Review of Economic Conditions, 1924-1933
This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the National Bureau of Economic Research Volume Title: German Business Cycles, 1924-1933 Volume Author/Editor: Carl T. Schmidt Volume Publisher: NBER Volume ISBN: 0-87014-024-8 Volume URL: Publication Date: 1934 Chapter Title: Review of Economic Conditions, 1924-1933 Chapter Author: Carl T. Schmidt Chapter URL: Chapter pages in book: (p. 25 - 114) CHAPTER TWO REVIEW OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 1924—1933 A. The Course of the Post-Inflation Business Cycles 1.DEPRESSION,HALTING REVIVAL, DEFINITE RECOVERY, 1924-1925 Thestabilization of German currency tore aside the dense veil of paper marks that had obscured the Various business journals, monographs and official reports constitute the source for the materials presented in Part A. Particularly suggestive were Reports of the Agent General for Reparation Payments, 1925—30 (Berlin,1925—30); James W. Angell, The Recovery of Germany; Institut für Konjunkturforschung, Vierteljahrshefte zur Konjunkturforschung, \'ols. '—7 (Reimar Hobbing, Berlin, 1926—32); Fritz Naphtaii, Abbau und Aufbau: Rückblick auf das Wirtschaftsjahr 1925 So- cietats-Druckerei, Frankfurt a.M., 1926); Reichskreditgesellschaft, A-G., Germany's Economic Development, semi-annual analyses, 1926—32 (Ber- lin, 1926—32); C. L. Roedler, Grundzuge der deutschen K,onjunhturbeweg- ung, 1920—25(Frankfurta.M., 1926); Erich Welter, Wachstum: Die deutsche Wirtschaft im Jahre 1927; and Stockung: Die Wirt- schaft im Jahre 1929(FrankfurterSocietäts-Druckerei, Frankfurt a.M., 1928 and 1930); also Dreifache Krise... (Societäts-Verlag,Frankfurt a.M., 1931). 25] features of German economy.
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