
Orchid View OUR NEXT MONTHLY MEETING June 4, 2018 MARIE SELBY BOTANICAL GARDENS Great Room by the Bay, The Activities Center, 811 S. Palm Avenue, Sarasota, FL 6:00 Door Opens 6:15 Culture class with Roy Krueger 7:00 Business Meeting Speaker: Mark Reinke: Topic: Encyclia’s http://www.marblebranchfarms.com/ Members Only’ Silent Auction Members’ Table Plant Raffle completes our Meeting! Guests are always welcome! Club address; PO Box 19895, Sarasota, FL 34276-2895

Please Note: Should you arrive to our Monthly SOS Meeting after 7:00 pm, when the Gate to the Selby Activities Center is locked, please call the cell phone of one of our members in the meeting, as listed on the gate. Someone will come down to let you in. Selby’s Rules are such that the Gate must be locked once our meeting has started, at which time no one is available to continue to sit by the gate. 1

New Members None this month ------

We say “Good Luck” in the future and our “Thank You” to Denny Pavlock, who will still be around (we can’t let him get away) as our outgoing President

A new President Marta Hudson took over in April and we wish her the best in the future.



Patty Turffs, Michael Jungels and Betty Smith

Michael is one of our scholarship winners for 2018, here he is with our scholarship committee.



April Meeting Minutes

7:00 PM Dennis Pavlock called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Denny spoke about the Symposium and SOS funding 20 raffle tickets to facilitate the attendance. He sold 12, close to the minimum of 15. Hopefully the rest will be sold in the June meeting. New Business: Denny turned the meeting over to Marta Hudson. Hello, I am Marta Hudson, Joined SOS in January 2014 and a month later I began to shadow Jo Davis to officially become Membership Chairperson in May. At the time, I had 5 orchids in my collection and barely knew how to read the labels. A year later, I qualified for the mentoring program and by then my passion for orchids and my collection were significantly growing. I learned a lot from Roys culture lessons, and the mentoring program. Last year I helped re-potting hundreds of plants and my passion grew and grew. A former IBM & Discovery Channel geek in the IT training field, a culinary snob, a realtor, and an orchid lover. Married to Bob Hudson, have 3 kids and 6 grandsons. Marta Thanked Dennis for his many years of Service to the SOS and last 3 as president At the table in the back of the room there will be a cake and beverages to recognize Denny’s outstanding service. In addition, I’d like Denny to come up to the podium. Denny received 3 gifts for each year of service as tokens of our appreciation.

1. In the spring, Denny already received a Rlc. () Mary Alice Underwood 'Krull-Smith' AM/AOS. Jim Krull (Krull/Smith Orchids in Apopka, FL) personally picked this one out for the gift.

2. A paid registration to the Cattleya Symposium

3. A plaque designed for his personal orchids collection. Gave a giftbox to Denny to unwrap. 7:15 PM *** Announcements: Turn To PowerPoint Marta asked the 5 Officers who serve for the next 3 years: to please come to the front: Including Dennis Pavlock, todays Past president, & Laurie Stoner Treasurer 3. Vice President & Cultural Study > Roy Krueger 4. Past President & Annual Orchid Show Chairperson & Webmaster > Dennis Pavlock 5. Recording Secretary > Randy Brodsky 6. Corresponding Secretary OPEN Your 6 Directors-at-Large are: please come to the podium as you are called:

1. Publicity & Advertising > Bruce Oltchick 4

2. OrchidView Newsletter Editor & Photography> Karen Bird-Lister

3. Raffle for Annual Show, & Food, etc > Patti Quinnelly

4. Membership > Eileen Antonelli

5. Storage Management & Selbys Meetings Setting and Cleaning-up > Mario Valencia- Rojas

6. Orchid Shows Display & Set-up > Jill Lopez Many Officers and directors came up front and were introduced. They responded to the following 4 questions: 1- Name 2- When did you joined the SOS Board for the first time? 3- How large is your orchid Collection? 4- Do you have a Favorite Orchid? Marta asked Laurie Stoner to come to the front but to keep things going at a fast pace, Marta went to Laurie instead and introduced her to the members saying: - Laurie has been the back bone of the Society for over 15 years wearing many hats and filling in positions as needed. Because of her dedication and hard work, we want to present a token of gratitude, a card with a check to purchase an orchid for her collection. Thank you Laurie! Back to business, Marta said that we need a few more members to join the board with the following open positions: Corresponding Secretary, Website Management, Hospitality as Judy Robertson is serving her last year, and a Treasurer. Other non-board positions open are 1 or 2 for events planners and coordinators for the September Picknick & The December Holiday Party. Please raise your hand if you want to be in charge and or participate in these committees. Joining the board is a great way to not only serve the club, but it’s a wonderful way to learn something new and work alongside like-minded people. Eileen Antonelli said that we had 1 new member joining but had to leave early. Marta said that she has handled the membership to Eileen Antonelli and left her with a new set of updated name badges. Starting this month, you will began taking your badges home and bring them back every meeting. Marta said, I will keep mine in the glove compartment. Scholarships: Committee: Betty Smith & Patti Turfs & Barbara Del Gato (not present, out of town) One applicant returning: Jordan Olson, and 2 new ones: Elizabeth Gape & Michael Jungels. Please meet Michael, here today interested in Environmental Sciences & Hydroponics. The other 2 will be here at the June meeting. * Photography by Karen Bird-Lister


Upcoming Events:  The Redlands Orchid Festival is coming up next on, May 18th thru May 20th  Cattleya Symposium: August 3 & 4 - Ft Pierce

A 15 minutes break its coming up, Please vote for the best species, hybrid, and novice plants on the display table. The ribbon winners will be photographed by Karen Bird-Lister so we can get a picture of members with their awarded plants for the SOS website Please purchase raffle tickets. Plants purchased from Jim Roberts, Florida Suncoast Orchids. Our guess speaker today was Bill Nunez, with the Topic of Growing Specimen Cattleya Alliance Plants. He had a wonderful presentation, and everyone took notes and went home with many tips to get the best results on growing beautiful healthier Catts that trive in small thight containers for many years. He spoke about calcium built up, flushing the excess of minerals, re-potting in a fast draining media with slow decomposition to avoid root rot. 7:15 – 7:30 PM BREAK: Lets take a 15 minute break to have cake, purchase raffle tickets and vote. After break: Roy introduced Bill Nunez, ‘AKA‘ Rhizome Cowboy ‘ Roy Krueger & Cathy Lewis reviewed all the plants on the display table. & Roy will choose a speaker’s plants. Plant raffle: Announced by Susan Gerhardt 8:30 PM Clean-up

Buy a chance!

Win expense paid attendance to the 2018 Cattleya Symposium

The Sarasota Orchid Society is funding a special raffle for our members. The prize is attendance at The Annual Cattleya Symposium in Fort Pierce, Florida, August 2 thru 4th, 2018. This is a premier orchid learning experience.

Raffle PRIZE for SOS member winner(s) will include:

 Attendance for the two-day event, including lunches both days 6

 A room for two nights, including breakfast, at the Hampton Inn, Ft. Pierce, Florida the nights of August 2nd and 3rd

 Pizza Party August 2nd, sponsored by our hosts, Odoms Orchids

 Plant Sales tables will be provided by some of the visiting presenters

 An auction of Cattleya species & hybrid clones, as well as seedlings, will be held in the lobby of the Hampton Inn after 7 p.m. on Friday (August 3rd); Many rare and/or unusual selections will be available to the highest bidder.

 Estimated value of this raffle is approximately $330

Details of the raffle …

 SOS will sell no more than 40-$10 raffle tickets.

 A minimum of 15 raffle tickets must be sold for one drawing to occur

o 30 raffle tickets must be sold for both drawings to occur

 Two winners will be drawn

A member can buy a maximum of 3 ($10) tickets

2018 Cattleya Symposium

August 3 & 4,2018 (Check in Aug 2nd)

Fort Pierce, FL Venue: IFAS- Indian River Research & Education Center

Host Hotel: Hampton Inn, Ft. Pierce, FL

Two-day seminar event (August 3-4) - with 4 guest speakers (list below) each day.

Check-in day at host hotel begins on Thursday, August 2nd from 4:00 p.m. with a pizza party provided in the hotel lobby, courtesy of the organizers. Lunch is included both 7

seminar days at the Indian River Research and Education Center.

Plant Sales tables will be provided by visiting presenters.

An auction of Cattleya species & hybrid clones as well as seedlings will be held in the host hotel’s lobby after 7 p.m. on Friday (August 3rd); many rare and/or unusual selections will be available to the highest bidder.

Hotel accommodations (2 nights) at Hampton Inn; Breakfast included.

Drive time from Sarasota to Ft. Pierce, FL is 2.5 hours (approx. 125 miles)

2018 8th Annual Cattleya Symposium speakers:

Jeff Bradley (Texas): The Historic European That Came to America Alex Maximiano: (Colorado) OrchidWiz Lance Osborne (IFAS, FL): Thrips Management

Alan Koch (Gold Country Orchids - California): The Magic of Cattleya briegeri and its Progeny Frank Smith (Florida) Topic (TBA) Bill Rogerson (Illinois) Cattleya aclandiae and Cattleya schilleriana

Bill Thoms: (Florida) Cattleya Culture Roy Tokunaga: (H & R Orchids - Hawaii)


Flower Boosters for Cattleyas

Dennis Pavlock will be selling raffle tickets at the May, June and July monthly meetings, if necessary. If you are unable to attend the monthly meetings and want to participate in the raffle, click on this form, print the form fill it out and mail it to the SOS Post Office Box listed on the attached form. Raffle tickets will be sold based on the postmark on your envelope.

Only 40 tickets will be sold on a first come-first served basis.

Act now and get a chance to win!


Monthly Plant Winners


Speakers Choice, Barry Reese-Schum. Keith Goldson

Best Species, Julian Baruch-Den. unicum

Best Hybrid, Jack Knuese-Onc. Ruth’s Rainbow


Best Novice, John Nollon-Phal. Hybrid ------

Orchids We Should All Grow Roy Krueger



Perhaps the most spectacular specimen you can find in any orchid collection is Rhy. digbyana. Perhaps the most difficult orchid to grow is the same. We pamper, we primp. We coax, we swear. Hopefully it all comes to some avail in early May when digbyana may decide to honor us with one spectacular flower per growth. And spectacular it is.

Brilliant crystalline white/green with a finely haired lip, digbyana produces a single 6” citrus scented bloom that lasts only one week. But is it worth it. If you are reading this in the newsletter, put it down and go to the MOS web site and look at the picture. Then you will understand the love affair that growers have with this temperamental plant.

There are only two species in the rhyncholaelia. Digbyana, and glauca. Both are distributed though Central America from Mexico through . Treat both as you would any Cattleya. Water heavily and then let dry almost completely. Grow in bright filtered light at altitudes from sea level to 1000m.

Digbyana can be grown in a pot or basket as well as mounted. I grow mine mounted to help keep dry. The one pictured is from Belize. Fertilize weekly when in growth. Let the plant rest after growth is completed before bud sheaths begin to fill.

Pseudobulbs are club shaped and about 6” long. A single leathery leave tops each pseudobulb, about 8” long. Only one bud develops in each sheath. The plant does not generate multiple leads until it is quite mature. Then multiple leads may occur infrequently.

It is a plant that takes much care, develops very slowly, and can be very frustrating to the grower. But, it is well worth the time and effort. The species has received 16 awards from the American Orchid Society including 8 Awards of Merit (80-89 points).

Orchid Culture




AIR-eh-deez Tribe: Vandeae Subtribe: Aeridinae

Aerides, literally "child of the air", is a genus of strong-growing monopodial epiphytes most resembling the genus Vanda. These orchids are popular for their freely produced pendent spikes of closely set, fragrant blooms. Often called "foxtail orchids," this can lead to confusion with Rhyncostylis. Aerides are relatively fast growers and can bear a profusion of spikes from the main plant and its keikis. A few of the species are especially fascinating for their complex lip, which can obscure the column. Commonly seen species are Aerides fieldingii, Aerides lawrenceae, Aerides multiflorum, and Aerides odoratum. Aerides is beginning to be used more and more in hybridizing with related species and hybrids, especially vandas and ascocendas.


Tropical Asia, especially in the Himalayan region, Burma, and the Philippines

Temperature: These low elevation orchids require warm temperatures. Light: Bright, near full sun for some species. Aerides species require ample water, every day in warm climates. 70% or Water- higher relative humidity is beneficial although the plants can be grown Humidity: lower. Fertilizer: Weekly, weakly (1/4 to 1/2 strength house plant fertilizer). Like related genera, Aerides are best grown in open slatted baskets. If ample Potting: water can be provided no media is required, otherwise a few chunks of tree fern will retain some moisture for the roots.


Our Sponsors


Now selling Orchiata and New Zealand Spag.


Big Earth Landscape Supply, on Bee Ridge Road in Sarasota, will be selling Orchid Products for potting and spraying, including some items which Roy Krueger discusses during his monthly “Learn to Grow Orchids” sessions at 6:15 pm, prior to the Sarasota Orchid Monthly Meetings.

------Silent Auction Guidelines: 15

We will limit the total number of plants to 4 or 5 per month.

By the 20th of the month, prior to the upcoming meeting, a member will email a request to Denny Pavlock ([email protected]) with the number of plants they wish to bring. Include the name of the plant, the approximate number of pseudo bulbs, size of the pot, basket or mount or that it is a bare root. If you have a jpeg picture of the flower, please include with your request. If you do not have pic, SOS will provide one, if plant is not blooming Plants must be clean with no scale, thrips, etc. If desired, specify the minimum price you will accept for each plant. If desired, specify an “eBay type Buy-It-Now” amount for each plant so that a member may instantly purchase the plant. Note: The plant will then immediately be removed from the Silent Auction Table To confirm your inclusion in the Silent Auction, Denny will send you, the member, a Silent Auction Form. The seller will receive 75% and the SOS will receive 25% of the sale’s price. Member will receive the total amount of the sale and is responsible for returning 25% (cash or check) plus the Silent Auction Form to the SOS Treasurer at the conclusion of the meeting.