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Publication of the Armenian Missionary Association of America NOV/DEC - Vol. XXXVII No. 6 (ISSN 1097-0924) E D I T O R I A L M E S S A G E O B I T U A R I E S from 1964-1974, as Chief of Psychiatric Ser- with the money he bought three horses and vices of the City of Memphis Hospitals from loaded them with food and clothing. How- The AMAA Board of Directors and Joy to the World! 1963-1974. ever, the Turkish government officers confis- staff wish to extend their heartfelt “Joy to the world. The Lord is come. Let earth receive her King." Dr. Aivazian was a consultant for the cated their horses saying that instead they condolences to the families of the fol- Memphis Veterans Hospital from 1979-1989. would give them passage to Aleppo on a train. lowing deceased friends whose names Andrew Torigian He then opened a private practice. Among That same night they arrived in Aleppo. were submitted to us for publication in the AMAA News. t is that time of year when we eagerly prepare to celebrate the birth of our his many honors are numerous publications The government of Aleppo gave the in his name; American Psychiatric Associa- Gulesserians permission to reside in the city Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For those of us who can celebrate this * Aivazian, Garabed I provided they would clean the garbage in tion Fellow; Past President of the Tennes- Memphis, TN wondrous event, it is a true blessing. see District Branch of the American Psychi- the streets. A few months later, they were We believers know that He is the one who said: “For I was hungry, and atric Association. ordered to buy two more carts and haul the * Avedisian, Armenouhi you fed me; I was thirsty, and you gave me water; I was a stranger, and you He leaves his wife of 65 years, Emma bodes lying in the streets to a cemetery. In Watertown, MA Aivazian; two daughters, Suzanne Cohan the meantime young persons like Dikran invited me into your house; I was naked, and you clothed me; sick and in * Babcock, Stanley and Lillian (Ron) Eades; four grandchildren, were being rounded up and sent to Deir Zor. prison, and you visited me.” W. Roxbury, MA Sara Cohan, Abigail Sanders Cohan, Mat- Dikran went into hiding, and Puzant, at the And when we hear the righteous ones ask, “Sir, when did we do all thew Eades, and Emily Eades Johnson; and age of 12, took charge of the removal of gar- * Baldadian, Flora these things?” The King will tell them, “When you did it to these my broth- one great-grandchild, Eliza Grace Sanders. bage and dead bodies from the streets. He FL did this for 3 1/2 years. ers, you were doing it to me!” Dr. Aivazian was a member of Second Pres- * Bedrosian, Elizabeth With these thoughts in mind, let us go forward to all our fellow men and byterian Church. When the French armies started occupy- ing the towns of Cilicia, Dikran decided that * Chalabian, Arshalous women and act with these precepts. The family requests that memorial dona- tions be sent to the Armenian Missionary they should return to Adana. He opened his Huntington Beach, CA Qristos 6nau ;u \a\tn;zau1 ];xi4 m;xi M;6 Au;tis! store there and started working. Business AMAA NEWS Association of America, Dr. and Mrs. Garo Haig, Alice Krisdos dzenav yev haydnetsav: tsezee, mezee Medz Avedis. was flourishing, but France decided to is a publication of Aivazian Endowment Fund, 31 West Cen- Dana Point, CA the Armenian Missionary Association of America, (Christ is born and is revealed: Good tidings to you and to us) tury Road, Paramus, New Jersey 07652. evacuate Cilicia. The Gulesserian family was 31 West Century Road, Paramus, NJ 07652. Funeral services were held on Wednes- able to board a French ship and disembark * Hassesian, Herald Tel. (201) 265-2607; Fax (201) 265-6015 day, November 10, 2004 at Memorial Park Fu- in Lebanon. Pasadena, CA E-Mail: [email protected]; Puzant started his formal education in Oc- neral Home.G * Khachigian, Elizabeth Website: The Inspirational Corner tober 1922 at the Soorp Nishan elementary The AMAA is a Tax Exempt, not for profit organi- Visalia, CA THE WORK OF CHRISTMAS school in Beirut, and he continued his stud- zation under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3) ies at the American University. After receiv- Khatchikian, Lydia Andrew Torigian, Executive Director When the song of the angel is stilled, PUZANT GULESSERIAN ing his certificate from the University, he Montreal, Canada Dikran Youmshakian, Administrative Director Puzant Gulesser- joined his father to help him in his store. When the star in the sky is gone, Klijian, Barkev ian was born in Puzant was married in 1935 to Angel, the OFFICERS When the kings and princes are home, San Francisco, CA Adana in 1908 to daughter of Rev. & Mrs. Yenovk Hadidian. H. Steven Aharonian, M.D. President When the shepherds are back with their flock Dikran Gulesserian They had four children, Hrair, Hilda, Ike and * Markarian, Varkis John Cherkezian, Vice President The work of Christmas begins: Peter Kougasian, Esq., Vice President and Verkinia Noos- Sam. Cranston, RI to find the lost kajian. The Gules- Harry Dulgarian, Recording Secretary Puzant accepted responsibilities with great Messerlian, Barkev Gary Phillips, Recording Secretary to heal the broken, serian family was willingness. He was a member of the Church Beirut, Lebanon Eileen Chopourian Stephey, Recording Secretary to feed the hungry, blessed with four Council, Treasurer of the Church, and he be- Aram R. Minnetian, Treasurer to release the prisoner, more children, came the publisher of the Chanasser and * Motoian, Peter David Hekemian, Assistant Treasurer to rebuild the nations, Yulia, Moorad, Eliz Badanegan Artsakank periodicals. With a RI and Levon. Moorad and Eliz lost their lives group of Christian Endeavor members he EDITORIAL BOARD to bring peace among brothers, * Mooshoian, John at a very young age during the deportations founded the KCHAG summer camp in the Andrew Torigian, Editor to make music in the heart. Cranston, RI of the Armenians from Cilicia. mountains of Lebanon. For a number of years Louisa Janbazian, Associate Editor, Layout & Design (Author unknown) The Adana massacres happened when he served as the representative of the Arme- * Movsesian, Arthur Dikran Youmshakian, Advisor Puzant was 9 months old. It was fortunate nian Evangelical Community in the United Forest Hills, NY CHANGE OF ADDRESS that the Gulesserian family's home was in Board of the Azounieh hospital. * Reed, Virginia In order to keep our mailing list up to date, please Andrew Torigian Named thre Greek section, and when the mob at- When he and his wife moved to the United Hatboro, PA send all corrections, along with the old address tacked that quarter three times, the Greek States, he wanted to see the continuation of to: AMAA NEWS, 31 W. Century Rd., New Executive Director neighbors hid them, and they were miracu- the projects that he believed in, and he made * Salibian, Ara Paramus, NJ 07652 lously saved. However, Dikran Gulesserian's an endowment to the Armenian Missionary Thousands Oaks, CA E-mail: [email protected] At the December, 2004 meeting of the AMAA Board of Directors, Andy store was wrecked. Association for funding projects, such as Torigian was named as the new Executive Director of the Association. Prior * Soghanyemezian, Onnig PRINTING In 1915, during the Armenian genocide, the publication of Christian literature. Cranston, RI Printsolutions, Englewood, NJ (201) 567-9622 to this, he had served as the President for seven years, as Vice President when the Armenians were being deported Puzant Gulesserian's life is an example of for four years, as Treasurer for two years and as Personnel Committee from the tgowns and villages of Cilicia, The devotion and service to Christ and the COVER PICTURE Chairman for 17 years. He has been a board member since 1982. Gulesserian family and their neighbors de- Church. On October 11, 2004 the Heavenly * Memorials were designated for AMAA Board Members and Pastors after the cided to go in the direction of Aleppo.Dikran 85th Annual Worship Service Father has called him home as a good and AMAA sold his store to the governer of Adana, and faithful servant.G 2 AMAA NEWS, NOV/DEC 2004 AMAA NEWS, NOV/DEC 2004 15 A M A A A N N U A L M E E T I N G O B I T U A R I E S LITIA >ACIK:AN-GOU|OUMY:AN Litia\i a5o[=akan wiyake au;li <aml;an Jajik;an :rkrordakan AMAA Elects Board Members and Officers Litia Gou- ke watjarana\ ;u vamanak me Warvaranin mh=4 ellalow war- \oumy;an 6na6 ;tq bolorowin anko[ini ke varanin a5a=in ,r=anauart- hr Fa\astani datapartoui! n;rhn mhke! <r=anauartouj;nhn anka.ouj;an Litia \atouk an]nauorouj;an ;tq n;toua6 h k;anqi asparhx! tarin3 ÉÑÉÐ-in! thr mhke ;[a6 hr4 ca'axanz :ritasardouj;an andam ;[a6 he Board of Directors of the Armenian An mi=n;k xa- .stapafan= ;u kargapaf4 ;u fauatarm7rhn 6a5a\a6 h Nor TMissionary Association of America uakn hr Mara,- a,.atashr4 b6a.ndir4 nrbaya,ak Mara,i :k;[;zii Qristosnhakan (AMAA) at their most recent meeting, on zi Mkrtic ;u ;u wa\;lou=! :rkar tarin;r ir +aniz Enk;rakzouj;an mh=! Saturday, December 11, 2004, elected Dr. Xaroufi Gou- a5tni ;u ;k;[;zakan 6a5a- :k;[;zii fauatarim xauak ;u Hrair S. Aharonian of Northridge, CA as the \oumy;ann;rou! \oujiunn;rn ou partakanou- Fa[ordakan Andam4 an tarin;r AMAA President for the coming year.