EXTRA (11) 4,087,750 Allen Et Al
* 5-28 SR 3 f. X 3 4 O 87, 75) United States Patent (19) EXTRA (11) 4,087,750 Allen et al. 45) May 2, 1978 54) RECEIVER FOR DETECTING AND Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Nathan Edelberg; Sheldon ANALYZING AMPLITUDE OR ANGLE Kanars; Jeremiah G. Murray MODULATED WAVES IN THE PRESENCE OF INTERFERENCE 57 ABSTRACT This receiver includes in its IF channel a summing net (75) Inventors: Joseph A. Allen, Eatontown; William work by means of which the output of a calibrated R. Fuschetto, Freehold, both of N.J. reference oscillator may be added to the received sig (73) Assignee: The United States of America as nals. The frequency and amplitude of the reference represented by the Secretary of the oscillator are adjusted to match those of a desired one of Army, Washington, D.C. several co-channel signals which may be simultaneously present in the IF channel. The combined signals are 21 Appl. No.: 731,662 amplitude limited and applied to a frequency deviation 22 Filed: May 23, 1968 detector in which the wide frequency deviations caused (51) Int. Cl” ........................ H04B 1/10; H04B 17/00 by the interaction of the reference and desired signal are (52) U.S. C. .................................... 325/363; 325/346; detected. The technique can be used to demodulate 325/473; 325/476; 325/482 angle or amplitude modulated signals obscured by jam (58) Field of Search ............... 325/344, 348, 346, 472, ming signals and to measure the frequency and ampli 325/476, 481,482, 473, 363; 324/77A, 77 B tude of signals which are similarly obscured.
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