Aleppo Governorate

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Aleppo Governorate Suruc ﺳورودج Oguzeli d أوﻏوﻠﯾزﯾﮫ d Şanlıurfa أوﻓﺔر DOWNLOAD MAP ZobarZorabi - C1948 اﻟﺠﻤﻬﻮرﻳﺔ اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ اﻟﺴــﻮرﻳﺔ SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC Estiqama زوﺑﺎر _زوراﺑﻲ - BabnBoban d C1975 C1966 d AinAlArab اﻻﻘﻣﺳﺎﺔﺗﻛ_ورﺑﺎ d C1946 ﺑﺎﺑﺎن _ﺑوﺑﺎن OrubaKor - Ali d ﻌﻟﻋرﯾ انب -Musabeyli Susan Sus C1956 MorshedMorshed Binar d d Reference Map C1980 Minasﻣوﺳﻠﺎﯾﺑﯾﮫ BijanTramk ﻋروﺑﺔﻛﻠ_ﻲو ﻋر ALEPPO GOVERNORATE d C1987 d C6340 Sharan ﺻو ص _ﺻوﺻﺎن C1961 ﻣرﻣ ﺷردﻧ ﺷﺑﺎدﯾر d - C1940 NafKarabnafKarab ﻧﺎﻣﯾس UpperQurran d Scan it! Navigate! d ﺑﯾﺟﺎن _ﺗﻣرك BigDuwara Jraqli - Qola d C1988 ﺷران with QR reader App with Avenza PDF C2021 d C1998 d Gh arib ﻧﺎﻛ رف بﻛ_ﻧرﺎﺑف C1990 AziziyehMom - anAzu Kalmad FirazdaqArsalan - Tash ﻗﻧﻲﻗﻓرﺎاو ن Maps App ﺧﺮﻳــﻄﺔ ﻣﺮﺟــﻌﻴﺔ d TalHajib d C6341 C1943 ﻗوﻻ ﻟداوﻛاﻟﺑﯾ راةرة _ﻠﻲﺟﺎﻗر Gaziantep d d d C1974 C1954 ﻣﺤــــﺎﻓـﻈـﺔ ﺣﻠﺐ ﻏرﯾ ب d C1949 d ﻣﻠدﻛ ﺗ لﺣﺎ ﺟ بd ﻔﻟرزادق_أرﺳﻼ طﺎن ش d ﻋزﯾزﯾﺔﻣ_ﻣوﺎ ﻋنزو Polateli Jebnet Shakriyeh- UpperJbeilehQorrat - Quri d KharabNas Karkamis C1995 d Mashko C1972 ﺑوﻠﻻﯾﺗﯾﮫ -QantarraQantaret Kikan ﻏﺎﻧﺗز ﺎﻋيب d s C1994 d Qarruf YadiHbabQawi - KorbinarNabaa - BigEin Elbat C1967ﺟlu/ﻠabرا aJrﺑس C1936 ﻧﻲﻗﻗﻓﻗﺎوو ﻠ_رﺟﺑﺔةرﯾي ﻧﺟﺔﺑ ﻛﺎﻛﻣرﺎﯾ س ﺧرﻧاﺎ بس d C1985 C1976 C1962 C1957 ﻟﺷاﻛﺎرﯾﺔﻣ_ﻛﺷو d d ﻧطﻘﻧرطﻟﻛةﻛﻗ ﯾﺎرا_ةن KherbetAtu d ﻛﺎ isﻛﻣ/رﺎﯾ amسKark ﻛ ﻟﻋﺑﯾﺑﯾ طانر KharanKort ﻧﻌﺑﺔﻟﻛ_اورﻧﺑﺎﯾر ﻟﺣاﺑﺎ ب ﯾﻗ_دو يي ﻗروف Jarablus Shankal ] C2001 d d d JilJilak d MeidanEkbis Kusan C2227 ShehamaBandar - C1968 C1482 d C2012 C1964 ﺧر ﺑﻋطﺔو C1488 C1490d d ﺧراﻛ وبرت d UpperDar Elbaz BigMazraet Sofi ﺟﻠراﺑس - HjeilehJrables ﺟﯾل _ﻠكﺟﯾ MaydanKork - Kitan d ﻛﻧلﺷ d ﻟﺷاﮭﻣﺎﺔﻧ_دﺑر d ObaBeik ObaBasi C2215 C2005 ﻛوﺳﺎن ﻣﯾدا ﻛأﺑنس d LowerJrables d C1953 C1981 - UpperBeith Lehem Etweiran ﻣزر ﻋﻛﺔ ﺑﻓﺻﯾﻲور ﻧﻟﻲدﻗﻓﺑاﺎ ﺎاو رز BigFarajJeb ﻟ -ﻠﺣﺟا ﯾﻠرﺟﺔاﺑس - C1393 KoyBali Dawdaw Halawaniyeh d C2226 d DarbElnob d AinArabal ﻣﻟﯾداانﻛ_وﻛ ﯾرﺗكﺎن d C2004 Za'ra C1407 TUR KEY d ShoruqHolaqi - C1950 أوﺑﺔ _ﺑ ﯾأكو ﺑﺑﮫﺎﺳﻲ C2011 ZarafetZarafik ﺟﻠرا ﺑﺗسﻧﺣﻲﺗﺎ Tholathiyeh C1454 d C2219 ﻧﻲﻗﻓﺎ و_ﻟﺑإمﯾﯾﺣ ﺗتوﯾران Taala d Hazineh d ﻓﺟ ﻛر ﺑبﯾجر MarmElhajar a ﻟﻲﺑﺎﻛ_وي C1406 Salameh Little - SY020600 C1973 d ﻧدوﻟر ابب d ﻠﻟﻧﯾوﺣااﺔ ﺿوﺿو C1469 d d LowerBir d d C1937 ﻟﺷاروق _ھﻗﻲوﻻ d C2238 C2006 Danquz Little TafshoTafsh - C1963 زﻋرة d d Sara - LowerBeith Lehem Etweiran زﻓرﺔا _زﻓﯾراك Batra d C2216 UpperShyookh ﻟﺛﻼاﺛﯾﺔ Hatay d ﻣﻌﻛ ﻟﻋرﯾر زانب ﺣﻧزﺔﯾ d C1958 ﻌﺗﻼ Jamel ﻟﻣ ﺣاﻣﻰرﺟر Ada d C1400 Kilis Bulbul d C2002 d R ajabiyehMiddle - Qojli C1944 d d UpperTalHajar Himar C1952 ﻟﻟﺑﺗﯾا ارﺣﻧﻲﺗﺎ Treikh em ﺗﻛرﯾﺎ C1479 C1459 Qorna Marsawa ﻔطشﻔ_طﺷو _ ﻣﺳﻼﺔﻐﺻﯾر d d C2224 ﻟﻌﺳارة ﻟﺑﺗمﯾﺣ ﺣﻧﻲﺗتﺎ__إﯾﺗوﯾران - C1997 d Makh raj C1955 LowerTalElhajar ﺷﻧﯾﻲﻗﻓﺎو وخ d C1391 C1418 C2222 C1523 d d ﻟﺑﺗاراء ادة d d ﻘوﻧد وزﻐﺻﯾر ﻟﺟاﻣﺎل d d C2229 d Tashluk ﺗ لﻧﺣﻲﻗﻓﺎﺟو ر d C1986 رﺟﺑﯾﺔﻗ ﻠو_ﻲوﺟﺳط d LowerShyookh طرمﯾﺧ Bulbul Obudan ﻗﻧوﺔر ﻠﺑﺑل ھﺗﺎي d d ﺣﻣﯾر Zoghra d ﻠﻛس ﻣرﺳﺎوا BilaliyehBlaliko - Marwiyeh ﻣﺧرج C1395 d d C1468 Khader BigSalama - C1955 BirOm ar C1414 Okan SY020301 C2220 Qandariya TalElamara SY020601 ﺗ لﻧﺣﻲﻗﻓﺎﺟو ر d QantarteBeith Serri ﻋﺑودان Gh izlanJilani - d C1394 - LowerShyookh HilalaMiddle - Kord d BigDanquz C1959 NatheriyehKoran زوﻏرة C1409 d ﻣﻟراوﯾﺔ ﻟﯾﺑﻼﺔﻟﻛ_ﯾﺑوﻼ d ArabAzzah d C2241 C2213 d ThahirehBilWeiran - d C1983 ﺷﯾو ﺗخﻧﺣﻲﺗﺎ SimOm ariyeh ﺧﺿر d C1451 C1965 ﺑﻣﺋ ﻋرر Mazaalah C2007 d C2018 C1942 ﻠﺑﺑل ﻋﻛوﺎن d Sharqan C1969 d ﻣﻌﺎﻟﺗر اةل ﻧدﻗرﯾﺔ d DamaAyki Dam- C2242 ThaheriyaJrables - AyoubiyehKaroz ﻧطﻗ رﺑةﯾ تﺳري C1517 d d ﻐﻟزﻻان _ﻧﺟﻲﯾﻼ - Aaliaa - AliAaliaaBaski ﻧﺎﻟظارﯾﺔﻛ_وران KharabRasset _ﻛ ﻣﺳﺑﻼﯾﺔر ﺷﯾو ﺗخﺣﻧﻲﺗﺎ d C1396 C2240 d d ظ ﮭﯾرة _ﺑﯾ لوﯾران ﻟھﺔﻼﻛ_ ردوﻧﺳﻲطﺎ Zaytuneh C2257 d Qanaya d ﻋر ﻋبزة C1495 C1970 C6342 ﻘﻛوﻧد ﺑﯾوزر - d AghbarTal TalElagher ﻟﻣمﻌﺳاﻟﯾر_ﯾاﺔ ﺷﻗﺎرن C1458 KhalilKhalijak - HifyanaBugas - KarbKarbalak ﻣﻠﺔزﻋ d Hozan d d C1499 Kuliyeh d d C2019 d Billeh d ﻟاظﺎھر ﯾﺔﺟﻠراﺑس دﻣاﺔ _ أﻛمدﻲﯾا d ﺧرا برﺳت d اﻷﯾوﺑﯾﺔﻛ_ﺎروز d C2260 d d YusefElbeik ﻠﯾﺎﻌﻟ ءﻠﺑﻲاﻛ_ﺳﻋﻲ DeirSiwan C2247 Sreisat C2016 C2013 d d C1991 زﯾﻧﺗﺔو Almadar Talleh- Qotan C1417 DadaDadiLi - C2010 Kufyan ﻧﺎﯾﻗﺔ SheikhKhoraz d d KilisMerkez TalMizab d C2236 Jarablus d ﺗ أﻏلﺑر _ﺗ اﻻﻏلر HajiWali d ﻛر بﻛﻠ_كرﺑ ﻟﻔﻧﯾﺔﺣاﺎ_ﺑوﻏﺎز ﻠﯾﻠﺧلﻠﺟﯾك_ﺧ C2230 ﻠﯾﻛﺔﻟا Doraq C1494 d ھوزان Hajman C1467 Zarkani C1415 Tafla d d Yaramaz C2104 Kinana ﻠﺔﺑ SamhKilani a d C1258 d C2009 d Zogher ﯾوﺳ ﺑفك - C1252 ForsanSabahiler ﻠﻣﻛ ﻛ سرز R aju C1410 LowerLowerAbyadTal - Bozhyuk ﺻرﯾﺻﺎت d BabLaymun دﯾرﺻوان d C1412 d C1506 ﻗوطﺎن C1483 ﻣﻠداﻋر C1463d C5807 ﻓﻛﯾوﺎن - C2105 BirRashKiktan دادي _ﻟدﻲا دة C2252 Sheineh SY020800 d ﻣﺗ ﯾلزا ب d C1392 d d d Lilawa d C1977 Zarzuri ﺣﺎﻟ ﻲﺟﻲو ﺷﯾ ﺧﺦورز C1272 d دوﻗرﺎا d ﺣﻣﺟﺎنd ﻧﻧﺔﺎﻛﻟا C2089 UpperFajer C1941 d ﯾﺎﻣراﺎز - d Bayaa C2248 Sabuniyeh HadraBigBaldaq ﻠﺔﻔﻟطا ﻟﻣﺳاﺣﻠﻲﺔﻧﻛ_ﯾﻼ ﻠﻟﺔط_اﻠﻲزﻧﻛرﺎ SY020303 Janjaleh d C5803 زوﻏر C2268 Jarablus ﻔﻟراﺳﺎن _ﺳﺑﺎﻠھرﯾ d BarakehDweirek - d ﺗ الﺑﯾ ﺗضﺣﻧﻲﺗﺎ_ﺑوزھﯾ وﺗكﻧﺣﻲﺗﺎ d dﻣﻛ رزﺟﻠراﺑس C2255 ﻟﺑﻣﯾﺎو بن d d C2102 ﺑﺋ رر شﻛ_ﯾﻛﺗﺎن -d C2231 WawiyehJaql Wabran ﻧﻌﺔﺷﯾ C1476 d Yabseh C1503 d ﻟزارزوري d d ﻠﻟوﯾة d Dik RAhm as arرا ﺟو Abel C2027 d SheikhGh ali ﻧﻓﻲﻗﻓﺎﺟو ر TalElebar C2003 Seifiyeh ﻟﺣاﺎﺿرةﻛﻠ ﺑ_دﯾقﺑر ﻟاﺻﺎﻧﺑﯾوﺔ d ﻟﺑﯾاﺎﻋﺔ d d ﻠﻧﺔﺟﺟ C1398 d C1401 d C1403 d Khalilieyh d SY0208 AmarTal d ﻟﺑاﻛرﺔ _دوﺑﯾرك - Masikan HajKhalil JobanliR - aee d C1397 Yiji Silsileh HmeirehAshkaji C2043 Zreik AinAlArab d C2066 TellAbiad ﻟوااوﯾﺔ ﻘ _ﺟلوﺑران C1262 d Gh andorah UmSosa C2015 EinElArab ﻟﯾﺎاﺑﺳﺔ d R aju d Qarra C1500 C1261 d Gh anameh d Khrus ﻟراأ اﻷسﻣﺣر Khalil- d ﻟداﯾك C1491 ﺷﻟﯾﻲ ﻏﺎﺦ C2075 UpperMawaUpper - Khanik ﻌﻟﺑﺗ رال d C2258 أﺑل C1455 C1462 d d RKbir as d ﻔﺳﯾﯾﺔ C2228 UpperUm Rotha d d C2008 C2090 ﺟﻠراﺑس Gh andorah C2250 C2266 ﻠﯾﻠﯾﺔﺧ C1484 Khleilak C1509 Elbeyli d d ﻠﻠﺔﺳﺳ d ﻟﯾاﺟﻲ ﻣﺎﺳﻛﯾﺎن C2101 SY110200 زرﯾك ﻟﻣﺣاﯾرة_آﻛﺷﺟﻲ BireinQoyo Jtal - d ﻟرااﻋﻲ _ﻠﺟﻲوﻧﺑﺎ d ﻠﺣﯾﺎ ﺧلج Qubbeh d R ashCastle SY0206 C5818 ﺗ ألﻌﻣ ﻟﻋﺣﯾرر انب C2225 مﺳأوﺳﺔ ﻣﻧﺔﻏ ﻧدﻐﻟوارة ﻠﻠﯾﺑإﯾﯾﮫ Amud ﻘﺎﻟراة d C1404 را ﺟو ﺧرو ص d DeirHasan d Shamarin d ZyaretElbab d ThahrElmaghayer C1471 BigBostan Karsanli d SY020801 d d d d رأﻛ ﺑﯾسر ﻣﻧﻧﺄﻲﻲﻗﻓﻗﻓﺎﺎوﻧوو d_ﺧﯾكﺎى C2020 C2118 مﻧرﻲﻗﻓأﺎوو ﺛﺔ Om ariyehAfrin C1511 HiwarKalas Khalfatli ﻠﯾﻟﺧلﻠاﯾﻼ_ﺧك KoranAfrin Jalqama ﻣﻛ رﺗ زأﺑلﯾ ض Atman d C1399 Krum C1566 Bgheidine Ayyasha C1268 BigMortafaa SweidaQorret - Tashli C2221 d d C1496 C1510 C1661 QorraMazraa C1576 C1274 DuwadiyehKik Dada ﻟﺑﺋارﯾن _ ﺟﻗﺗﺎو ﯾلو ﻌﻟﻋﯾر انب ﻌﻠﺔرﻗش ﻗﺑﺔ d BigArab Hasan ﻧدﻏورة ﻣﻌﻟودا C1492 C1477 AliBazan -Qirata d d d Eskeif ﻐﻣﺎظﻟﯾﮭ ارر C2265 d C2259 Halawanji زﯾﻟﺎﺑ ﺎراة ب C1593 C1270 ﻣﺷﺎرﯾن Mh abbaba- d C1565 دﯾ رﺣﺳن C1481 d -d d d C2069 Okuwa ﻠﻛﻲرﻧﺳ ﻠﺣوﻛا سر d ﻟﺑاﺳﻛﺗﻟﺑﺎﯾ انر d d d C1683 DuwadiyehKik Dada ﻠﻲﻔﺗﻠﺧ d C1612 ﻣﻌﻔﻟر ﯾﻋراﯾﺔن JabliehTagObeh - Si C1512 ﻣﻘﺔﻠ ﺟ ﻛوﻔرا ﻋرﯾنن d NazOshaghi d d d LowerTarm ak- d C2214 C2237 Hamam Little Koshkar ﻟﺳاوﯾدةﻗ _رطﻠﺎةﻲﺷ ﻛ ﺑﻣﯾﻊﻔررﺗ ﻋﯾﺎﺷﺔ ﻐﺑﯾدﯾن ﻛﻟرماو ﻣﻋطﺎنd Om ariyehOm - rek UpperOjQardash d ﻟدااوودﯾﺔﻛ _ﯾدكادا d d d d BigMajra d C2069 HadidCastle BirArab ﻋر بﺣﻛﺳ ﺑﯾنر MisannahBab ﻗﻣ رزهرﻋﺔ ﻠﺑﻲﺎﻋزان C1475 d LowerTarm akSheikh an ﻗﯾراطﺔ ﻧﻠوﺟﺣﻲ HjeijHaji Kanli- Surra - C1502 d Jiman d BigNabgha Darwishiyeh d TalilElsham d d d d C1724 C2084 C2077 C2045 C2116 C5810 ﻟدااوودﯾﺔﻛ _ﯾدكادا d Kafrshush Baraghideh Dweidan QazamQessetJak - C1254 Dadat ﻟﻠ_ﯾﺟاﺑﺔ dBarband d d C2264 d C2235 Majra Little C2025 /ﺑmﻟ aﺎa lمbﺳlاaﻼSبC1493 Sharan QastalJend BA ﻣﻟﺣاﺑﺑﺔﻧﺎ _أزوﺷﺎﻏﻲ C1485 Kobak Smal اﻛﺳﯾﻛ وفﻛﺷﺎر BigYamama اﻷﺧوة_أﻗﺎو رجﻧدﻲﻗﻓاﺎو ش ﻣﻌﻟرﯾاﺔ_أﻣورك NurAli مﻣﻐﺣﺎﺻﯾر C1456 1559 d C1465 C1673 C1591 C1613 d Shahid MahsanaMahsanli - C1717 R afeeah d d Kharkh ari Safwaniyeh Mattin d ﺑﺋ ﻋرر ب d d ﻌﻠﺔﺣﻗدﯾد -BirHsu ﻣﺟرﻛ ﺑﯾىر ﻟﺑﻣ ﻧﺎﻟاﺔﺳاب C1663 ﻣﺟﺎن d طأﺎغو ﺑﮫﺳﻲ d C5827 _ﺗ ﻣﺗركﺣﻧﻲﺗﺎ d C2239 d C2097 ﻛﻧ ﺑﻐﺑﯾﺔرة C1536 C1550 Qatireh C1521 ﻟﺣا ﺟﯾﺞ _ﺣﻠﻛﻲ ﺎﺟﺗﻲ C1704 Jota C2053 C2029 دادات d C2261 C2232 ﻗمﻗز_ ﺻﮫﺟك دودﯾﺎن ﻧأزو ﻧوa/rﺎﺑﯾ inشOncup ﻟﻠﯾ مﺷاﺗﺎل Abraz d ﻟداروﯾﺷﯾﺔ d Hadabat Matmana BigQantara d KherbetKalye d C2096 ﺑراﻏﯾدة ﻔﻛرﺷو ش BigHallubi Sharan SY020304 Maarin ﺑﻧردﺑ d Jamailiyeh ﻛ ﻣﻣﺑﯾﺎﯾﺔرة ﺗ ﻣركﺷﯾﺧﺎ ﺗن ﺣﻧﻲﺗﺎ d ﻧﻠﻲو ﻋر KherbetElhsan Mitras ﻣﺟر ىﻐﺻﯾر d d Jdideh d Hims Tat Hamran UmJlud ﻗﺳط ﻧدلﺟ Jom rokiyeh C1519 ﻟﻣﺳاﺎل ﻟاﺻرةﻛ_وﺑﺎك TaqiyehKamrash - Murtafiah AdinBeit d d ﺧرﺧري C1741 Sanaa d ﻓﻌﯾﺔر d ﻣﻟﺣﻧاﺔﺳﻣﻠ_ﻲﺣﻧﺳ ﻟﺷا ﮭﯾد d d d Zalaf d ﻣﺗﯾن ﻟﻔ_ﻧاﯾوﺻاﺔ d C1547 C1497 C1574 ] C1273 C1249 C2267 d d C2052 Saq d dKafrBarja C1681 C1675 d C2106 d C5813 ﻗطﯾرة C1464 C1473 d C1544 C1504 Kerak Mil ﺟوﺗﺔ C1662 C1602 C1266 C1727 ﺷران dC1460 d d ﻛور ﺗكﺷﯾﺧﺎن d C2058 Qrat C2079 ھﺿﺑﺎت Bafelyun Ar-Ra'ee ﺷران أﺑرز d _ﺑﺋ رﺣﺳو ﻧطﻛﻗ ﺑرﯾةرة ﻧﺔﻣﻣﻟﺗا C1671 d ﻌﻣرﯾن d ﻠﻛو ﺑﺣﺑﯾﻲر ﺑﯾ ﻋدتﯾن ﻠﯾﻣﺟﯾﺔ C2122 ﻣﺗرا س ﺧﻟر ﺑﺣاﺔﺻﺎن Zornaqal ﻠ ومﺟأد d Shawa طﺎﻣطﺣس d d Nayarad Jakkeh ﻟﻣﺟاﻛرﯾﺔ - YatimehOksozli ﻣﻌﻟﻔرﺔﻗاﺗو_ﻛ دوةي ﻗﻟطﯾﺎاﺔﻣﻛ_ر ش d Boyer d KherbetElkafer - d C2121 C2115 Amm uriyeh ﻟﻣﺣاران ﻟزف d C1250 ﻟﺟادﯾدة d d d C1507 Salama Suran ﺳﺎق ﻊﻧﺻ ﺧﻛر ﻼﺑﻊﯾﺔ d d d d ManillaAsaad d Atharia C1255 C1719 d Twal d ﻔ ﺑﻛرﺎر ﺟﺔ C5802 ﻣﯾل d ﻛرك OmOm ar- arOshaghi OmDonbaly siya- C1545 d Hallubi Little C1561 C1573 C1600 d Bilis C1707 d d ﻗراط TalElhawa KarbajliAliTal - LowerMajra C1772 KawerKhrab ﻟرااﻋﻲ QantaretElbab ﻠﯾﻓوﺑﺎن - d d d C1691 d NuhassiyehQazani - SahmShish ﺷﺎوة MaamelOshagi - d Doh a d SY020405 R ael Sandara d C1264 Ar-Ra'ee d ﻣﻋورﯾﺔ - d MandMandak ﻘﻧزلو d C2246 UmElfaratAdaset ﻛﺟﺔ Albil ﻧﯾﺎرة C1501 ﻟﯾﺗاﻣﯾﺔ_أﻛوﺳﻟوﻲز C1461 C1486 C1763 C2073 AbuHaye d ﺑوﯾر d d C1275 d C1269 d ﻟﺳاﻣﻼﺔ d C2080 طوال Safi ﻧاﻼﻌﻣﺳد d C1457 QatmetEfrin Odaya C1665 C2245 d Khirfan C2054 اﻷﺛرﯾﺔ d C1515 C1588 C1730 d KherbetNafakh SaanElghazal BuzKij - UmEdam d C2111 ﻠﯾﺑﯾس C1669 d d ﻠو ﺣﺑﻲﻐﺻﯾر Kafroum ﻣاﻷﺳﯾﻠﺔﻲﻠ_ﻧدﺑو ﻣﻋرﻣ _ﻋأروﺷﺎﻏﻲ Hamdun C5824 ﻓﺧﻛﻟﺎرر ﺑﻛا_ﺎﺔو ﺧررا ب C1753 ﻣﺟر ﺗىﻧﺣﻲﺗﺎ d d ﻠﻲﺗ ﻋﻛ_لرﻠﺑﻲﺟ d ﻟﺗ ﮭالوى Tweiran d SY020203 ﻧﻟطﺑﻗ ﺎراة ب ﺻوران Anbar Azaz ﻟﺳامﮭ_ﺷﯾش ﻧﻟﺣﺎاﺳﯾﺔﻗﺎ_ﻧﻲزا Kardish Waqf d d d C1716 راﻋل
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    Weekly Conflict Summary August 11-17, 2016 Continuing a trend from previous weeks, reports of conflict in Syria from August 11-17 remained extremely high in Aleppo governorate. Throughout this period, the majority of conflict took place in the northern governorates, though several events of humanitarian concern continue outside of northern Syria as well. After months of gains in the countryside and weeks of slow-but-steady advance in urban Menbij, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) took control of the city from ISIS. Over the weekend, SDF fighters began to de-mine the city and confirmed control of Menbij by August 17. After more than two months of conflict, the medical services of the city are badly damaged, severely lacking medical personnel, medicine, and necessary supplies. In some cases, nurses and medics have no capacity to respond to critical injuries from landmines in the city and nearby countryside. During the week of August 15, a renewed pro-government counter-offensive in southwest Aleppo city afforded significant results. By August 17, much of the 1070 Apartments located in Ramousa neighborhood had been recaptured by pro-government forces. The apartments border the Ramousa highway, which the opposition was attempting to use as a resupply route into East Aleppo. Both opposition and government-controlled areas of Aleppo city are receiving only limited shipments of food, aid, and other goods as forces from both sides restrict badly damaged resupply routes. No roadblocks have yet been installed on either resupply line in the south of Aleppo. Figure 1 - Frontlines in Aleppo by August 17 and two resupply routes.
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