VOL. X. SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1930. No. 5 BAND BENEFIT PROGRAM DAVISMEN EXPECT TOUGH SCORES WITH STUDENTS QUERIES PÜÏ BATTLE THIS FRIDAY NITE Dickenson’s Orchestra Barth and Pierucci Features Program Graduates Notice TO STUDENTS LAB DUES PAYABLE Back In Line-up Featuring an eleven-piece or­ Laboratory dues will be pay­ All those who expect to Fast Game Expected chestra led by Wes Dickenson, the able Monday and Tuesday of earn the A.B. degree by Jan­ Fresh from, their battle of last Campus Review of 1930, present­ next week at the office of the week at Redlands, Coach Hal uary or June, 1930, please controller, Fred Allred. A fine ed last Tuesday, fourth period, The following list of important Davis’ fighting flock of Roadrun- sign immediately an “ Applica­ of $1.00 will be assessed for questions and answers has been ners are büsy sharpening their for the benefit of the band, was late payments after Tuesday. tion for Graduation Card” in arranged by Hazel W. Severy, spurs preparing to draw blood out enthusiastically received by an The fees are figured at $1.00 the office of the registrar. chairman of the credentials com­ of the La Verne Leopards this audience which packed the College for each laboratory unit. Music This is important. Do it now. mittee as a means of impressing Friday night under the arcs at auditorium and left standing room courses are included this year. Jane C. Miller, Registrar. upon the students certain vital Pershing Park. The library fee is $2.00 and at a premium. requirements with regard to reg­ La Verne Rates Low payable at the same time. An ular and provisional standing. La Verne, coached by Leo Ei- The regular .Tuesday student incidental fee of $1.00 will also Failure to read and understand san, who fans remember was the body meeting was hurried through be made. these questions now may result stellar quarterback on last year’s by President Dave Watson, and COLLEGE PLAYERS in disappointment later on. University of California eleven, is Wes Dickenson, as master of cer­ Q. 1: Am 1 a regular student? rated as the weakest of the teams emonies, announced the Camlpus A. 1: If you are a high school in the Southern Conference. Play­ Review. The opening number was START REHEARSALS HALLOWE’EN PARTY graduate who has presented .12 ing against Los Angeles Junior a selection from “ II Trovatore,” by Rehearsals of “ The Ghost recommended units and the prin­ College two weeks ago, .the Leop­ the orchestra, on a stage set in Story,” the first production of cipal’s certificate of recommenda­ ards went down to a smashing 26- modernistic style. The College Players, were started PLANNED BY ECS tion, you have clear admission 0 defeat, and since Santa Bar­ Revelettes Entertain yesterday when Mlartha Bell, which means you are a regular bara State in a-very slipshod game For the second number, a trio Sally Leonard, Kay Myers, Eve­ student. The Home Economics depart­ Tied the Jaysee outfit, 6 to 6 last composed of Anita Cochran, Betty lyn Sims and Ida Mae Reeder, Q. 2: Am I a provisional stu­ ment held a peppy meeting under year in Peabody Stadium, Fri­ Procter, and Dorothea Peterson, Ben Romer, Clifton Russel, Mar­ dent? the direction of the new president, day’s encounter should see an­ accompanied by the orchestra, tin Bredsteen, and Wilber Day A. 2: You are a provisional Mrs. Mildred Johnson. Miss Eb- other win chalked up for the sang “ Just a Little Closer.” A met in the auditorium. Staters. student ¿f you have less than 12 betts welcomed new and returning .chorus of six co-eds then put on The production staff includes recommended units from high Price System Used Harold Irwin, head electrician; students. . Plans were made for a dance number. school with your principal’s rec­ Eisan, of course, uses “ liibs” May Smith, stage manager; Alice several club meetings outside of Davit Speaks om m endation. g# Price’s U. C. system of play, and Badger, make-up; Inez Lewis, In the time required to set the Q. 3: How can 1 become a school hours to overcome the dif­ with a fast backfield, Captain Hub- properties; and costumes, Salty stage for the fdurth act, Coach regular student if 1 enter as a ficulty o f having only one-half bell at quarter ; Lervin and For­ Leonard. The directors are Doris Hal Davis made a short impromp­ provisional student? hour for departmental meetings. ney, halves, and Welbright, at full, Rodehaver, manager, and Henry tu rally speech on the Redlands A. 3: Carry a program of at to put over the type of plays that Fairbanks. • The assistant director Frances Leach explained some of game. Then Harry Denno, John least 12 units and make an aver­ the Bruins turned thé tables on is Mario Casaroli, Ida Mae Reed­ the plafis for the Hallowe’en party Reid, Ted Neidermuller, and. Jim age of “C” or better in either the Trojans last year with, spec­ er has been appointed as secretary Kent, supported by Ted’s police semester of the freshman year. It promising the frosh a jolly-good tators should see some snappy m for the' organization, Fred Imes, dog, presented a short blackface is best to make the average the time. Jennie Lind was appointed football Friday night. financial manager, and Irma Earl, first semester. skit. The stage was set like the head chairman 'in charge of the The balance of the La Verne business manager. Q. 4: If I do not make the inside of a pullman car, showing Christmas sale. A new Eagle re­ team will line up as follows: Ends, “ The Ghost Story,” by Booth regular status the freshman year two berths, which were occupied porter was elected to succeed Miss Adams and Jones; tackles, Tarkington is a modern comedy what can 1 do? by Harry Denno and John Reid. Frances Leach. and Ferrel; guards, Raynon and of college life. The plot deals A. 4: (a) You have lost your Chorus Number Scores The officers for the Home Eco­ Stover; center, Nichols. with a boy who in order to get chance to become a regular stu­ Barth and Pierucci Dave Lewis next led the stu­ along with the girl of his affec­ dent. nomics department are: Presi­ dent, Mildred Johnson; vice presi­ Expected to Play dent body in three yells, after tions tells a ghost story of such (b) You cannot graduate from dent, Frances Leach; secretary, j which the co-ed trio sang “ Sally frightful intensity that an unex­ any department with a degree, or With husky George Barth back • of My Dreams.” After a number pected result occurs. There is teaching certificate. Geraldine Griffin; treasurer, Mar­ at tackle, his difficulties regard­ tha Larson, and publicity chair­ by the orchestra, two three-part plenty of singing and dancing, (c) You cannot transfer to ing scholarship all O. K., the line arrangements by Harry Denno, of contrasted by the ghastly' ghost another college with a clear rec­ man, Ruth Arnold. The faculty will present a much stronger “ Whispering,” for violins and story. ord. The University of Califor­ advisor is Miss Charlottle Ebbets. front than heretofore, and if Fred ■------>--- ♦— i------trumpets were given. Chester According to- Doris Rodehaver nia will not allow you to transfer Pierucci succeeds in ironing out Tubbs then sang “ Kiss Waltz,” the cast and production staff are until you have earned 60 units of DELTA PHI DELTA his troubles in that department, while *a dancing chorus of four a good bunch, and the play should there isn’t much more that State credit of good grade. Delta Phi Delta, honorary fra­ men and four co-eds waltzed. This be ready by the first of Novem­ could ask for in the backfield. Q. 5: If I have made an aver­ ternity, held the first event of was encored, and Coach Davis and ber. age of “C” in the freshman year State should go into action as Fred Allred made speeches. The their social calendar last Monday follows: Ends, Colton and Good- how can I be changed to regular evening at the home of the spon­ orchestra then played “ Wa-wa Big Things Planned status? field; tackles, Barth and Wade; sor, Mrs. Mary E. T. Croswell on Girl.” By W. A. A. Board A. 5: Go to the registrar and guards, Davis and Imes; center, Olive street. Dinner was served ---- + obtain the petition blanks, fill out Johnson; - halves, Greeson and A meeting of the W. A. A. to all members and each guest as directed and return to thq reg­ Treloar; quarter, Hickman; full, board, composed of Helen Furby, was given a remembrance from 150 ATTEND istrar who turns them over to the Kessler. president; Meryl Adams, vice- Mrs. Croswell’s trip to Europe credentials committee for re-eval- president; Mae Smith, secretary; this summer. POW-WOW uation. Fall Frolic Saturday Nite Mildred Chamberlain, athletic Officers of Delta Phi Delta for Q. 6: If I transfer from an­ manager, and Mrs. Hodgins, ad­ the coming year are: President, The “ Fall Frolic,” an informal Associated Mien Student social other college where I am on pro­ viser, met at .the home o f Meryl Katherine Bishop; vice president, dance and the second social event •activities got off to a flying start bation what standing will I have Adams Wednesday. The board Elizabeth Foster; secretary, Ida of the Associated Student Body last Tuesday evening when over at State College? Vizzolini, and treasurer, \ Marian this semester, will he held next 200 collegians, including discussed1* the transfering of ath­ letic points from one college to (Continued on Page 2, Col. 4) Hebert. Saturday night at Rockwood. The instructors enjoyed many merry first dance will start promptly at mad moments of fun, laughter, another, and worked on a pro­ gram for the coming year. And 8:30. Special surprise entertain- . and activity at the Y. M. C. A. just listen to this, girls, W. A. A. KAPPA DELTA PI OUTLINES ment is being provided by the so­ pow-wow. The “ Y” building and may become national! cial committee. facilities were turned over to the Also, there’s real fun jn store. The Frolic will end promptly group for the evening and activ­ PLANS FOR YEAR AT MEETING Watch for announcement of the at 11:30 p. m. so that the women ities included swimming, pool and W. A. A. overnight party. Oh, Alpha Rho chapter, Kappa Del­ Smythe; secretary, - Alice Izant, may comply with the house rules billiards, ping-pong and the eats., >'r^. this W. A. A. board has been ta Pi, honorary educational fra­ and treasurer, Arthur Barnett. requiring them to be home by 12 Oscar J. Trautz, social chairman, p, m. . planning big things! ternity, held its first meeting of President Clarence L. Phelps is and John Davis, president, were the fall semester Tuesday even­ the retiring counselor of the Student Body tickets must be responsible for the success of the W. A. A. OFFICERS ing in the A. W. S. clubrodm. Ac­ group. shown at the door by both men party. ELECTED cording to plans outlined at the To be eligible for the honor and women. All outside guests “ Army” Kessler won the heavy­ The officers of the W. A. A. meeting, the year’s program will fraternity, a student must have must present a written invitation weight title and “ Whitey” Hab- are: President, Helen Furby; include several meetings open to an average grade of “2” or bet­ obtained in advance from Dean erek took middleweight honors in vice president, Meryl Adams; sec­ all college students and the gen­ ter in all his college work, must Pyle or Virginia Weber, chairman the boxing tournament staged as retary-treasurer, May Smith, and eral public, in addition to the reg­ have junior standing, twelve units of the social committee. A charge a feature part of the program. athletic manager, Mildred Cham­ ular monthly meetings held the of education, and must have de­ of fifty cents each will be made for all dancers not members of Harold Polley and Hal Smith were berlain. Mrs. Winifred Weage first Tuesday of each month. Dur­ sirable social characteristics. - the Associated Students or fac­ awarded first and second prize in Hodgins is the faculty advisor. ing National Education week in Following Tuesday night’s busi­ ulty. the tournament over the “ Y” At a recent executive meeting, November the fraternjty will ness meeting a party featuring miniature golf course, shooting 43 ♦------the year’s program was discussed. spopsor an assembly program. Columbus and Hallowe’en ideas DINNER PARTY HELD and 44 respectively. The first social event will be a The membership of thé chapter was enjoyed under -(he leadership Miss Clark, sponsor of the Kap­ The Frofh defeated the Sopho­ supper to be held at the end of is made up o f campus and grad­ of Mrs. Zelma Pierce. The sun pa Omicron Phi sorority, enter­ mores in the tie-up, winning pos­ hockey season. Plans are already uate students. The officers for porch, where the refreshments tained the active members at a session of a specially made tin being made for the annual play the year as: President, Francis were served, was elaborately dec­ dinner party at Russel’s, Thurs­ cup. day in March. Noel; vice president, Mildred orated in Hallowe’en style. day, October 9. Page 2 THE EAGLE

THE EDITOR SPEAKS ©If* llllliM llllflllllllllllll iiiinaitiiiiiiiiii CHoUegf “ SPRUCING UP” Owned and Published Weekly by the Associated Students, Santa Barbara State tò m a College,' Santa Barbara, California- Because of the rapid growth of this institution, all available funds seem to have been spent upon E ditor-in -ch ief...... CH AS. V A N W IN K LE buildings and equipment. The consequent neglect of It still seems customary for Faculty A dvisor...... Ken Goble the grounds, necessary though it may have been, has the fellows to line themselves up Editors: long been felt by faculty, students, townspeople, and along the Quad steps and give Sports ...... Cleave Hillman, Helen Nauman visitors. The addition of new buildings from time to the girls the onee-over as they go Society ...... Dorothy Croni.- by. Too bad they have nothing Campus ...... David Larsen; Asst., M arjorie Ballentine time has accentuated this appearance of neglect of the else to do — theyre’s never re­ Dramatics ...... Doris Rodehaver grounds. The buildings are gems without a setting. quired to study, you know. Feature ...... Irma Earl The administration and up-keep, staff have come in ... Make-up ...... V iola Petersen for considerable criticism On this score, some just— THE TRY OUT more unjust. Larry Oudney : “ What would BUSINESS STAFF Editorial and Business Offifce on Santa you give for a voice like mine?” * Business and Advertising Manager Barbara State College Campus It is with unqualified approbation, then, that the ______M artin Bredsteen Mrs. Barnett: “ Chloroform!” REPORTERS Published Every Monday Morning Eagle notes the addition of a full-time gardener to Grady - Cooper - Hodgins - Greenwell During the College Year ... Tietz - Davens - Leach - Cash - Leech the up-keep staff. His work is already noticeable Art says: “ College girls learn Stout - Miller - Hurst - Waterman Entered as Second-class Mail matter, around the quad, the front approach to the college, Casier - Romer - Casaroli - Polley Sept. 1? 1926. at the Postoffice. biology from books, business Britton - Pollard - Tubbs - Longawa Santa Barbara. California/ under Act and especially in front of the gym. W e hope that girls from experience. Did you B ritton - Janssens - P ollard of March 3. 1897. T ubbs - Longawa this is the beginning of a movement which will soon ever se$ the ,k Office W ife?” SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Printed b y give to State a campus landscaped in a manner fitting ... $1.00 per year, 50c semester (mailed) Daily News Job Printing Dept. for an institution of our size and standing—a campus Athletes may comie, athletes may which Roadrunners may show to visitors proudly go, METHODIST CHURCH BAPTIST CHURCH And fade as in a dream. The Baptist church has a society rather than with shame. The horsefly is the best of all. called the Baptist Young Peoples’ He’s always on the team. One of the classes of the Meth­ Union. The officers for this year JU ST A (Continued from Page 1, Col. 3) ... odist church is planning a Barn are, president, Juanita Decker; LITTLE REMINDER (All donations glady accepted Dance to be held on October 21. vice president, Dave Lewis; sec- And how we do love to be re­ A. 6: You will be on proba­ and donors not revealed. Turn retary, Rose Telford; treasurer, The following students from the minded about training rules. Well, tion the first semester you trans­ in at Eagle office). Bob Fee, and social chairman, anyway, it’s worth it. However, State College plan‘to attend: Vir­ fer. If you do not make your re­ * * * Margaret Copeland. All students keeping the rules is just part of quired 10 counts you wil be dis­ ginia Slicton, Chloris Bixler, Dor­ of the college age are welcome to Aha! We’ve discovered his the battle. You must be sure to qualified. (Read 'your catalogue, othy Kramer and Betty Green- the meetings which are held on his hangout! “ Army” Kessler keep a training card and file it page 2 1 ). well. Sunday evenings at 6:30. in the W. A. A. room. Watch takes ’em walking along thè Q. 7: How will 1 be informed this, girls, it will help towards moonlit short of West Beach in of my re-evaluation by the creden­ * that letter or sweater. “ the P. M. tials committee? . * * I '------SEND THE EAGLE 4 A. 7: After you have been MARY LONGAjyA LOSES Hypnotist: “ My gosh, I’ve got HOME evaluated by the credentials com­ Dave Watson in a deep sleep and i EPITHELIAL TISSUE; mittee, you will be sent an offi­ I can’t get him out of it. What’ll 50c SEMESTER FROSH SMASHES PHALANGE Î cial rating from the registrar’s of­ I do?” Gramercy, but this game of fice. Look this up and find out Assistant: “ Ring a bell.” hockey is getting rough! With the your standing and then try to traditional seeds of enmity’s own clear your standing if you do not between frosh and upperclass men have a regular status. It pays ORCHESTRA even peace-loving instructors to try for clear status. couldn’t do much last weak when The State College* orchestra, un­ —-Credentials Committee. Mary Longawa and a tough little der Clifford Leedy, this year frosh clashed. Mary pulled thru shows the same phenomenal in­ with nine toe nails while our A mule has 2 legs B hind crease in size and enthusiasm as frosh came out of the combat with And 2 he has B4; the other organizations. No defi­ a smashed thumb. You see, years You stand Bhind B4 you find nite plans for the year have been at State are never against one! What the 2 Bhind B4. made as yet. According to Mr. Leedy, the orchestra will probably play for assemblies and programs GUARANTEED from time to time and also for ! a r t e l $ ! Dutchess Campus Cords ______$6.50 radio engagements. (10c a Button; $1.00 a Rip) The members of this year’s or­ Freshmen Blue Jea n s______:____ l. $1.95 chestra are as follows: 5 JUjntograiilìa | Noremac Fast Color Shirts______$1.95 First violin: Wes Dickensen, Audrey Moore,- Ruth Hurst, Rich­ Dial Dial ard Aguinaldo, Stella Smead, La Placita Bldg. Telephone 3886 Elizabeth Thomas, Lowell 'Wash­ 3149 3149 burn, Evelyn Stadtmiller. Santa Barbara, Calif. 740 STATE STREET $ 6 5 » Flute: Clarke George, Bill Mc- 701-703 STATE STREET David, James Ruiz, James Nicklin, Harry Denno. Trumpet: James Tucker, Her­ TYPEWRITERS -- STATIONERY W. S. Hill, Gen. Mgr. bert Motto, Sidney Root. All Standard Makes. Typewriters Sold, Rented, Repaired. Cello: Viola Boardman. Oldest and largest typewriter exchange in the city. AMBASSADOR LAUNDRY CO., Inc. Bass Viol: Rachel Burns. Special rates to students. Bass: A1 Bevis. Just Phone 4258 and 3726 The Laundry of Quality and Service Pianist: Betty Procter. a m r w r ^ f TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE IS A. JWI Ik STATIONERY STORE 201 E. HALEY STREET TELEPHONE 5196 FOOTBALL SHOES And “First With The Latest” ! EQUIPMENT i RUSSEL’S

j THE RENDEZVOUS OF THOSE WHO ENJOY HARRY C. SMITH McCaffrey I Men’s W ear Bros. I fine food ! Phone 5620 Telephone 5656 634 State \ j 721 STATE STREET i ELEVEN HUNDRED BLOCK STATE STREET Santa Barbara 1 i I For all Social Affairs of SORORITY, FRATERNITY, STUDENT BODY, Etc., supply your Printing and Engraving requirements at The Schauer Printing Studio 15 East Anapamu St. Incorporated Telephone 5246 1107 State Street A COMPLETE EQUIPMENT FOR EVERY REQUIREMENT ■______I------* WATCH OUR SPECIALS 1105 State Street I For Demonstration of Majestic Radios See j SCHOOL SUPPLIES j I JESS TUCKER Phone 3314 j LAMB ELECTRIC COMPANY S , E. MORRIS i | 1200 Anacapa Street i Telephone 7117 Santa Barbara, Calif. 1123 State Street I


limili ilium iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ■111111111111111 I STEAM—THE STUDENT9 S BLOW OFF I SO CIETY J FEATURES ALUMNI llllltltlllllllllllilllll!

2510 Bancroft Way, progress is made in the wrong di­ TA U OM EGA FROSH FOIBLES Miss Helen Campbell, a grad­ Berkeley, Calif. rection I needs must stick in an The home of Johnny Davis was I went to Ventura with the uate of last year is teaching in To the Editor: oar and do some paddling for my­ the scene of a very interesting freshman football team Saturday. eight Bakersfield schools. She is Mayhap you have some feeble self. And I am not trying to be party last Monday evening as the W e all went in a bus with a driv­ a member of Alpha Theta Chi glimmering of an idea in your malicious or anything like that. It Tau Omegan’s held their open er named Chris, and the favorite sorority and was down here for mind concerning the weird form is impossible for a loyal alumnus house. Refreshments were served pastime on the way down was to the Cal. Tech game. * * * The Eagle has taken under your to sit passively by while good old after Chester Tubbs and Olive pull the bell cord to see if Chris managership, but, speaking from Alma Mater has such an abortion Hillman lost all their money. would get absent-minded and pull Emily Van Wagner, ’29, is the personal viewpoint of myself foisted upon it as The Eagle. Formal pledging was enacted at over to the curb. He had pretty teaching school in Azusa. . She and other alumni, among them a I’m glad to see that the other the home of Martin Bredsteen af­ good control, though, and the on­ taught in the Montecito school former editor of the sheet, I arise activities of the college aren’t go­ ter the men’s Pow-wow at the “ Y ” ly time he forgot himself was last year. ing the way of the official organ * * * to scream in shocked accents that on Tuesday night. The five pled­ when he tried to collect Fred All­ of the A. S. B. and are forging the darned thing is lousy. Do ges who were • received are: red’s fare. Rudy Shauer and Jean Nielson you leave the heads out for some into the front ranks of collegiate are both going to Cal. this year. “ Pinky” Greeson, Charles Van The thing I got the biggest kick good reason, or, is it because of organizations in the sunny South­ Rudy is a member of Alpha The­ Winkle, Howard Bush, Roger eas­ out of was the meal after the an inability on your part or your land. All of us up here are fol­ ta Chi sorority and Jean Nielson ier, and Bob Hughes. game, and I guess the whole assistants to write good heads? lowing the fortunes of the school is a member of Delta Zeta Delta. And where did you ressurect with bated bread and admiring bunch felt the same way about it. those absolutely priceless and ar­ eyes, so, cheerio, good luck and W e descended on Townsend’s BETA SIGMA CHI The flapper wept over “ The chaic cuts that adorn the pages? Go bless you. (might as well give ’em a little Man Without a Country,” but. They would have been great stuff ' Floyd D.^Kenney, ’30. The Beta Sigs held open house publicity) like a horde of vandals, or huns or something, and cleaned when she considered the possibil­ back in the days of our grand­ Other alumni joining me in this on Monday evening, receiving six ity of a country without a man, fathers, but they seem rather plea for a bigger and better pledges. Bud Carleston, Don up the place. You ought to see Clark Schooler eat pie; and Jim­ she realized that the author was passe to my eye. paper are: Allan Ottley, 33; Stuart, “ Happy” Day, Tom Ma­ a piker at creating tragic situa­ Understand, I am not an enemy Ardle Pierce, ’32; Jerry Vaughn, honey, and Vic Colton signified mie Kent, our respected manager, tions. to progress. I haven’t become ’29; Lucien Stark, ’29, and W al­ their desire to become members is no slouch at it himself. Bob that senile as yet. But when ter Reed, ’28. of this fraternity. Winters rated two desserts, the big sheik, and I can see where sang all the school songs firsthand iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiri m iiiiiiiitiiiiiii Ed Kerrigan is going to move to then went on to “ My Wild Irish SIGMA ALPHA KAPPA Ventura unless somebody fires Rose,” and the rest of the sweet DEPARTMENT NEWS The Sigma Alphs culminted an that little brunette waitress. old-time favorites. It’s surpris­ active week with open house at On the way home, after the ing what harmony you can get INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION WOMEN’S PHYSICAL the home of Llewellyn Goodfield. cuts and bruises were all bound out of a football team, and the The officers of the Industrial EDUCATION DEPARTMENT They accepted five pledges. Those up, we turned out the dome-lights journey home was for me the who attended were: Archie Way, Education department are: Fred The women’s physical education on the big bus, and sang. We most pleasant part of the trip. Warner Ooleman, John Eckhardt, Olson, president; Ed Jacobs, vice department shows decided growth. Bernard O’Reilly and Emmet Mc- president; Oswald Higgs, secre­ Ten new girls have entered the Tavish. tary-treasurer; and Bob Imler,'so­ department, making a total of * * * cial chairman. twenty-six. The Womens Silk Shop ALPHA THETA CHI At the meeting September 30th, At the regular departmental Still The Headquarters for the Best School Hose Mr. E. E. Ericson, faculty advisor, meeting, Ann Furtado, president, The Alpha Theta Chi had a spoke on the traditions of the de­ welcomed the new girls. A sum­ meeting at the home o f Mrs. W al­ m Santa Barbara. partment. Bob Imler outlined mary of the accomplishments of ker Gabbert (Leila Thompson) in THE NO-MEND BRAND the social events of the year, an­ last year was given. The mem­ Ventura last Mionday night. They from $1.50 to $1.95 served a pot luck supper about nouncing a barbecue for Novem­ bers also discussed the social Service Weights, Service Chiffons and Chiffons ber and. a stag dinner to be held events of the year. A party for seven o’clock and had a short meeting afterwards. Seven mem­ some time in January. • each month is being planned. 1017 STATE STREET bers went south to the meeting. * * * Phone 7219 EM OHA T E A ART DEPARTMENT Misses Clark, - Jennie Lind, The art department is plan­ ALPHA PHI GAMMA Mary Camp, and Marie Stiber ning a Hallowe’en party. Theirs Featuring WILSON BROS. HABERDASHERY were at home to members o f the will be a masquerade dance, the Alpha Phi Gamma is making KOHN MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHES faculty and their friends from exact date to be announced later. big plans for the future. Invita­ three to five o’clock on Sunday, The officers of the art depart­ tions for open house have been ROY VERMILYEA October 5th, at Emoha. The de­ ment are: Doris Stanley, presi­ issued, and it is expected that at the next regular meeting a num­ Men’s Wear lightful affair was the first of the dent; Stanley Miller, vice presi­ ber of journalists will become VARSITY CORDS series of teas given by the stu­ dent; Lois Blackie, secretary; 805 STATE STREET i pledges to this fraternity. dents living in the practice cot­ Howard Bush, treasurer; and tage. Daisy Cromwell, social chairman. Telephone 4439 Carl Funk, Mgr. DELTA SIGMA EPSILON

Just exactly four times better than the famous “three-in-one” is COLLEGE GRILL A Treat in Store for You ! Delta Sigma Epsilon. Twelve of them went in one body to the Specializing in Redlands game. Then, since it 11 Fall suits—hats— shoes— was so late and dark, and they CLUB BREAKFASTS 11 fixings. Quality—variety— were so far from home anyway, 11 value. they all went up to Lake Arrow­ & STEAK DINNERS || Don’t be bashful. D on’t head, and spent the rest of the hesitate. Y ou’ll not ’be week-end. Frances Leach, one of 1218 »é ST A T E STREE T Santa Barbara, Calif. . their members, has- a cottage || “bothering.” W e like there. II lookers—-for— They had a pot-luck supper and meeting at the apartment of BOOKS - STATIONERY - ENGRAVING - KODAKS COMPARISON DETERMINES VALUE Mieryl Adams and Betty Jones. They had a radio, and Mieryl sang The Great Wardrobe some of her best sings, so besides OSBORNE'S BOOK STORE food and other business, they had QUALITY SINCE 1886 Telephone 4495 923-925 State Street a good time.

J. B. Cunnane, Pres. L. E. Green, Sec'y. 1932 De la Vina Phone 26120 PHI KAPPA GAMMA Phi Kappa Gamma postponed GUTIERREZ DRUG STORE Elite Cleaners & Dyers the benefit card party planned for Owned by EDDIE DUNDAS, ’30 October 11, to Saturday, October Telephone 3174 Cash and Carry Prices 18, because of the many mem­ M EN’ S SUITS, $1.25 THE LEADING PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS bers who were going south to the LADIES’ DRESSES OR COATS, $1.25 up Redlands game. 635 State Street Santa Barbara, Calif. t -* see “DAD” The Granada Dine at - - m u flí 11111 it i M en ’s Shop TIRES - TUBES - GAS - OIL The Plantation Managed by NORMAN ROSS 19 E. FIGUEROA ST. GREASING and TUBE-REPAIRING The University Suits Here you will find the choicest of Southern cooked foods, alert Are Now in Stock service and old-fashioned hospitality. Drive in and meet the smile that wont come off, Price $35.00 Salads Sandwiches French Pastry Chicken, Steak and Virginia Ham Dinners MISSION AT DE LA VINA STREET Telephone 7676 1214 STATE STREET “The Fountain of Youth”

t p aie 4 THE EAGLE

1 M EN’ S SPORTS j W O M E N ’ S SPORTS | Hillman Grady j Nauman Hodgins I Matthews Waterman . j Longawa ROADRUNNER SPORTS \ i

SANTA BARBARA 7, CROSS COUNTRY HOCKEY SCHEDULE SWIMMING PROGRESS REDLANDS, 6 ROADRUNNER TRYOUTS ANNOUNCED Fair coeds of State not only Cheered on by a small band of Chet Tubbs, veteran distance study occasionally, but proye apt CHICKS BOW TO The hockey class has been prac­ amphibians. The swimming class enthusiastic Santa Barbara root­ star took off from his vocalizing ticing in three squads with Ethel is making excellent progress. Last ers, Coach Hal Davis’ Roadrun- VENTURA ]. C. last Wednesday to win the an­ ners turned mudhens last- Friday nual cross-country try-outs over Hudson, Mildred Chamberlain, week the intermediate. and ad­ vanced people were timed for the night and “ baptized” the Baptists Featuring three spectacular the Mission Canyon course. Chet’s and Ruth Arnold acting as cap­ 100-yard dash, free stroke. Kath­ of Redlands U., 7 to 6 on the time was twelve minutes, thirty- tains. They have been getting long-distance runs for touchdowns erine Lambert took first place, southerners’ field. five seconds, which, while not a along just fine. So much prog­ by their star fullback, Joe Mar­ new record, is rather good time Woolman, second, and Peacock, The game was a wild one ress has been made that class tin, Ventura Junior College Sat­ for this early in the year. Hol- third. And you ought to see throughout, the sloppy field, soak­ games will be played the first and those beginners paddle around. ed by a heavy downpour, making urday defeated the Santa Barbara sten ran second, While Connell second weeks of November. Then They are rapidly creeping up on the outcome doubtful to the final State College frosh at the Ven­ sneaked in in front of Meggs for the third position. Other men comes basketball— whoopee! the intermediates. gun. The wet pigskin proved a tura Junior High School field to running were Nicklin, Palmer, distinct advantage to Santa Bar­ the tune of 18-0. AH scoring was MISSION ROSE bara for it stopped Redland’s Polley, and H. Smith who finished Last time tonight to see a good done in the first half. in that order. While the times “ The Notorious Affair” ' with passes time and again, scooting show — William Powell and Kay out of receiver’s arms where a The frosh were out-matched were not sensational, they were Billie Dove, playing at the Mis­ Francis in another powerful love completion seemed certain. during most of the first two quar­ satisfactory for this stage of the sion now, is alleged to be espe­ season, and Coach Luke Trimble drama of a brilliant lawyer, “ For Santa Barbara’s score came late ters, bht in the second half they cially appealing to women. It’s expects that the boys will whittle the Defense.” in the second period. After an played real football and more a new slant on the old triangle. them down before the approaching exchange of several punts with October 15— See a good sec­ than held their own. The latter meets. October 15 features “ Devil’s the ball staying in midfield most part of the game was witnessed ond-run picture— “ King of Jazz” Holiday” with Nancy Carrol. And of the time, “ Ace” -Hickman by Coach Hal Davis and members with Paul Whiteman. stopped a Bulldog drive when he of the State College varsity on Friday is the big five-act vaude­ And on Friday another big intercepted a pass* on his own 30 their way home from Redlands. ville show and, also Dorothy Mac- laugh — “ Dough Boys,” with the yard line. On the next play, a ------+ ------! © l t p a i m i kaill in “ Strictly Modern.” king of comedy, Buster Keaton. single reverse, “ Ace” f skidded She was only a taxidermist’s around left end and dashed and daughter, but she sure knew her AT THE THEATRES Vi splashed 65 yards to Redlands’ stuff. If, according to the T. B. test, five-yard mark. “ Tuffy” Treloar your heart and lungs need exer­ ran the entire width of the field cise, be sure to see the theatres (fllh WARNER BROTHERS m m and out of bounds to gain three this week. It’s a week for laughs. W SANTA BARBARA THEATRES W “JS more, and the last two were Polley * * * : where big pictures 'ahe always played at popuiar. prices -, - pushed over by “ Army” Kessler GRANADA. and Fred Pierucci, who started his Tonight is the last opportunity first game of the season Friday. Sez— to see “ Those Three French OB Walt Barnett went in for Kess­ Girls.” Don’t get excited boys, Now Playing Now Playing ler to convert for the extra point, At the present rate of in­ it’s only on the screen. If yo.u and while teams and spectators liked Reginald Denny in “ Madam “Those Three ‘Leathernecking” held their breath, the soggy oval crease State will have over Satan” last week, don’t miiss this French Girls” W ith hit the crossbar, bounded up into 1000 students in two years. one, because it’s even better. The LOUISE FAZENDA the air and fell on the other side. W ith BENNY RUBIN story centers around a young FIFI DORSA.Y As expected, the Bulldogs op­ wealthy man, pleasure bent in CLIFF EDWARDS ened up with an aerial barrage in Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., Paris. (He falls in with three Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. _ the laft half, While the Roadrun the extra tally.- French girls, invites them to his “ CHILDREN ners retaliated with straight line The Davismen had another uncle’s chateau. The uncle, in “HALF SHOT OF PLEASURE” plunges and off tackle smashes. A chance to score in the last pe­ order to save his nephew, makes AT SUNRISE” With break finally gave Redlands their riod. Barnett was roughed by a W ith love and proposes to the young LAWRENCE GRAY chance to score. A short lateral Redlands map, and the ' 15-yard man’s favorite girl. The conclu­ BERT WHEELER WYNNE GIBSON pass, Greeson to Hickman, was penalty gave the ball to Santa ROBERT WOOLSEY sion— Well, go see it tonight. fumbled and Redlands recovered Barbara on the opposition’s 15- T k o ” M I S S I O N : * * * on State’s 20-yard line. A quick yard stripe. On two plays, Hick­ Wed., Thurs. toss over the goal and the score man made another first down. ■ And now for the big laugh! Wed., Thur*. was 7-6. On the conversion, the With five yards and goal to go “ Half Shot at Sunrise,” with Bert Wheeler,- and Robert .Woolsey, NANCY CARROL receiver muffed the ball, and was three tries as the line and a short In smothered by the entire State line forward pass failed to put the ball stars of the “ Cuckoos*,” is opening Paul Whiteman when he attempted to run it for over. at the‘ Granada tomorrow. This “DEVIL’S story depicts the comedians in the In HOLIDAY” army with women on one side, “ KING OF JAZZ” M. P.’s on the other, and big guns Fri., Sat., STADIUM CORDS thundering. If you are feeling GUARANTEED blue because of that ex. on Mon­ DOROTHY MACKAILL $4.85 day, go Saturday night to the Fri., Sat., In 22-inch Bottoms Granada and let these num-futs BUSTER KEATON “STRICTLY LIGHT WEIGHT - ALL-WOOL SWEATERS slaughter 'your gloom. In MODERN” * * * A lso CREW NECK “DOUGH BOYS’ 5 ACTS VAUDEVILLE $3.00 CALIFORNIA In case you don’t like the army, gsfliisvirïsxirïsim and you’re betting on the navy, í KMLINÍS go see “ Leathernecking” playing /ANTA BARBARA, CAUF. tonight at the California. The Ladies’ Finger Waving - Facial Treatments - Shampooing cast includes the pick of the screen clowns, Benny Rubin, Louise Fa­ zenda, Eddie Foy, Jr., and Ken Central Building SAN MARCOS DYE WORKS Murray. It is a zippy yarn of U. Expert Cleaners and Hatters S. leathernecks on a spree in a M EN’ S SU ITS ...... $1.2S South Sea port. The show fea­ R arber j\ h o p LADIES’ DRESSES OR COATS...... $1.25 up tures Tiller’s Sunshine Girls, sixty ASK ABOUT OUR PRESSING CLUB dancing beauties from England; Manicurist in Attendance seven new songs, and a big ship­ 923 ST. VINCENTS AVE. - Phone 4432 FOUR CHAIRS - FEATURING SERVICE wreck. 2 * * PHONE 4585 9 W. DE LA GUERRA STREET Taking for his theme the ro­ mance of the song writer, Irving POPULAR SONGS Berlin, Crane Wilier wrote a stage *‘Go Home and Tell Your Mother” play which he called “ The Song Writer.” The screen version of ORBANO BRO That You Were this, which has been given a much Incorporated “Dancing With Tears in Your. Eyes” more lavish production and GROCERS JChapala and Canon Perdido Sts. SANTA BARBARA, CAL. name of “ Children of Pleasure,” S “ Eleven Thirty Saturday Nite” is playing at the California Thea­ Inc. BUT tre the second part of this week. It is a singing, dancing romance of Tin-Pan Alley. The Store of Quality You Went to El Cortijo And Had One of Those RAY’S BARBER SHOP and Low Price DELICIOUS BARBECUED SANDWICHES RAY MARTIN, Prop. One Friend Tells Another Which Made You Feel Like Hours: 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. 926 Chapala St. FREE DELIVERY Santa Barbara, Calif. “Painting The Clouds With Sunshine” Phone 5221 Corner Canon Perdido and Chapala Sts. SHAVE 25c HAIRCUT 50c