EMINE Ö. EVERED, Phd, Associate Professor of History Department of History (517)432-8222, Ext
EMINE Ö. EVERED, PhD, Associate Professor of History Department of History (517)432-8222, ext. 153 Michigan State University (517)353-5599 (dept. fax) 526 W Circle Drive, Room #4-D (517)337-2445 (home) East Lansing, MI 48824-1036 evered@msu.edu EDUCATION PhD, History, 2005, University of Arizona Concentration: European History – Middle East emphasis o Minor: Near Eastern Studies (in both Arabic & Persian languages & literatures) Dissertation: The Politics of Late Ottoman Education: Accommodating Ethno-Religious Pluralism amid Imperial Disintegration MA, History, 1994, University of Wisconsin – Madison Concentration: Modern European History – Middle East emphasis Thesis: The 1924 Abolition of the Caliphate & the Reaction of Turkish, Arabic, & Western Interests ABD, History, 1994, Atatürk University: Research Institute of the Principles of Kemalism & the History of Revolutions. Erzurum, Turkey Concentration: Ottoman & Modern Turkish History MA, History, 1990, Atatürk University: Research Institute of the Principles of Kemalism & the History of Revolutions. Erzurum, Turkey Concentration: Ottoman & Modern Turkish History Thesis: II. Meşrutiyet'ten Cumhuriyet'in İlanına kadar Türkiye’de Kadın Cemiyetleri: 1908-1923 [“Turkish Women's Associations between the 2nd Constitution & the Turkish republic: 1908-1923”] BA, History, 1987, Atatürk University: Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Erzurum, Turkey LANGUAGES Turkish, modern (fluent); English (fluent); Ottoman Turkish (fluent); Arabic (semi-fluent reading & writing; conversational proficiency
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