Hindmarsh Shire Council 2019/20 Budget COUNCILLORS Cr Ron Ismay, Mayor Cr Ron Lowe, Deputy Mayor Cr David Colbert Cr Rob Gersch Cr Debra Nelson Cr Tony Schneider SENIOR MANAGEMENT Chief Executive Officer, Mr Greg Wood Director Corporate & Community Services, Mrs Monica Revell Director Infrastructure Services, Mrs Angela Hoy COUNCIL OFFICE 92 Nelson Street Nhill VIC 3418 03 5391 4444 VIEW OUR WEBSITE www.hindmarsh.vic.gov.au CONTRIBUTE TO OUR FACEBOOK PAGE www.facebook.com/hindmarshshirecouncil SEND US AN EMAIL
[email protected] Front Cover – Artist impression of proposed Dimboola Library Hindmarsh Shire Council 2019/20 Budget Contents Key Result Areas at a glance ........................................................................................ 3 Mayor and CEO’s Introduction ...................................................................................... 4 Strategic objectives ....................................................................................................... 7 Key Result Area No. 1: COMMUNITY LIVEABILITY .................................................... 9 Key Result Area No. 2: BUILT AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT .............................. 33 Key Result Area No. 3: COMPETITIVE AND INNOVATIVE ECONOMY ................... 63 Key Result Area No. 4: OUR PEOPLE, OUR PROCESSES ..................................... 77 Reconciliation with budgeted operating result ........................................................... 109 Financial Statements ................................................................................................