-7 book coedited by, reviewed 28:211-12 book review by 27:361-62; 28:308-9; 30:349-51; 35:90-91 Rabago, Robert, book by, reviewed 53:405 Rábago y Terán, Pedro de 55:72, 77 Rabasa, José, book by, reviewed 36:87-88 Rabbitt, Mary C., book by, reviewed 21:225-26 Rabenowitz, Julius 23:330 Rabinnovitz, __________ (at San Carlos) 45:285, 286 Race (ethnology), articles about, listed 27:152-53 Race and Labor in Western Copper: The Fight for Equality, 1896-1918, by Philip J. Mellinger, reviewed 37:298-99 Race, Nation, and Market: Economic Culture In Porfirian Mexico, by Richard Weiner, reviewed 46:198-99 Race, Religion, Region: Landscapes of Encounter in the American 1 Index to the Journal of Arizona History, R Arizona Historical Society,
[email protected] 480-387-5355 West, edited by Fay Botham and Sara M. Patterson, reviewed 48:306-7 Racetrack in Tucson, Willis Haynes photo of 33:98 Race Work: The Rise of Civil Rights in the Urban West, by Matthew C. Whitaker, reviewed 48:102-3 Race Works, by Matthew C. Whitaker 53:120 Rachlin, Carol K., book coauthored by, reviewed 17:362 “Racial Question and the Japanese” (editorial) 14:344 Racing, Bicycle 13:38, 48 Hose Cart 13:160, 162, 164 photo of 13:40 Racing Bicycles 13:48 photo of 13:39 Racism, book about, reviewed 29:110-11 Radar Hill 40:18 Radbourne, Allan 30:326 2 Index to the Journal of Arizona History, R Arizona Historical Society,
[email protected] 480-387-5355 article by 17:341-46; 46:249-68; 50:1-58 biographical information 17:341 biographical note on 46:249; 50:1 book by, reviewed 47:394-95 book reviewed by 52:99-100 Radcliff, Alexander 48:86 n.