United States Patent Office Patented May 9, 1961 1
2,983,583 United States Patent Office Patented May 9, 1961 1. 2 of the tube and drained into the hot Zone. Most of the 2,983,583 silicon tetrachloride was recovered unchanged. 0.43 millimole of BCls were obtained. Based on the SiCl4 METHOD OF PREPARNG BORON TRICHLORDE consumed, the yield of boron trichloride was about 70% FROM BORIC OXDE AND SILICON TETRA 5 based on Equation 2. CHLORDE Example III-In another experiment, conducted in William H. Schechter, Bradford Woods, Pa., assignor to a manner similar to those above, 10.0 millimoles of S2Cl2 Callery Chemical Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., a corpor was heated with 5.04 millimoles of BOs at 800° C. for ration of Pennsylvania 10 minutes. Boron trichloride and sulfur dioxide were O obtained in the volatile products, and a yellow solid, be No Drawing. Filed Mar. 28, 1958, Ser. No. 725,471 lieved to be sulfur, formed in the tube. 2 Claims. (CI. 23-205) Example IV.-9.32 millimoles of PC were passed over excess BO heated to 800° C. for 10 minutes. The vola This invention relates to the preparation of boron tri 15 tile products formed were analyzed with an infrared spec chloride and more particularly to the preparation of trometer and found to be predominantly BCl3. Some boron trichloride from boric oxide and non-metallic orange colored solids also formed in the reactor during chlorides. the reaction. The non-metallic chlorides which have been found Boron trichloride, BC, is used in several processes to useful in the practice of this invention are all volatile prepare other boron compounds, as a catalyst, and, in 20 liquids, at ordinary temperatures, and their reaction with general, is regarded as a basic boron compound.
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