Outlook on Climate Change Adaptation in the Tropical Andes Mountains
MOUNTAIN ADAPTATION OUTLOOK SERIES Outlook on climate change adaptation in the Tropical Andes mountains 1 Southern Bogota, Colombia photo: cover Front DISCLAIMER The development of this publication has been supported by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in the context of its inter-regional project “Climate change action in developing countries with fragile mountainous ecosystems from a sub-regional perspective”, which is financially co-supported by the Government Production Team of Austria (Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Tina Schoolmeester, GRID-Arendal Environment and Water Management). Miguel Saravia, CONDESAN Magnus Andresen, GRID-Arendal Julio Postigo, CONDESAN, Universidad del Pacífico Alejandra Valverde, CONDESAN, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Matthias Jurek, GRID-Arendal Björn Alfthan, GRID-Arendal Silvia Giada, UNEP This synthesis publication builds on the main findings and results available on projects and activities that have been conducted. Contributors It is based on available information, such as respective national Angela Soriano, CONDESAN communications by countries to the United Nations Framework Bert de Bievre, CONDESAN Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and peer-reviewed Boris Orlowsky, University of Zurich, Switzerland literature. It is based on review of existing literature and not on new Clever Mafuta, GRID-Arendal scientific results generated through the project. Dirk Hoffmann, Instituto Boliviano de la Montana - BMI Edith Fernandez-Baca, UNDP The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the Eva Costas, Ministry of Environment, Ecuador views or policies of UNEP, contributory organizations or any Gabriela Maldonado, CONDESAN governmental authority or institution with which its authors or Harald Egerer, UNEP contributors are affiliated, nor do they imply any endorsement.
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