The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Railways
VICTORIA. REPORT FROM THE PARLIAMENTARY STANDING COMMITTEE ON RAILWAYS ON THE QUESTION OF THE PROPOSED NETHERRY RAILWAY. -- Ordered by the Legislative Assembly to be printed, 28th November, 1905. %@EIutfJotita: B6BT. 8. BRAIN, GOVERS3fENT PRINTER, MELBOUBNE* huwrta €~YANDINO COYY~EEREPO~ NO 4.-[6d.]-10939. MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENTARY STANDIhG COMMITTEE ON RAILWAYS. (Seventh Committee.) The Hon. a. GRAHAH,M.1 .A., Chairman. I A. 9. ~eile,hp., M.L.A,, The Hon. D. Melville, M.L.C. The Hon. Dr. W. H. Embling, M.L.C., (Vice-chairman), I . i P. McBride, Esq., M.L A., E. C. Warde, Esq., M.L.A. APPROXLBIATLG COST OF REPORT. L a, d. Co~npilrtlon* Yr~nUl~g(700 coples) , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. --310 0 The conipilation was a portion of the work of the Secretary of the Railways Standing Committee, who is paid by annual salary. REPORT. m. I THE PARLIAMENTARYSTANDING COMMITTEE ON RAILWAYS,to which the Legislative Assembly referred the question of connecting Netherby i by means of a railway with the existing railway system, and of loading 1 the land enhanced in value by the construction of tha railway, has the a honour to report as follows :- I. Netherby is a small township about 16 miles, in a direct line, north of Nhill, theDescription district of *i& is on the Dimboola and Serviceton railway. It is also abqut 2Q miles west of Jpparit, which is on t4e Dimboola and Rainbow ling. Lorqu~nis another small township situated between 13 and 14 miles west of Jeparit, and about 8 miles aopth-east af Netherby. Both Netherby and Lorquon are immediately surrounded bi'yhat is known locally as the " bull-oak " country, the soil being of a red loamy cha~acter,and well suited for growing wheat and oats.
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