The Inventory

of the

Peter Daubeny



Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center ..,),:



I. MANUSCRIPTS and related material for his autobiography, MY WORLD OF THEATRE (1971) Bl-9


A. Correspondence and clipping files by specific year Box 9-16

B. World Theatre Season -- individual theatre headings and miscellaneous files Box 16-20

C. Miscellaneous theatre group files Box 20-21

D. Miscellaneous theatrical correspondence Box 22

E. Early productions Box 22,23


A. Alphabetical by individual Box 25

B. Personal, 1953-1975 Box 25

C. Congratulations on being knighted, 1973 Box 25/26

D. Condolences to wife, 1975 Box 26

E. Re MY WORLD OF THEATER, 1971-72 Box 27

F. Television presentations Box 27

G. With editors of newspapers, 1961-63 Box 27

H. Court officials, 1965-71 Box 27

I. Ancestry Box 27

J. Lecture appearances Box 27

K. Theatrical correspondence under production headings Box 27/28






VII. PRINTED MATERIAL Boxes 36,37,38,39,40

A. By PD

B. Reviews by PD

C. About PD


E. Publicity for WTS productions


A. Related to PD productions Box 40-Box 53

B. Personal (PD, friends, family) Box 54-55

C. Theatre lobby display Packages 1-12


A. Early productions by PD (non-WTS) Box 56-66

B. Countries and companies presented by PD Box 66-71


D. Personal re: career Package 14,15

E. Reviews, photos, programs of World Theatre Season Package 18,19,20,21 Box 72-79


XI. FILM Box 80


A. Early productions Package 22

B. Foreign companies Package 22


2 Daubeny, Peter

Daubeny, Peter 1921-1975 Purchase August, 1978 #770


A. MY WORLD OF THEATRE, autobiography. Jonathan Cape, London, 1971.

1. Notes, Drafts, Research material

Box 1 a. Draft pages for sections of book on , Ingmar Bergman, , , Sacha Guitry, and Bertold Brecht. Typescript and carbon typescript. 75 p. (Folder #1)

b. Notes, clippings re Peter Ustinov for section about him in book. Typescript and holo. notes, 25 p. (Folder #2)

c. Originals and copies of items written by Ustinov about P.D. (#2)

1. "Peter Daubenfby Peter Ustinov," Carbon typescript, 3 p. , and mimeograph.

2. Introduction by Ustinov to first World Theatre Season . Carbon typescript, 4 p. 2 copies.

3. Extract from Ustinov's introduction to MY WORLD OF THEATRE. Typescript, 2 p., with holograph notes by Ustinov. 2 copies.

4. Portion of "Photo Finish" in Ustinov's hand, holograph 2 p.

5. Autobiographical fragment by Ustinov, holograph, 1 p.

6. Short holograph note by Ustinov on verso of letter (1917), with 2 drawings by Ustinov of cars.

7. Holograph note to P.D., not dated, on "The Queen's Hotel, Leeds 1" stationery. Addressed to "Dear Barclay," signed "Herbert Cran Ustenagh."

3 Daubeny, Peter

Box 1

8. Holograph humorous note on back of postcard featuring statue of Christ under water, not dated.

d. Notes of interviews with and Robert Nesbitt. Typescript and carbon typescript, 50 p. (#3)

e. Holograph notes, clippings, and typescript dr~ft pages, re Ingmar Bergman, 50 p. (#4)

f. Notes, clippings, etc. re Jean-Louis Barrault and Madeleine Renaud. 40 p. (#5)

g. Holograph notes, typescript drafts for Greek and Italian theatre portions of book, 50 p., plus clippings (#6)

h. German theatre research and holograph notes, and partial typescript drafts of manuscript, with some editorial correspondence. 175 p. (#7)

i. Misc. draft pages, typescript and carbon typescript with holograph notes, 150 p. (#1)

j. Misc. holograph notes re philosophy and theatre for book, 75 p. (#2)

k. Misc. holo. notes for book-London Box 2 theatre notes, interview with Michel St. Denis, notes and clippings concerning St. Denis. Typescript draft pages. 150 p. (#3)

1. Holograph notes, clippings re other foreign theatre scenes- Polish, Czech, Chinese. 75 p. (#4)

m. Notes from interviews with Fellini, Krone, Marie Rambert, Jerome Robbins, and others. Typescript and carbon typescript, 75 p. (#5)

n. Notes for introduction, typescript and carbon typescript, 15 p. With 3 B/W photos of P.D. and Ladislav Vychodil, of Slovakian National Theatre. (#6)

Box 3 o. Six (6) holograph notebooks with misc.

4 Daubeny, Peter

Box 3

holograph notes re books. ca. 250 p. of notes. (loose in B3)

Box 4 p. Transcript of interviews with various people for book, including Basil Dean, John Fernald, P. G. O'Neill, Robert Nesbitt and others. Typescript, 75 p. Includes TLS from Basil Dean, Nov. 18, 1966, and brochure of Rean Dean Theatrical management firm, 1924, with articles by Dean, Arnold Bennett, John Galsworthy, J.M. Barrie, Clemence Dane, and others. (#1)

q. Misc. clippings, research, holograph notes re French Theatre- Chevalier, Sacha Guitry, Marie Bell, Edwige Feuillere, and others. 250 p. #2


Chevalier, Maurice ALS Dec. 13, 1963. Telegram, no date. Telegram, no date.

Feuillere, Mme. Edwige (Actress) ALS May 2, 1961,

Matthews, A.E. (Matty) ALS June 29, 1957.

Box 5 r. Setting copy of manuscript. Xerox typescript with printer's marks, 450 p. (#1)

s. Bound proof, with holograph notes and corrections (#2)

t. Mock-ups for book jackets, ads, and blurbs. 30 p. (#3)

u. Bound red book with photos and caption mock-ups as they will appear in published book.

Box 6 v. Editorial correspondence concerning contract for book, writing, permissions, 1960-1971. (#1)


Cash, Rosalind (Actress) ALS Nov. 14, 1970.

Daubeny, Molly (Wife) ALS Oct. 16, 1970.

5 Daubeny, Peter

Box 6

Foyle, Christina TLS March 22, 1971; April 6, 1971; April 13, 1971,

Farmer, George (Chairman, Royal Shakespeare Theatre) TLS April 20, 1971.

Laver, James (Writer) TLS Sept. 15, 1970.

w. Misc. Editorial and promotional material - notes and queries, lists of photographs, permission material, notes, promotional material, copies of speeches made at party for book at Foyle's Bookshops, etc., 500 p. (#2 and #3)

Box 6 x. Partial carbon typescript, and carbon typescript notes, 125 p. (#4)

y. Partial typescript and carbon typescript draft, 75 p. (#5)

z. Partial typescript early draft with title "As Far as it goes," 75 p. (#6)

Box 7 aa. Blue notebook with typescript pages taped in with many holograph notes, 150 p.

bb. Notes and drafts re Sacha Guitry, Maurice Chevalier, and Antonio (Spanish dancer). Typescript and holograph, 125 p. Includes theatre program signed by Guitry, no date. (#1)

cc. Typescript and holograph notes for German section of book, also notes on Poland and Czechoslovakia. Includes clippings and a few letters. 100 p. (#2)

Box 8 dd. Misc. research material and notes on Theatre including S,N. Behrman (interview), Fontanne and Lunti Gertrude Lawrence, Cole Porter, , and others. Includes letters and clippings; and 4 contracts signed by Orson Welles and P.D. for production "Chin Chin," 1960. (#1)

ee. Misc. notes on Greek and German theatres; typescript, carbon typescript, and

6 Daubeny, Peter

Box 8

holograph. (#2)

ff. Research and notes on Israeli and Russian theatre, clippings and typescript notes. 30 items. (#3)

gg. Notes and research on Sacha Guitry, including typescript draft of section on Guitry, 22 p. (#4)


Dukes, Ashley (Dramatist) ALS June 8, 1953.

Guitry, Sacha Two telegrams Feb. 12, April 29, 1953.

hh. Other notes, clippings, etc. on French Theatre, 100 items (#5)

Boxes 8 and 9

ii. Notes and research concerning dance and mime. 250 p. (#6) (and B9 #1)

Box 9 jj. Misc. typescript and holograph notes, re theatre, etc. 75 p. (#2)

kk. Notes, clippings, ms. drafts, for book concerning actors and acting, especially Lunts, Olivier, A.E. Matthews, Gordon Craig, Coward, St. Denis, Peter Brooks, Alec Guiness, Mrs. Patrick Campbell, and others. 150 items. (#2a)


A. Correspondence and clipping files by specific year.

Box 9 1. WTS 1964. Productions by Comedie- Francaise, Schiller Theatre (), Peppino de Filippo (), Abbey Theatre, (Ireland), Polish Contemporary Theatre, Greek Art Theatre, Moscow Art Theatre. Includes correspondence concerning arrangements, clippings, press releases, programs. (#3) Ca. 300 items.

Bergman, Ingmar Teleg. Dec. 20, 1963.

7 Daubeny, Peter

Box 9

Cacoyannis, Michael ALS Dec. 15, 1963. TLS Jan. 7, 1964.

Fellini, Federico TLS Jan. 20, 1964. TLS Feb. 10, 1964.

MacLiammoir, Michael TLS Jan. 2, 1964.

Miles, Bernard TLS Dec. 31, 1963.

2. WTS 1965. Productions by Theatre de France, Compagnia dei Giavani (Italy), Greek Art Theatre, Habimah Theatre (Israel), and Actors studio (U.S.A.)

Arrangement correspondence, clippings, press releases, financial records, programs, notes. Ca. 250 items. (#4)


Hurok, Sol (Impresario) TLS July 22, 1964.

Winters, Shelley (by Sec'y) TLS April 5, 1965.

Crawford, Cheryl (Actors Studio) TLS March 19, 1965.

Box 10 3. WTS 1966 Performances by Czech National Theatre, Compagnia

4. WTS 1967 Performances by National Theatre of Poland, Comedie­ Francaise, Noh Theatre (Japan), Breman Theatre (Germany) Cameri Theatre (Israel), Greek Art Theatre, Piccolo Theatre (Italy), and Theatre on the Balustrade (Czech.)

Arrangement correspondence, press releases, programs, synopses and translations, clippings 500 items. (#3)

Box 11 5. WTS 1968. Performances by Theatre on

R Daubeny, Peter

Box 11

the Balies trade (Czech.), Theatre de France, Stabile, Abbey Theatre (Ireland), Royal Dramatic Theatre (Sweden), Bunrakij Theatre (Japan).

Arrangement correspondence, clippings, programs, press releases. 500 items. (Bll #1 and 2)


Cusack, Cyril (Actor) TLS Jan. 20, 1968.

Bergman, Ingmar (Swed. Dir,) TLS Dec. 15, 1964; Teleg. Nov. 13, 1964; Teleg. April 17, 1964.

Josephson, Erland (Actor) Teleg. June 5, 1967; Teleg. May 30, 1967.

6. WTS General 1964-68. Mostly excerpts of reviews of productions and performers. 75 items (#3)

Box 12 7. WTS 1969 Performances by Theatre de la Cite (France), Theatre Behind the Gate (Czech), (U.S.A.), Greek Art Theatre, Anna Magnani Company (Italy), Arrangement Correspondence, press releases, clippings, programs, notes. 500 items. (#1)

8. WTS 1970. Performances by Cinoherni Klub (Czech.), Schiller Theatre (Germany), Comedie Francaise, Catania Stabile (Italy), and Moscow Art Theatre. Arrangement correspondence, press releases, programs, notes, clippings. 500 items. (B12 #2 and B13 #1)

9. WTS 1971 Productions by Theatre Michel (France), Royal Dramatic Theatre (Sweden), Schiller Theater (Germany), Genoa Stabile Theatre (Italy), Dormen Theatre (Turkey), Ninia Espert Company (Spain). Arrangement correspondence, clippings, programs, press releases, notes. 500 items. (B13 #2 and 3)

Box 14 10. WTS 1972. Productions by Natal Theatre

9 Daubeny, Peter

Box 14

Workshop Co. (South Africa), Nuria Espert (Spain), National Theatre (Greece), (Italy), U. Kathakali Co. (India), Cracow Story Theatre of Poland. Correspondence concerning arrangements, play synopses, press releases, programs, clippings, notes, translations. 250 items. (#1)

11. WTS 1973. Performances by Bochum Schauspielhaus (Germany), Nuria Espert Co. (Spain), Burgtheater (Austria), Comedie Francaise, Peppino de Filippo (Italy), Rideau de Bruxelles (Belgium), Cracow Story Theatre (Poland), Royal Dramatic Theatre (Sweden), Noh Troupe (Japan), Zulu Company (South Africa). Correspondence re arrangements, finances, press releases, programs, photos, clippings. ca. 500 items. (B14 #2 and #3)


Josephson, Erland (Swed. Actor) TLS Nov. 8, 1972.

Oppenheimer, Harry (South African Industrialist) TLS April 27, 1973.

Box 15 12. WTS 1975 Performances by Cracow Story Theatre (Poland), Gothenburg Stadsthealer (Sweden), Compagnia di Prosa (Italy), Alabama Company (Uganda). Includes arrangements correspondence, memos, photos, clippings, press releases, etc. 500 items. (#1)


Bolt, Robert TLS April 9, 1975.

B. WTS material removed from files under individual theatre headings, and miscellaneous files.

1. Misc. material re productions 1967-69,­ Japanese Theatre, Micheal MacLiammor, Piccolo Theatre of Milan, clippings, programs, arrangement correspondence, notes, 100 items. (#2)

10 Daubeny, Peter

Box 16

2. Correspondence, clippings, notes, programs concerning Russian Theatre 1967-1968. 200 items. (#1)

3. Correspondence, clippings, programs, notes concerning German Theatre, 1966-1969. 75 items, (#2).

4. Correspondence, clippings, programs, notes, printed matter, concerning Japanese Theatre. 100 items. (#3)

Box 17 5. Correspondence, clippings, notes, programs, posters, re Italian Tino Buazzelli Company productions of "Enemy of The People" (Ibsen) and "Rejuvenation" (Suevo), Includes English versions of scripts. 75 i terns. ( #1)

6. Correspondence, clippings, programs, photos, Swedish WTS productions, 1975. 75 items. (#2)

7. The Zulu Company-WTS production 1973- Correspondence, notes, clippings, 50 items. (#3)


Foreman, Carl (Producer) TLS Feb. 5, 1974.

8. Noh Theatre- Japan, 1968. Correspondence re arrangements, clippings, notes, programs. 100 items. (#4)

Box 18 9. Correspondence re Greek, Turkey, Israel Theatres, 1965-67. Notes, clippings, programs. 75 items. (#1)


Levin, Bernard TLS Dec. 7, 1966.

10. Correspondence concerning the Robert Serumaga Company (Uganda), 1974-75. Clippings, notes, printed matter. (#2)

11. Correspondence concerning Polish Theatre performances at WTS, 1975. Clippings, arrangements, programs, translations of scripts and correspondence, photos. 350 items. (#3)

11 Daubeny, Peter

Box 19

12. Misc. clippings, etc. re WTS seasons (programs, press releases, translations of articles) 500 items. (#1 and 2)

13. Misc. WTS correspondence 1966-1969. 150 items (#3)


Hall, Peter TLS May 17, 1967; TLS March 15, 1967; TL Feb. 24, 1967; April 13, 1967; TLS Feb. 24, 1967.

Beaton, Cecil Postcard from his sec'y Feb. 20, 1969.

Box 20 14. Memos, etc. re WTS finances, 1964-1971. 75 items. (#1)


Drogheda, Charles Garrett Ponsonby Moore- 11th Earl of (Lord Drogheda) 6 TLS: July 31, 1969; June 20, 1968; March 4, 1966; Aug. 3, 1971; Dec. 10, 1970; Dec. 19, 1969.

15. Letters of appreciation and press summations for WTS seasons 197-1973. 100 items (#2)


Josephson, Erland TLS May 3, 1971.

C. Miscellaneous theatre group files- groups which performed at WTS, were under consideration, or volunteered themselves. Files usually contain some correspondence and printed material, occasional notes.

1. Leningrad Gorki, WTS 1970, 10 items. (#3)

2. Cuban National Theatre 1968-1970. 10 items. (#4)

3. APA- Phoenix repertory Co., 1968. 10 items. (#5)

4. Canadian theatre: Shaw Festival at Strafford, Place Royale Dancers, Theatre de Nouveau-Monde (#6)

5. de Lullo Compagnia dei Giavani (Italy), also notes concerning the company. 25 items.

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Box 20


6. National Theatre of Belgium, 1968-1969. 20 items. (#8)

7. Habimah (Israel National Theatre) 1960-1961. 50 items. (#9)

8. Notes and printed matter concerning Teatro Stabile di Catania, 1970-71, 10 items. (#10)

Box 21 9. Polish Theatre, 1974. 4 items. (#1)

10. Danish Ballet Copenhagen Tivoli, 1972. 10 items. (#2)

11. Umabatha company of So. Africa, 1972. 10 items (#3)

12. American Shakespeare companies, 1968-1970, 10 items. (#4)

13. Dallas Theater Center, 1967-68. 15 items. (#5)

14. Drama Slovak National Theatre, Czech., 75 items 1967-1971. (#6)

15. Edinburgh International Festival 1968-1971, 15 items (#7)

16. Finnish Theatre 1968-1972, 10 items. (#8)

17. Andre Tahon Puppet Company and other French Companies. 15 items. (#9)

18. Hungarian Theatre 1967-1972. (#10)

19. London Area Indian Theatre, including script of "Shri Rama," a play by Gopal Sharman. 15 items. (#11)

20. National Theatre of the Deaf, 1969. 30 items. (#12)

D. Misc. Theatrical Corresp. 1963-1975. ca. 500 letters, plus telegrams, clippings, etc.

Box 22 1963-1970 (#1) 1971-1975 (#2)

13 Daubeny, Peter

Box 22


Garland, Nicholas (Director) ALS N.D. 1963.

Cusack, Cyril TLS May 26, 1972; TLS Feb. 3, 1973.

Fontanne, Lynn ALS N.D. 1974.

Richardson, Ralph 4 ALS N.D. 1974; March 28, 1975; N.D. 1975; April 24, 1975.

Hall, Peter ALS April 25, 1975.

E. Correspondence and related material concerning early (non WTS) productions by P.D.

Boxes 22 and 23

1. "Aspern Papers," productin correspondence, misc. material 1958-61. Ca. 250 items. (1958-59 B22 #3; 1960-61 B23 #1)


Redgrave, Michael ALS May 27, 1958; ALS N.D. 1959.

"Rachel and Mike" ALS Feb. 9 1959; ALS N.D. 1959.

"Mike" TLS June 26, 1959; TLS Aug. 20, 1959; TLS Oct. 27, 1959; TLS March 19, 1960; TLS March 30, 1960; TLS Feb. 4, 1960; TLS Feb. 4, 1960; TLS Dec. 16, 1959; TLS May 1, 1959; TLS Jan. 18, 1959.

Dean, Basil TLS June 3, 1959; Teleg. Teleg. Aug. 12, 1959; TLS March 24, 1959.

Behrman, S. N. Teleg. Dec. 24, 1959.

Langner, Philip (Prod.) ALS Jan. 25, 1961; ALS Aug. 14, 1959.

Langner, Lawrence (Prod.) TLS Jan. 5, 1960; Dec. 31, 1959.

Robson, Flora (Actress) ALS May 13, 1959.

Price, Vincent ALS July 18, 1960; ALS Jan.

14 Daubeny, Peter

Box 22 and 23

26, 1961; ALS N.D. 1959.

Box 23 2. Jerome Robbins Ballet. Corresp. and printed matter re production, 1959. 75 items. (#2)

3. Correspondence re "Les Sequestres d'Altona", (Condemned of Altona) (#4)


Harris, Richard TLS Sept. 10, 1960.

Satre, Jean-Paul Signature on agreement, 1960.

English Synopsis of play. 20 p.

4. Correspondence re Roland Petit- Zizi Jeanmarie tour, 1956-1961. 150 items, including notes, lists, agreements, etc. (#5)

S. Soviet Army Ensemble correspondence, 1956. 10 items. (#6)

6. Chinese Classical Theatre from Formosa, 1957. Correspondence, clippings, synopses of plots to Ballets. 50 items. (#7)

7. Correspondence, clippings, notes, translations, re Comedie Francaise, 1957- 1959. 100 items. (#8)

Box 24 8. Correspondence re Bertold Brecht's Berliner Ensemble. Letters, telegrams, notes, printed matter. 1956-1962. 200 items. (#1)


Brecht-Weigel, Helene (Widow of B.B.) TLS June 7, 1957; TLS Nov. 30, 1959; TLS Nov. 13, 1958; Teleg. Jan. 1, 1960; TLS Aug. 28, 1958; Teleg. Jan. 12, 1960; TLS Oct. 21, 1958; TLS Aug. 17, 1960; TLS Jan. 13, 1960.

Wanamaker, Sam TLS July 18, 1958; TLS Feb. 3, 1961.

Littler, Prince TLS April 18, 1962; TLS Jan. 17, 1961; TLS Sept. 11, 1962; TLS Jan. 17, 1961; Teleg. Jan. 4, 1960 (?); TLS March 1, 1961.

15 Daubeny, Peter

Box 24

9. Correspondence re Marie-Bell Company, 1959- 1960. Includes printed matter, 50 items. (#2)

10. Correspondence re Madeleine Renaud and Jean­ Louis Barrault productions, 1956. 50 items. (#3) 11. Correspondence re Soviet Baltic Fleet 1955, performance arranged by P.D. Includes clippings. 25 items. (#4) 12. Correspondence re performances by Moscow Art Theatre, 1954-1960. With printed matter, programs, seating plans, notes. ca. 250 items. (#5) Including: Moiseyev, S. (Head of M. Ensemble) TLS Nov. 22, 1957. Russell, John (Journalist) TLS Jan. 2 , 1958. Haskell, Arnold (Ballet) ALS Jan. 16, 1958. Wanamaker, Sam 4 TLS: Jan. 29, Feb. 11, Feb. 24, June 3, 1958. Schofield, Paul Telegram May 15, 1958. Menuhin, Diana (Mrs. Yehudi) ALS May 16, 1958. Bliss, Arthur (Composer) ALS May 16, 1958. Beaumont, Hugh TLS May 15, 1958. Graitskell, Hugh TLS May 22, 1958. Harrison, Rex (Sec'y) TLS May 20, 1958. Gielg,id, John (Sec'y) TLS May 20, 1958. Robson, Flora ALS May 27, 1958. III. PERSONAL AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE A. Individual Correspondence files, alphabetized. Box 25 Attenborough, Richard (folder #1) TLS March 12, 1964.

16 Daubeny, Peter

Box 25

Barrault, Jean-Louis (#1) Telegram Sept. 6, 1968.

Beaton, Cecil (#1) 2 ALS N.D. 1960's; 1 ALS 1971.

Beaverbrook, Lord (Max Aitkin) (#2) Telegram Dec. 5, 1952; TLS July 15, 1961; TLS June 12, 1961; TLS May 26, 1961; TLS July 19, 1961; TLS (secretary) July 20, 1961; TLS Feb. 22, 1962; TLS Nov. 25, 1963. Notes by P.D. for section of his autobiography dealing with meetings with Beaverbrook. Typescript and holograph, 30 p. Also 1 clipping re Beaverbrook.

Behrman, S.N. (#3) ALS postal Aug. 28, 1968; TLS June 27, 1968.

Bell, Marie (#3) ALS N.D. ca. 1959-60.

Chevalier, Maurice (#4) 16 pieces: ALS Dec. 3, 1952; ALS Feb. 10, 1954; ALS June 6, 1954; ALS Feb. 3, 1955; ALS Feb. 2, 1955; ALS postal Aug. 1955; ALS Nov. 10, 1955; ALS Aug. 28, 1961; ALS Sept. 29, 1961; ALS postal Sept 8, 1962; ALS Sept. 21, 1962; ALS July 17, 1968; ALS on photo 1969; ALS ~ard 1970; ALS on cropped photo, N. D. ; ALS N. D. Draft of memoir by P.D. of friendship with Chevalier for autobiography. Carbon Typescript, 20 p.

"Chevalier at 80," article by P.D. in (London) THE TIMES SATURDAY REVIEW, Sept. 7, 1968; 2 printed items re Chevalier.

Coward, Noel (#5) 2 ALS N.D. 1960's; 1 ALS (re P.D. 's WORLD OF THEATRE), 1971.

Courtenay, Tom (#5) 1 ALS 1969.

de Chambran, Rene (#6) TLS (Secretary) August 14, 1969. Plus copy of letter to D.D. Eisenhower Nov. 17, 1948; and D.D. D.D.E. 's reply Dec. 2, 1948 (copy); also other correspondence and printed matter concerning patriotism of President Pierre Laval (father-in-law of Rene de Chambram). 5 items.

17 Daubeny, Peter

Box 25

de Courcel, Baron (Geoffroy de Courcel) French Ambassador to England. (#7) Letters, invitations cards, 8 items, 1965-1973.

Evans, Edith (Actress) (#7) 4 ALS 1964- · 1968.

Faulkner, Trader (Actor and Director) (#8) TLS Nov. 19, 1972; Jan. 5, 1973; Feb. 8, 1973; March 4, 1973; July 22, 1973.

Feuillere, Edwige (Actress) (#9) ANS May 1, 1968; ANS N.D.

de Fillipo, Peppino (Italian Actor) (#9) TLS Sept. 9, 1969; TLS May 9, 1973,

Foreman, Carl TLS Jan. 24, 1973. (#9)

Gingold, Hermione (#9) TLS Aug. 14, 1959; ALS Jan. 14, 1969.

Gloucester, Duchess of. (#9) Scott, Jean Maxwell (Lady-in-Waiting) ALS May 29, 1968. Plus clipping re P.D. and Duchess.

Harrison, Rex (#10) ALS N.D. (1960's)

Heath, Edward (P.M.) TLS March 30, 1973 (#10) (Playwright)

Hunter, Norman (#10) ALS N.D. (1960 1 s)

Hunter, Germaine (Wife) Oct. 3, 1971.

Jagger, Mick (Rolling Stones) (#11) TLS Feb. 23, 1970; related correspondence 1970, 4 items.

Leigh, Vivien (#12) ALS (postcard) June 27, 1967; 2 ALS Oct. 29 N.D.; March 31 N.D.

Lenya Weill, Lotte (Actress) (#12) TLS July 11, 1962; TLS June 10, 1962.

Lunt, Alfred and Fontanne, Lynn (#12) TLS (Lynn F.) Dec. 18, 1967; TLS (Lynn F.) July 2, 1971; 3 ALS N.D. (1960's).

MacLiammoir, Micheal (#12) TLS Sept. 1, 1967; ALS June 15, 1968; TLS June 18, 1968; ALS N.D. (1960's); (ANS) N.D. (1960's)

18 Daubeny, Peter

Box 25 Lesley, Cole (Friend of Noel Coward) (#13) ALS Sept. 15, 1972; ALS Oct. 9, 1972; ALS N.D. (1970 1 s); ALS card N.D. (1970 1 s)

Magnani, Anna (#13) ALS March 7, 1972; Telegram Dec. 29, 1969.

Marina, Duchess of Kent (#13) Pepys, Rachel ALS from (lady-in-waiting) June 15, 1968 (?)

Menuhin, Diana '(#13) ALS July 17, N.D, (1960's); ALS N.D. (1960's)

Mills, John (#14) 2 ALS Feb. 23, 1967; July 18, 1972.

Bell, Mary Hayley (Lady Mills) ALS N.D.

Nichols, Beverley (#15) ALS N.D. 1967; TLS April 3, 1967; 2 ALS 1968.

Olivier, Lawrence (#14) ALS "Fri 1st" N.D. (1960's) TLS May 8, 1963.

Quayle, Anthony (#15) 7 items: ALS May 16, 1966; ALS June 5, 1966; ALS May 24, 1967; ALS March 2, 1968; ALS June 24, 1968; TLS Jan. 30, 1971; ALS "Boxing Day" N.D.

Redgrave, Michael (#16) ALS N.D. (1960's)

Richardson, Ralph (#16) ALS Feb. 28, 1967; ALS postal (mu and Ralph) April 23, 1967; ALS Aug. 31, 1968; ALS Dec. 1968; ALS June 9, 1970; ALS (mu) (Meriel R.) ALS Jan. 1, 1972; ALS March 7, 1972; ALS July 8, 1972; ALS Aug. 4, 1972; ALS Dec. 25, 1972;ALS June 28, 1973; ALS Feb. 1, 1975; ALS (mu) N.D.

Robertson, Graham (Actor-Manager) (#16) 13 ALS 1937-1940's.

Sackville-West, Vita TLS (to Charles B. Cochran, producer,) concerning Antonio and Rosario March 23, 1949, with holograph note on back. (#17)

Smoktunovsky, Innokenti (Russian Actor) ALS (with P.D. 's translation) N.D. ca. 1956. (#17)

Ustinov, Peter (#17) ALS N.D. ca. 1960;

19 Daubeny, Peter

Box 25 ANS, N.D.

Walpole, Hugh (#18) ALS Aug. 27, 1936; ALS Oct. 17, 1936; ALS Feb. 16, 1937; ALS March 16, 1937; ALS April 24, 1937; ALS June 8, 1937; ALS Dec. 31, 1937; ALS Aug. 9, 1938; ALS Dec. 7, 1938; ALS April 14, 1939; ALS July 8, 1939; ALS postal June 12, 1940; Telegram Oct. 10, 1943; ALS (war-time V-mail letter) Oct. 16, 1943; ALS Dec. 22, 1943 (Incomplete); Clipping re Walpole.

Welles, Orson (#18) 2 TLS May 16, 1960; N.D., 1960.

B. Personal Correspondence 1953-1973 (#19) 30 ALS, 50 TLS, 20 CTL, 15 misc. items.


Andrews, Bobbie (Actor) ALS postal June 29, 1966.

Hobson, Harold (critic) TLS May 2, 1967.

Nunn, Trevor (Director, Royal Shakespeare Company) TLS May 15, 1973; telegram July 3, 1973; ALS May 6, 1973; TLS June 6, 1973.

Dux, Pierre (Administrator, Comedie Francaise) TLS June 8, 1973.

Black, Kitty (Playwright) TLS June 22, 1973.

Boxes 25 and 26

C. Letters, cards, and telegrams of congratulations to P.D. on being a Knighted June 1973. Almost all items alphabetized and dated June-July 1973, (unless noted) ca. 175.

Letters, telegrams, cards A-H (B25 F20) J-Y (B26 Fl) unidentified (B26 F2)


Ashcroft, Peggy Telegram, ALS.

Attenborough, Richard ALS; TLS Sept. 20,

20 Daubeny, Peter

Boxes 25 and 26


Aylmer, Felix (Actor) Telegram.

Baddeley, Hermione Telegram.

Bagge, Sir John TLS.

Balfour, John ALS.

de Beaumarchais, J. (French Ambassador) TLS.

Beaton, Cecil ALS.

Beaverbrook, Lord (Max Aitken) TLS.

Bergner, Elizabeth ALS.

Boyd, Alan TLS.

Bowker, James ALS.

Brahms, Caryl (Critic and Novelist) ALS.

Cavanaugh, John (Dress Designer) ALS.

Cusack, Cyril Telegram.

Courtenay, Tom ALS.

Crawford, Cheryl (Direct. and Prod.) ALS.

Darlington, William (Author and Critic) TLS.

Dean, Basil (Producer) Telegram.

Denison, Michael (Actor) ALS.

D'Erlanger, Lee (Banker) Telegram.

Diamand, Peter ALS.

Dixon, Piers (MP) ALS.

Drogheda, Lord (Gareth) TLS

Dux, Pierre ALS, Telegram.

Edgeworth, Jane (British Council) TLS.

Ellis, May (Actress, Singer) ALS.

21 Daubeny, Peter

Boxes 25 and 26

Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr. TLS.

Falk, Rosella ALS postal.

Farmer, Sir George ALS.

Faulkner, Trader ALS card.

de Filippo, Eduardo TLS, Telegram.

Flemyng, Robert (Actor) ALS.

Foreman, Carl Telegram.

Gale, John (Producer) TLS.

Gassman, Vittorio ALS.

Gielgud, John ALS.

Gloucester, The Duchess of (ALS from Lady- in-Waiting Diana Harrison).

Harrison, Rex (and Elizabeth) ALS.

Hunter, Jermaine (Mrs. Norman) ALS.

Johnson, Celia (Actress) Telegram.

Jones, David (Director) TLS.

Linross, Lord ALS.

Lehmann, Beatrix (Actress) TLS.

Leslie, Cole Telegram.

Littler, Emile (Manager and Producer) TLS

Markova, Alicia (Ballerina) ALS.

Maugham, Robin Telegram.

Menuhin, Yehudi and Diana ANS.

Miles, Sir Bernard TLS.

Murray, John (Publisher) TLS.

Nunn, Trevor and (wife) Telegram, 2 TLS.

Olivier, Laurence and

22 Daubeny, Peter

Boxes 25 and 26

Telegram (Joanie and Larry)

Pile, William Dennis TLS.

Quayle, Anthony (and Dot) ALS.

Rattigan, Terrence ALS.

Rawlings, Margaret (Actress) ALS.

Redgrave, Michael ALS postal and ALS "Rachel and Mike"

Robson, Flora ALS.

Rogers, Paul Telegram.

Runciman, Sir Steven (Scholar) ALS postal.

Russell, John (critic) ALS.

Schofield, Paul Telegram.

Seyler, Athene (Actress) TLS Sept. 26, 1973.

Sitwell, Sacheverell and Georgia Telegram.

Steen, Marguerite (Novelist) TLS.

Thatcher, Margaret TLS.

Todd, Ann (Actress) ALS.

Trilling, 0ssia TLS.

Ustinov, Pavla (daughter of Peter) ALS.

D. Letters of Condolence to Molly Daubeny on death of P.D. [Aug. 6, 1975]. Alphabetical, almost all items Aug,-Sept. 1975, otherwise noted. ca. 300 cards, letters, telegrams.

A-F B26 #3 G-M B26 #4 N-Y B26 #5


Andrews, Bobbie ALS.

Antonio Telegram.

Attenborough, Richard 2 ALS.

23 Daubeny, Peter

Boxes 25 and 26 Baddeley, Hermione ALS. Beaton, Cecil ALS. Bergner, Elizabeth ALS. Black, Kitty TLS. Bogarde, Dirk ALS. Buckle, Richard (Dicky) (Writer) 2 ALS, 1 telegram. Courtenay, Tom ALS. Cusack, Cyril ALS. de Filippo, Eduarde 3 telegrams.

Drogheda, Lord Gareth ALS. Dux, Pierre 2 telegrams. Edgeworth, Jane TLS. Ellis, Mary ALS. Espert, Nuria ALS. Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr. Telegram. Falk, Rossella Telegram. Faulkner, Trader ALS. Feuillere, Edwige AN. Flemyng, Robert ALS. Harrison, Rex ALS. Howard, Frankie TLS. Johnson, Celia ALS.

Kinross, Lord ALS. Lehmann, Beatrix ALS. Leslie, Cole ALS. Lunt, Alfred and Fontanne, Lynn (signed by L.F.) ALS.

24 Daubeny, Peter

Boxes 25 and 26

MacLiammoir, Michael TLS Jan. 27, 1976.

Maugham, Robin Telegram.

Menuhin, Yehudi and Diana Telegram.

Miles, Barnard ALS.

Nichols, Beverley ALS.

Nunn, Trevor Telegram.

Payn, Graham ALS.

Quayle, Anthony 2 ALS Oct. 26, 1975; Aug. 12,

Quayle, Dot (wife) ALS N.D.

"Dot and Tony" Q. Telegram.

Rawlings, Margaret ALS.

Redgrave, Rachel and Michael 2 ALS, ANS "Rachel"

Richardson, Ralph ALS, ANS signed "MU" wife Meriel.

Robson, Flora 2 ALS.

Rogers, Paul and Rosalind TLS.

St. Denis, Suria (Widow of Michel) 2 ALS.

Schofield, Paul ALS.

Schofield, Joy ALS.

Sinden, Donald ALS.

Sitwell, Sacheverell (and Georgia) Telegram.

Spencer-Churchill, John ALS.

Todd, Ann 2 ANS.

Trilling, Ossia TLS, ALS card.

Ustinov, Peter ALS.

Ward, Douglas Turner Telegram.

25 Daubeny, Peter

Boxes 25 and 26

Weissberger, L. Arnold TLS.

Webb, Alan (Actor) ALS.

Williams, Emlyn ALS.

Box 27

E. Letters and telegrams to P.D. concerning his autobiography MY WORLD OF THEATRE, 1971-1972. Alphabetical. 50 items. (#1)


Armstrong, Robert (sec'y to P.M) TLS May 12, 1972.

Buckle, Richard (Writer) Telegram March 17, 1971.

Coward, Noel Telegram April 13, 1971.

Fairbanks, Douglas Jr. ALS May 22, 1971.

Fielding, Fenella (Actress) ALS Feb. 3, 1972.

Fontanne, Lynn 2 ALS N.D.

Gassmann, Vittorio ALS.

Heath, Edward TLS May 15, 1972.

Josephson, Erland Xerox TLS May 3, 1971.

Leslie, Cole ALS June 8, 1971.

Quayle, "Dot" (wife of Anthony) ALS.

St. Denis, Suria (widow of) ALS.

Steen, Marguerite TLS.

F. Correspondence and memos concerning television presentations by P.D. and others re Peter Ustinov, Luchino Visconti, V. Gassman, , Russian Art Theatre, etc. 1962-1963. 50 items. (#2)

G. Correspondence with editors of London newspapers concerning articles by P.D., 1961-1963, 50 items. (#3)

26 Daubeny, Peter

Box 27


"Theatrical Memoirs," part 1 of 3 part series that ran in Sunday Telegraph, 1963. Carbon typescript, 11 p. Misc. notes, drafts, clippings, 10 items.

H. Correspondence with Court Officials and Czech Officials concerning Honors bestowed on P.D. (Commander of British Empire, Knighthood, honors from France, Italy, W. Germany, Czechoslovakia, Greece 1965-1971. 13 items. (#4)

I. Correspondence concerning ancestry of P.D., and relation to other Daubenys involved in theatre, 1967. 7 items, including pamphlet mentioning Daubeny ancestor, and resume of P.D. 's career. (#5)

J. Correspondence (and notes) concerning lecture appearence before Anglo-Hellenic League and article written for Incorporated Linguist, 1972-1974, 5 items of correspondence. Notes for lecture, holograph and typescript, 75 p. (#6)

K. Misc. Theatrical Correspondence under subject headings

1. Revue. Corresp. re production by P.D., never done, 1959. 25 items. (#7)


Baddelay, Hermione TLS Sept. 28, 1959.

2. "Chin-Chin", production corresp., plus program and reviews. 1959-61. 500 items. (#8)


Crawford, Cheryl Telegram Nov. 24, 1960.

Drawbell, James Telegram Nov. 10, 1960.

Hall, Willis (Author) TLS Sept. 23, 1960.

Johnson, Celia ALS Dec. 13, 1959.

Maugham, Robin TLS Oct. 25, 1960; Telegram Nov. 10, 1960.

Olivier, Laurence TLS Oct. 13, 1959.

27 Daubeny, Peter

Box 27

Quayle, Anthony ALS Nov. 4, 1960.

Redgrave, Rachel and Michael Telegram Nov. 10, 1960.

Sackler, Howard ALS Sept. 9, 1960.

3. Prod. Corresp. re Comedie Francaise appearance, 1959. 100 items. (#9)


Sargent, Malcolm TLS March 17, 1959.

11 Box 28 4. Prod. corresp. concerning "The Connection , by Jack Gelber, produced in London by P.D. 1960. Corresp., clippings, printed matter 1960-1963. 250 items (#1)


Gelber, Jack TLS Sept. 27; TLS Oct. 18; TLS Oct. 24, 1960; TLS Aug. 10, 1961.

5. Misc. Personal and Theatrical Correspondence 1937-1973. Letters, printed matter, letters to the editor, etc. 150 items. (#2)


Armstrong, Robert TLS May 1, 1973.

Attenborough, Richard Telegram OCt. 18, 1948.

Beaton, Cecil ALS Aug. 14, 1959.

Chevalier, Maurice ALS Jan. 22, 1959.

Croft-Cooke, Rupert TLS Jan. 28, 1949.

De La Haye, Ina (Actress) ALS July 18, 1958.

Fontanne, Lynn TLS June 16, 1960; ALS and TLS, N.D., 1960.

Foreman, Carl TLS Feb. 23, 1962.

Mankowitz, Wolf ALS May 11, 1961.

Miles, Bernard 3 TLS July 18, 1960; May 16, 1962.

28 Daubeny, Peter

Box 28

Olivier, Laurence TLS May 8, 1963.

Quayle, Anthony 3 ALS Jan. 2; Feb. 6; June 14, 1962.

Read, Herbert TLS Jan. 10, 1937.

Redgrave, Michael ALS June 13, 1961; TLS April 17, 1963.

Robson, Flora ALS June 24, 1959.

5. Corresp. concerning Jacques Deval, French Playwright, 1957-1960. 75 items. (#3)


Carmichael, Ian ALS July 30, 1958.

Deval, Jacques ALS Nov. 12, 1957; ALS Oct. 21, 1957; document signed Oct. 30, 1957; ALS Jan. 14, 1959; ALS Dec. 7, 1957; ALS April 11, 1958; ALS Dec. 19, 1957; ALS July 15, 1958; ALS Jan. 30, 1958; ALS July 23, 1958; ALS Feb. 9, 1958; ALS N.D. 1958; ALS N.D. 1958; ALS N.D. 1958; ALS Feb. 24, 1958.

Massey, Daniel (Actor) 3 ALS N.D. 1959; N.D. 1959; N.D. 1959.

More, Kenneth(?) TLS N.D.

Page, Genevieve ALS N.D. 1958.

6. Corresp. concerning Peppino de Felippo and Italian projects and productions; and corresp. concerning article by P.D. on Fellini. 1962-1967, clippings, programs, etc. 30 items. (#4)

Box 29 7. Correspondence concerning productions with . (#1) 1957-1963. 50 items; includes clippings.

Gassman, Vittorio Telegram March 1, 1958; ALS July 27, 1958; ALS Oct. 1963; ALS N.D.; TLS N.D. ca. Aug. 5, 1957; ALS July 9, 1958; ALS July 27, 1958; ALS Aug. 28, 1962; ALS N.D. Feb. 15.

8. Corresp. re production of "" at Old Vic Theatre, 1959. Letters, telegrams,

29 Daubeny, Peter

Box 29

programs, press releases, etc. 1958-59. 50 items. (#2)

Lewis, Ronald (Actor) ALS Feb. 2, 1959.

Wolfitt, Donald (Actor) ALS Feb. 26, 1959; ALS postal March 12, 1959; ALS March 5, 1959; ALS March 15, 1959; ALS March 11, 1959; ALS June 14, 1959.

Robson, Flora ALS N.D. April 1959; ALS April 7, 1959; ALS Aug. 4, 1959.

9. Correspondence re "House by the Lake". Letters, telegrams, printed matter, summary of receipts and expense sheets, etc. 250 items. 1955-1958.

1955-57 B29 #3 1958- B29 #4


Coleridge, Sylvia (Actress) ALS Feb. 23, 1956; ALS Sept. 11, 1956.

Chodorov, Jerome (Playwright) TLS July 30, TLS Sept. 14, 1956; TLS Nov. 27, 1957.

Cruikshank, Andrew (Actor) TLS Nov. 9, 1956.

Mills, Hugh (Playwright) TLS Sept. 3, 1955; 3 ALS, 1956; 2 ALS, 2 TLS, 1957; 1 ALS postal Feb. 11, 1958.

Robson, Flora 2 ALS Jan. 12, June 8, 1957.

Box 30 10. "House by the Lake" Tour Corresp., 1957-58. ca. 150 items #1


Coleridge, Sylvia ALS Dec. 13, 1957; TLS April 6, 1958.

Mills, Hugh ALS N.D. 1958.

Robson, Flora 1 ALS, 1 TLS 1957; 3 ALS 1958.

11. Corresp. concerning plans for . 1960-63, 25 items. (#2) Daubeny, Peter

Box 30


Geingold, Hermione 3 TLS Jan. 6, 1961; March 26, 1961; Jan. 8, 1962.

12. Corresp. re "The Gift," 1956-1963. Includes agreements, contracts, etc. 30 items. (#3)


Attenborough, Richard TLS July 22, 1963.

Banks, Lynn Reid Document signed, March 26, 1963; dee. signed April 3, 1963.

Elder, Eldon (Designer) TLS July 25, 1963; TLS Sept. 14, 1963,

Miles, Bernard TLS Sept. 17, 1963; TLS Sept. 26, 1963; TLS Oct. 1, 1963.

13. Corresp. re Micheal MacLiammoir (#4) Letters, telegrams, clippings. 150 items. 1962-65.


Edwards, Hilton (Actor and Prod.) 13 TLS July 24, 1962; Oct. 4, 1962; Feb. 17, 1965; 1 Tele~ram Nov. 7, 1962; March 8, 1965; Nov. 13, 1962; March 17, 1965; Jan. 11, 1963; March 17, 1965; Feb. 27, 1963; March 16, 1963; March 29, 1963; April 25, 1963; July 18, 1963.

MacLiammoir, Micheal 7 TLS April 22; July 4, 1963; July 9; July 18; Aug. 7; Sept. 3; Sept. 24, 1963; ALS, N.D.

14. Correspondence concerning Peter Ustinov's play "Photo-Finish," 1961-1962. Corresp. (B30 #5) Stage sketches, memos, lists, pr. matter, clippings, etc. (B31 #1)


Weissberger, L. Arnold TLS May 14, 1962.

Jones, Barry ALS Dec. 13, 1961.

Hanley, Joan 3 ALS May 1; July 14; Aug, 23, 1962.

~1 Daubeny, Peter

Box 30

15. Corresp. re Jerome Robbins "Ballets: USA" tour. 1959-1962. Letters, telegrams, memos, misc. material. 75 items. (#2)


Robbins, Jerome 7 TLS: Jan. 15, 1960; May 31, 1960; June 30, 1960; July 18, 1960; Aug. 3, 1960; Oct. 5, 1960; March 5, 1962; Telegram May 1 7 , 1961 •

16. Misc. corresp. concerning plays for Flora Robson. 15 items, 1962-1963. (#3)


Robson, Flora ALS April 21, 1961; TLS copy Sept. 27, 1961.

17. Corresp. re Malme State Theater (Swedish) production of "Ur Faust," 1959. 75 items. (#4)

IV. Playscripts for productions by P.D. (not all produced by him)

Box 31 1. "The Aspern Papers," by (taken from Henry James story). Three mimeograph copies, not marked.

Box 32 2. "Blues for Mr. Charlie," by James Baldwin. Mimeograph script, not marked.

3. "La Calandria, 11 by Cardinal Bibbiena, (Italian) Acted by Compagnia De Lullo­ Falk-Valli-Albani. Mimeograph, not marked, with newsclipping re Romola Valli.

4. "Chin-Chin", by Francois Billetdoux, Two mimeo scripts, one with profuse notes by P.D,

5. "Close Quarters," by Gilbert Lennox, mimeograph script, not marked.

6. "La Cour Aux Prunes," by Yves Jamiaque (in French) Mimeo script with English synopsis.

7. Decision at Easter, by G.P. Gallivan. Printed acting edition, 1 copy,

8, Dialogos de la Herejia (no author given) (Spanish) With notes by P.D, Daubeny, Peter

Box 32

9. "Ecoutez Bien, Messieurs," by Sacha Guitry. Mimeograph script.

10. "Ghosts," by . English printed acting edition. 4 copies.

Boxes 32 and 33

11. "The House by the Lake," by Hugh Mills. Bound playscripts, 9 copies, all with notes. (B32 and 33)

Box 33 12. "The Idiot," by F. Dostoevsky. Russian script.

13. "Little Mary Sunshine," by Rick Besoyan. Not marked.

Box 34 14. "Le Metamorfosi di un Suonatore Ambulante," by Peppino de Filippo. Italian playscript, not marked.

Boxes 34 and 35

15. "Photo Finish," by Peter Ustinov, 12 copies of script, all with notes.

Box 35 16. "Slawomir Mrozek- Czarowna Noe", Polish play­ script with notes and drawings.

17. "The Teddy Bear," by James Warren. Playscript, unmarked.

18. "Trevallion", A comic opera in two Acts, by P.H. Phillips and Malcolm Morley. Unmarked.

V. Notebooks

A. Small blue notebook with misc. holograph notes on theatre, 30 p.

B. Small red notebook with early holograph notes on theatre, 100 p.

Box 36 C. Large black binder notebook with holograph notes on theatre, with clippings, telegrams, etc.


Chevalier, Maurice Telegram July 4, 1953.

Beaurepaire, Andre (Artist) Program for art exhibition signed, 1955. Daubeny, Peter

Box 36


1. Portions of play "Chin-Chin," produced by P.D. Typescript, carbon typescript, and holograph, 26 p. (#1)

2. Synopsis of "Irkutsk Story," play presented by Moscow Art Theatre for P.D. 's WTS. Carbon typescript, 25 p. (#2)

3. "Mozart," comedy in three acts by Sacha Guitry. (#3)

a. Partial English trans., of Act I, typescript, 9 p., with carbon copy.

b. Complete English translation, of the 3 acts typescript, 72 p.

c. French printed version in La Petite Illustration, June 26, 1926.

d. Article "The Secret of Mozart," by star of production , in Sketch, June 30, 1926.

e. ALS from unidentified producer to "Mr. Phillips" concerning play, ca. 1926.

f. 8 x 10 B/W glossy photo of Yvonne Printemps.

g. Large B/W photo of Yvonne Printemps in costume as Mozart, inscribed to Mr. Phillips by Y.P.

h. Three large B/W photos Sacha Guitry and Yvonne Printemps, inscribed to "Mr. Phillips" by Guitry.


A. Printed Articles by P.D. (#4)

1. "The Common Market of Drama," article in Envoy, May 1968 tearsheets.

B. Reviews by P.D. (#4)

1. "His Master's Echo," review of A TALENT TO AMUSE (biography of Noel Coward) by Sheriden Morley, THE SPECTATOR, 8 Nov. 1969, tear sheets.

2. "A Ghost and his host," review of AN OSCAR OF NO IMPORTANCE, by Micheal MacLiammoir, in THE

') ,. Daubeny, Peter

Box 36

SPECTATOR, 6 Sept. 1968.

C. About P.D.

1. Transcript of "Man For All Theatres," BBC Radio program on career of P.D., consisting of interviews with P.D. and others. Broadcast Aug. 9, 1976, 22 p., three copies. (#5)


Reviews of German Edition of book, with translation of Martin Esslin's Introduction, and translation of German reviews. 25 items. (#6)

E. Publicity Press Releases, reviews, mentions in the press, programs, etc. for WTS productions.

1. WTS 1964. Translations of Greek reviews of 1st Season, and other reviews. 20 items. (#7)

2. WTS 1965-68. Misc. clippings, press release notes. 75 items. (#8)

3. WTS 1969- Clippings, press release notes, programs. 75 items. (#9)

Box 37 4. WTS 1971. Ads, clippings, etc. 75 items. (#1)

5. WTS 1973. Notes for press releases, 15 p. (#2)

6. Misc. Clippings, ads, reviews, etc. for productions by P.D. (including WTS)- 1940s- 1970s. 200 items. (#3 and #4)

Box 38 7. Misc. magazines with articles and mentions of P.D. 's productions 1950s-1960s. 25 items. (#1)

8. Misc. programs, souvenir handbooks, etc. from non-WTS productions by P.D., and other foreign companies he was interested in. 100 items. (Loose in Boxes 38 and 39)

Boxes 39 and 40

9. Programs for WTS individual and season productions, 1964-1975. 100 items. (B39 #1 and B40 #1)


A. Photographs from productions by P.D., photos of Daubeny, Peter

Boxes 39 and 40

companies. P.D. was interested in WTS, etc.­ alphabetized. (all B/W unless noted)

Box 40 1. Abafumi Company (Uganda) performance of "Renga Moi". One "5x8", two large negatives. (#2)

2. Abbey theatre (Ireland), 45 photos, various sizes from several productions (including "The Shaughran, 11 "Captain Molineux" and "The Plough and the Stars") featuring Cyril Cusack, Donal McCann, and others ca. 1968. (#3)

3. Actors Studio (USA). 17 "8xl0" photos, including prods. of "The " and "Blues For Mr. Charlie," featuring , Geraldine Fitzgerald, , Shirley Knight, and others. (#4)

4. "Antonio and Rosario", and other Spanish and Gypsy Dancers (including Pilar Lopez) presented by P.D. 25 photos, various sizes. (#5)

5. Misc. Ballet photos. 13 photos, various sizes, inclusing Rosella Hightower, Maria Tallchief, and Janine Charrett. (#6)

Box 41 6. The Theatre on the Balustrade (Prague, Czechoslovakia), featuring Ladislav Fialka. 50 photos, various sizes. (#1)

7. "Theatre Behind the Gate" (Czechoslovakia). 50 photos, various sizes, including photos of P.D. with cast and Princess Margaret at premiere. 1968-69. (#2)

8. Berliner Ensemble. (E. Germany) Photos from Prods. of "Mother Courage" and others. 50 photos, most mounted with captions. (#3)

Box 42 9. Bochum Schauspielhaus, (W. Germany). 30 photos, and color transparencies. (#1)

10. Book Illustrations for MY WORLD OF THEATRE, original photos, negatives, with editing marks. Ca. 100 items, including signed original photos by A.E. Matthews, Charles B. Cochran, , and Somerset Maugham. (#2)

11. Bremen Theatre (W. Germany), 10 11 8xl0" photos. (#3)

" ,- Daubeny, Peter

Box 43

12. Brno Theatre (Czech.) 20 photos, various sizes. (#1)

13. Tino Buazzelli Company (Italy), 15 photos, various sizes. (#2)

14. Bunraku Company (Japanese). 50 photos, some in color, plus negatives; various sizes. (#3)

15. Burgtheater (, Austria). Thirty photos, mostly 8xl0. (#4)

16. Cameri Theatre (Israel) 15 photos, various sizes. (#5)

17. Cinoherni Club (Czech.) 15 photos, 8xl0, including P.D. and Princess Margaret at Premier. (#6)

Box 44 18. Theatre de la Cite de Villeurbanne (France). 75 photos, various sizes (#1)

19. Comedie Francaise. 30 photos, various sizes (#2)

20. Theatre de France. 20 photos, various sizes (#3)

21. Misc. French productions- including Mme. Renaud, Edwige Feuillere, and others. 25 photos, various sizes. (#4)

Box 45 22. "The Connection" (USA) 7 photos, "12xl5" (#1)

23. Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas. 15 photos, "8xl0" (#2)

24. Czech. National Theatre, 25 photos, various sizes. ( #3) _

25. Katherine Dunham- Negro Dance Troupe, 15 photos, mostly "8xl0" (#4)

26. Nuria Espert Company (Spain) Lorca's "Yerma". 50 photos, (including Lorca), various sizes (#5)

27. Eduardo de Felippo Company (Italy) 100 photos. (B45 #6 and B46 #1)

Boxes 46 and 47

28. Peppino de Felippo Company (Italy) 75 photos, various sizes. (B46 #2 and B47 #1) Daubeny, Peter

Box 47

29. Vittorio Gassman and Italian company. 20 photos, several in color, various sizes (#2)

30. Compagni dei Giovani (Italy) 75 photos, (1 in color) various sizes. (#3)

31. Ram Gopal Indian Ballet, 6 phots, various sizes. ( #4)

32. Martha Graham Dance Company. 5 "8xl0" photos. (#5)

33. Greek Art Theatre. 30 photos, various sizes, including contact sheets. (#6)

Box 48 34. Greek National Theatre. 75 photos, various sizes. (#1)

35. Sacha Guitry. 17 photos, various sizes. (#2)

36. Habimah Theatre, (Israel) 20 photos, various sizes. (#3)

37. Italian Opera Performers, 6 "8x10" glossies. {#4)

38. Kathakali Drama Company (India) 2 "8x10" photos (#5)

39. Kabuki Theatre (Japan) 15- "8xl0" photos, plus 1 negative. (#6)

40. "Krapp's Last Tape" Photos of Schiller Theatre Company (Germany) performance of Beckett's play, also "Endgame". Six large mounted photos. (#7)

Box 49 41. "Late Edwina Black", 19 small photos. (#1)

42. Leningrad Gorki Theatre, 19 "8x10" photos. (#2)

43. Anna Magnani Company (Italy) Stills from movies "The Fugitive Kind" and "The Rose Tattoo", and WTS production La Lupa (1969). 30 photographs, various sizes, includes 5 "8xl0" color glossies of Anna M. (#3)

44. Malmo Stadsteater (Sweden) 75 "8xl0" photos. (#4)

45. Theatre Michel (France) Photos from prod. of

38 Daubeny, Peter

Box 49

Motherlants "La Ville Dont La Prince est un Infant." (1971) 34 photos, one oversize, one in color (#5)

46. Moiseyev Dance Troupe (U.S.S.R.) 11 photos, mostly "8xl0". (#6)

47. Moscow Art Theatre, production of "", "Dead Souls", etc. 7 5 photos, various sizes, including Chekhov, and Stanislavski. ( #7)

48. The Negro Ensemble (USA), 17 photos, mostly "8xlO". (#8)

49. The Noh Theatre (Japan) 70 photos, various sizes, several in color. (#9)

Box 50 50. Roland Petit Ballet (France) 7 photos in various sizes, including . (#1)

51. Piccolo Theatre (Italy) 6 photos, various sizes (#2)

52. Polish Theatre productions- "The Life Annuity", "Arturo Ui", Forefather's Eve", "The Possessed", "Matka", and others. 100 photos, various sizes. (#3 and #4)

53. Le Redeau de Bruxelles (Belgium) prod. of Appollonaire's "L'Enchanteur Pourrissant". (1973) 43 photos, various sizes, some in color. (#5)

54. Jerome Robbins Ballet (USA). 13 "8xl0" photos. (#6)

Box 51 55. Flora Robson in "Ghosts". 35 "8xl0" photos. (#1)

56. Flora Robson and Michael Redgrave in "The Aspern Papers". 5 mounted photos, "llx 14". (#2)

57. Rumanian Dance Troupe, 4 photos, various sizes. (#3)

58. Russian Puppet Troupe, 4 "Sx7" photos (#4)

59. Schiller Theater, Berlin. Various productions, includes photos of P.D. 100 photos, mostly "8xlO". (#5)

39 Daubeny, Peter

Box 51 60. Schlosspark Theater, Berlin. 23 photos, mostly "8xlO". (#6)

61. Slovak National Theatre (Czech.), 9 "5x7" photos of P.D. and director and cast of theater. (#7)

62. Theatre Stabile-Genoa (Italy). 75 photos, 11 mostly "8xl0 • (#8)

Box 52 63. Theatre Stabile-Rome. 20 photos, various sizes. (#1)

64. Theatre Stabile-Turino. 3 "8x10" photos. (#2)

65. Cornelia Otis Skinner. 15 "8xl0" photos from her show " '90", also clippings and programs, 4 items. (#3)

66. Royal Swedish Dramatic Theatre, productions of "Hedda Gabler", "Dream Play", and others. Including Ingmar Bergman, Max Von Sydow, and Erland Josephson. 200 photos, various sizes. (#4,5,and 6)

67. Swedish Stadsteater-Gothenburg. 17 photos and negatives, various sizes, (and oversize). (#7)

Box 53 68. Turkish Theatre Company, prod. of "A Tale of Istanbul". ca. 150 photos, various sizes, including mounted oversize. (#1,2,3)

69. Stomu Yamash'ta-Red Buddha Theatre. 1 "8xl0" photo. (#4)

70. Yugoslav Dance Troupe. 4 photos, various sizes. (#5)

71. Yugoslav Drama Theatre. 4 "8xl0" photos. (#6)

72. Zulu Company of South Africa (prod. -0f "Umabatha" (#7)

B. Photographs of P.D., friends, and family. (1940's- 1970's)

Box 54 1. Portraits and candid photos of P.D. alone, various sizes, several in color, 1950 1 s- 1970's. 125 photos, plus negatives and contact sheets. Includes mounted portrait signed by Cecil Beaton. (#1 and 2)

40 Daubeny, Peter

Box 54

2. Photos of P.D. with Molly D., their children, and others, including Ivor Novello, Lunt and Fontanne, Sacha Guitry, Maurice Chevalier. 38 B/W photos, various sizes. (#3)

3. Photos of P.D. with Royalty-Queen Elizabeth, Princess Margaret, Queen Mother, and Prince Philip- 5 photos, B/W various sizes, and 1 newsclipping. (#4)

4. Signed photos. 26 photos, B/W and several color, various sizes. Including: Flora Robson, , Van Cliburn, A.E. Matthews, Lee Strasberg (2), Lunt and Fontanne (Xmas card with photo), Charles B. Cochran, Ivor Novello, Graham Robertson, Gertrude Lawrence (2), Michael Redgrave, Maurice Chevalier, and others. (#5)

5. Various photographs of Peter Ustinov- with P.D., in performances of play "Photo Finish", on board of yacht. 13 photos, various sizes B/W, several negatives. (#6)

6. Photos of Ivor Novello. 11 photos taken of Novello at his home by Derek Atkins, "5x 5 11 B/W, 1 "5x7" of Novello with unidentified actress, and 1 contact sheet with 6 photos. (#7)

7. Photos of actor named Dino Mele. 40 photos, various sizes B/W, 2 signed. (#8)

8, Photos of P.D. with well-known people­ Orson Welles (newsclipping), (newsclipping), (1 "5x7" B/W), Hermione Gingold ("5x5" B/W), Rex Harrison (3 "5x7 11 B/W), (2 small B/W photos), Anna Magnini (2 snapshots B/W), Noel Coward (1 "SxlO" B/W), Ingmar Bergman (1 "3x5" B/W), Edward Heath (1 "5x7" B/W), and James Baldwin (4 photos-2 large and 2 small, allB/W). (#9)

Box 55 9. Misc. photos of casts and staff of foreign productions promoted by P.D. (some posing with him), unsigned photos of well-known people, miscellaneous postcards, other theatrical photos. Various sizes, B/W, with negatives and contact sheets. 250 items. (#1-4)

41 Daubeny, Peter

Box 55

C. Oversize photos for theatre lobby dislpay (all B/W) in wrapped packages. (Originals are in previous section)

1. Bunraku Company (Japan) 3 photos, including one with P.D. (Package #1)

2. Catania Stabile Company (Italy), 4 photos. (Pack. #1)

3. Dormen Theatre (Turkey) 4 photos. (Pack. #1)

4. Cinoherni Club (Czech.) 2 photos (Pack. #1)

5. Nuria Espert Company (Spain) 7 photos (Package #2)

6. Eduardo de Felippo Company (Italy) 15 photos. (Pack. #2)

7. Peppino de Felippo Company (Italy) 7 photos (Pack. #2)

8. Comedie Francaise, 4 photos. (Pack. #3)

9. Compagni di Giovani (Italy) 5 photos. (Pack. #3)

10. "Gray Invalid" Photo signed by photographer Angus McBean (Pack. #3)

11. National Theatre of Greece, 7 photos. (Pack. #3)

12. Anna Magnani in "La Lupa", 3 photos. (Pack. # 4)

13. Theatre Michel (France) production of Motherlant's "La Ville ... " 2 photos. (Pack. #4)

14. Moscow Art Theatre, 2 photos (Pack. #4)

15. Negro Ensemble with P.D. and Rosalind Cash, 1 photo. (Pack. #4)

16. Peter Ustinov's play "Photo Finish", 25 photos. (Pack. #5)

17. Polish Theatre production of "The Possessed". 15 photos. (Pack. #6)

18. Ram Gopal (India) 2 photos (Pack. #7)

42 Daubeny, Peter

Box 55

19. Flora Robson in Unidentified play, possibly "Aspern Papers", 4 photos, (Pack. #7)

20. Rome Stabile Company, 1 photo (Pack. #7)

21. Genoa Stabile Company, 6 photos (Pack. #7)

22. Schiller Theatre (Germany), 16 photos, (Pack. #8)

23. Royal Swedish Dramatic Theatre, 13 photos. (Pack. #9)

24. Zulu company of South Africa, 11 photos. (Pack. #10)

25. Unidentified production photos, 12 photos. (Pack. #11)

26. Photos of P.D., 2 items. (Pack. #12)

27. Oversize photos of Samuel Beckett, Luigi Squarzina, and Ivo Chiesa; 3 items. (Pack. #12)

IX. Scrapbooks (both photograph and clipping)

A. Scrapbooks for early productions by P.D. (non­ WTS)

Box 56 1. Carmen Amaya, Spanish dancer. App. 100 clippings in one scrapbook. 1948-52.


Cochran, Charles TLS July 2, 1948.

2. "The Aspern Papers", with Flora Robson and Michael Redgrave, 1959-1966. Two scrapbooks, ca. 250 clippings.

Box 57 3. Marie Bell, 1960. 1 scrapbook, ca. 50 clippings.

4. "Berliner Ensemble", 1956. 1 scrapbook, 100 clippings.

S. Les Ballets des Champs Elysees, 1951-1953. 100 clippings in two scrapbooks (one in BS7, one wrapped pack. #13).

6. "Chin-Chin", with Anthony Quayle and Celia Johnson, 1960. 1 scrapbook with 150

43 Daubeny, Peter

Box 57


7. Chinese Classical Theatre, 1955. 100 clippings in two scrapbooks.

11 Box 58 8. "The Connection , 1961. 50 clippings in one scrapbook.

9. "Fallen Angles" and "Fumed Oak", both by Noel Coward, starring Hermione Baddeley and Hermione Gingold, 1949-50. ca. 50 Clippings and photographs of P.D. and two Hermiones.


Coward, Noel Telegram Nov. 14, 1949. ALS N.D. (ca. 1950); TLS June 23, 1950.

Olivier, Laurence TLS N.D. (ca. 1950)

Dunne, Irene ALS N.D. Ca. 1950.

Gingold, Hermione TLS April 1, 1958.

10. Edwige Feuillere, 1955-57. 150 clippings in two scrapbooks.

11. Ballets de France with Janine Charrat, 1954. 75 clippings in one scrapbook.

Box 59 12. Comedie Francaise, 1959. 200 clippings in one scrapbook.

13. "The Gay Invalid", with Elizabeth Bergner, 1950. Photographs, letters, and ca. 50 clippings in one scrapbook.

Box 60 14. "Ghosts", 1959, with Flora Robson and . 50 clippings in one scrapbook.

15. Walter Gore Ballet, 1953. 100 clippings in one scrapbook.

16. "The House by the Lake", 1956-1958, 100 clippings in one scrapbook.

17. "Hungarian State Dance Company", 1956. 100 clippings in one scrapbook.

44 Daubeny, Peter

Boxes 60 and 61

18. Pilar Lopez and her Ballet Espanol, 1951-59. Clippings in two scrapbooks (one in B60, one in B61)

Box 61 19. "The Late Edwina Black", clippings, photographs, and letters. 1949.

Box 62 20. Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas, 1951-52. 100 clippings in one scrapbook.

(Pack. #13) 21. Moscow Art Theatre. Misc. correspondence, photos, and clippings, 1958, in one scrapbook (Package #13)

Box 62 22. Moscow State Dance Co., 1954. 100 clippings in one scrapbook.

23. Moscow State Pupper Theatre, 1954. 100 clippings in one scrapbook.

24. Negro Ballet Company, 1957. 100 clippings in one scrapbook (not labeled).

Boxes 62 and 63

25. Ballets de Paris, with Roland Petit and Leslie Caron, 1949-1953. 6 small scrapbooks with ca. 250 clippings (3 in B62, 3 in B63).

26. "Photo Finish", with Peter Ustinov, 1962. 150 clippings in one scrapbook.

27. Theatre National Populaire, 1956. 75 clippings in one scrapbook.

Box 64 28. Compagnie Madeleine Renaud -Jean-Louis Barrault, 1956. 150 clippings in one scrapbook.

29. Jerome Robbins' Ballet USA, 1959-1961. 200 clippings in two scrapbooks.

30. "Slavonic Rhapsody", Yugoslav State Company, 1952. 50 clippings in one scrapbook.

31. "Songs and Dances of Spain", 1952. 100 clippings in one scrapbook.

Box 65 32. Rosario and Antonio, 1951. Clippings, letters, and photos in one scrapbook.

45 Daubeny, Peter

Box 65


Leigh, Vivien ALS N.D. 1951.

33. Teresa and Luisillo, 1952. 75 clippings in one scrapbook.

34. "Urfaust", Malmo City Theatre, 1959, directed by Ingmar Bergman. 50 clippings in one scrapbook.

Box 66 35. "The Way Back" (Home of the Brave) by Arthur Laurents. With Richard Attenborough, 1949.


Attenborough, Richard ALS Jan. 27, 1949; telegram Aug. 24, 1949.

B. Scrapbooks for countries and theatre companies, presented by P.D. in World Theatre Seasons. 1964-1975. Each one scrapbook unless indicated otherwise.

1. Czechoslovakia and Poland. ca. 50 photos of P.D. and Czech and Polish Theatre casts and directors.

Box 67 2. Czechoslovakia. 75 clippings 1965-68.

3. Edwardo de Filippo, Rome, 1972. Photos of P.D. with E. de F. and Peppino de F., also color photo of P.D. with Noel Coward. Mostly "8xl0" B/W. ca. 35 photos.

4. France-Comedie Francaise and Theatre de France, 1964-1968. Photographs from productions and candids of P.D. with casts and directors, ca. 25 B/W "8xl0" photos.

5. Germany- Schiller and Bremen companies 1964- 1971. 25 photos.

Box 68 6. Greece- Photographs of Greek Th. Companies, some with P.D. ca. 75 photos. In two scrapbooks.

7. Ireland. Abbey Theatre productions 1964-68. ca. 20 "8xl0" photos.

Box 69 8. Italy- Compagnie

46 Daubeny, Peter

Box 69

with P.D. 25 photos.

9. Japan- P.D. 'strip to Japan to visit Bunraku puppet company. Photos of P.D., puppets, and postcards, color and B/W various sizes. 50 photos.

10. Japan- Noh Theatre. Photos of company, postcards and B/W glossies. 30 photos.

Box 70 11. Poland- A"drzej Wajda- Director, of Cracow St~ry Theatre. All B/W photos of P.D. and Molly D. with Wajda and Polish Theatre. ca. 30 photos.

12. Royal Swedish Dramatic Theatre. Photos from productions, photos of P.D. with cast, and photos of P.D. with Ingmar Bergman. 30 photos, including one signed by Bergman.

13. Turkey-Sicily. Photos of P.D. with casts and directors of Turkish and Italian companies. ca. 40 B/W photos of P.D. with casts and directors.

Box 71 14. Zulus. Umabatha company. Photos of company and P.D. with company. 40 B/W "8x10" glossies.

C. Scrapbooks re P.D. 's MY WORLD OF THEATRE (1971)

1. Reviews, photos of P.D. and others at Foyle's Literary luncheon for book, transcripts of speeches, and misc. letters re luncheon. ca. 50 items.

2. Reviews of book- English and European newsclippings, 1971. ca. 50 items.

D. Personal Scrapbooks concerning career of P.D.

(wrapped package #14)

1. Scrapbooks for 1940's and early 1950's of P.D. 's career- war service, early productions. Includes many letters, signed photos, and telegrams.

Including: (in order of appearance)

4 telegrams, 1943 concerning P.D. 's being wounded in action (amputation of left arm) including Noel Coward (10 Oct. 1943).

47 Daubeny, Peter

(Wrapped package #14)

Coward, Noel Telegram Dec. 10, 1943.

Novello, Ivor Telegram Sept. 29, 1943.

One page of signed notes of get-well wishes (1943) from Noel Coward (2), and , W.S. Maughan, Hugh Walpole, Charles B. Cochran, Mary Ellis.


Lunt, Alfred Signed photo, 1945; TLS April 25; Note signed Lynn and Alfred 1945/Nov.

Maugham, W.S. TLS Aug. 25, 1947.

Gielgud, John (signed photo as Raskolnikov) '1946.

Tangye, Nigel Signed poem Sept. 1947.

Bankhead, Tallulah Signed photo.

Novello, Ivor ALS Postcard.

Olivier, Laurence and Vivien Leigh (Xmas card 1947).

Lawrence, Gertrude and Richard Aldrich (Xmas card 1947).

Day, Frances Telegram, and signed photo.

Compton, Fay signed photo.

Todd, Ann 2 signed photos.

Nichols, Beverley ALS N.D.; TLS May 30, 1950.

Pack. #15

2. Scrapbook with photos, letters, telegrams concerning P.D. 's early productions. 1940's-1950's.

Including: (In order of appearance)

Behrman, S.N. Telegram Jan. 1945.

Redgrave, Michael 3 small sketches, one signed.

48 Daubeny, Peter

Pack. #15

Fontanne, Lynn ALS N.D.

One page with notes and letters from stars concerning play, ca. 1947.

Olivier, Laurence ALS Oct. 25.

Williams, Emlyn ALS Sept. 1, 1947.

Redgrave, Michael ALS April 27.

Leigh, Vivien ALS.

Nichols, Beverley TLS.

Mason, James ALS.

Fontanne, Lynn TLS Jan. 22, 1947.

Lillie, Bea ALS.

Braithwaite, Lillian ALS.

Lynn F. and Alfred L. signed photo, Nov. 1945.

F., Lynn TLS May 31, 1947.

Novello, Ivor signed photo 194O's.

Coward, Noel ALS.

Lawrence, Gertrude ALS Feb. 14, 1949.

Coward, Noel Signed photo 1934.

Beaton, Cecil Signed photo May 1947.

Signed photo of Hermiones B.G.

Lillie, Bea Signed photo.

Chevalier, Maurice 3 ALS, one dated March 24, 1955.

Handwritten telegram from M.Chevalier, P.D., and Peter Ustinov to Sacha Guitry, C. 1955.

Guitry, Sacha ALS c. 1955.

Page with Swedish Royal Dramatic Theatre Cast Signatures, including Max Von Sydon

49 Daubeny, Peter

Package #15

Bergman, Ingmar TLS May 22, 1959.

Robbins, Jerome Signed photo. Sept. 19, 1959.

Moiseev, I. TLS 1959.

Brynner, Yul Photo signed 1959.

Package #16

3. Scrapbook with photos, etc. from P.D.'s foreign productions of 1951-1957.


Chevalier/, Maurice Signed photo 1948.

Package #17

4. Scrapbook with clippings, photos, documents, etc., concerning P.D. 's career 1950's- 1960's Including:

Permission from Queen to wear Chevalier of of the (France) May 15, 1957.

Ambassador of France- TLS awarding P.D. Chevalier June 26, 1957.

Box 72 5. Small scrapbook with photos from magazines of movie and theatre stars, 1930's-1940's.


Barry, Joan 2 signed newsphotos.

Douglas, Robert signed newsphoto.

Howard, Leslie signed newsphoto.

Gielgud, John signed newsphoto. 1934.

Rawlings, Margaret signed newsphoto.

Burke, Patricia ANS on back of photograph.

E. Scrapbooks with reviews, photos, programs, etc. for P.D. World Theatre Seasons 1964-1975.

so Daubeny, Peter

Package #18

1. First season 1964, photos of Greek National Theatre and Peppino de Felippo Companies. ca. 50 B/W photos. Including one signed by P. de Felippo. One scrapbook.

Boxes 72 and 73

2. WTS 1964- Clippings, publicity, reviews re all companies appearing in 1964. ca. 250 items. 3 scrapbooks (2 in Box 72, 1 in Box 73)

Boxes 73 and 74

3. WTS- 1965. Clippings and publicity, 250 items. Three scrapbooks (2 in B73, 1 in B74).

Boxes 74 and 75

4. WTS 1966. Clippings and publicity, 250 items. Three scrapbooks (2 in B74, 1 in B75).

Box 75

5. WTS 1967- Clippings and publicity, 200 items. 2 scrapbooks.

Box 76 6. WTS 1968- Clippings and publicity, ca. 200 items. Two scrapbooks.

Box 77 7. WTS 1969- Clippings and publicity, ca. 200 items. Two scrapbooks.

Box 78 8. WTS 1970. Clippings and publicity, ca. 200 items. Two scrapbooks.

Package #19 9. WTS 1971- Clippings and publicity, ca. 200 items, one scrapbook.

Package #20 10. WTS 1972. Clippings and publicity, ca. 150 items, 1 scrapbook.

11. WTS 1973. Clippings and publicity, ca. 150 items. 1 scrapbook.

Package #21 12. WTS 1975-77. Clippings and publicity about last WTS season (1975). Also contains obituaries of P.D. and photos of well­ known people attending memorial service for him. Also copy of Richard Attenborough's eulogy, and handwritten order of service. ca. 100 clippings and

51 Daubeny, Peter

Package #21

25 photographs.

Box 79 13. WTS General- Summations, etc. 1963-1969. 75 items, including notes, in one scrapbook.


A. Green plastic slide file box with 12 small reel tape recordings of P.D. for memoirs­ concerning Anthony Quayle, Michel St. Denis, Diaghilev, John Fernald, Israel, O'Neill, etc.

B. "Tribute to Sir Peter Daubeny", Radio broadcast March 10, 1976, on BBC- interviews with well­ known people re P.D. 9 Reel tape recordings-

1. Richard Attenborough and .

2. Antonio (Spanish Dancer).

3. Peter Ustinov.

4. Sir Christopher Soames, Micheal MacLiammoir, Hermione Gingold, Alf Davis, and Edwige Feuillere.

5. Cyril Beaumont and Diana and Yehudi Menu.

Box 80 6. Roland Petit, Karolous Kaun, , Harold Hobson, Marie Rambert.

7. Norma Rutherford, and Martin Esslin.

8. Terry Hands, and Richard Buckle.

9. Sir Peter Daubeny himself.

C, Misc. Tapes.

1. 1 reel recording labeled "History of Greek Theatre."


1. "Voices, Inc." (Negro Theatre company produced by P,D.)- 1 color reel with "Byron-Final Debate", with titles.


Pack. #22 A. Early productions of P.D.

52 Daubeny, Peter

Pack. #22

1. "The Aspern Papers", Michael Redgrave and Flora Robson, 1 poster 1959. "13 1/2x25".

2. "Photo Finish, 11 with Peter Ustinov, 1962. 2 posters "30x25", in bad repair.

3. "Marie Bell" company, poster of drawing by Cocteau of Bell, "20x30", 1 poster.

4. Compagnie Madeleine Renaud and Jean-Louis Barrault. 1 poster "12x20".

B. Posters of Foreign Companies

1. "Bunraku", Japanese puppet theatre. 1 poster "22x20", 3 posters "20x30".

2. "Cinoherni Klub" (Czech.) 1 poster, "22x32".

3. Dormen Theatre (Turkey), 2 posters "19x25".

4. Ladislas Fialka (Czech.) 1 poster "35x25".

5. 2 unidentified posters for Czech companies.

6. 2 unidentified posters for Japanese companies.

7. 2 large portfolios containing posters for Stary Theatre (Poland).

C. Poster for Shakespeare Exhibition 1564-1964.

Package #23

D. World Theatre Season Posters

1. 1965 season, 2 posters.

2. 1966 season, 6 posters.

3. 1970 season, 1 poster.

4. 1971 season, 14 posters.

5. 1972 season, 2 posters.

(Most posters "20x30")


Box 80 A. Misc. Theatre and Movie Programs (#1)

1. "This is Noel Coward," program for film

53 Daubeny, Peter

Box 80

about his life, ca. 1972, mentioning P.D.

2. Program for Theatre de la Michodieve, 1956, signed by Yvonne Printemps and Pierre Fresnay.