THE GEORGIAN lncorporating THE BED ROSE THE MAG AZI NE 0f KING GEORGE V COTLEGE + ,No. I JULY 1980 MEMBERS OF STAFF OF KING GEORGE V COLLEGE Head Master D. J. ARNOLD, M.A., formerly Scholar of Pembroke College, Oxford (History) Vice-Master G. P. WAKEFIELD, M.A., Liverpool (English) Senior Master R. ABRAM, B.Sc., Manchester (Mathematics) Senior Mistress Miss J. M. LAWLEY, 8.A., formerly scholar of the University of Bristol (Geography) Director of Studies J. CLOUGH, 8.A., Manchester (Classics) Senior Tutor Mrs. V. J. MORRELL, B.A., London School of Economics (Tutor in charge of Political Studies) Tutorial Staff Mrs. B. M. EDWARDS, B.Sc., Manchester (Tutor in charge of Geology and Geography Tutor) r Q. BERRY, B.A., Manchester (Tutor in charge of German and Russian) N. HARRISON, A.T.D., Liverpool College of Art (Director of Art) E. S. GALE, Culham College, Dip. P.E., Carnegie College of Physical Education (Director of Recreational Activities) T. B. JOHNSON, B.A', Leeds (Librarian and English Tutor) D. MILEY, A.R.l.C., Liverpool College of Technology (Director of Resources and Equipment and Chemistry Tutor) P. J. RICHARDSON, M.A., formerly Scholar of Wadham College, Oxford (Co-ordinator of Scientific Studies) M. E. AMER, 8.A., Leeds (Senior Economics Tutor) P. J. COMFORT, B.Sc., Manchester (Senior Geography Tutor) S. SMITH, M.A., formerly Scholar of Christ's College, Cambridge (Senior Modern Languages Tutor, French and Spanish) J. R. WOHLERS, B.Sc., Hull (Senior Mathematics Tutor) Miss D. H. HUGHES, B.A., Manchester (Tutor in charge of Classics) R.
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