Selected Biographies
Selected Biographies Abramovitch, A.E. (pseud. Albrecht) (1888–?) – Bolshevik, from 1911 in Switzerland, contact with Lenin, 1917 return to Russia, 1919 Comintern tasks in Berlin and Munich, 1920–21 in France (pseud. Salewski), 1921 headed Comintern news service, 1925–30 Comintern secretariat in Moscow. Alpári, Gyula (Julius) (1882–1944) – 1891 Hungarian Socialist Party, 1902 editor of its central organ Nepszava, 1910 expelled, 1919 Hungarian Communist Party, head of press commission and deputy people’s commissar for foreign affairs in the Hungarian Soviet Republic, from September 1919 often illegally in Germany, Switzerland and France, del- egate to the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Seventh Congresses of the Comintern, 1921–39 editor-in-chief of Inprekorr and its successor Rundschau, 1940 arrested by Gestapo in Paris, solitary confinement in Sachsenhausen, murdered. Balabanova, Angelica (1877–1965) – left Russia 1897, Italian Socialist Party, 1912–14 editor of Avanti, 1917 return to Russia (in Lenin’s ‘sealed train’), 1919 delegate to Comin- tern founding congress, first secretary of ECCI, left Soviet Russia 1922, 1923 Vienna, 1925 Paris, 1936–46 USA, 1947 return to Italy. Barth, Emil (1879–1941) – plumber, from 1914 SPD and union official, 1915 soldier, from 1916 head of plumbers’ section in Berlin’s engineering union, 1917 USPD, 1918 chair of Berlin revolutionary shop stewards, November 1918 on executive of workers’ and sol- diers’ councils, November/December 1918 member of people’s executive council, the provisional government led by Ebert, 1921 SPD, 1921–24 secretary then president of the Berlin central factory council, 1933 imprisoned. Bebel, August (1840–1913) – master carpenter in Leipzig, 1869 co-founder SDAP (prede- cessor of SPD), 1872 two years’ imprisonment, until 1913 president of SPD.
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